Bear Beam

“So, you’re saying your professor fucked you without even noticing when you shot him with that?” Kyle raised an eyebrow in disbelief. His hands slid across his friend’s clothed ass, sliding the belt off his pants. Henry held his arms up, flashing his friend a mischievous grin and his hairy pits. Kyle had already removed both of their shirts and seemed like he was just a few seconds from tearing his pants off too.

The electric-blue futuristic gun in his hand was his professor’s pet project. He’d had been working on it since before Henry started his internship. Henry rarely got to handle it, but on that rare occasion, he accidentally dropped it. His professor hadn’t even flinched or reacted when gun clattered to the floor and clicked on, the beam hitting him square in the groin. Jenkins merely kept prattling on about the uses of the beam, to cure the maladies of the aging man, while slowly beginning to remove his clothing. Henry was in such shock that he didn’t dare call attention to what the older man was doing.

As soon as his professor’s throbbing erection met the air, Henry was already tenting own pants. The mismeasured suit the older man wore did nothing for his figure, though Henry figured it might have to do with the chain connecting his nipple piercings and the leather harness. He didn’t strike Henry as the daddy type, but his pelt of chest hair and thick pecs said otherwise. Clearly those damned clothes hid too much!

Henry was startled back to the present situation when Kyle slipped a finger into his recently used hole. Kyle was a big, black linebacker on the reserve team, but that didn’t make him any less built than his teammates. He and Henry were roommates their first year, and, despite Henry’s homosexual tendencies, Kyle thought he was a great wingman. He was sure it was the only reason that Kyle kept him around. Well, besides being great study buddies. In fact, it was why they were even together that day. With the gun in tow, Henry just couldn’t resist seeing what the fuss was all about.

Once they’d taken a seat in the study room, Henry discreetly fired it into Kyle’s crotch. In the slightly dim room, Henry could’ve sworn it looked like electricity running down his thigh for just a bit. The cinderblock rooms would hopefully be soundproof enough for whatever happened next.

“I just don’t believe you, man. It looks like some cheesy toy you’d get from a magazine. What’s next, x-ray specs?” Kyle shoved another finger in, none the wiser. A low moan escaped from Henry’s lips, but it seemed like nothing sexual he did would gain the notice of whoever the beam hit. As far as Henry could tell, the target began trying to fuck whoever hit them with the beam, totally oblivious to what they were doing.

“Maybe it is, couldn’t have anything to do with why you’re trying to shove your whole hand up my ass?” Henry inquired, jokingly. Kyle rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, like that would ever happen. You’re acting way gayer than normal, like, I know you suck dicks sometimes, but I’m not into that. I like girls, Hen,” Kyle brushed it off. Whatever cognitive dissonance his actions were causing were easily rationalized away by whatever the gun did.

“I know, Kyle,” Henry chuckled. “I keep hoping maybe you’ll wise up and take me out for a test drive one day, you might end up addicted. A lot of men would pay good money for this.”

Kyle rolled his eyes again, dropping Henry’s pants around his ankles and then pushing him against the wall. “Never going to happen.” The professor’s load from earlier trickled out onto Kyle’s head as he pressed his dick into friend’s ass. Henry hadn’t gotten a chance to look at his pal’s cock, but he could tell it was a lot from the workout his hole was getting.

Henry rested his forehead onto the cold bricks, a half-manic laugh bubbling in his chest. Each thrust of Kyle’s dick into him seemed to raise a new question for a way to use the gun. What were the limits of the gun? Could he use it to get railed by any man he wanted, whenever he wanted? Could he use it for sneaking test answers or getting into bars for free? Kyle’s hands slid around, one hand squeezing Henry’s pec, and the other stroking his dick.

Like they were simply studying, Kyle began asking him about the English lecture from the previous day, but Henry’s moans and pants seemed to suddenly be acceptable answers. The slick, wet slapping of Kyle’s thighs against Henry’s cheeks went unnoticed to him, but it was obvious from his sweating that the jock wasn’t physically unaffected. Henry almost swore the little patch of tight, curly hairs on Kyle’s forearms had spread to the back of his hands.

Feeling his imminent orgasm, Henry pushed up onto Kyle as hard as he could, bottoming out on fat black jock cock. With a sharp yell, he painted the gray wall white with his second load of the day. Still Kyle thrusted for about another minute before quietly filling his friend’s guts with his cum.

Kyle nonchalantly dressed, taking his seat the table and flipping open a textbook like he hadn’t just been balls-deep in his friend. Henry, on the other hand, was still recovering from the second brutal pounding he’d received that day. Hands splayed against the wall, he half-wondered how long the beam would prevent the subject from noticing sexy stuff. If he reached back and fingered his hole a little, would Kyle freak and run out?

An alarm on his phone went off and both men jumped. “You gonna stop that or…?” Kyle wondered, not looking up from the book. Henry rolled his eyes and pulled his pants up with a huff. When he stopped at the table, Kyle looked him over in confusion.

“When did you take your shirt off? I told you the gun thing wouldn’t work and I’m not going to fuck you, dude. Especially not in the library, I’m not into that freaky stuff.” Kyle tossed his stuff into his bag. “Call me when you actually want to study.”

Henry wanted to object, but Kyle was out of the room before he could even formulate a reply. His brain and ass were still scrambled. Henry turned off his phone alarm and decided to skip his afternoon class, the weight of the gun and having his back blown out twice was ruining his focus.

He stuck the gun in his bag, making sure it was angled so that it would hit something in the bag if it accidentally went off again. Last thing he needed was to accidentally hit someone on his way home or, worse yet, a girl. He shuddered at the thought.

Henry’s hole throbbed the entire drive back to his apartment. He was half convinced he should use it on his frat-boy neighbor, but what if his roommate came back before they finished? Would he have to take two more fuckings, or would he need to use it on the first one again to make sure he didn’t ‘wake up?’ The pressure was too much. For now, he’d only use it when he was sure he wouldn’t be caught.

Tossing his door open, the first thing he did was take the gun out of his bag and examine it. He’d noticed it had some notches and buttons on it, but they didn’t seem to be labelled. The thought crossed his mind… what if he shot himself with the beam? Would he simply get caught up in masturbating, or would it have no effect?

Wandering into his bathroom, Henry looked at himself in the mirror. He was Thai on his mom’s side, but his dad was born in Cuba; average height, black hair, brown eyes, tan skin, but one killer smile. He jogged some when he had time off, but it was only ever enough to keep him from blowing up like a balloon. Other than being a cock-hound with a gun that made dudes fuck him, he considered himself a pretty regular, healthy twenty-two-year-old.

Aiming the gun at himself in the mirror felt almost comical, like he was a kid pretending he was a cop or something. Henry licked his lower lip, bit down on it, and then pulled the trigger. The beam hit the shiny glass and bounced off, refracting to strike him in the chest and hit a bar of soap sitting in its dish in his shower.

“Shit!” Henry cursed, suddenly terrified of what would happen. He’d never even considered hitting an inanimate object. After a few seconds of holding his breath, it seemed like nothing was going to happen and he exhaled in relief.

Turning back to his reflection, kept waiting for something to happen to him. After a few minutes of disappointment, he left the bathroom. Shucking off his shoes and shorts, Henry stumbled into his dark bedroom across the hall, falling into bed without flicking the light on. When he landed on the mattress, his hand pressed one of the buttons on the side of the gun and it fired into an extremely oversized teddy bear in the corner. Bright flickers of electricity ran across the bear’s surface, illuminating the entire room for just a moment.

He felt slightly more concern that time than with the bar of soap, but not enough to rouse his notice. It was a gift he’d gotten from a guy who had really liked him, but Henry wasn’t interested in dating at the time. Carefully placing the gun on his nightstand, Henry reached back over and grabbed his dick. He couldn’t help but think about how lame it was that the gun hadn’t done anything to him while he fondled his balls and enthusiastically stroked his dick. Maybe it was because he shot himself in the chest instead of the dick? He shot his third load of the day onto his shirt while he was considering trying again later and then dozed off.

When he woke a while later, he realized his bedsheet and shirt were glued to his body. The cum from getting rawed twice had leaked out and dried, while he didn’t even recall getting cum on his shirt. The fact that he hadn’t thought to clean himself when he got home grossed him out a little. Sliding out of his dirtied shirt, he crossed the hall back into the bathroom. Henry turned the shower on and sat down on the toilet, encouraging whatever of the loads was left to leak out before he got in the shower.

Henry stepped over the tub wall into the hot water, quickly reaching for the bar of soap to clean the dried cum off his ass. However, the purchase his hands found wasn’t quite what he was expecting. The normally square bar was a solid tube, heavier in his hand than normal. Holding it up to his face, he nearly slipped out of shock.

The bright orange bar was now a realistically rendered soap dick, balls included. It looked like an intricate carving, practically a high-quality dildo foaming in his hand. Had the gun turned the bar of soap into that?

Soaking wet, Henry scrambled out of the shower and ran into his room. Flipping the light switch on, he nearly screamed when saw the bear in the corner. It had been reshaped into what resembled a plush sex doll. The entire form had changed to a humanoid shape with a stuffed bear head, tan fabric as the skin, with brown curly hair on the underarms, chest, and pubic mound. The shiny erection stuck straight from the groin, the same black plastic as the beady eyes. Henry couldn’t believe how incredibly detailed the dicks the gun created were. Every single wrinkle, vein, and fold captured like it had been cast directly from the perfect man. It was so stupid that he couldn’t stop thinking about riding it, he realized. Henry had to know if the bear would turn back to normal if he fucked it since that was all the professor and Kyle had needed.

Ignoring that he was still wet and the shower was running, Henry crouched over the plush hunk. His average dick quickly hardened, pressing into the rough, textured fabric. As soon as the black plastic touched his hole, the doll seemed to come to life. The human-like limbs wrapped around his torso, holding his arms against his sides in a vice.

Henry nearly screamed, trying anything and everything to escape from the cursed bear’s grasp. “What kind of science animated stuffed animals into fucking machines?” Henry shouted, wondering when he’d lost his better judgment.

The slippery black plastic slid into his stretched ass, the non-flexible material pressing hard against his prostate as it pushed deeper into his well-used hole. The thrusting started slow, the plastic slowly warming to body temperature as it put pressure on Henry’s boy button. Despite how terrifying it all was, Henry couldn’t help every moan the living plush ripped from his throat. His cock was dripping more than he thought it would for his fourth load, the rough texture of the plush chest stimulating him just enough to stay on edge for a while. It was good enough that Henry was already considering what else he could turn alive to fuck him. Why would he need real men anymore?

The pressure of his fourth load of the day mounted in his balls. The black dick slammed his prostate to trigger a long-distance shot, splattering lewdly against the wall a few feet away. The bear went slack the second his cum touched it, its job finished as the load quickly wicked away into the fabric. Henry fell back against the carpet, feeling sweaty, hot, used, and a more than a little naughty for what he’d done. The plastic erection was still deeply lodged in his ass. It hadn’t shot anything into him, thankfully, but it was still one of the best rides of his life. Maybe he could invite Kyle over later, shoot him and the bear, and get double penetrated? Maybe his professor would come over and he could bottom for the older daddy? He could chance his neighbors if he was feeling really bad?

The gun seemed to give him so many options that all he could think to do was go back to the shower, the potential wracking his brain. The only thing he knew for sure in that moment: that soap dick wasn’t going anywhere near his ass.


Henry left the device sitting on his desk in his room as he went to the shower. For a moment, it seemed idle, but seemingly on its own the device came to life and fired once through the window towards the street. And again, a few minutes later. It had not moved from its position nor did it strike anything within Henry’s room so when he returned from his long shower of painfully avoiding the dick-soap, he was none the wiser. Henry was still drying his hair and reaching for a clean pair of underwear when his phone rang his text ringtone.

“Hm?” Henry grabbed his phone, finding a text from Kyle. A brief moment of panic came over Henry that Kyle suddenly remembered their early escapades. He took a deep breath, assuring himself that if Kyle did remember, he’d be hearing it, not reading it. Quickly typing in his password, he opened the text.

“Hey man.”

“Uhh… I don’t know how to ask this.”

“Do you remember what happened at our study session?”

Henry lost all color in his face. He did remember! Or at least remembered that he forgot. Through shaking hands, he typed out a response.

“Nuthin special. Just study. Y?”

Henry waited, heart pounding for Kyle’s response.

“You were just acting strange. And you were talking about that thing you stole from your professor.”

“And when I try to remember what we studied, I can’t remember anything. The whole study session is almost a blur. I can only remember what we talked about and nothing else man.”

“Just tell me I’m not going crazy.”

Henry groaned and threw himself into his pillow, screaming into it. “He knows! Of course he knows, this thing is fucking crazy why would I ever think it was safe to use?! Ugh!” Henry spent a few minutes agonizing what he should do. At first, he decided to deny anything. But Kyle was his friend and now he started to feel the guilt for taking advantage of him. His stomach turned as he realized how shitty his actions were. Finally, he decided to come out with it. But in person.

“Kyle, come over I’ll explain when you get here”

“This is important bro”

Kyle responded almost immediately.

“Alright man. But your kinda freaking me out.”

“I’ll be there in 10.”

Henry exhaled, not realizing he had been holding his breath. Unsteadily, he stood up and pulled on enough clothes to be presentable (and not give the impression that he wanted a repeat performance once the truth comes out). He needed something to steady his nerves. Going out into the small house he rented with his roommate, he went to the kitchen hoping to find something stronger than beer.

“Hey Henry bro! Come watch the game with us!” Henry was snapped out of his thoughts by the boisterous cry. Kev, their fratboy neighbor was sitting on the couch with Henry’s roommate, Liam. Henry was about to dismiss them but something was a bit odd. Kev was a typical fratboy; sports jerseys was the entirety of his wardrobe and while he definitely worked out he also drank too much beer. This left him with a nice layer of muscles softened by a layer of fat and a minor pot belly. He had a strong chin, with one of those douchey chinstrap beards that only a fratboy could pull off. But the Kev sitting in front of him was a bit chunkier than usual. Normally, his beer belly would just barely poke through the loose jersey and the only fat visible on his face was bit in his cheeks. But today, his belly was noticeable, especially with him sitting down. And his face was a bit round; not enough to hide his strong chin but noticeably softer than normal.

And while Kev’s softer appearance was off putting, it was Liam who was the most strange. Liam wasn’t a friend, unlike Kyle. They got paired up by a program through the university to match up roommates for off-campus housing. Henry hated living in the little bolt holes on campus and Kyle was stuck there due to the rules for athletes. Liam was a bit of a nerd, but not in the lame way. He just liked video games and D&D and shit like that more than your average person and didn’t go to the gym as much as Henry. Not that Henry went nearly as much as Kev or Kyle. But Liam never went, which meant his freshmen 15 was more like 25 and his sophmore 30 was fast approaching before the first semester was done. He had a gut and was pale as the moon. But he smoked. Which honestly drove Henry up a wall but there wasn’t any rules about smoking here; their landlord didn’t care so he couldn’t do anything.

Liam had a cigar. A big, fat brown cigar clenched between his teeth. And that was strange; he only ever smoked cigarettes. The smell finally caught up with Henry when Kev spoke. “Dude you ok? You’re just kinda staring bro.” Henry shook his head, trying to clear it. But there was a slightly chunkier Kev and a cigar-smoking Liam as if that was perfectly normal. Of course, he didn’t live with Kev. He could have put on a few pounds and Henry wouldn’t have noticed till now. But he knew that if Liam ever smoked cigars, he’d have known about it.

Tentatively, Henry asked “Hey, uh, Kev. Nice to see you. Um… Liam, when did you start smoking cigars?” Liam turned to Henry and gave him a quizzical look, before removing the cigar and examining it lightly. “I mean, I just picked this one up today. But I’ve smoked them before. Not since I lived here, but I do smoke them. I know I’ve mentioned it.”

He had certainly not.

“Bro, get off his back! He can smoke want he wants in his own damn home man!” Kev joined in and he took a swig of beer. Henry finally noticed that the two of them were sitting on their old ratty couch, drinking beer and watching football. Did Liam even like football? “Uh, ya. Sorry. Hey Kev you might wanna pull back on those beers. You’ve got a bit of, uh, belly going on.” Kev just smirked, grabbing his paunch and shaking it lightly. “Naw man, this is all man-meat! Chicks dig it!”

Henry nodded slowly. “Right. Uh, my friend Kyle is coming over. So just let him in and send him to my room, ok?” “Ya sure, bro, we gotchu! Help yourself to the beer bro! I brought plenty!” Henry shot a thumbs up behind him, as the weird day he was having was getting weirder and weirder. And his friend, who he took advantage of, was coming over and he had to explain what he did. He reached into the fridge, finding several 12-packs of beer for a brand he didn’t recognize. It had a cartoonish bear on the can, with an oddly large stomach but he didn’t pay much attention to it. He cracked one open and took a big swig while heading back to his room. It was smooth, going down easy and sitting heavily in his stomach. It actually made him feel a bit bloated for a moment before passing.

He spent the next five minutes or so anxiously waiting for Kyle’s arrival. In that time, he had downed the first beer and was already on his second and the booze was helping his nerves. He was feeling more relaxed and contended, even if the bloating feeling persisted for longer each time he took a swig. He was in the middle of a 5 second bloating bout when he heard the distant knocking at the front door. He paused, the bloating passing as he heard Kev yell-say “Ya, bro, in his room! Help yourself to a beer!”

Henry waited, holding his breath. A knock sounded as his door. “Uh, come in.” He squeaked. Kyle poked his head through the door, a grim look on his face. Which quickly broke into confusion as he stared at Henry. And then the bear-headed sex doll sitting in the corner. “Man, what the fuck is that? When did you get it?” His eyes were glued on the sex doll, but it was clear he was doing everything in his power to not look at Henry directly.

Henry flinched at Kyle’s reaction. “Uh, just ignore it. I’ll explain. Don’t touch it.” He tossed his comforter over the doll, which made it even more lewd as the rubber dildo clearly tented the draping fabric. Slowly, Kyle eased his way into the room, conspicuously avoiding looking at Henry. After Kyle sat down, they sat in awkward silence for a minute before Kyle broke the silence.

“Have… you put on weight?” Henry wasn’t expecting that. He looked down at himself; his tight pecs were looking a bit bulky. And his stomach was straining his shirt. Maybe he did put on weight? He’d thought he would have noticed if he did. He just shrugged and mumbled “No?” before taking a defensive swig of beer. After a few tense moments of silence, Kyle finally pressed. “Alright man, just spill it. What the fuck is going on? You’re acting weird and somehow put on like 20 pounds since I saw you earlier today. And that weird sex doll. Whats up?”

Henry sighed, before standing up and grabbing the Bear Beam, gently placing it in Kyle’s hands. “This is whats up. I told you, it really works.”

Kyle stared at Henry incredulously. “Seriously?”

Henry just nodded.

“And you used it on me?”

Henry’s cheeks burned pink as he nodded and whispered. “Ya. To test it.”

Kyle turned it over in his hand few times, contemplating. “Why didn’t you ask first man?”

That hurt. Henry stammered out a response. “Well you, like, always said you were straight, and, like, never swung that way. So, like, you were the perfect subject. To, like, prove that it really worked. I mean, like, I suspect my Professor is gay otherwise, like, why would he build this? So it wasn’t conclusive when I, like, used it on him? By accident?”

Henry waited, as Kyle continued to examine the Bear Beam. “I would have said yes, you know.”

Henry was thrown for a loop. “What?”

“I would have said yes. I’d have been a test subject for you, if you had asked.”

“But you’re straight!”

“And this is bullshit, but your my friend so if it wasn’t bullshit, and it ain’t, then at least my first time with a dude would have been with my friend.”

Henry frowned, his guilt crushing him. He had betrayed his friends trust and for no reason besides getting his rocks off. And a bit of scientific curiosity but he knew he was kidding himself to believe that was his first priority. He always had a crush on his black friend; he had such a perfect body and holy hell that dick.

“Did I enjoy it?”

“What?” Henry was so off kilter that the question didn’t even full register.

“Did I enjoy it? Sex with you? That’s what this thing does right? Makes people have sex with you?”

“Uh… Ya, I think. Kind of. It makes people have sex with the person firing and not realize they are. At least, that’s what happened the two times I used it on people.”

Kyle stared at Henry incredulously before his eyes drifted to the covered sex doll. “So the bear sex doll thing?”

“It was a teddy bear.”

“Man this thing is fucking crazy.”

“I know!” Henry bit his lip. “I’m sorry Kyle. For using it on you. Without your permission.”

Kyle stared at the thing in his hands before responding. “It’s alright man. I get it. I’m hot as fuck. You ain’t the first dude who propositioned me. But you are the first to taste my dick. So consider yourself lucky.”

Henry blushed. “So you aren’t mad?”

“Naw. A bit upset, but you came clean and you hadn’t done me dirty before now. Call it a moment of weakness man.” He paused, looking at Henry again. “So what else does this thing do?”

“I dunno. I haven’t had much time to experiment with it. On the first setting, it does the fuck-and-forget thing when I hit someone else. But it obviously isn’t perfect; you realized something was amiss afterwards.”

“Only cause you were acting crazy man!”

“Right. And when I used it on the bear, it turned into that. And also some soap. There’s a soap dildo in my bathroom. Don’t touch that either.”

“Uhh…. why not?”

“Well… the bear, when I touched it, after shooting it, it grabbed me and then kinda forced me to ride the dildo till I was done.”

Kyle jumped away from the sex doll, despite being several feet away from it already.

“So does the second setting make people fat?”

Henry cocked his head, confused. Was he talking about Kev? He didn’t use the Bear Beam on Kev. Or even the second setting at all. “What? No. I mean, I don’t know. I haven’t used the second setting yet. Are you talking about Kev? I think he just put on weight.”

It was Kyle’s turn to stare confused. “Dude, you clearly put on a significant amount of weight since I saw you earlier today. I may not remember that whole time clearly, but I do remember what you looked like before you hit me with this thing and you were toned and muscular. And now you look like you haven’t gone to the gym in a few months.”

Henry blushed, crossing his arms over his meaty pecs, which squished them up against his chin. His shirt was tight over his potbelly, his normally tight clothing straining against the unnoticed growth. His small love handles flopped out the sides of his tee. But then, Henry started wracking his brain. He remembered going to the gym a lot recently. Or rather, his normal amount. And he didn’t remember eating bad. Not since he was a tween. But he knew he had some pudge. As much as he tried to connect the dots, there was something missing somewhere and he couldn’t find it.

“Man, this thing is dangerous if it blew you up like this and you don’t even remember it!” Kyle tried to hand off the Bear Beam to Henry, waving it around at arms length. The Bear Beam fired, hitting Henry in his now more prominent stomach, a blue glow like lightning arcing upwards through his meaty chest and downwards through his dick.

“Dude, be careful! We don’t know what this thing is capable of!” Henry grabbed the Bear Beam with one hand and Kyle’s head with the other, pulling him into a rough kiss. Kyle struggled for a moment, surprised and confused. He hadn’t even had his finger on the trigger. Henry was a great kisser. He found himself pushing back against Henry’s mouth before pulling away. “Wait, Henry! You got hit!”

Henry pulled his friend close, his stomach squishing against his friends tight abs as a meaty paw grabbed his tight ass. “What? No I didn’t. Did you fire it? Why would you fire it?” One hand slipped down beneath the band of Kyle’s jockstrap while another slipped up his shirt to grab a nipple. Kyle groaned, his dick plumping up.

“Man, why does this feel so great? I ain’t gay and you got hit not me!” Unsure what to do with his hands, Kyle rested them on Henry’s love handles as Henry’s grabbing mitt pulled at his ass. Kyle leaned into Henry as a finger circled his tight, virgin ass. “Henry, you’re gonna fuck my ass you know that? Why… why am I excited for it?”

Henry silenced his friend by shoving his tongue down his throat while his hands were busy yanking off his athletic shorts. Kyle’s long, fat black dick was already nestled into his belly button, its head purple and swollen. “Kyle what are you talking about?” Henry chucked his athletic tee, letting his newfound girth flop free. His pecs were still meaty, holding most of their shape but being soft and squishable. His belly was round, jutting out from his torso. It began to rub against Kyle’s dick as Henry restarted his aggressive kissing, causing Kyle to moan and leak onto his friends stomach.

Henry pushed kyle onto his bed, back first. Kyle, without understanding why, raised his legs to reveal his black donut. He felt strange, as if waiting for something that he was unfamiliar with. Henry struggled to drop his pants, his thick thighs fighting him even as he denied his actions. “Are you trying to freak me out Kyle? That’s not funny. I said I was sorry!” Finally, with his pants free Henry managed to rip off his boxers, already strained due to his sudden girth, with little effort. His cock pointed straight out, barely cresting the curve of his gut. Kyle gulped; he didn’t remember Henry’s dick being that big. Then again, he never saw it hard.

“Man, you are whole ass naked right now! You-” Kyle cut off as Henry started rubbing his dick against Kyle’s asshole, eliciting pleasured moans from the supposedly straight man. He circled around a few times before sliding in with unusual ease. “Ugh - wow, holy shit, is this what it feels like?”

“Come on, get off that already!” Henry scolded as his hips wriggled and grinded, driving his dick deep into his friend.

“Waaait, I get it! YoOU’Re not rea-ealizing that you aARe having se-ehX!” Kyle proclaimed between moans of pleasure. Henry’s pace quickened, silencing Kyle from further explanations. He was mesmerized by his friend in motion, his gut jiggling as the soft yielding flesh glided over his untouched dick. Henry’s pecs bounced, drawing Kyle’s hands to fondle them and gently play with the big, round nipples.

“Really? Am I?” Henry looked down as he plowed his best friend, not fully comprehending the scene. “I don’t feel like it.”

Kyle tried to respond, but all that came out was a long, low moan as Henry’s dick started sliding over his button with regular frequency. As Kyle tried to contain himself, the door of the bedroom flew open. “Yo, bros, we get ya wanna have your fun times but could ya keep it quiet?” Kev occupied the space of the door and then some. While Henry had put on weight, Kev had gotten fat. His jersey was nothing more than a crop top, his entire spherical hairless gut hanging out. His nipples were huge, poking through the super-tight jersey as they hugged his moobs. He at some point had lost his pants letting his massive pale thights hand out. His jockstrap was still there, technically, the elastic stretched to the absolute limit and his thigh hiding most of the pouch. Both Kyle and Henry stared in awe at the massive fratboy standing in the doorway. But it didn’t stop Henry’s fucking.

Professor Miller sat in his den, idily stroking his cock in the glow of his monitors. A view of his undergrad assistants room, in a fish-eye lens, as the now portly undergrad fucked his hot jock friend. A tweak of his pierced nipple caused his cock to twitch, just as the door in the video feed to swing open. Professor Miller had to bite his tongue to keep his load at the sight of the massive fratboy; he was hoping to get a view of his handiwork with the packs of beer and the the cigarettes he fired on earlier. This was truely the best test he could have concocted; all he had to do was set the device on a timer so it would fire while in Henry’s hands and then let him leave with it. He knew the horny undergrad wouldn’t be able to resist trying it out and with his remote access and video feed, he could watch all the action. For science, of course. He placed a finger on the controls, entering a command. The device’s dial moved two ticks over, from the first to the third setting, before firing.


I feel like I always have a lot of good ideas but I never know what to do with them beyond like setting up a scenario, so I don’t mind opening this up to being a community story if anyone has something they’d really like to do with it. This idea popped into my head the other day, so I figured I’d write it out and see where it took me. Hope you enjoyed! If you’d like to contact me with ideas or something, my email is