Bargain Bulk

Brian and Austin were walking into the local supplement store. When both walked around, everyone assumed they were brothers because they acted and dressed alike. Both with their blonde faux hawks and homemade tank tops would go to clubs and try to hit on girls. Brian was shorter of the two, built like the solid wrestler that he was. His arms were thick, his legs even thicker. Brian tended to be the one who would lift for mass and not so much definition. Then there was Austin who wanted to become a professional body builder one day. He would eat healthy and do cardio before lifting. His muscle definition was insane, and even though he was just a college freshman, he was built like a thirty something year old man.

They walk into the door and the bell rings. Out walks this fat man who looks like he hasn’t lifted a day in his life. The fat man looked up and saw these two musclegods walk in.

“Crap,” he thought to himself, “another bunch of kids.”

“Yo lard ass can we get some customer service around here?” Brian said while hitting his hand on the register.

“Hello boys, what can I do you in for?”

“Well I need something that’ll make me bigger, currently bulking up you know?” Brian said while showing his double bicep pose.

“Please excuse my friend Brian… He does want to bulk though, and I’m just here for a normal whey supplement.”

The man smiled and reached under the counter and pulled up two tubs of unmarked powder.

“This is just what you need boys. It’ll make everything workout perfectly to what you truly desire. Tastes good too, some people might say it’s addictive.”

Austin eyed at it weirdly as Brian slammed down 100 dollars and grabbed both tubs. Both of them went their separate ways and went home. As soon as Brian got home he ran upstairs and stepped on the scale. It read 190lb.

“Dammit, I’m such a scrawny fucker.”

This wasn’t necessarily true because Brian was only 5’6" so 190lb was a lot on his small frame. He took off his large shirt and size 31 jeans and flexed in the mirror. He ripped open the seal of the mystery power and smelled it. It smelled like smores, which Brian loved. He mixed it with some milk and chugged it down. It was really good, Brian was salivating for more, so he made another shake. His belly became bloated from all that he just drank. He hopped into bed and turned off the light.

The next morning Austin walked over to Brian’s house and let himself in. He didn’t try the powder last night because he wasn’t comfortable without know what exactly was in it. Austin walked into Brian’s room and saw Brian still asleep in his boxers. Austin hit Brian to wake up. Brian groggily rose and walked over to his dresser. Austin noticed that Brian’s legs and butt seemed a bit thicker. His arms also looked like he just pumped up at the gym. Clearly that wasn’t possible because Brian was still asleep when Austin came over. Austin shrugged it off and the two of them went over to the gym. As soon as they got there Brian went to go warm up on his squats. He loaded up 3 45lb plats on both sides of the bar and did 15 squats with no problem. He put back up the bar and smirked.

“Wow, that’s the best I’ve ever done!”

Austin had to hold in his shock. Usually Brian was really weak in squats, but he just put out more weight than he’s ever moved. Brian put on another two 45 lbs and was still moving them with ease. Austin looked at Brian’s ass. It looked like it was growing by the second. His thighs were huge, his calves looked like they swallowed footballs.

“Hey man have you tried that powder?” Brian asked.

“Nah man, it didn’t seem safe to me…”

“Well I don’t think it’s working, I feel like I look the same.”

“Brian, you’re moving more weight than ever…”

“Just having a good day.”

Austin was just amazed at how his friend had seemingly gotten better literally over night. The two finished up and went to the locker rooms to shower. Brian took off all of his clothes and looked down.

“Dude, you think my dick looks bigger?” Brian said.

Austin looked and thought maybe it looked a little wider but other than that it looked the same. Austin shrugged and Brian stepped onto the scale looked down and saw that it read 195lbs.

“YES! That stuff must be working, I’ll say 192lb just cuz I ate a while ago.”

Austin watched as Brian’s ass jiggled into the shower. Brian got back home and drank another shake. He suddenly felt a wave of arousal surge over him. He went to go rub one off in the bathroom. He felt his arms flex, his chest tense and he rubbed up and down. His right hand squeezed his left pec as his left hand kept rubbing, faster and faster. The load he released was bigger than he ever felt before. Brian walked out of the bathroom and drank yet another shake.

“Bottoms up!” Brian said with a smirk as he chugged the shake. Brian walked over to bed and fell asleep.

The next morning, Brian woke up and sat up. He looked down and saw that his belly looked a bit bigger, but not as in fat, but his abs just seemed to stick out more. It was kind of hard to see because his pecs seemed a bit perkier as well and seemed to stick out a bit more. Brian grabbed two peanut butter sandwiches on his way to school. Hen he got to school he ran to campus’s Starbucks and got a venti mocha frappucino and three croissants. Austin met up with Brian after their morning classes and saw Brian eating a subway sandwich and two hot dogs.

“Woah slow down there dude, you’re gonna explode at the rate you’re eating.”

“Nohing is making me full man, I feel like I’ve been starving for days.”

“well stop, we gotta go lift.”

Brian let out a small whimper as he finished his last bite of his food and walked with Austin to the gym.

“Chest today buddy?”

“Hell ya, gotta get swole!” Brian said with a grin.

Austin noticed Brian’s tshirt didn’t look quite right. It seemed to ride up a bit, with his stomach sticking out a bit over his short’s waistband. His shoulders seemed to be too wide for his sleeves and his chest looked like it was straining to bust out. Brian laid down on the bench as Austin loaded two 45’s on each side.

“Add another 10 on each side, I’m feeling good today.”

Austin rolled his eyes as he thought about the idea of having to save Brian from a dropping bar on his face. Brian suddenly just started pumping out reps. Austin looked down and saw Brian’s chest contract with each rep. He felt blood surge to his crotch as he watched.

“What is happening?” Austin asked. “Since when is Brian this strong, and since when do I get aroused by looking at muscles?”

Suddenly there was a tearing sound. Austin looked down and saw that Brian’s shirt ripped right along his neck collar and shoulder seems. Brian put back up the bar and sat up. His huge meaty pecs sagged down. He looked at his shirt and decided to rip it off in once quick pull. Austin was amazed. He’s been in bodybuilding competitions and lifting for years but has never seen a guy do what Brian just did. Austin suddenly felt overcome with arousal and felt his penis release a load in his pants.

“SHIT WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GYM???” Austin thought to himself. He covered up his shorts and walked away.

“Hey man where are you going? I still need a spotter,” Brian said.

“I forgot something at home! I gotta go!” Austin said as he ran out of the gym.

Brian looked at his pumped up pecs and flexed them. He rubbed his belly as it growled again. Brian rolled his eyes and jiggled his pecs with his hands before he finished up his workout. Brian walked to the shower and looked in the mirror. His ass looked a bit bigger then yesterday, but his pecs jutted out so far that he didn’t even notice. His pecs were round and seemed to be suspended by nothing. He laughed as he would flex them in the mirror. His stomach growled. He rubbed his belly, which now had a slight trace of a six pack as his stomach protruded forward.

“Weird, I haven’t done abs in a while…never knew these babies existed.” Brian said with a smile. He stepped on the scale saw that it read 210lbs.

“Haha alright, guess my hard work is paying off!”

Brian chugged two more shakes at the gym and picked up two whole chickens on his way home. He walked in and saw Austin standing in his foyer sweating and breathing heavily.

“Whoa dude, you don’t look so good…” Brian said.

“I….keep thinking…about you…like…SEXUALLY!” Austin said as he huffed and puffed.

Brian felt a little nervous, this has never happened between them before.

“BRIAN! Do you remember what the shop keeper said? He said it’ll help you with what you desire!”

“So what? I want to gain more bulk, and maybe I thought about wanting to be more attractive and horny, but I doubt it actually does that! Austin I think you need to leave…”

Brian grabbed Austin by the arm, but Austin wrapped his arms around Brian’s head and gave him a kiss on his lips. Brian’s eyes shot open as he felt his best friend’s tongue force it’s way inside of his mouth. Brian shoved Austin off and threw him out the front door.

“I knew kid was gay…no way can someone be a bodybuilder and be straight.” Brian said to himself.

He tore apart the chickens and went up to his room. He rubbed his swollen gut. He went to jack off and as he did so, he noticed that he was grabbing onto his right pec squeezing and massaging it. It made him feel…good, better than good even. He laid on his bed and started rubbing his dick on his sheets. His belly was so swollen that it was a bit hard for him to actually make contact with his bed sheets. He rubbed up and down, then flipped over and grabbed his shaft with both hands…wait both hands? Brian looked down and saw that his dick had gotten much thicker in the past few days. No matter, he was so horny he didn’t even care. He rubbed up and down furiously until finally he was overcome with arousal and shot a huge load all over his naked body. He looked down at his swollen pecs and massaged his cum onto his hardened nipples and into his cleavage. He spread out on his bed, his lats spreading further than before, and breathed heavily.

“I need another shake…I’m not big enough!” Brian said.

The next morning Brian woke up starving and covered in cum. After jacking off and eating 2 more protein shakes before sleeping, it seemed amazing that he would be hungry.

“I think this thing is messing with my body…” Brian said with a frown.

He heard a knock on the door and walked down stairs to open the door to Austin. Austin was looking down at the ground.

“Hey man…I’m sorry bout last night. I was…uh…really drunk.”

Brian shrugged, “It’s ok man, we’ll just keep it between you and me. I think I’m gonna lay off of it though, it’s making my body a bit weird.”

“Oh come on man, look at the gains you’ve made…maybe just lower the dosage to one a day versus like four haha.”

Brian nodded. “I guess I did over do it a bit, fine I’ll do one shake a day, but can you just watch over me to make sure I don’t go over board?”

Austin nodded and the two went back upstair as Brian got ready for class.

Brian tried to force his newfound bubble butt into his size 33 jeans.

“Fuck dude its too tight!” Brian said as he hopped around the room trying to put them on. Austin watched as Brian jumped around causing his meaty pecs to bounce. Surprisingly his gut didn’t really move, which solidified that it was pretty much solid muscle. Austin shook his head out of his fantasy and got up to help Brian.

“Dude you gotta help shove my ass into my jeans!” Brian pleaded.

Austin grabbed onto the two fatty cheeks and squeezed them.

“You ready man?” Austin asked.

Brian nodded and hopped while trying to hike up his jeans as Austin shoved muscle and fat into the denim cages. Brian pulled up the zipper but saw his gut hanging out so he left his button undone. He tried to put on a button up collard shirt, but the buttons strained to stay closed around Brian’s mammoth chest.

“I’ll just wear a hoodie…” Brian said with a frown. He pulled a hoodie out of the closet and tried to zip up the zipper but it wouldn’t go past his nipples without squeezing his pecs together causing an obnoxious cleavage. Brian turned around to Austin holding out a shake premade.

“Here you go bud…your one shake today.”

“Thanks man.” Brian said as he chugged the shake. It seemed a bit thicker than normal, but whatever it was the only one he had for the day. Brian stepped on the scale before leaving and saw that he weighed 230lbs. He couldn’t believe that he’s gained 40 lbs in just a few short days. Brian and Austin sat in class and all Brian could think about was food and lifting. He took out a sandwich in class and started to eat it without even thinking about the repercussions. Brian finished the sandwich and put the wrapper down and realized that he just ate.

“SHIT Austin, you’re supposed to be watching over me!” Brian whispered.

“Dude we’re in class try to have some control.” Austin said.

“I don’t even know how the sandwich got into my bag…I didn’t even buy it…”

Brian looked at the girl next to him and winked at her and smiled.

“Sorry meathead, but I go for more than just aesthetics…” she said as she got up to move to a different chair.

Suddenly there was a sound of cloth being torn. Brian looked down and saw that his jeans had ripped along the side of his leg. He heard a zipper come undone and saw his pecs and belly forcing their way out of his hoodie.

“What the fuck is happening?” Brian said.

Austin smirked as the bell rang. The two got up and headed for the gym. Brian tried to pull down his tank top as far as he cool, but his gut still stuck out. His new bubble but made his shorts ride up past mid thigh making him look utterly ridiculous. However, as soon as Brian saw the weights, his eye glazed over and it was like he was in a trance as he went to go lift back and biceps. Brian tore off his ill fitting shirt and lifted 100 lb dumbbells into curls. Austin sat in aw as he saw his friend’s back slowly expanding in front of him. Brian’s thighs were expanding in his shorts, to the point where his once baggy basketball shorts looked like compression shorts . His ass was barely being contained in his shorts. Austin heard a rip and could see the butt seem slowly tearing on his friend. Austin ran up behind Briand.

“Dude we need to go home now before you end up naked in this place!”

Brian shook his head out of his trance and looked down as he saw his clothes ripping to shreds. Brian dropped the dumbbells causing a loud sound as everyone in the gym turned and stared at him. He looked around and saw every male slowly pitching a tent in their shorts. Brian ran out as fast as his bulky body could take him with Austin trailing behind. As he ran he felt his but expanding even more. His pecs slowly felt heavier as they bounced up and down. His shoulders felt wider and his back was expanding. Austin watched as the waistband of Brian’s shorts snapped leaving him running in his tight fitting boxers. Brian finally got inside and ran into the kitchen to eat. Brian was chewing on a chicken as Austin ran into the house.

“What’s happening to me???” Brian asked as his gut slowly expanded.

“Well…if you really must know Brian…that tub of whey is giving you exactly what you want but amplifying it. I went back to the vitamin shop and the man told me it has magical properties, and that he gave it to you as a punishment of being an ass because he knew you were only going to wish for aesthetics.”

Brian suddenly felt dizzy. He looked at the chicken and saw crushed up blue pills in it.

“Nighty night Brian” Austin said with a smirk as Brian fell to the ground asleep.

Brian slowly opened his eyes and heard chains rattling. He looked at his feet and saw they were chained to his bed post.

“Finally awake pet. You see I couldn’t have you walking out in public anymore. My heart couldn’t take everyone watching you get infinitely bigger. So I drugged you and moved in your home gym. You’re not allowed to go out anymore, especially since I weighted you when you were out you weighed 280. You’re gaining so fast that I don’t want to have you be seen in public.”

Brian struggled with the chain but couldn’t break free. Austin walked up to him and grabbed both meaty pecs. He licked Brian’s huge muscled gut as he massaged Brian’s nipples. A shiver was sent up Brian’s spine as Austin started kissing Brian’s neck. Brian suddenly felt a surge in his boxers. He looked down and winced in embarrassment. His penis was now the size of a beer can, which apparently Austin didn’t mind. Austin grabbed Brian’s shaft as he sucked on his huge pecs. Brian fought hard to not release his pent up testosterone. He shook his leg trying to imagine something other than his best friend since childhood sucking on his huge breasts. Austin moved one hand onto Brian’s massive back and moved in for a kiss. Brian couldn’t hold back, he reciprocated. Brian felt Austin’s tongue moving with such passion in his moth. Brian’s eyes shot open as he couldn’t hold back anymore and shot all over Austin’s torso. Austin looked down and rubbed the warm cum from his chest and put it on his friend’s cheek. Brian licked his sweet jizz from the side of his mouth. Austin turned around and showed Brian a dumbbell. Brian’s eyes glazed over as he walked in a trance over to the weights. Austin brought over a huge tub of protein shake and placed it infront of Austin. Brian got down on his knees and started scooping it into his mouth with his hands. Austin watched as brian’s muscle gut started to expand even more, his pecs were out so far you could balance a coke can on them, His biceps grew wider, his back expanded. Brian’s ass was bubbling out from the top and bottom of his briefs, his thighs grew bigger his calves looked like they swallowed watermelons. Finally the waistband expanded until it snapped. His huge, naked muscled body was on the ground covered in shake and cum. Brian finshed the tub and fell to the ground in a food coma.

“Have a good sleep pet because tomorrow, we start again.” Austin said as he shackled up Brian’s arms.