Adam and the Devil, The Bulk Fiction Archive Edition

A Bulk Fiction version - By Unknown, edited by Yours Truly

Adam was angry. Another contest. Another loss. At twenty-nine, Adam realized that his chances for a win were decreasing each year. He traveled the contest circuit, giving emphasis to smaller contests, where the competition could be expected to be less stiff.

Adam was a bodybuilder with a dream. The dream was to become Mr. Universe. Unfortunately, the reality did not live up to the dream. Oh, Adam was handsome enough: a lion's mane of dark brown hair, a face lifted from a Greek statue. And he was muscular enough. The problem was Adam couldn't get the size and leanness he needed to win. He cycled steroids like his competitors, and yet, they always came in bigger, leaner and more aesthetic.

He followed a rigorous diet. He followed every rule of bodybuilding. All to no avail. He though of upping his steroid doses, but he was too worried about the side effects.

Adam's other insecurity was more private- the size of his dick. The kindest thing that could be said was that it was small. But a bodybuilder's thighs would dwarf even a normal dick.

Adam was despondent. As he watched the winner of the Central Oregon Invitational (a homely kid with a poor tan) accept his award, Adam swore that he would sell his soul to make it big.

With the requisite cloud of smoke and a little brimstone, some kind of devil appeared. He was surprisingly handsome and had a calm presence, but nonetheless Adam was more than a little scared. But the devil used his wiles to put Adam at ease. After an appropriate amount of disbelief had passed, Adam shared his frustrations to a sympathetic devil, who offered to fulfil all Adam's wishes: a huge, perfect bodybuilder physique, a humongous dick, a contest win, a fortune for the mere price of his immortal soul. But Adam, a great negotiator, said that maybe his soul was too high a price, and removed that chip from the game. He went on to say that anything else was acceptable.

The devil, known to Adam as Mephisto, was anxious to close the deal, decided to teach this handsome young mortal a lesson. The young man wanted to be bigger, and stronger? Sure, he could do that. He could do that in spades. Mephisto was pleased to see Adam's greedy desire for more and more muscle mass.

Mephisto drew up a contract, promising Adam the huge amount of muscle mass he dreamed of. In return for a huge bodybuilder's body, a humongous dick (not less than 10 inches), a contest win, and a fortune, Adam would:

1. Lose most of his hair on his head, gain it everywhere else, and

2. Continue bulking up after the contest.

This deal was beyond what Adam could have hoped for. He'd continue to gain more mass even after winning a heavy weight title? This was truly an offer an easy deal Adam signed in blood. And losing hair on the top of his head? He'd hardly miss it. After all, there were always hair transplants, and no one could force him to eat. After signing, Mephistopheles disappeared.

In the next few days, Adam was amazed at the rapid transformation. His weight climbed from 215 pounds to 225 in a few weeks. All of it in lean muscle. His body fat noticeably decreased as he gained. By the end of the month, Adam was pushing 240 pounds of lean mass, with a bodyfat percentage that had plunged into the single digits. He looked practically stage ready already... and now he was already well past his light-heavyweight weight class.

Adam's strength was increasing steadily. His shirts growing tighter day by day in all the right places. Pecs growing heavier and fuller, shoulders widening and growing rounder and more sculpted. Everyone of his friends and his buddies at his gym noticed the change. More successful bodybuilders assumed it was some new combination of steroids. Others assumed that it was a new diet. But everyone who knew Adam saw that his star was on the rise. His clothes grew too small for expanding muscles. His pecs, shoulders, and arms swelled larger day to day, growing with lean, ripped mass.

Not only had his muscled swelled with size, his small cock had grown consiterably thicker and longer as well. After two months, Adam was sporting a slightly above-average dick, and it seemed to be getting bigger each week. He loved feeling his new endowment up in the shower, he loved every day of his growth.

And the growth continued at a startling pace, as Adam packed on more and more muscle mass. He was almost frightened by how large and muscular he became, surpassing his own dreams for size. Adam's gait rapidly changed as his thighs thickened and grew. Soon his huge quads were fighting for space, rolling around each other as he walked. He lats widened so much with thick muscular mass that his arms began to push out to his sides. His back became massively wide and thick. He was starting to saunter around like a true super-heavy bodybuilder. After month three, Adam was pushing 280 ripped pounds. Every muscle on his body had ballooned in size. Adam's two month old clothes were already far too small for his overblown, hyper-muscular frame, and he loved every minute of it.

At his first competition, Adam blew away the other men on the stage. He outweighed them, and out classed them on every level. Adam was a muscle god.

Several months later, Adam found himself in the Super Heavyweight class at the Mr. Universe contest. He sauntered on stage as a enormous, shredded, hulking 300 pounds of lean mass. His heavy footfalls on stage were met with cheers and shock from an audience unfamiliar with him. His tight thong showed off an ample bulge nestled between two gigantic, shredded quads. To the bodybuilding community, Adam had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Needless to say, he won. Hands down. Adam came in as the heaviest contest winner to date.

In the back Mephisto cheered him on. The sheer lust for size palpable from every man on that stage warmed his fiery heart. There was so much desire, and so much envy. Every moment of that competition was a delight.

The title of Mr. Universe came with an avalanche of promotional deals, photo shoots and interviews. It also came with a special reward: very lucrative, long-term, ironclad contract with the manufacturer of WeightOn to act as spokesman for the company's product. Mephisto was able to produce photographs that showed Adam in his youth as a former "ninety pound weakling" which convinced the Weight On people that he was the answer to their prayers.

Actually, Adam gained weight easily. In fact, the prospect of bulk and size were what attracted Adam to weightlifting in the first place.

It seemed to be a match made in heaven. Or hell.

A week after winning the title, Adam noted that his clothes were starting to get a little tight. He had dieted down from a peak weight of 310 pounds to come in at an even 300 for the contest. It was clear within a week that he had rapidly bounced back. "Gotta maintain that size" he thought.


Weeks Pass

Adam's hulking body stumbled into the shower, still half asleep. The warmth of the water cascading over his hyper-muscular body did little to waken him. The hot water soon filled the shower stall with a warm gray mist. As he worked the liquid soap into a lather, he remembered the night before. A huge buffet dinner, home, a late night meal, bed.

Today held more of the same. Yogurt, oats, eggs then the gym for a hardcore lifting session. Following the gym he headed to his new job endorsing products.

Work wasn't hard. Just boring. His role as spokesman consisted of little more than photo shoots, product endorsements and personal appearances. But the personal appearances were murder. Too many people, not enough real food, and too many glasses on Weight On. Too little time to call his own. His strength was going up in the gym, but he was losing the leanness he had on the stage.

Adam's hands dropped to lather his enormous muscled ass. It slipped into crack, his balls, his cock. His noticeably bigger cock. Still growing. He grinned. The bastard was true to his word. The contest provided him a bigger dick, with less hair on his head and ...something else. Who cares about hair? And what was that last thing? Having stopped shaving his body for competition or for the promotional photos, hair was starting to regrow all over his body, and it was growing with a vengeance. It looked noticeably thicker than before, spreading up to the base of his neck in a thick swirling pattern.

Adam raised his hands to soap his receding hairline. With a start, Adam recognized taloned hands running over the hulking muscles of his huge back, tracing the wide swell of his gigantic lats, and then down to his waist, moving slowly to his cock, then rising to cup his somewhat thicker belly. He felt a familiar hot breath against his right ear.

"Ooooh. . .you're making me proud, Adam, so proud! At least two pounds since yesterday." The imp squeezed Adam's beefy muscles and moved his talons over swell of flesh that had recently formed beneath Adam's navel. A considering pause "Maybe more."

Adam turned to face the imp. His soap slickened body turned easily in the other's encircling arms. Adam's huge chest pressed against the devil's solid warmth.

The imp flashed a handsome smile. Adam caught a brief glimpse of sharp white teeth. The imp rubbed himself seductively against Adam's thicker midsection. He crooned, "You make me hard, Adam. you've gotten so big... and you're still growing. Those big growing muscles of yours, and this new little layer of fat you've put. You're so much bigger now. Already nice and full in the offseason. Just like I promised." Adam could feel the devil's cock pressing hot against his stomach. He pulled himself free of Mephisto's embrace. His hands dropped to his sides. He knew the imp's words were only too true.

Adam glared at his thicker midsection beneath his heaving, heavy pecs. He flexed, showing his awesome, virtually unparalleled size. He had gained close to thirty pounds since the contest. It seemed to be evenly distributing over his whole body, thickening every part of his hyper-muscular physique. The new "Weight on" supplement was sending him on an intense bulk, but he worried his bulk was getting out of control.

Adam reached around his tormentor, turning off the shower. He grabbed the towel from the bar outside the stall. The devil took the towel fro Adam's hands. "Oooooh, let me! I love touching your huge body." The imp, already dry, began to towel Adam down. Gently at first, but with increasing roughness as he reached Adam's huge pecs. "So firm, so beefy, so meaty, " cooed the imp, as he roughly stroked Adam's chest.. Adam began to feel himself becoming aroused at the imp's attention. His massive bulky muscles bouncing, flexing, and creasing as the imp kneaded and massaged. It was strangely sensual, this much bigger body. More erotic. He began to grow hard. "And look at this" Mephisto continued, tracing his talons over Adam's wide back "You're getting hair back here big man"

Suddenly, everything snapped back into focus. He was getting hard!

"NO!! STOP IT. . .NOW!!" Adam broke away, erect dick flailing in the empty air.

"You like it, big man. Your dick tells the tale!"


Adam retreated to the bedroom. He was surprised to find the clothes for today's photo shoot neatly laid out on the bed. A pair of posing brief (from the contest?) and one of the T-shirts bearing the Weight On logo.

He struggled into the posing briefs. He raised the shimmering fabric over slightly bigger thighs, a bigger, rounder ass. The briefs barely covered his ass. They bulged obscenely with his bigger dick.

"I've been thinking," Adam said as he reached for the shirt, raising his massive arms to slip into it. "This bulk I'm on... Hell, I can cut in no time. I just won't eat. If I don't eat, I've got to lose. So there's nothing you can do. I win. Take the hair, who cares?" By now Adam realized the shirt was going to be a tight fit, and he began to struggle. His head appeared through the T-shirt neck at last. His nipples were dark circles under the taut white fabric. However, it wouldn't drop to cover all of his stomach. His beefier pecs and even broader shoulders were taking up more fabric. "Goddamn thing must have shrunk in the washer," he mumbled. Turning his attention back to his tormentor with a arrogant smile, he said, "So no complaints here."

"Oh, Adam."

A dark smile crossed the devil's face a smile capable of curdling milk and withering plants. "So, it's that simple! You just won't eat! How intelligent; how bright!" The smile worsened. "But you WILL eat. From this moment forward, the sight and smell of food will be absolutely irresistible. If food is offered, you won't, you can't refuse. You'll finish what is given you, then beg for more. You'll soon begin to appreciate your growing, bulking physique the way I do the shape, the size. Bigger is better. Biggest is best. The feeling of being stuffed to the bursting point, of growing bigger, broader, heavier every day.... that will become unimaginably erotic. Addictive. Only after you're stuffed to the limit can you have sex. Only then will you be satisfied."

Adam smirked. "Sure."

The devil laughed. "Yes, I'm sure!" and gently turned Adam to face the full length mirror on the back of the bedroom door. Adam's lips mouthed a silent "Oh". His eyes grew wide, and he walked dreamily to the mirror. He was enraptured with the vision of his beefier body stuffed like a sausage into clothes grown too tight. In an incredulous voice Adam exclaimed, "Shit! Look at the size of him!" He repeatedly ran his hands over his thicker hairy chest and stomach. "Fuck, I love this!" He couldn't get over the sight of his hulking body. The shape of his massive muscles, the curves. He stood in profile. See how Every part of his physique bulged here. . .and here. He inflated with air, admiring the enhanced size of his pumped up pecs from every angle.

From behind came a voice, "Yes, I know. I told you, didn't I? Care for some breakfast, handsome?"

Adam turned. A massive plate materialized in the devil's hands from nowhere. It was a full breakfast. Eggs, sausage, the works. Adam's eyes grew wide. It was like it was most beautiful thing he had ever seen. A trickle of saliva dribble from the corner of his mouth. In a weak voice, he pleaded, "Please, please. ...let me eat it. I'm so hungry." Mephisto materialized a chair, placing it several feet in front of the mirror. Adam sat. The devil placed the plate in the big man's lap.

"Then, eat, my handsome friend. Eat as much as you want."

Adam didn't have to be told twice. His eyes positively glowed with pleasure. He dug deep into breakfast. His body shuddered with pleasure. His eyes rolled momentarily back into his head, and he moaned as if in pain His gut rumbled loudly; cum shot from beneath the plate.

The imp smiled.

With a single moment, the devil separated Adam's knees with his hands. Adam's bigger cock bounced beneath the curve of his increasingly hiry musclebelly. His thighs were moist. The smell of his flesh was sweaty and inviting. Adam groaned at the devil's lips touched his hard cock. Another plate of breakfast materialized, followed by another, and another, and another, and another...

Adam ate for a solid hour, his stomach struggling to keep pace with his appetite. The last dish finally disappeared. Adam felt strange so different, so full. His head fell back; he saw the ceiling. He was alone. His hands massaged his hairy chest. He felt so much bigger now. Like his whole body had beefed up. He had to keep eating. He had to get bigger.


For two weeks, the world brightened. Inexplicably, the crime rate plunged. Wars ended. Peace talks broke out all over the planet. The devil was occupied elsewhere.

For two weeks, Adam received the imp's undivided attention, as the devil inextricably wove together Adam's desires for food, gym and sex. The devil appeared in many guises. First, as Adam's first high school crush (Mike, a high school track star), who challenged Adam to an eating contest at a buffet. Adam won easily. His high school love gave up after two plates. Always a good sport, though, he helped Adam eat five more, encouraging him on, feeding him until his cheeks were full, playing wit his erect nipples, his stiff dick, massaging his swollen belly.

Mike was followed by a young Arnold Schwarzenegger, who begged Adam to suck his cock. Adam was overjoyed to find that, in place of cum, Arnold's dick produced a protein shake in an endless stream. Adam sucked for hours.

The devil arranged a feeding tube, so Adam could still eat while he slept; waking fuller than when he went to sleep.

And Adam begged for more.

The enormous offseason bodybuilder grew visibly thicker and beefier every day. Each morning, as Adam took his place at the dining room table, the devil loosely tied a new piece of string around the seated man's rounded musclegut. As Adam ate, he could feel the twine tighten across the bulge of his stomach. As it tightened, he knew his stomach would be stretching. He know that tomorrow, he would eat even more!

Adam continued to gain mass all over his body. His huge, increasingly hairy body blowing up thicker in every direction, including in his gut, which was now big, full and incredibly furry. It swelled roundly, resting on the seated man's hairy, massive thighs.

Since Adam no longer shaved, and stopped trimming his bodyhair, the dark hair had sprouted everywhere. His pecs, now much thicker and more rounded, were covered with a forest of dark chest hair that swirled up to his neck and over his shoulders. Even in his XXXL shirts, a massive tuft of dark hair now poked out from the collar of his shirts. Hair had spread all over his huge, muscular back. First it had come in lightly, as a thin pattern swirling over his lats. But as the days went by, his back hair grew thicker and thicker, becoming a forest to match his front. Soon hair was pushing out everywhere. He had a thick forest on his arms, on his triceps, over his massive shoulders. Photographers, who were still eager to get photos of Adam's huge off-season mass, pleaded Adam to trim, but the big man couldn't be bothered. "You're looking like a silverback" one of them said. "I'll take the photos, but I don't know anyone who wants to see a back that hairy". Adam ignored the comments.

Adam offseason bulking was starting to frighten him. He exceeded the 350 pound weight limit on his own home scale. He was starting to have trouble fitting through doors. His massive shoulders bumping into the door frames of his own apartment. From behind, his body still retained the "V" shape, although both the base and the top of the V had widened enormously. Adam was gigantic, and loving every moment. The devil's work was best admired in profile, as the man's body was a series of immense curves. Adam's furry stomach pushed out from beneath an impossibly large barrel chest.

Of course, his hairy bubble butt and thighs had grown, too, in proportion to the growth everywhere else. As Adam pushed the food into his mouth, groaning in gluttonous pleasure, the devil smiled.

Someone was at the door.

The people at Weight On's corporate headquarters didn't know what to think when Adam missed his first scheduled appearance. They called him home. No answer. They left a message on his answering machine. Then another. After three appointments were missed, they canceled those remaining, telling people Adam was sick.

They wrote a letter to his home. No answer.

After two weeks, the promotions department decided something drastic needed to be done. Adam was supposed to act as a broadcast commentator for the Mr. Olympia contest coming up soon. The promo manager picked one of his staff members, Frank, to make the two-hour drive out to Adam' house and to bring Adam in to the office. The drive provided a welcome break from Frank's normal routine. It was an easy drive up the coast, and he really didn't expect to find any sign of Adam. Frank speculated the guy was holed up in some gym, preparing for Mr. Olympia. He'd surface sometime before the broadcast. Frank, who had seen Adam two weeks earlier, though the guy was obviously trying to lose some of that gut he had acquired over the past couple of months.

Spotting Adam's jeep in the driveway, Frank felt relief that at least h wouldn't have to check the gyms, just collect the guy and bring him back. As he approached the front door, Frank noted that it didn't look like anybody was home: the mailbox was filled to overflowing. Fourteen newspapers lay in a heap at the front door. Frank rang the bell.

No answer.

He knocked. Again, no answer.

He tried the door. Unexpectedly, the knob turned in his hand and the door opened. Frank stuck his head in the door. "Adam?" He knocked again. "Anybody here?" He entered the foyer. Louder, "Anybody home?"

Frank heard faint sounds from the back of the house. He followed the noise through the living room. Nothing unusual here. A pair of jeans and a huge T-shirt lay crumpled on a stack of empty pizza boxes. The dining room held more of the same. . .with a trail of boxes and cans that went up to the door leading into the kitchen. Frank mumbled to himself, "Well, one thing's certain. . .this guy's needs a cleaner."

There came a noise from the kitchen.

Frank waded through the trash that spilled from the kitchen door. He stopped, mouth open in astonishment. Someone stood facing the open refrigerator, the refrigerator light silhouetting him in the darkened room. Empty bags of burgers littered the floor.

An empty pony keg was upended by the door. Empty protein bags were stacked on the table.

One thing was obvious: this fucker was HUGE. He was a monster. He was also buck naked and hairy as hell.

His hands were raised; their contents hidden from view by his back, neck, and a balding head. The guy had an immense, powerful physique, but with a bodyfat much higher than a bodybuilder. Huge muscles, and a huge gut. This was undoubtibly the largest and probably hairiest dude Frank had ever seen.

Who was this guy? A hairy powerlifter friend of Adam's?

As Adam dropped his enormous arms, an empty carton of milk fell to the floor, followed by an enormous belch. The man turned in the light.

Frank's gaze was drawn to the hairy, swollen belly that protruded beneath this beast's hulking hair-covered chest. The giant's huge dick bounced stiffly, against the swell of the belly. This beast of a man had a roaring hard one.

Their eyes met. The unidentified man wiped the food from his heavily bearded face.

"Holy SHIT!"

It was Adam.

Frank called the office, telling an incredulous tale to a doubtful manager. Frank was instructed to clean Adam up and bring him in. Adam totally wiped from a two week, nonstop eating binge could do little to help. Frank started to clean him up, trying to stand the huge man in the tub. It was a tight squeeze, as the man's shoulders and chest were so broad and thick he hardly fit even standing up. Frank trimmed this gigantic silverback of a man's beard, and moved on to clippering the impossibly hairy forest that covered every inch of his blimped up physique. The trimmers clogged up before Frank had even finished with Adam's traps and shoulders, leaving a carpet over the rest of his giant body.

He toweled Adam off, amazed at the size of the man. He shaved his neck and wrapped him in a terry cloth robe found hanging behind the door. Trying to tie the belt around Adam's gut was a wasted effort.

Frank left Adam in the bathroom as he searched for clothes. He knew better than to try to squeeze this enormous man into jeans. He found a pair of sweat pants in a dresser drawer. He grabbed a shirt and a pair of socks and then took the clothes to the bathroom, but Adam was gone.

Frank found him in the kitchen, busily stuffing protein bars into his mouth in rapid succession. For a second, Frank didn't think Adam was alone. He thought he heard someone say, "Just one more, babe. . .just one more!"

With considerable effort Frank, managed to stuff Adam into the sweat pants, which rode low beneath the swell of his round hairy belly.

The huge man's enormous dick pressed against the cloth. Frank had not noticed the larger man's endowment before. He whistled softly in admiration. How the hell had he ever squeezed that monster into posing trunks? Frank managed to get the T-shirt over Adam's head, but no farther. The muscles of his chest and shoulders were so impossibly bulked up that removing his own clothes had become almost impossible. The huge, hairy, shelf-like pecs had blown up so big that Frank struggled to cover them in cloth. Adam looked like 10 pounds of sausage stuffed into a five pound casing. The dark aureoles of his nipples showed prominently through the thin white cloth as did the swirling patterns of his thick bodyhair. But no amount of effort could force the shirt down any more. The cloth bunched tightly above his hairy musclegut. It had taken Frank close to an hour just to get Adam dressed.

It would have to do. Adding socks and shoes, Frank managed to entice Adam into his van with the remaining protein bars. Frank mused that this man was hardly human. He had to be half gorilla! Noting how fast the protein bars were disappearing, Frank stopped a neighborhood Circle K, purchasing the entire rack of protein bars from a bemused clerk.

Frank walked Adam through the Weight On executive offices. The sight of a partially clothed man of Adam's proportions was enough to cause mass confusion. Those who recognized Adam as their reigning spokesman were astounded by the transformation. How could anybody get so huge in so short a time?

It took less than 30 minutes for Frank's bosses to determine that the enormous silverback-like powerlifter seated before them was maybe a little successful of a spokesman for their product. He was a living monument to bulk, true enough, but very few of the 90 pound weaklings that bought their mix did so with the hope of achieving a 50 inch waist and a freakishly overbulked physique! As his bosses discussed Adam's fate, Frank turned his attention to Adam, seated, sated, and dozing noisily in a leather chair, his hands resting on his thick, hairy, round belly that bulged between his gigantic thighs. Frank sent his secretary out for the largest T-shirt she could find. The crew had Adam check his weight on the scale. Even Adam was surprised to see the numbers of the scales balance at 440 pounds. He was immense.

Shortly thereafter, the bosses decided to pay off Adam's contract in full, and award his title to the runner up. They woke him up, presented him with a check, and showed him the door at 2:00 p.m.

At 7:00 p.m., Frank left the building, heading for his van, which was parked in a garage across the street. As he passed the street level shops, something caught his eye. Seated at a table behind the window o an "all you can eat" place was Adam. Frank crossed the street at a trot.

The waitress was more than willing to tell Frank what had happened. She had first noticed Adam about 2:15 with his nose, hands, and belly pressed against the window. Before the manager could go out to tell him to move on, Adam was at the buffet table, loading his plate with mashed potatoes and fried chicken. The manager told him the cost of the buffet was $9.95, please pay now, sir; and Adam handed him a $100 bill, telling the manager to leave him to eat in peace.

Adam had been eating for nearly five hours. The T-shirt, which had some give in it earlier that afternoon, was tight against the huge, swollen belly.

Despite his best efforts, Frank couldn't get Adam out of the restaurant until the buffet was broken down at 8:30. He finally succeeded in luring Adam back into the van with a doggie bag supplied by the grateful owners. Frank drove Adam home, convinced he was bigger than when Frank saw him that morning.

Once again, Adam found himself in the darkened kitchen, eating by the light of the open refrigerator, which had mysteriously restocked itself in his absence.

He was not alone.

The devil approached Adam from behind, noting with pleasure the much larger muscles that now dominated Adam's body. The naked imp's dick rested against the plump twin moons of Adam's once small ass. The devil gently stroked Adam's wider waist with his taloned hands, noting the firmness of the muscle below the taut skin. He reached under Adam's T-shirt, around the huge man's waist, delighted that his hands barely touched. He lifted one hand, cupping his huge pecs, squeezing the diamond-hard nipple. Adam continued to eat.

"Come, my huge friend. We must talk." Adam groaned as he was led away from the refrigerator, a half-eaten chicken taken from his hands. The devil led Adam into the dining room, where he released Adam from the spell, and turned the gigantic man to view himself in a full length mirror.

With a clear mind, Adam viewed the big bellied muscle man looking out at him. So many pounds of muscle and fat had piled onto his body in such a short amount of time. He had ballooned.

True to the original agreement, Adam had lost most of his hair, and his once pitifully small dick now utterly huge, bulging obscenely against his massive thighs. It had to be pushing nearly a foot long of thick meat.

Adam saw that he was enormous. No, the word "enormous" didn't do the bodybuilder justice. His body was titanic. gigantic. Dominating. His belly growled, demanding more food. Adam saw it and felt it clearly for the first time. He'd always wanted size. . .bulk. . .that's why he'd taken up bodybuilding. But now he knew bodybuilding was a dead end. The only way for him ever to be happy was to live the life of ever-growing powerlifter. His goal: to become as huge and strong as he could. The biggest, the strongest.

The devil whispered gently into his ear "450 pounds looks good on you big man. I bet 550 would look even better."

Adam continued to admire himself in the mirror, seeing where the new mass had settled. His arms, his freakishly wide, fur-covered shoulders, his impossibly thick neck, hairy traps which rose up to his ears. His huge, hulking chest, so hairy that you could hardly even see skin. Adam imagining himself larger, bulkier. His arms growing thicker. Adam turned to face the imp With a tremor in his voice, he begged the imp, "More."

The imp grinned broadly. He turned Adam to face the mirror. With his hand, the imp slipped the sweat pants off around the monumental ass. His arms encircled the huge man's waist, and he pressed against Adam, tightly. With a sudden mix of pain and pleasure, Adam realized that the devil had entered him. He could feel the hot throbbing member within him; the heat of the devil's breath on his neck. He could feel the devil's hot palms as they stroked his swollen belly, as they cupped and gripped his hairy overblown pecs.

Adam moaned a strangled, insistent plea, "Moorrrrrrrre......"

He felt the devil thrust against him. A burst of pleasure. He felt his whole body grow beneath the devil's hands, straining against the already tight T-shirt and the front of the sweat pants. The devil's lips caressed his neck. . .a little nip. . .another thrust of his member. Adam could feel the fabric of his T-shirt strain against a thick powerlifter gut made suddenly larger and rounder.

Another thrust. . .through eyes slitted by sheer pleasure, Adam could see the changes taking place in his now immense body. In the mirror, he could see his belly swollen huge within the confines of the shirt, which was now unable to cover the huge gut, its hairy swell poking about the waistband of the sweats. He could see his gigantic shoulders widening, his arms becoming overblown with mass.

Another thrust. Wet with sweat, Adam heard the sound of ripping cloth, as the weight of his hulking man's fur-covered pecs finally overpowered the shirt. Another rip, and his magnificent hairy chest sprang free, sweat streaming over its immense swell. His arms surpassing in size what he could have ever dreamed possible. His incredibly hairy back widening more and more.

Another thrust, and Adam came. One more thrust, and the devil came, bloating Adam, filling his whole body as a balloon fills with water.

Adam's legs trembled, weak from pleasure and from supporting the nearly 100 pounds of muscle and fat the devil had put on him. The devil admired his handiwork as he led the exhausted now nearly 550 pound beast of a man to his bed.

A truly evil imp would have denied Adam his happiness. But the devil cared for Adam in his own way. He arranged for Adam to meet Mike, a millionaire owner of a hardcore lifting gym, and another of the devil's super-sized, hulked out, size and strength-obsessed disciples.

Adam and Mike came to truly love one another; their love reinforced by constant feedings and encouragement. Although the passion between the two of them never equaled what either had felt with the devil, it was enough.

And with each other's encouragement, and under the devil's watchful eye . .they both continued to grow. . .and grow. . .and grow. . .