A Wish is a Dream

The box was wrapped in a dark shade of blue paper with a simple ecru bow. Small in size, it sat on the doorstep to Noel’s house, situated exactly in the middle of the woven mat that decried “Welcome”. He almost stepped on it as he arrived back from class, tired and ready to crash for a nap. Bending over, he picked up the box, which was light in weight and felt like air in his hands. He guessed it was a gift certificate someone had gone to the trouble to wrap. It was his first gift that day for a 22nd birthday.

Inside his small rented house, Noel threw his backpack into a nearby chair and carried the box into the minute kitchen. Grabbing the last bottle of Newcastle, he leaned against the counter, his tight abs rubbing firmly against the white tile. Pushing a long lock of dark brown hair out of his eyes, Noel pulled the ecru bow and opened the box.

Inside, resting on gray tissue was a platinum ring. Thick in width, it shined in the light from the nearby window, casting a distorted reflection of Noel on its surface. He slipped it on his right hand and was surprised to find it fit his ring finger perfectly. It was then that he realized there was no card. No sign as to whom the gift was from. Tossing the box and ribbon in the trash, he mentally noted to ask around if no one came forward as the gift giver.

Moving into his room, he laid on his bed in the dark, the ceiling fan moving over him in cool breezes. Knowing there were very few moments of quiet before his roommates arrived, Noel closed his eyes and tried to nap. College was hard, his roommates were annoying, and he had a massively important swim meet in a week that his coach was already riding his ass about. Way too much stress when all that Noel really wanted to do was play video games and drink beer.

Just as he was starting to drift away, Noel heard the front door slam and the subsequent yell of his roommate Dan. Dan was a freshman at the age of 28, having never been able to pass enough credits to move onto any further class standing. His priorities were partying and sleeping with as many sorority girls as he could, something he did frequently at all hours of the night, keeping Noel up and hiding under his pillow.

Having come back from rugby practice, Dan would immediately go for a beer, the last beer having been taken by Noel when he had gotten home. Yelling as he headed to the kitchen “Noel you here man? Got the shit kicked out of me at practice and need a drinking buddy!”

Rolling his eyes at the endless stream of profanity and yelling, Noel preemptively flinched; knowing that Dan would come unglued when he found out all the beer was gone. Noel silently wished that the stupid fridge was always stocked with beer because then Dan would never have anything to yell about. Closing his eyes harder, he waited for Dan to burst into his room and yell about the missing beer. Nothing happened. Peeking open an eye, he listened quietly for the sound of Dan heading down the hall. Nothing. Curiosity got his attention. Getting off the bed, Noel headed into the kitchen to find Dan.

Sitting at the counter, Dan was downing a Newcastle. Dan lifted the beer in salute at Noel as he continued to chug.

“Hey thanks for picking up more beer buddy. I was sure we were at the dregs after last night’s beer fest.” Dan finished the beer and threw it in the trash, heading to the fridge to snag another. Opening the door, Noel saw with shock that the entirety of the fridge was stacked with bottles of Newcastle. Every available inch was fit with a bottle. Dumbfounded, he watched Dan snag one and pop the top off.

“Did you buy the beer?” Noel asked, walking over to the fridge and opening it himself. The place where Dan had grabbed his last beer was refilled, another bottle standing in its place. Noel took it with trepidation. Closing the door, he turned to face Dan as he opened the beer.

“Nah man, I thought you did. This fridge was down to its last beer when I left for practice. Must have been Chris or Tom.” Dan wandered over to the living room and started watching television. Turning around to face the fridge, Noel opened it again. Completely filled, the bottles gleaned in the light. The beer Noel had taken seconds ago was replaced. Slamming the fridge door, Noel leaned against it in amazement. The fridge apparently replenished itself whenever a beer was removed.

It hit Noel then that he had wished for the fridge to always be stocked. Now it was. Noel had wished for millions of things in the past, what was different now? Glistening on his right hand, Noel took note of his ring. The ring. Was it a crazy enough world that on his hand, Noel now had a wishing ring? He wanted to test it out.

“I wish I had a BMW 7 series” Noel whispered under his breath, hoping Dan wouldn’t hear him talking to himself. Merely seconds later, there was a knock at the door. Dan beat Noel to the door and signed for a package from the UPS guy. Handing a small brown box to Noel, Dan patted him on the back.

“Looks like a birthday gift for the birthday boy” Dan said, snagging another Newcastle from the endlessly supplied fridge. It apparently didn’t dawn on him that the beers were being constantly replaced. Opening the box, Noel tore through layers of tissue to find a small note card and a BMW key. The note card read in blue script, “It’s out front”.

Racing outside, Noel gasped when he saw the black BMW 7 series in front of their house. Dan was quick behind and gave a low whistle.

“Damn buddy, a rich aunt knock off and give you everything? VERY nice car”

Noel was dizzy and at the same time, starting to be flooded with the concept of what he could do. He has a wishing ring. Anything he wanted, he could have. It was a daunting thought, overwhelming. Stepping back inside, the BMW key clutched in his hand, he headed for his bedroom. Calling after him, Dan yelled, “You aren’t going to take it for a ride? If you aren’t, can I take it out?”

Three weeks later…

Noel sat in class, listening to his professor talk endlessly about constellations. Bored and listless, Noel scanned the room, looking at other students just as bored. The last three weeks had been amazing for him and were a nonstop blur of gifts to himself. New cars, upgrades to the house he had rented but now owned, and a closet full of clothes he couldn’t previously afford.

“This class would go faster if this teacher were hotter” he thought to himself, allowing his acknowledge of his sexuality only inside his head. There was a spark of thought. He had yet to try the ring on people and his professor would be an impartial party, someone he didn’t know personally in case something bad happened with the wish.

“I wish my teacher was hotter.” Noel thought. Immediately, the middle-aged man lecturing started slowly shifting. His aged skin assumed a younger sheen and a golden tan developed in seconds. The professor’s jaw became more square and his hair grew into a thick dark mass of wavy curls. A dark, short-cropped but thick beard grew out. His chest started to swell with muscle as did his arms, filling out the dress shirt he wore nicely. Noel was immediately erect and was enraptured with the change.

So were the other students. A few girls screamed in fright and several students had started from their chairs. The professor himself was shocked at the change and his mouth hung open in horror.

Noel thought and wished fast. “I wish that no one ever notices my wishes, that they simply become the way things are’. No sooner had he said it that the class was back to normal. The now jockish professor was lecturing again, his muscled arms flexing beneath his shirt. Students were quietly taking notes or sleeping. Noel laughed to himself and turned his attention back to his professor. He was hot now, no one could deny that. It was Noel’s preference though, that moved him to keep tinkering with the professor’s look. Noel liked guys with more mass on them, great looking guys who lifted heavy and ate huge. He always admired the rugby players and the football linemen. He had longed for an encounter with a bigger, bulkier type of jock but never had the balls to do it. Looking at his ring, a huge grin spread across his face.

“I wish the professor was a lot beefier” Noel whispered, sitting back to watch the change.

It started with the professor’s ass. Noel watched as it slowly rounded out more and more, growing wider and filling out his pants completely. He watched as the professor’s whole form thickened up, his hairy forearms getting wider and more powerful and his neck getting thicker. Turning away from the board he was writing on and facing the class, Noel saw his chest barreling out an a belly that was now starting to grow. The light blue dress shirt the professor was wearing started to show strain as his shoulders widened, his arms thickened and a gut pushed out, filling the front of his shirt. His whole body continued to bulk up and to grow until there were gaps in between the buttons of his shirt and his powerful, hairy chest and furry gut was showing in the spaces. Noel watched with an extremely hard erection as the professor’s good looking face filled out and his torso swelled with beef. All this happened with no comment or even notice from the students or the professor. They continued through the lecture as if men randomly swelled up all the time into huge powerlifters

“What an amazingly hot thought” Noel thought wickedly, nearly drooling at the husky form of the professor in front of him. A world of men who randomly grew into huge, hulking powerlifters. Not thinking about it long, Noel made another wish.

“I wish that every man in the world would eventually end up hot and beefy, thick, heavily bellied, and muscular. I wish that this would happen randomly, surprising me so that I never know when a man around me is going to turn into a thick, big gutted stud”. Looking around him, Noel watched with eager anticipation for one of the male students to beef up. Nothing happened. With a shrug, Noel knew he would see it everyday but not every minute. He wanted the randomness and if he needed to see it immediately, he could always wish it.

It was then that the ring fell off his finger. Noel looked down when he heard it clink against the desk and watched as it rolled around in a circle before finally settling on the desk. The ring then seemed to unfold from itself, flattening out and taking the form of a paper note card. Written in the middle in blue script was the following:

“All fifty wishes have been used and hereby, this ring is no longer yours. Hope you used your wishes well and will enjoy the gifts they have brought you. Best Regards, A”

Having no concept of who A was, Noel looked at the note card in horror. No more wishes?! There was a limit?! He would have been more judicial, would have made more careful wishes. All he had done was wish for material things, a closet full of clothes, cars, and a never-ending beer fridge. With growing horror, he realized that he was now stuck with a normal life again, having to work for what he wanted and deal with what he had.

However, he remembered his last wish.

“I wish that every man in the world would eventually end up hot and beefy, thick, heavily bellied, and muscular…”

Oh shit, Noel thought. Every man in the world. He started to chuckle. The entire world was about to change thanks to him and he was going to be able to watch it and enjoy it. Standing up, he walked out of the class and headed off campus back to his house. He was way too turned on to even remotely continue class.

Stepping through the front door, he was greeted with by the now massive Dan. Dan had always had a thick body, his good looks set against the stout body of a mid-sized rugby player. Now Dan was enormous. His shoulders looked three feet across with huge, bulging arms, powerful pecs and a gut the size of a beach ball. Dan’s green shirt was hefted up around his gut, straining at his chest and overblown arms, and showing a good 8 inches of an exposed fat gut. Dan was chugging beers and waved at Noel as if nothing had happened. He had to be well over 350 pounds.

Apparently, he was one of the men to randomly beef up in the last hour.

Closing the door behind him, Noel hurriedly unzipped his pants and began to jack off. It was too much to handle, the professor blowing up and then Dan. He knew that everyday hence would be a huge turn on, as every man in the world started to get massively beefy and eventually, the world was filled with huge, powerfully built, heavily gutted men. He barely noticed at first as his arms began to thicken, his shoulders widened and his lower belly started to push out. It was when his pants ripped from his growing ass that Noel noticed he had begun to bulk up himself. He continued to jack off as the weight grew on him and his body spread out, growing meatier and heavier. He was becoming just another one of the guys in a world where every man would soon be huge, hulking, and big bellied.