A Strange Wooden Pen

Walking onto the subway train, Dan only paid a passing glance to the man he sat down next to. Just another guy getting home from work like he was. Probably coming home from his office job or something, from how he was dressed. Dan could help but fuss with his clothes, feeling unimpressive in comparison. Maybe he should’ve dressed better for class—if he’d actually had a suit do even do something like that. The idea baffled him a bit. He definitely couldn’t afford to buy a suit, he wasn’t exactly making money being in college. For sure before he graduated he would have to get one. Or at least once he started trying to find a job. He wanted to be able to make a good impression, after all.

Feeling something brush against his foot, Dan put away his phone to see a pen lying on the ground. The thing looked more like a showpiece than something that anyone would ever write with. The pen had a warm heft to it, made with beautifully stained wood and gold. On the end was was a sitting bear, with its arms crossed and an inscrutable expression. Dan turned to the suited man next to him, “I think you dropped this”.

“Huh? That isn’t…” The man paused for a second with a vacant expression as he looked at the pen before finally taking it, “Thanks, I’m Jerod”. Despite wanting to interrogate his strange reaction, Dan found himself distracted as the pen disappeared into the pocket of Jerod’s jacket, “I’m Dan, pleasure to meet you”.

Dan took a closer a look at Jerod who was probably not much more than a few years older than he was. Despite his nice clothes, the man was remarkably average. His blonde hair was cut in a style that didn’t really suit him, probably something someone recommended because it was popular. Not that Dan could claim to be any better, he just asked his barber to cut his messy brown mop into whatever she thought would look decent. While Jerod was a fair bit taller than Dan but they shared the same unimpressive build which only made him skinnier in comparison.

“I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that logo before, you go to the institute over on the west side?” Jerod asked, pulling Dan out of his examination.

“Yeah, I’m studying industrial engineering. Hoping I’ll be able to stay in the city once I get my degree”. Jerod nodded intently, “I’m a manager for one the local branches of Temptons, what year are you?”

“I’m a Sophomore, why?” Jerod didn’t bother replying right away, instead pulling out the pen and a business card, “Send me your resume and I’ll see if HR has any internships for someone like you”. Dan couldn’t help but notice now that he had some decent stubble. Or maybe a short beard, on second glance. The facial hair gave him a gruffness that Dan couldn’t help but find attractive, as much as he tried to ignore it. This businessman was doing him a huge favor, and he didn’t want to give him a reason to change his mind.

“Thanks! I’m getting out at Township and if your hungry I know a place that has amazing burgers,” Dan didn’t imagine that was a particularly appealing prospect but he wasn’t sure of anyway to repay Jerod’s unexpected generosity. Much to Dan’s surprise, he bit, “You know what, sure. I haven’t had a good burger in ages”. This must have reminded him he was hungry as his stomach gurgled in response and lurched against his dress shirt. Dan could only guess he had been trying to hold his gut in so he didn’t look out of shape. Jerod shucked off his jacket beside him moving the pen into his breastpocket, “Fuck it’s gotten warm in here”. Realizing that he was probably staring too much at his new acquaintance, Dan turned his attention to the business card. There was nothing particularly exciting about it, as far as he could tell. What was interesting that Jerod had written a number on the back. Considering that it didn’t match the number on the front, this must have been his personal number. Despite how strange this should have seemed, Dan put the number into his phone without as much as a second thought.

While he labored over how he’d message Jerod, the businessman continued to change. He itched his arms and chest as hair spread all over his body, even poking out of his collar. A mechanical voice pulled their attention back to each other. They were at their stop now. Jerod gave Dan a clap on the back, “Let’s see that dinner you were talking about, I’m starving. How’d you find the place anyway?”

Dan looked at the ground trying to find a more interesting answer than the truth, “I just looked up places that were around my apartment and that ended up being the one I liked the most”. Jerod let out a hearty laugh, which made him notice that the guy was a whole head and a half taller than him, “I appreciate the honesty. Not especially exciting but that’s probably for the better”. Leading them them forward, Dan felt dwarfed by his companion and out of place leading the way. Jerod strolled along behind him without any sort of concern or real mind, casually taking in the unassuming city streets that formed the way to their destination. He couldn’t help but do the same. For all of the times that Dan had taken this route, he’d only really bothered looking at much of anything maybe once or twice. Some of the apartments on this side of town were almost quaint, mixed with much more utilitarian structures. Likely built in very different periods of time.

“Enjoying the sights?” Dan called back a Jerod.

“Sure, what there is to see. No where around the office or where I live has quite as much character. That it over there?” Jerod’s face flashed with a look of eagerness as he asked.

“Yep, that’s the place. Want to grab a booth?” Dan turned back to see him nod in agreement. They ordered their food at the counter and sat down. While it wasn’t quite the same as being served, Dan knew from experience that was a surefire way to get food faster and Jerod looked like he might eat the table out from under them if he had to wait too much longer.

“What do you do outside of work?” He wasn’t sure what to ask but figured that was as safe a question as any. Jerod answered with audible tinge of disappointment, “You can’t tell? I guess I haven’t been hitting the gym hard enough”. He raised an arm and flexed, his bicep quickly straining against the fabric. Dan tried to cover his tracks, “I figured you were probably into sports but I wasn’t sure what specifically”. Jerod pulled the pen from his pocket and flicked it between his thick fingers, leaving the conversation hanging. Clearly deeply in thought but what about Dan couldn’t be sure. He started bouncing his chest with a similar rhythm to the motion of his hand. At first it was barely noticeable but as the pen moved back and forth, his chest swelled, pressing out almost as far as his gut. Even wearing and undershirt, Dan could see his large nipples poking through. He was mesmerized, still unsure how he’d managed to convince this beefy bear of a man to have dinner with him.

Their food arrived before he could manage to ask again about what Jerod did. The businessman ate with a kind of haste that probably came with years of practice. What surprised Dan was how quickly he could eat without managing to look barbaric. In half the time it had taken him to eat his burger, Jerod had already finished two and demolished all of his fries.

“Damn, that was some good food. I should’ve ordered another”. He only needed to give half a look at Dan’s fries before he’d slid them across the table, “I might’ve had second thoughts about offering dinner if I had realized you were going to eat me out of house and home”. Jerod bellowed out laughing, “I’m a powerlifter, I like being big and lifting big. Should’ve realized it was going to take a lot to satisfy me”. His body surged outward at the statement, sending a barrage of buttons at Dan. The seams on his sleeves popped as they couldn’t contain his mammoth arms any longer. The table slid away from him as His face turned bright red with embarrassment looking down at the tatters of his dress shirt, “Fuck. On second thought, maybe another burger probably isn’t a good idea”.

“Let me pay for the food and we can run over to my place. I probably don’t have clothes that’ll fit you but at least you won’t have to ride the subway back home in tatters,” Dan didn’t really consider the fact that they could’ve hailed a cab or rideshare from here but figured it’d still be a better alternative. Jerod nodded, “Thanks, that sounds good to me”. Without saying anything more, he went to the counter to pay. Dan was a little bit glad that they didn’t have the opportunity to eat any more. This wasn’t a particularly expensive place but he didn’t have a ton of money to throw around.

Seeing they were ready to go, Jerod shuffled himself out of the booth taking a moment to lean on the seat as he did. He looked comically top heavy, especially for a powerlifter. Though not for long, as they shuffled outside that problem quickly remedied itself. His belt gave out with a loud crack, making room as his waist suddenly widened. The seat of his pants filled to the brim as his ass more than doubled in size. The transformation moved downward, his quads piling up with muscle and fat. Unlike his shirt, his pants valiantly managed to withstand his now immense size, clearly made of a much more elastic material. His shoes however weren’t so fortunate and literally fell off his feet as he walk, making Jerod wince a bit at the hot pavement as they moved forward.

“You mind holding these for me, all this stuff in my pockets is digging into my leg,” Dan took the things without any protest. Considering how tight the pants Jerod was wearing were, he couldn’t help but wonder how he’d managed to get anything into his pockets in the first place. Giving the items a quick glance, he tossed them into his backpack. The pen, his wallet and his phone. He must have trusted Dan to give him all this, “You sure? We’re not far from my apartment and I don’t want to forget to give you anything back”. Jerod shrugged and gave him a wink, “I don’t want to drop anything and besides, if I forget anything, I can always come back”.

Arriving at his apartment, Dan couldn’t get the door open fast enough. He was glad that he didn’t have a roommate because he wasn’t sure he could adequately explain why a powerlifter in the shredded remains of a business suit needed to be in his place. Nor would he have wanted to. Jerod found his way to the couch and eased his weight onto it, only stretching out the groan of the wood as he sank into the cushions. Setting his backpack down beside the counter, Dan took a seat beside his hefty guest, “What do you want to do now? We can get you a ride home that way you don’t have to worry about your clothes”. Or at least what was left of his clothes. His pants were painted onto him and his undershirt was ridding up his sizable gut. Jerod draped his arm around Dan and pulled him in, “I think I’m fine right here for now”. He couldn’t help but feel how warm this bear of a man was, and found himself nuzzling against his chest. They sat like this for a while, so long in fact that they both had started to fall asleep.

Without really thinking, Dan let his hands wander around Jerod’s body, running his hands through his body hair. Jerod moaned softly and his dick swelled in response. His zipper slid open as his cock surged out, snaking out of his underwear and twitching with need. Dan pulled himself up into a kiss, Jerod holding him in place. Finally Jerod pulled himself away long for question, “You want to take this to bedroom?” Dan could only nod as he carried him to the bedroom, only guessing the wrong room twice.

They frantically pulled the clothes off of each other, throwing them in whatever direction as they rolled onto the bed. The went at it for hours, so relentlessly that Dan began to worry his bed frame might not survive the night. Finally they collapsed, too tired to keep going. Jerod looked at him with a conflicted expression, “I don’t think I’ll be able to help you find a job”.

“Why’s that?”

“HR has very strict rules about dating coworkers”. Dan couldn’t help but laugh at the suggestion, “You’ve got a point there”. He got up for a moment to go to grab something to eat before he went to bed. Pulling the pen out of his bag, Dan played with it for a moment before setting it down on the counter. He made himself a bowl of cereal and after finishing stopped by the bathroom before going to back to bed. Seeing himself in the mirror Dan realized he must have forgotten to shave recently. He rubbed his hand across the fledgling beard. Maybe he’d keep it. Jerod would certainly appreciate it.