A Keg of A Time

By BigManfan69


‘I can’t believe I’m doing this.’

Douglas couldn’t help but think to himself, letting his mind wonder as he drove along the forest road, glancing back to the item secured to the back of the rented truck. Unable to stop thinking about what it’ll do to him.

He had practically blew all his savings on this but it would be worth it. Taking another swerving turn, the slender man looked ahead to make out the structure he had rented out for the weekend, course after he was done he might have to buy it... or what remains at least.

It wasn’t long before the truck was brought up to the small cabin nestled within the woods, Douglas parking the vehicle before hopping out. The scrawny man landing to the ground before moving towards the truck bed, opening it up to stare at his prize.

A keg.

The idea this would help him beyond a drunken stupor was almost laughable, if this was an ordinary keg. However, the cartoon image of a comically oversized man in a singlet flexing signaled it wasn’t ordinary. It was a M.A.S.S. Inc keg.

“Am I really gonna do this?” Douglas asked himself, but he already knew the answer before turning around towards the cabin. His smart shoes and work trousers picking up dirt, fishing out the keys for the cabin whilst thinking of some of the ‘customers’ he’s heard about. Opening the door to images of the car crushing blobs that showed off downtown last week. Crossing the vacant living room to the kitchen as he recalled the story of a college frat that became hulking men, tossing trucks to one another. Switching on the lights to how he heard his younger cousin got a sumo scholarship after almost outgrowing the garage. Opening the cupboard and pulling out a pint glass as he remembered how he felt hearing the news of his once scrawny boss, the only man he knew who was smaller than himself, having grown into a huge bear of a man, his gut compatible to a wrecking ball in size and strength.

“I want this.” The so-to-be-former small man said aloud before taking the glass and heading back out. After some finagling and being careful not to spill a single drop, Douglas tapped the keg. With a pump, he poured the precious, amber liquid into the glass. Raising it in a toast to what was to come, Douglas scrunched his eyes before taking a sip, bracing for the bitter taste that came with beer. Instead, the cool liquid had a sweet taste, almost like it was made with a mix of berries. Gulping down the sweet flavored beverage, Douglas lost to the taste before he realized the glass was empty. With the last drops in him, the slim man lowered the glass for a deep belch erupted out of him, much to his surprise. Blushing at the sudden expulsion of gas, Douglas turned to pour another glass, licking his lips off the last traces of the beer before stopping in his tracks. Placing a hand on his audible gurgling stomach, a strange warmth pooling within before it began to spread out his body. Starting to pant, the heat growing in intensity, Douglas looked down to witness the start of the growth. The creak as he flesh and bones began to expand filled his ears as the growth kicked in, his button up work shirt starting to stretch as his torso started to broaden out, gaps forming between the buttons showing hair spreading across his chest and stomach. Douglas groaned as he felt a pressure against his feet, trying to look over his growing chest to see his shoes starting to distort in shape with his feet growing, before the uncomfortable pain got too much, the leather shoes ripped open, causing the growing man to sigh in relief, wiggling his significantly bigger toes and resulting in his socks tearing away.

Douglas caught sight of his legs bulging out, thighs and calf’s swelling with mass before his rounding gut and chest began to block his view down. The buttons of his shirt began to pop off one by one, allowing the swelling man to breath more without restriction. His once slender chest and stomach bulging out with massive, muscles strengthen before a layer of fat began to cover them, the once hairless surface now saw a healthy frosting of body hair with a slightly denser trail leading from his chest down towards his groin.

Looking to his sides, Douglas was his shoulders now spread out further, more than double the original distance from before. Looking down, he watched with glee as his arms began the process of growth, lengthening out before starting to inflate with mass. The cuffs dragging back to around mid point of his forearms before the limbs swelled, muscles forcing the fabric to it’s limit and beyond, seeing not only the cuff to pop off, but the seams to tear, exposing more of the thick mass. Douglas couldn’t help but raise the two limbs with pride and flex, seeing his now existent bicep swell beyond the size of a bowling ball, rivaling his head in size, as it tore off the fabric more, leaving his arms bare and his shirt looking more like a poor fitting vest.

“Fuck.” Douglas let out a deep groan, his voice clearly deeper. The growing man wincing as steadily building pain around his thickening waist indicated that his belt was still intact. Grunting, Douglas tried to suck in his growing gut before reaching for the belt buckle, his thick arms struggling to move that far centre as his broader frame added to the distance. His thicker fingers fumbling to try and reach the buckle to undo it. Holding his breath as he tried to get it, Douglas found himself sweating even more profusely with each deep grunt. Eventually it was too much and Douglas let out a deep breath, his gut swelling out against the constricting belt before a sharp ‘SNAP’ sounded out, echoing in the forest as the large man suddenly felt immense relief around his waist. Taking some much needed deep breaths, Douglas felt the warmth that had spread over him begin to dissipate, leaving only the natural heat his body now gave off. Looking around, Douglas tried to take in all the details, his now thick beard covered chin pressing against his solid chest, rubbing against the valley that was between the immense pecs. Looking further down was hindered by the swollen gut that bulged outwards like a medicine ball, though he did spot a shiny spot just a few feet in front of him, recognizing the full metal as his belt buckle.

“I… I literally outgrew my belt.” Douglas whispered to himself, the realization of big he got hitting him, before he began to laugh. The laugh increasing with energy becoming a deep chuckle, his pecs and gut seeming to shake with each expel of air.

With the laughing fit over, the newly grown Douglas chuckled to himself and stepped towards his truck. His bare feet sinking further into the ground with each step letting out a dull thud due to his increased weight. The larger man relished how good it felt being so much bigger than before, feeling his thicker manhood stand erect, pressing against his rounded gut that pinned it in place. Douglas took his time as he stood beside the truck, unable to resist comparing himself to the truck that he was now sure he couldn’t fit in, let alone drive.

Douglas turned his attention towards the back where the keg that jump started this change sat. Grabbing onto one of the handholds, almost feeling the metal bend beneath his grip, the huge man lifted the nearly full keg. He grunted with the lift, but found the keg felt light in his grip, almost like it was an ordinary soda can to him now. Douglas smiled, lifting the keg up and down as he stomped back into the house, hearing the windows rattled as he pushed himself inside. His larger body filling the doorway, frame cracking as he forced himself in. The large man relishing in how big he was, stomping into the smaller cabin before seating himself down a top the couch, barely feeling it struggle beneath his weight before it simply snapped beneath him.

“Hmm, feels so good being big.” The newly grown man said to himself, enjoying the feeling of how he effortlessly crushed the couch beneath him, before lifting the keg that had given him the growth. He eagerly wrapped his thicker lips around the opening of the tap before starting to pump more of the intoxicating elixir into himself. The growing man eagerly sucking down the fluid, no longer needing to actively pump as he siphoned more of the beer. With his new free hand, Douglas reached towards his chest, giving the thicker slab of mass a proud squeeze. A deep moan sounding out as his larger fingers brushed against his sensitive thick nipple, feeling the jolt of excitement, along with the subtle sensation of the growth kicking in.

With deeper and deeper chugs, eventually Douglas felt nothing but the smallest of drops coming from the kegs. Pulling the tap from his mouth, the immense bear let out a deep belch that made his previous one seem like a hiccup, shaking the foundation of the cabin with the windows practically shattering from the explosion of gas. Palming the once large, now dented keg, Douglas couldn’t keep the smile off his face as he got an idea what to do with the now can sized vessel.

Holding the keg up, Douglas puffed up his chest before thrusting his hand towards it. The keg crumbling without offering any resistance to the now steadily growing man. Pulling back his hand, Douglas looked down his swollen chest to see the keg now flattened into an almost perfect disk.

“Heh, getting so URRRP Big.”

The large man moaned, peeling off the crushed can, playing with the disk between his thickening fingers before casually tossing it away. The loud crash as it was thrown into the other room would have had Douglas worried, however the growing man didn’t care, instead placing both hands on his swollen, gurgling belly. Rubbing the solid, sloshing sphere with pride as he continued belching. Each explosion of gas seeing to the steady increase in the Giant’s size.

His shoulders broadening and inching up closer and closer to the ceiling. His wife ass spread out on the cracking floor, grinding the remains of the couch under him. His arms and legs thickened and stretched bigger, keeping to proportion with the rest of his immense body, though if Douglas focused he could see how the growth of his hairy hands and feet were more so than the rest of his body.

The growing man only moaned as he felt the powerful growth spurts swell him out, lost in the sensation overload to to his senses. Each breath filled with his steadily strengthening musk coming off him, almost tasting the raw scent that came off him. The sensation of his skin stretching to cover his expansive body, itching as the already dense forest of body hair thickened out, drops of sweat clinging to the thick fur.

The inner walls and furnishing of the cabin began to crack and crumble against the growing light of the immense bear. Eventually the outer walls followed the same fate, initially starting to bow outwards before caving against the giant as his thick arms and legs pushed free. His large foot effortlessly crushing the truck he had rented as it crashed through. His swollen gut and chest coming to view, becoming immense hills covered in forest of dark brown hair. Douglas’s head had pushed the roof up, almost like a hat that covered the Giant’s beard covered face. With a grunt as he lifted his arm up, Douglas removed his broad hat, the movement causing his shoulder and bicep to press against his face, bringing excitement for the beast as he couldn’t help but relish how his own body fought against itself for space.

With a deep groan, the large man planted his feet on the ground before leaning forward to try and get up. It took some grunting and maneuvering, Douglas grunting and sweating profusely before he got up. With a pant, the huge man tried to wipe sweat off his face, trying to look down as he felt his feet sink into the ground under him. Douglas found his view blocked by his chest and belly, a thick wall of mass with his dense hair covering his expansive flesh.

“Hmm, now I’m big.” The Gargantuan man said with a deep moan, feeling his now immense and erect cock try to push up against his wrecking ball of a gut. Douglas groaned, grunting as he tried to reach down passed his immense body to relieve his practically throbbing erection. After a moment's struggle, leaving Douglas drenched with sweat and even more aroused, the huge bear panted at the issue he now had to deal with. He briefly thought over what he could do, trying to remember what he heard about how some of the giants would relieve themselves of the throbbing pressure.

An idea came to him, recalling a farm he had passed by on his way to the cabin, he especially remember the large barn he had spotted. Before his more logical mind could try to dissuade the horny giant, Douglas already began to waddle his titanic body towards where he thought he saw the farm, his gigantic size seeing to any obstacle being knocked away with trees that had stood proudly being uprooted and fell against the giant’s mass.

Leaving behind a trail of knocked trees, craters from his heavy foot falls, pouring sweat, and near constant pre dripping from his still erect cock, the giant came to the clearing he had spotted. His inhuman pace quickened as he saw the large barn, excited with a sudden increase in production from his low hanging balls as he saw the structure just came to his waist. With a grunt, the immense giant hefted up his swollen belly before angling his throbbing dick, thrusting it into the barn. The sturdy wooden walls offering little resistance to the powerful manhood, only adding to Douglas’s arousal as the structure shook beneath him.

As Douglas began to steadily thrust into the barn, picking up speed as he felt his entire body wobble. He was unaware of the aroused farmer watching in awe as his property was being destroyed. The tiny man picking his cell phone from his pocket and making a call to a number he had been given a few weeks back, not breaking his sight from the amazing sight before him.

“Welcome to the M.A.S.S. Inc call centre,” the mechanical voice on the other end responded, barely overheard from the deep grunting bear. “To start your journey of growth, press 1.”
