A Growing Git

The cool fall air blowing through the open window gusted through the room, idly ruffling the curtains, and parting the tawny fur of the lion snuggled in the bed. Pete had a habit of tucking himself in so tightly that only his nose and the very top of his head poked out, so the wind blew right across his face. He grumbled and cracked his eye open, wriggling over to the side of the bed to let his tail hang over the side of the bed. With a well-aimed swipe of the thick tail, he managed to shut the window with a bang, grinning toothily.

“Didn't expect to get it on the first try... hehe...mmf...” The lion closed his eyes and tried to get back to sleep. But, he felt a fly on his nose. Wriggling it to no effect, he growled in annoyance, hoping to scare the pest away. Failing that, his eyes snapped open and he snarled, crossing his eyes to look down at his nose. “Oi!” He snapped. But, when he looked down, he found not a fly, but a large clear tube, dangling from the ceiling, bumping against his nose. Tilting his head in curiosity, he bumped his nose against it, watching it swing from the ceiling. “Mmm?...” He really didn't want to pull his arms from under the bed, and let the precious comfy warmth escape, but his feline curiosity was too much for him. He wriggled his bulky, defined arms out of the covers and squeezed the tube curiously. “Wonder what this does...” Grabbing it with a hand, a drop of white liquid came out. Curious, he clamped his maw down on it an started to suck gently. He was very surprised when a thick, creamy liquid began to pour into his muzzle. He thought of spitting it out, but he found the taste to be very much to his liking, like melted ice cream.

“Mrr...breakfast in bed?...” He chuckled as he latched on again, starting to suck down the cream in earnest. He smiled wide, purring happily as he sucked down the delectable goo. He didn't know where this tube had come from, but he was sure Arribous had something to do with it. Pete was grateful for the chance to stay warm and cozy in bed and still fill his stomach. He slid his arms back under the covers, rubbing his cobblestone abs firmly, skritching his taut fur as he felt his belly fill up. So happy was the lion that he felt his eyelids getting heavy again. He grinned wide and snuggled back under the covers, letting his head sink back into the pillow. He purred contentedly and rubbed his abs as he started to fall back asleep, still suckling from the tube. Before he could think too much about the situation, he fell back into a deep sleep, tube still in his mouth.

Some time later, he felt his eyes drifting open once again, the sun a bit higher in the sky now. He purred still, the cream continuing to flow from the tube. He blinked, clearing the sleep from his eyes, and idly skritched his abs, guessing he should probably get up about now. Only, when his paw drifted down to where his abs should have been, it was met with a soft, warm belly! His other paw quickly flew to his middle, rubbing in shock. He was definitely packing a spare tire down there now! His eyes widened as he felt the heft of it. It wasn't huge, certainly nothing comparable to his days as a sumo wrestler, but it wasn't there a few hours ago! He pulled the tube from his muzzle as he sat up, the covers falling from him to expose his pot belly. Pete started down at his torso in surprise, seeing his gut dome out like that really brought back memories. Even his chest and arms looked a bit less defined than they did before. He couldn't figure it out, how did this happen?

As he fondled and rolled his gut around, wondering how he could have slept through that, he heard it grumble loudly. He was hungry, even after eating all that cream! “Hrf... must not have been much to that stuff if I'm still hungry...” He shrugged, and set filling his stomach above other priorities, as he usually does. Leaning back and reaching up, he grabbed the hose and started sucking again, and the delightful cream filled his muzzle. He leaned back, rubbing his belly curiously, still thinking. He squished his gut gently; he still had his abs under there. His pecs were just as big as they used to be, they even looked a bit bigger. He grinned as he rubbed himself, thinking his recent weight gain wasn't so bad after all.

The lion sat there grinning stupidly, his eyes glazed with bliss. His paws found themselves rubbing his gut again, and to his surprise, it felt much bigger already! He pulled off the hose again, and his gut stayed the same, but there was that gnawing hunger again. He latched on and started to suck firmly, and the cream flowed once more, and his belly began to feel fuller and fuller.

“Mmf... This stuff is rich… don't wanna get too fat, Arri would be upset...” He thought as he rubbed his belly, feeling its new heft. It was nothing huge, but it nearly stuck out past his massive pecs, which was definitely saying something! He slid his legs off the bed and stood up, stretching a bit, scratching his sleepy body. He looked magnificent in the sunlight, nude. The paunch he had grown had only made the already supermale lion look even more masculine, the dark fur spread across his chest and his love trail was even more pronounced when it was rounded out. He was getting ready to track Arri down when he felt a gurgle in his gut, and a sharp hunger pang zip through him.

“Rrrg...hmm?...” He rubbed his gut, feeling its heft. “Hrrmm...guess a little more couldn't hurt...Just to fill up.” He laid back against the bed, hearing it creak a bit from his weight. He grabbed the hose and started to suck once more, trying fruitlessly to fill himself with the goo. He sucked for several minutes, rubbing his gut as it filled temporarily and then emptied inexplicably. He leaned his head back and rumbled as he drank more and more of the delicious goo, purring softly as he felt himself swelling larger and larger.

He began to lose track of time as the wonderful feelings of fullness and warmth flowed through him, the endless supply of cream never even giving a pause in the flow. Pete rumbled as he felt the pressure of the flow increase, shivering as his nude body inflated even faster. If he weren't naked, he'd find his clothes would be ripping right about now. He reached up, squeezing and tugging at his chest firmly. It was quite a bit saggier than before. His neck felt puffier too, and his cheeks were bulging out slightly. Still keeping the tube in his maw, he stood up, grunting deeply from the extra effort required to move his heavy body. Padding around the edge of the bed made the house shake a little bit, and the floor creaked in protest. Standing in view of the full-length mirror of the bedroom, his eyes widened at what he saw. There in the mirror was a lion that looked like he'd been training for a sumo competition for a few months! His gut was big and heavy, but not droopy or sagging. It remained high and tight, with a softness that didn't quite seem to fit its appearance. His chest had definitely started to droop, what was once firm and striated pecs were now slightly puffy barrels of flesh. Even his nipples looked bigger and thicker! His neck was wider, giving the lion the start of a double-chin. His cheeks and face looked chubbier as well, even his ears looked a bit tinier on his head now. His arms had lost much of their definition, but none of their mass! In fact, every part of him looked even bigger and stronger than before, when he didn't have an ounce of fat on him. Turning to the side, Pete saw that his ass was larger and wider than before, looking nice and cushy. Pete rumbled softly, feeling his dick begin to stir and awaken from looking at his growing frame. He smiled ferally... he liked it.

Suddenly, Pete grimaced as his body voiced its marked displeasure with a sharp pang of hunger. The flow from the tube had stopped. Had he really run out? It seemed like it were to last forever. The lion whined, too hungry to be upset at this situation. He had to seek out more food. His only choice was to make his way into the kitchen in hopes of finding a new supply of belly fuel.

With some effort, Pete managed to turn himself around and head toward the kitchen, finding that he had to shuffle sideways a bit to get out the door. He stomped down the hallway, his fat legs squishing against each other as he waddled, rubbing his demanding belly gently, as if trying to soothe the savage beast. Finally reaching the large kitchen, and still seeing no sign of his mate, Pete opened the fridge and grabbed the first thing that he saw that he knew would help fill his belly, a nearly-full gallon of milk. He put it to his muzzle and gave a few strong gulps, downing the entire thing in a matter of about 10 seconds. With a grunt, he tossed the container away, looking around for more food to consume. He eventually grew tired of standing and parked his bulk in front of the fridge, holding the door open with his body as he reached in and began scarfing food with blind hunger! He was so ravenous that he didn't care if he was getting food on his face, or down his double-chin. He grabbed a dish of leftover pasta from the night prior, and poured the entire thing into his muzzle in one swoop, gulping down the entire bowl in a few seconds. His frenzy only increased with time, as he struggled to fill his belly faster than the cream could.

He finally stumbled upon a carton of heavy cream, which seemed to do the trick! But it wasn't long before it was tossed on the ground along with all the other empty cartons of various foods. Yogurt cups, milk jugs, bowls of leftover food, raw eggs, butter, and all manner of fruits and vegetables, nothing was spared from the voracious feline! He rumbled happily and rubbed his swelling gut, grumbling as he reached into the fridge for more and more of the food that was slowly filling up his fat body, his weight increasing like he was still sucking down the cream from the tube.

“Unnggg...mooooore...” Pete moaned like a beached whale, a fitting description of the voluptuous feline sitting on the cool kitchen floor. He pawed futilely at the now-empty refrigerator shelves, trying to gain purchase of anything that could fill his belly. But the fridge had been exhausted, and the graveyard of empty containers was there as irrefutable proof of the act. With a deep, burgeoning moan, Pete got to his feet, wobbling as he felt his bulk shift. He opened the various kitchen cabinets, looking for something, anything that would feed his rumbling boulder that was his stomach. He found a few dry snacks, some cookies and an entire box of graham crackers, but the idea of eating raw pasta didn't appeal to him. He sighed happily, his belly finally sated from the food he pounded down, enough to feed a family of five for at least a week. He smiled proudly and rubbed his massive stomach, his entire body much larger now than it was when he started this food binge.

Regaining some clarity, Pete began realizing what he just did! Looking around him, he saw the remnants of all the food in their large kitchen. He ate it all! Looking down, he could hardly see his own body. The massive rolls around his chin and chest were all he could see. With a satisfied groan, he had to head back into the bedroom and check himself out in that mirror again. As he thundered down the hall, he was quite proud of his new bulk, it felt so wonderfully warm and soft. His muscles looked even bigger than they did before, the offseason look taken to the extreme. He cradled what he could grab of his massive belly lovingly as he thundered down the hallway, the entire house shaking, everything resting on a tabletop or other surface rattled, and he could hear a few items falling over from the tremors of his massive bulk walking down the hallway, his belly nearly touching both sides of the hallway!

He came to the door of the bedroom and tried to squeeze through without thinking, but found himself very firmly stuck in the doorframe! Only part of his gigantic gut managed to squeeze through, and he realized now that he had a big problem on his paws. He was simply too big! He growled in annoyance, reaching forward and gripping the inside of the doorframe with his meaty paws firmly, grunting in strain as he tried to pull himself through! And it was working; his great strength was managing to pull his body through the doorframe, but at the expense of the door itself! Cracks and groans of protest could be heard as the door buckled and started to bend. With one final breath, Pete lunged forward, the abused wood of the doorframe finally splintering and bowing outward, yielding to the gigantic kami. He grinned with a marked satisfaction, looking over his shoulder at the damage he had done. He couldn't care less at the moment, however. He was huge, and now he was horny! He waddled laboriously over to the closet, his eyes widening as he saw his reflection the mirror.

He was enormous, now. He was easily his weight when he was a sumo, and with all this added muscle, he likely surpassed it! Pete squeezed his fat, saggy chest gently, feeling the fat nips and heavy muscle underneath the flab. He looked entirely different than he did just a few hours ago, he looked like he ate the toned lion he once was! And he loved every moment of his growth. His body felt so heavy, so warm and so soft. His presence and manliness only increased with his weight, and he loved it. His chubby cheeks, his massive chest, his titanic belly, his monstrous arms, his tree-trunk legs looked magnificent. His dick and nuts would put a similarly-sized stallion to shame. He grinned with pride, loving the tubby stud he had become. Every tiny movement came with the blissful feeling of his fat smooshing against itself. His weight was colossal...he now tipped the scales at over 1200 pounds, over triple his previous weight! And he looked the part too; every single inch of him was absolutely enormous. He was less of a lion and more of a giant gut with a lion attached!

He tried reaching down to his monster dick, only to find his belly was blocking the way! So he improvised. One paw held the huge gut up, no easy feat, and the other stroked his member roughly. Pete was initially surprised at the feeling of his dick in his paw, it wasn't familiar at all. It felt so much shorter, except that it wasn't, it was just being engulfed by the paunch he had grown on his crotch. It did feel much thicker, however, and the head was much more sensitive. He purred, watching himself in the mirror, beating off to his own image like the prideful lion he was. He panted deeply, feeling the sheer mass of his belly, raising one leg up and hearing the house rumble when he put it back down. His paw could get around even less of his dick than it could before, he wished he could use both of his paws for this...but then, that's what Arri was for, right? He grinned as he thought about fucking his folf, nearly crushing the tough canine under the weight of his titanic belly. He knew the folf would love it. Arribous had a nearly insatiable appetite for Pete's cock, and his newly-improved rod could maybe help whet the mage's appetite. He closed his eyes, picturing Arribous disappearing entirely under the horizon of his massive belly, covered from ear to toe in the hot, furry mass of flesh. The feeling of the folf squirming under his belly combined with the tight hotness of his tailhole around Pete's dick...it was too much for the lion to bear, even if he was just imagining all of it! He lifted one tree-trunk leg up against the mirror, pushing his massive gut in the air long enough to stroke his fat dick furiously until he blasted his load against the wall. His chest pushed up into his face as he roared out, shaking the rafters, thick spurts of cum blasting from his furious pylon of a dick! It splattered all over the mirror and the floor, but mostly along the underside of Pete's colossal boulder belly! His climax lasted several blistering, toe-curling moments, and when he was finally spent he collapsed on the floor, white sparks of release exploding it front of his closed eyes. He laid there and panted deeply, his fat body quivering with each breath.

In another part of the house, Arribous snickered softly. “Mmm... sounds like my new tubby bastard of a mate is done with his first course...I hope he's just as eager for dinner tonight...”

The lion, wobbling under his own mass stumbled back and slammed to the floor, cracking the wood with a massive, deep grunt. He grinned wide as he rubbed his new form. Suddenly, a loud grumble erupted from deep within him.

“Looks like it’s time for seconds.”