A Bull of a Man

By bullroarer

The faint sound of thudding footsteps drew closer, then the doorbell rang. Steve knew who it was, there was only one other person who shared apartment in his home since the private gym had been set up in garage. He eagerly opened the front door and made way for the muscular gym fanatic to enter in a hurry.

"Remember, big guy, yesterday was your last rest day. From now on we need to keep you pumping iron and eating non stop"

The pair of young men stood and looked into each others eyes for a moment as the door closed behind them, automatically locking and sealing the chaos of the outside world away from their isolated slice of heaven. The newcomer smirked back and ruffled his crew cut hair with one hand "I already am a bodybuilder, it you who need to be told to force feed me lock me in the gym"

They kissed once, and with arms around each others slender waists, they strolled to the kitchen to view the dinner that steve had prepared for himself being totally overshadowed by the massive feast Steve had also prepared for his best friend Brad. It was a bodybuilders feast of high protein and carbohydrate health food topped off with a huge jug of protein shake. Brads mouth watered at the smell and sight and his belly audibly made some grumbling.

"Shush you! First we are going to take the first before photo of your progress shots and weigh you while your still just skin and bone, then we are going to juice you up with growth hormone, theeeeennn we can start your first anabolic steroid laced gainer meal" said Steve with a paternal tone in his voice. Brad undid all the buttons on his shirt and sucked in his six pack gut while inhaling.

*Click* *Click* . The first of his many progress pics of Brad the bodybuilder were taken. He looked like a skinny model all covered in obviously gym hardened ripped muscles, but starved of any layer of fat at all. With the supple curve of his stomach sucked in farther than usual, he looked like a starvation victim, even though according to the scales he was a decent 75kg.

"Come on Steve" Brad protested "juice me up, then we can start turning me into a bull of a man"

"Coming dear" said Steve, as his friend took his place at his end of the table. Steve handed the hungry man who had not eaten a thing all day, a handful of appetite enhancer pills. They would make his stomach churn...and chrun...and churn with excessive amounts of digestive juice, and simply demand that its muscular owner fill it up. Brad did everything as was agreed on and planned as he swalled every single one ready for the next step. Meanwhile, steve prepared Brads massive dosage of growth hormone to be administered into the growing boy. they both knew what it would do to him - his muscles would swell, but so would his gut on the inside. By this time tomorrow, his belly would be bigger and hungrier than before as the size of his stomach and intestines would swell up. the steroids in his food would come next, digesting the boys protein into new muscle, them pumping all that nutrients into his athletic body making him even bigger and more powerful than ever. His muscles would swell up and bloat all over his body, making brad one hell of a dashingly handsome stud indeed.

Once the chemicals were in him, Steve reclined at the other side of hte table, slowly muching away on his appetisers to temp Brad. He knew he was getting hungrier and desiring food now. The desire must be burning more than his urge to build up his muscles.

Brad watched in silence except for the tender muching from Steve and the slight grumble from his own tummy. He remember how they first met and the local gym desiring to improve thier bodies above what nature had given them. They became lifting buddies, then casual freinds, then good friends...then they opened up to each other. They had a lot in common, but he desire to build up thier msucles was high in these young men. They both desired the roided up look in their favourite bodybuilders too. those bronzed bodies in the magazines bulging with veins and sinew were no also bulging with massive midsections of muscle too.

"My God...how do they pump those things up so big?" as the years had gone by, compedetive bodybuilders measurements had increased too.

Biceps went from 16-18 inches, now bulged like canonballs at 20-25!

Men had thighs thicker than a normal mans waist! Chests were so overdeveloped they could balance a glass of milk on the upper pectoral!

Shoulders were so broad, male athletes as young as 17 were unable to reach the other deltoids with thier own hands!

And thier waists...Ohhh the expanding waist lines...the ever expanding, pumping, bulging, bulking bellies of sexy studly solid muscle!

And all of this eye candy was being fueled by growth supplements you simply cant buy over the counter.

The boys made a deal, they put thier money together and had enough for one of them to turn into a professional roid fueled bodybuilder over the course of a year or so plus other expenses. Steve decided that he wanted Brad to indulge himself. Wanting everyone to know he was high on steroids, carelessly bulging and stretching his clothes, letting everyone stare, and showing off hte sideeffects of a massive roidgut like beachball on his lap...Brad didnt take much convincing to be talked into it.

By now, the first line of chemical enhancements were coarsing through Brad's veins. He was salivating, he was concentrating on his yummy food laying out tantilising before his eyes. He knew steve had drenched it in steroids and an inumeral amound of growth enhancers too. and it wall all going to be fed into him like a big fat prize pig.

Steve finished eating. He got up and strolled over to his human pet science project. Brad licked his lips as he knew it was time while he leaned back in his chair and held his hands behind his head to stretch out one last time.


Brads skinny six pack grumbled loudly as if aware of the approach of its owners feeder encourager. Steve placed his hand over the muscular belly and rubbed it affectionaly, then spoke to it in a silly patronising tone -

"Awwww, just look at you. Brad hasnt been feeding you enough, and now your just a skinny little girls waist. Well, your uncle Steve will fix all that now that your both in my house, because we are going to pump you right up, little belly. Youre not going to be a skinny little six pack, we are going to blow you up into a big muscly roidgut, youre going to get real big, strong, and handsome.

"GRRRRRRR" the digestive juices inside Brad were overflowing and churning inside the empty stomach.

"Ohhh Yeah! Your going to be a real bloated musclegut, then when your nice and big, you can digest all of daddys protein, and pump his muscles up even bigger too"

Brad could not take it anymore! He leaned forward and obeyed his hunger by grabbing the nearest platefull of food. As the night went on, Brad would weigh more and more, as his body filled up with the super nutritious healthfood saturated with anabolics. He always dreamed of being a steroid abusing freak and that dream was becoming a reality.


Brads hungry stomach was being satiated as if were the belly of a whale. What seemed like an endless stream of food was flowing down his hungry gullet into his rumbling stomach while Steves hands fondled and rubbed the muscular outside wall of the handsome studs midsection. The anabolic steroids were already taking affect as they surged through his muscle fibers, ordering them to absorb as much nutrients as possible, beefing them up gradually with new protein, making Brad stronger and tougher with every flex.

This was only first part. Brad would be spending all his time in the private gym with all the heavy weights to himself, obsesssing with exercising his muscles as much as possible. The new hyper efficient stomach and intestinal track that was swelling up inside his belly was processing nutrition at an accelerated tempo. The supernutritious brew sloshing inside the belly of the beast was soon to be packed onto his limbs as new thick powerfull chords of musclemass. the teenage athlete was growing meat on his body like a muscle machine from now on.

Steve let his hands wander over the silky smooth skin of his bodybuilding pig as Brad gorged and gorged like no tomorrow. Watching him stuff himself like a christmass hog being fattened up on steroid enhanced health food was such a fucking turn on. His belly was visibly stretching out onto his lap like a muscular balloon. The sheer quantity of food pouring into his stomach was causing it to bulge outward, pressing the two rows of muscular abdominal muscle a few inches further into an convex six pack. Steve hummed to himself as he fondled his pig jock some more. As time went on, the bulges of abdominal muscle over his well fed tummy were only going to bloat.

As midnight drew near, Brad finally could see the end of his enormous gut busting diet. He moaned with the strain of the enormous mass of food digesting inside him. Steves hands quickly made their way down to his waist and rubbed his tummy in circles. Brad groaned even louder as his belly suddenly felt like a warm bundle of love pumped out from his body. he closed his eyes and he relaxed backwards into his chair, then to Steve it seemed that his swollen tummy just hefted out forward even more.

"you have not finished your dessert, my little beefcake. We have a big jug of anabolic gainershake ready for you." Just the thought of steve pumping him up with even more made his dick hard. He opened his lips happily as the lip of the jug came forward and sloshed its concents down into him to wash his big meal down before bed. while Brad was in Steves caring hands, he was as helpless as a hog tied beef bull being led to the stable. In fact, thats what he really was. Just a big dumb animal grown for his muscle mass. Just the thought of skinny little twinks beefing up muscle men like a beast of burden was too hot to resist.

By the time Brad was ready for bed, his belly was making distinctive sloshing noises. As it got busy pumping the dissolved nutrients and steroids into the rest of his body, it began to gurgle a little.

"mmmmmm, it sounds busy inside there, pumping up his daddy with new sexy muscle" cajoled Steve.

By the time both of them had laid down in Steves bed, neither could keep thier hands off each other. But alas, within moments the exhuasted bull jock had drifted into sleep with his big meal weighing him down. He needed his rest. He had a big day tomorrow, a day filled with pumping iron in the gym, and eating like a pig between sets non stop. And Steve was going to see to it personally.


"Hows my favourite pig jock feeling this morning?" Asked Steve as he stood over the sleepy body of Brad with a jug of his growth formula breakfast mix in hand on the dresser table beside him.

"Mmmph...I think ive grown a bit already. My skin feel tighter and the some of the muscle feels like its pumped." He flexed his arms a little, and they indeed looked little more filled out at all the right curves. The steroids had done well on their first day of the job and had been beefing up the teen bodybuilder significantly overnight. Steves reached over and probed his handsome specimen's chest and shoulders. Both of hte boys now busied themselves feeling up the now heavier bulges of muscle that were building up on Brads body. His muscular chest was affectionatly stoked and an unflexed pectoral was fondled between thumb and fingers like a big slab of meat. Trapezius and deltoids were clutched and massaged, and at least 3 hands at a time between the two boys groped at the hard working arms as they pumped up with young muscle in bicep and tricep.

"come over to the mirror, Brad. I want to take another progress shot with both of us; you know, as gainer and grower"

"This should be as often as we notice the change and differences, Im now bigger than you, Steve, just from one night of eating like an animal"

Steve looked the topless stud in the eye "Yeah, a big sexy muscular steroid grown animal, just growing for your meat and strength then showing it off as eye candy"

The two young men stood side by side as the progress shots were arranged in the mirror. Brad was looking much larger and more muscular now. All covered in lean hard gym pumped muscles that were surging with growth steroids from his somewhat pot bellied six pack, everything about the stud bull looked looked hard, ready, athletic, and very masculine. Every flex was accompanied by his trainer either posing with him as a comparison or touching and feeling his muscles at the same time as if he was showing off choice cuts in a butchers shop.

Just the thought of himself being used as a bull by Steve was turning him on. He fantasied about his best friend force feeding him, pumping him full of steroids, working him like a beast in the gym, and leaving him bloated with muscle. He would be a hulking steroid abusing freak of lean mass and powerfull weightlifting muscle with the belly of a muscular pig. It was such a heavy and hot fantasy, of muscle men being pumped up by their trainers until their bellies swelled right out as glorious roidguts. He wanted it more than anything. Steve still minded his own business as Brad carelessly let his erection expose itself for the photos. It was only making this little bull even studlier. Just a big sturdy hardworking animal made of muscle, ready for anything. Steve just hummed to himself as he stroked and caressed all over his bodybuilding pig, from the breadth of his shoulders down to the curves of his strong glutes and thighs. His tummy was not a real roidgut yet, but the abs had increased in size and his stomach had increased in volume, displaying the change as a slight curve outward from between the bull jock’s hips and under his chest. Steve knew he was going to change that even more.

Last nights feeding had already strengthened Brad’s body and loaded up his gut with muscle building protein. Now it was time to put the little bull in the gym and really see what a 220 pounds of roided up muscle can do.