Unstoppable pt. 5

Chapter 5 - Conclusion

Jaime had been Eric’s boyfriend when the labs attached to his family’s company began producing a new kind of steroid compound. Eric had directed that research for years, as he absolutely fetishized muscle growth, and desired nothing short of a miracle for muscular development. Once the experimental compound was ready, it was first tried on small mammals, then monkeys, then refined and finally Eric began trials on himself (the medical ethics of this were never sound, as Jaime told me).

In a matter of a few months after beginning injections, Eric had achieved an enviable, muscular physique, all thanks to the miracles of chemistry. Jaime had been one of the first outsiders to see its effectiveness first hand. But something else had changed. Eric became more irritable and more demanding. He started acting more and more dominate, which sort of frightened Jaime. Meanwhile, the growth concoction was continually being refined: made more potent, more effective, and now: produced en masse. Eric had hoards of it.

Jaime had been an athletic guy when they had started dating, around the same size as Eric at about 180 pounds. But after Eric’s successful cycle he begrudgingly agreed to be Eric’s second human experiment. After nearly a year of dating (and injections), Jaime had grown into an impressive 260 pound muscle bear. His growth had thrilled Eric, who got off on it. Jaime couldn’t pretend he didn’t enjoy his new size, but he didn’t want to get any bigger, and decided against continuing.

Jaime saw an obsession taking over Eric, and was becoming increasingly concerned about Eric’s fanatical devotion to making men grow for him, and his increasingly erratic behavior. When Jaime decided to stop the injections, Eric was furious. Jaime had never seen him so angry, and Jaime couldn’t help but wonder what the first formula, and those trial injections had done to Eric’s mental state. After a few days, Jaime agreed to return to the cycle and grow more, but before they continued Jaime found something that ended the relationship for good:

Jaime discovered evidence that Eric was working on a chemical derived from nightshade plants that could make people suggestable, more easily manipulated, and to his own horror he realized it had been added to his food. No wonder he was willing to try growing again for Eric. Jaime suspected it was part of his plan to find a willing human test subject to explore the limits of what his drugs could do, and he was not going to be that guinea pig.

The two soon parted ways. Eric tried to get Jaime to come back, but to no avail. Jaime was too disturbed by the changes in Eric’s personality, by the possibility that he had been unwillingly drugged, and his endless begging for Jaime to restart trials of his growth drugs.

After Jaime left, Eric saw another man, a handsome athletic black guy named Kamal, but that guy had seemed to disappear after some time. Jaime kept an eye on Eric’s activities from a distance, and knew about me, but he never intervened. Jaime had no idea how big I had gotten until he saw me come to his gym a few months ago.

That's when Jaime realized that Eric wasn’t just blowing us up willingly, he was finding guys and using drugs and hypnosis to control our behavior. He was brainwashing us, turning us into huge, ever-growing meatheads, just for his pleasure. That's all he wanted, and through endless hours of programming, he made us want that life too.

We needed to get Kurt out of that house and away from Eric. That was the first priority. I think Jaime took time to make sure that I was truly onboard, he didn’t want me to turn back to Eric and my old ways, he wanted to make sure I was thoroughly deprogrammed, truly myself. It took weeks of preparation, and Jaime grilled me, made sure I was ready.

Jaime explained that we would have to lure Kurt out of the house again. The man was too big to be restrained several weeks prior, and he had certainly only grown larger since, and he would need to get his hands on the sedatives he uses to control our behavior. I vaguely remember Eric adding the cloudy liquid to the clear substance before injecting me.

The wheels started rolling, and with some help from a former employee in Eric’s labs, Jaime found Eric’s storage facility and secondary labs. It was way upstate, in the woods. I barely fit in Jaime’s pickup, but we managed. It did look somewhat comical. “Ok hulk” he said to me with a smile “Time for a roadtrip”

The storage facility looked decrepit from the outside, but the lights were on and the spaces were clean. It looked like regular deliveries of food were being made to the place, as the same pre-made meal company had huge piles of boxes stacked outside. Between the two of us, we didn’t have much trouble breaking down the front doors. We predictably set off an alarm, but we pressed on into the building. We saw the beakers, fridges, and finally, containers of what looked like the injections Jaime and I had both taken for months. We gathered as many as we could into our bags, including what we identified as the sedative.

Then we heard a noise, a heavy sound of something dropping. And then again. Footfalls, very heavy ones. They were coming from a space below the main floor. As spooked as we were, between the two of us, we would be a very intimidating combination. We headed downstairs to investigate, only to horrified by what we saw.

Downstairs we encountered the largest, most impossibly blown up human being either of us could have ever dreamed. He looked absolutely unreal. He was about my height, had wild black hair and dark skin. His dark eyes were totally vacant, staring distantly, his gargantuan legs slowly lifting and lowering into ponderous steps. He had to weigh well over 700 pounds or more. His neck was nearly twice as thick as his head, and two overblown traps rose up all the way to his ears. Shoulders, five feet across or more, barreled out with arms so impossibly thick that they looked less than fully mobile. His chest had a thick rug of black hair, and stuck out into two heaving masses of muscle, grown more rounded and heavy than humanly possible. Beneath his furry pec shelf he had a massive hairy muscle gut that almost hid his nudity. His legs were so thick that it seemed to limit his ability to walk. His calves grew out obscenely on either side of his shins into enormous globes of muscle.

Still he just stood there, naked, bulging in every direction, muscle straining against muscle, vacantly staring. I hadn’t felt small for a very long time. This was a man so freakishly muscular that he could barely move. All around this large room were empty containers of food. He clearly could still manage to eat, but he seemed only vaguely aware that we were standing right in front of him.

“My god, what did Eric do to him?” Jaime asked in a hushed tone. “It’s Kamal. He’s turned him into a monster” I just backed up, nervous at this true muscle freak in front of me. I couldn’t tell if he was flexible enough to even come after us, or if he even knew we were here. It seemed like someone was around enough to check on him, to provide him food. Despite his drugged-up state, he seemed to be able to function. Finally, he looked right at us. It was disturbing, those vacant eyes seemed to want to say something, but no words came out. Silence and a small groan.

“Let's get out of here” Jaime continued, grabbing my arm. I was transfixed, my eyes on this monster in front of me, who seemed both so frighteningly powerful, so inhumanly strong and dominating, and yet completely vulnerable and incapacitated by his own mass.

We were both shaking on the drive back into the city. Both of us had not expected to see what we had. But it galvanized our mission. We knew that Eric had do be stopped before he turned Kurt into another lobotomized monster. We had to figure out how to lure him away from Eric.

I called Kurt the next morning. “I want to finish the interview” I said, “Please let me finish it”

I didn’t hear back that week. Jaime was contacting authorities anonymously about the lab in upstate, but it didn’t seem he was getting very far. I sent Kurt another email. Jaime coached me on what to say to lure him out. “I bet Eric would be interested in reading your finished interview with me” I wrote.

Finally, two weeks later I received a reply. Not only was he willing to meet me, but he wanted to try and wrestle me. “I think we’re almost evenly matched, big boy” he said in the email. We set the time for him to meet me at my house. Jaime at the same time reached out to Eric, telling him he finally wanted to go through with another round of injections. He wanted to grow again. Eric agreed, and the two coordinated a time to meet. Another gym employee, Shawn, was to go to my apartment and let Kurt in and stall him.

Both Jaime and I stalked out Eric’s house. We waited that morning for Kurt to leave. Sure enough we saw this massive, large bellied, incredibly wide man trod out of the house on time. Kurt wasn’t just bigger, he had blimped out completely. His spherical powerlifter belly dominated his enormous frame. He had to be well north of 350 pounds, and it looked like he had gained 60 or more pounds in the span of a few weeks. His muscular arms had bloated into huge hams, and his body radiated a new kind of strength and power.

That's when Jaime made his move. He knocked on the door and waited for Eric to answer.

Sure enough Eric opened the door, but Jaime audibly gasped at the sight in front of him.

Eric had transformed like Kurt. He was thicker everywhere, and had developed a pronounced muscle gut that pushed over his waist band and put a strain on his shirt. His arms were massive and his shoulders were incredibly wide. Gone was the 220 pound muscle daddy. Eric was now a 300 pound grizzly.

“Surprised to see me?” Eric said.

“What have you done to yourself?” Jaime asked.

“Been sampling the new wares. Just thought I’d try out living a little larger. I’m quite enjoying it.” he replied with a grin. “This new stuff works faster than anything we’ve tried before. Granted, it makes you grow a bit of a belly” he said, smiling and patting his gut. “But it’s phenomenal. This is four weeks of injections. I’ve put on 80 pounds in that time. I’m growing every day, and I can see it happening. You should try it.” He continued. “I don’t mind the belly, and I bet you won’t either.”

“You know why I’m here.” Jaime began. That was my cue. Turned the corner and rushed into the house, tackling Eric as best I could. I still outweighed him by a good amount, and I took him totally off guard. Jaime closed the door behind us and pulled out a syringe. He prepped it as I wrestled with Eric, getting him pinned.

Eric was strong, and far larger than he had been, but I still had considerably more pure muscle on my frame. He struggled, but Jaime helped pin him down.

First was the sedative. I watched Eric’s eyelids droop as the mixture began to take effect. “I know what you did to these young men Eric.” Jaime began. “And I have to make sure you don’t do it to anyone else again.” Eric just groaned. “I’m going give you a taste of your own medicine, but it looks like you’ve already given yourself a head start.”

I helped drag the enlarged Eric, my former master, into the guest bedroom. The enormous semi conscious man listened to Jaime’s words, and jaime prepared a second injection.

“You are only ever going to inject yourself from now on” Jaime said.

“And you will do everything to get as big as posible.”

After this, Jaime just continued repeating those statements in various forms to the incapacitated man.

I waited by the front door for Kurt’s inevitable return. Soon, the big man was lumbering up to the door. Armed with a powerful sedative, I tackled Kurt and jabbed him in the shoulder with it.. I was able to wrestle him to the ground, despite that he too had dramatically increased in size since our last encounter. And with some help from Jaime I was able to pick him up and walk him to the car. He was huge, and it was hard for him to fit in the back. Although I too was way too big for drivers seat, I managed to drive Kurt back to Jaime’s place, and with Shawn’s help, I made a bed for him. Kurt panicked when he finally woke up, but I was able to calm him down. It took time to explain to Kurt what had happened. I was patient, and tried to keep him happy and comfortable and well-fed.

Jaime stayed behind with Eric, and then moved Eric out to the lab in upstate. Intoxicated on the growth cocktail he himself had devised, Eric was easily lead like a docile animal into and out of the car. In his suggestable state, his inner desires for muscle growth came out. For three days Jaime kept Eric in a trance-like state, re-programming him, and it only naturally let to his desire turn into the kind of muscle freak he had turned other men into.

When Jaime returned, he brought a full moving van. In the back, laying on a mattress was the Kamal, the monstrously large muscle zombie we had found at Eric’s labs. Despite his frightening size, he was surprisingly calm and responded well to commands. This was a case of a terrifying overdose. His brain must have been totally fried from the sheer amount of chemicals pumped into his gargantuanly overgrown body, and he seemed incapable of true speech. But at least he was at least smiling when we took him outside. We were determined to try and provide him with a semi-normal life, in hopes that his mind would slowly return to him.

Kurt’s programming wore off relatively quickly. I had to sit him down every day and explain what had happened, and I knew it would just take time. After a few weeks of living together, the two of us grew close, and he began to return to normal, at least mentally. Physically he hadn’t stopped gaining size. As the weeks went on, even without injections, I watched his frame continue to thicken and expand, growing impossibly bulkier and beefier. An already massive muscle bear only grew bigger. He probably put on another fifty pounds before the injections began to wear off. He broke 400 pounds sometime around then, and now looks like a world-class powerlifter, one of the biggest, bulkiest guys I think I’ve seen anywhere. But oddly enough, I think the size suits him. He looks a lot hotter as a gigantic overfed meathead than he did as a reporter.

Kurt is still competitive with me. He might outweighs me by fifty (or sixty) pounds (it's all just his belly, I tell myself) but I think I've still beat him on strength, though I’m not sure. He started taking on powerlifting and it’s clear that he’s got the strength to match the incredible size. He could seriously compete and win if he wanted. Jaime’s gym is thriving and we have a number of clients interested in strength building and bodybuilding competitively.

Kamal had been missing for two years. With help from my gym colleague Shawn, He slowly did start regaining his senses, and joined Kurt in managing Eric’s old house. We formed a kind of fraternity, the four of us, all transformed permanently by the insane concoction still laying around. None of us really wanted to get bigger, except maybe Jaime, who complained about feeling small between Kurt, Shawn and I. As the weeks ticked by, none of us seemed to lose any size either. It’s like the drugs had permanently changed us. Recently I’ve noticed that Jaime’s arms and pecs have been looking a little thicker and fuller. I wondering if he actually is sampling something from the storage rooms in Eric’s house. I guess we’ll see.

Kurt teaches powerlifting. I generally stay out of the limelight. I’m just the resident front desk “hulk” and I’m happy in that role. I’ve reconnected with my friends and family, but none of them can quite wrap their heads around what's happened to me. None of them have lost that look of astonishment when they see me in all of my 360 pound glory. They’ll be in shock for a long time. But I’m ok with it. The four of us are superhuman in a way, and I like it. Kamal generally stays at home. But I think we’re all happy.

I’m finally at peace with my body, as big, cumbersome and intimidating as it is. For the first time in a long time, I like how I look. I even like to flex for people when they ask for it.


Working off an anonymous tip, Albany police descended on an abandoned looking lab in the forest. They broke in, and were utterly baffled by what they saw. At first, they couldn’t tell what they were looking at inside the dimly lit lab. It appeared to be a massive, bulging creature, sitting on the ground it looked to be the size of an elephant. Unbeknownst to them, a loyal lab scientist carrying a large amount of product escaped through a backdoor and ran off into the forest.

As Police moved in, the began to see the enormous swelling mounts of muscular flesh that were helplessly flexing. Then they could make it out, Legs, huge, ballooned up muscular legs, and a massive mounded midsection, two huge, furry pecs and huge trembling muscular arms, all laying propped up against a back wall in a starfish position, nearly immobilized by his sheer mass. Without a doubt this man had been blown up into an impossible size through some sort of chemical wizardry. The man’s hands were totally dwarfed by tremendously over muscular forearms, every muscle had rounded out with bloated mass. His traps loomed over his head. This was a heavily bearded, beastly looking over-bulked freak, and he was was sitting, with eyes glazed, food in his mouth, muttering over and over again the same words:

“I can’t stop growing”.