Truth or Dare

“Shall we start the party?”

“Dude, there’s only the both of us, yet.”

“Doesn’t mean we can’t start it.”

“Alright, then, what do you want to start with?”

“Truth or dare.”

“Really, man, are you drunk?”

“Maybe a little bit but that’s not the point. Here start with me: I choose dare. If we don’t answer the truth or can’t do the dare, we drink. Simple.”

“Alright then... I dare you to... do 10 push ups.”

“Ouch. That’s mean, dude. Here, I’m gonna drink.”


“Ahhh... alright. Truth or dare.”


“Have you ever kissed a guy?”

“What? No... that would be... gay...”

“Drink up.”


“You’re lying. I saw you kiss that guy at the last frat party. Here, take my bottle.”


“Ahhh... Alright, you’ve got me on that one, but don’t tell anyone...”

“No worries, dude. Alright, my turn. Say, I’ll choose truth for once.”

“Have YOU kissed a guy once?”

“No, I didn’t.”

“Would you like to try it?”

“Hey, your turn’s done. Now choose truth or dare.”


“I dare you to kiss me.”

“So you’d like to try it, huh?”

“Shut up! I’m drunk and I’m curious.”


“You taste like alcohol, dude.”

“And you taste like sweets.”

“You can let go, now.”

“I just want to snuggle a little.”

“You really are drunk aren’t ya?”

“Shut up already. Kiss me again.”


“For someone who’s never kissed a guy you sure like that.”


“Huh? You still want to play, huh? I dare you to take off your shirt and show me that bear belly.”

“Huh? What’s a bear belly?”

“A furry and round tummy.”

“I’m not that fat, dude... and not that hai- what the hell? How did I get this hairy?”

“That’s a nice gut you kept hidden in there.”

“Dude I swear I wasn’t that hairy before... nor that big.”

“It’s alright. I think it’s hot.”

“You do?”

“Yes. And I feel bold. I choose dare.”

“You know what... if you find me that sexy... I dare you to suck me off.”

“For someone who’s never kissed a guy, you are quite adventurous.”

“First, I’ve never said I didn’t get blown by a guy. Second, shut up.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Ahh... hmmm... ohh... you’re... you’re quite good, bud...”

“Fuck, it’s big...”

“Well, don’t brag too much, it’s only 6 inches hard.”

“Truth or dare?”

“Hmm... if it’s going where I’m thinking, I’ll go with dare.”

“I dare you... to fuck me with that thick ten inches pole.”

“Dude, stop i- i- ahhh... shit! Shit! Holy shit! I’m... I’m huge! Fuck! How did you do that? Am I hallucinating?”

“C’mon, bud... my hole’s not gonna fuck itself...”

“Wait, I’ll go get a con- Shit how’s it gonna fit n-“

“I dare you to fuck me RAW.”


“C’mon, bro...”

“Shit... I can’t believe it’s all happening...”

“Just go with it... Oh, man, you’re huge... alright... fuck... I’m gonna go with dare...”

“I dare you to not tell anyone what we’re doing right now.”

“That’s too easy, bro...”

“Still, let’s keep that a secret. Shit, you’re tight, bud... I’m gonna... go with truth.”

“Where did you get all those tattoos?”

“What tattoos?”

“The ones on your arms and chest. I think I’ve seen one of your back too.”

“I- I don’t know...”

“A shame. Drink, bro.”


“Ahh... that stuff is strong, man... your turn...”


“I dare you to not touch yourself.”

“Ugh... Fine.”


“How did you get so big and tall?”

“Huh? Well genetics I guess?”

“Your parents are under six feet tall. You are six foot four, bro. And you’re a hell lot thicker and hairier than them.”

“What? I’m just five te- Woah... what’s happening... dude... are you... shrinking? Fuck... the room is spinning. I’m... feeling dizzy, dude. Fuck... you feel tighter bro...”

“Shit... I think I’ll have to drink.”

“Heh... can’t stop touching yourself, mate?”

“Kinda hard to when a big handsome bear like you is pounding my ass.”


“Ahhh... Say, you didn’t answer my answer. How did you get so big?”

“I was... I was adopted.”

“Ahh. That... explains a lot.”

“Yeah... I don’t... hmm... tell people usually.”

“It’s okay, I’m glad you shared it with me. Truth.”

“Do you... do you think we could... go on a date sometime?”

“We’ve been boyfriends for 2 years. It’s whenever you want, big guy.”

“Uhh... what... why do I feel so... weird... boyfriend?”

“Yes, we are boyfriends.”

“But I thought...”

“Truth or dare?”

“D- d- truth...”

“Can can you squeeze through a door?”

“Wha... but I don’t...”

“You don’t? But you’re taller than any door. You have to duck to get through...”

“But I’m five foot te-...”

“You are six foot ten, hun.”

“Ughhh! Fuck!”

“Oh damn... you’re... you’re so big inside me, bro... shit... I rephrase my question... how can you squeeze or fit into anything?”

“I... I... shit... you’re shrinking again, bro... fuck! You’re so tight!”

“How can you even fit on a bed? Let alone a car? That big ballgut must crash against the steering wheel when you drive, even with the seat all the way back. Your head must graze the roof of your pick up at all times. And, fuck... if I don’t train daily with dildos... how could you fit your thick footlong dick in my hole?”

“Gahh... gahh...”

“Want me to go again?

“Uhhh... truth...”

“Heh... hmm... are you going to nut into me soon, bro?”

“Fuck... fuck yes...”

“Close, hun?”

“Gahh... yesss...”

“One last truth or dare?”

“Go on... dare...”

“I dare you to only remember having been this way when you cum.”
