Tony and Haitham

"Tony and Haitham #1"

By unknown

Tony had been studying this chemical phenomenon for a while and is trying to figure out how to get control of it -- how to develop it, enhance it. He had started to try a few different things and developed a salve he wanted to try on someone. Tony invited a friend he thinks is gay home from the office where he works part time.

The other fellow's name was Haitham. He was stocky and bearded -- not a lot taller than Tony’s short five-foot-four -- and about ten years younger. He's not really overweight for his build, but he has a lot of problems with his own body image. He has dark, Middle Eastern features and amble body hair.

Their evening together went well. Haitham was comfortable and has had a little to drink. (Carefully spiked by the consumate host, of course.) Tony is pretty well convinced that Haitham will be able to appreciate his offer. The conversation has turned X-rated, as it always does when you put two horny men together. Tony moved in for "the kill"

"I don't know what it is like for straight folk," Tony said, "But there is this total fascination with big dicks in the gay community. Just look at this," He handed a copy of "Bear" magazine to Haitham, who started flipping through the pages.

"Yeah, I see what you mean," Haitham said. "Well, most of the straight porn I've seen tends to focus on the *women*, not the men. But," he confessed, "I have heard people say that straight porn tends to have more guys with bigger cocks. They all seem bigger than mine, but maybe that's just camera angle and besides I don't have a lot of experience with dicks to judge by." He continued to look at the hairy men in the magazine.

Tony smiled. "Why not? You've never said whether you were straight or bi or what."

"Well, it's hard to say. I'm kinda straight by default, you could say. I gravitate towards straight sex just because well, you know my culture. But to be honest I can appreciate a good looking man. Like these," he looked up at Tony and smiled. "But, I've never really done anything with another guy before." He lowered his voice, "I never really thought any of these hot guys with big dicks would be attracted to me. I'm short and fat and I *don't* have a big dick."

"Ah, nonsense." Tony moved closer to Haitham on the couch, facing him. He brushed back a lock of Haitham' black hair. "I think you're plenty attractive," he said. "It looks like you have a hairy chest under that shirt, and there are lots of guys who are attracted to more, um,

substantial men. As far as your cock goes, I can say as someone who also isn't 'hung like a horse' that there are plenty of men who like being able

to suck your dick *without* gagging on it. Besides," He added, "what would you say if I told you I could make your dick bigger."

Haitham had looked up from the magazine while Haitham was talking. He liked what he was hearing, and Tony seemed kind and affectionate. But the last sentence was too much. He burst out laughing.

Tony was prepared for this and didn't flinch. "No, I'm serious." He stood up and went over to the bookshelf. He took down a big tin and set it on the coffee table in front of the couch. "I really can make your dick bigger."

Haitham had stopped laughing, but was still amused. "Yeah, right." Tony looked serious, so he relented. "OK, how?"

"If I rub this salve on your cock and then you jack off, you're cock

will grow. I can guarantee it."

This sounded kinky. "Do you have to watch?"

"No, but I want to." Tony smiled, "Are you offering?"

Haitham turned it over in his mind. What was the worst that could happen?He'd jerk off in front of Tony, who would probably jerk off too. Then he'd go home -- maybe with a bigger dick than he arrived with. Or, they'd bothget off and nothing would happen No downside either way. "OK," He said slowly.

"We can do it here, or in the bedroom. Whichever you're more

comfortable with." Tony said.

"Here is fine."

"OK. Stand up."

Haitham stood up facing Tony. Tony smiled, then, he unbuttoned Haitham' pants, one button at a time. They fell to the floor. White cotton briefs hung in front of Tony, tight around the waist, but softand empty around the crotch. He pulled them down too.

Haitham wasn't finding this very stimulating and was having second thoughts already, but decided not to abort it just yet. Tony then stripped his pants down. Hatham saw the dark Patch of hair, with a big cockhead poking out. Matching big balls hung down between Tony’s legs. For a moment, Haitham just admired them.

Tony shiverred, which brought Haitham back from his momentary mental absence. Tony pushed his face against Haitham' cock, sucking it into his mouth at once. With one hand, he reached up to play with Haitham' balls..

Haitham hadn't bargained for a blowjob, but didn't let it bother him. 'Is this an upgrade?' he wondered, feeling his cock stiffening in Tony’s hot and hungry mouth. Just as he was getting into it, Tony pulled back. Haitham' three-inch member stood at attention below the

gentle overhang of his stomach.

'Bingo!' Tony thought to himself. With one hand, he played with the head of Haitham' cock, keeping him hard. With the other hand, he reached for the salve and popped the tin open. Dipping three fingers in, he scooped some out. It had the consistency of vaseline. He smeared it all over Haitham' cock and balls, covering them quite completely. Haitham started to get soft, and Tony wiped his hand off on the capet.

"OK. You take it from here," Tony said, standing up. "But first, take off your shirt for me, if you would." Haitham was still a little nervous, but he complied, pulling the Tshirt up over his head. Tony smiled at the hairy expanse which was revealed -- just as he had thought would be. Haitham started out the evening already a few inches shorter than Tony, so Tony onlyneeded to bend a little to rub his moustache along the soft, warm skin around Haitham' nipple.

Haitham just stood there, not sure what to do as Tony started to suckle. Gently, one of Haitham’s hands found one of his, and guided it back to his still-softening cock. It wasn't at all slimy. He felt around.Whatever that stuff was, it seemed to be completely gone now. 'Hmmm...' He thought. Gently, he stretched his cock out again and started stroking it.i t hardened quickly, and he closed his eyes to enjoy the odd sensations of Haitham's wiry moustache playing along his soft chest.

He became aware of the changes quickly. After about a minute, he could feel that his cock had swelled some already. Not a lot, but some. With his other hand, he felt for his familiar, big balls. They too were larger. Not by much, but enough to feel. He smiled. This seemed to actually be working! He almost stopped, but then realized that he should probably keep going until Tony said otherwise.

Tony felt Haitham' body grow in front of him. He put his hands along Haitham' soft, hairy sides. His thumbs were just able to stroke some of the furthest-out hairs on Haitham' tummy. He had to bend a little less to stay on that nipple. He felt his hands move further apart as Haitham’s whole torso expanded.

Haitham was getting excited. 'It's bigger!' he thought, pumping away a little faster than before. It seemed almost twice as big as when Haitham had pulled down his pants. Five inches, anyway. His strokes had to get longer, and his balls were swelling steadily in his hand. He felt Tony's

strong hands on his sides.

Tony was bent over, so he adjusted his stance in front of Haitham' growing form. Already Haitham was 8 inches taller -- already 6’ and growing. Tony glanced quickly at Haitham' cock. Yep, it was definitely much bigger. This was working out just fine.

Tony felt Haitham's shift and opened his eyes. He felt Tony's wide moustache burried in the hair between his nipples, licking and rubbing. His cock was certainly twice as big as when he started now, he was sure of it. He looked down at Tony and something about his perspective felt different, but he ignored it. He was going to have a big dick at last! He closed his eyes again.

Tony leaned away now, sitting back on his haunches. Haitham was pumping away,growing larger and larger in front of him. A small, hairy l little fireplug of a man was now a big bear. Grown to nearly 6’ 5”... Tony smiled as he watched the spectacle.

Haitham felt Tony pull away and looked down to see an inflated cock poking out. He hadn't been able to look down over his belly to see his cock in years -- not because he was so fat, but because it was so big. Now he had a large eight-inch member poking out. His strokes only

covered the last half of its length. His balls pressed big against his hand, heavy to hold.

His gaze turned down, and he saw Tony below him, looking up at him. Haitham took stock of his own body- his physique seemed stretched out beneath him, longer, bigger. -- much too big.

"Just keep going," Tony whispered, "Trust me." Haitham obeyed. He was about to get off anyway. Just a few ... more ... strokes!

He felt something go 'pop' inside him, and an explosive orgasm wrenched his attention away from the man in front of him. His huge dick started bucking, spewing cum all over Haitham's shirt. In fact, Haitham seemed to be growing now even faster, blowing up larger. Another burst came, and a large glop of cum struck under Tony's chin. Haitham felt his big dick

recoiling again, his large balls pressed tight against his body. More squirting. This time dripping into the growing Haitham's eyebrows and beard. One more jolt came, this time spewing cum completely over Tony’s kneeling form and onto the couch behind him.

Haitham gasped and almost fell over. Tony, somehow smaller than him now, caught his big broad body and leaned close to roll his moustache along the sensitive head of Haitham' huge, though now spent cock. Haitham licked at its length, and then down along the hairy, low-hanging balls.

"Wow," was all that Haitham could say at first. He held his new cock in his hand. Softening, it had to still measure ten inches in length. He felt it wane, and Haitham leaned away. He wiped up the cum off his face with Haitham' shirt.

"So, what do you think now?" He asked.

"That was the most intense orgasm I've ever had!" Haitham said.

Haitham climbed to his feet, causing the room to shake a little. Suddenly the enormous man became aware that the room he was in seemed smaller, and his point of view was indeed much higher.

“Fuck, did I really...grow?” Haithan asked

“You did my big man. And you are damn big now. You gotta be close to 400 pounds at that height” Tony said, looking up at him. “I told you I could make you bigger…”

Haitham surveyed his huge, thick bearish frame. “Fuck this is incredible..”

“Yeah, you look incredible big man” Tony said, pawing at the big hairy bear belly infront of him.

“And that was the best, the most incredible organism...” Haitham continued.

"Yeah, and your orgasms always seem a lot stronger when you've grown. But that wasn't the point. I have other ways of giving you the best orgasm of your life." He smiled, "What do you

think of my work?"

Haitham squeezed his heavy cock another time. It was almost completely soft now, and still hanging down seven inches. "Well, it certainly is, um, new." He was oddly speechless. He wasn't really prepared for it to have *worked*. "Tell me what happened. I'll try to figure out what to say, other than 'Thanks.'"

"Well, it works something like this," Tony said, reclining back on the couch. "I've been experimenting with alchemy for a long time now, and I have learned a lot of different ways to grow people and animals. growing things is much harder, because most of my potions have to be ingested. Anyway, I was trying to figure out a way to cancel the effects of these potions, and I had something new to try. I invited you over to have sex, but once we got to talking about dicks, I thought you might want a bigger one. So many men do. Mine isn't very big either, but I actually like it kinda big -- especially for when I start growing my sex partners. Since I'm big to begin with, they can get much bigger before it becomes a challenge" He smiled.

"So, I've been spiking your drinks all night with a growing potion. Not a lot, and one that waits until sex to start working and then wears off as soon as you cum -- well, you probably already noticed that.” Haitham laughed. Haitham's talking had given him time to collect his thoughts.

"And is this permanent, then?" Haitham asked.

Tony smiled again. "No. it might wear off gradually, just like any other drug. You'll just notice your body, along with your cock and balls slowly going back to your former size. If you don't do anything, it will take about a month to wear off completely. Or," He added, "I think so, anyway."

"What do you mean 'if I don't do anything? You might I might be stuck as a huge dude forever?”

"Well, the more sex you have, the more blood will rush through those parts of your body, and the sooner they'll detox. I think it works that way, but it is hard to tell. So much of this magic seems to be sex-based. This isn't an exact science, you know. It's occult. You probably won't notice it growing at first, but after a few of your daily jackoff sessions have added up, you'll see the difference."

Haitham considered his situation. He was now towering around 6’7” and still holding his cock, now fully deflated but six inches long. He was still impressed. This was great, even if he had to get a "refill" every few weeks. He felt strong and powerful.

"Let's say you show me a little bit more of this occult magic." Haitham said.

Tony stood up and grabbed Haitham' now much too small shirt off the couch. "OK. But I'm the one who will have to do the growing this time, since if we put too much potion inside of you at once, weird things may happen. Follow me." Tony led the way to his bedroom. The enormous hairy Arab bear followed suit.