Three Bowls of Chili

The store smelled of stale incense. It was dimly lit and the shelves were poorly labeled. Adam, a 20 -something man, wondered how it was that they stayed in business. Dressed in a button up shirt with a long, thick black beard, His style had been described as “lumbersexual” or just simply as “hipster”. He had the natural good looks and calmly confident demeanor that reflected his privileged background.

Adam perused the wares he found strange, unidentifiable objects, jars, balms, incense and more incense. He wasn’t exactly sure what had attracted him to this little shop in the alley, but something about it had intrigued him. So miss matched were the items that he couldn’t quite make sense of what they were truly selling. On one shelf he saw what looked like small onions, on another he saw candles and pills. The few descriptions he saw were pretty cryptic “non-mag candles” said one “non-mag candies” said another. None of it made much sense.

A young professional on his day off, having left work early for a short dentist’s appointment. Adam, kept his hair short and his beard long. He worked out regularly, providing him with a lean, muscular build. He decided that day to take a walk through a part of town he was less familiar with.

There was no one else in the store, and no one appeared to be staffing the check-out desk in the front, but the store seemed opened all the same. Adam stumbled upon more food items. He wasn’t sure why, but the large bag of dried black beans caught his eye. “Bulk beans” it said underneath, “A Hefty mix of proteins and fats, good for building strength and mass! 5 lbs per bean.” it read. It reminded him of something from Trader Joe’s or some alternative organic grocery store, which is what he figured this place must have been. Some kind of eccentric organic store.

The beans were cheap, and he knew how to soak and cook them. He immediately thought about the chili he could make with some organic black beans. And besides, they were apparently high in protein, good for a post-workout dinner.

He grabbed the bag and headed to the front table. A young woman with a smile quickly appeared from an adjoining room. “will that be all today, sir?” She asked. “Yes that’ll be all.” Adam replied. “Can I see your membership card from the association?”

“The association?” He asked. “Yes, the association of American….” She said, trailing off when she noticed his puzzled face. Her expression turned. Suddenly she seemed worried.

The young man stood there awkwardly for a moment. “Sorry, I’m new here. Can you tell me, what aisle did you find these beans in?” She asked with a bit of concern on her face.

“Right there” Adam pointed at the non-mag candles.

The young woman seemed immediately relieved. It was the “non-mag” section. Somehow this man had seen the store and come in, thankfully he hadn’t made it to the back rooms. It was a close call, she thought. ‘besides, he couldn’t have made it here unless he had some sort of ability’ she reasoned.

Adam bought the beans and went on his way. At home he dumped almost half the bag into a large bowl and soaked them in water. The next morning before work he put the tender beans in his slow cooker along with the beef and spices to make chili.

“I’ve got a big thing of chili cooking back home, want to come over after we hit the gym?” he wrote to Carlos, his lifting partner. The two of them were devoted to the gym, and both were nearly the same height and same size. Carlos was just above 200 pounds. while Adam hovered in the 180s.

By the time the two made It back to Adam’s place, the whole apartment had taken on the delicious aroma of a well-seasoned chili. The two dug into ample helpings of the stew. At first, nothing seemed out of the ordinary as they finished up their post-workout meal, but then, Carlos noticed something felt off.

He didn’t say anything at first. He politely excused himself to the bathroom and washed his hands. His pants felt a little snug, so did his shirt. He figured it was just a good post-workout pump and his meal. Maybe the chili made him a little bloated? Adam put the dishes in the sink and also noticed the snugness of his shirt, but didn’t think anything of it. Clearly his workouts were paying off.

Carlos hurried up, said thanks for dinner and went off on his way. As he walked toward the car the sensations he was feeling seemed to intensify. His shirt felt tight and his pants constricting. He looked down and saw the curve of his chest and a larger curve of his belly, pressing against his shirt. He patted his stomach, convinced he was just feeling bloated. Even the sleeves of his shirt felt like they were starting to get more snug.

As he sat down into the driver’s seat the tightness of his pants became all the more apparent. As he moved forward in the seat his small, ever so subtly swelling midsection pushed out above his pants. His shirt stretched taught against his wider back and shoulders. He couldn’t tell at first, but now it was becoming more apparent, he was starting to bulk up.

As he drove towards home, Carlos continually shifted his weight. He felt the seat of his pants grow tighter and tighter across his expanding ass and quads. His shirt was quickly going from snug to constricting When he stopped at a light he looked down to see his shirt beginning to bunch around his ballooning pecs and belly. A sliver of his increasingly round hairy stomach was starting to show. Carlos was in shock. What was happening to him?

Carlos’ pulse began to quicken as he realized something was definitely off. He jeans were starting to become painfully tight. As he bent his left knee he heard a rip in his jeans. “fuck!” he exclaimed. How was this possible? At the next light he had another minute to look down and take stock of what was happening.

He looked at least 60 pounds heavier already…or more. His chest was significantly bigger and his belly had developed into a round furry gut. His arms were pushing 18” around and thickening along with his shoulders. He spread his arms and tore the shirt under his sleeves, providing him temporary relief from the increasing confinement of his tee shirt.

Carlos was getting freaked out. He thought about pulling over but there wasn’t a good spot available. He felt his whole body swell outwards. Shoulders, arms, lats, legs, butt, belly. Everything was growing bigger, thicker, rounder. The car seat seemed to feel like it was getting smaller against his expanding body. Finally, his jeans ripped again, all the way up to the belt-line. By now his round hairy tan belly was on fully display. His shirt was completely bunched up around his massive furry chest. Carlos looked at his reflection in the mirror, and hardly recognized himself. His face had filled out dramatically and his neck looked twice as thick. Two muscular traps mounded up on both sides of his powerful neck and his shoulders were now so wide one side of him was pressing tightly against the car door.

His arms grew to more than 20 inches around, stretching the sleeves of his shirt to their limit. Every part of his arms flexed as he moved his arms around the steering wheel. Even his forearms had blown up into massive hams. Carlos was wondering if he was hallucinating. Maybe Adam had put some special mushrooms in that chili. Maybe he was dreaming?

By the time he pulled off to the side of the road, the large man was quickly closing in on 300 pounds. His body looked inflated into a massive, bulked up state. He shifted his mass and tried hoisting himself out of the small car. More rips of fabric could be heard.

By the time he was standing, this growing bull of a man’s clothes were in tatters. Carlos quickly tore off the remaining bits of his former shirt and pants and stood on the side of the road almost naked. Only a thin, extremely strained pair of boxers separated him from total nudity.

His imposing frame recalled a powerlifter or strongman. His shoulders were now enormous, with two huge cannonball biceps hanging heavily against his immense, broad hairy chest. Beneath this powerful brawn his massive, round, fur-covered belly jutted out.

Carlos surveyed his new massive frame. He was still growing. He could sense that his body was still spreading out larger. He panicked, tried calling Adam but there was no response. His thicker hands and fingers move clumsily. Looking down, he could see these two furry pecs and belly totally blocked view of his feet. His whole body felt foreign to him, new. The weight, the heft and the massive curves all pushed and flexed against themselves as he moved. It was totally new to him.

Carlos, unsure of his next steps, sauntered back into the car, which he now had to squeeze his over 300 pound bulk into the small sedan. His big round gut pushed up into his heavy chest as he re-adjusted the seat. There was a crack and then a shift and the seat dropped an inch. “great” he thought “now I’ve broken the seat!”

The big man continued to grow as he drove home. He didn’t know where else to go. Maybe the hospital? But there wasn’t anything that could explain what was happening to him. This wasn’t an allergic reaction, this was real, heavy, powerful mass that was piling onto his frame.

At home Carlos struggled to make his way inside. His underwear had finally started to give way. His gigantic, hairy globular ass had stretched the fabric to its final limits. Carlos footsteps had turned into heavy stomps. His gait had completely shifted thanks to all his new mass and his massive quads rolled around each other, fighting for space.

Carlos bumped his shoulders against door frames as he walked through his small house. The wooden floors creaked loudly against his weight. In the bathroom Carlos turned on the light to try and get a sense of his new appearance. He was far too wide for his whole body to be seen in the mirror above his sink, but from what he did see, Carlos realized in shock that he was truly immense. His whole frame had ballooned into the size of the biggest champion powerlifters and strongmen. His face was now round and chubby, framed by his tremendously thick neck and two bulging traps that grew all the way up to his ears.

His arms were now well over 24” around, and despite the ample layer of fat, his biceps formed into enormous balls of solid muscle with each bend of his elbow. And then there was his immense hairy chest, which stuck out so far he could nearly rest his chin on it. The only part of his body that swelled outwards more dramatically then his pecs was the thick beach-ball sized gut.

Speechless, Carlos stepped over to the scale, which promptly read out the word “ERR”. The scale had a 350 pound weight limit. Carlos was definitely well north of that by now. His enormous bulk shifted with each movement. He hoped he was done growing, he didn’t want to blow up any larger, but he couldn’t be sure if it had stopped or had just slowed.

Back at Adam’s house changes in Adam’s physique were beginning. Just as Carlos’ growth had accelerated minutes after leaving, Adam’s body began bulking up shortly after as well. Following his second bowl of chili that Adam began to take notice of the changes Much like Carlos, Adam initially imagined he was just bloated, maybe it was the gym pump in his arms, but quickly he began to get the suspicion that something much more powerful was at work.

As Adam examined his arms, which felt tight and pumped from his workout, he swore he could actually see them grow ever so slightly larger. His chest too, seemed bigger, and his belly felt full and heavy. Adam rushed to the bathroom and stripped off his tight shirt. Sure enough, his whole body looked a little bigger, a little bulkier. His arms, shoulders, chest and belly were fuller. The bearded man flexed experimentally, watching the bulge of his arms arc ever so slightly larger.

Rushing back to the kitchen Adam took a look at the beans. There were still more than half the bag of dried beans left. There was nothing on the label that indicated that the beans were special. The label was startlingly plain.

Adams belly rumbled slightly. He could feel something was happening. He looked down to notice that his chest and belly were both visibly swelling outwards. He was growing so fast he could actually watch it. At the same time, his legs and ass grew outwards, becoming thicker, stronger and more powerful.

Adam’s jaw dropped. He couldn’t believe what was happening. He could see, and feel, his body expanding outwards. The larger man rushed back towards the bathroom, feeling the added bounce of his newly plumped up pecs.

IN the mirror Adam could see the process unfolding. His pecs were pushing out fuller, rounder, heavier by the second. They were growing so big his beard was beginning to brush up against them. His shoulders were becoming rounder, fuller, wider. His arms were thickening, growing rapidly past 17”. His belly was pushing out into a little gut, leaving no trace of the flat stomach he had had minutes’ prior.

Slack jawed, Adam ran his hands over the new mass. He couldn’t get over what was happening, but part of him knew it had to be connected to those beans. It looked like his body was bulking up bigger and bigger at lightning speed.

With a speed that even outpaced Carlos’ growth, Adam’s appearance was changing. No longer did he look like just some hipster lumbersexual. Now he was actually starting to look like a, beefy lumberjack, or possibly a heavily bearded a lineman. His body was now pushing past 240 bs and if anything, the growth seemed to be accelerating. Adam watched in a mix of shock and amazement as his reflection showed his changes. He continued to flex, pose and stare into the mirror, tracking each increase of his thickening frame.

His mind reached back to that strange store. “1 bean, 5 lbs” it said. He remembered that now. ‘Oh God! How many beans did I eat?” he thought. He knew he had to have eating at least two dozen, maybe three, maybe four dozen. He had no idea. But now it was manifesting itself all over his body. “proteins and fats” he remembers,” fuck!” he exclaimed. “I’m getting fat too!”

Sure enough, the curve of his fuzzy little belly was becoming increasingly prominent. His upper body was becoming enormously muscular, but it was clear that his belly was ballooning just as fast, if not faster, than everything else.

Adam’s boxers were getting tight so the big man stripped down to nothing. He looked at the mirror. He was huge already. Although he didn’t know it, he had just surpassed 270 pounds and was well on his way to 300. His physique had taken on that heavy, bulky appearance of some of the big lifters in the gym. His bearded face was starting to fill out, which distressed him more than anything. He hardly recognized himself in the mirror now. He looked like a total brute. Some big bearded goon or bouncer.

Adam, unsure of what to do, just froze. Staring into the mirror and watching each curve of his body grow more pronounced. Seeing it change and transform larger in real-time was almost hypnotic. By the time he leaned back to get a sense of his whole body, he was already over 300 pounds. Adams arms were now resting at an angle on his sides, his thick back pushing them outwards ever so gently. The big man was quickly turning into a truly huge man. All traces of his former gym-rat build were buried under the new 130 pounds of bulk.

Adam thought about Carlos and if he was undergoing the same changes. He couldn’t imagine Carlos as big as this hulking brute in the mirror, but he imagined if it were really the beans, he might be that size by now.

After a few more minutes, Adam re-surveyed his body. Flexing and running his hands over the new mass he had acquired. His arms were massive, solid, and formed huge peaks when flexed. Part of him was excited to see all this muscle mass, but another part of him was terrified by how enormous he was becoming. He watched with angst as his gut rounded out further in front of him, forming a true powerlifter belly. Adam had always been lean and handsome. Now his bearded face was filling out and getting chubby and it spooked him more than anything else. Adam’s fuzzy pecs continued to inflate and his back widened. His arms now were pushed out away from his body thanks to his immense growing lats.

Without a scale at home it was impossible for Adam to know that he was now pushing over 350 pounds of well marbled beef. It was like the inevitable extension of a bodybuilder’s bulking phase, taken to a far reaching extreme. Adam now appeared like a full blown powerlifter- or possibly an extremely overbulked offseason bodybuilder. Adam had transformed from hipster to massive powerlifter in the course of a few minutes.

And yet his growth had not slowed down. He was still inflating outwards in every direction. His thighs pressing tightly against each other, fighting for space as they grew, his ass blowing up into a massive rounded shelf beneath his tremendous back. Adam was now a growing muscle bull who couldn’t even grasp how the immensity of his body. With each movement, he bumped up against the wall, against the sink, not yet conscious of the space he took up. He was now well beyond lumberjack size.

Adam walked out of the bathroom for a minute, in all his naked glory, to pace anxiously. His whole body felt so different, it moved in such a different way. He felt how his huge belly and chest now gently bounced as he walked, how his huge arms swung heavily, pushed out far to his sides by his tremendous lats. Adam couldn’t believe what was going on and part of him was panicking. What were his friends and family going to say? Unable to further register the changes happening to him, Adam climbed onto his bed for a minute, feeling his huge mass shift and flex as he laid down. The beat creaked in protest, protesting his nearly 400 pound bulk.

Even lying down motionless on his back he could sense the increasing mass of his body. His belly and chest rose in front of him, completely obscuring his view of the rest of his room. He shifted his weight in the bed, thinking about sleeping, but having grown so large, no position felt normal or comfortable. Adam continued to run his hands over his new body, examining the new curves, crevices and vast mounds of muscle and fat. As he concentrated his hands on one area of his chest he could feel that he was still growing. He was immense and somehow still growing bigger.

Finally, Adam heard a beep from his cell phone. He pulled his enormous heft up out of his bed and sauntered towards his phone. 2 missed calls from Carlos. Adam fumbled with his phone, which appeared tiny in his meaty paws.

He tried calling back but he received no answer. Unsure of what to do, the massive bearded man paced in his room. His heavy footfalls slammed against the wooden floors. Every movement of his body felt so slow and deliberate. He could just feel all his new heft weighing him down, causing his movements to slow. No clothes would fit him at this stage. Now well over 400 pounds, Adam had nothing that could even get close to stretching across his new body.

Adam kept growing. His whole body shifted larger, rounder, fuller. Becoming a series of powerful spheres of meaty flesh. He was still getting heavier, more muscular and fatter at once. Adam tried to saunter back into the bathroom to see himself, each supersized thigh rolling around the other while he walked. Adam knew full well than he was now even bigger than minutes before, but his shoulders were now considerably wider than the door frame and he immediately collided with it. When he shifted his torso sideways to get through the door, his massive belly bumped into the frame too. He was so big he began to worry if he’d be able to get through doorways much longer.

Adam’s reflection showed a man without peer even among the largest strongmen or bodybuilders. It was if someone had taken a powerlifter and blown his proportions up by another 200 pounds. Now, All 500+ pounds of Adam's overgrown frame were on display, bigger than anyone he, or anyone else had ever seen before. He stood there, mesmerized by his new appearance. His thick, chubby, bearded face was still vaguely recognizable as his own. Everything else was so blown up into a nearly unfathomable extreme. He hardly looked real, more like some photoshopped morph. But as he rubbed his hands over his 35" arms, it became clear, everything about this mass was real.

Adam continued to examine his hulking body in the mirror, obsessing over his new appearance just as he had always preened in front of a mirror. After a few minutes he heard a heavy pounding on his door. Adam sluggishly lumbered his way, sliding diagonally through the doorways towards the front door. Now completely nude and unable to clothe himself, Adam was worried who it might be. He made it to the front door and peered through the peephole. On the other side of the door was a huge, shirtless hairy latino powerlifter. He looked for a minute before it struck him.

“Carlos, is that you!?” Adam asked

“Open up Adam, I think we ate something… something that did this to me….Adam, how are you feeling.”

“Well, uh, see for yourself I guess” He said and opened the door slowly, backing up to allow the door to swing forward. “Holy Fuck!” the massive Latino exclaimed “Jesus Christ, you’re… you’re fucking huge.” He continued. Adam was quite a sight. Over 500 pounds of totally nude, hugely bearish, powerfully built man. The two of them both just stared at each other, mouths agape, in shock at their new forms.

“Christ man, you’re huge!” Carlos reiterated, unable to take his gaze away. His formerly lean hipster friend was now a mountainous, hulking, heavily bellied mass monster.

“You’re fucking big too!” Adam responded, not quite aware that he now outweighed his enormous friend by more than 100 pounds.

“We need to figure out what happened!” . The enormous Latino was transfixed by the mountain of muscle and fat in front of him. Every shift in his weight and movement caused Adam’s gigantic body to flex and ripple. Adam’s big hipster beard now collided right into his chest, and his previously thick body hair had noticeably thinned out as it now spread across a far wider expanse of his torso.

“I think I know where we need to go.” Adam responded. Adam wrapped the largest beach towel he could find under his huge furry beach ball sized belly. Carlos had found some massive mesh shorts he still fit into somehow, though they were clearly tearing apart by his massive ass. “I got those beans at a weird store near old town. We have to go back and see if they have an antidote.”

The two hulking, overbulked mass monsters sauntered their way to Carlos’ car and somehow squeezed in, though it was an incredibly tight fit for them both. Inside the cabin their shoulders and arms pressed up tight against each other. Carlos had to inhale to close his door. His thick furry belly pressed up against the steering wheel They were simply too big for the space. The car sagged under the over 900 pounds of overgrown mass now in the vehicle.

The two went off immediately in search of the mysterious store where the beans had come from. Clearly that would be the only place that might offer an antidote to the powerful magic that had so completely transformed them. Inside the car, the feeling of being pressed up against each other was starting to have an unexpected effect.

“You know” Carlos started “It’s really amazing how big you are. You’re like bigger than world’s strongest man big… you’re so big I don’t think guys could ever get to your size even with steroids and growth hormone.”

“Well, you’re now the biggest man I’ve ever seen.” Adam responded. “I mean, look at these arms, these have got to be over 30 inches around!” He said pressing up against Carlo’s biceps.

“You know, Adam, you’re even larger than me. I mean, I don’t want to get bigger, but if this is… if this is permanent” Carlos began “Well, to be honest, I don't know. It’s a lot and I’m not sure if I’ll ever fit on a airplane again… but it’d be pretty cool to be the strongest guy in the gym. Maybe I can diet this mess down.” he said, patting his huge belly.

“It’s totally freaky. We’re freaky. This whole thing is so freaking insane. I don’t even know how to think about it.” Adam ran his hand along Carlos’ forearm and bicep, which was guiding the steering wheel as they got onto the main road. “Jesus, you’re so meaty. I mean, look at all this.”

And with that Adam began to feel his plump dick spring to life. Carlos too, with all this touching and the incredibly thick hairy beef pressing against him, started to get hard as well.

“I think I’m done growing” Adam said. “I haven’t felt like I’ve grown any in the last 10 minutes."

“I’m done growing too… as long as I don't find another bean stuck between my teeth” Carlos replied.

The atmosphere overpacked cabin of Carlos’ sedan grew tense with sexual energy. Both behemoths were silently turned on by the other man’s new form, and with only a towel or mesh shorts to conceal it, it became pretty clear to each other that the arousal was mutual.

“What if I don’t shrink back down. What if we stay this way?” Carlos continued.

“Well, it’d take a lot of explaining to the people we know… but I mean” Adam continued, experimentally flexing his jumbo sized pec-shelf. “It wouldn’t be half bad to be the biggest, strongest dudes around. Right? Maybe I could…. Maybe I could get used to be this big.”

“We could probably lose some fat, I bet you” Carlos said patting Adam’s ball enormous gut. “But think about how huge we’d be if we got shredded.”

Carlos and Adam couldn’t pretend anymore. Adam's thick fingers began running over Carlos’ gargantuan hairy chest and stomach. Carlos pulled over and the two men leaned in and gave in to their lust. “I’ve never done this before” Carlos said. “I know” Adam said in an understanding tone.

The two massive brutes broke the seats in Carlos’ sedan, giving in to their carnal desires, their huge bodies pressed together and thick hands ran over the massive new curves of their physiques. They both gave up completely on the idea of an antidote. Even though they struggled against the confines of the car, the two supersized powerlifters explored each other's new bodies. It turned both of them on too much being so huge. There was no going back now.

Back at Adam’s apartment, Adam’s young roommate came home to an empty and strangely disorderly apartment. All the lights were on, but no one was home. Adam’s celebrated chili was still left out on the counter. Hemant took a look at the big pot, there was a ton left. And he knew how proudly Adam would share his chili. Casually, Hemant filled up a bowl and started eating.

A few minutes later, Hemant began to feel an unusual sensation- His clothes were starting to feel a little snug.