These Damn Witches -Adam's Case

These damn witches... - Adam’s case -

“Adam, we can’t... keep on like this...” Henry muttered with a shiver as Adam’s big weatherbeaten hands rubbed against his smooth thighs.

“But H... I’m... so horny...”

“Remember... that bitch casted you a curse... we’ve gotta find a way to stop it before it gets too much out of hand...”

“But... don’t you like me being... bigger? Haven’t you told me you were a bit of a size queen?”

“God... I love it, Adam... I don’t mean to return you to the size you were before, but... I’m scared if we don’t take it seriously soon, you’ll get... you’ll get...”

“Too big?”

“Kind of...”

Adam hushed his concerned boyfriend. His exgirlfriend, a nerd of a girl, had found out about him and her best gay friend having an affair and she stormed out of their apartment faster than she ever did for one of their dates. She had apparently casted him a curse that would change his geeky and lean (almost gothic...) look he had before.

His long black hair had lightened up and shortened. All across his previously smooth skin, some hair started to grow. Some stubble even framed his now more pronounced jaw. While not that small before at 5’8, Adam had recently shot up to 6’3 and none of his clothes fit properly now, not even his shoes.

The guy used to be good at school, remembering things easily (perhaps too much for his own good) but the shy bookworm’s mind was growing hazier and simpler as with each load he shot since his girl left him. With each little growth spurt he had, he lost some of his intellect.

Licking his lips with lust, Adam maneuvered his boyfriend with his big hands, pointing the tip of his erect shaft toward Henry’s ass.

“C’mon, H... I’ve gotta try it again and see if my dick grows bigger this time. I can’t walk around with that big body and have a little dick.”

“It’s NOT small, Adam. It’s actually starting to hurt!”

“Nah, it’s actually starting to feel good...”

Adam let out a moan as his dick squeezed its way inside his twink boyfriend’s ass, both of them shivering during the moment. He could already feel his cock leaking inside the lubed hole of his partner. With a gasp, Henry cried aloud.

“Pull it out, Adam!”

“Shhh... all gooood...”

“Get off from... Oh!... from inside my... Fuck!...”

Henry looked down at Adam, whose groans suddenly dropped in pitch under the expansion of his adam apple. The stubble spread higher on his cheeks while spreading lower on his neck, on its way to connect with the sprouting chest hair. The hair on top Adam’s head turned a shade lighter again and pulled back shorter a little, receding a little more to the sides. The short button nose cracked and grew longer, thinner, while his skull reshaped slightly. Cheekbones got more visible as flesh thinned and grew weatherbeaten on his face.

The set of balls between his legs swelled up in quick lurches, preparing themselves for the oncoming orgasm. They dropped slowly, full and thick, until they rested nicely on the chair. At that exact moment, Adam let out another quick moan, his voice dropping again as more of his intellect ebbed away like wind.

Then, all but too soon, Adam came once again inside his boyfriend. Henry moaned as he came without touching himself, coating the hairy chest of his man as he felt himself being pushed upward while his gaze upon Adam’s face rose up a little. Adam was growing again. Naked but wearing flip flops, the straps snapped as the toes lurched forward even thicker, the heel slipping backward and the arch of his feet shadowing over the new size 14s his boyfriend just bought him.

His butt swelled up with thick muscle, pushing Adam and his partner a little higher until his height stretched up some more. Six foot three was a thing of the past as Adam grew to six foot four... then settled back at six foot five.

The oddest and strangely the most erotic change was the one Henry felt within his ass. The cock thickened up and filled him more as seven inches and a half gave place to eight solid inches... stopping just shy of nine inches long, six inches around.

Henry effortlessly came a second time on the changed man’s chest as he watched the muscle density of his pecs and arms thickening. The contractions of his ass were enough to simulate another orgasm from his lover... inducing even more changes.

“Nn... noo...” Henry whimpered.

“Hmm... fuck... fuck yes...”

Henry cried in shock. The chair beneath the dumbing hunk was growing weaker under his increasing weight. The big balls swelled up once again, passing the size of tangerines and dropping off the chair edge in a big tight ballsack. The behemoth under Henry surged in every direction, his blissful moans losing coherency and settling in a deep Russian bass timber as he grew duller and bigger.

The hands that were once thick on Henry’s ass had swollen up until they resembled more big baseball mitts over normal human hands. The hair coating his body grew thicker and lighter. The hair on his head, grew shorter, almost like buzzed, and was so light it almost seemed blond instead of a light brown. Adam’s eyes opened up and the once grey colour had lightened up as well, taking a sapphire blue-like tint.

The big shaft wedged deep inside Henry’s butt resumed its growth, hitting nine inches in no time and swelling further into a thick ten inches pole of man meat. Cum started slipping off Henry’s abused hole which, despite having cummed twice, Adam was still eagerly and even more dumbly fucking.

The beast under Henry grew further more, fed up on primal urges to grow and fuck. His ass inflated even more, filling like balloons as if Adam had done squats all his life.

“That... that’s good, Adam... that’s enough... you’re... you’re... oh God...”

Henry shivered as the man growing under him grew until their eyes were the same height. The bottom gasped, guessing his boyfriend had passed six feet and a half, probably being about a foot taller than he was before the curse three days ago.

“Li... listen to me, Adam. Adam? Can you hear me? Answer me, Adam!”

“Ay hear ya... Ay’ma not deaf, huh...”

“Adam... you’ve got... you’ve got to stop fucking me...”

“Wha... why? Feels good... fuck...”

“This is a nightmare... Adam! I. SAID. STOP!”

“Ay’ma... ay’ma blow soon, bud...”

“What?? No! Not again! Stop! Pull it out! PULL. IT. OUT!”

“Feels... good... heh heh heh...” Adam laughed almost like a pig as his brain dulled out under the force of his third orgasm.


Suddenly, Adam’s head surged higher, Henry now having to look up and up at his boyfriend. The growth spurts were getting bigger with every load. Henry’s belly bulged out a little as cum flooded his insides uncomfortably. Cum leaked out of his overly stretched ass. The bottom cried in pain as the dick surged even bigger inside of him, stretching beyond eleven inches, then tapping the foot mark. Henry got nauseated like he was going to throw up the excess of cum. The balls of the top dropped even lower and adopted the saying of ‘bull balls’.

The chair creaked louder under the sheer weight of the growing behemoth. Henry watched the deep blue of his boyfriend’s eyes fade away and become an icy blue, cold, like his soul had left his body. To mimic the drain of his eye colour, the hair on top of his head and all over his body drained to become a light blond, almost albinos-white. The difference in size was such that Henry looked like an inflatable doll or sex toy on top of Adam’s pillar-like thighs.

The chair finally all but snapped under the crushing weight of the monster on it. The shock on the floor made both men groan out of shock. After a couple minutes of unloading and basking in afterglow, Adam pulled out his anaconda from the insides of his lover. With a lewd slurping sound, rivers of cum started dripping down on the ground under Henry’s relieved cries.

“Wha...’s happen...” Adam hazily said.

“Don’t... don’t worry... you’ll be fine... we’ll... we’ll find a solution...”

“Dids ay... hurts ya?”

“I... I’ll be fine...”

Henry barely managed to stand up, legs quivering and spread out like a crab’s. The bottom yelped and fell down on his sore butt in the puddle of sperm flooding the room. The man in front of him, even when they both sat down, was gigantic. It was just amplified when Adam gathered what was left of his thoughts to stand back up, hitting his head on a support beam doing so.

Taller than seven feet tall and wider than a door (maybe even two), Adam looked dumbfully at his surroundings, confused. His footlong cock still pointed straight forward, although softing up a little. However, upon looking back down at his weak boyfriend on the floor, it hardened up full size again. A dumb grin stretched on the towering man’s face and Henry’s face flushed white. In a vain attempt to crawl and flee, Henry’s cries echoed as Adam crouched over him and forcefully shove his big dick back in his fucktoy.

Vengeance completed.