The Vid

“I’m home!” Patrick called out.

No answer.

“Riley, you there, man?” Patrick called out once more.

Still no answer. Patrick walked into the large kitchen of their shared condo and dropped his gym bag on the floor. Riley and him had went through college together and had been living in colocation for the past three years while working at their respective jobs. It was Friday afternoon and Riley should have been home by now since he didn’t go to the gym after their work shift.

Patrick shrugged and went for his protein shake in the fridge. After gulping it down, he pulled up his gym shirt, still soaked with sweat from his afternoon workout. He didn’t like going in the showers over there as he could help but feel awkward at the few gazes of men there. A few guys there just kept looking at him like he was a piece of meat. He wasn’t homophobe, but he would have gladly preferred to have this sort of looks from girls and not guys.

He wasn’t largely built, but Patrick had nice muscles. Thick arms and smooth pecs, even a beginning of abs. He made sure to shave all the hair off to make his skin extra smooth and make the muscles pop out more when he brought girls at night, especially on Fridays.

An odd but faint sound came from his friend’s room, like a speaker. From the kitchen, Patrick noticed the slightly ajar door of his roommate’s room.

“Riley, you there?”

But like he was alone, no answer came.

“What’s that sound? Did he leave the tv on?”

Curious, Patrick walked over to the room. The noise came out louder.


His roommate was there, sitting on his bed looking like he was in a second state. To Patrick’s disgust, he had a hand stuffed in his shorts and was jacking off, his eyes never leaving the screen on TV.

“What the fuck, man? Close your door!”

Patrick was about to storm out of the room when he noticed how… buff his friend looked. Riley didn’t workout like him and thus had a leaner almost twinkish kind of built. Nonetheless, he was just as straight as him. But the display on the tv showed two guys going at it. One looked small and fragile, most likely like what Riley looked a few hours prior to that. On the other hand, the guy with his dick implanted inside the twink’s ass looked jacked, almost like what the knew Riley looked about now.

The former roommate had the sleeves of his grey t-shirt filled with previously non-existant muscles and so did his once bony legs. As if on cue, on the tv screen, another guy entered the scene with the same dumbfounded expression as Patrick’s. While not looking the same as the man on screen, Patrick shared quite a similar built and set of clothes although the pornstar didn’t shave its chest. And as odd as it sounded, Patrick couldn’t take his eyes off the screen.

“Come… come join us…” The twink moaned at the new guy on screen.

Compelled to do what the onscreen guy did, Patrick’s legs moved on its own and he walked to the bed his roommate sat on. He climbed and sat next to him, fondling with his crotch as he went to unbutton his shorts. His mind was growing hazy. His cock was growing hard.

“My… you have such big cocks, guys.” The twink moaned.

Riley, next to Patrick, moaned as well. Patrick averted his eyes momentarily to his roommate’s crotch. The pitching tent inside his boxers stretched further higher. Riley pulled out his cock and let it grow bigger out of its prison. Swelling with lust, surging with power.

Patrick felt the same as his own dick surged with size, growing beyond his already gifted eight incher. He jacked off, imitating his friend. Did the guys’s cocks onscreen looked bigger?

“You’re so big, Ri… so massive… a bodybuilder…” The twink moaned looking at the guy fucking him in the ass.

Patrick noticed his friend’s jacking pace increasing. Suddenly, the guy was growing all over, beefing up with muscles. The shirt sleeves filled to the brim to the point where if he grew any more the sleeves would tear apart. His chest grew further outward. Patrick looked at him with envy as this guy whose never had any workouts grew a chest like his. But it didn’t stop there. The chest pushed further out, surpassing Patrick’s.

Riley’s grey t-shirt looked comically small with the growing muscles. But he was far from done. The shoulders rounded up and emitted a loud popping sound that echoed in the room. His left elbow hit Patrick’s as his frame widened, the shoulders spreading out and out until the left shoulder hit Patrick’s. A small ripping sound was heard as the t-shirt started to give in to the enlarging width of Riley’s upper back.

“Fuck yeah.” Riley mumbled under his breath, but still in his second state.

Next were his legs. His thighs swelled up with muscles until they filled the shorts like his arms did with the t-shirt sleeves. His calves were next to seize up muscle. They grew like if a football was stuffed under the skin.

The twink on screen proceeded to take off the newcomer’s shorts.

“Ri might be a massive bodybuilder, but you Pat… you’re just a monster… a sweaty, hairy, monster of a tank…” The pornstar complimented.

It was Patrick’s turn to cry out loud as an earthquake-like sensation overwhelmed him the heat of the sun. His chest simply exploded with size, pushing further and further away from him into two slabs of thick muscles. His abs swelled like a roided-muscleman without losing the ridges divided them. His shoulders spread larger with each air intake, making the two guys on the bed fighting for room. Riley was forced to move further toward the edge on his side since Patrick was already seated quite on its side’s already.

His already big arms simply ballooned as pound after pound of muscle added upon the swelling biceps and counterpart triceps. Even the forearms and wrist enlarged with his hands, growing a little weatherbeaten at the same time for an impossible amount of gym hours adding to him. He looked almost twice as large as Riley now, but he had only undergone half of this transformation.

His hips and legs noised a little, his stance widening a little more to accommodate the new bulk of his growing quads. the thighs filled the shorts to the brim, but that wasn’t enough. The shorts started to tear and split as the muscle monster’s legs were convinced they needed more size. The tears formed along the sewing lines, splitting the stitches apart. The calves, on their hand, enlarged in tandem with the widening knees and feet.

When it felt like coming to an end, Patrick felt like he was pin pricked with thousands of needles as hair grew all over him. Gone was the smoothness of his body. Coarse and denser hair grew all over him. Some part of him disgusted this change. The smooth chest had grown a thick pelt of black hair and a thick coating also covered his abs in a dense and obvious treasure trail. A bush of hair surged out around his smooth crotch and balls. Hair kept on growing on his limbs, thus making him hairier than he ever was or would have ever been. He felt so hot and a bit still damp from his workout, sweat soaking on the bed with his own powerful musk.

“So thick…” The twink moaned trying to jack the character off with his own petite hands but to no avail.

With his arms unable to bent like he wanted, Patrick had difficulty to jerk himself off without looking awkward. But now, the thick ten incher swelled with size, making his already thicker hands had a hard time wrapping around the beer can thick cock. And it kept going. Soon it was bigger around than a beer can and it made his finger pry apart. And it kept going, making the thing as thick as a wine bottle. Then just a little bit bigger again. Patrick was so thick all over he took up more than half of the bed, his left shoulder hanging out of the bed and almost knocking the lamp on the nightstand over.

“I want it in me… Change places…” The twink ordered the two obviously changed but unaware guys onscreen.

When this was done, the twink resumed sucking the guy’s dick in front of him while the unnaturally thick cock plowed him behind.

“Hmm you’re so big too, Ri, but in a different way… You are thick of course, but just sooo long… everything about you is so stretched and long. Your dick, your hands… your feet… your height…”

Patrick heard Riley whimper next to him and turned his eyes for a brief moment. He gasped as his friend’s dick, thick although much less than his, stretched longer and longer. It passed ten inches, eleven inches then a foot long, then even more. It just kept on stretching like taffy in his hands until it hit the bottom of his pecs. All the while, his hands and fingers gained length and size perhaps some thickness too not to look bony. Then came his feet.

The feet crackled and grew in his dark socks, passing the usual size 10 into bigger sizes, perhaps a size 12, then a size 14 with no end of growth in size. They just surged longer and longer, tearing the black socks at some point but it didn’t even stop there. The growth of the feet was not yet done that the next phase of growth start: height. Both lads have been about the same height: 5’10. While they kept the same height for all of their changes so far, Riley was about to break it.

His legs stretched longer, slipping on the bed until the heels slipped by the end. Meanwhile, his spine ached and reeled him upward. With wide eyes, Patrick found himself looking more at his growing friend than at the video for some unknown reason. While their eyes were the same height before, Patrick’s met with Riley’s nose, mouth, then chin. For a brief moment it seemed to slow and stop by there.

“Yeah, you’re practically a giant, Ri…” The twink added onscreen.

Riley tried to scream, but only a deep muffled groan escaped his lips. Patrick gasped as his friend’s height increased again. His eyes met with Riley’s neck, then collarbone… then his pecs. The grey t-shirt exposed all of his abs and ripped some more around the shoulders, his own musk adding to Patrick’s stronger one in the bedroom. His shorts were looking even shorter, ripping a little at the seams as he was outgrowing them as well. His feet already hanging off the bed end, stretched further away when his legs resumed their stretching.

“I’m so lucky to have such big manly tops. Your balls are so big and always so full you can’t stop feeling the need to fuck and cum…”

Both of the two guys jacking off on the bed groaned and jerked around as it felt like they were getting kicked in the balls. The feeling soon turned to a pleasurable one as their balls expanded and lowered. Which resulted in the sudden deepening of their voices. Stubble grew on their squaring faces.

“Oh… Pat… Your big balls slapping against my ass feel so good… you definitely are an alpha top…”

Patrick growled with a raspier voice, his tangerine sized balls swelling further and hanging down further, almost half-way down his humongous thighs. He was the top amongst tops. He let out a wicked but short laugh at the thought. The stubble on his face thickened more, growing into a very thick beard. His jacking pace increased.

“Oh my… you precum so much, Ri… you’re practically a leaking faucet…”

The giant man moaned when suddenly his hands became drenched with a non-stopping stream of pre juiced out of his incredibly long dick. His own balls swelling out further, taking the size of small oranges although still close to his crotch unlike Patrick’s.

“Guys… I’m gonna cum… are you coming with me?”

“Fuck yeah.” Both men on the bed said in unisson.

The bed creaked and jerked as both of the horny men increased their pace and intensity. And as soon as the guys came on the video, they did as well. The video cut short soon after with the credits while the two changed men were still in post-orgasm state.

They finally looked at each other and smirked before exchanging a kiss. It didn’t even take 15 minutes that with their newfound they were hard again already. While both considered themselves tops, Patrick made sure he asserted his dominance and his alpha top role by pining the giant muscleman on the too small bed. He pushed his thicker-than-wine-bottle dick into his new lover’s giant ass while Riley’s own cock was already soaking his bed with new fresh precum. They were ready for round 2 and by round 5 that evening they stopped counting.