The Scientist

- The Scientist -

“What did you do to me?!”

“I... I simply did what you asked for! You wanted to be bigger, so...”

“My girlfriend dumped me! She said I was getting too big!”

“Well... you said you wanted to be bigger so...”

“Not THAT big!”

“Calm down please...”

“No! She was the love of my life and you ruined it!”

“I’m sorry...”

“No, you’re not! See? I can see that throbbing erection in your jeans, you little pervert!”

“It’s... it’s not what it looks like...”

“Oh really, now? You’re just a fucking little pervert!”

“Woah! Stop! Put me down!”

“You’re gonna bring me back down my size, you fucking twerp!”

“I... I can’t! I don’t know how!”

“Well, you’ll have to figure it out cause I’m not gonna leave you be until then.”

“What... what are you doing! My clothes!”

“If I’m not gonna have it with my girl, then I’m gonna have my way with you!”

“You... you’re not straight?!”

“See? I don’t know how you did that, but I had to take pills with my girl now to go erect since I’ve taken your medication! You turned me gay, fucking pervert! And you’re gonna have it now and hard!”

“But I... but I’m a top! I’ve never bottomed before! I... ARRRRGGG!”

“Hmm... you’re much tighter than my girl... I could get used to that! Hmm...”

“I... can’t... breath...”

“Yeah, that’s what she told me last time we had sex too. Don’t worry, it’ll pass.”

“Too big...”

“Yeah, she said that too. According to the last time I had grown, I should have another of your freaky and perverted growth spurt any minute now.”

“What... why... you taking... more?”

“Huh? No, I’m not taking meds anymore. They just happen to work in cycle and give me a growth spurt every 4 hours for two days...”

“Not... normal...”

“Really? Well, you’ll have to figure that out when we’ll be done with this fuck. Oh God! Here it comes, Frankenstein, brace yourself to your monster’s growth spurt!”


"God, you really are getting huge"

“I want more! Now!”

“Why do I always end up like that!”

“Shut up! I said I wanted more! Give me more!”

“These things cost me a lot to do! You’ll have to pay me!”

“Do I look like I care of your finances?”

“Er... not really...”


“Can you put me down so we sort out this whole thing...”

“Not before you tell me you're going to give more to me!”

“Alright! Alright! Just put me down!”

“There. Where are they?”

“In my locker... wait!”

“Which one’s your locker?”

“Let me get them...”

“NO! Which one is your locker!”

“The one on the complete right... hey! You didn’t have to break my lock!”

“Don’t care.”

“My things! You can’t just throw them all around like that.”

“Don’t care. Here, that’s ‘em.”

“I wouldn’t... oh God... did you do that for real?? You could die of a heart attack!”

“Do you have anymore?”

“No, I... holy shit! Somebody! Help! Oh no! He’s having a... a...”


“Holy shit! He’s... he’s growing! Every body out now! Waaaahh!”

“Hey there, little guy. Don’t run so fast.”

“Ho- holy shit... you’re... you’re so big! You were dwarfing over me before, but now you practically TOWER over me! Please... just let me go... (please, don’t eat me...)”

“No. Not yet at least. You’re gonna make me more of ‘em pills.”

“You are literally twice my height and at least five times my weight! You can’t take anymore of them!”

“Heh. Wanna bet with me on it?”

“Er... no... but think about it! The growth may not even be over yet!”

“Good. Hurry up, then. I need some more and if you don’t...”

“Holy... that’s what I was talking about! You’re still growing!”

“...if you don’t... Imma eat ya.”