The Sardinian Curse

With each step along the cracked pavement Dominic’s body subtly swelled just a little bit larger. He was too engrossed in consuming his massive protein shake to notice. It had come in an almost comically huge styrofoam container and a thick straw. Dominic’s sense of awareness or observations were completely tuned out as he ingested more and more of the thick shake that was transforming him.

Dominic had on the same sweaty tanktop he had wore to the gym. It grew ever so slightly tighter against his hairy chest as he walked toward his car. Just moments earlier, he had left the gym and had made the decision that set in motion a process that was now causing him to suddenly bulk up. Dom had decided to try out a new smoothie shop that had opened up next to his gym.

Franciscu, an immigrant from central Sardinia, had just started working at the smoothie shop when he noticed Dominic walk in several minutes earlier. Dominic, standing tall and leanly muscular had thick stubble and a swirl of dark chest hair on display. Dom had inherited the dark, strongly masculine features from his Cuban-American father. Franciscu’s attention was immediately captured by this handsome young man. Dominic had the similar mediterranean looks of the men from Franciscu’s native country. The handsome man ordered the high calorie bulking shake and Franciscu couldn’t help but admire Dom’s build. He was transfixed by Dominic’s masculine, virile appearance, and for a second imagined him even bigger, beefier. . Franciscu took note of the name on the credit card the handsome man had handed over. Thoughts swirled in his mind, about the old ways he had learned from his grandmother, about the ancient Sardinian spells that had captivated him as a child.

Having taken the order for the mass builder shake, Franciscu stepped into the backroom for a moment to “get more protein powder” as he said in his heavily accented english. He took a minute and set the spell into motion. This was one his great-grandmother would use on cattle. Something to keep livestock robust and strong during the long, dry Sardinian summers. He had waited weeks to find a man he wanted to try this out on . Dominic was the perfect candidate.

Franciscu cheerfully returned with the massive shake moments later, having written “free refills” on the side with a black marker. “Thank you for your patience” he said, handing Dominic his unusually large shake. “I made extra. This container is for you”. Franciscu watched the studly young weightlifter walk out the door with his extra-jumbo sized styrofoam cup. In the gay neighborhood he worked in, and with the clientele of the gym near by, there was no doubt of his orientation. And more importantly, it was only a matter of a few hours before he’d come back for more.

Dominic felt full of energy, despite the tough chest workout he had just put himself though. He found himself bouncing joyfully back to his car. He couldn’t stop sipping from that delicious, but unusually thick shake. On his drive home he was persistent in sipping from the shake. He was completely oblivious of the subtle effects. Every part of his build was beefing up. His shoulders, his arms, his legs, his chest and his stomach. With each sip his arms or shoulders rounded out just a little fuller, a little meatier. By the time he got home the effect had accumulated and was becoming noticeable. Dominic had put on several pounds. His sweaty tank top clinged a little tighter to his meaty chest. Dominic was, however, blissfully unaware.

While much of the weight being slowly adding to his frame was muscle, some of it was not. He was developing some extra “padding” over his cut abs. Dominic went about his business, jumping into the shower, and cooking himself lunch, but he was never far from the shake. He was compulsively sipping from it and entirely oblivious. His mind wandered, he daydreamed in the shower, not aware that his 180 pound frame was now well over 190. As he stepped out of the shower he toweled off his noticeably beefier build and put on a clean shirt. It felt snug but Dominic wasn’t really cognizant of that fact. .

Dom prepared lunch as he normally would, warming up some leftovers and putting together a salad all while continuously sipping on the shake. By 1 O'clock Dominic’s body had surged past 200 lbs and he was rapidly losing his abs. Of course, he didn’t see how much thicker his arms looked, which had now just hit 17” around, or how bulked up his upper body was becoming. His chest especially was looking bigger and meatier. His shirt was now skin tight around his broadening shoulders. He couldn’t figure out why,but he felt like he was full of energy. He needed to move.

Dom continued his quiet weekend routine, all while never straying far from the massive shake that was now only a little more than half empty. Sitting down on his couch caused Dominic's furry little belly to peek out from under his shirt. The fabric rode up higher on his growing frame. He watched TV and ate and slurped his shake with abandon. Nothing seemed the slightest bit out of place. The pounds continued to pile on as he watched TV. 210 lbs then 215lbs then 220 lbs. His arms grew to 18” around, his stomach had pushed out into a noticeable and rounded little muscle gut.The shirt Dominic had put on only an hour earlier had gone from snug to tight to skin tight to now ridiculously undersized. His hairy stomach was now out on full display. the sleeves has ridden up high to his thick shoulders to reveal his entire arm. The fabric under his arms was beginning to tear apart as he moved. Not until he stood up and when his new weight caught him off guard did he even get the hint of anything been different. He felt oddly off-balance. He was unused to his now unquestionably beefy frame. His large arms, now thick with muscle and covered in a thin layer of fat, swung powerfully as he caught his balance. As he did so his shirt audibly tore under his arms.

Dominic was unperturbed. So his shirt had ripped apart in spots, but it wasn’t a big deal. He was so far into his daydreaming that he didn’t even realize why a ruined shirt would be an issue. Even the waistband of his elastic workout shorts were feeling snug. The now large man sauntered into his bedroom to find a replacement. To his dismay everything he tried on seemed too small. His mind didn’t even bother to try and know why, all he needed was a bigger shirt. He also felt this incredible energy, almost an uncomfortable energy of muscles eager to move.

Finally, the bulky man found himself something that would work, a previously loose Large sized shirt that he had gotten as a present. It no longer was large on him, and in fact, clung to his meaty pecs tightly. Dominic slurped away, reaching nearly the bottom of his massive mass builder shake and he suddenly felt anxious. He was nearly out of shake. He needed more of it. He couldn’t be left without more of the shake. He had to have more.

He was in a rush to get more of that shake. Dominic checked his beefy reflection in the mirror before heading back to his car. He didn’t notice a hair out of place. But as he paused in the mirror his brain registered something. On some level he realized that something was different. His face had filled out dramatically, his neck had growth impressively thick, his traps had grown, his shoulders were far broader and his almost 19” arms were resting as his sides, where a noticeable, round belly now stuck out.. Even his legs had thickened dramatically and his ass was now pulling the fabric of his shorts tight.

Dominic hurried out the door and drove back to the smoothie shop. His 230 pound bulk sauntered in. It had only been a little over four hours since his morning workout had ended.

Franciscu’s jaw dropped as he saw the large man march into the smoothie shop. Dom had a sort of mania in his eyes as he approached. Franciscu wished he could pause time and savor this. His spell had worked. The lean and athletic man he had seen this morning was now an undeniably big beefy weightlifter. Franciscu’s greatly modified spell intended to thicken up cattle now worked faster than he ever dreamed.

Dominic’s arms looked tremendous and his whole build exuded power. His face had filled out but had lost none of his masculine good looks. “It says I get free refills” Dominic said urgently pointing to the handwritten note on the side.

Franciscu consoled the eager customer and took the empty container to the back. He filled it up to the brim, recited the spell, and placed the charm on the heavy contents before handing it back into Dominic’s meaty paws. Dominic eagerly began sipping away at the thick concoction, feeling a warmth as he was reunited with the shake he needed so badly.

He also found himself right next to his gym, where he still had on his shorts and a shirt to workout in, he couldn’t deny that he felt the urge to lift.

Dominic strutted into the gym, shake in hand and got to work immediately. He decided to warm up on the treadmill, but found that he was feeling more winded than usually. His heavy thumping footfalls did seem off… for the first time since starting his shake, the thought crossed his mind that questioned if everything was normal. In between breaths he sipped on his shake. Despite being winded, his muscles felt like they had boundless energy. He continued to jog. His beefy legs and ass continued to swell under the power of the very aptly named mass builder.

Dominic decided to hit some arms too, since he felt like he had the energy to do it. He was so eager to let some of that energy out. Dominic saw a few regulars at the gym whisper and point at him in the mirror, but he didn’t know why. Maybe it was the way his shirt was fitting, which was snug.

Dominic did admire his pumped arms in the mirror, seemly unaware that they were now close to 20” around. With the shake never far away, his constant sipping in the gym had ballooned him up to a beefy, offseason 260. His rounded, full belly stuck out as far as his now heavy, bulging pecs. None of this was hidden in the size large shirt he sported. Everything was pulled tight against his new mass. Other weightlifters gave the beefy man space.

After nearly an hour and a half the newly massive lifter sauntered off towards the locker room. To clean off. His shake was now almost done and he was still craving it. He looked at his shirtless reflection: His huge body exuded power and mass. His broad, rounded shoulders lead to pumped 20” arms and two hairy, globe-like pecs bulged out over a thick, fully rounded hairy belly. His massive thighs connected to an incredibly shelf-like muscled ass that strained the mesh fabric of his workout shorts to their limit. He looked like a bodybuilder who had blown up into the farthest reaches of the offseason, or a strongman powerlifter type who had paid a little more attention to arm day.

But Dominic didn’t notice anything like that when he stared at his shirtless reflection. To him, nothing looked out of place. He looked normal. Something was different, maybe, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. He greedily slurped the remained of the shake and went downstairs to the street.

Dominic came bursting into the smoothie shop. His 270 lbs confined in a too-small shirt made an immediate dominate the space. Franciscu’s jaw dropped. The man had ballooned from a lean jock into a hugely powerful bear of a man in the span of hours. Franciscu walked right over to the beefy weightlifter and said his hello. This time Franciscu lingered longer, asking him about his day, if he wanted a different flavor, what he had lifted at the gym.

Dominic looked at this handsome stranger serving him at the smoothie shop with a bit of attraction. Usually he didn’t go for guys so skinny, but in this case, something about his accent and his looks worked for him. Dom smiled when the man clearly flirted with him. It was the first real human interaction he had had all day.

Franciscu wasn’t sure if he should fill up the shake again for Dominic, or “Dom” as he introduced himself. Sure he’d love to see the stud swell up even larger, turn into a full-blown powerlifter type, but he didn’t want this to get carried away. Afterall, if he had grown this much in less than a day, there was no telling how big he could get. Nonetheless, Franciscu followed Dom’s desires and filled up the massive styrofoam container again, saying his little spell and handing it over.

Dominic immediately began gulping down the shake. But he lingered this time. He kept talking to Franciscu. In between sips of the shake he clearly expressed his interest. With Franciscu’s morning shift about over, the two of them decided to continue the conversation on the way out the door.

All the while Franciscu could swear he saw Dom’s body grow a little bit larger, even more imposing with each slurp of that shake.

The two decided to go back to Franciscu’s nearby apartment. Dominic sauntered towards the car, his beefy legs now causing his gait to change and widen. He then squeezed himself inside. The seat had definitely shrunk since he had left a few hours prior. Dom continued to sip on the shake while he drove. Franciscu placed his hand on the beefy man’s thick thigh. There was an undeniable sexual energy between them.

By the time Dom had made it into the apartment with Franciscu, Dom was pushing 280 lbs of offseason mass. His whole meaty body seemed to ripple with energy as he moved. Muscles tensed and flexed with each step, his arms now swaying far out to his sides to accommodate his new girth.

Franciscu was so distracted by this gigantic beefcake, so oblivious to his new size. Dom’s shoulder bumped up against the doorframe as he walked through it, evident that he was still unaware of how big he had grown. The handsome Sardinian made made sure Dominic continued to slurp down his shake as they settled into his place. “Let's watch something” Franciscu said.

The two sat down close on the couch. Franciscu could feel the larger mans intense body heat, the way the couch cushioned squished beneath his mass. Dom’s his beefy thighs pressing up against him. Franciscu watched Dom sip the shake more than they watched what was on netflicks. Dom kept adjusting his seat on the couch, not noticing that his needs to shift his weight were from the growing bulk on his frame. As the minutes passed on, Franciscu came closer, leaning onto the growing behemoth, feeling his expansive, hairy chest. With Franciscu’s insistence, the large man took off, or rather tore off, the remains of the large shirt he had worn into the house. It had grown comically small on his heavy frame. Meanwhile, Dom continued to sip on the shake and his body continued to swell, gently, subtly, outwards in all directions.

Franciscu could feel Dom’s mass slowly increasing. He wondered so badly how much Dom weighed now. In reality, his body was inching closer and closer to 300 lbs. The lack of activity was causing the growth to speed up, building his arms and chest bigger and bigger, to nearly freaky size. Franciscu had never seen a man with arms are large as Dominic now had. They were nearly 21” around and growing. His hairy, massive pecs were likewise blowing up into freakishly large proportions. His thick furry muscle gut had continued to round out, which was even more evident in their current, seated position.

Finally, Dominic pulled in for a kiss. His huge body dwarfing Franciscu on the couch. Suddenly their lips were locked and Franciscu got the taste of something sweet, something intoxicating on his lips. After their embrace, Franciscu found himself both turned on and craving the shake Dom held in his meaty paws. The two embraced and Franciscu found himself more turned on than he had ever been. The man of his dream, beefy and powerful, was making out with him.

Franciscu lead Dom back to his bedroom and the large man sprawled naked across his queen sized bed. He hardly knew what to do with such a big man, and it was clear that Dom had no idea how large he was. Franciscu had to stop Dom from getting on top of him and pressing down on him. The enormous man still seemed to think he was the lean 180 lbs he had been that morning. Franciscu jerked off onto the massive man’s bulging, hairy chest, which had to be one of the most amazing orgasms of his life. The gigantic man of his dream beneath him.

After their moment of passion was over, all Franciscu could think about was the shake. Dominic, the huge beast laying exhausted next to him, was snoring.

Franciscu quickly found the remainder of Dom’s shake, now very melted, in the living room. He downed it in a hurry. That only made him hungrier.

Franciscu quickly dressed, called and uber and headed back to the smoothie shop. He snuck into the back, ignored by the other staff members, and began mixing his own new shakes. At first he thought he’d make his own in a jumbo sized styrofoam cup, but he realized that wouldn’t last him very long. Instead he made two massive three gallon jugs of the stuff. He chanted his spell over the shake destined for Dom and began chugging his own, briefly alleviating the urge he had so desperately had since kissing Dom.

On the way back to his house, hoping Dominic was still asleep, Franciscu started drinking more of the shake. Just sips here and there. He couldn’t resist. They were so delicious. Once home, he placed the two massive jugs into his fridge and poured out smaller two servings in the half gallon styrofoam cups. One for him and one for Dom.

Dominic was still asleep when he let himself back into his apartment. He refilled the styrofoam cup and went into to cuddle with the enormous man in his bed. Franciscu loved feeling the size and mass pressed up against him. He rubbing his hands over Dominic's huge arms. As the Dominic woke up, Franciscu absent minded handed him the shake he had been sipping. Dom immediately took it and drank some of it. Franciscu watched the large man sit up, his thick hairy gut resting on enormous thighs. Dom was still oblivious as to his transformation.

Franciscu continued to drink his own shake, and the two sat up, hugging and chatting. Dom was bleary eyed, but tried to put on his boxers, which were all torn up and didn’t fit. His athletic shorts too felt way too small. His shirt was just simply not going to fit on him, so he just gave up, at Franciscu’s insistence.

Watching the powerfully built man stand on his feet and stretch was something to behold. Dom was truly an imposing figure now. It got Franciscu worked up all over again.

The two settled back on the couch, both sipping out of their respective shakes, both of them slowly bulking up larger.

Franciscu now was in the unfamiliar position of being unaware of the changes that were beginning to take place. His flat chest was starting to thicken up into small pecs. His thin arms grew ever so slightly thicker. His shoulders meatier and broader. After another hour together, Franciscu had grown to a respectable 180 lbs and Dom to an incredible 320 lbs.

That's when Dom said something. “Hey, you look… bigger than earlier.” he said to Franciscu. Laying next to him , Franciscu knew that wasn’t possible. Only Dom was growing, not him. He just outright dismissed the comment. He was blissfully laying against this growing mountain of a man, feeling his heft and size with his hands. The curve of his now expansive gut and powerful massive pecs. He was so massive now.

Soon Dom was back to snoring, shake still in hand. Franciscu was eagerly drinking down his first shake, and then decided to finish Dom’s on his behalf. Besides, the man had to be 350 lbs by now, he didn’t need to get any bigger.

Franciscu turned off the TV and decided to let the behemoth on his couch sleep peacefully. All that growing must have really tired him out. Franciscu did a few things around his apartment, turned on his laptop and played online for a while, all while polishing off a Dom’s shake. Little by little more bulk was accumulating. He went to the fridge to pour himself another shake out of the jug, somehow convinced that he was immune to the power of the spell. He quickly broke 200 lbs, losing all trace of his formerly lanky frame.

Franciscu showered, he cleaned, all with his shake nearby or in hand, casually drinking a sip at a time. Gradually growing beefier, bulkier. His shirts were soon too small, his boxer briefs, even his sweatpants seemed tight. He didn’t pay any attention to it as his frame passed 230 lbs, growing into a size he never dreamed of being. His body began to resemble what Dom had looked like the second time in the store. Franciscu’s shoulders and arms were thick, his chest too was beefing up nicely, and he was developing quite a round, prominent gut.

Although he wasn’t as hairy as Dom, Franciscu’s mediterranean heritage left him with ample body hair. With his shirts tearing at the sleeves and riding up over his fuzzy belly, it was becoming apparently that nothing would alert him to his expanding girth. Franciscu had rapidly swelled from a twink into a full blown bear of a man in the span of a few hours and he was just sauntering around the apartment, chugging away at the shake. If anything, his passion for the consuming the enchanting beverage had only grown with him. His footfalls grew heavier and heavier as he fed himself into oblivion.


Dom awoke slowly, hardly aware of his surroundings. His body felt weird, heavy, foreign. He shifted himself a few times on the couch, hearing it creak and groan and feeling his own body shake. It didn’t feel normal.

As he looked down he was greeted by the hairy expanse of his bulging chest. Two massive pecs blocked his view and beyond them he saw the crest of his huge hairy gut. Alarmed, Dom sat up, causing him to feel his new mass shift and flex. He was in shock, his whole physique, once lean, was now blown up into something resembling an overfed powerlifter or strongman. He was fat, he was bulky, he was heavy, he was powerful, he was enormous. He moved his hands over his heavy gut and bulging pecs, over his tremendous 26” arms, his powerful shoulders. Everything was so comically massive now. He sauntered, feeling the weight of his steps as he moved away from the couch.

Dom heard snoring, loud snoring coming from the bedroom. He began hesitantly moving over there, feeling alien in his huge new body. “Franciscu?” He called out, but Franciscu only replied with a snore.

As he shifted his nearly naked bulk into the doorway, which he was now nearly as wide as, he was greeted with the sight of the largest man he had ever seen. Nothing could really prepare him for the overgrown hulking beast that now sat propped up against the back wall of the room. Two titanic thighs were outstretched in front, blown up to such a size that even spread apart they touched each other. His calf muscles alone had the fleshy mass of a large watermelon. His thighs were nearly three feet across each, rounded and muscular, with a thick layer of fat on top. And then pressing down mid thigh was the heaviest, rounded, most massive looking belly he’d ever seen. It had to be four feet across itself. Hairy and bulging, this huge round sphere totally dominated Franciscu’s body. Above that expanse were pecs that resembled Dom’s, hairy and powerfully muscular, but with a little more fat on them. Franciscu’s shoulders were so wide they were absolutely inhuman. He had to be 5 feet wide at the shoulders. Two gargantuan traps rose up from his shoulders meeting his head at this ears, practically hiding his neck. His handsome, filled out face was resting against his own massive traps as if they were pillows. Two impossibly meaty arms, bulging with muscle sat at his huge sides, pushed out to a 45 degree angle from all the bulk on his torso. The whole image he created was unreal. An impossibility.

Franciscu now looked like a cross between a bodybuilder, a sumo and a blimp. Everything bulged outwards into improbable curves and muscular, thick mass. His whole body had taken on this incredible roundness.

Dom had never seen anyone so large. He imagined there might not be anyone on the planet as large. He wondered if Franciscu would even be able to walk at this size. He had no idea how much he could possibly weigh. 600, 700 lbs? Maybe more? It was impossible to know. No scale except one maybe for cattle could weigh him. Shocked as he was by his own new size, Dom realized that he was lucky not to have been transformed into what Franciscu now was. Compared to him, Dom’s body was still reasonable. Not normal, but not so inhuman and impossibly blown up. There were at least some men, some strength athletes out there with a build like Dom had now.

Surrounding Franciscu’s naked hulking mass were two empty jugs, leaning up against his massively meaty thighs and large styrofoam cups of what looked like had been a shake. The substance was still on his lips, hardened and dried. Dom looked back at the face of this giant. It was definitely Franciscu. Blown up into an impossible mass of human bulk.

“Franciscu ...” Dom said gently “Franciscu...:” he said elevating his tone. “I think the shakes did something to us.” Dom said in a concerned voice. Franciscu opened his eyes slowly, taking stock of the immense body he now had, lifting his powerful arms and shifting his tremendous thighs experimentally. As the realization came to him, shock set in.