The pills

Pills part 1

aul could not believe what he was seeing. The lad was active despite his demanding college classes and took great car of his appearance outside of his home. Six feet tall, a hundred-eighty healthy pounds, Paul made sure he trimmed his beard short every morning and shaved the body hair. The man in front of the mirror was nothing like Paul could have imagined.


The day had been like any other day, as he’s trained early in the morning then went to school. However, all day he’s been feeling bloated and itchy. Despite having trimmed his beard to stubble-length this morning, it felt like it had grown faster than usual and it even felt a bit thicker. Without paying any attention, the young man kept going with his schedule, going to class and pulling down his shirt over his growling stomach.

By noon, he had made sure eating seconds then thirds at the cafeteria, feeling more ravenous than ever. After such a meal, Paul indeed felt stuffed and patted his bloated abs, making note that he would have to burn those extra calories back home in his personal gym. Still, by the time he went to classes this afternoon, he felt the waistband of his shorts digging into his waist tighter than usual. Again, he pushed the thought aside. Little did he know that his stomach was still crying for food. A classmate next to him, concerned with the threatening growls from Paul’s stomach, offered Paul a handful of peanuts, which he took without hesitation.

Once he was back home, Paul couldn’t bare the itchiness and proceeded to peel of his tight shirt over his head. What he saw afterward left him breathless. Looking in the mirror, his abs were gone, replaced by a soft protruding belly covered with a rug of sparse hair.

"This can’t be happening…" He denied to himself, unable to take his eyes away from his distorted reflection.

Paul walked closer to the mirror. The abs he’s worked for in the past year were gone and small, but definitely obvious, rounded love handles were protruding over the sides of his shorts.

"I’ve… got to be hallucinating…" Paul shook his head and left for his bedroom.

Once in there, he searched for the new pills he’d bought online to help him with his workouts. Apparently, these were a new drug on the market that were supposed to help him build mass and grow faster. And he’s just taken the first one the night before. After a minute of searching, Paul finally found the pill bottle under the clothes he’s worn the day before.

"This has to stop!" He mumbled, his hands shaking as he looked on the bottle for any writing on secondary effects.

Unfortunately, none were written anywhere. Frustrated, Paul threw the bottle around the room, and walked out of the room, looking at himself in the tall mirror in his home gym. He nearly jumped back, considering his sharp face had rounded up and his cheeks were covered with a now bushy beard.

"Maybe… Maybe I just gotta work out a bit… I have to go crazy or something…"

Right as he said that, he walked on his treadmill bare-chested, pulled earplugs in his ears, and proceeded to train. However, after about 10 minutes, Paul walked down, out of breath and unable to keep going.

"What’s going on with me?…" He whined.

Maybe he was just hungry. Maybe he was just tired. Maybe he just undigested his lunch at school. Looking back in the mirror, Paul came to the realization that not only the hair had grown even thicker all over an even more distended gut, but his muscles overall looked deflated. His pecs looked softer. His shoulders and arms looked bulkier, but with muscle and fat.

"Maybe… I just gotta take another pill…" He heaved, hoping that would solve everything.

It did not.


- Pills part 2 -

“Are you sure it’s right?”

“Why do you ask me? Do you have faith in me?”

Carl didn’t answer immediately. Jason seemed to take the absence of words personally as he turned around and resumed his desperate search in the locker.

“Maybe we should come back another time, don’t you think?” Carl insisted, looking down at his smaller diminutive boyfriend. “I think I’m already big enough now.”

“No. No we aren’t coming back another. And we’re gonna stick to the plan.”


“No buts!” Jason harshly said back, pulling himself out of the locker and looking up at the big guy in front of him who definitely looked scared at his temper.

“I mean... look how big I am now... and I should be lean and cut, not just... fat...”

“You are not fat.”

“Really?” Carl emphasized by shaking his chubby middle that stuck out of the snug and short tank top.

“That’s bulk, Carl. Did those pills got to your brains too?”

“Hey! You’re mean with me!”

“Yeah, yeah, keep complaining and crying like a baby.” Jason rolled his eyes and looked back in the locker for his desired item.

“What if he brought them with him? He must have noticed that...”

“I don’t think Paul could have thought of that. He’s careless.”

“What if he used them all?”

“Will you shut up?”

Carl stayed silent for a while, dropping his head in shame to his boyfriend’s authority. Shouldn’t he be the one to force his authority for being the bigger guy now? Jason was definitely built and strong, but he had at least eight inches on him now and was at least twice his weight, brushing past 300 lbs.

“There it is!” Jason called him out of his thoughts.

Jason had found a small bottle with a few pills in it, which he showed to his bigger boyfriend.

“You'll take one now.” Jason ordered, looking with the same dominant eyes at his boyfriend.

“What if I have another growth spurt? Or if I grow fatter? It can’t go unnoticed anymore! Peoples are already having suspicions!”

“I don’t care what they say. I want you to get bigger.”

“But I don’t want to! Do you know how hard it’s getting just to find size 17 shoes now?”

“I want my boyfriend to be bigger than anyone else’s, is it hard for you to understand? I really think these are doing something to your brain.”

“I’m 6′5, Jason. I’m already bigger than anyone else we know!”

“You’re still smaller than Paul.”

“The guy’s just gigantic! He’s like 6′10 and at least 375 lbs! And his parents can afford paying for his clothes and food! Not mine!”

“I’m going to help you out.”

“It’s not just helping me out! Look how hairy they’re making me! My hair just keeps growing and growing all over me and it itches like crazy! Just look at my beard! I shaved two days ago!”

“Yeah, I know, and all that hair and beard is so sexy on you.”

There were no words that Carl could have said anymore.

“So will you take the god damn pill??” Jason hurried, definitely anticipating the next results.

The bear took the bottle of pills in his big paw of a hand, looking down at it. Jason suddenly looked more relaxed and put his hands on either side of the soft and hairy middle he’s grown in the past two weeks since they started taking pills from Paul. The smaller guy hugged affectionately his bigger lover and this sudden act of tenderness made the big guy warm all inside. Carl stayed silent for a little while then inhaled a big breath, his middle inflating like a balloon doing so, to Jason’s giggling pleasure.

“What would I not do for love.”

And he swallowed not one pill, but three.