The Journal pt 4

The Journal 4

The standard disclaimer: this is a gay gainer/growth erotic story, and it may be offensive to some. If you are under legal age to read this material, please stop now. If you become offended with the material at any time, stop reading at that point and move on with your life. If you enjoy it, read it again and again until it achieves the desired effect.

Many, many, many thanks to Cube ( for his extensive help with this story. While there are a few changes that could still be made, his advice, brainstorming sessions and help with basically everything have truly made this story. If you like it, feel free to thank him too!


Jerry skipped school on Monday, deciding to show up only for shop - and the incredible Mr. Flintsky. He passed the construction site where he, Don, and Lizzy had first found the notebook. The other two books were now buried under the concrete foundation, but Jerry found it hard to leave the notebook he was using - The Journal - behind.

As he passed the site, two workers stopped working to watch a woman walk by.

"Hey, baby!" yelled the first one.

"I got what you want!" yelled the second, grabbing his crotch.

The woman glanced over at them and kept walking on her way.

As Jerry passed the site, he heard the second guy say to the first, "She checked me out - did you see that?" The first guy replied, "No way, man. I scared her away with my huge dick..." Then Jerry was out of hearing distance.

"Gee..." thought Jerry. "If he'd have yelled at me, I wouldn't have kept going." On the way home, he kept thinking about the construction crew there on the site. He didn't even make it up to his room - when the idea came in the kitchen, he sat down at the table and opened the journal. One line later, he closed it, and ran up to his room to jack off.


Rudy and Jose were working near the fence. The looked across the street and saw a woman walking on the sidewalk.

"Hey, baby!" yelled Jose.

"I got what you want!" called Rudy, grabbing his crotch. The woman looked at them and continued walking.

"She checked me out - did you see that?" Jose turned to Rudy.

"No way man," said Rudy, drawing his 5'11" 180# frame to its full height. "I scared her off with my huge dick - you saw it!"

Jose punched Rudy in the arm. "Shut up about your dick already, I don't wanna hear that faggot stuff."

Rudy punched Jose back, not afraid to take on the 6'2", 220# husky man. "Hey, I can't help it if I'm too big for 'em! They get scared when they see a real MAN'S dick!"

Jose just rolled his eyes and went back to work. Stan, standing nearby, took a quick peek at Rudy's crotch, shrugged, and went back to hammering. He eyed Jose warily as he said, "Nah, she was probably checking out Rudy. Chicks dig that manly, hairy look."

Rudy grinned from underneath his thick moustache. It seemed he always had stubble on his face, even after he shaved. He lifted his shirt, exposing a thin but somewhat hairy body. "Yeah, man, chicks love this shit." He rubbed his hands through the hair on his stomach.

The clean-shaven Jose lifted his own shirt, exposing a smooth body that carried about fifty extra pounds. "No fucking way," he said, slapping his own husky middle. "A man should be smooth, like me."

Stan added, "No way. The hairy look is way more macho. Means you've had come on your skin."

Jose made a disgusted face. "You mean getting that stuff on your skin makes you hairier? Guess we all know what Rudy's been doing on his lunch breaks."

Rudy grinned again as he lowered his shirt. "Hell, this stuff all came naturally." He looked as Jose's chunky body and fired back,. What I heard was, if a guy comes up your ass, it makes your gut bigger."

"Yeah, right!" said Stan.

Rudy looked straight at Jose as he said, "Yeah, all the fluid getting pushed up there, that's what gives guys those round potbellies. Hey, Jose..."

"Shut the fuck up." snapped Jose. "I told you, I don't wanta hear any of that faggoty stuff."

The three got back to work, Stan eyeing Jose warily.


Enrico and Manuel were helping to lay bricks. Manuel, a scrawny 5'6", made a big contrast with the solid Enrico, 5'10" and 230 pounds of muscle.

Manuel was slowing down bricklaying, while Enrico kept plugging away. Finally they took a break, and Enrico said, "You tired, Manuel?"

"Yes," gasped Manuel, flopping to the ground beside the new wall they were erecting.

Enrico stretched and flexed a little. "You're always flexing," complained Manuel, "don't you ever just rest?"

"Hey, I've worked hard for this body," said Enrico, changing to a different pose. "I love to show it off! Man, this brick's all chest and arms. You been doing those bench presses like I told you?"

"Si, I have," said Manuel, recovering his breath. "But they're so hard to do!"

"If you've been doing them," said Enrico, "you're pecs are gonna really grow. I'm telling you, your chest is gonna be huge!"

Manuel just laughed and stood up. "I guess it is time to set up more bricks," he said in somewhat stilted English. The pair resumed their work, Manuel's nipples suddenly clearly outlined in the fabric of the tee-shirt.


Mario, meanwhile, was shooting the breeze with a supply truckman who was sitting in his rig. They were both complaining about management when a man in an Armani suit interrupted them. "Excuse me," he said politely.

Mario turned to glare at the guy. Since Mario was two inches over six feet and a husky 240 pounds, it was a pretty imposing glare. The man, however, didn't budge an inch. "Where can I find..." He checked on the paperwork he was holding. "Arny? He's supposed to be the foreman here."

Mario nodded to the trailer a few feet behind the man in the suit. "He's in the office," said Mario, "You must be a contractor?"

"You got it," the man grinned. "And you know what, I bet you're not being paid to chat with the drivers. If you're here when I come back, I'll see that it comes out of your pay." He turned and entered the trailer. Stan came walking up to help with the unloading.

"Contractors are pricks!" said Mario.

"Yeah," said the driver, "You've gotta watch them - them and management. I hate dealing with them."

"Must be the life," grumbled Mario, "Nothing to do but talk to people in offices and get too fat for your suit. I wish management would fuck them for once, instead of making us pick up the slack."

"Amen," said the truck driver. "But I gotta pull outa here soon. Can we get this trailer unloaded?"

"Later," said Mario, "It's almost lunchtime."


The contractor was seated in the office, across the desk from Arny. "We've gotta speed it up to meet this deadline," said Arny. "We've got electrical crews coming next month and we're already behind schedule."

"But I'm doing everything I can," said Arny. "You know these union guys - getting a days' work out of them is almost impossible."

The contractor appeared distracted for a moment. He shifted in his chair. "Then...just...add more guys." he said. His suit had just come back from the tailor, but it felt strangely snug around the middle and in he seat

"I'm not budgeted for that, and you know it. If you'd budget for more workers, we could make it happen, but otherwise you're going to have to push the deadline back." said Arny firmly. Today he didn't feel especially cooperative. He was tired of contractors and their incessant demands for faster and faster work.

The contractor tried to formulate a reply, but was almost too distracted. "We...we can't..." he said. Was his suit shrinking? "I really can't change my mind on this...." It felt like his suit was cut too small, and the feeling kept increasing. He looked down to see his small gut had grown somewhat, pushing his tie forward towards the desk. He stood up, planning to adjust his pants, which felt too tight across the seat. Arny misinterpreted this as a challenge, and stood up also.

The contractors' shirt buttons were straining to hold in a growing belly. "I...I uh..." he stammered. The room was filled with a loud RRRRIIIIPP as the seat of his slacks split. He looked astonished as button after button popped off his shirt. His belt burst with a loud SNAP, and his pants dropped to the floor. "I'm afraid it's really out of my hands," he said, and his growth surged, his coat and shirt spreading around his new bulk, then shredding at the shoulders and upper sleeves.

Arny stepped around behind the now-fattened contractor, and found himself saying, "I'll show you what you can do with your deadline, Steve." He unzipped his pants and pulled out his six-inch dick. Precum already oozing from the tip, he bent the contractor over the desk and slammed up against him again and again.


Rudy was behind the trailer peeing when the contractor first entered. Stan stepped up beside him, reached under his slightly soft middle and pulled out his dick to do the same. "I can't believe the port-a-john is in for service," he said.

"Yeah, at least me and my dick could get some privacy," said Rudy. "Not that I miind, I guess - we're all guys here. I just don't want to scare anybody."

Stan looked pointedly at Rudy's dick. "That? I don't think you need to worry about scaring anybody..."

Rudy puffed out his chest. "Hey, I'm a grow-er, not a show-er."

"Yeah, right," said Stan, "that's why you never stop talking about it."

"Man, when I get hard, my wife gets scared."

"Yeah, you've told us all about it - you're up to what, eighteen inches this week?"

"Fuck yeah, man! Wanna see it?" Rudy started stroking his meat, hoping to Stan would be embarassed and leave.

Stan, who hadn't told anybody on-site that he was gay, wasn't about to leave. He continued peeing while he replied,. "And wait...let me guess. You stay hard for an hour, and then come buckets...why don't you give it a rest, Rudy."

Rudy stopped stroking, his hand frozen on his dick. He hadn't thought of what he'd do in this stiuation. His stroking had been enough to get him halfway hard, and he felt himself getting harder. The fingers on his left hand slipped slightly open as he became fully hard. He tried to think of something to make it go down, but the swelling continued. He hadn't felt this horny in months. He found himself stroking slowly from the head down to the base. Then he realized something - his knuckles normally met the edge of his hand. He felt his fingertips brush past as his hand continued to slip open. He looked down and his hand fell slack to his side, a surprised squeak emenating from his throat.

Stan looked over to see Rudy sporting a huge nine-inch hard-on. "Oh my god!" he said, "I never believed you!" He stepped closer to Rudy, cautiously. "Looks like you could use a hand with that thing?"

Rudy's head turned slowly towards Stan. "It's...still...growing..." he mumbled, grabbing the base. Stan looked again, and sure enough, Rudy's dick kept slowly swelling, now almost a foot long, towards the wall of the trailer.

Rudy watched openmouthed as his dick added inch after inch. It was nearly as thick as a 2-liter bottle now, and curved upwards slightly. He grabbed the huge base with both hands, trying to relieve the pressure on his abdomen. "So...heavy..." he mumbled. He stepped back from the trailer to make room for the 16" pole in front of him, leaning back to balance it.

"Oh, man," said Rudy as his dick grew another two inches. "It's not going down! What the hell am I gonna do? I can't work like this. Jeez, why can't I SHOOT?" He stroked his rod and shuddered.

As Stan watched Rudy's frustration, he tucked his dick back into his pants. He frowned as a thought came into his mind. "Hold on," said as he backed away, keeping a wary eye on the throbbing red head that bobbed in front of him. "I..I'll see if I can get Arny to give you sick leave." Rudy's already huge balls continue to swell as the pressure within them grew...

When Stan got around to the front of the trailer, everyone else was off at lunch. When he opened the door, he saw why nobody had heard his and Rudy's exertions just outside.


The foreman was still bent over the contractor, who had swelled to nearly three hundred pounds. Arny pulled back and faced Stan. "Stan, you're the biggest guy here. Got any clothes this guy can wear?"

"Yeah, keep some sweats in the back of my truck in case it gets cold."

"Well, get 'em in here pronto. And you never saw this, got it?"

Stan nodded and ran out to his truck. As he left, the foreman stuffed his dick back in his pants. He slammed the door to the office and lumbered to catch up to Stan, who was getting the clothes out of his truck. The foreman rumbled, "I haven't done anything like that before and I ain't ever gonna again."

"Whatever," said Stan, "but right now you've got bigger problems - you need to check out Rudy. He's behind the trailer, and I think he needs sick leave." The foreman stormed off behind the trailer. Stan heard a "Holy JeeEEEsus!" just befure he closed the door to the office.

Stan handed the clothes to the embarassed contractor. "Thanks" said Steve, who squeezed into the sweats. Even stretched to their max, they barely covered his beefy legs and ass. The top fit pretty well except for the six inches of gut bulging over the waist of the pants and under the hem of the shirt. "Talk about how quickly you outgrow a suit," the contractor quipped. Once clothed, he seemed to re-gain some of his composure. In fact, he smiled!

"Man, I'm sorry..." said Stan. "All sorts of weird things have been happening today!"

"Hey, no problem!" beamed the contractor. "I don't know where all this flab came from, but what a fuck! I'd have sworn that guy was straight...."

"Me, too," said Stan, "in fact, I still would."

Behind the trailer, Arny was telling Rudy, "I can give you sick leave, but we don't have any place to hide you right now and aren't gonna be able to drive with that thing. Just hang out here until I figure something out."

Rudy was barely listening, he was so intent on desparately trying to release the semen building up in his testes...

"Straight or not," said the contractor, "but he fucked the hell out of me!" The contractor picked up his paperwork. As he turned to go, he said, "Thanks for the sweats, man - I'll return them later."

"Don't worry about it."

"No, I insist. Anything to get around Arny again, see if I can't get another rise out of him! That guy is hung like a bull!" The contractor grinned and shut the door behind him.

As the foreman made the short walk back around the office trailer, he was aware of a building pressure in his own crotch - almost like his jeans had shrunk in the wash. He adjusted his crotch, and realized that it was pretty tightly packed. Maybe the denim had shrunk, he just had been too busy to notice. But by the time he reached the stairs to the office, he knew that wasn't the problem. The crotch of his jeans bulged like he had stuffed a sock in it - but this time, he knew how the sock felt. He tried to climb the first step and winced. Trying again, careful not to move his thighs too much, he began the three-step ascent.

Just beyond those stairs, Stan pondered everything that had happened. He'd said that Rudy had an 18" dick, and now he did. Mario had said something about the contractor getting too fat for his suit, and it had happened. It was almost as if... His thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and the foreman stepped in.

Well, he didn't really step in. He kind of left his legs stiff and swiveled into the trailer, closing the door behind him. The second it shut, he yanked his pants open and shoved the zipper down. "Aaaugh!" he screamed as he wedged his hand between the bulging briefs and denim. Stan half expected him to pull out a few pairs of rolled-up tube socks. But instead, the foreman gently freed a handful of dick, then one lemon-sized ball, then the other, and finally pulled the rest of a foot-long cock out to dangle in front of him. He sighed, relived.

"Son of a bitch," he said, "was Rudy contagious?" He walked over to his desk, wincing when his bouncing scrotum thumped against his leg.

Stan checked his own crotch. Almost ruefully, he said, "Well, it hasn't affected me yet."

Arny sat down behind the desk, cupping his huge package with both hands. It filled them to overflowing. "Man," said Stan, "when the contractor said you were hung like a bull..." He paused, then recovered. "I didn't believe him! God damn, Arny, where've you been hiding that thing?"

Arny looked up. "What the fuck is going on around here?

Stan thought quickly. "I wish I knew, man. I said Rudy had an eighteen inch dick, and now he does. Mario said something about the contractor getting too fat for his suit, and he blew up like a balloon. The contractor said..."

"I though you weren't gonna talk about that again." growled Arny.

"Hey, man, it's only between us. He said you were hung like a bull. And now, well..."

Arny looked down at his huge crotch, weighing his balls in his hands. "I'd say this is pretty damn close."

Both men were quiet for a moment. "So..." said Arny. "what else did Steve say about me?"

Stan grinned. Gay or straight, guys loved to be complimented on their performance. "Man, he said he'd never been fucked like that before."

Arny leaned back smugly. "Never had a real man do it before, probably. All those gay guys..."

Stan cut Arny off. "Real man, hell - you fuck like a raging bull!" Stan paused, thinking about what he'd just done to Arny. Then he thought of husky Mario, and his homophobic attitude. His insulting comments. His round butt. "Yeah, just show you a fat ass and you're rock hard, up against the guy in nothing flat!"

Arny's face darkened as he snarled, "That's enough! If I hear you telling anyone about this...."

Stan stood up. "I'll just tell the guys you're working in the office today. Sound good?"

Arny scowled, but said "Yes. Now go tell Mario to get those supplies unloaded."

Inside the doorway Stan turned back to Arny. "Hey, what time is it?"

"It's 12:50. Why?"

"Umm...just wondering," Stan said. He made a very large mental note to himself to not be near Rudy in an hour.


Mario yelled, "Hey, Stan! Get your faggoty ass over here and help us with this trailer!"

"Good thing I'm already gay," thought Stan ruefully as he walked over to the truck. He couldn't help noticing Mario's spare tire. If only the guy wasn't such a prick... "Hey, man, looks like you did some damage at lunch!"

Mario looked down at his gut and grunted. "Hey, you eat well, you get bigger," he said, "Hell, I'm twice the size of any of those thin-ass queers."

"You bigoted asshole," thought Stan. But then a thought formed. "Hell, after a lunch like that, you'll be 250 pounds soon!"

"Yeah, right!" Mario laughed. He patted his gut. "The way the driver here ate, he'll be 275 before he's outa here!"

All of us laughed then. As the trio worked to unload the trailer, Stan kept catching glimpses of Marios' growing bulk. The driver's potbelly seemed to be all that was growing - and with a vengeance. As the men continued to hand equipment and supplies down to Stan, he got a raging hard-on looking at their growing bulk. Soon Mario's crack was appearing above his jeans as his ass grew. "Perfect", thought Stan, as he helped unload as quickly as possible.


As they finished the last piece, Manuel walked over, his tee-shirt straining to hold in pecs a bodybuilder would envy, looking very out-of-place on his scrawny frame. He was leaning back slightly, trying to balance them.

"Hey, man, tell them to stop with the implants already!" said the driver as Manuel walked up.

Manuel picked up a brick and flexed his chest. The t-shirt stretched dangerously as his pecs flexed and the brick crumbled. "All real, man!" he said, grabbing one large nipple. "Oh, yeah..." he moaned.

"What, is everyone here a faggot?" growled Mario. "Whaddaya want?"

"Arny wants to see you in the office. He wants you to move this stuff to the other side of the lot."

"That bastard! I'm going to tell him who's boss!"

Stan spoke up - "Yeah, right. I betcha don't even have the balls to moon him."

Mario stopped, taken slightly aback. He hoisted his pants up, which seemed determined to slip lower on his growing buns. He leaned back slightly to balance the gut in front of him. "Why'd I want to do that?"

"See - he's chicken. I told ya guys, he loves to run off at the mouth..."

"I'm no chicken. I'm gonna tear into him and then moon him but good!" said Mario.

"Yeah, do it!" cheered the driver and Stan. Mario lumbered off to the office, now 250 pounds of burly straight redneck. Manuel followed as best he could. "Do it," thought Stan with a grin as he and the driver walked to the cab of the truck. Stan noted the six-inch gap between the man's bloated beergut and the steering wheel. "Let's see if we can't narrow that," he thought to himself. He patted the guy's gut. "Man, the way that potbelly's growing, you're not gonna be driving much longer."

The man looked down at his gut. The rest of his body was thin, but almost all of his 350 pounds had now deposited itself in a big round gut that stuck in front of him like a beach ball. He sucked it in slightly - a pitiful effort. "Hell, no," he said, "guys lots bigger than me drive rigs. I just had a good lunch, that's all."

"Damn it," thought Stan as he said aloud, "Well, you know how it goes - the longer you drive, the bigger it gets."

"You got that right, " said the man, starting the rig. "Seems like no matter how big I get, it all ends up right here." He patted his gut and pulled out of the lot. Stan eagerly headed into the office.


Mario and Manuel stormed into Arny's office. "What's with this re-stacking bullshit? I already unloaded that truck once, and I ain't gonna move the stuff again!" Mario yelled. Manuel flexed his massive pecs to back Mario up, hoping to look impressive. Instead, he just looked top-heavy as his pecs were too large for his skinny frame.

Arny sighed. "Mario, I'm not going to argue this one with you. I'm tired, weird shit keeps happening to my crew..." he looked at Manuel for emphasis. "...and I'm having a _very_ _bad_ _day_. I want to see your ass back out there, pronto!"

"You want to see my ass?" yelled Mario, bending over. Stan stepped quickly into the trailer. Mario dropped his pants, mooning Arny.

Manuel burst out laughing. Arny had a surprised look on his face as his desk started tilting upwards. Mario said, "Watcha think of that, huh?" and wiggled his buns for emphasis. Arny, his face twisted into a snarling sexual frenzy, threw the desk to the side. Manuel stopped laughing abruptly. Mario, facing Manuel, couldn't see what had happened. "What?" he asked.

Manuel was staring slack-jawed at the two-foot erection Arny was sporting. "Man, I think I'd...I'd better go..." he muttered, and tried to run out of the office. Tried, because his still-growing chest made him top heavy and he fell face-first out of the trailer. But moments later, he was gone and the door slammed shut on its own. Mario realized he was in trouble when he felt the foerman's hands grab the sides of his wide cheeks. He tried to stand.

"Oh no you don't," growled Arny. A quick push sent Mario's balk sprawling to the floor. Mario's breath left him in a heavy "wumph". A second later, the foreman was on top of him, his huge cock pinned between them. "Hey, Mario," he growled.

"Wh..wh...what..let me up, fucker!"

"You're not getting up till I'm done with your fat ass," rumbled Arny. Pre-come started bubbling out of the head of his dick like a faucet turned on low. One hand pinned Mario while Arny's hips arched backwards, guiding his dick towards Mario's hole.

Stan grinned and stepped closer to the two. It was quite a sight - Arny got lined up, his hips a foot and a half from Mario's ample buns as he forced an impossible insertion. Mario screamed, as what felt like a blunt-nosed fire hydrant pushing against his sphincter. Pre-cum was oozing out from between his cheeks and glistening on his belly. He tried to resist, but Arny had him pinned by the pelvis.

Stan stepped around to face the pair. The foreman was too intent on sliding his huge cock around Mario's tight hole to take any notice. "Hey, Mario," said Stan. Mario raised his eyes pleadingly. "Remember all those comments you made about my faggoty ass? Well I've got news for you: I'm gay. And yes, I've taken it up the ass before. So I'm gonna give you a little tip." Stan leaned forward, looking right into Mario's hate-filled face. "Your ass won't tear, but it'll hurt like hell!" Stan whispered. Mario screamed as Arny found his entrance. First one inch, then two of the huge cock slipped into Mario's asshole. Arny started pumping in and out, working nearly six inches into Mario's butt as Stan stood to the side and watched. Suddenly Mario gasped.

Stan spoke up. "Hit your prostate, did he? Yeah, man, the bigger they are, the better than feels. You're gonna shoot a whole lot, whether you want to or not." He whipped out his own erection and started stroking.

"Fuck...aaah....aaaah...AAAAH!" screamed Mario in time with the foreman's thrusts. He continued yelling as he spasmed, white jizz shooting onto the carpet underneath him. After a minute, the shots subsided, but his hard-on didn't go away. Stan shot his own load unnoticed by the other men. "Yeah," said Stan loudly, "he just keeps fucking harder and harder until he comes, doesn't even listen to the other guy."

Arny's thrusts got more and more violent. He slammed into Mario so hard the trailer shuddered. Nearly a foot of his dick vanished up poor Mario's hole. Mario screamed in pain as the thrust was repeated, harder and faster. Mario tried to brace himself against the floor as the brutal fuck continued, come spraying from his dick in various directions as he was raped.

Stan tucked his dick back in his pants and left the trailer. The air was punctuated by Arny's grunts followed by Mario's "AAAAAH!" and occasional sobs. Stan stood back and grinned as sound of the men slamming together got louder.. "Take that, you prick," he thought, and chuckled to himself. If he'd stayed, he could've seen Marios' dick spray the carpet again with jizz. As Arny got close, the trailer was visibly shaking as he pounded into Mario's ass again and again.


Meanwhile, most of the crew had gone back to work. After about five minutes, Stan was starting to wonder if the trailer would stay on its supports. Arny yelled at the top of his lungs, "OH, YEEEAAAAH!" Stan couldn't suppress a grin. Manuel came over, trying desparately to balance a pair of pecs that bulged hugely from his chest. His tee-shirt split as he approached, exposing a two-inch nipple topping each huge mound of flesh. "Nice pecs, Manuel," Stan said sarcastically as the trailer shook again. Manuel's wide-eyed reply was drowned out by the foreman's "TAKE THAT LOAD!" followed by a very sexual groan.

Stan tried to block Manuel from getting to the trailer, but Manuel simply bounced him off of one huge pectoral. He carefully climbed the steps and swung the door open. His chest was too big to fit though the narrow entry, but he literally fell off the steps when he saw what was inside.

The foreman still had 8" of cock outside Mario's ass, and he was pushing was all his might as he shot his bull-load. Mario's own loads had created a large white puddle around his crotch. With the door open, Stan could hear the jizz gushing out of Arny's cock and into Mario. As the noise continued, Mario seemed to shift slightly. Arny backed off a bit and thrust it home again, with another "YEEEEAAAHHHHH!" Mario's gut swelled beneath him, raising his thighs slightly off the floor. Another thrust, and his beer belly bulged again, swelling like an round beach ball as it pushed him up towards Arny. The door finally swung shut again. Stan stepped over to Manuel, who was struggling to stand, trying to lift the twin slabs of muscle that ballooned from his chest. "Give you any ideas?" Stan grinned, pulling out his own hard dick. Manuel scrambled over to the other side of the lot, not wanting anything to do with the situation.

Five minutes later, Arny finally stopped thrusting and literally fell to the side, his dick shrinking quickly as he passed out. Mario, on the other hand, had swelled humongously, his potbelly nearly fifty-five inches around Stan had gone back to work, content that the situation in the office had taken care of itself.


The delivery driver looked down as the mass of gut in front of him shifted. He'd have sworn the weight in front of him had gotten a little heavier. He looked down to see his white tee-shirt straining around a potbelly a little smaller than a beach ball. "Hell, I guess that's what beer'll do to ya," he thought. "Maybe I shouldn't drink it any more." As he thought about it, he reached behind his seat to the "hidden" six-pack and yanked off a can, careful to keep the rig in its lane. "Naaah...why stop? One more won't hurt." He took a large swig and set the beer in the can holder. If only he'd known he wouldn't need it...


Jose checked his watch - it was 1:45, still too early to think about going home. He sighed and dropped his hammer back into his tool belt. He sighed and stretched, his cotton tee-shirt brushing softly against his skin. As he rubbed his smooth cheek, he tought to himself, "Maybe I should grow a beard. Nah - Delores hates hairy guys." As he headed towards the office trailer, he thought about that morning. The truth was, he had some body hair, but Delores insisted he keep it shaved - and waxed. He winced at the thought of all the strips she'd yanked from his skin mercilessly. But it was worth it. His face broke into a grin as he thought of what he and Delores would be doing that night.

The grin faltered as he stepped behind the trailer. He found himself facing the head of something so huge it barely looked like a dick. His gaze lowered to basketball-sized nuts so swollen that the huge scrotum that contained them was pulled taut. As he snapped out of his shocked daze, he looked up to see Rudy, his eyes frantic with an insane look of sexual frustration. His breathing was coming in short bursts as he frantically flogged the huge pole in front of him. "Almost....huh uh huh uh huh uh....there..." he gasped, attempting a grin the didn't make headway against the pained expression of sheer exertion on his face. His balls seemed to grow even larger.

Suddenly he arched backwards, his enormous erection struggling to raise itself higher. Jose snapped out of his trance. "Man, hold on, wait..." he said. Much too late, he started backing up

"AAAH...AAAH..." Rudy screamed. To say a huge wad splashed onto Jose would be an understatement. It collided with him, splattering wetly on his chest and slack-jawed face. As it dripped from his shoulders and soaked his shirt, he spit out a huge mouthful of jizz - just in time for an even larger load to splatter against his stomach, running down into and over his pants. Rudy braced his legs as he launched another five-gallon wad of goo towards Jose. Jose stepped out of the way - or tried to. His foot hit the sticky puddle that surrounded him and slid off to one side, dropping Jose flat on his back with a wet splashing sound. Rudy was racked by waves of pleasure as his oversized member gushed a seemingly endless supply of come on top of the spluttering Jose. A minute later, the surge subsided, leaving Rudy to collapse on the grass, a look of sheer bliss on his face.

Jose spit renmants of salty white fluid out of his mouth and wiped his eyes clear. He swore as he stood carefully and surveyed the damage - there wasn't a spot on him that wasn't dripping globs of white sperm. Even his pants had been soaked through. As more fell into his eyes, he angrily threw it clear. He swore continually at the dozing, smiling Rudy as he smeared globs of jizz from his hair, his shoulders, his pants. When he'd removed most of it, he looked around for somewhere to go. He was in the center of a huge puddle of come that was starting to soak underneath the trailer. He sighed and slogged back around the corner into the cool afternoon breeze.

He walked over to the truck and stood behind it a few minutes, largely out of view of the rest of the site. The sun was doing a decent job of drying the fluid that had soaked his cloathes, and the gentle breeze had long since dried his face. As he leaned against his truck, the breeze against his face seemed to weaken. He reached up and felt a thick growth of stubble. He checked in the mirror and sure enough - his semi-round face was framed by the start of a thick black beard. He rubbed it, shrugged, and checked his clothes. He decided they were dry enough - he could always say a bucket of water fell on him - and went back to work.


The trucker, through his drunken haze, was starting to realize that something was happening. After crossing the state line, he'd shifted in his seat - and his white tee-shirt had popped out of his pants. Try as he might, he couldn't tuck it back in. His attention had been diverted as he passed the white speed limit signs - "Cars 75" and the next "Trucks 55". "This is bullshit," he thought to himself as he stepped on the accelerator. The truck sped up to 75. He reached for another can. He pushed a button to put a little more air in his seat, which had dropped slightly. His tee-shirt slipped up his gut little by little, so slowly he didn't even notice.

Two hours and thirty-six ounces of beer later, the driver was signing along to the radio when he had to air up his seat again. "Damn it, that's the third time in two hours!" he thought. "Must have a leak." He leaned down to adjust it, and found oddly difficult to reach. When he felt a warm mass pushing against him as he reached it, his eyes left the road.

He almost swerved off. His attention darted frantically back to steering, to guiding the truck back in its lane. He found it difficult to maintain a straight course as he looked at the gut that bulged halfway across his lap. His tee-shirt had fit this morning when he delivered at the construction site. Now it barely touched his thin chest as it stretched forward to cover the curve of his potbelly. Well, part of it anyway - his gut had grown so much that three inches of the round ball, including a belly button, showed underneath the shirt.

The driver was trying to take in this new development when a flash of red and blue lights caught his eye. He looked in his side-view mirror to see a highway patrol unit behind him with its lights on. He groaned and pulled over to the side of the road, his rig sending gravel flying as he stopped. The driver grabbed a handful of breath mints, hoping to mask the smell of alcohol.

The officer, about twenty-eight and husky with a thick moustache. He looked up into the rig. "Can I see your license. registration, medical card, and log book?" The driver, finding this all too much to deal with at once, stammered, "Uh...uh..."

"Your log book IS up to date, isn't it? " said the cop in a voice that made it clear he didn't think it was.

The driver tried to reach the book behind the seat, but every time he bent down, the resilient poundage in front of him kept him from reaching it.

"That's enough," said the cop. "If you won't show me your log book, I have cause to search your truck. Unlock your door."

The driver looked frantically over at his open beer sitting in its holder. If the cop saw that, the driver would lose his license, for all purposes permanently. After a commercial DUI, nobody'd hire him again. "Look, officer, my logbook..."

The officer cut him off. "Unlock your door. Now."

The driver grudgingly complied. The officer stood to the side and opened the door. For a split second, his jaw dropped, and then he regained his composure. "Get out of the truck, please."

It took several tries for the driver to successfully work his gut out of the cab. The cop's eyes followed the accumulated poundage as it swung around, following the driver's movements by a half-second. The trucker closed the door and stood in front of the cop, trying in vain to adjust his shirt so it'd cover his potbelly.

The cop adjusted his belt and seemed to push his small gut out a little, as though he didn't like having to deal with someone bigger than him. "That's quite a gut you've got there," he said in an ambigious tone.

"Yeah, beer'll do that to ya," said the driver, not sure where this was going.

The cop circled the driver appraisingly. "Howcome it's all in your gut? Most guys get bigger all over..."

"Well," said the driver. "I don't know for sure, but the last place I delivered, some guys were joking around about...well..." The driver decided to go for shock value, see if he could get a reaction out of the cop. "They were saying when a guy shoots in your ass, it makes your gut bigger. Had something to do with pressure or something."

The driver had a moment of smug self-satisfaction as the cop seemed to be at a loss for words. "Step around the trailer," the cop ordered. When the driver did so, the cop said, "Wait right here," and went back to his patrol car. The driver was truly puzzled when the cop pulled his car onto the grass beside the trailer.

The cop stood in front of the trucker, holding eye contact. "I hope you know, this is a very serious situation. You won't show me your log book or permits, and it smells like you've been drinking." The driver's face made his fright obvious. "I could put you out of business for years, probably permanently." the cop continued. "Yes, Sir," the driver squeeked.

The cop stepped back, his hard-on making a tent in his slacks. "But I was thinking, there might be a way we could work this out." A quick tug opened his duty belt.

"Great," thought the driver. "Another cop who wants a blowjob."

The cop reached into his car and pulled out a small bottle full of clear fluid. He handed it to the driver. "Fuck me," he said as his pants and a pair of white underwear dropped to the ground. He turned around and bent forward, placing his hands on the trunk of his car.

The driver didn't know what to say. He stepped towards the cop uncertainly. "Did you say what I thought you said?" His own dick started to rise.

"Shoot a wad up my ass, or I'll shut you down." the cop growled.

The driver pulled out his now-stiff dick and lubed it up. "Spread your legs," he ordered, half-expecting this to be a trick. The cop did as he was told. The driver found his entrace and gently pushed into the cop, who moaned.


Jose and Stan were again working near the front of the lot. Jose had used the line about a water bucket falling on him, and Stan had seemed to accept it. The two men didn't say much, Jose not wanting to talk about what had happened with Rudy, and Stan pondering the uses of the new power he'd discovered. Jose's clothing finally dried, albeit somewhat stiffly.

As Jose worked, his shirt seemed to become scratchy. He pulled it off, and was surprised to see a silky web spreading across his chest. Even his arms had a thin, fine growth of hair. He put his shirt back on, thinking he could hide the changes until he got home. Delores was going to have a fit!

Soon, even his pants felt scratchy. He stopped working and stepped around a corner. A guilty feel revealed that even his ass was getting hairy. He was mortified to hear Stan's say, "Stop that - that's MY job!"

Jose turned to face Stan, embarassed. Stan boldly stepped forward, knowing that he now had control of the situation. "I have to say," he said with a cheshire grin, "the hairy look REALLY works on you..."

Jose's hand flew to his chin, where he found a soft half-inch growth of beard poofing out from his face. A quick peek under his shirt reavealed thick, dark body hair, and scratching his back revealed a similar mat behind. Stan stepped uncomfortably close.

"Hey, man, back off," said Jose in a voice that made it clear he knew he couldn't back it up.

"C'mon, you big, sexy've always wondered what it'd be like to do it with a guy..." Stan's inward grin grew even larger and he said this - knowing it would become true.

The look on Jose's face changed slightly - to one of anger mixed with a little curiosity. "Hey, man, I don't do any of that faggot stuff..." he growled.

Stan countered. "No, you sure don't. But we're two big, hairy, macho guys - and we do whatever we want together." He pressed up against Jose, enjoying his power over the big guy three inches taller. "I don't know why you waste your time with Delores," he said. "Sex with guys is so much better..." This was already true, but couldn't hurt. "I'm ready to try something if you are..."

Jose started to speak, but Stan grabbed his crotch and said, "and you're MUCH too horny to say no." "N...N...n..." Jose tried to say the word, but his crotch bulged into Stan's hands. They each pulled off their shirts and began kissing while their hands explored their bodies, one of them still sprouting hair.


The trucker groaned and thrust into the cop a final time. The cop's own dick was standing at attention, but had been left unmolested. The trucker stepped back, pulling his dick out of the officer's hole. "That was great," he said, tucking it back into his underwear. The officer stood up. "Yeah, man, you shot a big ol' wad." As he pulled his pants back on and tightened his belt, he looked a little surprised. "Hey, man, I think my gut's a little bigger!"

"Yeah, right!" said the trucker, and then he took another look. The cop's gut HAD grown slightly, bulging maybe a half-inch further out. "You know what, I think it DID grow! Maybe those construction guys were right!"

The officer sighed. "It's such a small difference, though. Guess I'll have to start drinking beer when I'm off-duty."

The trucker paused. "How big did you think it was going to get?"

The cop looked sheepish for a moment - a look at odds with his commanding uniform. He looked down to where the small bulge of his belly pushed the uniform out slightly. "I want a huge yours."

The driver rolled his eyes. "Man, I'd have to fuck you dozens of times! Not that that'd be all bad, but I've got a delivery to make." He shook the cops' hand and climbed into his cab.

As he started the rig, his CB squawked to life, "Any bears on I-10?" Normally, this would be asking the location of cops on the interstate so they could be avoided. An idea popped into the driver's head. He keyed the mic. "We have a smokey bear begging to get fucked at mile marker 137. I repeat, a smokey bear begging to be fucked at 137 westbound." Almost instantly, voices came back - "You serious?" "137 Westbound?" "I repeat, a smokey bear begging to be fucked at 137 on the 10 westbound." The driver grinned, knowing he was playing off of years of animosity between cops and truckers. Cops were the force that made truckers stop at weigh stations at least twice in each state; cops enforced the split speed limit where normal drivers could go faster than commercial drivers with more training. Even straight drivers were suddenly responding, "I'm ten minutes away. Over." "I'm eastbound, but for this I'll cross the median. I'm five minutes away. Over."

The driver hopped down from his cab and walked over to the cop. He grinned as he patted the small bulge in the cop's middle. "I think I've found a way to make junior here grow." A rig screeched to a stop behind the driver's trailer, and a fat, hairy guy jumped out. As he sauntered over to the driver and cop, another rig pulled up. "You the cop they talked about on the CB?" he asked gruffly as he played with the bulge in his pants. The cop looked at the hard dick in front of him, and on the two fat guys getting out of the second rig. Other rigs were already parking along the side of the road. He realized what was happening. "Yeah, that's me." He said. "I'd better bend over before you shoot that load in your shorts."

Within a few minutes, there were a dozen truckers lined up with hard-ons, watching the first guy shooting into the cop. As he pulled out, the cop's gut swelled another inch around. The cop checked his new growth as the next trucker lined up, and gave the supply driver a thumbs-up sign.

The supply driver waved and got back in his rig. He'd be back this way tonight, so he decided to check in on the cop a few hours later and see how he was doing - the way rigs kept parking, the cop wouldn't be able to fit in his car by the time they were done.


Jose and Stan were laying together on the ground. Both hand their hands on the other's dick, and they were thrusting against each other passionately. Jose now had a bushy beard and his body was covered in thick, dark fur. As they shot their loads for the second time, they became aware of someone standing in the frame of the doorway, watching them. It was a shirtless Mario, his suspenders straining around a huge gut that bulged halfway down to his knees and over a foot in front of him. "Jose?" he said questioningly.

Jose stood up quickly and pulled on his pants. "Man, I've never done this before."

Mario replied - "I can't believe you're a fag! All those nights together, drinking beer and watching football..."

"Hey, man, I'm still straight as an arrow. I was just curious, that's all."

Stan spoke up - "Gee, Mario, you seemed to shoot an awful lot when Arny was fucking your brains out."

Jose's eyes widened. "You let Arny fuck you? I just fooled around a little - who's the faggot now?"

By now, the noise had attracted the rest of the crew. Nobody noticed as Rudy and Arny stepped to the back of the small crowd, trying to see what was happening. As Mario turned beet red, Stan decided it was time to defuse the situation.

"Guys, guys!" He stepped forward, his 280# bulk separating the pair by almost two feet. The two glared at each other over his head. "Look, before you two start punching each other out, let me say something." The glares turned to Stan, who suddenly realized the situation he'd put himself in. He stepped quickly to the side. "Jose, why don't you just admit it...Mario's big gut here is a huge turn-on for you." The turned to the taller man. "Mario, why don't you just admit that you're hot for Jose's hairy bod."

He looked back and forth between them. Their expressions hadn't changed. He waited for a few seconds. Nothing happened. "Jose?" he prompted. "Nobody calls me a fag," Jose growled. Mario stepped forward, closing the gap between them. "Nobody calls me a faggot," he rumbled. "But ya know what...since you sprouted all that fur..." He ran his hand through the fur on Jose's chest. "I was thinking..." Mario continued, "If you and Delores ever want to do a three-way." Jose's glare melted and he pressed against Mario. "Forget Delores."

The watching crew went dead silent as Jose's lips reached up to Marios, and the two kissed passionately. Their bare torsos pressed together as they fumbled with their jeans.

Then Arny stepped up, a heavy canvas apron covering his front. "All, right, all of you!" He yelled. "You're gonna stop fucking around and save it for after work, is that clear?"

The whole mood at the site changed. Mario and Jose reluctantly separated, but it was clear they'd be together as soon as the day was over. The entire crew went back to work, although less sexual energy was directed at passing women, and more at other members of the crew. Rudy managed to work using the same type of heavy apron that Arny wore, but had to be careful of the huge bulge in his crotch. Stan considered changing a few more things, but decided the site was about where it should be for now. He couldn't resist trying one last thing. Looking down at his own gut, he said to a nearby Manuel, "Man, I'm gonna eat about a dozen large pizzas tonight." He grinned as his stomach rumbled hungrily.