The Journal pt. 1

The standard disclaimer: this is a gay gainer/growth erotic story, and while it contains no graphic descriptions of sexual acts, it may be offensive to some. If you are under legal age to read this material, please stop now. If you become offended with the material at any time, stop reading at that point and move on with your life. If you enjoy it, read it again and again until it achieves the desired effect. I plan to continue adding new chapters to Jeremy's adventures, but the original will not be up long as it is pushing a gray area on AOLs' TOS - is it art? For the work I've done in picture editing, I'd say yes. Considering that the base pictures are mainly obtained from usenet, this should not be a problem.. My apologies to Ursus for mangling his well-drawn and almost perfectly-proportioned artwork! It's just so fun to do!

I would like to thank the following: Bildr0 for providing the original idea for the story; Dade/Ursus for producing totally hot artwork that doesn't really need editing; EvilCub for uploading pictures of hot guys to usenet; and whoever the guy is that I used for My. Flintsky.


"We really, really, really shouldn't be here." Jerry said, trying to disentangle his feet from the chain-link fence. "Oh, c'mon," said Don. "Even Lizzy wants to see what they're doing here."

The three of them started poking around, slowly. Lizzy yelled, and almost fell over a small pile of bricks in the darkness. "You OK?" asked Jerry.

"Yeah, fine." said Lizzy, looking around anxiously. "We should've brought flashlights."

"Quiet!" hissed Don. "Now watch your step and let's find out what they're building."

The construction had started about a week ago, but the lot had been fenced, cleared, and loaded with supplies for a month before that. Don, Jerry and Lizzette had walked past here on their way to school every day, and decided that this Friday was a good time to check it out.

After a few minutes, they came to the excavation for the foundation of the building. It loomed like a huge, dark pit, which makes sense because that's what it was. A ladder had been left upright, jutting up from the darkness below. "I'm not going down there," Jerry declared. "Fine," said Don. "Watch out and let us know if anyone's coming. You wait here, got it?"

Jerry nodded, and Lizette started descending the ladder. Don pressed something into Jerry's hand - about four inches around, and made of plastic. "Don't use this unless you absolutely have to, go it?" He said. "Yeah," Jerry said, amazed that Don had actually thought to bring a flashlight. Don followed Lizette, and when he got to the bottom Jerry saw the small beam of the flashlight light the ground where they stood. As Jerry turned to survey the area, the last thing he heard from below was a hushed, "You mean you HAD that and didn't tell me? Why did I stub me toe? If I ever.." and then they were too far away to hear clearly.

It looked like they were about ready to pour the foundation. The uprights were already buried down below, and the whole area had been leveled and compacted. As Jerry continued to look, he saw a light coming from the office trailer at the other end of the lot. Looking down and seeing the small circle of light around Don's feet, he carefully made his way over to the small structure.

Don and Lizette were looking at the tools and forms that had already been set up. "Hey, what's this?" said Lizette. "The ground's not even here."

Don dropped to his knees and turned the flashlight to the spot Lizzy indicated. "Hey, you're right! This dirt was disturbed recently, too." He shifted the dirt around with his hand. "Hey, I think there's something under here!" He and Lizzy both started digging.

Jerry slowly raised his eyes above the level of the sill. He could see two men arguing in the office, one in a suit, the other wearing a flannel shirt, obviously a foreman. "This isn't safe for the workers to build it like this," the man in flannel said.

"Look, we've got to meet this deadline or I lose the contract for six other buildings. The building will be just as safe either way, we just need it up faster!"

"Yeah, but it puts my crew in danger."

"Look, you'll do it this way because I said so. I'm the boss, remember? Now DO YOUR JOB."

Jerry scurried around the corner of the trailer as the larger man stormed out the door, swearing under his breath. As Jerry watched, the man got into an older pickup truck and tore off the lot. The man in the office dropped some papers in his briefcase and left, turning out the lights and locking the door to the trailer. Jerry didn't move as the man walked right past him to his car, slammed the door, and drove off.

Jerry went back to the ladder, eyeing the gaping hole distrustfully. Lizette was just coming up. "Anyone see us?" she asked. "No," Jerry said. The Don climbed out, carrying a black wooden box. "What's in there?" said Jerry. "Dunno," said Don, "but they were going to bury it under the building. Let's get out of here and find out what's this is!"

Lizzy and Jerry agreed heartily, and they started back to the fence. "Hey," said Jerry, "why're we climbing the fence? There's an opening back by the trailer." His companions both look at him for a second, then they all crossed the site to the office, and walked out onto the street.


They didn't have to bother sneaking the box into Don's house - his parents were glued to the TV, as usual. "I'm home," Don called, "Lizette and Jerry are over!" Without looking away from the tube, Don's mother replied, "Hi Lizette, Hi Jerry. Don, remember - on Friday nights your friends have to go home by midnight. It's 11:30 already!"

"Yes, mother." said Don, making a face. Jerry and Lizette suppressed their giggles as they all went up to Don's bedroom.

"So, what's in the box?" asked Jerry.

"I dunno, dummy, I haven't opened it yet!" said Don, and he started pulling at the edges, trying to open the wooden box. "Man, this thing is shut TIGHT," he said. "Try this," said Lizette, fishing a small hunting knife out of her pocket and handing it to him. Don looked at her, surprised. "What're you doing with THIS?" Lizette grinned broadly and said, "I know how to use it, too, so don't get smart with ME, bud!" Jerry laughed. Don just shook his head and pried a few boards off the top of the box.

Lizette reached in and pulled out two books - both looked pretty old. "Hey, Jer, can you make sense of this one?" She handed one to Jerry. It was filled with a bunch of writing Jerry couldn't understand. It hardly looked like letters, much less English. "Maybe it's French!" said Don. "You're taking French, right?" Jerry grinned and shook his head. "This isn't French...I don't know what this is!" "And this one's blank!" said Lizette, holding it open to illustrate her point.

Don flopped off his bed, disgruntled. "Well, THIS was a bust" he grumbled, grabbing the book from Jerry. He reached for Lizettes', but she yanked it back. "Why don't we give this one to Jerry? He can use it for his creative writing class, anyway." Don dropped the other book back in the wooden box and put the boards back on. They stuck in place without his having to do much. Jerry took the blank book and thumbed through it. It was odd - about the size of a notebook, with maybe forty pages in it. The cover, though old, was nondescript - it didn't look like much of anything. "Why would someone bury this?" asked Jerry.

"Beats me," said Don, grabbing the box, "but I say we pitch this back onto the site and call it a night." "I have to get up early for piano anyway." They split up in front of Dons' house, Don and Lizette taking the box and Jerry heading home with the blank book.

On the way home, Jerry passed his school. He saw a few cars still in the parking lot, and lights were still on in the building. "I wonder what could keep people here this late on a Friday," he thought, and went to investigate. The front door was unlocked.

The main hallway was completely empty. His footsteps echoed hollowly as he walked by rows of dark doorways. Despite the cars out front, there didn't seem to be anyone in the building. Then he saw brighter lights by the gym. As he turned the corner to open the doors, a hand grabbed his shoulder. He jumped, almost dropping the book in the process.

"What're you doing here, boy?" a gruff voice asked. Jerry turned around to find himself face-to-face with the school janitor. The janitor was maybe in his forties or fifties, and was just big enough to be imposing. "Um...ummmm" Jerry stammered.

"It's kids like you, wandering around at nights and poking around where you shouldn't be, makes all the problems for the people who work here. Why I oughta..."

"Is there a problem?" said a deep voice, and a man stepped around the corner. The janitor took a step back from Jerry. "This kid here was poking around," he said. "I was just telling him not to be hanging around after school's closed, that's all." The shop teacher put his arm around Jerry's shoulders and pulled him out of the corner the janitor had wedged him into. "It's not a problem. He's in my shop class. I'm sure he was just getting his notebook." The janitor fumed for a moment, then walked away grumbling. The shop teacher walked Jerry the other way down the hall, grinning.

"You OK?" he asked, his goateed face wrinkling into a concerned frown. "He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No." Jerry tried to laugh at the thought, but couldn't.

"Don't mind him - he's just a big bully. He just likes picking on people smaller than him. The minute someone bigger than him comes along," the teacher bounced his small gut playfully. "he takes off." After a moments thought, he added, "Between you and me..." "Yeah?" said Jerry. "He's trying to compensate for having a tiny dick. A mean, _tiny_!" He indicated with two fingers just what he meant, and they both laughed, even though they both knew he was exaggerating. The shop teacher pushed open the front door to the school. "Look...Jerry, right? If he gives you any more trouble, just let me know. Oh, and be ready to start that birdhouse on Monday." "Thanks, Mr. Flintsky," said Jerry, and he walked out to the street.

Jerry walked home quickly. His parents were asleep already, so he was as quiet as possible getting up to his bedroom. His head hit the pillow and he was out like a light.

The next day, Jerry was busy helping his parents clean the house all day. That night, Jerry was thinking about what had happened at school. He was still mad at the janitor, but when he thought about how small they guys' dick must be, he almost felt bad for the guy. He picked up a pencil, and started writing in the blank notebook. "The janitor had a really tiny dick. He kept acting like a jerk because of it. But then, it grew and grew and he stopped being such a jerk." Jerry re-read what he had written - man, did it suck! He was going to erase it, but decided to leave it for the time being.

His thoughts turned to the man who had taken his side. When the shop teacher had his arms around him, he Yes, but more than safe. When he thought about it, a LOT more than safe. He thought about his thick goatee, his gut that Jerry had only seen underneath tee-shirts. With one hand rubbing his crotch, he started to write about Mr. Flintsky jacking off. He thought about the shop teacher shirtless, rubbing that gut. He realized he wanted to see more of it. He wrote about the shop teacher getting bigger, growing as he jacked off. Jerry pulled his dick out of his jeans, stroking madly, and soon he shot his load. He grabbed some Kleenex to clean up with, closed the book, and went to bed.

The next day, Don and Lizette came over. They had just come up to Jerry's room and settled in for the day. Don was flipping through a book on Dungeons & Dragons, asking Jerry about particular monsters. Jerry was helping him, when he saw Lizette opening the notebook. "Wait!" he said. "What?" asked Lizette, looking at the first page. Jerry jumped up and yanked the book out of her hands. She sat back, a little nonplussed. "Well, THAT was schizo," she said, and started playing with a pencil from the desktop. Jerry looked at the notebook - it was blank. He remembered, he thought about erasing it the night before, and he must have. He was pretty tired that night. "Umm...sorry," Jerry mumbled. "What, man, did you write sex stuff in there?" said Don. "He's probably writing about some girl - or better yet, Mr. Flintsky!" "Ha ha," said Jerry, trying to cover his shock. Had Don really known what he was writing about? "C'mon, man," said Don, putting his arms around Jerry in overdone friendliness, "if you like guys, it's OK with me. Really." Jerry shook him off, "Knock it off, man, you aren't funny." "If I can interrupt you two," said Lizette, "this pen's leaking ink everywhere..." Jerry and Don both looked over, and a broken disposable was oozing thin ink on the desktop, towards Dons' jacket. "Oh, SHIT!" said Don. He yanked his jacket out of harms' way and ran to grab some paper towels. Jerry was puzzled - he knew he hadn't had any broken pens. He looked at Lizette, who returned his gaze with a look he didn't recognize. He was about to say something when Don returned with a wad of paper towels in hand.


Monday morning, things went pretty normally for Jerry - until gym class. After gym, as he was heading towards his next class, the janitor stopped him in the hallway. "Look," he said, "I just wanted to say...well, I came across too harsh on you on Friday. I'd had a bad week, and I shouldn't have taken it out on you. So, anyway, I'm sorry. Okay?"

Jerry was stunned - the janitor was never this nice. EVER. He managed to stammer a "No problem" and "I've gotta get to class.." and took off down the hall. The janitor watched him go, shook his head, and then turned back to sweeping the floor. After a few steps, he winced. "I'm gonna have to get used to working with this thing," he said, adjusting a lump that bulged down the right leg of his jeans almost to his knee. He chuckled and took a few more cautious steps.

Jerry sat down in shop class. There were a few students from the previous hour still coming out of the back room, having just locked their projects up for another day. Jerry picked up his plans and pulled out an X-acto knife.. He was scoring a glass pipette he'd stolen from Chemistry, planning to split it into two pieces to fit in his birdhouse. Nobody would see them from the outside, but he figured at least it'd be different. He had just started scoring repeatedly when Mr. Flintsky walked into the room. Jerry nearly cut off his own hand.

Jerry's jaw dropped. The shop teacher had been substantial before, but now was carrying around a big, round potbelly. He looked like he'd gained a hundred pounds over the weekend! His tee-shirt was four inches short of covering the hairy gut that bulged beneath it. Jerry felt his hard-on straining his pants has he watched a much beefier Mr. Flintsky making the rounds, helping students with their projects, correcting measurements and demonstrating the proper way to use equipment. The other students didn't seem to notice - they just kept on working like nothing had happened. Jerry tried to go back to his project, but couldn't help staring. Mr. Flintsky turned to him - and Jerry got an eye-level view of his navel. Jerry tried to look down at his work, but Mr. Flintsky was already coming over to him.

"Jerry. Everything OK?"

Jerry tried to nod, but couldn't help running his eyes over his now-beefy teacher. Mr. Flintsky followed his gaze. "Oh, it's THIS!" he said, chuckling and rubbing the exposed skin in front of his shirt. "You're so BIG!" said Jerry, his dick throbbing. "Yeah," said the shop teacher, "I gained it all this weekend!" He leaned in towards Jerry, "You know, I can't even see my dick when I'm jacking off." He winked at Jerry, gave his belly a squeeze, and continued helping other students. Jerry tried his best to make the swelling in his jeans go down, but didn't have much success before the hour was over and he was finally able to leave. He kept sneaking glances at the teacher, his gut seemingly everywhere that Jerry looked.


Don and Lizzie had other plans, so Jerry was walking home alone from school that night. He was thinking through what had happened - he vaguely remembered writing something Saturday night, but couldn't remember clearly. He turned the notebook over in his hands as he walked home, puzzling about the days' events. Why hadn't the other students noticed how much bigger the shop teacher was? Had he actually talked to Jerry about jacking off? What the hell was going on?

As he was passing the construction site, he noticed they had poured concrete in the bottom of the foundation. "If Don put the box back down there, it stays down there now," thought Jerry. Then he saw the worker (foreman?) he had seen the other night entering the trailer again. Jerry looked around quickly - there was nobody else at the site. Remembering what had happened on Friday, Jerry crouched beside the trailer and started writing quickly, trying to finish before the foreman left the office. When he finished, he looked at the paper, and snuck up to the open window and peeked in. The two men were talking, discussing what appeared to be plans for that weeks' work. Jerry closed the notebook, disappointed. Suddenly he heard a loud THUMP, then another, and then a strangled gurgling noise. He looked back in the window.


Alex was discussion the plans for the week with Dwayne. It wasn't that he didn't like Dwayne, but he had deadlines to meet and sometimes Dwayne didn't like his methods. He'd never dare make anything unsafe, but he was willing to cut a few corners to make the whole project a "go".

"It's too bad Dwayne doesn't understand things from my angle," thought Alex. "If he'd be willing to cut a few corners without always fighting over it, I might be able to soften a few deadlines for him to do things the way he wants. He's cute, but he'd probably beat me up if tried anything. These big guys, you've got to keep them in line. You've got to show them who's boss."

Dwayne, meanwhile, was having thoughts of his own. "I have to obey this guy, but he just doesn't get that every corner we cut reflects on our company. He sits behind the desk all day, but it me and my men actually have to build the damn things. He's kinda cute, but if I let on, he'll think he can make us do anything he wants. These corporate types, you've gotta show them who's boss."

At this exact moment, Jerry closed the notebook.

Suddenly Dwayne stood up and grabbed Alex by the base of his neck. Alex found himself being pulled halfway over his desk. The coffee cup overturned, sending black liquid soaking into the days' plans. Outside, Jerry returned to the window. Alex, shocked, was forced to looked into Dwayne's scowling face. "I'm still sore about Friday," said Dwayne. "We need to get a few things straight."

Alex's mind was racing. "What the hell happened? One minute we're talking about tomorrow, the next he's pulled me across my desk..." He managed to squeak, "Okay."

"First of all, I hate cutting corners because it makes our buildings less than the should be. With all the work my men and I put into these, we want the best results." Dwayne was thinking, "God, I'm pissed at him. Why does he have to be so damn cute?"

"Sure, Dwayne, whatever you say," said Alex. "But you have to understand, we've got deadlines for the whole..AAAH!" Alex groaned as the grip on his shoulder tightened. "Oh my god," he thought," oh my god he's bigger than me and he's so hot ..did he put on weight this weekend?"

"Your deadlines aren't more important than the safety of the people working out there. Got it?" growled Dwayne, while thinking "I'm not half as mad as I'm acting, and that face would melt stone!"

"Yes," squeaked Alex. The grip relaxed a little, but he felt something odd - the arm that held him was getting stronger. His eyes were still locked with Dwayne's, but could see the front of the shirt spreading apart. "Oh my god, he's going to hurt me, and he keeps getting bigger...this is awful...why am I so excited?" His dick was rock-hard, throbbing up against the desk.

Alex opened his mouth to say something. "I not finished," growled Dwayne. Alex spat out, "You're so big!" Dwayne looked down at his bulk, his huge gut almost reaching Alex. He grunted. "Hell, I'll get as big as I damn well please." He looked back at Alex again, and suddenly made a connection. He tightened his grip again, and said, "You'd like that, wouldn't you? Did you have something to do with this?"

"Ohmygodohmygod," thought Alex. "He's so fucking huge! Those arms, that gut! If he's going to kill me anyway, I might as well..." Alex spoke up - "Dwayne, can we go out tonight?"

Dwayne's huge arm relaxed - a little. "What?" He was thinking, "Don't do this Dwayne." But his throbbing dick gave a better argument.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," thought Alex. "He's the size of six of me!" "Go know, grab some dinner, a movie, and then maybe..." His shoulder was starting to go numb, but he could feel the heat of the huge gut pushing against him. ""

Dwayne held Alex for a few moments, his gut slowly covering the desk. It filled the space between them, pushing up his employer's chin. He realized he was pulling Alex to him, jamming him into his bulk. He felt absolutely huge - and so horny he could hardly stand it. And that face! Dwayne's resistance collapsed. "Sex. Now." he rumbled. "After all, I gotta show ya who's boss." One huge arm swept the desk clear of debris.

Jerry ran home and started frantically writing in his notebook.