The Growth Bug

- The Growth Bug Bite (G.B.B.) -

“Fuck! I can’t bear it anymore!”

I looked at my boyfriend moaning and gesticulating like he was in a bit of pain or having a bad itch. Ever since we’ve went on a trip in the Caribbean, a bug had bitten him and thus started all this commotion. Now, what used to be an average five-foot-eight one-hundred-fifty pounds guy as my boyfriend had blimped up in the past month even after we’ve came back from our vacation. We’ve seen doctors, but nobody seemed to know how to stop the disease that staggered him. However, as much as it worried him, it didn’t worry me as much.

I just looked at him climb on our bed in our 2 1/2 apartment, uplifting his ass and dropping the pair of large grey boxers we’ve bought him only this week. I licked my lips in anticipation, my boner already pitching a tent in my own underwear at the sight.

“Ughh... I don’t... want it anymore...” He whined, pushing his ass out.

From the moment he’s been bitten by the bug, his body craved sex, especially anal on the bottoming end. Now, every time we had some with him on the receiving end, since the incident, he seemed to blimp out with each cum intake. At first, it was frighting me as well... but when I welcomed him after a night with his buds at the bar all swollen up, his medium-sized shirt not even reaching his belly button anymore and even having to look up slightly at him rather than down at my previous 5’8” boyfriend... I knew I wanted to see him change furthermore.

At least a hundred and fifty pound heavier than before and now three inches taller than my even six feet height, he just looked massive. Imagine, this six-foot-three three hundred pounds of chub in our tiny apartment... it turned me on BIG time. As we were in an open relationship, I enticed him to go with his buddies to the bar again and to take as many loads as he could from guys eager to fill his bottomless stomach or his massive hungry ass.

As much as he didn’t want to change or grow anymore, his body had grown its own addiction to cum and if he spent too long without taking any, his ass would develop a profoundly unbearable itch that attested his next intake would blimp him out more than usual, fuel his growth even more... and right now it’s been a week since he refrained himself from having sex. We’ve never waited that long before. I was displeased at first when he said he wanted to stop, but I figured it’d only be a matter of time before he caves back in his unavoidable hunger, pleading me to fuck his swelling ass. I’ve managed to keep myself from jacking off for the week as well, forcing myself to keep my balls as full as possible for when he’d give up.

“Please... Mark...” He moaned, dropping his head on the bed between his hands. “Fuck... fuck me...”

As I walked closer to him, I smirked, noticing that the 2XL grey shirt on his frame was starting to look short and snug on his frame already, even though we’ve bought it two weeks ago. Even his feet by the edge of the bed had grown so massive they now dwarfed over my size 12s, almost a size 16 now. Uhhh... fuck. Just thinking about the other night, when I lended him a pair of shoes to go with his friends at the bar and that he came back with his toes jutting out of my outgrown and broken shoes was making my dick wet with precum. Can’t believe he used to be a size 9.

He was outgrowing everything. Just like the time we were gaming the other day, he was stuck in his computer chair, his large buttcheeks too big to help him out. Or just sharing the bed at night was becoming an issue. While he used to take less than a half of it for sleeping, he was starting to take more than the half of it... and it was just a matter of time before his big feet would jut out past the footboard. Fuck, my underwear are soaked with precum now.

I slipped the waistband down, my moist eight incher bobbing in the air freely. I was leaking like a fucking faucet. I pressed the tip of it against the hungry ring of his hole, which I practically felt pulled inside. Already, I could hear him moan from pleasure, like I was massaging his knotted muscles after a hard physical labour.

I put my hands on his wide fleshier hips and built up momentum in my thrusts, feeling my beyond hard cock already close to cum. My beyond full blue balls from a week without sex ached to shoot their load down my boyfriend’s needy ass. I was already precumming tons... and his body was already responding to its greedy intake.

“Ughhh... fuuuck...” He groaned.

Already, I could feel the bed sink a little further under him as his frame swelled. I saw his head press harder and farther against the mattress as he was already growing before my eyes. I sped up, enthralled by the events.

“Ughhh... we... shouldn’t have waited... this long...” He said, horrifyingly witnessing the changes happening much stronger and faster than ever before.

“You wanted that, hun.” I replied as neutral as I could, not wanting to give out my sheer excitement.

“I... I feel... like I’m gonna pop...”

“You’re not gonna pop, hun. Just... gonna blow up... an- and out...!” I gasped and came forcefully, filling my boyfriend’s bowels with a massive week-old load.

“Ughhh... awww... fuck!”

I watched in awe as he grew more than he ever did. After all, the longest we’ve waited between fucks was 2 days and a half, not a full seven-day-long week. The already snug t-shirt became even snugger and slipped up the massive belly that surged belly my boyfriend until it touched the mattress in a massively spherical shape.

What I was definitely not prepared for was for his ass to push so hard against me that I was forced to hold myself on his tremendous asscheeks and to step back as he stretched bigger, noticeably taller. The flesh swelling and chubbing up imitated the sound of a balloon blowing up and up while the bones and tissues stretching popped like joints were reforming. At the same time, I hear the bed creaking audibly as his mass increased like magic. I was done cumming and he was now done growing, but I was still hard inside his ass. My boyfriend had grown at least fifty if not seventy-five or even a hundred pounds in one fuck and gained almost half a foot in height. He was so massive in comparison to me that I pained to remember I used to be the bigger guy in this relationship.

“It’s... it’s done...” He said with a dry relief.

Heck, the grey shirt on him was a joke, definitely too small AND too short, almost looking like a bra. My boyfriend had to be at least six feet eight. He looked like he would barely get through a door now. Fuck, that was enough for me to reharden to full mast and ooze some more semen.

“I... I think I’m fine now. P- please pull out, babe...” He pleaded with a pang of fear.

After all he still felt my throbbing hard cock inside him.

Despite how sore and spent my cock felt, my balls still felt somewhat full. It’s been a week since we’ve fucked after all. And thus, as I pulled back almost completely... I shoved my dick all the way back in. He groaned in pleasure.

“Nnngh... no... stop it, babe...” He moaned, although unable to stop me from pounding his still hungry ass.

“Hush, hun, your ass’ still hungry and my dick’s still got more to feed. You... you gotta be about four hundred pounds now, hun... let’s see if we can top it to five hundred.”