The Casting Call

Before the change, Jordan wasn’t very well endowed - even erect he was just around 3 inches. He had always been pretty insecure about his size and wasn’t able to top Miguel. But that changed one night when he was asleep. Miguel, his boyfriend of several months, used hidden abilities to grow his boyfriend’s little manhood. First it expanded by an inch, then another, then another. Gradually lengthening and thickening under Miguel’s control.

Finally Jordan’s dick had transformed into a substantial, and thick, 7 inch cock bulging out his small underwear. Jordan woke up and seemed to think that this is totally normal, oblivious to the transformation. Though he loved his size, all he could think of was playing around with his new thick cock.

Overtime Miguel helped out his boyfriend in growing a little more muscular, he made Jordan’s beard fuller, grew him slightly taller...more sexy in all kind of ways - and Miguel loved it. The little transformations he had put his boyfriend through turned him on so much. It has awakened a new kink in him. He loved seeing his boyfriend blossom into the ultimate stud… but he didn’t want to keep pushing it too far. Jordan was starting to figure out that he wasn’t always this athletic, and his height didn’t used to be 6’2”. Other people had already noticed the changes and were asking questions. So he couldn’t keep tweaking his stud. Besides, Jordan was already sexy! He didn’t need to make any changes, right?

But he had this urge, this urge to explore his abilities further, to push it further. His dick would chub up at the idea of transforming more men....the new sizes and shapes he could push men to… how big he could make a man. These fantasies swirled in his head.

Miguel is working in the advertising industry and he now is director of a casting. He has to look for a guy for a new fitness ad campaign. So he sat there on his desk - all alone- reading applications.

‘Awesome’ he says, looking at all the testosterone-driven men. ‘Tall, built, handsome That’s exactly what we need. Some guys with real.. confidence. ‘Lets see how far we can push their attributes’ he thought to himself.

The men were sitting in the waiting room, talking with each other about previous modeling jobs, workout plans and girls.

First there was Phil, a 25 year old bodybuilder, looking strong, big and lean. His clothes were very tight around his hard and defined body. Next was a handsome bearded hipster called Garret. Following Garret was a beefy football player called Len and then finally two muscled frat boys, looking like they came right from a party.

‘The first guy can come in please, … Phil ?!’ Miguel says, smiling at the guys.

Phil follows Miguel into the audition room. Behind his desk Miguel sits down and looks at Phil’s papers.

‘You’re pretty built, dude. You’re a bodybuilder or something?’

‘Yeah, I’m working out since I was a teen. Now I’m 25 and I’ve started a career in fitness.’

“What are you stats big guy?” Miguel asks

“I’m around 205 maybe 210 right now. I’m 5’11”.” Phil responded

‘Well, could you just show me how strong you really are? I want to see if those muscles in action.’ Miguel asks him, grinning curiously. Miguel pointed to a set of dumbbells that sat on the floor nearby. They looked pretty big, some going from 35 all the way up to 100 pounds.

Phil was totally confused, he didn't expect to be lifting weights at the audition. He grabbed the 35 pound dumbbells and began doing curls.

Damn what a hottie, Miguel thought, admiring his muscular arms flexing.

“So how big are training to get?” Miguel asked

“I’m trying to compete nextyear” Phil replied “So I’d like to pack on 10, maybe 20 more pounds of mass before I do”

“Oh, I bet you can pack on more than that!” Miguel replied with a smile.

Miguel was ready blow up Phil’s already muscular body into truly herculean proportions.

Miguel let the transformation begin slowly. While Phil is working out in front of Miguel, Miguel feels himself getting pumped. His big muscles growing a little bigger and bigger. Soon Miguel is really starting to look like a serious bodybuilder. Every muscle on his body is thickening and growing. His arms, shoulders, pecs. There are veins all over his body - his whole body feeling warm. The t-shirt suddenly feels a lot smaller, his pecs were rapidly inflafing and his back was widening.

It felt incredible to Phil, like his body was inflating… he was getting huge. Miguel’s dick was already hard as a rock, watching this transformation… fuck it was hot seeing this happening to a man in real time…. Seeing him grow enormous like this… Miguel starts stroking his dick. Phil is too enraptured with the sensation of growth to notice.

At the same time he feels his chest getting heavier and harder. His pecs now stuck out from his body by nearly four inches, and form an awesome nice round curve near the front. His muscle legs start to thicken up, his ass began growing rounder and thicker. Soon his thighs and quads were bulging out to massive proportions.

His build continues to expand with pure muscle mass. He becomes a super-heavyweight bodybuilder, and then some. His abs grow thicker and more pronounced. But it doesn’t stop there. Miguel’s boner edges closer and closer with each pound of muscle piling onto Phil’s frame.

“What the fuck…” Phil moans. The growth is intoxicating. It feels amazing. “Whats... going on here? I’m…..huge, my pecs ….” he moans. His body swells still larger, into true mass monster proportions. He has so be well over 300 pounds by now. Miguel estimate’s he’s probably put on 120 pounds of muscle, or more… The thought of that and the sight of this gigantic overgrown bodybuilder was just enough. He came, a huge load right into his pants. Phil didn’t even notice.

“Fuck man” Miguel lets out “Yeah, I think you’re big enough” Phil’s growth begins to subside. In front of him stands a total muscle freak, each muscle bulging and fighting for space on his frame. 350, 360 pounds of overblown freaky size. Both Phil and Miguel were out of breath.

Totally confused Phil looked down at his body in shock. “I think you’ll do well in whatever bodybuilding competitions you go into now. And I don’t think you’ll have to worry about making a name for yourself in the fitness world now. You’re not going to go unnoticed much longer. “ Miguel said.

“But… how…” Phil stuttered.

“Don’t worry about it. Just get yourself cleaned up and ready for your next competition. I think you’ll blow the competition out of the water. You’re too big for this role, but talk to our people on the way out. No man of your… size… is going to be looking long for a sponsorship.

Phil picked up the remains of his clothes and left the casting room with his gargantuan new body.. From that point on, he’d be one of the biggest things, literally, in American bodybuilding.

What happened to him after the casting? Phil immediately got a sponsorship and his titanic physique made its way to the covers of American bodybuilding magazines and professional photos went all over the internet. The world of bodybuilding was abuzz about this new giant who seemed to have come from nowhere. Anywhere he’d go the people were shocked at his size... calling him a muscle freak. He was going to do just fine for himself.

Miguel had to clean himself up in the mens room. His boxers were soaked in cum, so he just had to go commando for the time being.


‘Next guy please, Garret?’

Garret was a handsome, bearded hipster guy. He was tall, black hair, athletic and has a strong masculine face, Beautiful skin and an awesome smile. He’s around 27 years old, entering the room with tight pants that shows all the meat he’s packing. Miguel could defintely say that he was around 5 inches soft and quite thick.

‘Wow you really like to show off…. Why wear a pants that tight?’

‘Umm, yeah well I’m pretty proud of body so this is the best way to show what I’ve got, right?’

Oh damn. What a stud.. I’d love him to be mine’ Miguel thought.

So let’s play with him a little bit’

‘I understand, but these pants are a little too tight, no? What if you get… you know”

Garret blushed.

He feels very intimidated by this question. Before he could say anything else, Miguel focuses on Garret’ large bulge and it suddenly began to grow hard. Garret looked down confused, seeing his dick getting hard until struggled against the fabric of his pants at a full 8 inches. He triedto hide it with his hands, but there was no hiding it..

‘Oh you should have thought of that, mate. As I said, this is too risky..’ Miguel grinned and still focused on his dick, and suddenly it began to inflate even more dramatically, growing from average to huge. His dick began to thicken up until it’s as big as a beercan and snakes up his pants until it escapes over the waist band, lengthening until it got to his navel, growing to at least 12 or 13 inches in length. At the same time, the pressure in his pants was increasing. His balls were beginning to swell, rapidly doubling in size, then growing to the size of baseballs.

‘Oh my god…” Garret whined “ why is that happening.… ?’ he sounded shocked. He had to pull off his too tight pants… his manhood had outgrown his pants.

“This shouldn’t be embarrassing for you my friend, you can be proud of that huge manhood you’re packing!” Again Miguel was getting turned on. He had just came. But he was getting hard all over again. “And those bull balls of yours…damn” With those words Garrets balls swelled even larger, to the size of grapefruits.

Garret tried to hide his junk but his dicks just seemed to get even bigger, still thickening further till it was nearly as thick as his muscular forearms. He was so turned on and embarrassed at the same time.

‘Okay’ Miguel thought.’ So its grown a little extreme - maybe he just needs a release’ Suddenly Garret was overcome with the most powerful orgasm of his life. His whole body convulsed in pleasure. Shots of cum went flying. Some of it hit the ceiling. It just kept going. The orgasim went on for a full minute. His huge balls kept pumping and pumping cum until he and half the room were practically drenched in it. Garret looked around, panting. All of a sudden Garret dick went soft again. Hanging there 8 inches soft now and still as big as a beercan. His balls were still huge, and heavy. All of his junk was so massive and heavy now. How was he gonna get around and hide this massive endowment?

“Fuck” Garret panted, out of breath from the overwhelming pleasure he had just experienced.

“Goddamn big man, that was quite a show” Miguel said. “But I’ll be honest with you… you’re a little big down there to model for this. That being said, I think you will have a fantastic role as an extra-extra-extra-Large adult model. We have some connections to that industry, and I think you’ll be a natural for it.

Garrets muscular shoulders slumped a bit. He picked up his pants and boxers, tied a towel around his waist, and left the casting room with his gargantuan new manhood.. From that point on, he’d be one of the biggest men, literally, in porn.

Amd What happened to Garret after the casting? Well, he got some very, very lucrative jobs in adult films. Dildos were cast in the model of his enormous 14” dick, and he made many women, and men, very happy. The Guiness Book of records gave him a record of having the largest dick (and balls) of any man in porn.


“Chris and Liam - the party boys! Come on in both of you”

The two walked in, looking like they’re having a huge hangover. But both are definitely good looking and muscled. Looking ready for the movie-role of two frat guys.

“Did you guys have a good Friday night?”

The two smiled “Yeah, we did” Chris said with a smirk. “We maybe had too much of a good time…”

‘Ahh, yeah, I see. So guys, tell me something about you!’

“Well, yeah, we’re two recent grads from...- BUUUUUURP” Chris was surprised by the sudden sound coming from his lips.

‘I’m sorry.. So as I was saying, we’re like - BUUURRRP’”. He said again, embarrassed. Chris grabbed his stomach with a hand, and covered his mouth with his other hand again.

“Are you ok?” Miguel asked with a slight smile.

“Yeah… I… am..” he replied. He clutched his stomach a little, it felt… bloated. His shirt felt tight.

“Well, Liam, why don’t you start.” Miguel went on.

Liam stood there looking like he was dreaming, “well I… um…” Liam started. “I went to school with Chris at… BURRRP!” a burp just blew out of his mouth. Liam was shocked, his eyes darted over to Chis, who was already beginning to show signs of a transformation- Chris’s belly was starting to push out and his whole frame looked… wider

“Whats… BUUURRP! ...happening?” Liam exclaimed, also noticing the sudden bloating feeling.

‘You really like to drink, maybe you’d both look good with some beer bellies on those muscular builds eh?’

‘What?! How are you… We don’t have beer bellies” Liam says proudly.

‘You will!’

Liam looked down in horror as a big, round, furry belly pushed out of his shirt. It grew so round and prominent. He looked over to see Chris had developed the same big round, furry gut. Their shirts rode up over their new, huge beer bellies. The rest of their bodies widened and thickened some, but the new weight was piling all in their bellies.

“Wow boys, you really starting to look like bears now!” Miguel’s dick began to harden yet again.

Both men exchanged confused and panicked looks. It looked like they’d probably gained 60, 70 pounds each, and most of that weight was concentrated in their now round midsections.

Both men Them felt their bodies swell thicker, their notable muscles are inflating very fast. But not only the muscles inflated, their bodyfat increased everywhere as well, and their bellies swelled still a little larger. Their clothes were all too small. The two men had gained, like Phil before them, around 140 pounds each… only this weight was quite different in appearance. These men were huge and round, like overfed football players. They both sported massive, though not very defined, muscles. They had matching broad shoulders, powerful chests, huge arms… and a massive round belly.

‘Man, what are you doing to - BUUUURP!?’

“Sorry guys. But now your look fits you! You look like a real men!’” Again Miguel was so turned on by watching the two men transform in front of him. He began to stroke his dick… and he was so entranced by watching the ongoing changes in front of him, he hardly noticed this his own dick was thicker and longer than before.

Dark hair began sprouting all over Chris and Liam’s enormous but smooth bodies. Their facial hair grew rapidly until they both had thick, dark beards. Hair grew thick across their huge burly chests, spreading down their wide backs and over their now massive beer guts. But it wasn’t over, their cocks grew and thickened into nice, heavy bear cocks.

“Damn, you men really do look like bears!” Miguel said “ But you might be a bit too bearish and bear-bellied for this campaign.... Goodbye.’

What happened to them after the casting? Both started adjusting to their lives as huge, hairy bears. They ate, worked out, ate more, and then again again after routinely having hot and heavy bear sex. Yeah, from now on they were a couple.. A very sought after and prominent couple of young, huge gay men. Other bears lusted after them, and they found some minor celebrity in the community by promoting bear events and circuit parties.


‘The last guy, please - Len?’

Len was a beefy former football player, who has always been an athlete at school. He was tall, big and had an average endowment.

‘Hello, my name is Len. I’m a former football player at Cal State. Fitness is my life - so I’d love to do the campaign!’

‘Oh, what a cutie’ MIguel thought.

‘You know what, Len. You look great, but I think… you might be a bit too… masculine looking for that part!’ I say and envision how I’ll change him. He would get every bit of the changes I had already provided to all the men before… and then some. He was going to get the full course.

His body changes from beefy too massive, he grows huge bowling ball biceps and heavy pecs. His 8 pack turns into a thick muscle gut front and his legs grew from big to absolutely massive. His clothes are much too small for his new gigantic body now. He now looks like an offseason version of Phil… thicker in the middle… and still growing.

Miguel stroked his cock. He was so turned on. MIguel’s belt was digging into his sides, as his hairy midsection was causing his pants to be quite tight… but he didn’t pay much attention. Miguel unbuckled and let out a sigh of relief. His hairy little belly surged forward with its new found freedom. His shirt felt tight, but he ignored it.

“So you like to have a lot of sex with all kinds of girls, right? I’m sorry, but that’s not what we’re looking for!” Miguel said

Len’s mind fills with gay fantasies, he wants to be a total top. All of a sudden he gets a hard-on by thinking about pounding ass. All the thoughts about girls were deleted, he would never get aroused by girls again.

“Much better. But, you know - you are a little too hung for this role. Over a foot of dick is a lot to carry around” Miguel said. The jock turned huge hulking offseason bodybuilder looks down on his manhood. He could barely see past his now huge pecs, but he watched his dick swell and grow to huge proportions. Len grabs his dick, its so thick… so long, so heavy- he’s totally confused, thinking he’s dreaming. His balls swell, just like Garret before him, until they’re the size of small melons.

“This can’t be real?”

“And I think to round it out, all that testosterone is really changing you.”

Len grunts, his body feels a surge of adrenaline and then something else, a new energy. His dick is getting harder and he’s more turned on than ever in his life. Hair sprouts everywhere and covered his massive body. His hands and feet suddenly grow, and his height begins to increase. His weight surges along with his height, pushing him from 300 pounds to 350, then 400. He grew thicker. His muscle gut surged forward, rounding out into a fully hairy ball belly. Len was becoming absolutely gigantic.

Len groans again. His voice has deepened, his brows look heavier, his nose and chin are stronger, more prominent features on his face. His whole appearance is still handsome, but brutish and massive.

Miguel begins stroking his own thick, now full 10 incher, admiring his handwork. Miguel's thicker, hairier arms brush up unexpectedly against his now round furry belly. Miguel looks down. Fuck! He’s changing too. He’s starting to look a little bit like all the men he’s changed today. He was starting to get the pecs, huge shoulders, massive biceps of Jace, the dick of Garret, and the ball belly and fur of Chris and Liam… he’s turning into everything he’s other men into. It was too much.

Miguel looked up at the now 6’6” 450 pound beast of a man before him. Huge, fur covered muscles, huge thick belly and a massive cock. He was the biggest and most overwhelming of them all.

“Fuck” Len moaned in a deep bass voice.

Miguel came again right then and there. As he came, Miguel’s body surged with growth and testosterone.. His arms grew enormously muscular, his shoulders and back widened dramatically, his belly grew rounder and fatter, his dick larger. He took on all the same attributes as Len had in front of him.

Then, suddenly, after a moment of orgasmic chaos there was just the round of heavy breathing. The two men looked at each other, eye to eye. They were now the same size, the same hairiness, the same dick size. They were practically mirrors of the same kind of overblown masculinity Miguel had always fetishized. They embraced. They made out. Then they fucked.

Miguel had discovered the impacts of all his desires- he had become the man of his dreams.

And It was time to bring his boyfriend Jordan up to his level.