The Augmentation Supplement Epilogue

Ahmed had grown used to his new size. At somewhere just below 500 lbs, he was truly immense in every way. Thick black hair covered nearly every inch of his monstrously bulky frame, and his beard grew all the way down to his furry chest. Huge, powerful arms framed Ahmed’s enormous, hairy, round gut. His chest had grown so thick it stood out nearly as far as his gut. All of Ahmed’s new tremendous mass and strength was useful in his new competitive sport- powerlifting.

Ahmed, Aaron Fisk and Bladen Blackburn founded a hardcore powerlifting and strongman gym. The three of them trained, worked out and competed. Each one of them became, figuratively and literally, giants in the world of strength sports, winning competitions wherever they went. Their tremendously large and powerful bodies smashed world records. Men came from all over the world to train with them. While bodybuilding was out of the question (these men were far too big and heavy for that!) they made formidable strength athletes even with no preparation.

The three of them all dropped some weight from the constant training, but not nearly as much as anticipated. Aaron Fisk was still nearly 600 lbs, and curiously, the young men who trained closest with him seemed to balloon larger just from being around him, some of them growing to nearly as large as the three titans themselves.

The three men enjoyed their new fame as the strongest men alive. Though they'd never regain the aesthetic look they had worked hard for in the past, now they had mass and power that no other men alive possessed. Rumors circled wildly about how they had grown so large, but no one was able to ascertain exactly how the three of them had achieved such dominating physiques.

Vince remained in captivity, constantly drugged up, producing XPP to weightlifters and strength athletes all over the world. Dick, for his part, knew he would have to quit the harvesting of XPP soon, as just being around Vince was causing his own growth to accelerate. He tried to limit the contact, keep himself in gloves, even XXL hazmat suits. Nothing worked. Slowly and steadily Dick grew larger and bulkier from his constant exposure to Vince. By the time the authorities arrested him and seized his property, he was nearly 500 lbs of hulking mass. Extra large handcuffs had to be brought in to properly restrain him.

No one quite knew what to do with the 2000 pound man found in Dick’s lab. Vince was eventually transported to a more modern facility for research. There he slowly lost some weight, and eventually, through a very limited diet, he regained mobility. There was little hope that this giant muscle blimp would ever live a regular life, but Vince had grown sort of accustomed to his size. He had a cowish contentment with his situation. He was cared for, cared about, and promised eventual release. The doctors who worked with him bonded with him, seemed to enjoy his company and he enjoyed theirs. Several of them also experienced the effects of the exposure to XPP. The researchers were fascinated by his body’s ability to produce a highly concentrated growth hormone. Things were looking good, and for the first time in a long time, Vince was happy.