T.H Grow ch. 0 and 1

- T.H.Grow. - Chapter 0 and 1 - By Biggerchanger

Ugo was delighted with how the party had turned out. The once hairless twink he used to be was a thing of the past and he couldn’t be happier with his new jockish looks. He had carefully applied the correct amount of T.H.Grow to his underwear every night over the summer and now back in school with the fall semester, he jumped on the bigger side of average at 6’1 and 190 pounds with a nice built that he intended to keep by attending the gym regularly.

Since the young man has had problems with his hormones during his early and mid teenage years, he had bought a whole quart of the T.H.Grow, only to find out he’s used barely half of it : and it was showing results he was very content with. He didn’t want to grow too big to make his life miserable either. The thing had already gifted him with an eight inches dick and his feet were now a size 12 and a half. Perhaps, if he used any more it would give undesirable effects. He didn’t mind the pelts of hair he’s sprouted everywhere, but if he were any hairier it might be to much of a hassle to shave his back or trim his junk. Not to mention that for feet over 13s, the shoe sizes could be hard to find and expansive to buy.

Ugo thought of emptying the contents of the T.H.Grow in the sink after the party. That was the plan… but some guy had accidentally found about the bottle in the bathroom first. Zachary was not a big guy like him but the short fuck sure could drink a lot. While looking in the cupboard for a towel to dry his hands the short guy had accidentally knocked the bottle of T.H.Grow down, which fell flat on top of the counter. The impact made the cap instantly fly off and a good amount of the colourless but very musky fluid splattered onto the poor young man. As if to make things worst, he heard someone knocking at the door.

“Is everything all right there?”

‘Shit!’ Zach thought.

“Wait a minute!”

The clumsy short lad put the bottle back to its place, making sure to get the cap in place. With a brief but still quite drunk look, he thought he read ‘lotion’ on the bottle and thought nothing more of it. ‘At least it’s not alcohol or something dangerous.’ He reassured himself.

He looked over for a solution, but none came to his drunken mind at the moment. Finally, Zachary simply took an empty stray beer can on the counter that some previous occupant to the bathroom might had forgotten here. With a deep sigh, he got out of the bathroom to meet the party host, Ugo.

“Dude, what’s happened? You got…”

“My can slipped and drenched my clothes, I know.” He made up to hide his embarrassment.

“Dude… what’s that smell…”


In Ugo’s eyes, Zachary noticed some concern. The host’s eyes had suddenly opened as big as goggles, like if fear had suddenly filled them.

“I’ll lend you some of my clothes.” He blurted out, anxious.

“No, it’s fine, man… I was about to get back to my place anyway.” He said back with a blush.

“No! Wait…”

“Hey, guys, what are you talking about?” A curvy and definitely tipsy blond asked them, interposing herself between the two college guys.

“Not now, Tisha.” Ugo pushed her off, turning back at Zachary, only to notice he had disappeared into the crowd.



Zachary had just entered his apartment. His roommate Brett seemed absent for now, but he didn’t care. He headed straight for his room. He shucked away his shirt and shorts, laid on his bed and looked down at the biggest boner he’s ever had. His boxers tented like a pyramid and Zachary couldn’t help but slip out a loud moan. Hot all over, he was sweating buckets.

He should’ve listened to Ugo and told him the truth, but he’s been so embarrassed back then. Plus, his drunken mind didn’t help him either. It didn’t help that he was gay and that the host was so gorgeously hot too. Thoughts aside, the young man looked down at the tented underwear. He was leaking into them like he’s never did before. They were still a bit damp with the lotion or perfume or whatever that was, but he no longer cared. Zachary fished his erection through the fly and proceeded to jack himself off, the control over his lustful body ebbing away.

A thin but dark mustache was beginning to show over his lips, as well as some stubble on his cheeks, but Zachary was none the wiser. With the boiling shaft in his hand, the young man grunted as his body felt tingly all over. In fact, it was like a torrent of concentrated testosterone moved through his sweaty body. Tiny prickling feelings coursed over his skin as small hairs were growing by hundreds.

The jacking felt like never before. The whole masturbation felt surreal, out of this world. The bed was damp with sweat, his muscles burned with an insatiable fire and thoughts grew hazier with each stroke of his ever bigger dick. Soon, his below-average five foot six body had grown to an average five foot nine… Yet, the more he kept masturbating, diving into lust, his body relished on growth, soon growing into a muscled six foot tall hairy hunk. Zachary has cummed at least four times before he fell asleep out of exhaustion.


The pleasant sunrise filled the room with light early in the morning. Warmth gathered in the room that reeked with sex, sweat and testosterone. All night, Zachary had dreamed of sex. In his sleep, he had cummed twice, soaking his underwear with more fresh manly spunk. The thick morning wood in his underwear was no lie about his oblivious state. The sleeping man murmured in his sleep, a new small darkening spot growing at the tip of the glorious tent of his underwear.

“Hmm… fuck… Ugo…”

The dark stain grew in radius as another orgasm hit the horny young man. Cum gushed out and out, some passing through the underwear while the rest soaked in or ran down the above-hung shaft.

Zachary’s body spasmed once, the tent stretching bigger yet again, cum gushing out still, making the spot spread even more. The day before, Zachary never thought he’d grow muscles overnight, but he did. What soft belly and chest he had the day before had converted overnight into the beginning of pecs and abs. All over these new muscles, a nice layer of body hair had grown, making him look much older than the 19 years old he was.


The massive feet he sported now slipped past the bed end, free from the hot blankets. The muscles all over his body contracted a little, swelling with pressure, but when Zachary relaxed, they didn’t shrink back to their previous size: they stayed this size.

He felt hot. The warmth of the room had spiked up during the morning, had he forgot to close the curtains before heading to sleep. He was starting to sweat and it’s a sniff of a strong reeking smell that draw him out of his sleep.

“Uhh… Fuck…”

The sleepy lad brought a hand to his face only to be taken aback by the coarse stubble he scratched his hand against on his cheeks.


His head hurt a lot.

“Fuckin’ headache…”

Zachary was a bit taken aback at how deep his voice suddenly sounded, but he blamed it on his morning voice. Glancing down, the man was greeted with the biggest tent he’s ever pitched. The thing jutted out at almost a footlong.. thick… needy…

“Ughh… Fuck…” He muttered, his brain foggy with an undying lust.

He stretched and yawned like he did every morning as he woke up… only to realize his feet were stretching past the bed end, uncovered. His fists bumped the wall over the top of the bed. Zachary felt something was not right. His eyes opened up and he glanced down in shock.

He was hairy…

He was jacked…

He was hung…

He was a giant…

He was a man.

“Fuck! What the hell happened??” He bellowed in concern, sitting up in a single motion.

He looked down at himself in shock: no way he’d pass for the short teen he was yesterday! Nobody would recognize him! Zachary heard a gasp and turned toward the unclosed door of his room. His roommate Brett stood there agape.

“Who… Who the fuck are you??" Brett blurted, taking a step back.

"Brett! You’ve got… gotta help me! Something happened to me last night!”

“Za… Zachary?? That can’t be! What the fuck, man! Get the fuck outta here before I call the cops!”

“Please, Brett!” Zachary pleaded. “I… I dropped something on myself… yesterday… at Ugo’s party… I think that’s what changed me…”

Despite having threatened the ‘stranger’ in Zachary’s room, Brett did not attempt to run and leave. The man on the bed pushed away the blankets and tried standing up, the boner in his underwear barely diminishing since he’s woken up. The changed man stood upward and upward like an erecting tower, standing at least a foot taller than he stood yesterday. Coarse stubble covered his cheeks and a thick carpet of fur had spread over his new muscles. Looking down at the ‘small’ five foot eleven Brett somehow aroused Zachary. He almost drooled, his boner stretching his tenting boxers more and more.

Brett might not have been gay but, bisexual, he couldn’t help admiring the imposing man in front of him. A sexual and musk in the air created a slight tension between the two roommates. Zachary shut his eyes closed for a brief moment and Brett could finally believe him.

Right in front of him, Brett saw the stubble on his friend’s cheeks darkening obviously. A soft pop from Zachary’s joints made him grow right there. His shoulders spread larger and he was forced to spread his legs farther. An impressive load of pre darkened the tight boxers and the tent pole swelled even fatter inside the clothing prison.

Finally, Zachary prevented himself from entering another lust frenzy and opened his duller eyes to look at his diminutive friend.

“Please, Brett… I need your help… You’ve gotta head back to Ugo’s… tell him what happened… please…”

Brett’s breathing increased, lust filling him for a moment as well. If both of the men had listened to their male impulses, they would have thrown themselves at each other and fucked right now. Still, Brett nodded in approval to his friend’s request and left for Ugo’s place.