
- Spell casting -

“WHAT. HAVE. YOU. DONE. TO ME???” Tom’s voice bellowed loud and deep, shaking Roy’s body to its core in enchanted lust.

“I... I did what you asked for, it’s all...” Roy answered nervously, looking at his fuckfriend in lust.

“When I said bigger... I meant bigger muscles! You stupid or what?”

“I must have mixed the spells...”

That was a lie, though. Roy couldn’t help himself but lusting at his now huskier boyfriend. Although Tom wasn’t shabby before (he had a nice muscle definition), Roy had willingly used the bearification spell.

“Damn right, you fuckin’ liar! Give me that book now!”

“Wait! No! Don’t make me cast a dumbing spell on you!”

“So now you’re threatening me? You’re such an asshole, Roy!”

“I wouldn’t threaten you if you actually thanked me!”

“What? Why would I thank you? You made fat... and hairy above all!”

“Well... I thought you’d look good like that to be honest...”

“Right... so that was not a spell mix-up after all...”

“No- wait!”

In his large naked new form, Tom raced toward his average fuckfriend and tackled him on the couch before he could even cast a proper spell. Needless to say, that thicker physique of his was actually strong. Tom laughed at how easy it’s been to immobilize his fuckbuddy on the ground. Trapping Roy under his doubled weight, Tom snatched the book from his friend’s hands.

“Right, for having made me a fat furball, I guess it’s just payback if I made you one as well, right?

“Please! Tom! I beg you! I promise I’ll turn you back!”

Too late, Tom was already casting the spell. While Tom undressed in preparation to his changes, Roy was still wearing them and they were clinging tighter by the second around his swelling body. Already, his swollen middle was growing out of his shirt and the slight pecs of his were softening down as well.

In the process, the hair that traveled down his treasure trail had thickened considerably, making it more a treasure highway that a treasure trail. Arms and shoulders bulged under the shirt, growing some mass along with the fat to make the size as imposing as it looked on his buddy.

As the changes progressed, Tom gasped as the man under him was growing nearly equal in size. Against losing his superior position, Tom casted another spell: a height transfer one. Tom was 5′11″ tall while Roy was not far behind him at 5′9″... but things were going to change... just not the way he thought they would...

Tom had intended for Roy’s size to be transferred to him... but, in fact, the opposite happened. While Tom shrank an inch in height... Roy grew an inch taller, making them both the same height, the same weight, the same size... but things weren’t going to stay as such.

Underneath Tom, Roy took bigger breaths as his chest expanded bigger, forcing the shirt to actually tear off his growing bulk and frame. Tom gasped as he realized his mistake. He felt himself grow lighter and smaller, the world around him growing in inversion to his shrinkage.

5′10″ became 5′9″ on Tom: they were now both the other’s height before he casted the spell... but when Tom’s height dropped further to 5′8″, then 5′7″, 5′6″... he realized it wasn’t done yet.

“No! NOOO!!” Tom cried powerlessly, as Roy’s laugh boomed in mockery under him.

Roy’s body stretched and grew taller, hitting 6′0″ tall in no time, then going beyond at 6′1″, and even bigger at 6′2″... To keep on with the bearish bulk and size, his limbs thickened over all. Even the gut onto which Tom was seated onto to trap his once smaller friend swelled up further, pushing him further up... Until Roy pushed him off his round belly.

Tom fell backward on the couch, looking up in fear at the big bear bursting out of his clothes standing up, looming, in front of him. If anything, Roy looked even more massive that way... perhaps he was still blowing up like an inflatable balloon.

Roy reached 6′3″... 6′4″... The shorts on him looked painted on, seams splitting on the sides. Despite having shrunk considerably in height, now at 5′4″, Tom didn’t seem to lose weight as much as Roy gained: in fact, he felt even more bloated, like he was compressed down with all the weight he had when he was 5′11″.

“I didn’t think you wanted to be the little guy.” Roy mocked at him, the growth slowing down as he hit 6′5″.

“It... it was an accident!” Tom blurted out, angry yet scared now that he lost the advantage.

“I’m not dumb, I know you wanted to be the bigger one.” Roy said with a knowing smirk. “I think I like it, that you’re much smaller than me, though...”

Roy kneeled next to his 5′3″ friend on the couch. His new mitten-like hands slapped playfully Tom’s rotund tummy then rubbed it tenderly.

“Well, not so little, I must say. You blimped out quite a bit when you gave me all that height.”

“It was an accident!” Tom repeated, his face red in embarrassment.

“I must say I didn’t think I’d like it being this big at first... but I feel so powerful now... So tall...”

Roy rubbed the fuzzy ballgut protruding out in front of him.

“So big...”

Tom gasped, recognizing the lustful gaze in his fuckbuddy’s eyes.

“I wonder how big it is down... It sure feels tight in these small pesky shorts now...”

Roy stood back up, tearing apart with his large powerful hands the remains of the shorts to reveal a quite packed pair of boxers. Tom gasped again: it was nowhere near the six inches erection of his buddy... and it was still SOFT.

“I’m horny, Tom.”

“Fuck no! There’s no way I’m taking that... that... monster!”

Roy chuckled.

“Really, how about I make you a slut for my big cock?”

And in one swift movement, Roy snatched back the spell book, giving Roy a threatening smirk.

“Don’t you dare!” Tom panicked.

Roy casted the spell... but not before casting a second size transfer one.