Special Talent

Source: https://thetfchangingroom.tumblr.com/

We all have our special talents. Some people are athletic, others artistic. But me? I grow. Not myself, per sea, though I am working on bulking up my own muscles at the gym. No, I can grow other people. What does that mean you ask?

It was my freshman year of college, and while everyone was off getting laid, I was just coming to terms with my sexuality. I had a massive crush on Blake, the lacrosse quarterback with the chiselled face and jock physique. We were good friends but he was straight, going off and fucking basically every girl he could get his hands on.

Or so I thought…

It was the end of second semester. Finals had just got out and the lacrosse team was throwing a huge party at one of their houses. I was hesitant to go, but Blake had invited me and finals were close to over, so we decided to go.

Basically everyone in the house was half naked. Beautiful college jocks and their girlfriends running around drunk and sweaty. I turned my head to see Blake peel his shirt off, those worked out muscles glistening under the faux disco lights as he yelled for his friends to get us some shots.

The party went on, and it was becoming harder and harder (literally) to hide my erection, ESPECIALLY now that I was just in my thighty whites. Sure enough, Jake bumped into me on the way back from the bar, and I guess he felt my boner because he stopped, looked up at me and shot me a sly grin.

“What?” I asked defensively.

“Having too much fun?” he smiled. I didn’t know how to respond. How could I tell him that my hard on wasn’t for all the hot girls around me, but for him? “Here” he said guiding me up the stairs to one of the bedrooms. “I’ve got something I think you’ll like.”

Blake was always trying to set me up. I wasn’t all that special looking back then, and girls tend to have pretty good gay-dars. Still, it meant a lot that he was trying, though this was the worst out of all nights to set me up with a girl.

But when we entered the room, it was empty. “Where is she?” I started asking as Blake shut the door behind me. “Under the bed? In the close—“

I turned around and Blake was naked. His eight and a half inch cock flailing out between his thick legs. It was half erect.

“Don’t sweat it dude,” Blake said, “I always knew you were a queer.” I opened my mouth to defend myself but his lips were on mine. And everything disappeared except for us. “But you have to promise not to tell anyone about me okay?”

I noted obliviously, and he continued to kiss me. Blake, my best friend in the whole world, was kissing me, cupping my head in his calloused hands and running his fingers throughout my hair. I ran my hands down the crevices of his body, feeling the sweat, the head radiating from every pour.

He pushed me onto the bed and yanked off my shorts. He went down on me and I felt like I was about to cum right then and there. His mouth was so wet. So warm.

It was all a daze after that. The next thing I know is I was fucking him on the bed, his legs straddling my chest as his pecs bounced up and down the the rhythm of my hips. His hole was tight, but elastic. This wasn’t the first time someone had been in there.

“Oh fuck man” Blake said in pure ecstasy. “Fuck me bro, fuck me… oh my god, oh my—!”

And that’s when I noticed the changes. They were subtle at first. His arms would seem wider spread out on the bed, his ass would balloon up against my exposed pubes. But when I looked down and saw his face, tightening against an increasingly mountainous neck, I could tell: he was growing.

I tried to pull out but Blake grabbed my ass, pulling me in with his now bodybuilder arm. “Keep fucking me bro.” Even his voice was deeper.

“Blake… Blake let go.”

“What’s wrong man?”

“You’re… you’re growing! Look!” He looked down and, sure enough, he could not see over his pecs. He was ripped before. sure, but he was also proportionate. By now, he looked bigger than the average bodybuilder. And he was still growing.

“Aw fuck man” he said cradling those bulbous slabs of meat on his chest. “I’m fucking growing!” He wasn’t mad at all. Barely even surprised. I couldn’t tell if he’d just had too much to drink or whatever it was I was doing to him was making him more complacent. Either way, he was just begging for more. “Yeah man, grow me huge. Fucking grow me, man. I wanna get bigger.”

His hole grew more wet. His skin grew warmer. I had to keep fucking him. I leaned in (as far as I could) and kissed him while I continued to plow his tight ass. I felt his legs grow heavier and heavier on my shoulders. I felt his ever expanding chest push me away until I had to lean down to reach his lips. I felt his dick grow its way up his now eight pack abs and brush against my chest, pre cum dripping out of the tip.

“Oh fuck, I’m cumming!” It was me who yelled first, and I shot my load into Blake’s ass. My body tensed, and I could feel the power surge from the tip of my penis into Blake’s body, which was now the entire size of the bed.

“GRAAAAAAAGH!” He bellowed, and the wooden frame snapped. He fell right out from under me to the floor as a literal torrent of cum shot out of his 15 inch cock and smothered the wall next to him. His gigantic chest heaved up and down as I was able to get a look at him from under the dim lights. I had turned Blake into a massive muscle freak. His arms were so thick he was practically immobile. His chest so large that his head seemed so small placed on top of it. His dick was as thick as a baseball bat, and his balls the size of cantaloupes.

“B—Blake?” I stuttered moving to him with caution. “Are you okay?” He only grunted in recognition. I really had grown him into something obscene. Something obscenely hot.

I haven’t grown someone quite as big as Blake. He was my first time, so I didn’t know how to control my powers. Now, I can grow someone with real precision, target different body parts, and even change people mentally!

In case you’re wondering how Blake is doing, he’s been alright. He was getting too big for my basement, so I bought a large ranch after college where I could keep him and the other men I transformed. Some of them come and go as they please. Some, like Blake, love the idea of turning into a full on muscle freak. They beg me to grow them bigger and bigger, until all they can do is grunt and grow.

Well, that’s my story! If you’re looking to pack on some muscle quick, I’m you’re guy. Now if you’ll excuse me, Blake is back at the ranch waiting. He’s gotten so big now it’s hard to keep fucking him. But don’t worry, we’ll get creative.