Raj and the Farmers

Raj and the Farmers

A gay erotic story by Ventrego

On a quiet country road, between fields of corn and alfalfa, an older car putted its way through a mild afternoon. The weather was warm, but not unseasonably so, and the bright summer sun smiled gently on the long, nearly-deserted stretch of asphalt.

The driver, a slender, Indian man, hummed to himself. The sun made his bronze skin glow. A generous black beard made his chin full and wooly. He turned the music down and placidly watched the greenery scrolling by.

The car jerked. The man frowned at the dashboard. A gauge was lower than it should have been. The car began to slow. The man pressed on the gas; the car ignored him and his speed dropped further. The man pulled off to the side as the car smoothly rolled to a stop before shutting off on its own.

The man scowled at the wheel. He muttered under his breath, then turned the key angrily. The few lights on the dash dimmed, but otherwise the car didn't respond. He checked his phone. The screen read "Raj's Phone", and no coverage, which wasn't surprising this far from urban life.

Raj got out of the car and looked around, his feet planted on the warm asphalt. He was at the fence line between two farmhouses. Both were just visible from the road amid acres of corn.

The one ahead of him had a perfectly manicured lawn, with small plantings of one or two lonely flowers, each in precise locations. The house was white with green trim, small, with country decorations stuck aggressively on every wall and surface. An off-road, raised-up four-by-four with spotless chrome suspension and chrome exhaust and chrome fender guards and chrome grill sparkled on the path that led from the home to the road.

The farm behind him had a green lawn, fairly recently mowed. A few plantings of flowers had been placed so they played well off each other. The plants were allowed to grow and flourish within their boundaries. The house was a larger, solid structure, if plainly decorated from street view. An older pick-up truck and Suburban sat next to the house, clean and unaccessorized. Two fat men were visible working in the yard: an older, gray-haired, pot-bellied man, and a shorter, red-bearded, broader man of softer build.

Raj was startled to hear a voice nearby. "HI!" it said, a little too brightly.

Raj looked over to see a pale man standing at the fence of the fussy farmhouse. The man was small and thin, with a thin strip of manicured beard framing his jawline. The man's eyes took in every inch of Raj's car disapprovingly. Then they took in Raj.

"Car trouble?" the pale man chirped.

Raj forced himself to smile. "You could say that."

"You buy a cheap car, you get nothing but problems." The man made a semi-sympathetic clicking noise with his tongue. "Too bad you weren't further along. Town is three miles that way." He pointed.

Raj looked, then looked back at the man. "I could call if my phone had service."

"Nope," said the man. "No service out here. The company keeps saying it's coming. Any year now."

Raj looked around. He looked back at the other farm, where the two overweight men were pulling weeds from a flowerbed. "Maybe they could help me."

The small, pale man shook his head. "I wouldn't bother them if I was you. They're not…the right kind of people."

Raj looked back at the man and tipped his head to one side. "The right kind of people?"

"You know…" The man nudged forward with his shoulder. "The right kind. They call each other 'dad' and 'son', but they ain't family, not that way"

Raj looked over at the man, and found himself wanting to take a step back. "Uh…OK?"

"Light in the loafers," said the man. "Not that you'd know it by looking at them! At least I keep myself in shape. You should see the way they eat! They're pigs! They're probably going to get even fatter. It would serve them right."

Raj looked over at the yard. "Indeed?" He looked from the man, to the pair working in the yard. The pair stood up; the shorter, softer one picked up a pile of weeds. Raj pointed.

The older, potbellied one put his hands on his hips and arched his back. His tee-shirt rode up the front expanse of his hairy stomach. He scratched it absent-mindedly, then pulled his shirt down. It wouldn't cover the round ball in front of him. The shirt seemed to shrink as his stomach swelled out from under it, almost to the navel.

Off to the side, son had his own problems. His hands were full of weeds, but his broadening rump had risen out of his shorts, and his shirt was very full. He shifted his hips awkwardly, trying to get things back in place. He finally settled for gripping the waistband with his thumbs and pulling up to cover himself.

The two looked at each other and began to laugh. Their amusement was audible from the road.

The pale, thin man looked from Raj to the bears, then back at Raj.

Raj met his eyes. "It seems it does serve them right."

The man took a step back, and then another. Soon he was walking back to his farmhouse with deliberate speed: not fast enough to seem frightened, not slow enough to be called back.

The bears noticed Raj standing at the fence. Son tossed the weeds onto the driveway to be collected later. As the two strode up, Dad made another effort to get his shirt over the round ball of his stomach. He mostly succeeded.

The older, taller man with the ill-fitting shirt spoke first. "Car trouble, stranger?"

Raj nodded. "Yeah."

The shorter, broader man spoke up. "What happened? Tell me about any noises your heard, or smoke, how the car was acting."

Raj gave him the short version. The shorter man asked a few questions, then said, "Okay. Town's only a few miles that way. I've got a battery you can borrow that will get you there. Dad here will keep an eye on you for a minute."

As the shorter, broader man hustled back towards the farmhouse, Raj looked to the older man. "Dad?"

The older man extended a hand. "Name's Dan."

Raj shook. "Raj."

Dan tipped his head back towards the retreating figure a little too large for the shorts and tee shirt it wore. "That's my son, Paul."

Raj smiled. "Your son?"

Dan flushed a little. "Not really, but that's what I call him. It's our…thing. What about you, Raj? What brings you to these parts?"

There were a few minutes of small talk. Paul brought back a battery and did something with it under the hood of Raj's car, then closed the hood with a solid thump. "Tell Jim what you told me. He'll probably say you need an alternator, which you do. Tell him Paul sent you so you don't have to make his next house payment."

Raj extended a hand. "Thanks. I'll bring the battery back when things are fixed."

Raj found his attention drawn down to the round stomach that bulged out of Dan's shirt and nearly touched him before they broke contact. Dan followed Raj's gaze and laughed. "Sorry. If I'd known my shirts were going to shrink, I'd have worn my overalls!"

Paul shifted his bulk in his undersized shorts and tee shirt. "Me too, I guess."

Raj looked embarrassed. "I had something to do with that."

There was an awkward moment. Paul chuckled a little. "What, you think you made us fat?"

Dan put an arm on Raj's shoulder. "Look, Raj, the world is tough enough without making yourself responsible for other people's lives. Get that car up to Jim's in town. Leave the radio, lights, and fan off until it's fixed. Bring the battery back when you can." Dan turned to Paul. "Ready to finish the flowerbeds, son?"

Paul grinned. "You got it, Dad." The two strolled back down the lane arm-in-arm.

Raj watched the two for a long moment, "dad" and "son". He got in his car, which started up like everything was fine. He pointed at the pair, then pulled cautiously onto the empty highway towards town.

A few steps further, Paul stopped and pulled up his shorts. "Just a sec."

Dan turned and pulled his shirt down over his stomach again. "What?"

"I feel…" Paul frowned. And then he changed.

His limbs grew longer and thinner, pushing his head and shoulders up. His rump and thighs became merely bulky, then solid, then a little less than solid. He adjusted his stance as his broad build narrowed. His hips and shoulders pulled in, and in, until his gut was the widest part of him. The soft gut he carried, now a half-foot higher off the ground, pulled taut and shifted forward into a round ball belly like Dan's. His red beard became a thick black goatee that mirrored Dan's facial hair with the chin filled in.

Paul's now-baggy shorts plummeted to the ground. His shirt shifted, its fabric laying long instead of wide across a taller torso. His feet planted on the ground just as heavily, but now they supported a man slightly taller than Dan, and with a very similar build. The fat ball of his stomach swelled out from his frame like he'd stuffed a small pumpkin under his shirt.

The two looked at each other, startled. Paul spoke first, looking down at his changed build, his shorts pooled around his ankles.

"What the hell just happened?"

Dan looked thoughtful. He circled Paul appraisingly. "This looks familiar," he said. He smacked Paul's backside with a bare hand. "Skinny legs. Almost no ass." He kept circling. "Facial hair as good as mine at your age." Dan planted himself in front of his husband, looking up slightly into an uncertain face. He put both hands on the round ball belly Paul now carried. "And I KNOW I recognize that stomach. You may not be my son exactly, but let's just say there's a strong resemblance."

Paul looked at himself, than back at Dan. "…Dad?"

Dan shook his head. "You know better." He frowned. "But other people might not."

Paul bumped his stomach against his "father". "Fucking hot!"

Dan bumped back. "Hell, yeah. Who cares what other people think?" He looked around. "I think the weeding can wait, son. How about you?"

Paul pulled Dan back towards the house with newly-lengthened strides. "Let's go, dad!"


The sun was dropping in the sky, casting increasingly long shadows over the corn and the roads and the farmhouses. Raj's car pulled down the long driveway to Dan and Paul's house. Both men came out to greet him. Dan was, as promised, wearing overalls over his round stomach. Paul wore a a pair of Dan's jeans and a shirt that fit him completely differently than before.

After a few handshakes and hellos, a much-taller Paul retrieved his battery from the trunk. Paul's black-goateed face looked up at Raj suddenly. "You're staying for dinner, right?"

Dan stepped towards Raj. "As late as it is, it would almost be rude of you not to eat with us. Maybe even stay the night, we've got an extra bedroom. Besides…" Dan pulled on the straps of his overalls, shifting his gut in the heavy denim, then looked pointedly as his much-changed "son". "You've got some explaining to do, mister!"

The bears looked at each other and laughed. Raj found himself smiling and thinking, yes, he might just stay for dinner.


The bears served enough food for a small family gathering; they both ate enough for two, leaving plenty for an already-stuffed Raj. After the meal, Raj found himself answering questions as they sat in the living room and chatted.

"My magic only works with people, not things."

Paul laughed. "So you can make someone's dick bigger, but you can't fix your car?"

Raj smiled and stroked his long beard. "Let's just say the mechanics I go to have gotten very well-hung."

Dan sat up straighter in his chair. "You mean Jim…?"

"Jim is more than happy with the results of our trade." Raj's smile showed teeth. Dan and Paul exchanged a look. Dan whistled.

"So I suppose you want to talk about what I've done to you two," said Raj.

"To be honest," said Dan, "Paul's fucking hot no matter how he looks." He began to laugh. "But please tell me I'm not actually fucking my son!"

Raj smiled and shook his head. "A cousin at best."

Paul smiled and rested his arms on the arms of the chair. Dan settled a little heavily under his potbelly. Raj looked at him and asked, "I'm afraid I also had something to do with your recent increase in weight."

Dan chuckled. "I figured. I don't usually outgrow shirts RIGHT THERE in the yard."

Raj shrugged. "Well, it was Vince's idea. I had no idea how you would react."

It was Paul's turn to laugh. "Hell, you saw how much Dad puts away at dinner. I cook for six, and we split it. It's not like we actually want to be skinny and can't figure out how."

Dan and Paul laughed again. Raj could easily imagine the two sharing jokes and smiles and enjoying each other's company; they had clearly already done so for years. Dan had to wipe a tear from his eye. "He thought THAT would bother us?"

Paul frowned briefly. "Shows how you can live next to someone for years, and still not know them."

After a moment of silence, Dan spoke up. "If you could made us fatter once, you could probably do it again, huh?" His eyes bored into Raj.

Raj met his gaze. "Of course. If you're sure that's...appropriate. "

Dan and Paul exchanged a look. Dan continued. "Look. We fixed your car, right?"

"You were enormously helpful."

Dan settled his hands on his round potbelly. "ENORMOUSLY helpful, huh? Well then, why can't we be enormous?"

Paul chuckled. "Enormous is right! Look, I love ball bellies on guys, and I love having one. I plan to have some good personal time in the shower tomorrow. And the bigger I am, the better that will be!" Dan cleared his throat. Paul looked over at Dan and smirked before adding, "And have Dad be even bigger than me, of course."

Dan chuckled. "Yeah, I should give him something to aspire to!"

Raj shrugged, then pointed at Paul. Paul grunted. His already full, fat stomach began to swell and bloat and bulge. Paul groaned and lifted it with both hands, freeing it from the friction against his shorts, pulling his shirt up out of his pants as his midsection swelled. Soon Paul was the owner of a stomach so fat it made a foot-long shelf in front of him. He rested his arms on it proudly.

Raj turned to Dan, who was staring with obvious interest. Raj said, "I believe you wanted to be the bigger man,", and pointed.

It was Dan's turn to grunt and lean back in his chair. His overalls grew full in front and were shoved out by the growing advance of his gut. Dan watched, smiling but wide-eyed, as the front panel reached its limit and the round ball of his stomach began emerging to either side. He chuckled and let out a half-breath, then quickly pulled the buckles from the snaps to free his stomach. His overalls flopped forward, the straps pulling up on his back as his potbelly grew to exceed their bounds. Soon he had every bit the round half-barrel stomach of Paul, and he was still getting fatter.

Raj watched carefully; as Dan got rounder, Paul's grin got wider. Soon Dan's pronounced stomach had grown and swelled and fattened into an enormous round ball that filled his lap out past his knees. Dan found himself looking down at a fat, heavy mass of an abdomen that shoved his belly button out into the room. He reached forward experimentally; his finger just barely reached the indentation in front of the oversized oblate spheroid. The hairy shelf that led from beneath his ribcage to the front of his new expanse could easily have carried a turkey platter. The chair groaned loudly beneath Dan's new, overblown bulk.

Paul hauled himself to his feet first. He looked like he was carrying a propane tank for a barbecue, a round heavy mass that thrust forward into the room and doubled his personal space.

If Paul had the propane tank, Dan had the barbecue! Dan's stomach was a big heavy round space-filler that weighed as much as the rest of him. He was fully as wide as the doorway, too big around for two stretched arms to encompass. It took an effort and some bracing against the arms of the chair for him to hoist himself out of the seat.

The two ball-bellied bears stepped towards each other. Their eyes roamed each other's frames with before locking on their faces. Their jumbo stomachs pressed together; they had to lean over them to embrace.

"Oh, DADDY," said Paul lustily, thrusting forward a stomach that would have looked large next to any biker or trucker.

Dan bumped forward with a stomach even bigger than Paul's. The two met with a solid thump. His voice was suggestive. "Son…"

Raj quietly excused himself to his bedroom.


The next morning saw Raj well-rested. His hosts looked tired, but thoroughly relaxed and comfortable. Paul wore cotton shorts and a dress shirt that he left open around a ball belly it probably couldn't cover. He glanced down every so often, then beamed proudly at nobody in particular. Dan, who was cooking, wore an apron. Several inches of stomach showed around the sides and bottom of the apron, which his forward advance thrust out into the room. The strings dangled uselessly at the apron sides; they had no hope of encompassing Dan's new equator. His hands kept exploring his new expanse in an absent-minded way, when they weren't occupied preparing food.

Paul perched awkwardly on a chair slid a half-foot further away from the action than usual for him. Dan seemed to already have the knack of turning sideways to lower dishes onto the table, allowing his jumbo stomach to bulge one direction, out of the way, while he reached in the other. Still, there was a moment when Dan tried to retrieve butter from the fridge; his much-overinflated beach ball of a gut filled the opening when he tried to face forward; his waistline pressed against cold glass shelves long before he could reach anything inside. It took several attempts before he could position all his bulk out of the way of getting more food.

The men chatted as they ate; Raj spoke of his plans in the city, Dan and Paul of their plans for the farm. After breakfast, the two showed Raj a couple of their favorite video games. There was no room left on the couch with the two rotund bears parked on it, although they encouraged Raj to squeeze in. He watched from a chair off to the side. The two bears challenged each other, made wisecracks, laughed, reached for each other, and bumped their bulk together as they played. Raj found himself thoroughly entertained.

Raj's regret was sincere when he announced he had to go. Soon the three men stood outside, with Raj getting into his car.

Paul leaned forward and braced himself heavily on the sill of the car window. His stomach swelled forward and down beneath him. "I gotta say thanks. It was…interesting having you over."

Dan, shirtless, put his hands on the sides of his jumbo potbelly. He shoved it forward proudly. "And fattening!"

Raj chuckled. "Indeed!"

Paul paused; he seemed to be choosing his words. Dan saved him the trouble.

"Of course, I can't help thinking how fun it would be if we got even bigger…"

Raj found two pairs of eyes looking intently at him. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "I try not to overdo things. It causes…problems."

Paul shifted his stance, which swung his round stomach a few inches from side to side. "Oof. Look, it's not a big deal. All we're saying is, we're used to hauling around big guts, we like that they got bigger, and we wouldn't mind if they got QUITE A BIT bigger."

"Oh, HELL yes!", said Dan. "Next thing you know, we'll be knocking walls off our house!" He laughed.

Paul chuckled a little, then cleared his throat. "But really, if you don't want to, you don't have to. Nobody's going to call us 'skinny' any time soon. We're just glad to see you on your way, with your car working right, and a some food in you." Paul moved away from the window.

Dan stuck out a hand, leaving the other on a potbelly fifty percent larger than it had any right to be. "And so long as I'm bigger than him, all's right with the world. Feel free to come back any time. Dinner's at six."

As the magic man drove away, Paul looked over at Dan. "Should we have squished him between our stomachs? We could have pinned him in place until he gave us what we want."

Dan just laughed. "Our game's on pause. Remember, it's my turn to beat you."


Raj pulled slowly onto the highway. Vince stood at his mailbox, pale, skinny, his tiny chinstrap beard freshly plucked. Raj stopped; Vince half-turned away. But when Raj rolled down the window on his car, curiosity got the best of Vince.

"I see your car is fixed," said Vince, not quite sounding happy about it.

Raj nodded. He said, "Thanks to Dan and Paul.". He thought, "No thanks to you."

Vince looked over; Raj followed his gaze. The two bears were lumbering back into their house. Paul went in slowly, holding his propane tank of a stomach, his feet searching for the steps. Dan, even larger than Paul, tilted from one side to the other, bobbing his head to try to see the ground beneath an enormous gut that shadowed the ground ahead of him. Finally he settled for stepping forward and gradually raising his bulk one step as a time. His enormous girth brushed both sides of the doorway as he leveraged himself inside.

Vince scowled. "It's shameless the way they eat! They barely fit through the door!"

Raj shrugged. "They're certainly good hosts."

Vince didn't seem to get the hint. He continued ranting for several minutes. His voice was bitter as he said, "I'd like to see them get too fat for their house. It would serve them right!"

Raj looked over thoughtfully. "I think…I think that can be arranged." He paused for a long moment, then pointed.


Dan had settled himself, and his enormous stomach, on the couch. His arms rested on top of the fat ball, a game controller gripped in his hands.

Paul maneuvered his own jumbo-sized belly in the kitchen. His voice carried to the corners of the house. "You want some popcorn?"

Dan called back, "Sounds great! With extra butter!" He laughed. "You better made a double batch! We got big tanks to fill!"

Dan played a few practice rounds, his overgrown potbelly forcing him to change his usual game-playing position. He settled for resting the game controller halfway across the fat shelf that completely replaced his lap. Soon the house filled the the smell of freshly-popped corn, topped with salt and melted butter.

There was a long minute of silence from the kitchen. Dan called out, "Is that popcorn on its way, or what?" He looked over; Paul was standing, partly visible, leaning against the counter. Paul said something, quietly. He began to laugh. Dan put the game on pause. It took a moment to shove his weight up off the couch, then he maneuvered his girth towards the kitchen.

Paul stood near the counter, the pot of popcorn full and forgotten. His potbelly was already larger than Dan's, and getting fatter by the minute. He bowed his legs; the weight pulled him forward like an oversized, extra-weight Atlas Stone. The front was almost past his reach, and the sides kept slipping out wider beneath his hands. He was becoming a fat round ball with arms and legs, and the biggest part of him kept growing. And growing. And growing.

Paul's stomach took up more and more space in the kitchen. Its weight forced him to the floor, then on to his back. It bulged up above him like a heavy, fat balloon. He kept getting fatter, and all the weight was cramming itself into his abdomen. His hands reached for the sides of it as it expanded out and around and up, love handles jutting from the sides of his skinny frame, belly button far up out of reach as his stomach grew fatter and fatter. Soon the front of his hairy ball gut hoisted its way above the level of the table, lifting the heavy oak effortlessly and shoving it aside as Paul's bulk just kept increasing.

Paul struggled beneath the unwieldy weight in front of him; with an effort he managed to wrench all of himself around to lay at an angle, arms spread wide to his sides to make room for a ball belly that just wouldn't stop growing. Dan watched slack-jawed as Paul's bulk shoved the table and chairs to one side of the room. The oak table pressed against the round mass briefly before it tipped up sideways, allowing Paul's stomach to bulge up in the room as high as Dan's waist. Then as high as Dan's navel. Then as high as Dan's chest, as Paul continued to balloon.

Finally it stopped, leaving Paul staring wide-eyed at a stomach that filled two-thirds of the kitchen. It was several times larger than the rest of him, a huge space-filling monster stomach that could have contained a fully-grown bull. The room looked like a university prank gone wrong, a car-sized load of hard-packed fat and hairy skin filled a space it could not possibly have entered. Dan found himself briefly imagining throwing a tablecloth over the enormous mass of Paul; he was big like a piece of room-dominating furniture, but the huge mass took up most of the room, and Paul was in no position to cover his vast new extent.

Paul's voice was soft and hoarse. "I swear, all you have to do is touch my cock right now and I'll BLOW."

Paul's head, and shoulders, and arms, were invisible behind the room-filling fat ball his pride and joy had grown into. Dan started to take a step forward, but the girth of his own stomach pressed hard against the door jamb. He felt his weight shift and realized Paul wasn't the only one who was going to get fatter.

"Oh, SHIT," said Dan. He turned his prow around and jutted forward into the living room.

Paul called out from behind his fat balloon of a stomach. "What?"

The front of Dan's stomach swelled past his fingertips, and just kept swelling. His already-enormous stomach was becoming unwieldy and massive. He leaned back against the door frame to brace himself as he became more and more front-heavy, his gut growing so fast he could see it expand, taking up more and more of the living room. It already felt like it weighed a ton, a massively heavy wrecking ball that swelled its way forward between the sofa and the television. His gut was a round ball nearly as tall as he was, twice as deep as his arms could reach. It swelled to the sides like an overinflated balloon, and still it grew fatter and fatter and fatter, and it just wouldn't STOP.

"Looks like we really did it this time!" Dan began to laugh as his enormous broad sides shoved the sofa and television out of place.


Raj was coming up with a way to end the conversation when there was a loud noise from Dan and Paul's farmhouse.

Raj and Vince looked over to see the wall of the living room bulge outward. Wood splintered, paint chips flew, the window exploded onto the yard in a shimmer of glass. There was a pause, then the wall burst like an overfilled balloon, making way for a huge round…something.

As more of the wooden wall gave way, a second wall - of hairy flesh - appeared. A navel the size of a fist sat about two-thirds of the way down a trail of hair that went from the top to the bottom of the unstoppable sphere. The dense, fat ball didn't settle for taking out the center of the wall; it kept swelling and pushing until the support beams of the wall has burst before its thrust, the framing of the room itself was visible and straining, and the ball bulged forward several feet over the yard behind the house.

It was just barely recognizable as the front of the largest potbelly ever.

Vince's jaw dropped.

Raj's expression remained neutral. "Too big for their house, I believe you said." He drove away without another word. Vince stared wide-eyed, first at the retreating car, then at the half-demolished farmhouse of his neighbors.

There was a long minute of silence. Then Dan's laughter could be heard up the drive. "Holy FUCK am I HUGE!"

Vince huffed to himself, took a last nervous glance down the highway, and disappeared into his house. He didn't come out for several days.