R.C.R.P - Spellbook Edition

- R.C.R.P. - Spellbook Edition -

“Shit... I can’t find the reverse spell page anymore...”

“Why would you want to reverse the spell?”

I fumbled through the pages with despair. Why couldn’t this book even have an Index or a Table of Contents?!

“I don’t mind that you’re now a big bear. Not at all.”

A tingle spread all over me, especially down my back, like a shiver. I just noticed my hands turning the pages growing some hair on them, even on the knuckles and fingers.

“Stop talking Mark! It happened again!”


No, he’s not. But I have other things to do. I heard him walk closer to me, closer to the couch. I was not facing him, but I knew he was there, like a predator lurking in the shadows. I could feel the sweat beads on my forehead slipping. This silence from him was up to no good.

“C’mon, Bigfoot, move your big feet off the couch.”

“Ughh... Mark...” I groaned, letting out an unwilling moan of pleasure.

My already tight dirty socks were being pulled even tighter around my once again growing feet. What were nice average 10s yesterday had swelled into 14s this morning, but now, they were surpassing even that.

“Oh god...” I moaned.

The feeling of stretching, it was blissful. I hated myself for liking it. Some part of me just wanted that foreign feeling to keep on and on, but my rational kept my feet on Earth (pun). I couldn’t keep on like that! I was already unrecognizable! I could hear my boyfriend chuckle behind me. I tried to turn my head to look at him, but my swollen neck and newly wide shoulders prevented me from it.

“You like that, huh, Bigfoot? That feeling of continuous growth?”

“Sh- shut up!”

“Bet you’d like... to finally burst of those small pesky socks, don’t you, big bear?”

I groaned some more, the itchy feeling of hair spreading over my body resuming. My feet were probably a size 17 by now, at least, and they weren’t even done! I uncontrollably humped the pillow onto which my hard girthy cock was pressed against, tightly wrapped in those overly stretched underwear.

“C’mon, Terry, move those big boys, I want to have a seat on the couch too. I want to have a closer look at that fat ass of yours.”

“M- Mark!” I gasped.

The dark briefs stretched further around the two globe-sized cheeks of my ass. Ripping sounds were heard, but I couldn’t tell if they were due to my huge feet or my giant butt. Or both.

“Hmm... so big...” I heard Mark mutter.

The fucker must be licking his lips, the greedy bastard! I tried moving around, but my new bulk and size was making it hard. I miserably brought a hand to my swelling ass only to feel the material slowly splitting at the seams.

“So hot...” Mark moaned, closer to me than I thought he was.

I felt him step on the couch behind me and I gasped as I felt the tip of his hard dick poking my butthole.

“Mark, please, come back to your senses!”

“Shhh... everything’s gonna be alright.” He reassured me, dropping his hands on my swollen, bulky hips.

I let out a loud moan of pleasure as I felt the thick expanse of his long nine incher slip easily, inch by inch into my still lubbed ass. Once balls deep into me, I closed my eyes and dropped my head on the book. I couldn’t concentrate anymore. It was so good. Shit.

“Hmmm... so good...” He lustfully moaned behind me.

Fuck, his small twinkish hands on my hips felt so small. Yesterday we were just two average dudes and when we’ve found this book that morning and activated the RCRP spell, we managed to change ourselves into what turned the other the most. I’ve made him the short twinkish big dicked top I fantasied about while he turned me into this fucking gigantic bottom bear brute. I felt very satisfied with how I made him, but he never seemed satisfied with how he made me: he always craved more.

“Bigger...” He mumbled.

A tingle spread over my body. I could already feel the outstretched clothes barely fitting me start to pop, thread by thread.

“Wha... what?”

“Bigger, Terry. Grow! Grow bigger! Again!”

“Mark! Stop! No! No! Noooo!”

I could myself suffocating. There was just too much power, too much magic filling my body all at once it was hard to take it all at once. The growth resumed with my head suddenly jutting forward, my whole spine reeling longer and taller until I hit the lamp on the stand next to the couch.

“Hmm... fuck yeah, Terry! Tower over me!” Mark encouraged, his fucking pace quickening.

He was taken aback for a moment as my ass pushed backward toward him as my torso kept elongating. My already wide shoulders enlarged, forcing the tank I wore to slowly tear at the seams. Shit! What am I gonna wear??

A sharp nagging pain hit my legs. It hurt just like it did in my teens, but many times more. It was like an accelerated puberty. They were growing longer. One of my feet took hold on the ground and I could feet my knee rising up and up only my foot slipped and my knee hit the floor. Meanwhile, my other leg on the couch just stretched longer and longer until my foot hit the opposite armrest onto which it pressed, still not done with growth.

“Fucking shit... I’m about to cum, Ter!”

As much as I didn’t want to admit it, I was about to cum too. The friction of my beer can thick cock (finally free from the torn underwear) against the pillow was making me leak like a fucking broken hose. And that jackhammering of his big dick against my prostate was doing wonders. All those sensations of growth were so wrong, but it only added up to that unnatural pleasure I felt.

“Ugh! From now on, Ter... each I’ll cum into you... you’re... you’re gonna...”

I knew where he was going. That wicked, perverted part of me screamed and longed for it.

“Say it, Mark! Make me...!”

“You’re gonna... grow! Grow... and grow even bigger!”

And then he came. For how long I couldn’t tell. How much, neither. I think I came too. He was still in me when I started to come back to me. My foot on the couch had obliterated the opposite armrest and I was practically lurching over the stand the book (which hadn’t moved at all it seemed). The book was now under the bottom of my soft chest, below my dollar sized nipples. The lamp had fallen to the ground and my arms dropped over the stand. Shit I’m big now. The rational part of my brain came back to. I had to be close to seven feet tall now! Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised to be over that by a couple inches, if not close to eight feet tall! I have to find the reverse spell before this gets way too out of hand!”

“Fuck, that was good...” Mark muttered behind me.

Hell... he looked so fucking small next to me, now. He was just five feet tall now, so that made me over two or three feet taller than him. Shit! Why am I getting hard (again!) thinking about that?!

“It was so good, Terry. We should do that again later.”

“We’ll see. As much as I’d like to constantly have sex with you, we’ve got to...”

“Hmmm... oh shit, Ter... you’re a real hornboy, huh? A literal slut...”


A sense of emptiness surged within me. I felt hot all over and like my whole mind was being remodelled, I knew what was happening. He was turning me into a slut craving for more, the little fucker!

“Mark... don’t...”

“Say it, Terry... tell me what you want...”

I bit my lip. I was shaking, sweating, thirsty. I needed it. Oh God... no... I couldn’t be doing this... it’d be reckless... I can’t... say... it...

“That’d be nice... if you’d never go soft or lack stamina.”

And suddenly, his softening dick in my butt inflated again to full hardness. I gasped in total bliss as he resumed fucking my giant butt. Still with that new size of mine, it felt... less filling that it should. I knew what I had to do.

“Go, on twinky boy. Keep fucking. The more you do, the bigger your dick gets.”

And it did.