R.C.R.P - Fratparty

- R.C.R.P. - Frat party -

Finals were over. Students were raving all around the campus with fraternity parties flowing with booze and illicit substances. Chris Wood attended the party his Communications Faculty fellows had thrown, a few beers downed already, but not yet drunk. He was dancing under the blazing music and lights in the large living room of a Faculty student parents’ place. Two girls dancing on either sides of him, a beer in hand, everything was perfect for the young man.

That is until he’s got a urgent need to pee. The guy went for the bathroom, but realized it was occupied. With his inhibitions lowered, the lad hurried up outside, struggling to walk with the gathered crowd. Finally outside, Chris took a deep breath of fresh air. He walked to the side of the house and hurriedly unzipped his fly, fished his dick out and groaned, perhaps a bit loud, in relief to finally let go of the pressure.

When he was about to finish, he received a SMS from his buddy Zane who couldn’t come tonight. The poor guy had to work.

‘Hey, Chris, come over at my place’

Chris frowned at the text. Wasn’t he supposed to be at work? Or perhaps it was a lame excuse to not come at the party. Chris finished his business and put his dick back in his pants when he received another text.

‘Aren’t you working tonight?’

‘Called off. Horny’

Then a very revealing pic of his erect dick popped on Chris’ screen. The guy almost dropped his phone in disgust. Furious, he typed back.

‘Wtf Zane?? U drunk? No dick pics’

‘Sorry. Thought you’d like that since you’re gay’

“What the fuck?” Chris muttered to himself. “I’m not gay”

But as soon as he said that, he could’t remember the last time he jacked off to girls. Previous thoughts of girls blowing him off in the dorm changed for boys blowing him in the bathroom of the Uni. The sex with girls also changed as he remembered plowing his dick into a guy’s ass instead.

‘C’mon Chris! We both know you’d prefer to be here with me instead of those drunken fools’

That’s right. Chris thought these people were just a bunch of alcoholics. He didn’t like much the taste of booze, but what threw him off was the stupidity of these people once they were drunk. And why wouldn’t he prefer the company of his long time friend...

‘I’m waiting for you at my place, hun’

Huh... his long time boyfriend. How could he forget his boyfriend? Perhaps it’s because he’s drank too much.

‘I’m coming, Zane’

‘Yay! Can’t wait to be pinned under your thick sexy bod!’

For a moment, Chris really hesitated. He looked at the phone in his hand. The object seemed to shrink a little, but that was impossible. The confused guy suddenly swelled up. His clothes became a little bit tight as his body slowly changed and thickened. Hands were first to change, but his wrists, forearms and biceps followed.

The t-shirt grew a little snug as his chest and ribcage expanded further forward and sideward. His average but undefined waist also thickened, just slightly to give him a little paunch himself, although not as chubby as Zane. Perhaps it felt more like a bloat.

Then, thighs expanded as well, filling up the shorts. Thighs gained muscle, but a thick layer of fat on his ass cheeks made his butt fill the shorts to the maximum of their capacity, making sure everyone notice how big of a bubble butt he sported. Downward, his calves also expanded, although with quite a nice share of muscle. Finally, the feet inside the shoes spread out a bit larger, making the shoes suddenly tighter.

‘U r the sexy one’ Chris typed back.

‘No, u r. So tall and hung, what can I demand more’

Chris smirked at the comment. Sure he was a bit on the tall side and quite hung, but something, like a distant voice was telling him it wasn’t right. The tightening of his clothes increased a little, but in terms of height as inches piled on his average 5’10. Zane was a bit taller than him already at six feet. But new memories of Zane craning his neck looking at him filled his mind. Eventually, the pinching sensation of his feet feeling cramped in his bulging sneakers felt a relief as the large toes forced their way out of the too small size 11s.

Chris noticed a guy from the soccer team looking in his direction. He remembered him as they’ve shared a few classes this semester. The guy was kind although a bit of a macho with girls. Although Chris remember the guy being taller than him, maybe six-one or so, he felt weird noticing he was now a couple inches short on him. The odd thought flickered on his mind for a moment until he realized he’s always been taller than the soccer player.

He felt an little tightening of his crotch. His previous four inches soft dick felt like filling up to hard state, but it simply never grew hard. The thing filled till it reached five inches long, then six inches... a little more toward seven inches... slowed at about eight inches... stopped at nine inches soft.

‘Idk. Maybe, you’d like more girth on me?’ Chris innocently texted, unaware he was playing a bigger game than he thought.

‘I’m always craving more, hun. But c’mon it’s already as fat as a beer can’

And thus the swelling of his dick resumed. However it stopped quite soon, until another text came along:


Chris’ sweet smile turned naughty. The thing in his pants swelled further, making an obvious lump in the now too small shorts. With nowhere else to grow, the button of Chris’ shorts simply burst off while the big bulge swelled more and more. Thoughts of shoving that monster into guys came to his mind. Some guys took it like champs, but most of them were so scared at the sheer size they never dared taking it.

‘Stop it, Zane, you’re making me pop a tent’

‘The thing always looks like a tent pole anyway. Can’t help if your big balls always make you horny, Mr. Woody’

Again, the thing started bulging further toward Chris’ hip, surging longer as it longed for its erected state. Chris’s mind started to grow fuzzy, clouded with lust as his balls swelled to the size of limes. The six foot ten horny Uni student took hold on the house’s exterior wall with his back while he lewdly groped himself with his thick hands. Chris let out a deeper and louder groan then he intended. After all, he did not want to get caught by his classmates. A DING brought him back to the present from his phone. Chris looked down and read the new text of his lover.

‘Have you left yet? Your little cubby is waiting for you, hunny bear’

A low growl rumbled from the horny student. His shoulders pressed a little harder against the wall as they swelled further, until a large audible tear ran down the back of his former t-shirt. His overall frame thickened and gained even more mass, going from over 200 pounds to 300 pounds in a matter of a minute. The feet surged even thicker, destroying more of the split sneakers and the toes ripping their way out of the sweaty once dainty white socks.

Chris smiled at the comment of his boyfriend. Zane was no small guy at 250 pounds and six feet tall. However, next to the big bear Chris was, he definitely looked small. The small paunch of a belly swelled into a small keg, rounder and definitely softer. Chris’ face widened, taking a rounder shape instead of angular.

Stubble grew over his rounder cheeks, nonetheless stretched in his sexual grin. Hair multiplied over his bulky chest, nipples the size of dollars almost hidden underneath the thick carpet of hair. It spread over the bear belly he now sported before traveling further on his limbs. The boxers which contained his incredible thirteen inches hardon an impossibly thick bubble ass were starting to split, stretched way beyond their intended capacity.

The towering bear growled, filled with lust but reminding himself he had to get to his boyfriend’s first. Perhaps, he’d have a set of clothes for him over there. As much as he liked wearing smaller clothes, he might have gone overboard with this ridiculous attire. Moving away from the wall, the big bear texted one last thing before leaving:

‘Better be ready lil cub. Your bear is hungry for ass’