New Years Eve

The scene was electric as a myriad of bodies danced up against each other, all raving to the popping beats of the music coming from the speakers hanging on each corner of the room. It was only minutes til midnight and everyone was excited to enter the new year in high spirits. That is, everyone except Nate who had perched himself right next to the snack table at one end of the room.

Having been invited to this New Year’s Eve party by a friend who was no where to be found, Nate seemed to be the only one not enjoying himself. He was a pretty timid guy, so it was hard for him to strike up conversations with random strangers. So Nate just stood there, snacking upon the bowls of chips on the table and bopping his head to the music every now and then, all the while counting down the minutes until the new year so he could have an excuse to finally leave.

“Hey Nate! I’ve been looking all over for you.” Nate’s friend came out of nowhere and grabbed him by the shoulder, trying to speak over the loud music. “Here, take this.”

Nate was handed a bowl of grapes as the music stopped. He looked at his friend with a confused look in his face, not knowing what he was supposed to do with this.

“It’s for good luck! Like a New Year’s tradition. Eat them at midnight and you’ll have good luck for next year.” His friend tried to explain. “Some people even make a wish with each grape. Try it, you never know!”

Now Nate was never one to make resolutions or have goals with the new year. Mainly because he knew he’d never accomplish them. But this year hadn’t been the best for him. The crowd around him suddenly started chanting down from 10.

“10… 9… 8… 7…”

Nate stared at the bowl of grapes, thinking about what kinds of changes he’d like to make going into this new year.

“6… 5… 4…”

He took the first grape and tossed it into his mouth as the countdown got closer to zero.

“3… 2… 1… HAPPY NEW YEAR!!”

The crowd of people cheered in excitement as Nate made his first wish. He found it silly, but played along anyways.

“I wish to be happy.” Nate thought to himself, not really knowing what to wish for. “I wish for more money, good health. Maybe make more friends.”

As soon as Nate made that last wish, he noticed more and more people crowd around him, asking him to take some selfies and wishing him a happy new year. Nate thought it was strange at first, but seemed to enjoy the attention he was getting.

Nate took another grape and pondered what his next wish would be. In the distance, he was able to spot his reflection in a mirror. His plump figure stared back at him. His smile slowly faded as he made his next wish.

“I wish for the motivation to exercise more. I wish I was more fit.”

Nate had problems with his weight since he was younger and became very self-conscious due to it. He had tried numerous times to fix the issue, but the lack of drive or motivation eventually killed any attempt to shed the extra weight. But maybe this would be the year everything finally changed for him. And unbeknownst to him, these changes would occur sooner rather than later.

Nate would slowly begin to feel a strange sensation radiate throughout his entire body. The heaviness he felt in his face and torso began to lighten. Looking back at the mirror across the room, Nate noticed the layers of fat surrounding entire body begin to disappear, causing his clothes sag on top of him. The fat would then quickly be replaced by pure muscle as his now flat chest ballooned back up with perfectly sculpted pecs. Running his hands down from his chest, he felt his now rippled abs and obliques. Nate had to take a look for himself so he ran to the nearest bathroom and immediately removed his shirt, revealing his new, lean body.

He couldn’t believe what had just happened, but all the excitement and joy he was experiencing was causing his cock to throb harder and harder. Beneath his pants, he could feel his little buddy grow, and it continued to grow much bigger than he expected. A wave of pleasure overtook Nate, forcing him to whip out his package and stroke it continuously until he exploded all over the bathroom mirror.

A proud Nate exited the bathroom, still shirtless, looking happy and acting more confident than he ever did. As he walked through the party, he’d noticed numerous women gawking over him as well as some guys admiring him as well. Nate would be offered drink after drink from people he’d never met before, who’d then also invite him to join their circles as they continued to party into the new year.

After some time, Nate had had more fun than he’d ever had in his life. He admired his muscles and was in general in a total state of bliss. Nate then again looked at himself in the same mirror and an idea popped into his head. As happy as he was in his current form, he was hungry for more. He looked around the room, threading between multiple people as he tried to find the bowl of grapes he had before. He’d eventually find them where he grabbed one and immediately tossed it into his mouth, making another wish in the process.

“I wish I was even bigger.”

As soon as the last word left his lips, Nate could immediately feel his body start to change again. His already shredded body began to grow, his muscles acquiring even more mass than before. Nate watched happily as his body became packed with muscle, but the feeling subsided as he noticed his lean physique begin to get covered under a thin layer of fat. Black hairs would then grow throughout his chest and torso, giving Nate the appearance of a bear than that of a jock. Running straight back to the backroom, Nate looked at these new changes in the mirror. But they weren’t done just yet. His facial features also began to distort themselves. His narrow face and chiseled jawline became fuller. His sexy stubble grew into a full blown beard. And his styled hair becoming wavy and messy. These changes seized for the time being, finally giving Nate the chance to look at his new self in the mirror.

This is not what he had in mind when he made his wish, but after the initial shock had subsided Nate felt somewhat at peace with his new look. He flexed his biceps, noticing how much they bulged compared to earlier. The definition wasn’t there anymore, but the size. That’s all that mattered. Smirking to himself, he seemed almost proud of his new self. But a feeling still lingered. In the back of his head the idea that he could be even bigger filled him with delight.

Turning towards the door to make his way back to the party so he could make yet another wish, Nate was stopped short by the same feeling he had felt earlier. His body was about to transform again. But to Nate it didn’t make any sense as he never officially made his wish. Either way the changes began to commence once again

Nate felt the growth begin anew. Before his very eyes he watched his already bearish body grow bulkier and thicker. His arms, shoulders and belly all growing with fat and muscle. His pecs reacted to the accumulating mass, becoming a huge hairy shelf . Finally, Nate’s legs, in response to his increase in weight, exploded as they became powerful and hairy thighs. He was enormous, and hairy. No doubt about being the biggest guy at the party now.

Between deep and heavy breaths, Nate looked at his new gigantic body as his transformation finally came to a close. He felt his thick, powerful new bear body. Rubbing his hands along the forest of hair running down from his chest to his crotch. He never envisioned he’d get hairy like this. His first wish, the one about being happy, was coming into fruition. Nate opened the door and went back into the party a much, much larger and fulfilled man.