Like a Genie in a Belly, Pt 2

The next morning was a bit of a nuisance. First, they both had to find clothes large enough to fit over Clint’s fattened body. By both, it meant Austin primarily, since Clint could not even get close to a single object without his gut pushing it away.

Austin settled on some large workout clothes he used to wear around the house during his bulking phase at the gym. Being taller than Clint helped, but the white cotton shirt was high and tight above his buddy’s navel, unable to cover the entire sphere of fat. He was simply too big for regular clothes. Austin found a pair of black sweats, which seemed to fit better, but was tight around swollen love handles and buttocks. Clint hoped it would only be temporary.

“All right,” he said. “Now for the hard part.”

Austin offered to help, but Clint insisted he do it himself. Under labored breathing, he managed to haul himself through the front door and into the hallway. His gut brushed against the edge of the doorway, causing him to emit a small “oof!” upon passing. Austin followed close behind, hypnotized by the heavy sway of the gut as it went from side to side. Fortunately, no neighbors were around to witness the spectacle.

Austin moved ahead to open the door that led outside of the apartment complex. Awaiting Clint was a small stoop consisting of five stair steps. He grasped the metal railing as he went down, one step at a time. His belly bounced and wobbled each time, causing him undue amounts of strain. His shirt slowly rolled up higher from all the exertion, beginning to look like a bra around his fleshy moobage. When he made it to the bottom, he hastily pulled his shirt down, reddening slightly.

When he was done adjusting himself, Clint raised an eyebrow when he noticed the convertible waiting for them. When Austin told him that he was going to move the car closer, he had assumed it would be Austin’s old car, but then again, that one was out of commission wasn’t it?

“So this is what I owe the pleasure of my recent change?” said Clint sarcastically. “I’m sure a fat guy crammed into an expensive luxury vehicle won’t garner a lot of attention.”

“C’mon man, gimme a break,” responded Austin. “I didn’t exactly have another choice.”

“You could have taken my car…” Clint said sheepishly.

Austin was getting annoyed. “Do you want the ride or not?”

Clint answered by turning sideways and grabbing the door handle with his left hand. He opened it wide, then slowly put one foot inside. The car sunk a few inches under his weight as he squeezed inside. His gut pressed hard against the dashboard, curving around it.

Austin closed the passenger door for him and went around to the driver’s side. He got inside and surveyed the situation. Clint was wide enough to where his left love handle nearly touched the center stickshift. Austin was careful not to brush against it as he started the car and shifted into drive.

Sensing Clint’s discomfort, he pushed a button in the center terminal. A panel above the trunk slid open, as a canopy began to emerge, connecting to the front windshield and providing both shade and cover from the eyes of passerby. Clint grinned.

“I gotta admit, it’s a badass vehicle,” he said.

“Yep, and it is all thanks to you,” Austin replied. “Just imagine all the good you could do for your friends with that power of yours.”

Clint was silent at those words. What did he mean by that? Suddenly, he noticed something was off. The turn they were supposed to take to get to the freeway that would lead to his parents’ house was already far behind them. Instead they seemed to be heading to the local community recreation center, where they would play sports with their college buds every once in a while.

“Austin, we’re going the wrong way…”

“I know.”


“You’ll see. I want to show you something.”

They pulled into the parking lot of the recreation center. It was a Sunday, and the place was usually empty. Clint’s eyes widened in horror when he recognized the only two vehicles in the parking lot. They belonged to Barry and Richard, two of their friends from campus.

“I told them about what happened,” Austin answered, reading his mind. “Well, I didn’t tell them everything, because then they would think I was crazy.”

Clint gulped. “What did you tell them?”

“I texted them a picture of my new car and told them you got it for me,” Austin laughed. “They didn’t believe it at first, but I told them you came into a bunch of ‘wealth’ recently.”

Clint debated whether yelling obscenities would be his best option at the moment. He was at Austin’s mercy now, so he would have to play along if he ever hoped to make it back to his parents’ place. He imagined the looks on his friends’ faces when they saw him lumbering inside like a sumo wrestler during off season. He felt his cock stir.

Seriously!? He thought. What the hell was wrong with him? A familiar calming sensation washed over his mind. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad…

“Sure, but let’s make this fast,” Clint said, neutrally.

Austin was genuinely surprised to hear that. He expected at least some resistance. Hell, he would have called Barry and Richard and asked them to come outside if Clint decided to be stubborn about the whole thing. But it looked like it didn’t have to come to that.

Not waiting for an answer, Clint opened the door and began shifting his weight to get out. Austin got out as well, watching his buddy struggle. He could feel the precum begin to drip from his hardening cock. He quickly reached into his pants and adjusted it into his waistband so he would not cause any unnecessary attention. Although, he was pretty sure all the attention would be on Clint anyway.

They made their way to the basketball gymnasium where they would sometimes join pickup games with local players. Clint mused to himself that the movement of his belly would be the only ball-bouncing that he would be able to handle if he did not get the situation under control. But first, he would have to play this through.

The gymnasium doors opened just before they got there. Richard was standing there, a trim, blond-haired gym rat who would always tease Austin about his thicker frame. However, his mouth now hang agape at the sight of Clint, ignoring Austin altogether.

“What the…SHIT,” said Richard, eyes wide as he looked Clint up and down. “Holy fuck dude, what happened to you?! You look like swallowed a planet! You’ve only been rich for a week and the lifestyle’s affected you that fast or something?”

“Hey Richard,” said Clint neutrally, as he continued to move forward. Richard moved to the side to let him pass, watching the belly blob attached to his friend wobble and bounce. His look was a mixture of shock, fear and disgust. Clint didn’t mind though.

Barry was leaning against one of the basketball hoops with his arms crossed. He raised his eyebrows when Clint approached. Barry was a dark-skinned, raven-haired weightlifter type. He was short, but he made up for it in power and attitude. His biceps bulged in medium-sized shirt sleeves and the outline of his quads strained in his pants.

“Been hitting a few buffets lately?” Barry mused, not sure what to make of the situation.

“Not exactly,” Clint smiled. He was enjoying the attention, he had to admit.

“A few buffets!?!” Richard exclaimed. “He looks like he ate a baby whale! Dude, that thing looks ready to blow, you probably should see a doctor!”

“Calm down bro,” said Austin, raising his hands. “There was a reason I brought you here, remember? I said Clint could hook you guys up. Did you see the car outside?”

Richard’s attention went straight to Austin. He was a good guy, but could be somewhat of a mooch. He was always looking to get invited to parties and mingle with high-status individuals so that he could become part of their inner circle. He was hoping to land a high-paying job once he graduated college. Smart guy, but greedy.

“I caught a glimpse of it…” Richard said suspiciously. “Something of that caliber looks to be around the $30,000 to $40,000 range. With your shitty old car having to go back to the mechanic, I find it hard to believe you could afford something like that. Is it a rental?”

“Thanks a lot,” Austin muttered. If anything could convince Richard to suspend his disbelief and lend credence to his story, it would have to be an expensive car that a poor fuck like Austin couldn’t possibly afford.

“So it’s true then?” Barry stopped leaning against the pole and moved closer. He looked at Clint’s gut with apprehension. “Looks surreal dude. Like a belly isn’t supposed to get that big, especially on a frame like yours…”

“Of course it isn’t!” Richard snapped, getting back to the former issue. “I bet Austin’s been taking him all over town to his favorite restaurants and force feedin’ his ass!”

“Do you want a new car or not?” Clint interrupted, although the mental image was an interesting prospect. Richard shut his mouth and stared at him.

“You’re…you’re serious?” he stammered. “Dude, if you could get me a car like Austin’s that would be so awesome! I could pick up chicks like nothing!”

Barry spoke up. “So how’d you get the cash? Win the lottery? Wealthy relative passed away? If so, I apologize in advance…”

Clint shook his head. He placed both hands on the circumference of his gut and jiggled it.

“This.” He said.

Both Richard and Barry stared at him, silent and confused.

Austin took this as his cue to assist. He was excited to finally be able to have an excuse to touch it.

“Allow me to demonstrate,” Austin said, placing a hand on Clint’s gut.

He rubbed it a few times in large, circular arcs. Barry and Richard didn’t even have time to be weirded out, because a loud, deep rumble immediately came from Clint’s belly in response.

Austin grinned when he saw both of them step backward in fear.

“You guys look tired…” he said. “Maybe you’d like a seat? I wish you both would just relax…”

And just like that, it began. Clint began breathing heavily as he felt pressure begin to build. The front of his belly visibly swelled outward, inch by inch. His waist widened rapidly, love handles overflowing the elastic band of the sweat pants. He felt his man tits swell tightly, causing his nipples to stretch as well. He felt his cock and balls stiffen, as they plumped up steadily, assuming new girth. Just when he thought he’d had enough, he managed to force the gas out by sheer willpower.

“BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP!” he belched powerfully, spewing the golden cloud in Richard and Barry’s general direction. They covered their faces instinctively, afraid of whether the stuff was toxic or might melt their faces off.

When the cloud settled, Austin smiled. Against their will, Barry and Richard were surprised to find themselves already sitting in leather recliner chairs. Judging by the quality, they looked extremely plush, modern and comfortable. Barry gripped the armrests tightly, not saying a word. Richard, however, jumped back onto his feet, obviously shaken and freaked out.

“Dude!” He yelled. “What the hell was that? Did you just burp out some friggin’ chairs?!”

“Well, at least they’re comfortable,” said Barry, seeming to accept the weirdness without complaint. “Is that how you got the car?”

Austin wasn’t surprised by Barry’s reaction. He always seemed to be a ‘go with the flow’ kind of dude. He felt some explanation was necessary, but for now, things were cool with one of their friends at least. Austin looked over at Clint. His size went back down, but it seemed like he was bigger than before. The waistband of the sweatpants found very little give around his lovehandles, and the seat of the pants had tightened around plumper ass cheeks. His gut sagged fatter and lower, thankfully covering a slightly larger package than before. Was he the only one who noticed it had grown?

Clint did not know what was coming over him. He could feel his massive hardon throbbing underneath his gut. He tried not to moan when he felt his balls throb; filling up a bit more every time. He was enjoying this immensely, as if every wish granted made him hornier for more girth, more size. It could be a side effect of the magic, but all he knew was that he wanted more. He put his hands beneath his belly and bounced it up and down for good measure.

“All right guys, who’s first?” he said, grinning at them.

Richard didn’t move. Barry got up from the chair and stepped forward.

“I can’t knock something until I’ve tried it,” he said, shrugging. He placed his thick forearms on Clint’s gut and began to rub in circular arcs, just like Austin did. He immediately felt an ominous gurgling of something building inside.

He murmured something Austin could not hear, lips moving almost soundlessly against the ball of flesh. But Clint heard his wish clearly, his eyes widening suddenly.

His gut rumbled as it swelled once again, filling up with packed lard. He moaned softly, slapping the sides of it over and over again as he felt the stitches of his sweats begin to tear, unable to contain his overflowing beef. He was beginning to look like a fattened ex-jock who did not seem to know his limit at the buffet, with a belly of epic proportions to match. His shirt began to give up the ghost, as it filled with both back and “side-tit-fat” underneath his armpits. He thickened and swelled until he reached critical mass, then he belched.

The cloud collided with Barry, as it encircled his entire body. It whirled around him, spinning faster and faster. At first, Austin wondered what was going on, but after a few seconds it became extremely apparent. Barry began to laugh as his body underwent a serious change.

Holy shit! His body was growing taller!

Inch by inch, Barry rose as he gained height proportionally. Unfortunately, it seemed he did not wish for his clothes to grow along with him. As he grew, stitches popped and sleeves blew out. Being a small powerhouse of muscle to begin with, he did not just increase in height, but in girth as well, keeping his muscle-bound physique. His clothes would just have to pay the price.

Barry felt the buttons explode off of his barreled chest, exposing dark, curly hair. His abs bloated and pumped outward as his body grew larger and stronger. His belt stretched, then snapped, allowing his pants to bust open, allowing a glimpse of dark-red underwear, which were already looking dangerously snug. He groaned as he felt his back broaden and his pecs swell with overpacked beef. His tan nipples were painfully erect and aroused from the musculature growing uncontrollably beneath it. Seams popped from his pants as his leg muscles ballooned bigger and bigger. His shoes cracked and split from his growing feet as they increased in size. Flexing seemed to speed up the process as Barry struck a few poses, feeling his biceps round out heavier and fatter, roped with veins and bulging with raw muscle.

Austin held his breath as Barry reached his own height of 6 feet. He exhaled when he saw that Barry had begun to slow down shortly after, settling somewhere around 6’2’’ or 6’3’’. If he grew any bigger than that, things would probably get ugly. Barry could blend back in society at his current height, but as a giant? Pretty hard to explain. However, it looked like Austin could no longer call himself the tallest of the group. He shrugged, feeling his cock still pressing hard against his husky underbelly. It was unexpected, but still a pretty good show.

“This is so fucking awesome!” yelled Barry, as he hulked out of the remaints of his shirt and pants, letting them fall around him in tatters. “Shame about the clothes, but I can always just wish for more…”

He took a shaky step toward Clint’s belly, adjusting to his new height which was currently causing him a strange sense of vertigo. Clint clutched his fuller belly, barely getting used to his latest “compensation” and unsure whether he would be able to handle more.

“Hold on, it’s MY turn!” interrupted Richard, surprising all of them. “I can’t believe I’m surrounded by a bunch of meatheads who can’t wish worth a shit! I swear, if you guys suddenly found a pot of gold coins you’d probably try to bench press it or something!”

He marched straight up to Clint’s gut with purpose, wasting no time in slapping his hands upon that glorious table muscle. Clint released a small “unf!” and a burp upon contact, feeling his gut groan uneasily. He was afraid of what was coming next.

“Money,” said Richard, in a matter-of-fact tone. “Lots of it! At least a million. Chop chop, fat boy.”

Nothing happened. Austin coughed and Barry crossed his arms, letting out a deep, booming laugh.

“You gotta rub it man!” Barry chided. “C’mon, you know you wanna give that big ol’ belly some love!”

Richard did not hide his look of revulsion as he gave in. He barely moved his hand in a rubbing arc when the belly expanded instantly, shoving his hand and body away. Richard stumbled and fell onto his ass, looking up at the angrily swelling gut in fear.

“Arrrrgghhhhhhhhh!!” screamed Clint, dealing with an onslaught of pressure pumping into him all at once. He felt his body blimp outward as his skin stretched over increasing mass. His gut steadily expanded rounder and rounder still, unable to stop. Just like Barry, he felt the remains of his clothes tear completely off, except in a very different way. His slightly hairy man tits pushed into his face as they visibly inflated with fat, causing his shirt to disintegrate in tatters. His thighs jiggled and swelled as they exploded through the legs of the pitiable sweat pants. His massive love handles and asscheeks obliterated the waistband as it snapped, allowing his gut to distend fuller and heavier by the second. It groaned and gurgled, looking like a fattened balloon attached to a canister of compressed air.

In his attempt to counteract the forward swell of his gut, Clint arched his back, but was already at his limit. His balance was lost. He fell backward, meatily onto his cushioned buttcheeks, which plopped onto the floor faster than he anticipated. Likewise, he felt his bare gut slam onto the cold gym floor. He yelped involuntarily from the increased sensitivity, feeling it slosh around dangerously. His legs were forced apart by the expanding girth, which was slowly rising higher and higher. He could feel his bloated penis somewhere under all the mountainous blubber, swelling uncontrollably, trying to relieve pressure. It was as rigid as a thick pole, desperately trying to poke out from underneath. His massive balls felt extremely tight as they churned away, bloating larger and more swollen from overproduction.

It took MUCH longer this time for him to reach critical mass, but when he did, his mouth opened wide for what was to come.


The belch rolled on much longer this time, but what surprised him the most was that it wasn’t just dust that came out this time. Large flashes of green could be seen within the monstrous release of gas, as it shot outward.

“Holy shit! Jackpot!!” Screamed Richard, catching a thick wad of bills. Austin bent down and grabbed one. Sure enough, it was a batch of crisp $100 bills, held together by a thick, black band. They littered the floor all around them.

And they just kept coming. After a full, long minute, Clint had finally expended all the cash and gas. He didn’t need to count it to know that it was a million dollars. Either way, it felt like he had belched a fortune. His body had shrunk slightly, but it looked like he had kept approximately half the girth gained this time around. He whimpered as he prodded his overstuffed belly and moobs. That was a big one for sure.

“Okay, papa needs some new clothes,” said Barry happily, moving toward Clint as he rubbed his hands together.

“Buh…Bar…ry, wait,” Clint tried to speak, but he was still trying to sooth his distressed belly.

Austin spoke up. “Wait, maybe we should give the guy a break—“

“SCREW THAT!” yelled Richard, as he slapped two wads of cash into Clint’s belly, causing him to yowl in pain. Richard ignored it of course. “He’s doing fine! It’s magic! But don’t you realize what we’ve got here? We need to milk this shit for all it’s worth!”

“I’m just cold,” said Barry sheepishly. His underwear had already begun to tear, every movement of his overpumped jock body causing it to get worse. His package was pretty average for someone of his height, but that height was still a whopping 6’2’’, and it was seriously straining against the torn material. Add a larger waist and a set of hugely bloated abs, and you’ve got a big man on a dangerous time schedule. He wasn’t too crazy about being seen naked by his college buddies; that was a pleasure he was secretly saving for himself.

Barry placed his hands onto the groaning belly as well. Richard instantly rounded on him.

“Hey meathead!” he yelled. “Can’t you see I’m trying to earn us all some more cash?”

“Just want some clothes,” Barry growled in response. “And by the way, I wouldn’t talk to me like that if I were you.”

Richard rolled his eyes. “Why don’t you go feel yourself up for a little while longer and leave the big-picture wishes to the pros!” He pushed at Clint’s belly hard, rocking it into Barry, who was taken by surprise.

“I’ll be damned if I let a runt like you tell me what to do!” he yelled, pushing it back into Richard, who almost stumbled when it bumped into him.

Austin watched the squabble with worry. He certainly did not expect things to develop like this. In all honesty, this was supposed to be a revenge plan to get back at Clint for not letting him get off yesterday, but he was beginning to worry about him. Clint had squeezed his eyes shut and grimaced as the two pushed his sensitive belly into each other, as they fought over who would get the next wish. He was about to interrupt when Richard did something unexpected.

Seeing that he was almost knocked off his feet repeatedly by Barry and having very little effect on the musclebound behemoth in return, Richard decided to just go for it. He performed a curt belly rub and yelled his wish, almost a little too quickly.

“I wish had nuff’ money to make me richest dude on campus!” he rushed.

Barry roared in dismay, rubbing the gut aggressively before it even had time to digest the first wish. “Clothes! Give me bigger clothes!”

“And a new motorcycle!” Richard interrupted. “One of those fancy Japanese models!”

“Uh, and a…a sandwich!” Barry finished, wanting the final say in order to show Richard who was boss.

Clint groaned as if he were in labor. His belly began to pulsate and quiver violently, as if it were alive. He felt his whole body shake with ominous magic. Something bad was coming, and he wasn’t sure he was prepared for it.

Austin watched in fascinated horror as he saw his roommate literally inflate right before his eyes. And it wasn’t just his belly; his whole body rapidly grew like a tidal wave of flesh. A mental image of the hospital growth scene from “the nutty professor” came to mind. His belly gurgled and broadened, and continued to widen as it rose.

Both Barry and Richard stepped back one, two, three feet, before realizing that they were in danger and turned around to run away. They ran past Austin, who was already several feet away, but that gap was being closed fast by Clint’s uncontrollably overstuffed gut as it rolled menacingly toward him.

Clint gasped for air during the transformation. His whole body ached with pressure that just kept building and building. He felt his cheeks puff up, almost forcing his eyes closed. His beefy tits became even beefier as they swelled to the size of pillows, lazily rolling toward his face, covering his sudden double chin and threatening to block his mouth. His mountainous gut groaned as magic built inside of it, causing it to expand endlessly. He flailed his arms helplessly against the self-sustaining beast, not quite sure how to stop it.

Suddenly, he could feel something cold and hard at the far end of his gut, as it pressed painfully into him. He moaned and panted, realizing that the object just wouldn’t give and kept poking his gut harder and harder. But then he felt something come loose. Little by little, the foreign object began to lose resistance, as his powerful stomach forced it away. He was relieved, but that was short lived when his belly completely overtook the object and he heard the sound of shattering glass.

His belly had demolished one of the court’s basketball hoops, completely bending the pole and overlapping it. How fucking big had he gotten?! All he could see was moobs and the skyward arc of belly. All he could see was himself.

Clint came instantly, his fat, engorged cock emptying the contents of watermelon-sized balls. He screamed, feeling his face flush red from the release of so much tension. The compressed space under his belly, which had absolutely no room to spare, only increased the power of the orgasm. Every failed attempt at expending cum into the compressed space multiplied the orgasm’s power tenfold, pumping until a large pocketspace of cum existed somewhere underneath his fattened mass.

Austin’s mouth was agape. Barry and Richard had retreated to the back wall, just next to the exit. Austin was forced to retreat as well, but he did not run. He had stepped backward quickly, barely avoiding the encroaching mass as it grew to epic proportions. He played a very dangerous game; one wrong move, a step too slow, and he would have been crushed by tons of compressed lard. The growth had finally begun to slow down. Austin found himself standing only inches away from the gurgling organic mass. He could tell he was at the centerline of the belly because twenty feet above him was the indent of a five-foot-wide belly button. Reaching out, he tentatively pressed a single hand against the mass.

Gurgle. The belly suddenly hit a few lights hanging from the ceiling, growling audibly as it made its final swell. It had filled up half of the fucking gym, pressing forcefully against the walls and looking ready to blow. It forced Austin’s hand away nearly a foot, causing his pent-up dick to cum right there on the spot. His body shook as his orgasm lasted for a good 30 seconds, ropes of cum streaking his shirt and underbelly. It was such indescribable bliss. Mentally, he wished it would never end.

He wished it would never end.

Although it was only a mental thought, it seemed the magic that had been building in Clint’s gut resonated with that single thought. A gigantic, world shaking belch exploded from somewhere behind that quivering mass of fat. The entire gym was instantly drowned in magical golden dust, covering the three of them. Richard and Barry choked and sputtered, the exit long forgotten.

Austin became dazed and confused as a haze overcame him. All he could see was gold. He could not feel anything. It was almost as if he was a floating head looking at nothing in particular, except gold. However, a faint figure appeared in his line of sight. He squinted, trying to make out who it was. The outline of the figure became more detailed, as the golden haze around Austin began to slowly fade. Soon he was able to make out who the figure was, but when he did, he could not help but gasp in shock.

Clint walked toward him. Walked. He grinned widely as he strolled toward Austin in his normal-sized body, the same body he had before any of this ever happened. He was wearing a simple t-shirt, pants and shoes, each of them contouring to his body nicely. He still had the college paunch that last semester had granted him, and he played with it lazily with one hand as he approached.

“That was a fun group activity,” said Clint, enjoying the look on Austin’s face. “Nice little prank too, trying to fatten me up like that. But I have to admit, it got me off, bro. Thanks for that.”

Austin opened his mouth to say something, but it was at this point that he noticed that something was off. He looked down, not sure what he was looking at.

Two fleshy mounds partially obscured his view. They were covered copiously with auburn hair. HIS hair. Beyond them was a mound nearly thirty times bigger, decorated with a furry happy trail tracing it in a wide arc. Austin didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when he saw that he was staggeringly obese, suddenly the epitome of fat. Fortunately his dick answered for him, as it stiffened immediately, poking upward against the weight of his belly, which only turned him on even more. His clothes lay in tatters around him, shredded by his immensely rotund physique. He carried it well, feeling the sway of his belly mass and playing with it affectionately.

He looked back up at Clint, only to notice something else. The entire gym was littered with magical gifts of an impractical quantity. Wads of cash and designer clothes were everywhere. What made him really chuckle was that there were about twenty Japanese motorcycles, all brand new, of varying colors and models strewn throughout the gym.

He heard a yell to his right, which caused him to turn his head. Austin did a double take when he saw Richard. The gym rat’s abs had completely disappeared, replaced by a 400lb sphere of pure, fat blubber. It was bigger than three exercise balls put together, and it showed. It outweighed the rest of his body by a country mile, tipping him forward on top of it as he tried to regain his posture. It dominated him. He was forced to stand on his tiptoes, arms eagle-spread around it as he continued to rock forward and backward to try to get into some sort of controlling position. Austin wasn’t sure, but he had a hunch that Richard was being punished by the magic for his greed, bestowing upon him a gargantuan gut but not supplying him with the mass to support it, leaving the rest of his body unchanged. His belly button had blown into a large outie, created from such a concentrated weight gain in one spot. He ran in futile circles as his belly spun like a top. Austin instantly thought of a hamster in a wheel, except this one could scream obscenities like no one’s business.

“Don’t worry bro!” came Barry’s voice. “With all your cash, you could probably liposuction that gut so you can finally ride your motorcycle! Looks like it’ll cost a fortune though!” he laughed.

Austin turned to his left and saw Barry, whose appearance made his heart skip a beat. He was MASSIVE. He had widened into a huge muscle bull, packed mightily with equal parts lard and muscle. The finer details of his body’s transformation were concealed, however, because surprisingly, he was fully clothed. Barry looked dapper in an XXXXL white buttoned shirt, although it strained taut against a bulging muscle gut which rolled over a tight leather belt. His tie only went halfway down his wide belly’s expanse, giving him a playful, yet coy look for a big guy. Fortunately, he also wore a massive black overcoat that fit him just right. The outlines of his quads, thighs and hamstrings could easily be seen underneath his black slacks. His bloated pecs were huge in their own right, almost forming a small shelf beneath his chin and pushing against the shirt fabric. The overall effect was a dark-haired, beefy linebacker spending a night out on the town, engorging himself for weeks during the offseason. Austin grinned when he saw that Barry was munching happily on a gigantic sub-sandwich. If he keeps eating like that, those clothes probably won’t last much longer…

Austin’s attention suddenly snapped back to the front when he felt something touch him. Clint was there, standing only inches from his face, with his hand on Austin’s substantial belly. To Austin’s surprise, Clint leaned forward and kissed him long and hard on the mouth. Regaining his composure, Austin returned it with equal fervor, feeling his throbbing member growing beneath him. The kiss was both passionate and surreal, as if everything in his life had been leading to this. After what seemed like an eternity of paradise, Austin felt Clint’s hand move slowly across the expanse of his gut, massaging it ever so softly.

A sharp pain whiplashed throughout his gut, as it gurgled and groaned. He felt as if gas was trapped inside of him, begging to be released. Clint continued to rub sensually, causing the pressure to increase, bit by bit. Austin moaned as he clutched his gut in ecstasy, feeling it bloat outward by a few centimeters with every stroke.

“What…what are you doing?” he panted, as his heart pace quickened excitedly.

Clint looked into his eyes and smiled. He leaned forward and whispered only three words into Austin’s ear, three words he had been longing to hear.

“Making a wish.”