Jake Grows pts. 1-2

I had started sketching a few years ago, just as a hobby, starting with idle doodling in class. I wasn’t much of an artist, but I had images and visions that I wanted to bring to life in one way or another, and I figured through practice I could truly make something I was proud of. Drawing the human form certainly isn’t easy, but if you have the right passion and motivation for what you’re drawing, then things become significantly easier. And it just so happens that my biggest motivation was drawing the biggest musclestud I could imagine.

Drawing a massive football-playing monster wasn’t too hard of a decision for me to begin with…I saw enough of them around campus, and fantasized about them even more. Roughing it up on the field, football players embodied those perfect masculine qualities that I desired so much…they were huge, muscular and strong without being too self-centered or narcissistic, they had stunning muscularity without being freaky ripped models or bodybuilders. Their attitude was bad-ass and don’t-take-no-shit-from-nobody, which turned me on so much, and this was reflected in the tattoos, style and occasional cockiness that most people hated, but I adored.

It was then that I decided to draw something like my ideal football-playing meathead, a monster who had devoted himself to becoming the ultimate football badass, a muscular titan. It was thus that Jake came to my head…I started with his thick head and masculine face, with a heavy brow ridge that accuated his big, powerful head and face. His facial features were abbreviated, which made his head look even bigger and stronger, the perfect complement to the rest of his body, which I would draw into the perfect collection of muscular curves and bulges. Finishing his face, I drew a strong, square chin and jawline, and a thin beard that ran along his powerful jaw that accuated his manliness. He had a hard expression, one that said he wouldn’t take shit from anyone, but could be gentle and compassionate as well. The rest of the side-profile of his head was thick and big. He has a sleek, well-groomed Mohawk like a crown of his dominance, and the back of his neck folded and wrinkled with beefy muscle. His neck was well over 20” around.

Next came his shoulders and huge chest, which stuck out from his face like a barrel, rising and falling in heavy, deep breaths that sounded deep and masculine. His chest was like a massive cavern of power; his huge chest forced his upper back to become huge as well, and in the end he was almost as thick as he was wide at the chest. His shoulders stretched as wide as two normal people, and his delts and neck muscle merged into one solid mass of muscle. His chest tapered down to his stomach, which was a huge muscle gut. It stuck out from his body, though not quite as far out as his massive chest, and it had abs that protruded from the rest of the mass. It was rock hard, but he was wasn’t skinny…his belt size was still a 50 or so, but this was simply because he was so massive. He was about 6’6’’ or more, and his weight was probably around 360lbs of muscle.

The arms came next to draw. Connecting up with the huge shoulders, huge biceps dwarfed the rest of his ridiculously massive frame, a tattoo design he had made himself on his 25’’ right arm and flames burning up his forearms on the left arm. The forearms were thicker than most peoples’ biceps, and easily many times as strong; veins pumped in them when he flexed the bloated forearms, which had grown huge from the crazy daily training regimen that was part of his life. His biceps when flexed were bigger around than his head, and they were his favorite body part…he worked hard to make them bigger, thicker, rounder, stronger. His arms were perfected by the giant ham-fists and callused hands, made strong from lifting and running people over in football.

His legs were simply a huge platform for the devastatingly perfect upper body, and I drew two thick columns of beefy muscle to power Jake’s upper body. His dick was equally huge, as big around as a skinny person’s wrist, and his feet stomped with heavy authority where ever he roamed. His calves flexed and relaxed with each step, as did each rock-hard ass cheek.

In short, he was a thick, muscular vision of perfection. I made the final details of a tight shirt that barely covered the 60’’+ chest, and anointed him with a necklace that looped around his impossibly thick neck. Earrings and a chin stud finished the look of being of a badass. His nipples stuck out through the tight sleeveless shirt, hard and sensitive to the touch. His shorts tried their hardest to cover up the thighs almost as thick as his waist, but succeeded only so much.

I had finished the drawing of the side profile in pencil, and now I wanted to ink Jake with my nice art ink. However, upon looking, I found that all of my pens were dry, which was strange because some of them I had never used. It seems as though these pens had an expiration date or something…how cheap! Well, we’ll see what I can do…

I left my apartment and headed onto the street to find my usual art supply store, when on the way I found an old Chinese antique shop that I had seen before. It usually had the same cheap old crap typical of Chinese-American kung-fu stereotypes…but in the window I noticed a unique ink set that actually looked pretty cool, intriguing and esoteric. I asked the cashier about it, and he claimed it was an ancient ink set that they had smuggled over from China. Yeah, right, whatever. Well, either way, I asked for a demonstration and he obliged…sure enough, the ink was gorgeous, some of the finest quality I had ever seen…and it had been conveniently made into small cartridges for re-fillable pens like the ones I used to draw. I bought them for surprisingly little…I didn’t mind the cost mainly because the ink seemed so strong, like it would never fade. It had bold, vibrant colors that almost looked like the drawings would come alive.

Upon my return, I set to inking my perfect muscle creation, Jake. His neck folds rippled with power and his chest rose from his body like mountains. He seemed to be bursting, swollen with strength almost uncontrollable, and looked like he ate steel for breakfast with his muscle-guy attitude. The ink made his muscle pop out and his angular facial features even more masculine.

Finally, I wrote a brief description of Jake’s life and how he had gotten to his huge present state. In high school he had been the badass fullback at 6’2’’ and 230, and linebacker on the defensive side. He was all-state and extremely talented, and was scouted by Nebraska. In Nebraska, he thrived as one of the best linebackers on the team for his first three seasons, even starting as a freshman, and got a little bigger and learned the best techniques for training and diet. He worried enough about school to get by, but mainly concentrated on football and lifting. His plans for after college were to try the NFL Draft, but he wasn’t sure. He was gay, and got anybody he wanted…through his crazy strength and intimidating size and demeanor, no one fucked with him or his sexuality.

And then something happened to him between junior and senior year. He woke up one day during Spring Break and thought…this isn’t good enough. Looking at his already massive and ripped body, honed from years of training, he wanted more. His pecs looked deflated to him, his arms puny and weak. He knew he had the potential to be more…to have more strength and more size. He wanted suddenly to be on the line where the big boys grinded and muscled their way to victory. And so his journey began.

He started on a series of weight supplements and heavy lifting, and upped his diet to thousands of calories a day. Every day he worked out like a madman, and he could feel himself growing each week. And indeed, after a few weeks, he could see his body respond, and well. He gained about 5 pounds a week for 5 months, as his body hit a final, somewhat unexpected growth spurt. He grew 4 more inches up to 6’6’’, towering over his former equals and friends as he swelled in size. His stomach ballooned and swelled with rock-hard power, but not as much as his chest, which barreled out and became thicker and harder every day. His back, arms, shoulders, every part of him seemed to just absorb every calorie he ate and turn into powerful muscle. His face became harder, more angular, and meatier, and he decided to get his tattoos and piercings over the summer to accentuate his new look. He loved his new body, and wanted to get bigger and bigger. By the end of the summer he had gained 100lbs, and was now a behemoth 350lb defensive lineman who ate meals as much as three men could each and who could benchpress 700lbs several times in a row. His biceps were thicker than his head, and his stomach was surpassed only by his barrel chest. He turned 22 at the end of football season after setting every record a college lineman could set, and was primed to be selected in the top 5 of the NFL Draft. I wrote this all in the bold ink that I liked the more I used.

As I finished writing this, I felt the page rustle under my hands and start to feel warm. I looked under the page only to find my desk, and suddenly the page itself burned like fire. I dropped it quickly and watched as the page started to glow red, eminated from the black ink which was glowing with magic power. I couldn’t believe it…the ink was twisting and morphing, writhing and lifting off the page. I could almost hear far-off groaning, like a soul being squeezed. Then I saw something that made my jaw drop.

The ink cast its red light in the middle of the room, and something started materializing starting at about…. 6’6’’…

My God…Jake. It was Jake. He was materializing from the magic ink into my room!

Just as I had drawn him…the thick head, the angular face, the heaving barrel chest and thick back, the neck folds and sleek Mohawk, the bluging rock-solid musclegut, the 25’’ arms that swelled with power…Jake was yelling, but it still seemed far away, but his face was now animated, and each movement showed the jaw muscles in his face which tensed with each scream. It changed from a scream of agony to one of exaltation as his legs began to fill in, the red light shifting and glimmering as it moved from huge cock to bulging calves, and finally to the wide, heavy feet. The red light then suddenly disappeared, leaving nothing begin but a blank piece of paper, still warm to the touch.

Jake was naked except for his earrings and necklace, and he had dropped to his knee as soon as the light had faded. He breathed with heavy, grunting breaths which rumbled from his chest. He slowly stood, looking at his hands in wonder, making fists and grinning to himself as he examined his body. Massive. Powerful. Perfect. He then brought his gaze, piercing blue-grey eyes, to meet my own, and he sighed causing his chest to rise up and then fall. He started walking to me, the floor shaking, his pecs and gut jiggling with muscle, his arms swinging out to the sides, his legs rippling with every step. He came as close as he could to me, his chest and stomach bumping into my own. I was frozen with shock at what had just happened, and rock hard at seeing my ideal creation come to life…to LIFE! His breath was heavy and smelled like man, and he stunk of manly musk, like he has just finished playing a grueling football game. He looked down at me past his pecs, fixing me with those eyes.

He said, in a deep bass that rumbled my chest cavity, “Did you make me?” With my mouth still hanging agape, I nodded stupidly, looking up at Jake with wonder. And then he did something surprising.

He gave me the bigger, tightest bearhug I had ever felt, lifting off the ground like I weighed nothing and crushing me again his chest, which simultaneously rock-hard and fleshy and grippable. He then burst out with gratitude, thanking me for what I had done, in his rumbling, sexy voice. “Why did you make me, master? I’ll do anything for you!” he said while backing up. I could feel his sweat on my face after he moved away.

I told him, “I created you because you are my ideal man. You’re perfect…huge, powerful, massive, thick, manly. You’re my dream man, and I can’t believe you’re actually real. The only thing I want from you…I don’t even know where to start! It’s like a dream…and I guess the only way to prove that you’re not an illusion is something drastic. So…could you lift me up over your head…and then suck me off?” I said, motioning at my throbbing bulge.

“Anything for you sir,” he said grinning confidently, and he suddenly rushed towards me with a low grunt and lifted me with one hand over my head and pinned me to the ceiling. “Now you’ll see how a real muscle freak gets it on!” he roared out, as he tore my pants away with force. His tricep was flexed and huge as he held me against the ceiling and took my throbbing cock into his waiting mouth, swallowing me whole. With his other hand he flexed his ridiculously huge bicep and looked at me with raised eyebrows, those blue-grey eyes exuding sexiness and his jawbone beard framing his gorgeous face. His bicep swelled and throbbed, a huge melon of solid muscle power, his tattoo glistening with his sweat. I came and came into his waiting mouth, and he seemed to enjoy my seed…he gulped it down with muster, and made a satisfied “ahhh” sound as he finished me off. He then threw me onto his shoulders, where I rested comfortably for a moment.

“Was that fun?” he asked in teasing voice, which sounded even more powerful and commanding while resting on his shoulder like a sack of grain, my head upside-down sucking on his right tit. He then carried me into the bedroom and threw me onto the bed with no effort at all. Flexing his biceps, I could see them swell and grow, and the rest of his body followed suit. “Your cum…it makes me grow,” he said, flexing even more and swelling, growing a bit taller too. “I want more of it. I want to get bigger and stronger for the Draft. We can help each other out…I’m your dream come true, and you will help me fulfill my destiny as the greatest NFL player of all time.” With this he took a huge breath, and held it, his chest inflating with muscle and power, his gut expanding outwards with size. Finally he let his breath out, but the size remained like he was still expanded from the breath. I followed him into the bathroom and told him to step on the scale. He did, and it read 360 lbs.

“Ten pounds in one session?” he said while putting me into a friendly headlock and flexing lightly, the bicep rolling and pulsing with power. “I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship,” he rumbled happily and leaned over to kiss me. His mouth was strong and warm, the chin hair bristling against my face and rubbing against my bottom lip. He dominated my mouth, and tasted like salty sweat. I was in heaven.


Pt. 2

And here's Part II!

I woke up the next morning with Jake’s warm body against mine, his expansive back looking like a solid, fleshy wall of perfection next to me. His back was a series of muscular lumps and hills, rounded and huge. He rolled over, asleep, onto his back, and I could see him in all his glory…his huge mounded chest rose and fell with each breath, his sleeping face looked sort of soft and cute, which was an amusing disparity with his bad-ass look. His round gut and chest expanded rhythmically with his breathing, and he seemed like a giant next to me, overpowering and massive. I couldn’t believe it was real. How had this happened? Did it really matter?

Suddenly Jake started to roll over onto me, and I was soon trapped under his crushing weight. The 360lb mass of his 6’7’’ completely smothered me, and my face was right under his armpit. It stunk of manly musk, and I breathed deeply…it was intoxicating, and I immediately got rock hard. His breathing shook my body as well. I could feel him start to get hard, his massive cock next to mine, making mine seem tiny and pathetic in comparison. I pushed with all my might get him off of me, but it was like trying to push an elephant…his warm, fleshy mass was completely immovable.

I started liking his armpits, letting my tongue go where it pleased, and finally Jake woke up, and realized he was on top of me. For as much as I was loving to smell his armpit, I was starting to get a little short on air. He grabbed me in his tremendous arms and lifted me up as he rolled onto his back on his side of the bed. He held me by my armpits, like a child or a toy, and winked at me.

“Hey there”, he said in a deep, masculine voice, yawning into my face, “how’d you like your first night with me?” Looking at his face, I decided right then and there that I would give up my old life and dedicate my new life to Jake…to making his NFL dreams come true, to loving him completely…and making him do as I pleased. “What’s the plan for today, master?”

“Well, first,” I said, “you don’t have to call me master. Yes, I can still tell you what to do, but just call me Matt,” I said while squirming in his hands. He dropped me down gently on his massive torso. My head rose and fell with his breath and I looked up at his face, which was covered in dark, thick stubble.

“Alright then, Matt” he said a little awkwardly, “what are we going to do today? I’ll do anything for you.”

“Well, what was that last night about becoming the greatest football player of all time?” I said winking back at him. He got an aggressive, happy look on his face and he started lifting me up and down effortlessly, like a bench press.

“That’s what I want to hear!” Jake boomed from the depths of his cavernous chest.

“Here’s my plan. Apparently, as your creator, I have a couple of powers over you: one, my cum makes you grow. Pretty handy…” I rubbed my balls and rock-hard cock again and he licked his lips in anticipation. “and two, you seem to be bound to do whatever I say.”

“Matt, I would do whatever you want regardless. I love you, and I’ll do anything to make you happy,” and as he said this he lowered me to in front of his face and kissed me, like last night it was hard and strong and dominating.

“My itinerary for the day is to take a shower, eat a huge breakfast, work out, and get our names out as the next BIG thing in football. We should probably get you some nice-looking clothes that fit too. Later tonight…well, we’ll do whatever we want. So first! Jake, I order you to stand up and put me down.”

Jake, suddenly almost mechanically sat up, and put me on the floor. He looked straight ahead, apparently looking at nothing, with a blank, hard expression which looked indimidating and scary. He stood to his full height and towered over me, like a monolith of thick, beefy muscle, expanding and contracting as he breathed in and out, his monster cock rubbing up against his round, furry gut.

I was sort of concerned with his machine-like posture…was this how he would always be when I ordered him around? “Jake?...” I said, as I poked him in the tummy. He laughed and let out his breath…he was just messing around. “ach, you jerk, you had me fooled!”

“yeah…” Jake said and rubbed the back of his head with his huge, rough hand, his bicep swelling up like a watermelon, as big or bigger as his square-shaped head. The smell from his armpits once again wafted down on me, like an aphrodisiac cologne. My knees felt weak.

“We need to get in the shower…now. I gotta releave some of this pressure,” I said, as a rubbed my cock, “and you gotta clean up, stinky!”

“Stinky!?” Jake boomed, sounding indignant with rage. He picked me up like I weighed nothing and threw me over his shoulder like last night. “If you insist master, we must shower!” He joked again, sounding like a robot and walking mechanically into the bathroom. Each step caused my whole apartment to shake and boom…this wasn’t part of the act. That was just from Jake being so monsterously, gigantically huge.

We stepped into my big shower as Jake put me down, and started the water. I watched him lather himself up, but I told him I would take over…He stood staring me, grinning the whole time, as I rubbed my hands all over his massive body…the smooth, rock-solid arms, his slightly fuzzy barrel chest and gut which stuck out so far from the rest of his body, his enormously wide back which seemed to go on for miles, his perfect, round, hard ass which made a satisfying slap sound when I smacked it. I bent down to wash his tree trunk legs totally clean, all the way to his huge, thick feet. His calves were like twin bloated bags of cement, and his thighs were as hard and thick as an oak tree. Finally I looked right at his cock, and I just couldn’t resist.

“Oh Jake…I’m going to give you a big favor.”

He just grinned and growled deeply as I took him into my mouth, the water and saliva making his cock, which was too big to fit all the way into my mouth, slick and juicy. Jake kept moaning and growling and groaning as I did my thing, and he put his huge paws on the back of head, humping me into his big balls as I sucked for all I was worth. He breathed, “here it comes…” and he came all over me, in my mouth, face, torso, everywhere. Motherfucker was a geyser, spurting all over my shower, the biggest load I’d ever seen. He yelled deeply and roughly, and…started to swell again!? Yes, it was true, he grew ever larger the more he came, and his balls pulsed with new strength as his torso and legs swelled to more muscular proportions. He ended with a deep breath and sighed once again, expanding his torso and leaving at its greatest expansion, like some sort of muscle balloon. He shuttered like coming out of a trance and looked down at me totally satisfied, and realized he had grown again.

“Goddamnit I love you,” he said, and lifted me up even more easily than before, his new 26’’ biceps bouncing with power. His meaty pecs pulsed as he lifted my pulsing cock, which was ready to blow, into his mouth…it took about 4 seconds and he sucked down every drop again. The new growth spurt combined with the old one, and he took off ever bigger, stronger, taller, more and more massive and powerful. He roared and groaned with new strength as he dropped me onto the floor, and I looked up at his colossal form, water splashing off of his expansive chest, which swelled and pulsed with new power. The floor of the bathroom shook as he adjusted his weight, his thighs bursting with power. He shoulders were soon wider than the shower, and he completely blocked out the water. He finished with another huge gulp of air, and roared it out of his lungs, his body bigger than ever. He towered over me and looked down on me and chuckled deeply, the low bass of his voice rattling my chest. He flexed his biceps, which grew and squeezed with more muscle, into perfect mounds of strength, nearing 30’’ of untamed beastly power. His pecs hung over his gut, which had expanded even bigger especially after the pre-breakfast meal I had given him, wet from the shower and red with power. He slapped his stomach and growled with a toothy grin, his gut rock-hard and massive, bouncing as he stepped over me out of the shower, and onto the scale once again. The floor quaked as he stepped on, and the water dripped off his mohawk and hot, bloated beef. The scale creaked as his titantic mass stepped on, his enormous feet covering the entire thing.

“What does your scale max out at?” Jake said, his voice deeper than ever, sounding like it came from a subwoofer. “I don’t know if it can hold all of ME now!” he said as he rubbed his pecs together, the ridge between inches deep with meaty strength.

“400…why?” I asked, as I came up from behind him and looked past his massive arm…I now looked over right at his huge nipple, so I guessed he had grown to about 6’9’’, a full foot taller than me.

“Because it’s blinking ‘400’ at me, and it won’t go past”, he said as he looked down to me and laughed. His chinstrap beard looked better than ever on his angular, rock-chisled, square-jawed face, as he roared with laughter and power. He licked his biceps as he flexed them, huge and warm, powerful. I felt weak in the knees as he moaned softly as he worshiped his own awesome arm.

“Oh please, allow me…”, I said, and he lowered his right arm to my face, his arm bigger than my entire head. I started to give him the tongue-bath of a lifetime, and he just groaned. It was so big and hot, so solid and smooth. His tattoo rippled and writhed as he bounced his bicep up and down, and I tasted his skin.

“You know, we’ll probably have to take another shower if you keep up this licking” he said as I moved from his arm down to his pecs, feeling their warmth and weight with my tongue. I sucked on his big tit as he flexed them for me too, bouncing and pulsing with perfect ease. I rubbed his gut and felt the soft layer of dark hair which trailed down to his crotch, and ran my face against his enormous, round bulk. He rubbed his belly and groaned, bouncing and caressing its perfect sphere-shaped mass. His huge hand was so rough and thick, the fingers as thick as my cock.

“Oh darn…” I said and I grinned up at his perfect face. “We’ll go get something to eat and then test your strength. How does that sound? Let’s prove that you’re the strongest man in the world!”

Jake looked down at me and grinned more, and shook the water out of his Mohawk. He once again grabbed me under the armpits and lifted me, and rubbed me against his hard, huge body. I rubbed up and down against his torso, feeling his hardness and massive strength controlling me. He groaned and boomed, “The biggest, baddest, strongest motherfucker on the whole planet, and the best football player in the world…yeah, I’m totally unstoppable!” He put me down and bounced his pecs and did a double biceps pose, each thick and round, rising and swelling with power. His pecs rippled and jiggled with strength, and he stomped on the floor with a room-shaking BOOM, his gut bouncing right along. Jake was on his way to gianthood, and only had to prove his dominant power to the rest of the world. I told him to pick me up in those tree-trunk sized arms of his, and he easily obliged. He stepped out of the bathroom with some difficulty, his hair brushing against the doorframe, which he has to turn sidewise and suck in his pecs and gut to even fit through. I started thinking about where to go to breakfast and how I would find something to clothe my ever-growing behemoth of muscle.