Growth Spice

“Come on. There has to be something.” Liam mumbled to himself as he went through the aisles of the store. The fit man reached up to scratch his stubbled chin, searching the shelves before sighing to himself from his search for the special bulking powder his boyfriend had wanted to get. But the more Liam went through the store, going up and down the aisles, the more he found he couldn’t see the brand name that Daniel had told him to find.

“Excuse me,” Liam asked a passing clerk, the man’s thick body stretching out the shirt as the buttons on his V-neck strained against his swollen chest. “I’m trying to find a bulking powder, it’s called ‘Mega Growth Spice’ and I can’t seem to find it.’

The clerk hummed, a frown forming on his rugged face before reaching up to scratch the back of his thick neck, causing the muscles in his thick arms to bulge. “Oh, I’m sorry but that brand got discontinued.”

“Oh.” The fit slim man frowned at the news knowing his boyfriend had been attached to the brand and the excellent growth progress he had been making. “Well, thanks anyway then.” Liam began to say, about to head out when the clerk stopped him.

“If you want, we have a similar product made by the same company.” The sales clerk, Robert his name tag read, offered. His bulky frame moving to a nearby shelf before pulling out a large tub. The tub had a long list of chemical jargon that Liam had no hope of understanding, plastered on the label was an overblown muscle-bound behemoth of a man.

“Huh, ‘Giga-Beast’, That’s an interesting product name,” Liam commented as he took in how the clearly photoshopped image of the behemoth, pecs blown up to a point that they practically limited the image’s movement of their head.

“Yeah, it’s a new version of their best product. Designed to help you bulk up and promote intense muscle growth.” Robert said as he moved the tub into Liam’s hands. “It’s quickly becoming one of our best products.”

“I mean… is it really good?” Liam asked, unsure what to get as he never really focused on muscle building like Daniel. He lifted the tub, turning it over from the gargantuan man’s image to the ingredient list, trying to make sense of what he could.

“Well, it’s still in its early days, so it doesn’t have that many reviews at the moment.” Robert admitted with a shrug, “Though the company has said if you don’t see any effects within seven days, you get not just your money back but a payment from the company.”

Liam hummed as he looked over the tub, taking in the information he was told. “Nothing bad has happened, has it?”

Robert shook his head. “Nope. This company prides itself on helping its customers get huge and healthy.”

“I guess I’ll take it then.”

“So, I hope you don’t mind the different brand of bulking powder,” Liam said, emptying the bag ladened with groceries whilst he handed the tub of protein powder to his boyfriend. Daniel’s thick bulky form filled Liam’s view as the bigger man looked over the powder with a smile on his goatee framed face.

“Hey, it’s okay babe. Honestly, I was kinda half hoping that the store still had some Growth Spice, but this seems good. I’ve heard a bit of chatter that this is supposed to be the best growth powder on the market now.” Daniel said with a proud smile on his face as he moved closer, setting aside the tub before wrapping his thick arms around Liam’s form and lifted him up in a bear hug, pressing their bodies close together. The two men shared a kiss before Daniel placed Liam back down on the ground. The larger man smiling down at Liam before raising one of his arms and flexing, the bicep swelling out.

“Won’t be long till my bicep looks like this without me flexing it.” Daniel chuckled, smiling wide as he saw how excited Liam was, taking in his boyfriend’s thick muscles.

“Well, I better start with dinner. Later we can have some real fun.” Liam said with a smile, reaching over to give Daniel a proud pat of his solid chest, watching the thick pecs bounce a bit before he turned and headed into the kitchen. Daniel chuckled, taking in the view of Liam’s slender body and perfect ass before he headed for his home gym to do some quick exercises before dinner.

It was less than an hour later that Liam was calling out into the house that dinner was ready, pulling out a steaming dish of chicken from the oven. It didn’t take long for Daniel to come into the room, his heavy form slightly damp with sweat stains showing on his tank top. Liam had set his and Daniel’s plates of food on the table as Daniel took his seat. The two men enjoyed a quiet night together, finishing their meal with a pleasant conversation about their day. After finishing the meal and cleaning up together, the two men moved to go up to the bed, though Daniel stopped by the tub of powder.

“Dan, you really have to drink that stuff before bed?” Liam asked, standing in the doorway of the kitchen, watching his boyfriend scoop out the powder and add it into the blender.

“Course, I always take a protein shake before bed. Was the same with the old batch and I’m sure it’s the same as with this one.” Daniel said with a chuckle, turning on the blender and mixing his drink before chugging back the mixture. His thick neck bulged with every heavy gulp as he swallowed down more of the thick powdered shake. Stifling a belch after finishing off the mixture, Daniel put the jug into the sink before following Liam up to bed. Both men were unaware of the warning label on the tub of powder as they went through their usual nightly rituals.

“Hmm, Dan can you move up?” Liam grumbled, half asleep and burying his face in his pillow as he felt the hard body of his big boyfriend. Turning over to his side, Liam found his side of the queen-sized bed taken up by Daniel’s solid, broad shoulder.

“Come on… My shoulder is on the edge.” Daniel responded in a groggy half-asleep voice. The early hour somehow makes his strong voice sound deeper than usual.

“Well, you’re pressing into me,” Liam said, lifting a hand to press against Daniel’s shoulder. Touching his boyfriend’s boy, he felt the solid muscle, causing him to pause as Daniel had felt… bigger.

“What the?” Liam sat up to see what was going on. The sleep left him when he took in Daniel’s significantly bigger body.

Daniel’s form filled up most of the bed with his broad shoulders covering part of the mattress, which struggled under the huge man’s weight. His sleep shirt was now stretched out over Daniel’s chest, struggling to contain the massive pecs with his thick neck stretching out the neck hole. The ridden up shirt revealed the thick waist Daniel now had, his cobblestone abs now covered with a thick solid gut that looked more like a drum with how solid it was, save for the thick trail of hair that was spread over the rounded gut. Looking down at Daniel’s huge body, Liam saw how Daniel’s swollen legs stretched out over the bed with his feet dangling over the edge. Said feet had torn open his socks with his large toes poking out of the holes.

“What’s wrong?” Daniel said with a deep yawn, stretching out his swollen masses that were his arms. The thick limbs pressed down across the mattress, one of his muscle packed arms almost knocked Liam back onto the mattress, too distracted by just how thick the limb was to move out of the way.

“Ah, Daniel move!” Liam said, huffing a big as the thick limb knocked the breath out of him.

“Sorry, hun.” Daniel said before grunting as he shifted his immense form, sitting up and showing just how much he grew overnight. The swollen man paused when he sat up, looking down at himself. His now bearded face, that not a few hours before had been just stubble coated, pressed into the valley that now formed between his titanic pecs. Whilst Daniel sat there and explored his new growth, running his thick hands over his swollen mass, Liam stood aside the bed and took in the impossible growth that took over his boyfriend.

“Jesus, Dan. You’re huge.” Liam said, taking in the thick body that his lover now had. His muscles bulging and flexing with the movements that Daniel made, grunting deeply before he shifted his form to get off the bed. The mattress letting out a sharp creak at the movement on top of it, Daniel got his thick feet on the floor and grunted to stand up, standing taller than before as his clothing struggled to stay in one piece as his bulging body stretched them to their limit.

“Yeah… Wait, how did I get this big so quickly?” Daniel said, turning to face Liam, his thick neck limited in his movement with his broad shoulders blocking his full view.

“I… I don’t know Dan. The only thing I can think of is,” Liam said, thinking aloud before he froze as he realised what had fueled his boyfriend’s sudden growth spurt. “The protein powder!” Liam exclaimed before heading out of the room to check the powder itself, leaving his bloated ton of a boyfriend behind, hearing the creaking of wood with Daniel shifting his immense mass.

“Hey Hun, there’s a warning on the tub.” Liam called out, feeling the floor shake subtly with every wide step that his hulking Daniel now took. Liam glanced over to the doorway as Daniel began trying to fit inside, shifting at an angle to fit his broad shoulders through. Watching the hulking man squeeze through, his tight clothing ripping at the bulging mass that was now his body. Getting in, Daniel saw how his boyfriend’s shirt had ripped open along his chest, exposing the thick mass that was his swollen pecs.

“What does it say?” Daniel said, huffing a bit from hefting around his larger and heavier body. Shifting his mass over to one of the chairs, Daniel stopped as he realised he was probably too heavy for what was his favourite seat. Liam watched Daniel move towards the couch, his lumbering body spreading out with Liam now getting a good view of his thick back and solid shelf that was Daniel’s ass. The enormous man tried to lower himself gently onto the couch, only to fall a bit and land heavily, earning a deep groaning creak from the long-suffering furniture.

After watching the sight of his colossal boyfriend moving in the seemingly too small house, Liam cleared his throat before reading the warning aloud. “Warning: Do not take more than one (1) teaspoon of Giga-Beast every week. Do not consume before extended periods of rest. M.A.S.S. Inc is not responsible for extreme growth spurt whilst taking the product. Only increase standard dosage at a gradual rate should no growth be noted within three (3) days. M.A.S.S. Inc will only provide aid should no growth or inverse growth rate occurs whilst taking the product.”

“Shit. Guess I should have given that a look.”

“- Finally found a good space,” Liam said with an exasperated tone as he drove the van into the parking space, that was close to the beach. Entering the spot and making sure the van was entirely in before cutting the engine and stepping out. The hot air slapped him in the face, making the slim man groan a bit and wanting to jump back into the air-conditioned vehicle. Urging himself on, Liam went around the van to the back double door, pulling it open and taking in the view of the huge, speedo clad mass that filled out the innards of the van with pure muscle. “Ready for a day at the beach hun?”

“Yeah.” The enormous mass said in a deep voice before it began to shift, thick legs moving out over the edge of the van door before two thick arms reached out. Large hands gripping the metal of the doorway, earning a creak as the metal threatened to bend and give under the touch of the hulking Daniel. The behemoth groaned before beginning the process of shuffling his thick body along the floor of the van to get out without tearing through the vehicle… again.

It wasn’t too long before Daniel got out of the van, his rugged 400 pound muscle-bound body dripping with sweat from the effort. His swollen muscles bulging out and casting a shadow over Liam. A few passersby and tourists stopping in their tracks to gawk at the seemingly impossible sized man.

“I think we’re gonna need a bigger van.” Daniel said with a chuckle as he glanced over his broad shoulders at the dents spread out within the interior of the van and along with the opening.