Gavin's Growth

By Mutabear (

Gavin had been curious about a new gym that opened up near his work. The strip mall had almost nobody coming or going ever since Gavin had started commuting past it, but over the last few weeks a new gym called Centurion had opened up, and now the parking lot was packed every day. He even overheard some of his co-workers talking about it since it was brand new and had some great amenities. Gavin was intrigued and decided to check it out the following week after work on Monday. His girlfriend was supportive of his interest, stating it would give her an opportunity to join in on her friend’s wine and movie night in another apartment complex. Gavin was a rather average guy, standing at five foot nine with no noticeable

musculature or excess fat.

He didn’t diet, but ate decently well and skipped out on most forms of exercise. It was on a whim that he elected to see what made Centurion so great. That day he packed a small bag with a towel, water bottle, headphones, athletic shorts, and a spare t-shirt. He had an odd sense of excitement throughout the day since he was changing his routine up. Normally, he went straight home after work to watch TV, make dinner, and spend time with his girlfriend Meg; leading a rather uninteresting life on the weekdays. But today he felt a nervous energy at the office. He was surprised that he was actually looking forward to working out, and when he left work that day, there was practically a skip in his step.

The short commute to Centurion went by quickly, and soon Gavin walked through the large glass double doors of the gym. There were large murals on the walls on either side of the doors depicting men running, lifting weights, or playing sports. Gavin was mildly surprised that the clientele at Centurion was almost exclusively male, as he was used to seeing at least a few ladies lifting or running. It was also strange to see that none of the men there were wearing headphones while working out. They seemed content to talk to one another or listen to the music in the gym. As he walked up to the center desk, a young man wearing the polos signifying he was one of Centurion’s personal trainers approached him.

“Hey man, my name’s Nick. I’m a trainer here at Centurion, and I haven’t seen you around before. You looking to sign up?”

“Well I was hoping to look around here, maybe try out some of the machines before committing to anything. I can’t say I have worked out at all recently, so I am not sure what all I would be doing.”

“Well luckily for you, all potential members are allowed to try us out once before they sign up. Come with me, I will just need to print you out a trial pass. I’m Nick by the way.”

With that, Nick clapped Gavin on the back and led him to a series of small desks in an office. Gavin felt a bit nervous. While he had a steady girlfriend for close to eighteen months, he always had an interest in fit guys. He had experimented a few times in college but was too anxious to ever pursue anything serious with another man. The sight of Nick’s toned body in the tight-fitting polo and his easygoing smile sent blood to his dick, and he had to adjust himself so that he would not start to tent up. There were a lot of other fit men in the purple and gold polos of Centurion, all talking to other nervous looking men who all seemed to be getting a trial membership.

“All right bud, let’s take down your basic info. Fill this out, and I can take a pic of you and then print you out a pass.”

Gavin hesitantly filled out the form, putting his basic measurements, personal contact information, and goals for his first month in the gym. Not having a strong idea of what he wanted, Gavin just wrote down, “Get bigger.” He felt like he could do to put on some muscle tone, maybe trim down his small love handles to look better for Meg, but other than that he was a total novice in the gym. After handing the paper back to Nick, the personal trainer took a small camera from his desk, snapped a picture of Gavin, and printed off a guest pass for him. Gavin looked at his measurements and picture and was filled with a sense of dejection. He felt that seeing his picture and statistics highlighted how much weaker he was than the personal trainers there, and he resolved to have a good workout.

Gavin walked through the gym to the locker room and got changed quickly. He saw how full the locker room was and was surprised how many guys had shaved or waxed their chests. Gavin had always trimmed his body hair, but never removed it completely, and as a result was quite fuzzy below the neck. He got out of his work clothes and tossed his things into a locker, and then wandered out onto the gym floor. He hopped on the treadmill to start and soon was jogging along at a good pace. Gavin was surprised at how little he was struggling. His music was loud, he had plenty of water, and he felt he could push himself. He increased the speed of the treadmill and soon was lost in the focus of running and sweating.

Gavin was surprised when someone rattled a clipboard on the side of the treadmill. He looked at the display and was shocked that 30 minutes had already passed. Gavin barely felt winded, which surprised him as he hardly led an active lifestyle even if he wasn’t overweight. He looked at the person who interrupted his running and realized it was Nick.

“Hey man. I saw you running and was a little surprised you would choose to do so much cardio. I thought you said you wanted to get bigger when working out at Centurion. Well, running is great for your heart and to get the blood flowing, but if you wanna get bigger, you are gonna need to hit the weights. Since it’s your first time and all, I figured I could show you how to use a few machines. Pop those headphones out, as I want to be able to give you tips and correct your form. Besides, Centurion has an amazing speaker system and a good playlist.”

Gavin was surprised Nick seemed to be taking such an interest in him. As far as he knew, personal training was usually expensive, and Nick seemed to be willing to teach him for free. He reasoned it was a sales tactic, to teach Gavin enough to get interested, then get him to hire a trainer full time. As Nick was not being too forceful to make the sale, Gavin agreed and soon he was banging out reps on the seated row machine. As Nick gave him tips and encouraged him, Gavin slipped back into the zen-like state of focus that comes during an intense strength workout. He was rather surprised that the gym’s music, a combination of pop, techno, and some strange electronica penetrated his concentration. The techno music, in particular, sounded foreign, as there were various half-words and partial phrases he thought he could hear. Gavin thought he could make out “strong”, “sweat”, “grow”, and oddly “join” all interwoven in the fast-paced music. Just as he was beginning to pick them out of the music, he had finished his last set on the rowing machine.

The next forty-five minutes progressed in a similar fashion. Nick had Gavin do several sets with ever increasing weight on numerous machines. Gavin learned how to do lateral pull downs, assisted dips, bicep curls, shoulder press, and triceps extensions. Each time he got into his lifting, he could hear words in the techno parts of the music. Just as he felt he could start to hear it clearly, Nick would move him onto the next machine. By the end of the workout, Gavin’s shirt was soaked with sweat and his upper body ached. Nick clapped him on the back and congratulated him on finishing the workout. When Nick handed the form to join Centurion to Gavin, he briefly scanned the paper and committed to a full year of membership. He was surprised to admit it, but he felt great after his session of heavy lifting. He was wiped from the combination of cardio and weight training, but it was a positive kind of fatigue. Nick showed Gavin to the wood sauna, telling him to rest there for a few minutes to sooth his well-worked upper body, and before he knew it Gavin was driving home, feeling a pump for the first time in years.

Despite his fatigue, Gavin still felt energetic after getting home. He ate dinner, cleaned himself up, and fucked his girlfriend harder and more passionately than he had in a while. Afterward, Meg complimented him on his newfound energy and drive, telling him that she was glad he was going to become a regular at Centurion and that maybe she would take up yoga. She joked about how good they would get at sex, with her flexibility and stamina from yoga and Gavin’s muscles and endurance from the gym that they fucked again before bed. That night, Gavin slept more soundly than he had in months, falling asleep in moments after his last fuck and only waking when Meg shook him, as he had slept through his first two alarms.

The next two months went by in a blur. Three times a week Gavin went to Centurion, and after three days of struggling on his own, he ended up signing up for a personal trainer. He felt elated to discover that Nick would be training him, as he always pushed himself extra hard when looking at the cute man. While Gavin felt guilty about constantly checking out Nick, he had begun to get frustrated with Meg. Gavin had stuck to his fitness regime, always making up a missed gym day over the weekend if he had a work emergency or a date night. But Meg gave up on her yoga after six lessons. She was more interested in hanging out with her girlfriends, going out to eat with Gavin, or watching movies at home. Gavin loved her, but he longed for someone who was more physically active. He had started on a push pull legs routine and was amazed at how fast his lifts were increasing with Nick’s help. Every workout felt amazing, and Gavin always got a burst of energy after a quick recovery in the sauna.

As Gavin was about to start his third month at Centurion, Nick had started the day’s workout by pulling Gavin into the offices. They were empty today, and Nick sat Gavin down across from him at his desk.

“I am so proud of the progress you have been making so far man. Your body fat dropped to eighteen percent, your progress on all your machines has been great, and you have managed to gain three pounds of good muscle since you started working out with me. I think it is time to decide if you want to get serious though. I think it is time to upgrade to the advanced personal training classes. It is just thirty dollars a month more, and we will move mostly to the free weights area. The guys I train who make the switch practically explode with muscle once they start this program. You are committed to getting big, and I think that this is the best way to do that. Plus, there are some perks of being an advanced member. You get a discount on protein shakes and some merchandise.”

With that statement, Nick pulled out something that was small, colored in the gold and purple of the club. He blushed, seeing it was a jockstrap branded by the gym, with the word “Centurion” in all capital letters centered over the pouch. Gavin had seen some men wearing these, but he had been too embarrassed to ask about it. Instead, he had stuck to his gym shorts, compression underwear, and t-shirts. But recently he had been feeling more confident. He was looking better and feeling better, so maybe he would be ok with showing off a bit and wearing something like this. He took the underwear from Nick, along with some branded gym towels and a water bottle, and signed up for the advanced training.

The free weights area was a different world than the machines for Gavin. It was filled with tons of buff, good-looking men sweating and grunting away. These guys seemed to all walk with a swagger, showing off their strong and beefy bodies to each other, and grunting and heaving their bodies as they struggled to cultivate more and more muscle mass. Gavin soon learned the proper form for dead lifts, squats, strict press, bench press, and a dozen other free weight exercises with Nick’s help. It helped that there were more speakers in the free weight area, and Gavin let the music fill the silence around Nick’s training. He was far more exhausted after his first day in the free weights area, and afterward, Nick led him to the sauna for the premium members. The room was more spacious and had a speaker pumping the same music from the gym floor in here, and Gavin felt himself relax immediately. It was then that he noticed all the guys in here were wearing only their jockstraps, no towels to cover up in sight. He felt anxious, but then realized how much work he had made on his body. He slipped out of his shirt and shorts, and then relaxed with the other lifters for a full fifteen minutes, making small talk and listening to the great music. Afterward, Gavin felt refreshed and was stoked to come back the next day to continue his advanced training.

The next two months went by even faster. Gavin continued to work out with Nick, and he found out Nick wasn’t lying when he stated his clients would pack on the muscle under the advanced personal training. Gavin gained fifteen pounds of muscle in the two months and had never felt better. It showed at work, as Gavin took charge more and fit in better with the other guys. He became a little more dominant and much more of a leader, and his coworkers remarked how much of a jock he had turned into. Hearing that for the first time made Gavin smile, and he realized that they were right. He had swagger, he had a strong body, and he had owned the room whenever he walked in. Sadly, his relationship with Meg had continued to deteriorate. They still traded off cooking dinners, but now they rarely dated and spent more time apart than together. Meg loved his new body in the bedroom, and they fucked harder and longer than any other time in their

relationship, but they felt like friends with benefits more than a couple now. This was complicated by the fact that Gavin had begun to notice some guys checking him out in the sauna. He saw pouches twitch when he entered the room and had begun flexing more in the locker room to show off his physical improvement. He had begun to enjoy making other men look at his muscled, furry body, and no longer felt guilty about scoping out other guys there. By now, there were no more female members of Centurion.

They had all quit and received prorated refunds to expedite the process. Most had complained of the loud, male atmosphere, the lack of social atmosphere, the low numbers of other women there, and mostly the music which all females seemed to intrinsically dislike. Now men freely ogled each other on the floor of the free weight area. When a man would reach a new one rep max, or finish a particularly hard superset, other guys resting between sets would encourage him, slap his ass, or feel up whatever part of his body had the best pump. Gavin enjoyed the very male atmosphere and loved how good it felt chatting with the guys after the workout in the sauna.

By the fifth month of his time at Centurion, Gavin felt like a different person. His body had gotten lean and muscled, dropping down to twelve percent body fat. He had thick biceps, jutting pecs, and was even finally seeing his abs after two weeks’ worth of hard dieting. While he could not explain how it had happened, Gavin had also grown an inch and a half in height, putting him just short of six feet tall. He had felt far more confident in himself, both at home and at work, and had landed a big promotion along with a substantial raise. He had used the money to invest in quality supplements and better fitting clothing that showed off his sexy body. Lots of tight tank tops, to exaggerate his hairy muscles, plenty of pants that showed off how toned his ass and calves had become, and tons of sexy underwear. He was surprised by how good he felt in a pair of skimpy briefs, a jockstrap, or the one pair of assless briefs he owned. In fact, he only owned a single pair of non-reveling underwear now, preferring to flaunt his incredible progress in the gym. All the other guys at Centurion worked out exclusively in jockstraps or skimpy briefs, but Gavin had been wearing them as part of his daily attire.

At first, Meg had loved how much he had shown off, but much like their sex life, she had cooled to the idea. Now the two of them resembled very close friends rather than a couple. They started having sex less and spent more and more time to themselves. At first, Meg had loved seeing her man show off his body in his underwear at home, or even spending an evening with both of them naked, but soon that was all Gavin wore indoors. She started to get frustrated, telling him he needed to behave more decently, but eventually, she just laughed at it. “It’s just Gavin being Gavin” she would say to herself, no longer caring that Gavin would wear Centurion jockstraps or Andrew Christian briefs around the house instead of normal clothing. She had shifted away from clothing that showed off her body, and instead had pulled out some of her old lounging clothes from back in college, wanting to be more comfortable that alluring while at home.

It was midway through the sixth month when Bun Appetite opened two stores down from Centurion. The pastry shop had moved from a smaller location on the other side of town, and it was a popular, albeit crowded, place for delicious desserts of all kinds. The owner joked that he would help balance out the traffic in the area, referring to the almost exclusive patronage of jocks in the strip mall. The boutiques and salons there all went out of business, and now a sports bar golfs supply store, health food, carry out restaurant, and nutrition center had sprung up. The place was jokingly referred to as the jock district since it catered so heavily to the fitness-inclined men. But Henry seemed determined to proceed with the opening of his café there, and the opening weekend at Bun Appetite was insanely busy. Tons of people came for their bread, brownies, and most frequently, their donuts. The apple cobbler donuts at Bun Appetite flew off the shelves, and the store was always preparing batch after batch to satisfy their hungry customers. The customers raved at how good they were, and by the second day, the café had to put a limit on a box of a half dozen per customer per day just to avoid running out.

It was the Monday after Bun Appetite opened that Gavin was having difficulties finding a spot to park outside Centurion. Many of the once empty spots were filled with people shopping and eating over in Bun Appetite, so Gavin spent an extra five minutes finding a spot and had to rush to the gym to get ready for his workout. He rushed to change into a jockstrap, a sleeveless muscle shirt, and a pair of very short athletic shorts before dashing over to the free weights to work out under Nick. The personal trainer had also gotten a little more muscular since Gavin had started there, and he had begun growing out his beard with the coming winter. The sight of his beefy and scruffy personal trainer had Gavin half hard during his workout, but he was always determined to listen to the music and focus on lifting. In the sauna following his upper body day, Gavin was surprised to hear his gym buddies talking about the new café. These men, his gym buddies, were normally so fastidious in their nutrition had apparently tried some of their free samples, and were gushing about how good the food there was. Gavin felt a mix of disgust over their lack of commitment to improving their bodies and interest in a dessert so good that these very consistent men had cracked to buy more after tasting the samples. His interest piqued, Gavin resolved to go check the place out after he finished his steam.

Once he had changed back into his street clothes, a sleeveless thin hoodie and pair of sweatpants, Gavin sauntered over to Bun Appetite. The place was crowded, and the line for their specialty donuts was out the door. Gavin browsed their other packaged goods and settled on trying the store’s homemade Korean street bread along with a chai latte from their café. As he approached the counter, an employee who had been restocking the shelves came over to Gavin. The large bear of a man stood an impressive six and a half feet tall, with a large but well-groomed dark red beard. He had a buzz cut under his Bun Appetite cap and a ball gut that stuck out several inches in front of him.

“Hey there. I can’t say we get many people in here like you buddy. Most of ‘em look more like me.” Stated the man jovially. “Guess the line for the donuts was pretty long today, huh? Well, I would hate for you to leave without a sample of our most famous product.”

With that, he retreated behind the counter and came out with a covered tray. He removed the lid to reveal several lumpy donuts that had been cut into pieces and impaled with toothpicks.

“These here are our pride and joy, our apple cobbler donuts. Made from scratch each day, and because we never close with any of ‘em left in stock anyhow, they are the tastiest thing we offer. I figured you could use something a little special, ‘cause you clearly worked out hard today.”

The man inclined his heat towards Gavin’s still slightly sweaty body and smiled. Gavin hesitated, and not wanted to be rude, took a sample. He popped it into his mouth, then immediately understood why his gym buddies had liked this place so much. The donut was everything he had been missing since he had changed up his diet at Nick’s coaching. The sweetness, the slight tartness of the apple, the crumbles of dough, the cinnamon sugar glaze, all of it combined perfectly in the small bite Gavin tasted. He felt a long, drawn-out sigh leave his body as he tossed the toothpick in the trash. It was like a small, warm embrace that settled in his stomach. Gavin thanked the man, and he nodded his head in return before returning to stock the bread shelves. Gavin failed to see the man smirk at Gavin as he left the line, and didn’t notice his eyes watching him as Gavin also got a package of breakfast pastries, a container of cookies, and finally went in line to get a half dozen of the apple cobbler donuts.

By Thursday, Gavin had become addicted to the delicious pastries of Bun Appetite. He had tried to be good and only have one dessert or two an evening, but on Wednesday his resolve broke and he ate the remaining three donuts and the entire package of cookies. As Gavin enjoyed the delicious breaded treats, he felt some of his nutritional worries melt away. There was no reason he had to cut this kind of food out of his life. Hell, he certainly had worked hard for his body, and it had been so long since he had loosened his strict dietary habits. He rubbed his growling belly, enjoying how he could relax on the couch in just a jockstrap, and ended up falling asleep out there, content and peaceful.

Gavin told himself that he would drive home after his Friday workout, but he broke down as he was leaving the parking lot and bought himself another half dozen donuts. He had already eaten two on the drive home when he realized he had nobody to answer to about his diet but himself. That realization was like a dam breaking, and soon all of Gavin’s dietary guilt was gone. After that, he started dropping by Bun Appetite after every workout, becoming just as much of a regular there as at Centurion. Gavin wasn’t the only guy adopting this routine, and soon had a couple of gym buddies who would all head over in a group to wait in line for the donuts and other baked goods, all chatting and talking about lifting and fitness while simultaneously drooling at the thought of getting more delicious donuts. But the end of the month he looked down one night and could no longer see his defined abs. Instead of feeling anxiety, he realized that he was still just as strong as he had been before. Hell, he had finally been able to hit a dead lift of three hundred pounds that week. Who cared if he had a bit of a belly if he could lift like a beast. He polished off not only the rest of his donuts that night, but a package of mocha brownies and even had a large sweet roll too, indulging his sweet tooth while looking at fitness videos on his phone. As he drifted off to sleep, Gavin fantasized about working out with some of the amateur powerlifters from the video, starting with spotting them but ending up 69ing with them.

Gavin never went back to the bedroom after that night and ended up moving around furniture with Meg to begin sleeping in the spare bedroom that was part office, part home gym, and part storage space for the two of them. The two never really spoke about it, but they both knew that they were no longer really a couple. They still watched TV together, shared meals, and kept in contact about each other’s lives, but the two both knew they were roommates now. It was also never explicitly stated, but one night Gavin had come home as another man was leaving, and he smiled and high-fived Meg, telling her he was glad that she was getting back out there. She blushed, unaccustomed to receiving that kind of support from a guy, but soon the two of them were gossiping about her dating life, evaluating men’s online dating profiles, and even discussing what she could wear to capture the right mix of slutty but respectable. Afterward, she gave him a big hug and told Gavin how much she appreciated having him as one of her best friends and roommates.

The next two months saw largely the same routine for Gavin. He still worked out like a man possessed, always committed to giving his workout his all. He still trained with Nick, but now Gavin started to wonder if Nick might be interested in more than just training him. Most of Nick’s other clients ended up switching off to other more specialized trainers to focus on certain lifts, but through the entire span of his time at Centurion, Nick had stuck with Gavin. One day after a particularly intense leg day, where Gavin had managed over eight hundred pounds on the linear leg press, Nick walked Gavin back to the locker room. He confessed that he had been interested in Gavin from day one, and he had finally seen that Gavin was single and asked him out for sushi that weekend. Gavin felt butterflies in his stomach as he said yes, and admitted his own attraction to his trainer. Nick smiled roguishly, then leaned in and kissed Gavin before he could say anything else. Gavin felt himself melt against the affections of Nick and returned the kiss. As soon as it happened, it was over, with Nick walking back to the office, promising to see Gavin at seven sharp.

Gavin was on cloud nine throughout the rest of the day, from the sauna to picking up his post-workout treats, and was ecstatic to tell Meg that night he was going on his first date in ages. He could barely remember the two of them dating, as they clicked much better as roommates and friends now. Meg and Gavin chatted about his new crush for hours, and when she found his Instagram account, proceeded to ogle the muscular trainer along with Gavin. Both of them drooled over a picture Nick had taken in a singlet for a promotional shot for Centurion, and Meg even offered to go hang out with friends that night, in case Gavin wanted to bring Nick back to their place. When Gavin pictured himself with another guy, he felt his heart lurch. He was partly anxious, not sure about how to actually date another guy. On the other hand, he felt like he had been getting himself ready for this for a while now. He took a step back and realized he had been improving his body for months, cultivating his hairy muscles, and getting comfortable showing off his body. Even when talking with Meg, he realized he was wearing a skimpy pair of blue and gold briefs that left nothing to the imagination.

As Gavin wrestled with the decision to go on a date with Nick, he found himself stress eating a lot extra the next two days. He practically devoured his entire supply of Bun Appetite baked goods, and ended up stopping by twice on Friday, once in the morning on the way to work, and once again after his workout. The combination of the donuts and his daily exercise helped mellow him out, and the time spent lifting really opened his mind to the idea of being with another man. By the end of the day, Gavin felt good about his upcoming date, and casually stepped on the scale to check his weight. His eyes shot up in shock as he was sitting at 201 pounds. Gavin felt a shock go through him, as he had managed to gain almost twenty pounds in the last month, and he knew it wasn’t muscle. He felt panicked, worried that Nick wouldn’t be into him if he realized how fat he had gotten from eating at Bun Appetite all the time. His normal reaction to a stressful situation would be to snack on another donut, but now Gavin wasn’t sure that would help him. He spent the rest of the night with his stomach in knots, convincing himself the date would fail miserably.

Gavin managed to drag himself out of bed early on Saturday and resolved to go work out extra hard before his date. He really blasted his upper body, making sure to focus on his pectorals, his back, and his core. He felt like he was going to explode out of his tank top after he showered, and he took all that energy with him to get sushi. As soon as Gavin walked in and saw Nick in similar attire, he felt his anxiety bubble away. He ended up having a fantastic evening, kissing Nick passionately as they parted ways after dinner. He had felt the night had gone very well, as the two had lingered over dessert for hours before the restaurant closed, and didn’t want to ruin the evening by asking for sex. He ended up texting Nick for the rest of the weekend, unable to wait for their next training session on Monday. When he told Nick how he felt conflicted about his lack of dietary discipline and his love of sweets, Nick told him he happened to like the dirty bulk look, and that a gut, with a good bit of muscle under it, was a sexy look, and Gavin thought his heart would burst out of his chest. He in particular loved how Gavin’s less defined form would stretch out the sides of his compression shirts, enjoying the pudge forming over Gavin’s obliques.

The next few weeks were a blur of gym time, eating, and after another four dates, amazing sex. It was all Gavin could do to keep from tearing off Nick’s pants in the gym and fucking him, and when Nick spotted Gavin on the bench it took all of Gavin’s self-discipline to not incline his head and nuzzle Nick’s crotch through his gym shorts. Gavin also continued to stop by the café after every workout for a box of donuts and occasionally a little something extra if he had been feeling good. The bearish man was there often and always complimented Gavin on his look. Gavin soon came to realize that he was developing into what the gay community called a muscle bear, a hairy, beefy guy with plenty of muscle and fat. He measured himself again and found that he was up to 235 pounds, and surprisingly was now a quarter inch taller than six feet. The fat had slowly added itself to Gavin’s ass as well, and the effort he put into his squats, coupled with his passion for eating, had to give him a large and jiggly ass. Nick loved to grope, smack, and fuck Gavin’s ass which Gavin would return the favor, and he now would invite Nick over several times a week to have dinner, chat, and engage in heated sex. Nick had begun taking Gavin’s measurements every other week, and Gavin could see how much his continued growth turned him on.

After Gavin finally hit 250 pounds, his interest in the donuts began to plateau. He was a tank of a man, with thick hairy biceps and a big squishy muscle gut. It wasn’t until Nick commented on it that Gavin realized his hair had started to get denser, thickening his already impressive amount of fur until it looked like he wore a sweater even when shirtless. His ass also was huge now, firm and muscled but marbled with a generous amount of fat that caused it to jut out behind Gavin when he walked. He also had developed soft love handles that Nick enjoyed holding onto while fucking his boyfriend silly. He had finally gotten used to being around Nick in public, and when they went out to the park one evening Gavin nervously held out his hand. Nick clasped it and then turned to kiss Gavin quickly on the cheek. Instead of blushing or pulling away, Gavin confidently asked Nick if he would be his boyfriend. The question surprised Gavin, and his eyes widened after he asked it. Nick smiled and pulled Gavin for a longer, more sensual kiss where he reached around and grabbed Gavin’s ass through his pants.

“Of course I will. I have been waiting for you to ask that cutie. I know you needed to take your time, but I am glad you did. You were worth the wait.”

[Commissioned by Anonymous]