Furball MacFerguson

The Journal Part 2

by Ventrego


The next morning, Lizette called about five minutes before Jerry was going to leave for school. "Jerry," she said on the phone. "Meet me at my place in half an hour - there's a baseball game I want to see today."

"What about school?" asked Jerry.

"We're not learning anything today anyway...remember that test we had in History last week? You aced it without even studying. C'mon, let's go!"

"Can't Don go with you?"

"Don said his mom'd kill him if he missed another math test. Besides, he's meeting that guy from the football team after school to study, or something."

"Okay," said Jerry reluctantly. He wasn't thrilled about skipping school, but he didn't want Lizette to go alone. Half an hour later, he and Lizette were boarding a bus downtown.

"Hey, why'd you bring that notebook?"

Jerry looked down, startled - he hadn't remembered picking the notebook up as he left. "I brought it in case...you know...I felt like writing."

"Oh." Lizette nodded but looked a little perplexed. They talked about school and other stuff until the bus stopped at the stadium. ------

About halfway through the game, Jerry was getting really bored. Lizette was totally into the game, predicting the outcome of innings and going on about players' stats and scores. Jerry was getting hungry, so he signaled the vendor for a hot dog. He fished a five out of his pocket and handed it to the person next to him, watching it weave its way past the row of fans to the aisle. The vendor took the bill and started the hot dog on its way to Jerry, then walked away to help someone ten aisles up.

Halfway to Jerry, the hot dog was stopped by a big guy, who had evidently seen one inning too many without a snack. He took a bite out of the dog. "Hey," yelled Jerry.

The man looked at him and took another bite. "That's MY hot dog!" yelled Jerry. Nobody else seemed to be noticing - they just kept watching the game. A few people shot dirty looks in Jerrys' direction, as though he was disturbing their spectating. "HEY!" Jerry yelled again. The man flipped him off and turned to watch the game, now halfway finished with the sandwich.

Jerry sat down, furious, and saw the notebook lying beside him. He picked it up and glanced again at the jerk. He wrote angrily: "The hot dog was so fattening the jerk gained two hundred pounds off it." He slammed the notebook shut.

The man was aware of a sudden change of taste - the bite he was chewing was incredibly rich and kind of greasy. Suddenly, nothing else in the world mattered to him - he attacked the six inches of meat still in his hand. He was aware of a rapidly building pressure throughout his body, especially his middle, but all he could do was lunge for another bite of meat. He felt himself getting heavier - felt his roll bulging against the suitcase of the guy next to him. He moaned with pleasure at the taste as his gut bulged against his arms. It seemed like the hot dog would never end as he took another huge bite, the heavy feeling increasing again and again.

Lizette was staring, agape, at the swelling man. It was just amazing - how could he keep growing? Why weren't the other people noticing? Then she saw Jerry staring, too - and the growing bulge in his jeans. She hit him in the arm, hard. "Ow!" said Jerry, turning to her. "Let's go," said Lizette. "Now." "but...but..." Jerry protested. "Now," said Lizette in a voice that would chill Hell. The got up and she pulled Jerry behind her as she ran out of the stands. When they were outside at the bus station, she stopped. "What the HELL did you do?" she asked Jerry.

"Nuthin'" said Jerry sullenly. "Why'd you run out of there so fast?"

"Look, bud, you may not have thought of this - but he was pissed off. Then you made that guy a lot bigger. When he finished that hot dog, do you think he'd be in a good mood?"

"Umm..." said Jerry, while thinking, "Yes!"

"I'll tell you - no. He'd be mad that anybody'd done that to him. And who do you think is the first person he'd have suspected?" She paused for effect. "The person whose hot dog he ate, perhaps?"

"I hadn't thought of that," mumbled Jerry.

Just then, the bus pulled up. "You'd better think of that," she said in a low voice, "or you'll get us both killed." They boarded the bus and sat together near the back. Lizette didn't say a word until the got off halfway to her house. "So now that I'm over being mad at you, how'd you do it?" she asked.

Jerry thought about lying for a second, but thought better of it. Lizzy could see through him like a window. "It's this notebook," he said. "Whatever I write in it, it becomes true."

Lizette looked at him, not quite convinced. "If I hadn't just seen a guy blowing up like a balloon, I wouldn't believe you. Why the hell didn't you tell me about this? There's lots of things you could make happen - like world peace, like having lots of money, getting me a good date for the prom..."

While Lizette carried on, Jerry wrote a quick line in the notebook. Suddenly he was walking home alone, while Lizzy finished watching the baseball game. The more he thought about the hot dog guy, he realized she was right - he probably shouldn't have just made him bigger like that. He decided to give the guy a little fun. He sat down and started writing.


Rocko was taking a leak. Or trying to, anyway. He was used to being big, but now he couldn't even see where the hell he was peeing because his gut had grown so much. He didn't understand how one hot dog could've done this to him. He sighed, took the best aim he could, and tried to listen for when his stream his the urinal. A thin guy walked in and stepped up to the urinal next to him. Rocko found himself stroking his meat, to finish clearing it, he told himself.

The man turned and saw him. "Yeah, whadda you want?"

Rocko was almost completely hard. "How about a quickie?"

"Well," said the guy, "you're big here...and I like that..." he poked Rockos' gut.

Rocko found himself saying, "I'm big down here, too..." and grabbing his crotch. Suddenly his dick was growing - it felt like he kept getting harder, and it was so HEAVY! In about ten seconds, he could just see the fist-sized head poking past his gut.

"Holy shit!", said the man as he dropped to his knees. Rocko moaned in ecstasy as the guy put his lips on the head of Rockos' foot-long tool.


Having fixed Rocko up wth an enormous cock and an afternoon of pleasure, Jerry was bored and didn't feel like going right home. He took a side street and ended up in a block of houses he hadn't been through before. It looked like a pretty nice area, with well-kept homes and fenced-in backyards. He was noticing some brightly-colored roofing tile on one when he heard a loud barking behind him.

He turned to see the biggest dog he'd ever seen barreling towards him, barking like crazy. He looked around to see if anyone was walking it, but he was the only one around. He debated his options as the dog got closer, then turned and started running. He took off faster than he had ever run before, but he could hear the dog gaining. He tore through a yard and hauled himself over the backyard fence just in time. The dog growled at the fence for a minute. When Jerry peeked over to see if it had gone, the dog lunged for him. He sat silently behind the fence for a few minutes, hearing the dogs' panting a few feet away. Finally, the dog got up and left Jerry alone, panicked and sweaty.

Jerry stood up and was heading for the back side of the fence when he happened to peek in a window. One look and Jerry forgot all about returning home. A chunky, hairy guy was laying on the bed in his underwear, watching TV. Jerry craned his neck around and saw it was a tape of "The Incredible Hulk." The screen was showing the hulk bursting out of all his clothing. After it finished, it automatically scanned back to the beginning and started again. After watching it again, the man looked down at his gut and said, "Why can't YOU do that?" He slapped it, and laughed. "Because if you could, I'd hulk out again, and again..." He sighed and went back to watching the scene, which had almost rewound.

"Why not indeed?" thought Jerry, his hard-on already growing in his pants. He pulled a pen out of his jeans pocket and wrote quickly: "The hairy guys' gut hulked out every time he saw the hulk change on TV." He dropped the notebook and looked back in the window, his dick stiff against the fabric.

This time, as the hulk growled, popping shirt buttons, the guy on the bed growled with him. His gut swelled into a round ball in front of him. Jerry could see the man starting to get hard. As the hulk' jeans split open, the ball grew bigger, pushing the man's hand up as it bulged down over his crotch. The man half-sat up, grabbing his new growth. "What the fuck?" he said, his hard-on growing in his underwear. Jerry pulled out his own dick and started stroking it frantically. The VCR clicked as the tape started to play again.

"RrrrrrRRRRRAAARRR!" he growled, as the mass beneath his hands grew again. He tried to remain upright, but the growing ball pushed his torso back onto the bed. The VCR clicked again, rewinding. "What the hell is going on?" he said, "it's almost like..." Jerry's stroking sped up as the VCR clicked again.

His gut swelled obscenely, an enormous round mound peaking nearly three feet above him. He was rubbing his own hard-on, incredibly turned on by his size. Jerry was practically against the glass of the window, but he didn't care. He hadn't seen anything this hot since...well, since Mr. Flintsky and his too-small shirt. The VCR rewound. "Again," groaned the man, "bigger..." The VCR played. "Gonna be fucking HUGE," the man growled, before the hulk started again. As the man swelled impossibly large, he also shot a wet load into his underwear. "Oh, god," the man gasped, rocking the huge ball of fat on top of him back and forth. "I'm not going to fit through the door!" The VCR clicked. He tried to pull his hand out from under his enormous gut, but found it pinned. "I've got to fucking stop..." he grunted, yanking desperately against the weight holding his arm. The VCR clicked again. "...before I fill the room!" The growling of both hulks filled the air as the gigantic gut bulged again. Jerry started shooting as the man's navel touched the ceiling. He shot again and again as more and more of the round potbelly pushed up against the ceiling, and started swelling out to the sides. The VCR clicked. The man pulled as hard as he could to free his arm. One yank, two yanks, and suddenly his arm was grabbing the remote from the nightstand. The VCR clicked again, and the man stabbed at the "Stop" button.

He looked dumbfounded at the huge, hairy mass of a belly the bulged in front of and beside him. "I'll be a hit at the next EncourageCon," he said, pressing it experimentally where he could reach. He strained to raise his pelvis, and the huge mass shifted around, pressing just a little more against the ceiling. He lay back for a moment. "Well, I seem to be stuck," he said. "And since I'm going to need a new house anyway..." One hand worked its way to his crotch.

The VCR clicked again. As Lou Ferrignos' muscles split open shirt sleeves, cracks started appearing in the ceiling. Jerry caught a last glance as he put his dick back in his jeans. "This is a guy I want to see again!" he thought to himself, as the ceiling started to buckle upwards. The sides of the enormous mass of fat almost reached the window as Jerry jumped the fence again. He heard the VCR click once, and waited a moment. It clicked again, and he could hear plaster falling. He chuckled, tucked the notebook under his arm, and continued his way home.