Frank's Transformation

Frank had no idea he had grabbed his roommate’s music player by mistake when be went go the gym. He realized it wasn’t his as he was about to start lifting, but figured some music was better than no music. He selected a playlist called “Bearmaker”,whatever that meant, and liked the rock music. He figured the headphones bad a crappy wireless connection, as there were small bursts of static or white noise every so often.

Frank hit the weights hard, surprised by the energy he had. He was able to go up by 10 or even 15 pounds for his 5 x 5, and barely felt fatigue. As he got in front of the mirror for the overhead press, he watched as his stubble began growing. He thought he had shaved this morning, but he already had dense stubble, much darker and thicker than he normally had. With each rep, the stubble grew. By the end of all five sets, he had a thick half inch long beard covering his face. Frank could have sworn he preferred the clean cut look, but clearly he had been mistaken. He liked the way his face looked in the mirror with the new stubble.

Frank continue with his work out, going through deadlifts and squats. The more weight he was lifting, the more his new-found beard continue to fill in and grow. After 30 minutes at the gym Frank already had several inches of thick, bushy beard and his mind accepted that was how he had always looked. In addition to that, other parts of his body was changing as well. He was a decently built guy, with thick muscles and his chest and arms, but now he was getting a dense layer of fur over his body as well. He usually shaved his chest to make his muscles pop more, but that seemed to be a mistake in his memory. He also could have sworn that he did cardio on some days to try to keep himself more trim, but with a gut like he was starting to get, he must only ever go to lift. In addition, he could tell he was really starting to stink. He could have sworn he usually made sure to apply deodorant, but the next time his arms went up and he caught a whiff of his pits, he remembered that he liked the way he smelled after working out and would just wash that area down with soap. No need to cover up his musk.

Frank finished off his curls, and then went to the sauna to steam. He tossed his shirt off in his locker before checking himself out in the mirror. He smiled, admiring his big, bearish body. He had to be over 260 pounds by now. All bulked up. He looked at his face in a little confusion, and begin touching and patting his beard. He watched as it continued to grow before his eyes, lengthening down to several inches. He went into the sauna, and since he was the only one there, he turned the volume up on his headphones and relaxed. He must have lost track of time, but the clock on the wall said he’d only been there for 15 minutes. He shook himself from his stupor and went to go mix himself a post-workout protein shake. He viewed himself in the mirror once more as he was heading back to his locker. He had to be over 275 pounds at this size. His arms were getting massive, his shoulders looked particularly wide. He sighed a little bit, knowing he would need to braid his beard when he got home. It was well past his pecs, and he had a sense that if he continued listening to the playlist all the way through the ride home, it should be down to his waist. That was what his brain told him would be right, that he should look like a large intimidating bear of a man. A beefy 300 pound beast of a man, and since they were only 30 minutes left on his playlist, he figured he might as well listen to it all the way through.