Extraterrestrial Sensitivity, Pt. 1-2

Part 1:

“Hey dude, wake up.”

Manuel opened his eyes. It took a few seconds for his bleary vision to clear. When he saw who was standing over him, his breath caught in his throat.

It was none other than Charlie Abelló, the biggest linebacker on the school football team. Standing at 6’2’’ with his Italian ancestry characterizing his straining bulk, it was hard to believe he was only a Senior in high school. His slicked-back hair allowed for a few thick strands of hair to arrange themselves playfully to one side of his forehead.

Charlie offered a hand to Manuel. Trying not to be mesmerized by the slab of beefy forearm connected to it, Manuel accepted the help gratefully. He felt himself being lifted quickly, almost like a child, straight into Charlie’s large belly. It quivered powerfully, then settled back into its normal beefy, yet solid state.

“Whoops, sorry about that,” Charlie chuckled, as Manuel turned away, a little embarrassed.

He could not help but notice that Charlie’s clothes were ill fitting his frame, but that was a common occurrence. At the beginning of the semester, his XXXL dark blue polo shirt covered his physique quite well. Now, a large sliver of hairy belly fat peeked its way underneath his shirt and over an increasingly tight belt that could not be seen. Apparently, he hit the buffet as much as he hit the gym. He was a growing boy, after all.

Manuel looked around. What the hell was this place? He and Charlie were in what seemed to be a large glass cylinder, almost like a test tube. Well, “large” was only half correct. The circumference was equal to that of a small room, and Charlie took up a good 15 percent of the walking space by himself. It was well lit by paneled lights above, and the ground was covered in metallic plating.

He peered through the glass. It seemed to be at least a foot thick, slightly blurring the surrounding environment. He saw the blurry outline of what seemed to be machinery and computer terminals. Was it some sort of prison? How long would they be trapped here?

Suddenly, both boys heard clicking and whirring noises coming from outside of their cylindrical cell. Manuel could make out an outline of a door opening. The noises stopped, and something moved into the outer room.

Two small, pink gelatinous creatures stood outside their containment and stared at them. They seemed humanoid in shape, but had no eyes and mouths. They made strange beeping noises at each other in some odd form of communication.

“Are those….aliens?” said Manuel in a hushed voice. “What is going on?”

“They kind of look like gummy bears,” said Charlie sheepishly.

The beings stopped talking and began working on the computer terminals in front of them. Different whirring and clicking sounds filled the room as various machine parts came to life.

Manuel tried to make sense of everything. The last thing he remembered was being in bed. He looked down at his clothes. A white tank top and black shorts; exactly what he wore to sleep every night. He looked over at Charlie’s attire. Were they abducted at different times?

“Charlie,” Manuel said suddenly.

Charlie jumped slightly, causing his shirt to rise a bit above his jiggling lower stomach. He was watching the pink creatures with curious fascination.

“Do you remember anything before…ending up here?” Manuel said hesitantly.

Charlie scratched his stomach thoughtfully before answering. Damn football jocks, thought Manuel, as he felt a twitch in his shorts.

“You mean before this teletubby shit fest?” Charlie smiled weakly. “All I remember is getting off of practice, heading home to shower and change, then eating out with the guys. After that, I crashed on the couch when I got home.”

He looked at his surroundings before he continued.

“Guess I must have overslept a bit, huh?” he said.

Manuel nodded. “Same here.”

Well, Charlie’s explanation pretty much explained their difference in wardrobe choices. They could have very well been taken from their homes at the same time. Manuel was surprised how calmly he was analyzing the situation. Perhaps it was because Charlie was there?

Suddenly, the whirring noises stopped. The pink creatures stopped working on the computer terminals and went back to standing in front of the glass. Manuel felt like some sort of zoo animal.

“Hey bro, look!” Charlie suddenly yelled, pointing upward.

The glass cylinder they were in did not have a ceiling. Approximately 10 feet above them was the ceiling of the outer room. The cylinder containing them did not extend that far, meaning it could be possible to escape somehow.

However, Manuel soon realized that was not why Charlie was pointing.

Several vine-like cables slithered over the top edges of the cylinder and descended inside. Connected to each cable was a syringe, each filled with a shiny pink substance. Mentally, Manuel did not debate the physics of how or why those cables were able to move like that, all he knew was that he did not want them anywhere near him. Unfortunately, they were headed straight toward him and Charlie.

“Don’t let them touch you!!” screamed Manuel, as he ducked and dodged the weaving syringes. He managed to grab the cables just before the needles were able to break skin anywhere on his body. They were more like appendages than cables. As soon as he grabbed one, it thrashed wildly, forcing him to throw it away.

“Dude, I’m trying!” Charlie yelled back. He was a huge target for sure. He had more surface area to protect, grabbing one syringe cable only to feel a prick on a love handle or buttcheek. He spun around to concentrate on a different battlefield just in time to feel a needle nestle itself into his thigh, which was a blindspot underneath his large man gut. Three more needles plunged themselves into his ample belly before he even had time to react.

Manuel watched helplessly as the syringes attempting to prick him soon lost interest and began to concentrate on Charlie. He watched his classmate get overwhelmed as he hopelessly pulled the needles out, already empty of their mysterious contents. Manuel moved over to help, but saw something zooming toward him from the corner of his eye.

His head turned, but it was already too late. He felt a prick in his neck and a sudden squelch sound as something was injected into his neck in less than a second. His hand instinctively flew up and pulled out the syringe, but he already knew his effort was futile.

Disgusted, he flung the needle against the wall.

The needle clacked against the glass and dangled uselessly as the cable holding it receded toward the ceiling. Manuel noticed the other needles receding as well. He looked over at Charlie.

Charlie was rubbing his thigh and rear end, wincing.

“Dude, I don’t know what was in that stuff, but I feel really weird.” He whimpered.

A gigantic throb pulsed in Manuel’s neck, distracting him from Charlie. His hand shot up to the spot where he was afflicted. He swore he felt something moving there. He was getting worried.

It throbbed again. This time, he was certain something was moving down his neck. Whatever it was seemed to be migrating downward. Every throb he felt seemed to be descending farther and farther down until it felt like it was emanating from within his body. Was it some kind of poison? Would it attack his heart or lungs?

No, that wasn’t it. The throbbing feeling seemed to pool within his stomach, where every throb seemed to make his lower body vibrate slightly. It was like having the chills, to the point where it rocked your core, but without feeling any cold. However, this did not make it feel any less ominous.

Manuel was suddenly distracted by a weird sound. He turned and his eyes widened.

Painful moaning. Labored breathing. Sweat on the brow.

Leaning against the glass, Charlie cradled his belly with one hand as he frantically rubbed it with the other. It was moving. His gut pulsated, as if it were alive. Every labored breath Charlie took seemed to inflate his gut forward and downward a few inches, only to return back to its original, yet a somewhat bigger size. Manuel watched, hypnotized by Charlie’s shirt slowly rising up and revealing his belly button and substantial happy trail, as his bloated belly gurgled ominously and swelled larger. However, this was only the secondary reason that had caused Manuel’s eyes to widen.

Charlie’s pants strained and creaked as it struggled to contain a massive erection. From the looks of it, Charlie’s junk was about the width of a soda can, and it increased the pressure against his thigh as its outline continued to grow painfully towards his knee within his pants.

As worrisome as it looked, Manuel could not help but feel somewhat….excited. He always had a fascination with larger guys with overstuffed, swaggering bellies to match. Seeing the biggest football player on the team growing before his eyes and with a massive hardon to match triggered some sort of primordial instinct within him. Charlie was moaning in pain, yet it bothered Manuel little.

Does this make me a bad person? He thought for split second.

Probably. Doesn’t matter. There would be time for ethics later. All he cared about was that he was turned on, and he probably wouldn’t get another chance like this, ever. The carnal hunger within him took over as his hand slowly moved toward his groin as he watched his helplessly expanding friend continue to grow wider and fatter.

What he did not expect was for his hand to brush against something cold on its way to his dick. He snapped out of his trance to look down.

What the hell?! His mind raced as he saw a mound of overstuffed flesh pushing its way over his shorts’ waistband. His hand had brushed against a thick slab of underbelly fat that his tank top could no longer contain. At the moment, he suddenly became cognizant of the throbbing sensation once again. Each throb he felt from within seemed to make his belly squirm, and with an audible squelch, it swelled half an inch forward. This happened roughly every other second, and Manuel moaned as he clutched his gut and felt his shorts tighten more and more.

Being from a Mexican family, he was no stranger to seeing the damage that years of eating rich, heavy foods could do to a man’s waistline. Too many times he had seen his father and uncles at numerous family gatherings almost eat their weight in enchiladas, carne asada and tamales. Their bellies grew round, heavy, and dangerously packed, bursting with overindulgence and cocky competitiveness. As a result, their guts always had a “blown out” appearance, as if their bellies were swollen by an air hose that had been left in the “on” position, continuing to blimp outward with no end in sight.

Manuel’s family legacy definitely came into play as he felt his power gut round itself out forcefully and proudly, as if to say “time to represent, amigo!” His belly button anchored low on his globe of gut, as everything porked up around it, multiplying fat cells forcing his belly button into a narrow slit. He gasped as both of his man tits throbbed, almost painfully, as he felt them instantly pump and swell into a big handful of flesh, but not big enough to distract from his overstuffed belly, which seemed to be getting stuffed more and more with every throb. His tank top complemented his belly almost fetchingly, as he began to look like an overfed stable boy, having an ungodly tank that was unable to be covered by a mere mortal’s tank top.

He was so sidetracked by his sudden growth spurt that he barely heard his name being called.

“Manuel,” said Charlie’s voice.

Manuel snapped out of his erotic stupor to look at Charlie, only to be thrown back into a stupor of a different caliber.

His gut was… MASSIVE. It was as wide as an over-pumped exercise ball, and it was covered in thick, dark hair. It seemed to be suspended in front of him by some invisible force, struggling to keep it a round belly, but losing the battle as it sagged downward. His belt could barely be seen, already snapped in half and frayed long ago, but hidden under love handles the size of semi-truck tires. His belly button, opposite to Manuel’s own, stretched outward instead of being pressed inward, measuring a few inches wide and looking pretty damn deep. His moobs had grown into two mammoth balls of man flesh, straining his shirt fibers and resting atop of the crest of his gargantuan spare tractor tire. Even as he stood there, fabric tears could be heard as his blue polo shirt was forcefully being split up the sides. His belly wobbled and bounced heavily toward Manuel as he took a step in his direction. His belly menacingly bumped into Manuel’s smaller potbelly by comparison, almost knocking him over. Charlie did not notice.

“Looks like it got you too,” said Charlie, with a nervous chuckle.

Manuel did not answer right away. It was kind of weird trying to go back to a normal conversation, especially with a guy who inflated almost twice his originally size, whom you were just about to masturbate to.

“It…it seems so,” Manuel replied. “I…uh…”

“AW SHIT!!” yelled Charlie, as he threw up his arms in frustration and began punching and beating his hands against his belly angrily. Taken aback, Manuel was not sure what to make of this new development. He did not know if this was another dumb football jock thing.

Charlie’s substantial rolls jostled and bounced around threateningly, causing Manuel to take a step back for his own safety.

After a few seconds of unguided fury, Charlie stopped suddenly and looked down at him. Manuel was shocked to see that there were tears in his eyes.

“I’m…I’m too big now, right?” he said sullenly. “It’s going to be a problem, isn’t it?”

As he spoke, his belly emitted a gurgle, and promptly swelled forward a foot in all directions. An audible tear could be heard from both pants and shirt as they were shredded apart by new flab. Love handles inflated outward without restraint, pouring over invisible ledges. Moobs pumped up like they were being inflated by a water hose, exposing the outlines of sand-dollar sized nipples.

“Too big…for football?” Manuel answered anxiously. “I’m sure the new you would be a great improvement to the team…”

Wrong answer. Charlie moaned as his gut surged forward another foot, knocking Manuel onto his newly cushioned ass. As he hit the ground, Manuel felt his shorts button pop off from the increased pressure of falling into a sitting position. He sighed as his belly gained a few inches in circumference, forcing his zipper down and his tank top up. It seemed he was still growing slowly. As if on cue, his handfuls of man boobs became even bigger handfuls as he felt his nipples migrate farther apart around his belly as the recent fat increase carried them. When his growth stopped, Manuel looked up apprehensively at the behemoth above him.

Charlie had to bend slightly in order to maintain eye contact with Manuel. His newly developed flab had burst his pants open, tearing it past the zipper point, leaving it hanging at his ankles. His released erection pointed straight and throbbed painfully against the weight of the massive gut, each monster fighting for space in its own right. An engorged, apple-sized head formed a divide between the sagging left flank and right flank of mammoth belly.

“No…what I meant was…” Charlie said softly in his deep voice. “Am I too big for YOU now?”

The words echoed in his head. Am I too big for YOU now? Manuel felt like his world had turned upside down. Was the biggest and one of the manliness football players on the team…COMING ON TO HIM??

“I’ve always noticed you secretly staring at me, even when we were younger and in middle school together,” Charlie continued sadly. “People always made fun of my weight, and I was pretty self-conscious for a while. But when I finally hit puberty, and my height and size skyrocketed, being a big guy was something to be celebrated. So naturally, I joined the football team, where my extra weight was appreciated, and I could be myself…just a regular big, fat Italian,” he laughed.

One massive hand lifted to the back of his neck as his face blushed. “You were always checking me out…even when I was a small, short, fat Italian.”

Manuel was so astonished that he could not even answer. He just silently stared upward, his mouth ajar, his eyes wide. He had to say something.

Whether his silence was taken as confusion or rejection, Manuel was not sure. All he saw was Charlie’s big, sad eyes looking down at him as his cheeks rounded out and puffed up, filling out his face. A solid ring of fat deposited itself underneath his goatee, creating a formidable double chin. His moobs were pumping outward again, single-handedly demolishing the remaining threads of the dark polo, and effectively obscuring Charlie’s face from view. The shirt fell to the ground in two halves, its sleeves obliterated by uncontainable arm-bulk and flab.

From underneath, all Manuel could see now was a descending tidal wave of belly fat, swelling and pulsating downward over a huge struggling cock that was quickly losing its battle. It was obstructing over 75 percent of his vision, and it wasn’t slowing down. Moaning could be heard again as Charlie feebly kneaded and rubbed his gut, trying to calm his growth down, but to no avail. The gargantuan monster gut continued to pulsate outward and downward, still trying to decide whether it was a solid round belly or a saggy, lower belly. Whatever it was, it would keep on swelling uncontrollably until it found out.

Surprisingly, the growth suddenly stopped. Charlie stopped rubbing and trying to push his belly back inside himself when he felt a tiny and seemingly unimportant sensation at the bottom of the inhuman globe attached to his torso.

Manuel had reached up with both of his hands and began rubbing the belly above him. Unable to the find the words, he was still able to provide an answer. The beast of a gut gurgled and groaned at his touch, almost as if it were pleased. Charlie could be heard issuing a soft oohhhhh as the massive cock that was struggling once before, bloated and stiffened instantaneously, as it regained lost ground.

Manuel watched, captivated as the swollen cock seemed to gain unnatural girth against its weighty oppressor. It continued to widen girthily until it was the size of a fire hose, and the head was as big as a fire nozzle. It worked almost like a car jack; every upward throb of the cock lifted the gut up slightly as it continued to lengthen outward and reaffirmed its job as gut separator. The massive cock head finally assumed the role of belly divider once again, although there was way more seriously-packed fat hanging over the left and right flanks than before. Manuel observed a huge wet spot on the massive underbelly, where slick pre-cum formed as the cock traveled its northward expansion.

Is this one of the side effects of that stuff we were injected with? Manuel thought hungrily, as he felt a sudden tightness in his shorts, which wasn’t caused by belly alone. If that was the case, then Charlie took about eight times more doses than he himself had. It explained his way bigger growth spurt, obviously. The amount of weight Manuel gained was substantial for his own height of 5’9’’, but would probably just amount to a few months of overeating at the buffet for Charlie.

Manuel grinned. He wanted to speak to Charlie face-to-face, and see how much larger he looked from the front. The guy probably filled up about half of the floor space in the room by now. However, whenever Manuel attempted to get up, he was weighed down by his abnormally large belly, which made it extremely tough. Every time he used his hand as an anchor to get up sideways, his lead ball of a belly seemed to lean toward the ground, obeying gravity against his own will.

He could still feel the ebbing effects of the oozing pink substance. The throbbing sensation had reduced to a throb every dozen of seconds or so, but he never failed to feel his girth expand a few centimeters or so, his shorts digging painfully against his bulging love handles and buttocks, moobs swelling slightly and nipples growing more erect. Damn, he was getting fat! By normal standards, of course, unlike Charlie’s case.

Looking above, he finally had an idea. Still grinning, Manuel leaned back and reached for the swollen cock head above him. Hell, if it was strong enough to support a monstrous gut that size, it could help a lardy young Latino pull his way out.

As soon as his fingers grasped around the head, he suddenly realized that he made some sort of mistake. Charlie’s feet staggered and jerked, and the planet belly above him shook and wobbled violently.

“TOO…ERRRAGHHHH….SENSITIVE!!” Charlie gasped loudly.

Expecting a torrent of ejaculation, Manuel could not find the words when he saw an odd distortion above him. The strong, stable cock support above him seemed to be thinning. It only took a second for him to realize that Charlie’s cock was not thinning. The fat it was supporting was bulging rounder. Bigger. Fatter. Overpacked. Overstuffed. Dangerously stuffed. Unstoppable. Surrounding it. Engulfing it. Overpowering it.

The cock sagged lower and lower, still impressive in its girth, but now partially obscured by the fat forcefully swelling around it. It was as if a damn broke, and pounds and pounds of fresh blubber replicated within Charlie’s body endlessly as he literally exploded with fat, giving Manuel only seconds to escape before he would be suffocated by it.

Oh shit.


Part 2

As things stood, Manual had only two choices: scramble his newly acquired heft out of the way as fast as he could, or be crushed by the massive, ever-growing tonnage attached to the beefy Italian god towering above him.

All things considered, the latter didn’t seem like such a bad way to go. But Manuel wanted to do SO much more to that monstrous gut and those billowing moobs belonging to Charlie. Dying here would not afford him those opportunities. Also, the big lug’s confession inspired a deep well of affection within Manuel, which could only be rivaled by his deepening belly button, though probably not for much longer (ooof!)

So, with a heavy heart and a much heavier gut, Manuel groaned as he rolled to the left, feeling some discomfort as his body mounded upward because of his swollen potbelly. It gurgled and pulsed slightly, signifying that he was not yet finished growing.

He just barely missed being hit by the quivering mass of Charlie’s monstrous gut as it slammed loudly against the ground. Charlie’s swollen dick provided two seconds of precious time for Manuel to escape before it was overwhelmed and encapsulated by sheer blubber. Charlie moaned, although not entirely in pain, as he felt his dick surrounded by the pressure of his belly; both entities pulsing in sync as they continued to grow unabated.

Manuel found himself trying to scramble farther and farther away, his belly jouncing violently up and down between his knees as he crawled backward on his behind, until he backed up against the glass of the cylindrical room. With a grunt, he began to stand, using his legs to push forcefully against the wall, providing more leverage to counterweight his cauldron-like belly.

Once standing, Manuel could see the puffed-up face of Charlie, breathing heavily as expansive fat pulsated angrily around his face, almost blocking his nose and mouth. It looked as if an innertube of fat had gathered on his neck alone, swelling monstrously around his head until his entire body emitted a loud sloshing noise, sounding eerily like a huge “GULP!” Manuel watched in disbelief, as the gigantic circle of flesh suddenly shrunk down, allowing Charlie to breathe again, as the rest of his body grossly ballooned, instantly pumped with countless gallons of lard.

What was even more disconcerting was that this all happened in only a matter of seconds. Before Manuel’s eyes could interpret what he had just witnessed, the innertube of swelling lard around Charlie’s neck had pulsated to even girthier heights, fully encompassing Charlie’s head. Manuel wondered whether the growing had sped up or if Charlie was resisting the influence of the alien substance within him, the goal of which seemed to be attaining limitless mass. Manuel didn’t have to be an expert in extraterrestrial experimentation, however, to realize that this would be a losing battle.

Sure enough, the behemoth Italian man, who was already out of breath from the night’s events, violently shuddered from the lack of oxygen due to his resistance to swallowing the rapidly accumulating blubber inflating his neck. Unable to hold his breath any longer, a quaking “GUUUULPPPP” rocked his entire, quivering mass as the pressure around his head suddenly subsided. It felt like a boulder around his head made a tectonic shift to the rest of his body, causing him to feel extremely bloated and cumbersome on an unearthly scale (even more so).

Charlie’s desperate need for oxygen caused him to gulp even quicker to prevent the swollen tire from cutting off his air again. Manuel watched in fascinated horror as every lard-laden swallow resulted in an equally violent surge of belly growth, followed by an upsetting gurgle tremoring throughout Charlie’s body. The first massive surge blew the circumference of his belly outward a few feet all around, followed by the hastened, mini explosions of growth by a few inches every other second. Charlie seemed to become taller as he grew wider, his voluminous fat deposits bunching up around him and lifting him from the ground. By then, each ass cheek had blown up into an over-pumped yoga ball, slamming forcefully into the glass behind him with every growth spurt.

Manuel attempted to maneuver away from Charlie’s front, keeping himself as tightly wedged against the glass as his own prodigious ass would allow. He just barely missed being smothered by the encroaching mass of gut, led by a 3-foot-wide hairy navel, seeming to eye Manuel with unabashed desire as it grew wider and deeper for him. Manuel got to Charlie’s left flank just as the navel and the belly driving it forward swelled and bunched against the front of the cylindrical room, causing Charlie’s belly to start rising against it.

Manuel knew he was in trouble. Charlie’s gut and ass had completely enveloped the front and back of the room and showed no signs of slowing down. He worriedly watched as the small amount of room granted by Charlie’s left side became smaller, as both belly and ass began spreading out sideways, in the quest for more room and size.

To make matters worse, a swollen, rubbery love handle bulged directly toward him. It seemed firmer and meatier than the soft, heavy fat that crept toward Manuel from both sides. He assumed it was an enlarged version of the fatty hip muscle developed from years of football and supporting the extra weight of Charlie’s middle. That was when a crazy thought came to Manuel. He was still taller than the growing love handle, which was inflating at a slower rate than the towering mounds of belly and ass filling the space.

He threw himself toward it, hefting his gut up and letting it rest as high on the love handle as it could. The bulging mass pushed against him, causing him to step back closer to the glass. Suddenly, Manuel planted his left leg behind himself into the glass, pushing as hard as he could, allowing Charlie’s lovehandle to bulge and spread underneath his groin (never mind the constant hard-on this gave Manuel). He then lifted his other leg before it became caught, now pushing against the glass with both feet as he rode the wave of blubber underneath him, realizing that Charlie’s fat now took up the entire floor space of the cylinder.

Mindful of the still-present danger underneath him, Manuel kept his feet on the glass, edging them upward to avoid getting caught by the bulging fat rounding up higher and higher. Manuel briefly thought of the same way kids avoided the sides of a bouncy castle; once a bunch of them fell into a corner, everyone else got sucked in as well. Except in this case, it would mean crushing or suffocation. Whichever came first.

With his feet against the glass and the fat bunching up below him, physics did its work by naturally allowing Manuel to slide forward atop of his own gut. Charlie’s love handle had pressurized against the glass, creating a flat enough surface for Manuel to regain his bearings. The fat underneath him had been reduced to inching upward slowly, reducing his fear that his feet would get caught against the glass. Ever careful, he extended his feet to his tippy toes, rolling forward on his own belly. He used his hands to facilitate the process, trying to propel himself as much as possible. Suddenly withdrawing his knees away from the glass into a kneeling position, his gut pooled heavy into his lap. He looked to be as big as his uncle Fernando, and that man had to be pushing 260-270 pounds of pure beer bursting gluttony.

He groaned as he stood, his legs wobbly from both the unfamiliar weight support and the instability of the “ground” he walked on. Charlie’s blimp-sized gut and ass cheeks rose taller than the love handle he stood on and only seemed to pulsate higher. His time was limited.

A slope ahead of him led to a beefy, sausage-like arm plumped straight outward. It wiggled up and down in sync with each quaking GULP that quivered Charlie’s entire body. Manuel began to waddle (holy crap, he was getting big) toward it. The slope was shallow enough for him to breach the crest of Charlie’s rising belly, but not for much longer. If the big lug continued to grow, Manuel would lose his final chance at avoiding being smothered to death. Not wasting anymore time, he grabbed onto Charlie’s arm and shimmied as best as he could up the slope.

With an evil grin, Manuel saw one other thing he could grab a hold of for more leverage. A swollen, fleshy moob quivered in front of his face, begging to be roughly handled. He snatched it with his left hand, the pliable flesh of the huge, sensitive nipple bulging between his fingers.

Manuel suddenly felt the fat below him “jump” as Charlie groaned in sexually-charged ecstasy. He felt himself being propelled up atop of Charlie’s chest as the love handle he stood on expanded significantly, boosting him up. It seemed that Charlie’s growth had surged due to his increased body sensitivity. The substance had put Charlie’s hormones in overdrive, linking his sex drive directly to weight gain.

The waves of blubber seemed to be cresting the top of the cylindrical room. Manual wobbled uneasily toward the edge, feeling Charlie’s fat bulge and churn beneath his feet. He turned his head toward the absurdly swollen balloon surrounding Charlie’s face.

“Ooofff…don’t worry…I’ll go find help…” Manuel huffed, hauling his belly over the edge.

Upon hearing his voice, Charlie suddenly gulped, hoping to get a look at the husky Latino boy that he loved. Manuel caught a glance of the round, cherubic version of the formerly squared, chin-strapped face before the resulting mini explosion of girth threw him off-balance, his belly leading the way as he toppled over the edge.

Manuel expected his fall to hurt…a LOT. To his surprise, the resulting impact upon his swollen belly and moobs after falling nine feet was a lot less detrimental than he thought. Granted, the resounding, hard slap of blubber against a polished metal floor stung quite a bit, but no more than a particularly daring belly flop into a swimming pool. On the contrary, the sudden ripple and jiggle of so much adipose permeating throughout his body felt electric with sensitivity. He felt uncontrolled jiggling traveling outward from his belly to his legs, forearms and ass. Most noticeably, he felt it within his groin, where his newly developed fat pad quivered excitedly, stimulating his crotch.

From this alone, Manuel miraculously found the strength to stand up. He placed his hands on his love handles and arched his back in a stretch. His comically tight tank top rode his rising blimp of a stomach, hugging his sensitive, widened moobs as they pulsed slightly.

The small, pink creatures were no longer at the control panel. Behind the apparatus was a corridor, in which Manuel spied one of them fleeing down on two little pink legs. Before he could take a ponderous step in that direction, he heard a cracking sound coming from behind him. He gaped as several large, spiderweb cracks were spreading across the cylindrical container, which was currently overflowing with an extra hearty helping of Charlie. His nearly amorphous moobs began pouring over the top like rising bread, as a belly button stretched to the size of a tire continued to spread behind glass that was under mounting pressure.

“Please don’t…leave me…alone…” came Charlie’s disembodied voice from above.

Manuel took an involuntary step away as the cracks spread faster. Charlie was seriously becoming a monstrously gigantic blob of a man. Manuel knew he had to find help, and fast.

He waddled into the corridor where their captors had fled. If he was going to find answers, that would be the place to start. He was just barely wide enough to fit through it, although his love handles occasionally rubbed against cold metal.

After about a minute, he found an opening at the end of the corridor. It led to a large domed room with more control panels and a massive, curved window. It must have been the ship’s bridge, from what he remembered of any sci-fi shows he’d seen in the past. He couldn’t believe his eyes, however, when he saw clouds and pinprick lights far below. The spaceship was currently floating over his hometown. Why it wasn’t being shot out of the sky was beyond Manuel; perhaps it was camouflaged or something?

A sudden explosion jerked him out of his reverie. Movement out of the corner of his eye caused him to turn his head toward a display monitor. What had resembled a swollen muffin top when he had saw it last had now escaped the glass prison. Charlie’s voluminous rolls of blubber cascaded over the broken pieces of the cylinder it had been trapped within. The wall of fat pushed outward with a vengeance as Charlie’s tiny head stayed abreast of, uh, well, his breasts as they billowed downward across a sea of belly. They were as big as trucks, with nipples the size of Manuel’s own body.

Probably not for much longer. Manuel yelped as he felt a sharp pinprick of force pierce his right moob. He swung his head in that direction and saw one of the little pink bastards looking up at him holding what appeared to be an orange ray gun. Manuel yelled and took a thunderous step toward the alien. The little dude let out a “meep” as it dropped the ray gun and ran away.

Manuel watched as the alien ran into a small room adjacent to the bridge. It wasn’t until he saw the other alien inside and watched the door close that he realized what was happening.

“HEY! WAIT!!” he screamed, hearing a series of clicks and seeing red flashing lights as the small adjacent room disconnected from the spaceship and launched away. There was no way that Manuel would have fit in such a small escape pod to get help, but it was the principle of the matter. Those aliens had captured them for an experiment but were not willing to follow through with their mistake. Weren’t captains supposed to go down with sinking ships?

Speaking of sinking, Manuel had that sort of feeling within the depths of his overblown belly. What now? Would Charlie continue to blow up until the ship was destroyed? Something told Manuel that the ship’s fall from this height above the city would not be as fortuitous as the fall he just had a little while ago. The front of his belly and his nipples were still raw and sensitive from his previous fall.

Speaking of sensitivity, the dull pain in his right moob wasn’t making it any better. The alien had shot him pretty close to his nipple, which was still aching. He began feeling the area with his hand for any blood. He jerked his hand away when he felt a familiar throbbing sensation pulsing throughout his moob.

“Oh…no…” Manuel breathed, his heart beginning to race. He thought the alien meant to neutralize him, but it just ended up injecting him with more of the experimental shit from earlier! As if sensing his discovery, the throbbing increased five-fold, intensifying the sensitivity as his nipple tingled.

Manuel eased his larger ass onto one of the wider control panels. It creaked, but otherwise stayed intact. He frowned worriedly as the throbbing continued to get stronger, causing his moob to convulse, flex and jiggle all at once in infrequent bursts. He frowned at this effect. Wasn’t it supposed to travel down to his belly like it did last time?

Instead, the extraterrestrial sensation found home in the nearest pudgy vessel available, where it immediately began to work its fattening influence. Manuel gulped as he felt his moob begin to swell beyond his overstretched fingers, his nipple burning seductively as it slowly grew wider and more electric. He closed his eyes and shuddered as he dropped the overfilled sack of man flesh as it plumped rapidly atop of his packed belly. He felt its skin grow tighter and tighter, liked a massive water balloon was attached to his chest. His now thickened, fatter dick jerked within his shorts, tearing fabric as it fought to breathe. His lopsided, swollen moob was now three times bigger than his left one, packed so tight with blubber that it felt like it might burst from the pressure.

Manuel squeezed his eyes tighter, when he felt a surprising shift in the tightness as a deep “BWOOMPH-H-H-H!!” rocked his chest, as half of the lard from his right moob suddenly forced its way into his left moob. The same sensitivity that plagued his affected nipple now was felt in both as his left nipple instantly stretched to accommodate new flab. And just like with Charlie’s innertube of neck flesh, Manuel only had a few seconds to adjust before his moob reached blimp-bursting proportions again. With the next “BWOOMPH!” he moaned as both of his moobs weighed heavily outward, fattening so round that they refused to sag onto his gut. Each one was about a third the size of his sumo-sized gut, which was still impressive in its own right, and yet they still struggled to contain more. As soon as they felt like they would explode, he was surprised again as an audible “BWOMP-P-P” rocked his entire core.

His moobs deposited their excess blubber into the rest of his body. He felt his overlarded Mexican belly expand several feet outward, eliciting an involuntary grunt of relief from his mouth. His arms jolted up and outward slightly, as if from a slight hiccup. These were no hiccups, however, they were explosions of growth rocking his body the same way they did to Charlie.

Before he knew it, his moobs were pushing upward into his vision with uncontrollable tightness, which in turn caused his cock to jerk and inflate up the curve of his much tighter packed belly. Just as quickly, they deposited into the rest of his frame, instantly making him wider and more ponderous. He felt himself rise higher as his ass cheeks inflated and spread across the control panel. It creaked ominously as he heard popping and the sound of buttons pushed and broken metal levers. All the while, the entirety of his nipples became more and more electrified with each iteration, which in turn quickened the cycled process. It was like his entire body was becoming a taut, overfilled sexual organ, causing him to gasp with each surge of uncontrolled growth.

He worried that his body wouldn’t stop expanding. But what scared him the most at that moment was that he didn’t care if he did. He wanted MORE.

Rocked by a cacophony of sensations, Manuel did not feel it when he crashed to the ground, crushing the panel with his tremendous girth, which was increasing exponentially. Within a few minutes, he had filled the bridge with his increasing tonnage, unable to stop, even if he wanted to.

He did not know that Charlie had already filled the experimentation room and was in a similar situation.

And they both did not know that the ship was WAY beyond its weight capacity. They could hear the alarm bells, but did not understand what was happening. The ship was programmed to operate autonomously in case of an emergency; without a driver, it sensed that disaster would be imminent unless it found a workable resolution.

Oblivious to the situation due to their lack of growing room, both men did not feel that the ship was losing altitude and was in a controlled descent. Both young men floated in their expanding waves of blubber, resigned to their fates. Without the ability to keep the fattened behemoths in the air, the spaceship diverted all of its resources into maintaining a salvageable crash landing.


Andre Bradford prided himself as being the unofficial “official” forest ranger of the city a mile away from his small outdoor survival shop. A lumberjack by trade, he earned a modest living primarily for his quality chopped lumber in addition to the knick-knacks he sold ranging from pocket knives to snow shoes. It gave him a warm sense of pleasure knowing his hard work would be used to keep families warm during cold weather (at least, the ones who did not rely on electric heat and had chimneys).

After he trekked far into the woods one day and stumbled across a pair of kids who had gotten separated and lost during a field trip, the nearby city’s newspaper made him into a local celebrity. He was commended by the mayor and now school field trips make periodic visits to his store for wilderness appreciation lectures and survival lessons.

He knew he didn’t need the attention, but it was nice to be recognized every once in a while. So around 1:00 in the morning, when he heard a thundering, wood-splitting crash echoing throughout the mountains, he took it upon himself to investigate. No doubt the local police as well as the rest of the general populace heard the loud noise, but Andre knew it would take them a good hour before anyone got some kind of team together to find out what it was.

He dressed in a heavy coat, pants, large baseball cap and boots, each snugly fitted to his massive frame. He ambled outside and followed the hiking trail that led away from his store/house. After a few minutes, the trail ended, allowing any casual hiker to make a calculated decision whether to continue into unknown territory. However, Andre had known these forests his entire life; each rock, tree and brand of wildlife was welcomed as an old friend to him. He would know if anything was out of place.

A whiff of smoke touched his nostrils, causing his nerves to be on high alert. A fire? Could an explosion have caused the booming crash? No, that couldn’t be right. There would have at least been a glowing light shining through the forest, and he knew that he wasn’t very far from the origin of the loud noise. Also, there was no way anything in the forest could naturally produce an explosion, unless there was an active volcano that he didn’t know about.

A large gap in the trees that Andre KNEW shouldn’t have been there could be seen up ahead. He slowed his pace, unsure whether this was a good idea after all. Maybe he should have waited for the authorities after all. The theories in his head quickly shifted from the plausible to the highly implausible as only one far-fetched thing blinked in his mind as he reached the clearing. He took a deep breath as his eyes adjusted to the dark and focused on the scene.

It wasn’t QUITE what he expected, to be honest.

There were giant, smoking hunks of metallic debris spread throughout, but thankfully no fire had been caused by them. However, where Andre had expected tiny green men to be strewn about, demanding him to take them to his leader, he stared forward dumbfounded, then upward, at something different entirely.

Taking up nearly the entirety of the massive clearing and towering over the trees were two gargantuan, planetary beings, quivering as their combined mass crunched wooden trunks and entire pines beneath as if they were toothpicks. A steady, rhythmic thrumming could be heard within the masses as they vibrated and jiggled. Andre couldn’t tell what they were due to their sheer size, but the apparent helplessness gave him enough courage to venture forward.

He pushed against one of the slightly hairy masses, not expecting such a violent reaction. The planetary being wobbled and moaned, surprising Andre as he tripped backward and landed on his ass. He looked upward, afraid of what he might have caused.

Another loud moaning erupted, causing Andre to look to his left at the other globular being. The first one’s constant wobbling created an electrifying tension as it’s body pushed and pressed forcefully against its companion, triggering the same reaction.

The thrumming, rumbling sound Andre heard earlier intensified tenfold, reaching a crescendo alongside the moans emanating from the giant creatures. Their bulks suddenly shifted, revealing something that Andre could not believe.

Two of the biggest sets of junk he had ever seen (which was saying something because he himself was well-endowed almost to the point of it being an inconvenience) bloated and expanded out from underneath the colossal behemoths. Andre didn’t know which fact to accept first: the absurd, hot-air balloon-sized testicles that pumped the bulks upward, pushing their towering, bloated cocks against each other, or the fact that these planetary beings were in fact, human.

When Andre was a kid, his father had taken him to Yellowstone National Park to witness the geyser known as Old Glory doing what it did best. He had thought it was one of the most powerful shows of force he ever had the chance to witness.

As a thoughtful, intelligent reader, you can probably surmise that during and throughout the next minute, Mr. Bradford would witness something that would cause him to re-assess that memory and recategorize it as a very distant second.

Andre, slack-jawed, took off his large baseball cap, allowing a copious amount of white gunk to drop off heavily from it and splatter the ground. He could still hear countless trees around the clearing doing the same thing. He scratched the back of his head and couldn’t help but shake his head slowly from the mind-numbing absurdity of it all. The authorities weren’t going to believe this, and he had a peculiar feeling that this particular discovery was going to garner more attention than the local newspaper this time. He sighed. If his name was going to be that big, he might as well change the theme of his store to something more sci-fi friendly if it was going to be put on the map.

The moans and wild rumblings of Charlie and Manuel died down as they devolved into general mumbles of happy sleepiness. They contentedly accepted this ordeal simultaneously as an unofficially “official” first date and cuddle sesh. Whatever would come next, they would face it together. With this in mind, both men fell back into the well-deserved sleep that was stolen from them by tiny pink captors, though deep down inside they both viewed it as a blessing in disguise, as their feelings for each other would have never been unearthed otherwise.


The two, tubby pink creatures in question watched the man’s discovery from their camouflaged escape pod. It was obvious that they would not be able to cover this one up in time. Their experiments on human beings were akin to how humans experimented on mice to test validity of drugs and cures. Their race, however, did everything in its power to ensure that the experiments were harmless and that the humans would be able to return to their lives none the wiser.

In their quest for a resiliency concoction (more esoteric circles would probably prefer to deem it an “invincibility” potion) that would protect their soft, gelatinous bodies from injury, they accidentally caused both young human specimens to blow up into immovable behemoths. This was a completely different effect from the experiments they enacted on creatures of their own planet. For the first time, human DNA reacted in a direction that was way off the mark of their predictions.

It was for the best. Their orders were to subject the humans to a range of conditions to test their resilience. The aliens would stop at the first sign of discomfort or pain, of course, but their orders demanded that they push it to the limit if the humans looked like they would be able to handle it.

The fact that the humans did not explode from the unexpected, inordinate weight gain or seem to be in any pain was a sign that the potion had its intended effect. Unfortunately, the antidote was in the ship’s lab, which was thoroughly smashed and destroyed. The tubby pink creatures were worried about the status of their fellow scientists, who were ordered to conduct the same experiment on various male specimens throughout the earth. Seeking consistency and cross-referencing results is essential in any experiment, although it was probably damning in this instance. The countries of this planet were probably about to have a very colossal phenomenon to share with each other.

The tubby pink creatures made preparations within the pod. It levitated quietly into the nighttime sky into the stars. Unfortunately, their race probably wouldn’t be able to conduct experiments on humans anytime soon. Perhaps in a couple hundred years they would be able to visit the humans and laugh about it together.

As for the fate of the two young men as well as many others around the Earth? From their accumulated data on the species and their cultural patterns, these men would either be touted as scientific discoveries or worshipped as gods, though both cases were entirely possible. Their only worry would be that the humans would discover the boys’ invulnerability and try to reverse engineer the forbidden concoction that the aliens’ technology had bestowed upon them. The pink creatures tried to dismiss this thought; surely no resilience elixir would be worth the cost of uncontrollable and instant weight gain, the humans’ patterns of self-identity and definitions of attraction would not allow for it!

And yet…but SURELY…those definitons were changing, but they weren’t changing THAT fast…

The tiny alien scientists pondered this silently as their pod began sailing the cosmos, wondering what the humans might look like in a few hundred years as a result of their extraterrestrial activities, and whether they would be the same size or much, much bigger…