
Cubmaker By Mutabear

Dan had it all. He was the treasurer of his fraternity, he had a job lined up when he graduated in the spring, an amazing girlfriend, and a well-muscled young jock body. When he wasn’t working out or in class, he spent most of this time either fucking his girlfriend or partying with his bros. As a star player of his college’s lacrosse team, he had admiration from his fellow students and attention from the faculty for carrying the team to an undefeated season in his sophomore year. As far as Dan was concerned, his life was perfect. Unfortunately, one night he and his buddies got a little bit drunk and ended up wandering somewhere they shouldn’t. They made their way into a bar frequented by some of the enlisted men on leave from the nearby army base, thinking it might be a cool place to throw down in. They started off just ordering drinks and playing pool, but before long they got loud, belligerent, and arrogant. A couple cadets that bet money lost at pool, and they were rather dejected at feeling scammed by civilians. Their sergeant stepped in and told the frat boys to behave, but they brushed him off, being too drunk and full of themselves to take his advice.

Deciding he had tolerated enough of their boorish behavior, the sergeant called a taxi to send the boys home so he and his men could keep drinking in peace. Five of the frat boys left, but Dan stuck around, and began getting up in the Sergeant’s face. Deciding this point needed to be taught a lesson, the sergeant gestured to some of his boys, and when Dan went to go take a piss, a bag was thrown over his head. He found himself restrained, his wrists and ankles bound, and was too drunk to properly fight back. He felt himself be manhandled like a bag of potatoes, and was tossed in the back of a car. He heard the sergeant and one of the bartenders talking, and after a few minutes the car started up. Dan felt himself jostled around as he went somewhere else, turning infrequently and unable to create a mental map of where he was being taken. Twenty minutes later, Dan was hauled out of a car and taken inside a house. The alcohol had taken its toll, and Dan was barely coherent now. This was normally the point where the least drunk member of his frat boys would get some of the pledges to drive them home to pass out, but Dan lacked that.

He felt himself tossed on a soft surface, and then the bag was yanked off his head. Dan did not realize that his clothing had been cut away during the trip and he lay on the bed and just his briefs, looking up at three burly men. They were dressed in blue jeans and wife beaters, and heavy stubble adorned their faces. They didn’t look like men from the military, but in his drunken haze Dan thought he recognized them as some of the men working in the bar. “Looks like you were bothering one of our best customers,” the man in the center said. He smiled wickedly at Dan, and nudged the guy on his left in the shoulder. The three of them exchanged knowing looks, and the other two men left. “Boys like you think they can do whatever they want because of either their looks, or their parent’s money. I bet because you are drinking at our blue collar bar that it’s the first one. Well, since you seem so keen to show that bod of yours off, I think I will help give you something to really stand out.” After a few more minutes, the man’s two friends came back and were holding a funnel and a large green glass bottle, their hands obscuring the label. Dan struggled, but before long they had him laying prone on his back, funnel in his mouth.

“Come now boy, you seemed in such a hurry to get wasted at my bar. Think of this as me helping you along. Don’t worry, I’m pouring slowly. Be a good boy and keep drinking. We have plenty of bottles like this, and I am going to fill you up with as much as you can take.” Dan felt tears run down his eyes as he continued to swallow. The liquor caused him to continue to get progressively drunk, but it tasted like no liquor Dan had ever tried before. It was sweet for one thing, and the flavor alternated between chocolate and caramel and peanut butter. It was delicious, and the more Dan had, the more he wanted. Before long he was gulping down swallow after swallow, and began to get greedy for more booze after he finished off bottle after bottle. While he continued to get drunk, he also failed to realize what else was happening to him. As he drank the strange mixture, his chest started to fill out. His abs slowly begin to fade, as pudge started covering his muscular stomach. Fat spread outward from his stomach at a rapid rate. Before long, Dan had a beginner beer belly. It did not stop there though. The increased plumpness seemed to be traveling outwards from his gut, packing on the pounds everywhere he once had strong, brawny definition. His shoulders widened, his chest grew outwards, making his pecs rounder and hefty. His arms begin to get thicker and chunkier, and soon his calves would rub together when he walked. His ass in particular bore the brunt of the weight gain and his hard bubble butt soon inflated into two huge firm pillows. His briefs began to groan at the strain of trying to keep his massive fat ass in check, and by the time Dan was on his fourth bottle, the elastic band snapped and they ripped off.

“Fuck, I didn’t think he would like it this much. It’s not often I get to bust out my special Cubmaker Whiskey. It’s half liquor, half Ultra Gainer Shake of my own devising. Hell, each bottle adds about 15 pounds to you if you drink it fast enough. And the results are immediate, as you can see. Not that I think this boy is listening anymore. He is drunk off his ass and might just be a little bit addicted to the sugary taste. Only thing to do now is let him sleep it off, and drop them off back at his frat house before he wakes up. Luckily he’s got a lettered bottle opener on his keychain. That should make it easy for us. Nothing to do now but send him home and see if he changes. If he does, I am sure we’ll see it.”

Dan was oblivious to this as the Cubmaker worked its way through his system. He had a big dopey grin on his cheeks, and soon his rounded gut was packed as full of booze as it could be. The bartender let out a low whistle, and saw Dan had downed almost five whole bottles before falling into blissful unconsciousness. The weight gain was only the most immediate and primary effect of the Cubmaker, and as Dan slept the other properties of the liquor began to go to work on him. His once cleanly shaved body begin to grow a thick patch of fuzz right between his bigger and beefier chest, and his treasure trail grew up from his groin to meet it. A light layer of fuzz coated his body, and his well-kept hair grew out a little, lengthening from unkempt and attractive to long and wild. Stubble thickened and grew all over his face, and the patchiness he hid by clean shaving was now evenly filled in. His ass in particular grew quite hairy.

Dan’s brain rewired itself next, shifting him from total straight man to more of a horny bisexual. He would still love fucking women, but there would be something about a stocky man that would make him want to bend over and take it up the ass. His standards changed, and while he would only show interest to choice females, he began to desire hairy stocky men who looked like his new form. In addition to rewiring his sexuality and dramatically increasing his body hair, the Cubmaker also played around with Dan's attitude and bearing. His aggressive, go get ‘em nature begin to fade. His relaxed attitude became amplified as well, and his motivations became repurposed. Sure, he would still go work out, but he would eat whatever he wanted. He was now going to be more focused on the strength training and getting bigger. He was no longer looking to keep a lean fit body, but instead get stronger and stronger. He would focus more on his lower body, desiring to have an ass even bigger with muscle and fat, and would only strive for improvement in dead lifts and squats like a true powerlifter he would now aspire to be.

Finally, the transformative whiskey began modifying Dan's modesty. He had loved to go around and tank tops or sleeveless shirts before, to show off his jacked arms, but that desire to show off was augmented even further. He would start to love wearing just his underwear around his frat house, and would have an urge to buy more and more revealing clothing. He would come to love lounging around in the common areas and just a pair of briefs, a jockstrap, or even tight fitting assless underwear. He would need to be prompted to wear a shirt, and would now buy loose t shirts to contrast his desire to wear tight fitting pants. He loved the thought of his belly hanging over a pair of gym shorts while his shirt rode up on his hairy gut.

While Dan changed, the night passed quickly. Dan's ability to sleep when plastered was truly legendary, and he slept through getting tossed back into the car and driven home. He was unceremoniously tossed into the yard of his fraternity house by the bartenders who had kidnapped him, and proceeded to sleep for another hour on the front lawn in just a pair of too-small sweatpants. Eventually, one of his frat bros saw him and hauled him back to his bed. When Dan woke up, he only partially remembered the night before. His mind had dramatically changed, and now he perceived that he had always wanted to be more of a cub, with a big belly and hair everywhere. He took no issue with the huge changes to his body, as he remembered he was a fit jock just yesterday, and was glad he had undergone this miraculous makeover. He played with his new belly while in bed, enjoying the softness and give to his furry chest. He smiled, and figured it would be easier to let his body fur grow out than bothering to shave or even trim. His alarm blared, reminding him it was time for his Saturday workout, but he dismissed it. He didn't feel like going and doing anything today, and tossed on a pair of shorts and waddled into one of the common areas to watch TV.

Dan spent most of the afternoon watching movies shirtless, making sure he ordered himself an extra-large meat lover’s pizza for dinner instead of doing his weekly meal prep. He loved how great the food tasted, and didn't mind at all that the one pizza was easily worth more calories than he used to eat an entire day. As he had been sitting there without showering, soon he caught a whiff of something. He realized it was his own musk, and what's more, he decided he liked it. He took a big inhale of his natural scent, and felt his ass twitch a little and his dick chub up. Something about the way he smelled told him it would really help him in finding older, aggressive Bears who would want to play with him. His mind balked at this, as he still had a strong identity of himself as a ladies’ man, able of pulling all kinds of hot girls. But slowly the two divergent thoughts meshed with each other, and he realized he still loved girls, but also he had a specific role for men. While his mind was on that track, he popped out his phone and downloaded an app to allow young cubs to meet older bearish men for sex. He set up his profile, and spent the afternoon messaging a bunch of daddy bears who were very excited to break him in. In particular, there was a sexy bear who worked at some military bar downtown who couldn’t wait to meet up and fuck Dan silly, something that made his ass feel hungry and develop an itch right near his prostate.

Dan’s new life was perfect. He still did well in school, and his girlfriend had come to terms with his new bearish look. She loved that other girls wouldn’t try to steal her man anymore, and his new big hairy body was better for cuddling. Dan still fucked her once or more a night, his changes doing nothing to decrease his sex drive.

He continued to beef up, packing on fat and muscle while developing extremely strong legs. He was starting to get strong enough for competitions. He no longer bothered with lacrosse and conditioning, and joked that he was a competitive eater instead. Also, instead of practicing with the team, Dan filled his afternoons with tons of bear sex, where daddy bears all over town couldn’t wait for the chance to get serviced by an eager young, but already very large bear cub. They all loved the before and after contrast, and the thought that they were fucking an jock frat boy turned gigantic submissive cub caused them all to shoot massive loads up Dan’s ass and mouth. He loved his new, relaxed outlook on life, content to let the strong dominant men tell him how to fuck, to stay in class, and to still work out to stay sexy for them. And once a month Dan would meet up at a certain bar after hours, and would ride the thickest bear cock he had ever seen, and follow the sex up with a delicious drink called Cubmaker…