Clothes Do Make the Man

Connor had only been a beat cop for a couple of weeks now and was slowly dreading the mornings of his double shifts. He was a young guy, fresh out of the academy, and the precinct was still a new place to him. He knew he was the newest member there, but was exasperated that many other cops seemed to take special pleasure of reminding him of that fact. Unfortunately, most of the other men there were both older and more physically imposing than him.

One guy in particular, a detective named Ryan, always seemed to go out of his way to give Connor shit. He would look for the smallest discrepancies in his reports, the tiniest creases in his otherwise immaculate uniform, and find small but cutting ways to make Connor’s life difficult. Ryan was a bully, through and through, and he made Connor the target of his derision. When it came up in casual conversation that Connor was gay, it seemed Ryan took it almost personally. He never made it an open display of homophobia, but he seemed to ramp up his dislike and passive torture to a maddening level.

Recently, Ryan seemed to be picking on Connor’s physical appearance. In an effort to make himself look more mature, and to help with his baby face, Connor had started growing out a mustache. Being a redhead, he thought growing out a mustache would give him the stereotypical cop look. It might even add a few years to his otherwise youthful face. He had let it grow out a little bit over the last week, and had just trimmed it up before coming in on Monday. In the locker room, getting changed for the start of the shift, he bumped into Ryan again. The older man took one look at Connor’s new bristles and began laughing.

“Hey rookie, I think you walked through a spider web or something on the way into the building. The caterpillar trapped in it seems to have gotten itself stuck to your face. Maybe I should just go ahead and flick it off now, save you the effort.”

Ryan moved up in Connor’s face, pantomiming flicking off his sparse mustache, before laughing and walking away, to the chuckles of some of the other officers preparing for their shift. Connor hung his head in frustration, letting the response die on his hesitant tongue. He was actually a pretty good cop, and had a good showing at the Academy. He had hoped to let his good on the job people skills and head for logic prove himself to his senior coworkers, but so far he was at best treated as a source of humor and a target for dumping extra paperwork. Just as he had finished changing into his uniform, which always seems to look a little big on the rather gangly young man, one of the office assistants popped their head in and told Connor that Sargent Ross was looking for him.

Connor was rather surprised, as the gruff Sergeant rarely spoke with anyone. The older man mostly spent his time doing the mountains of paperwork that came with a promotion. Ever since he had surgery on his back, Ross rarely went into the field anymore. He was known for having a corner office and somehow being one of the only members of the force to be allowed to smoke his pungent cigars indoors. The windows to his scenic office were always left open, but without fail, the room always seem to smell of tobacco.

Connor went up the stairs to the Sergeant’s office and let himself in after a knock. Sergeant Ross was sitting behind his desk, clacking away at his computer. His current cigar was down to just a nub, resting in a loose grip in the man’s left hand. Connor wondered how he could possibly be productive while typing with only one hand, but he kept the thought to himself.

“Rookie, it’s come to my attention that some of the other men are giving you a bit of a hard time. It’s a shitty thing, since you show a lot of promise. Plus, you kind of remind me of myself when I was your age. Well, before I really beefed up and took my workouts seriously.”

It was true, Ross was a hulking bear of a man, even in his current form. The man has spent most of his 30s hitting the gym and hitting it hard. His large biceps strained the standard issue uniforms, and it was a running joke that he had to get custom ordered pants to fit in his colossal quads. He could easily have been an amateur bodybuilder or power lifter had he gone with that track instead, but the man seemed to pursue fitness in his spare time, as a hobby.

“It seems like it would be a shame for you to have to spend years training like that to finally get the recognition you deserve. Especially after that last bust. Six kilos of coke is no mean feat, and to see you barely getting a mention for it makes me sad. I wanted to do something for you, something that should give you a leg up. Think of it as a favor to me though, so don’t tell anyone I’m helping you out. Just keep it between us.”

With a wink and a strain, the man stood up out of his chair and stretched, his back cracking audibly as he rose. He stubbed out his musty cigar in his ashtray, and opened up a second window to clear the air in the office. He rumbled over to a small closet, opened it, and took something out of it.

“I found this on a raid I did back in my third year on the force. I initially thought the guy who had it was just using it to impersonate a police officer. I took it back as a trophy, but I realized it was something more when I tried it on as a joke after a shift one night.”

As he brought the object over to Connor, he revealed a police officer’s uniform. After a cursory inspection, Connor realized it seemed to be made of a dark navy leather, rather than the fabric used in their standard issue uniforms. Other than that, it was almost an exact replica. Even down to the shoulder stitching and the buttons, one would have to look carefully to be able to tell this wasn’t a regular uniform.

“Consider this a sergeant special request. Why don’t you try changing into this and going about the rest of your shift? For one, it’ll fit you a little better than your regular uniform. I was about the same size as you when I got it, and it was pretty much skin tight. At least this way you will look like more of a professional, with clothes that fit a little better.”

Connor tried to say something, but blushed and closed his mouth. It was a very strange request, but Sergeant Ross had an honest reputation throughout the station as a man of his word, and as someone willing to help out hard working and dedicated officers. He wouldn’t be trying to pull a prank on Connor. With a quickly muttered thanks, Connor grabbed the uniform and went back down to the locker room. Everyone else had already finished changing and left, so he had total privacy as he tried on the uniform.

It was composed of several individual pieces, rather than one as Connor initially thought. With a shrug, wondering what he had to lose by going along with this, Connor began dressing. Initially, he left on his wife beater and tried to pull the short sleeved button down shirt over his chest, but it didn’t fit quite right on him, so he ended up taking off his undershirt. He pulled on the shirt and it felt surprisingly comfortable on him. After smoothing down the sleeves and lining up the collar, Connor was astounded that it seemed to fit so well. Connor would have imagined that the leather might have felt scratchy or uncomfortable, but it hugged him like a second skin. Next were the pants, and he was able to fit them exactly over the bottom of his shirt. There seemed to be just enough space to tuck the leather shirt into the pants. There was just enough room for the pair of Andrew Christian underwear Connor was wearing underneath the ensemble, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he realized he would not have to go commando.

The belt came on third, and it made the seam between shirt and pant almost unnoticeable. The buckle was large and imposing, and seemed to draw the eye to Connor’s groin. He noticed there were a pair of boots as well, and thankfully his socks were thin enough that he was able to wear them and try on the boots. Finally there was a cap, which fit his head perfectly without needing to be resized. Connor transferred over his badge and other small effects, and soon was wearing the uniform perfectly.

He looked at himself in the mirror, and was surprised at the results. The suit looked like it had been custom-made for him. It hugged what tiny amount of muscular definition Connor had to his tall form, and certainly made him appear more competent. Connor pulled out his phone and took a picture, liking the way he looked. Connor didn’t tell anyone, but he always had a bit of a fetish for uniforms and gear, so the sight of his body in this leather uniform turned him on a little bit.

He smiled as he took the photo, and for once it was honest and genuine. Connor didn’t know why, but he felt much more confident and upbeat after changing. He looked down at his watch, and with a start realized he was running late for his morning patrol. He tossed his things into a pack and ran out to start his morning.

The morning passed surprisingly quickly. As he was getting to his car, he almost automatically walked over to the break room to get himself a thermos of coffee. Normally he didn’t care for the stuff, but he had a gut feeling he wanted some today. Two other officers were in there, filling their own thermoses and getting ready for their morning shift. Surprisingly, both were willing to make small talk with him as they prepared. Usually the other guys there ignored him, but the two today seemed jovial and up for banter. One of them even commented on Connor’s moustache, complimenting him on the thick and well-groomed facial hair he was sporting. Connor just smiled and chatted too, talking of nothing in particular as he finished filling his mug and left. His shirt felt a little bit tight as he was walking out the door, but after he adjusted it over his pecs, it felt a little better.

The first six hours of his double shift were rather uneventful. There were a couple of people speeding, a minor incident of reckless driving, and a couple of accidents Connor had to pull over and assist with, but there was nothing crazy. As he pulled back to the station for lunch, he felt the need to adjust his uniform yet again as he walked in the building. Throughout the day, he would feel as though it got unnaturally tight in different parts of his body. Usually it was around his chest, but sometimes it would be his quads, his biceps, and right before turning around to head back to the station, his ass. Unbeknownst to Connor, his body had been slowly adding on muscle throughout the day. Between the morning and the afternoon, his body had managed to put on almost twenty five pounds of solid muscle, topping him out just shy of 190 pounds. In addition, his mustache had grown in dense and thick, looking like a proper cop ‘stash. There was even the beginnings of stubble on his cheeks and chin now too, all of it a dark red.

As Connor went into the station to get his afternoon assignments and eat some lunch, he bumped into several other officers. They all seem more willing to talk to him, and to his surprise, Connor was more than willing to converse with them. Most of it was just guy talk, but with his newfound confidence and bearing, Connor was actually feeling like he was making friends. There was the usual good-natured bitching about work, some chat about the game last night, and some comments on who had the best excuse given when they pulled over someone for speeding.

Things were going well until he bumped back into Ryan. The dark haired man did a double-take, wondering if he was looking at the same junior cop he had taunted in the morning. None of the other officers at the precinct ever gave Connor a second glance, so they didn’t really notice the changes in his appearance. But Ryan did, and it both frightened him and made him feel something else. The young nobody actually looked almost cute now, with his broader shoulders and filled-in body, but Ryan didn’t want Connor knowing that.

“Damn rookie, you been hitting the gym instead of doing your job? I swear I’m looking at a different guy than I did this morning. Looks like that caterpillar has gone and made himself a cocoon on your face now too. What are you trying to pull? What, did you put on one of those fake muscle suits under your uniform, trying to look big?”

Connor felt a spark of anger at this. Usually, he just tried to ignore Ryan and go about his day, but he actually felt like putting up a bit of a fight. He put his sandwich down, swallowed, and looked Ryan right in the eye unflinchingly.

“I’m sorry, some of us are actually able to grow decent facial hair. I don’t count those wisps on your cheek and chin as anything. And yeah, I’ve been taking care of my body a little bit. It shows.”

With that, he flexed his biceps and jutted out his pecs at the other condescending officer. It was an often joked about topic that the incredibly furry Ryan was somehow never able to grow a decent beard, despite looking like a yeti with his shirt off. It was something nobody dared to say to Ryan’s face however, and the senior pugnacious officer looked to make whomever insulted him the target of his scorn for the week. To his surprise, Ryan actually stopped what he was doing and his eyes open wide at seeing the young man’s demonstrably improved body. He sputtered something and walked out of the room, taking his lunch with him. Connor enjoyed the small victory as he went back to eating on his sandwich, apple, and cookie, refueling for the rest of this afternoon. He got back in his squad car again, ready to do another shift.

The afternoon was much the same as the morning. Throughout the day, his uniform would periodically get cramped and uncomfortable in some places, but after a small adjustment, it would go back to feeling like normal. The entire time, the thing stayed skin tight and comfortable for Connor. Slowly but steadily his body continue to put on muscle until he topped out at a solid 220 pounds. After that, his muscle growth plateaued but there were additional changes. Some of them were subtle, such as his voice growing a little deeper, and his body growing just a little taller. He was already an above-average man in terms of height, standing at six feet and one half inches tall, but an additional inch and a half and height made all of the new muscle look more natural on him.

Connor also failed to notice he was growing older. He started the morning at twenty six years old, but as the afternoon passed, he added just over a decade in physical maturity. Small wrinkles grew at the edges of his eyes, and there were a few white hairs mixed in with his red. He recalled having a pair of reading spectacles in a case at his desk for when he reviewed paperwork as well, something he thought he didn’t need that morning. He paused in the middle of his shift to stretch his legs and het more coffee, and felt his quads tense up after sitting for so long. He’d forgotten to stretch them, as the aches had been happening little by little.

He reached into his pocket during the final part of his shift, and found a cigar, cigar cutter, and butane lighter in there. Thinking it another gift from Sergeant Ross, he was going to toss it in his bag to return to the Sargent as he did not smoke. Instead, Connor found his fingers adroitly cutting the cigar and lighting it, smoking it quickly as he cruised around the medium-sized town. As he smoked the cigar, Connor felt a strange heat in his crotch. He reached down to scratch absent-mindedly, and spread his legs just a little wider. His balls started growing, and soon he had a pair of fat low hangers in his sack.

His cock also grew thicker, and although he was going to be more of a grower than a shower, what he did have to display was much larger than it had been before. He spent a little longer adjusting himself at a light, making sure his now uncut dick would rest comfortable in his pants. Connor was not aware of this consciously, but when he tossed the nub of the cigar into a small ashtray that seemed to have materialized in his squad car, he found himself a itching his crotch a little more than usual.

“Damn, it’s been awhile since I’ve gotten any. Maybe I’ll find a sexy guy to come over tonight,” he thought to himself. Pulling over to take a quick break, he opened his phone for the one hook-up app he used, and he was surprised to find his picture on there and description matched his current body. His profile name was now DomRedCop, and it advertised him as a dominant versatile man, looking for others to have a good time. He furrowed his brow it for a second, but thought of it as normal. He had a couple messages from various men looking to have fun during the day, some of whom were decent looking, but none who were free in the evening, so he closed the app and resumed his shift.

As he finally parked his car in the evening, after a long day of work, Connor was whistling a faint tune. Hair had grown up out from his groin, giving him a solid dusting over his muscled abdomen and pecs. He wasn’t nearly as covered as some of the other cops, but he had a few tufts poking out from the top of his leather shirt. His mustache had grown and joined up with his sideburns, giving his face a thick, red forest of beard. His hair had also thinned a little bit under his cap, and was now in a flat top as opposed to the styled cut he was sporting earlier. As he went into the locker room to change, he no longer felt the need to use a corner locker. He carefully pulled off the skin tight uniform and folded it, laying inside his top locker in the middle of the section.

Normally, he would wrap a towel tight around himself and scurry off the showers, hoping to get in and out before getting noticed by anyone. But today was different. Connor felt no need to hide himself in any way, and simply tossed a towel over his shoulder and walked in, bare ass naked. His dick head chubbed up a little bit, poking out from his well-maintained bush, hanging just above his large swinging sack. He walked in and begin to shower, taking his time. There was nobody else in there currently, and Connor took the opportunity to let the heat of the shower refresh his surprisingly tender muscles. He lost himself in the steam, enjoying the warm water run down his larger, more masculine body. He was jolted out of his reverie when he saw Ryan come in next, and the other towel-wrapped man did a double-take.

“Hey rookie, I ….”

The man’s biting comment was cut off as Ryan saw Connor turned to look at him. Connor had just finished soaping up his cock and balls, and a thick and hard eight inches stuck out from his groin. Part of the reason Ryan had teased Connor so much was that Ryan was also gay, but not comfortable coming out about it. As he saw the older, beefy, well hung cop in front of him, he felts himself start to drool a bit. He opened his mouth to try to make fun of Connor, but couldn’t find the words. The man in front of him was a total hunk, and very much Ryan’s type.

“It’s Connor. Not ‘rookie’. I don’t have to take shit from you anymore.”

Ryan was additionally surprised at the absolute confidence pouring out from Connor. Just this morning the man had been shy and nervous, not willing to stand up to the people who gave him grief. He seemed content to scuttle about, taking on extra work from officers who saw an easy way to lighten their daily load a little, knowing the junior man wouldn’t complain or stand up for himself. But now there was an aura of gruff authority and poise pouring off the man.

“If you got something to say to me, say it.”

Ryan couldn’t think of anything. He was struggling to find something witty to say, but in his distraction he failed to keep his own cock from chubbing up. He had removed his towel to shower, and had turned the water on to buy himself time to navigate this unknown situation. Rarely did Ryan pick on someone able to actually go toe to toe with him, as he used to be a wrestler in his younger years. While years of work had added some fat to his frame, there was still a good amount of muscle underneath, and when coupled with his brash aggressiveness, meant most of his victims were people he was both physically and mentally prepared to fight.

“Looks like the officer sees something he likes.”

With that, Connor began slowly soaping up his biceps and pecs, flexing in front of Ryan. He made special care to thrust his cock forward, and soon a large blob of precum was dripping from the mushroom shaped covered head, before being lost amidst the water. Ryan’s eyes went wide, and soon his own cock was iron hard and sticking out in front of him.

“I’ve been looking to blow off some steam after this long shift. You’re an ass, but you’re kind of cute. In a bit of a bad boy kind of way. Maybe you only act out because you want to be punished. Maybe you need a big strong man to show you who is really in charge. Maybe you need an officer of the law to put you in your place.”

With that, Connor walked right up in Ryan’s face. They had been equal in height before, but with the additional growth both vertically and horizontally, Connor now towered over Ryan. He placed his hands on Ryan’s shoulders, and barely had to push before Ryan was on his knees. It took virtually no effort for Ryan to open his mouth and begin bobbing up and down on Connor’s cock. Connor moaned, and begin running his hands up and down his body as Ryan’s expert mouth pleasured him. Soon his hands found his nipples, and he realized that an additional change had made them incredibly erogenous.

He flicked and tweaked them as he felt his balls start to churn. The big nubs had been played with, hard, in the past and Connor liked being rough with himself. He had thought about piercing them, letting big barbells stick out from his prominent nips, but figured that would be too much to hide at work. He let the sexual energy rise thought him, working himself up and backing off. While his mind told him he had experienced this dozens of times, his muscle memory was still unused to receiving a decent blowjob from a man whose one goal seemed to be to inhale Connor’s dick.

Ryan continued bobbing, letting the water run over him as he gave everything he had the pleasure the stud in front of him. He made sure to go all the way to the pubes, his own dick leaking as he choked himself on Connor’s meat. Ryan had a bit of a gag reflex, but he was determined to ignore it in order to give Connor the best blowjob of his life. Just minutes ago he was ready to tear into this man verbally, but it seemed something about him just turned Ryan’s secret submissive side to the max, and he was enjoying sucking Connor off almost as much as Connor enjoyed being sucked. He made sure to alternate deep throating with swirling his tongue around Connor’s cockslit, moaning just a little louder when he was rewarded with a fat blob of muscle cop pre on his tongue for the extra effort.

As he got close, Connor grabbed ahold of Ryan’s head and began skullfucking him, unable to try to ride the waves of pleasure any longer. He was no longer concerned with enjoying the oral ministrations of his bully, he simply needed to fuck something, and Ryan’s mouth was the closest thing available. It only took a few thrusts before he was grunting and blowing a massive load down Ryan’s throat. To his credit, Ryan managed to swallow down every drop, taking the thick dick like a champion. He even grabbed hold of Connor’s furry ass and pulled it deep, wanting the stud in front of him to shoot all the way into his stomach. When the flow of jizz abated, Connor pulled his cock out with a faint pop. Ryan felt embarrassed and wanted to look away, but Connor pulled him up to his feet.

“Damn, it’s been awhile since I got head that good. You really are a good cock sucker. But it’s only fair that I return the favor, seeing as how you worked so hard to make me feel good.”

With that, Connor dropped to his knees and took Ryan into his mouth. The other guy was a little shorter, possessing a thinner cut dick, and Connor was able to take him to the hilt immediately. After getting so turned on by the aggressive display of dominance from sucking Connor, it didn’t take Ryan long at all to shoot down Connor’s throat. Ryan yelled out a wordless noise as he came, his knees shaking as he shot harder than he had in recent memory. The beefy redhead stood up, and licked a stray a blob of jizz out of his beard with a lustful smile.

“For someone who talks such shit, you have almost no stamina. But I guess being around me must not make you want to last very long. Since we’re both off, why don’t we go get some takeout and head back to my place. I am still very turned on, and can’t wait to see what round two might be like.”

As Connor rinsed himself off quickly, he gave Ryan a smack on the ass as he walked back to change. When Connor got back to his locker, the leather uniform was gone and his normal street clothes were there instead. A small Post-It note on top of them simply said “You’re welcome”, signed by Sergeant Ross. Connor let out a deep belly laugh at this, grateful at his superior for the loan, and got changed. Part of him held on to his old life, but seeing the note made him fully shift into his new one, happy and ready to enjoy the fruits of his advances.

As soon as Ryan composed himself, Connor planned on having the two of them stop by a decent place near his apartment. While he wasn’t sure what the rest of the evening had in store for him, Connor was more than willing to bet it was going to end with Ryan shouting his name, begging for Connor to fuck him harder as he spread his furry, dark-haired ass wide to take Connor’s impressive meat. With an easy-going grin, he put on his jeans and tank top, and waited for the other man to finish. He had a feeling Ryan was going to be doing a shift at his desk tomorrow, since he would be fucked so hard he would be having trouble waking.