Carl's Growth

In the back of a musty old store, Carl, a nerdy 30-something accountant, was sifting through used clothes. One item he found rather funny, and bizarre, was an enormous shirt with the words emblazoned on it "IF IT MOVES EAT IT". The shirt was so comically, impossibly big, he couldn't help but pull it out of the pile.

Carl pulled out the billowing shirt and couldn't help but sort of marvel at the size. How big would a man have to be to wear this? Without much thought, he pulled off his graphic tee shirt and threw the massive garment over his head. Sure enough, it was massive. The shirt was so huge it hung down to his knees. The collar of the shirt side wide that his entire, flat, pale, nearly hairless chest was on display. He walked over to the mirror in the corner and gawked at how big it look on him. But as he stood there, strange thoughts came through his head. "Wait till the guys at the gym see this"... Gym? What gym? He didn't go to the gym. At least, not often enough. He was skinny, not particularly strong, or interested in lifting, or wait, was he? He had started not too long ago, right?

As he stood there, Carl's thin frame began to thicken up. He began to look less like a nerdy accountant and more like a nerdy gym going. After all, Carl had bulked himself up from a paltry 150 pounds to a respectable 200 in the last year. He wasn't the scrawny guy had been growing up. He looked like he knew his way around a gym. And he wanted more. He wasn't going for a bodybuilder look though. Nah, he wanted to get huge. Powerful. Carl's build thickened and grew further. He developed prominent pecs, wide shoulders, and a little round belly.

Carl imagined how big he'd have to get to fill out the muscle shirt. Even at a beefy 220 pounds the damn shirt still hung way off him. How much more bulking up it would take? The thought got him turned on. Wait. Turned on? He was getting turned on by the idea of being freakishly big enough to fill this giant thing? Carl adjusted his glasses. Man he was looking bigger than ever. Everything was really starting to round out on his frame. His arms, shoulders, chest, belly. All that lifting and eating was really paying off. Meanwhile Carl's jeans were stretching larger and larger around his increasingly thick legs and midsection, growing from a size 33 to 36, then 38..

Carls' turn to serious, hardcore powerlifting in the last year had helped him make some significant size gains. He had grown thicker and thicker each week, and the scale was now showing he was over 250 pounds. Carl even started competing in powerlifting, and was making a name for himself. Carl turned back to the mirror. His face had filled out, and so had the rest of him. He posed a little bit in the mirror, admiring how big his traps and shoulders were getting. Thick chest hair now swirled over his meaty pecs. If he kept up his big bulking there was no telling how big he could get in the next year.

As Carl stood there, admiring his reflection in the oversized shirt, he didn't seem to even notice the emergence of a new tattoo on his rapidly thickening arms. "MEAT" appeared in on his now 18" arms. He loved that tattoo. It summarised everything he fantasised about. Being a massive, overblown, huge meaty powerlifter, obsessed with his own size and strength. He had been working towards that goal for almost his entire adult life and it was really beginning to show. Now at nearly 300 pounds, Carl looked every bit like the powerlifters he had jerked off to growing up. He was finally getting to their size.

But it wasn't enough. It hadn't ever been enough. Carl needed to the largest, the heaviest, bulkiest beast of a man in the room. In any room. The huge shirt started pulling up higher on his chest as Carl's traps grew larger and larger. Traps were the new abs, as they say, and that was a good thing, because while Carl may have grown the largest traps in the gym, his belly had blown up just into a seriously massive powerlifter gut. His whole body swayed as he sauntered. His walked slowed way down after he surpassed 350 pounds. His whole frame had really just ballooned with muscle and fat over the last few years. He felt every big like a big beefy tank of a man.

As Carl's heaving, hairy pecs swelled outward once again, the fabric of the shirt tightened. It was starting to really fit him nicely now. Accentuating his arms, bowling ball shoulders, and his famously big traps, which were now pushing up close to his ears. The huge, open collar showed off his incredibly powerful furry chest. Carl was still transfixed on his incredibly imposing reflection in the mirror. He looked huge. He was huge. He was well over 400 pounds of powerlifting beef. He had an appetite that few men could rival. No wonder this shirt was so good for him. It even fit him well. Still a little loose in some places, but, it highligted his traps and chest well.

The sleeves of the shirt started pulling upwards as Carl's shoulders and arms grew thicker still. His big powerlifting gut surged forward, rounding out and filling out the fabric of the shirt. His beefy chest grew even larger somehow.

At nearly 500 pounds, nearly twice the mass of a heavyweight bodybuilder, Carl finally felt like he had found the right fit for him. He couldn't believe a random old consignment shop would have something his size, but it did. He loved his reflection. His dick was throbbing just looking at himself. He was so fucking massive. The biggest man anywhere he ever went. And the way the letters "Eat it" now stretched over his thick belly was just perfect. The shirt was tight but the fabric had a little give still. He was confident that even if he packed on another 30 or 40 pounds, which was the plan in the next few months, the shirt would still hold him.

Carl sauntered slowly towards the front of the store. Thanking the grinning man at the front counter for helping him find something in his size, Carl paid for the shirt. It was surprisingly cheap. Slowly, with heavy footfalls, pounding, walked out of the store.

Carl loved how he looked "It's not every day you see a 500 pound powerlifter wearing something like this" he thought as he made his way back to his truck.