Brian's Growth

Brian's Growth

from GrowingGuy

Day 1: 6' 6"

Brian awoke to the dull throb in his back that greeted him almost every morning. Desperatly in need of a new mattress, the sleep was difficult activity for him. Yawning, he winced and sat up on his bed, absently itching himself. Pushing the covers aside, he stood up and walked out of his bed.

Changing out of the boxers he wore to sleep, Brian quickly put on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. The shirt was a bit tight against his chest, the fabric straining just the tiniest bit. If one were to look hard enough, his nipples would be just visible. Brian sighed to himself. He must have been gaining weight. Again.

Brian was what could only be described as a big, big boy. Pushing Six foot six inches tall, he was easily taller then most anyone he had met. On top of that, he was thick. Chunky. Husky. Big boned. Pretty damn fat. At 270 pounds, Brian was quite the imposing figure. Luckily, his stature helped to displace alot of it. The coach's at his high school had asked him repeatedly to play football for the team, but he had always just smiled and said it wasn't for him.

He wasn't particularly attractive, but how many fat guys were? His face was fairly average, and his brown hair, cut somewhat short, did nothing to help him to stand out. Obviously, his main feature was his size. His belly stuck out in front of him, the lard hanging just a bit. His arms were meaty, but not terribly muscular.

Looking at the clock on his bedside table, Brian noticed that it was 12:30. Smiling, he thought to himself how nice it was to be up so early on a Saturday. Pushing dirty clothes out of the way with his feet, Brian left his room and started down the stairs. Almost immediately he felt something wrong. Everything was too quiet. Saturdays were usually full of the hustle-and-bustle of suburban living, chores being down, people coming and going. The only thing Brian could hear was some kind of quiet conversation between his parents.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, he walked into the kitchen. The conversation stopped as his mother and father heard his footsteps. "Brian", his mother said, "I... I see you're finally up. Sit down, please. I, I need to talk to you."

As Brian sat down, he could see that her eyes were red, as if she had spent a good while crying and had just recently stopped. "What's the matter, mom?" he asked.

"It's Jeremy. He died last week. God. He died last week and I'm just now finding out."

Frowning, Brian said, "Jeremy? Your brother? Dead? Oh, mom. I'm so sorry."

Sighing, his mother smiled wanly at him. Shaking her head, she stood up and said, "It'll be all right. I know it will. It's such a shame you didn't know him better. He was a beautiful man, he really was. I'm going to go lay down. I just need to rest." With that, she turned and walked away.

Once she went upstairs, Brian turned to his father. "What happened? Do you know?"

Shaking his slightly weathered face, he replied, "We're not really sure. We just got notice today. He was off on another one of his expeditions, somewhere south of Cairo this time. A sudden illness, and that was that. Some girl he had shacked up with sent us some note in barely understandable English, explaining the situation. That and a few belongings."

Obviously quite stressed, Brian's father just sat there for a moment, staring off into nothing. Suddenly, he turned to Brian and started to speak again. "Listen. He sent us some of the items on his find. One of them was a nice ring. Probably really old. Looks it. I know how upset you were that we couldn't afford a class ring for you this year, especially since you graduate in a few months. It's not the same, but if you'd like, you can have that one."

"Oh, dad," Brian replied, "I can't! It's probably priceless! We'll just sell it, make some extra cash..."

"No, no," the older man interrupted, "I wouldn't even know where to begin. I can't haggle, and I'm sure I'd get taken to the cleaners on something like this. Might as well give it to someone who can use it."

Nodding his head, Brian replied, "Well, all right. If you say so. It'll be an honor to have something of Uncle Jeremy's to keep. I heard so much about him from mom. I wish I could remember him better."

His father smiled, and patted him on the shoulder. "You're a good boy, Brian. You'll do well for yourself."

He stood up and walked over to the kitchenette counter, where a small brown paper package sat, opened with loose twine lying nearby. This must have been what was sent from Uncle Jeremy's lover. With slightly calloused hands, Brian's father removes a small paper envelope and handed it to him. "Here," he said, "this is the ring. Keep it safe, all right?"

Brian nodded, gave his dad a quick hug, then excused himself to go up to his room. Inside, he sat down on his unmade bed, and opened the envelope. Rooting around with one finger, he found something a little and hard within. Pulling it out, he found himself holding a small, gold ring. Some type of heiroglypic-like language was inscribed on it. Most of them were common pictographs, with birds and reeds. One in the center however, stood out. It was a fist, ready to grasp a circle. A hand holding the world.

Despite its obvious age, the ring was in excellent condition. The gold wasn't dented, and there was no sign of dust or rot on it. Smiling, Brian thought that this was better then any class ring. It almost made him glad that his father had been laid off from the factory, because otherwise he wold have never gotten such a fine item. Almost.

It looked like it would fit fairly well, an oddity given his general size. Being his weight, his fingers were much thicker then average. Perhaps it was normally worn on the thumb for whoever it was made originally. That would explain its increased circumfrence. Slipping it onto the ring finger on his right hand, he had to struggle just a bit. Grinning, Brian thought it looked fairly nice on him.

The gold was warm against his flesh, and growing warmer. Brian frowned. This wasn't normal. All of a sudden, a great pain shot through his finger. Looking down, he saw what was possibly the strangest sight of his life up to that point. The gold, was liquifying, losing its solidity right before him. But the most disturbing part was how the gold seemed to be melting directly into his skin.

Groaning, Brian closed his eyes and hugged his arms against his chest. He could feel his big stomach against his hands. The pain in his fingers progressed from a dullache to a sharp, stabbing feeling. He could feel it, feel the gold melting into his fingers. The alien sensation of some metal inside his flesh was almost unbearable. A few tears steamed down his cheeks. Minutes passed as the pain continued. Finally, it subsided. Gasping for air, Brian slowly calms himself down.

Lifting his head from his bed and uncurling his body, he looks down at his hand. The ring is gone, completely. Feeling his fingers, there's no physichal indication it was ever there, or no differnce giving way that it melted into his body. I'm crazy thought Brian, that's the only answer. I'm crazy.

He spent the rest of the day consoling his mother, and telling himself the events with the ring hadn't happened. Sleep didn't come easy that night.

Day 2: 6' 7"

Backache. Before he even opened his eyes, Brian recognized he was awake from the pain in his lower back. Yawning, he stood up and briefly played with his morning wood. The alarm was blaring obnoxiously, like an air-raid siren. Flipping the off switch, he wandered into. Clothing. Had to get clothing. Too early. School soon. Needed clothing.

Stumbling over to the dresser, Brian pulled out a pair of khakis. Slipping them on, he noticed that they were particularly tighter then before. Dammit, he thought I haven't even been eating that much. Then the noticed that the legs, which normally scuffed the ground slightly were just above his ankle. He was growing again. "Just what I needed" he said to himself "Another growth spurt."

His shirt was even tighter. His manboobs could be seen distinctly through the fabric. Sighing, he walked downstairs quickly, grabbing an apple to eat on his way out. Passing his mom by, he said "I think it might be time to visit the Big and Tall again. If you don't mind"

Shaking her head, his mom just said "Again? Fine fine, get to shcool or you're going to be late."

It was a short drive to classes, but given his early morning sloth Brian had to hurry. He sat in his car, and groaned a bit. His dad must have taken his car out again last night and forgotten to push the seat back, as his legs were terribly cramped. Grumbling, he went underneat the wheel to adjust the seat. He pulled the small, metal bar and pushed back with his legs, but nothing happened. The seat was as far back as it would go, but it was still cramped. Confused, Brian get into the cramped car and started to drive. Particularly odd was the fact that he had bought this boat of a car specifically to meet his prodigious legroom needs. Besides, it was nice to have a car where the wheel didn't brush against hi belly. He supposed some sort of late growth spurt had started in earnest. God dammit, the last thing I need is another two or three inches.

He pulled into the parking lot of his high school, with barely a moment to spare. Classes were to start in the next two or three minutes. He hurried out of the parking lot to get to his first class before he was late. The non-activity that was inherent in history lectures gave way to a wandering mind. Brian's mind kept returning to the ring melting, but as soon as it did, he'd quickly push it out of his mind. If he could convince himself it was a dream, well then it damn well would be.

Classes passed, and lunch came. He idled the half an hour he had to eat with his friends Marc and Erica. They'd been friends for awhile, since they met two years ago during some class or another. Brian ate his lunch particularly fast this afternoon, his stomach seeming to crave food more than usual. Marc was complaining about his homelife yet again. Something about his dad not paying attention to him. It was an almost daily routine.

Meanwhile, Erica was only half-paying attention while she finished her Calculus homework. She wasn't uncaring, but she had heard it all before. Conversation progressed as per the usual, and they returned to class.

Later on that evening, Brian returned to class. He drug himself into the house, nearly exhausted. He spent the majority of the evening sitting quietly on the living room couch, watching television. Every now and then he'd get up to grab a bite to eat, but for the most part he just felt too worn out to really do a whole lot.

Around six, his mother returned to the house from work. Brian conversed with her shortly, and then she went to make some quick dinner. She seemed subdued and emotionally exhausted, but she was slowly getting over Uncle Jeremy's passing.

Soon, dinner was on the table and the three of them were sitting down to eat. In spite of his lack of energy, Brian once again ate hungrily. His parents talked idly throughout the meal.

"Dan, did you ever get the gas cap I asked for?"

"Yeah, I went down to the auto-parts store this afternoon. While I was there, I asked them if they knew anyone that was hiring. They gave me a couple of names a couple minutes south of Hartsburg. Something to look into"

Brian, his eyelids heavy, yawns and excuses himself from the table to go lay down for the night. His entire body aches as he lays down into his bed. He barely hits the pillow before he drifts off to sleep for the night.

Day 3: 6' 10"

Something is wrong. Definitely wrong. Those were the first thoughts to pass through Brian's mind that morning. The first indication, before he even opened his eyes, was the binding sensation around his middle and the complete lack of support for his feet. He opened his eyes to find his legs justting over the edge of his bed. Okay, thought Brian, maybe I just scooted down a little. Moving his head back a little, he found the answer to be no. The headboard was right where it always was. With a wince, Brian sat up straight in his bed. The elastic of his boxers was tight against his waist and cutting into his skin. Confused, Brian stood up from the bed. As he did, there was a slight ripping sound. Turning his head, he saw that his undergarment had slightly ripped during the night.

Slightly frightened and quite annoyed, Brian began to shed the constricting fabric. However, it was almost skin tight. After a few moment's effort, he finally gave up and decided to just continue the tear down along the seems. A little more ripping and Brian was finally freed. His cock flopped absently. Brian glanced at it briefly. It looked the same. Except... not. Everything was porportional, anyways. With a sigh, he began to walk to his dresser.

For the first time, Brian really had a chance to look around his room. Something was wrong all right. Everything seemed so much lower. It didn't seem drastic, but it was quite noticible. His head almost touched the door, everything just seemed a little smaller. Much to his disbelief, he had grown during the night. Looking himself over in his mirror, none of his features SEEMED differnt. Still the same guy. Same face, same brown eyes, same hair, same big gut that swung just a little as he moved, same cock, same legs, same everything. They all looked the way they did when he had gone to sleep. Just bigger. God, this was strange. So strange. This was impossible. How much had he grown during the night?

Brian couldn't be sure, but it looked to be several inches. He was pretty tall before, he must be massive now! He was near a state of panic. This wasn't right, it couldn't happen. But it had. It was the ring. It had to be the ring. He had to find out what had happened. This was all wrong. Looking at his clothes, he realized amost none would fit him. His waist line had to have increased by several inches, not to mention his inseam. Walking nude across the room, Brian walked over to his closet. Rummaging, he was able to find the biggest pair of sweat pants he owned. Putting them on, he found even these were too tight, and rode up around his thighs.

Looking around, he decided most of the shirts would be a total loss. The act of productively finding short-term solutions was helping to abate the fear that was still present. With a deep breath, he gathered up some courage and called out "Mom? I think we're going to have to go to the doctors!"

Sitting in the waiting room was quite the chore. A huge 18 year old barely stuffed into tight sweatpants with no underwear and missing a top led to quite the spectacle. Sitting self consciously, with his large belly just... out in the open. If nothing else, he was quite conspicious, as the glances from others in the patients room proved. Blushing deeply, Brian sat there beside his stunned mother, waiting for the nurse to call him into the back. Finally, his turn came and he got up to go, his face burning with shame.

Inside, the doctors ran a number of quick tests, and brought a frightening confirmation. Brian was now six foot ten inches talls. Four inches taller than he had been just a few hours ago. Blood was drawn, arms were poked, legs were measured, and a number of other things. Then the questions began.

"Are you sure you weren't this tall ahead of time?"

"Of course I'm sure!" Brian replied "Why else would I have come here?"

"Well," said the doctor, "maybe you just grew gradually, and you just now noticed..."

"Impossible!" Brian said, raising off the table "You don't just MISS four inches of growth. My clothes would never fit! It happened last night"

"I don't see how it could have happened, Brian. Aside from the physichal impossibility of gaining so much mass in one evening, there's nothing on your body to indicate a rapid growth. No stretch marks, no muscle decay, and to be honest with you, you're still quite hefty."

"Well, something happened, doctor. There's no doubt about it."

"Well, I don't know. Maybe there's something to bone plates in the leg... or something. But the rest of you looks like it grew too. Listen, I can't say. We'll order some more tests at the hospital. Right now, you just come home and rest, okay? We'll get this figured out."

With that, Brina and his mother left the doctors office. The rest of the day was spent buying a few sets of bigger clothes for Brian. After all, he couldn't walk around half naked all day long. Upon returning home with his new apperal, Brian spent the rest of the day alone in his room. What could he say to his family? He was too confused, and the rest of them were too stressed out. With mom losing Uncle Jeremy and dad unemployed, he didn't want to add to the stress. Besides, what could he say? A magic ring melded into his skin? They'd take him to the psycho ward. The psychoward for fat giants.

God, this was going to take some getting used to. Brian had been prepared to grow a few inches, but he was almost seven feet tall. He already stuck out enough, why did he have to become some sort of super freak? And the fact that it had happened over night only made it worse. Everything felt wrong. It was almost like viewing the world from someone elses eyes. Everything SEEMED the same, but the perspective was all wrong. Brian supposed he'd have to learn to accept it

The rest of the evening was spent eating dinner and completely ignoring what had happened to him. Just thinking baout it made Brian sick to his stomach with worry. He had another day being tested tomorrow. Nothing fun there. What was he going to tell his friends? Marc? Erica? How would they react? Would they believe him? Would they think he was a big freak?

Something in the back of his head kept nagging at him as well. Something that chilled him to the core. He never let it come to the surface, let alone be spoken out loud. It was a potential disaster, but it's name refused to be mentioned. Still, it sat there, in the back of his mind. All night, even as he lay in bed, Brian wondered to himself... what if he grew again?