Big Bear

- Big Bear -

“What? Din’t ya say ya like big bears?” Gregory said, walking back toward his sofa and dropping his big butt on it.

“Well... I didn’t think you’d become one... nor would you come half naked to greet me at the door, Greg.” Jerry answered.

“Nah... I can tell ‘here’s somethin’ e’se too, buddy.”

And suddenly, under Jerry’s eyes, Greg’s little paunch of a belly surged fatter. The thing rounded further into a ball, filling up the black t-shirt to its capacity. At the same time, Jerry noticed Greg’s chest push further out, sagging plump on top of the now beachball gut.

Greg’s red bearded face stretched into a playful smirk as he rested his thick hands on top of the belly, carressing its shape while looking straight into Jerry’s eyes.

“Ahh! I see. Ya like yer bears wit’ a big belly.”


“Shh... don’ talk... le’ me guess...”

Gregory kept on rubbing his gut without averting his eyes from the man he flirted with. Greg pushed out an uncontrollable moan as the belly pushed out a little more over his thighs, forcing the shirt to ride up a little.

“Ya want it e’en bigger, don’t ya?”

“Greg, it’s not just about the gut...”

“Oh! So ya want ME e’en bigger, ‘s that it?”

And suddenly, Greg’s overall frame thickened. Jerry gasped at the sight and Gregory was more than happy to see a tent forming in his friend’s pants. Greg grinned at it and kept on enlarging his body. It only slowed down when he found his hips and thighs were getting squeezed between the armrests of his comfy sofa chair.

Jerry moved his eyes downward, looking at the incredibly thick calves ending up into some ill-fitting boots.

“Heard ya like bears in boots, Jer.” Greg stated.

“I... do...” Jerry said, not clearly thinking.

“But as much as I’d like to please ya, would ya pull ‘hem off fer me? They’re gettin’ awfully tight, bud.”

Jerry simply kneeled down at the feet of the big bear. He undid the laces and tried pulling on the boot but the tightness of the foot inside made it quite hard to pull it out.

“C’mon, Jer. Use yer muscles.”

An odd stingy feeling spread through Jerry’s arms and finally he found the strength to pull out the boot from around the massively thick socked foot. It was a sheer mystery as to how it could have ever fit inside the boot.

Jerry felt compelled to pull out the other foot from its prison when Greg pushed him over with his freed foot, trapping him under it on the floor. Jerry looked up in Greg’s malicious yet playful eyes.

“Heard ya like big feet on yer men too.”

And then, the foot that laid on Jerry’s torso started lengthening some more. Greg must have been about a size 11 before, but the thing looked quite closer to a size 16 by now. Yet, while the thick heel maintained in place, the toes stretched further up on the front, reaching all over Jerry’s chest then stopping by his collarbone.

“Gee... di’n’t think ‘bout this one.” Greg muttered in pain.

His other foot, still trapped in the boot, was growing to catch up with its mirrored twin. Still, with no place remaining to fill, the boot started to split up to make the foot slip out further and without containment. Greg withdrew his foot from his friend and motioned him to stand up. With the same smirk, the ginger bear asked him:

“So... am I up to the bear part?”

“Greg... if you’ve let me explain it to you before... as much as I like a bear with a big belly and big feet... I only date guys that are taller than me.”

Greg’s face turned into a frown. Jerry couldn’t tell wether it was from being uneasy... or from pain. Then, from all of a sudden, his knees bucked out further away from him, toward Jerry. Jerry stepped back in shock. Gregory grunted and another lurch from his knees made them stretch even farther from his body once again. Jerry looked down at the knees and watch them rise taller as the calves and feet elongated in small spasms.

“Taller, heh?” Greg puffed with his smirk, growing fearfully dark all of a sudden.

Ripping clothes were heard as the already humongous feet were outgrowing the socks. Jerry looked back at the man with disproportionately long legs sitting on the sofa. The maniacal grin of his stretched further as he seemed to lose his mind with the sensations of reshaping his body.

“I’ll make ya look like a fuckin’ dwarf, if that’s what ya want, bud!”

With his hand firmly gripping either armrests, Greg’s elbows slipped off to the sides as they gained length. And in another lurch, his hands suddenly exploded with size, outgrowing the edge of the rests and slipping from them.

Gregory eyes closed and he let out a groan as the bulge in his tight white underwear just surged bigger, stretching the cloth more than it should be able too. His eyes reopened with an undying need. His back started to pop and stretch, the spine slowly giving him height.

“Ya wanted a tall bear? UGHH.”

Greg inhaled and in a sudden spurt, his head stretched taller than the backrest of the sofa. Once he exhaled, his belly swelled up to keep proportion with his added height. Thus, the shirt just rode further upward, exposing more of the ginger hair covered beachball gut. Greg let out a burst of laughter while looking at Jerry’s throbbing tent pole in his pants. The bear licked his lips and mumbled, louder than he intended:

“I’m gonna be yer frickin’ giant! AHH.”

Once again, his spine reeled out and pushed his head taller and taller. A loud suspicious noise came from the sofa, the growing man’s weight and size quickly exceeded what the furniture piece was supposed to ever support. Jerry stepped back again. The massive bear sitting in the soft chair was looking at him in the eyes. Perhaps it was the new sense of vertigo it procured him, but Jerry felt Greg was almost looking slightly down at him while sitting. Greg pushed himself out of the sofa with a loud screeching metallic noise and stood up...

And up...

And up...


His head hit the ceiling.

Plaster rained down on him, his cap falling down in the process. He let out a soft groan, then a chuckle. Jerry gasped: Gregory was not even standing at his full height yet. And Jerry was standing eye level with the top of the giant’s massive gut. The giant ginger looked down at him with a wicked grin, bending over and still having his shoulders pressing against the top of the room.

“How ‘bout we get to fuck now, bud?”