Bear_mkr - Case 3

- Codename: Bear_mkr - Case 3 - by Biggerchanger

Ethan just arrived at his new apartment.

He’s just came from working at the farmer’s market for the first time with his mother. It seemed to have gone well… but it would have gone so much better if he hadn’t met the guy at the next stand. The guy was tall, at least half a foot taller than his 5’8 height and very good looking. Jason or Jack (he couldn’t remember the guy’s name) looked like he attended the gym daily and he showed off the goods wearing a tight tank top. This ‘opponent’ had a chiseled jaw that adorned well the nicely trimmed beard he ruled like a pro. Oh! Fuck, he envied him.

Flustered at remembering how so many people swooned and complimented this hunk of a man, Ethan went for his bedroom next to the entrance. It was small and lacked in furniture. There was his old single bed, the same he’s had for the past 15 years of his 21 years old self, in the corner and the laptop computer sitting still on the old wooden desk. A few drawers here under the nightstand were the only room available for his clothes, except from the small closet where he hung pants and some shirts.

He made sure to always show his prides or vacation souvenirs, put on displayed shelves he’s put up the wall above his bed. They were a testament to his personal accomplishment, to his own personal growth. Sure, he still had a long way to go before he achieves the luxury home and the well-paid job he dreamed of, but he was glad that he’s achieved so much already.

The young man sat comfortably on his old computer chair, a used one he’s bought for a cheap price on Craigslist. He thought about the man from the market and he could help but look back down at himself. He was small, unfit, not depicting manliness. Since high school, he’s put on a few too many pounds which made his clothes a bit tighter than they were. He was not fat per se, but those small love handles and little chub made the polo shirt to mold the faint curve of his belly.

With the laptop turning on, Ethan looked down at his watch. It was nearing 5 PM and a friend of his had asked him if he wanted to hang out tonight by the billiards lounge. While not a big socializer, Ethan thought it’d be a good thing to go out and put his mind on other things than thinking about that handsome man. Still, he wanted to avoid seeing other guys that would make him just feel miserable and small. With the computer on, Ethan pondered about bringing it with him on the bed, much more comfortable than this old cheap chair. However, the battery was nearly drained and he had to plug it on the sole room electric outlet, which was behind the desk.

Sitting peacefully, Ethan noticed notification popping on his screen. His Skype browser had opened up automatically and a friend request had just popped opened.

‘Huh? Bear_mkr? Who the hell is that?’ He thought. ‘This is probably some kind of bot.’

However, he felt hesitant about declining the request. After all, it wasn’t some kind of obvious slutty or girl nickname like the usual bots. Plus, his own nickname ‘Featherw0lf’ had a kind of animal in it.

Featherw0lf: Hey, who are you?

Bear_mkr: Hey man. Glad you added me.

Featherw0lf: Who are you?

Bear_mkr: Just a man looking to have some fun.

‘Great. It REALLY is a bot after all.’ Ethan sighed.

Bear_mkr: Your nickname intrigues me. What’s it supposed to mean?

Featherw0lf: I’ve always had it on the net. Feather’s my pet name and I like wolves.

Bear_mkr: Interesting. So you’re a furry?

For a moment, Ethan wasn’t really sure if it were a bot or not as usually the bot didn’t behave that way.

Featherw0lf: And what about yours?

Bear_mkr: Just a fan of bears. The man-kind. But I don’t have anything against furries. Just a preference of sorts.

Ethan blushed for a moment.

Featherw0lf: So… how did you get my ID?

Bear_mkr: I have my ways. I’m bored. Talk to me about yourself a little bit.

With an irritated groan, Ethan rolled his eyes. What kind of weirdo was this guy?

Featherw0lf: I’m sorry, but I’ll have to go. I have things to attend to

And suddenly, a Skype call was sent to him from that stranger. Ethan felt compelled to close the call, but somehow, Skype wouldn’t let him. The ‘close call’ button was hatched, tinted, preventing him to either respond or to hear the edgy tone ringing forever. After the first dozen of rings, Ethan proceeded to answer. However, he was surprised to see himself on the screen, projected from his laptop integrated camera. He had accepted for an audio call, not a video call, did he? And oddly, no sound came from the other end like the mic was broken. Plus, the stranger didn’t even share his cam with him. He was fully exposed to that weirdo!

Bear_mkr: Sorry, my sound is off so you’ll have to write down.

Featherw0lf: What the heck do you want from me?

Bear_mkr: Now, now, don’t act all angsty against me, little guy.

Ethan grew red with embarrassment at being called of the sort.

Bear_mkr: What’s making you so mad anyway? Did you lose your job or something?

Ethan looked for closing the call or simply closing Skype overall, but the commands were tinted, preventing him to do anything. In submission, Ethan answered.

Featherw0lf: No, I just feel miserable

Bear_mkr: Oh. Sorry… How come?

The reasons were personal, but talking to a complete stranger seemed to somehow gradually soften the mood.

Featherw0lf: I went with my mom at the farmer market but there was that guy. You know: tall, fit, handsome… unlike me…

Bear_mkr: Well, I think you’re handsome if your own way

Featherw0lf: Thanks, but that’s not helping

Bear_mkr: How big are you?

Featherw0lf: 5’8, around 150 lbs and you?

Bear_mkr: Really? Cause I thought you’d be at least 6’0.

Ethan couldn’t help but smile at that. The guy seemed to try giving him some confidence, but it wouldn’t change much of anything. Deep down, he knew he still looked short. Then, all of a sudden, a simple warmth spread through his limbs. Like being close to a fire on a chilly night of summer, Ethan felt a soft but pleasing tingle at this sudden feeling. Ethan gawked for an instant as he felt like being pulled away. Was he… growing? His hands over the keyboard were suddenly feeling a bit heavier and the watch around his wrist felt a notch too tight.

Looking down, Ethan noticed that his clothes, albeit being tighter earlier, felt different, like they clung differently to him now.

Bear_mkr: Perhaps, you look like one of those late bloomers who gets a rush of testosterone when they finish college

With a gasp, Ethan repositioned himself on the chair. The once longish pants slipped slightly up on the elongating legs, uncovering the top of his shoes before slowing down. The white polo shirt moved itself on the slightly longer torso of the young man, some of the pudge around his waist melting away in the process, but not all of it. Just when everything felt like it stopped, Ethan winced and grunted as what felt like a kick in the groin caught him up. In fact, the pair of balls in his underwear tightened up and swelled like they were breathing. And in a matter of seconds, the predicted rush of testosterone spread through his body with speed-record rates. On the screen, Ethan could practically make out the contrast of thick stubble darkening on his face. The once wispy mustache thickened in tandem with the stubble on the cheeks and soon both had conjoined together. Shaking, of nervousness and of sheer awe, Ethan went to type back, but soon he considered the fingers had indeed grown longer while retaining their litheness.

Featherw0lf: What on earth was that? How did you do that?

Bear_mkr: What are you talking about?

Featherw0lf: Don’t play dumb with me. You’re having superpowers or something, dude? That’s freaking awesome!

No answer came back from this odd stranger. Ethan look back down at his hands. They had definitely grown, not drastically though, but the fingers had almost one more inch in length. Ethan looked at the watch around his wrist, stinging him up, like it was cutting some of the blood flow in his hands. With awkward dexterity, he moved the pin two notches farther, relieving his hand from the pressure.

He checked himself out, looking all over for the sudden changes. The previously snug-but-fitting clothes were looking less snug, probably due to a better fat distribution over his taller self. Ethan felt a little like choking, as if his chest had suddenly spread out larger in this small growth spurt. He undid the first button of his polo over his chest. Sadly, he didn’t notice any new muscles, but the sheer gain in size was and felt amazing.

Featherw0lf: Look… I’m sorry if I freaked out on you earlier. I was just mad thinking of that guy making me feel small and pathetic… you know, the kind of muscle jerk-douchebag

For a moment, Ethan felt a bit sad that the guy didn’t respond anymore, like he’s got pissed with Ethan’s bitter attitude at first. Or maybe it was his curiosity that made him shy away? Still the call was left on and this simple fact gave Ethan the slightest glimpse of hope.

Bear_mkr: Well, you too you can be a gym jerk when you want to be

‘Yes! He’s still there!’ Ethan thought with a gleamful smile like a kid on Christmas Day. ‘Wait what? Did he just call me a gym jerk?’

Bear_mkr: Maybe you spend a little too much time with those jocks and they rub off on you. Perhaps calling you a jerk is a bit far-fetched. You just seem to love showing off your fit muscles and be the centre of attention

Ethan gulped as fiery knives cut into his muscles then pulled them in every directions. His face flushed red with embarrassment at the comment, but soon the red intensified as the exertion of rapidly growing and stretching muscles were put in overdrive. Even unfocused, Ethan couldn’t miss the growth of his pectorals, pushing further away like two hard stones. If he hadn’t unbuttoned the first button earlier, surely it would have bursted off (he cursed at himself as he would have loved to see that happening).

With a retained animalistic growl escaping his lips, Ethan spasmed in his chair. His hands tightly gripped on the armrests as in quick sudden feats, his shoulders spread larger, his back surging with size. And all too soon, the widening of his lats slowed down and Ethan braced himself with not only the growth traveling up in his arms, but snaking down toward his legs. What little fat he had around the waist melt down and hardened to give him a trim waist although with no apparent abdominals.

While the polo shirt grew tight with his bulging shoulders pushing on either sides, the sleeves slowly filled up with growing biceps, counterbalanced by triceps. His soft thighs in his pants firmed up, quads building on the once fleshy legs until the seat of his elegant pants was nicely filled. Then, calves followed with the growth along with the forearms. The pin that tightened the watch in place stressed then broke, making the watch hang loosely around the enlarging wrist of the young man.

All too abruptly, the changes stopped, leaving Ethan sprawled in his chair, panting, trying to catch his breath. The clothes were feeling tight just like they did before, but the tightness was so very different now. Instead of being slightly chubby, he was now fit with his new height and muscles. And that alone made him spot the biggest hardon he’s ever had. Ethan looked down at the pitching tent in his pants, fearing his dick might have grown along.

Featherw0lf: Man that was awesome!

No reply. Shrugging, Ethan lounged carefully on his chair, his now thicker hand drifting down toward his bulging crotch. He let out a loud gasp. What previously was a very average six incher had definitely grown. The notification sound popped on the laptop and Ethan was so happy he had to look on.

Bear_mkr: Enjoying yourself, Ethan?

Suddenly, Ethan didn’t remember telling the guy his name, but he was too clouded with hormones and lust at the moment to bother checking up in the conversation if he did. Fondling his dick with a hand, he used his other to type back.

Featherw0lf: Hell yea I am. You?

Bear_mkr: Definitely. So how many times do you hit the gym?

A small short-circuit came in conflict on Ethan’s mind, like another reality trying to assert itself. But he didn’t want it.

Featherw0lf: Don’t do that

Bear_mkr: Do what?

Featherw0lf: If I’m gonna be this new me, I want to remember who I was before

It was a commitment to who Ethan was at his very core. He always kept close to himself every object making a difference in his life, may it be travel souvenir or diplomas. They were proofs of his way to who he was.

Bear_mkr: Interesting… You’re the first one to ever tell me that.

The conflict on Ethan’s mind dulled out a little, but not completely.

Bear_mkr: Then if you were to guess, how many times would you think you’d need to go to the gym to maintain yourself in shape like that?

Ethan had an idea of about going daily, probably a remnant of the dying second reality the stranger freed him from.

Featherw0lf: Idk… maybe twice or 3 times a week?

Bear_mkr: Funny, I would have said you go at least 5 times a week, Nathan

Nathan gasped as the burning of his muscles resumed, this time growing even stronger than before.

‘Holy fuck!’ His brain repeated on constant loop.

His chest pushed out further away while the shoulders resumed their expansion. Breathing became a struggle. The sensations were too strong. Nathan’s torso practically grew out larger.


The second polo button popped away in the air as the pecs kept on pushing. The shoulders, which were already defined before this newly resumed growth, spread out even more, trapped in the confines of the too small shirt… until the seams behind the armpits started to split little by little.

Arms resumed their swelling. They had grown to firm and defined 16’’ guns just before this new round, but now they were pushing to 17’’ around, then 18’’… More ripping were starting to echo as they grew shy of 19’’ around…

The chair groaned a little under Nathan as his weight piled on, way past 200 pounds of himself by now. His hands gripping tight on the armrests grew a little calloused as if they’ve worked on weights for countless hours, only to, ironically, have never even touched a single weight in his life.

His flat stomach grew ridges, abs slowly forming themselves. Nathan gasped as he felt being pushed higher again on his chair, but with a relieved sigh he realized it was not due to a height increase. His thighs were swelling so thick with muscles they threatened the seat of his pants to split. The tent due to his confined erection grew even tighter as the garments looked like they were shrinking on the six foot tall gym rat.

Bear_mkr: Don’t mind pulling your dick out in front of me. I believe you must be quite horny

Damn right he was. Still a bit prude, Nathan hesitated at pulling his cock out in front of this anonymous person, but some part of him didn’t care much anymore about it. Still, as much as he wanted to pull out his aching boner, he boldly typed back:

Featherw0lf: You’d like that, would you?

Bear_mkr: Don’t make me.

Featherw0lf: I dare you

Bear_mkr: I know you’re packing a big dick, but that’s no reason to act like one

Nathan smirked, closed his eyes and basked his head backward. He let out a moan as the pouch of his crotch grew tighter and tighter. Like an unending erection, his cock slipped further and further, bigger, longer… until it started to hurt.

Bear_mkr: C’mon, don’t be a prude, pull your dick out

Nathan waited for the button of his pants and the zipper to break under the pressure of his growing member. In one quick thrust and flex, the button popped away under the desk and the zipper broke under the sheer force of the massive erection. Free-balling, Nathan slipped his hard dick through the broken crotch of his pants and gasped at its sheer size. His previous six incher had turned out into a big fat eleven incher, so thick around so that it didn’t fit even in his bigger hand. He was pulled out of his reverie when the notification buzz popped off again.

Bear_mkr: Who am I kidding, you must be going at the gym every day! Anytime you can!

Nathan let out a whimper as the crushing feeling of muscles growing kept on and on, the fire in his limbs even hotter, almost like burning his old self to sprout back from the ashes. The chest resumed its ascension, swelling up into two thick mounds of firm flesh.



The slight opening of his polo started to tear down further as not only the chest grew in size, but his whole torso followed suit. Ripping threads were heard and gradually, Nathan felt his shoulders tear apart the back of his shirt, outgrowing it and opening wide every tear. The seat of his pants started to tear as well, unable to contain the two globe-sized sphere growing in them.

Bear_mkr: Well, with all that new weight, you surely aren’t as light as a feather, huh, Nathan?

Then suddenly, the Nathan felt something was off. Had the guy alter reality somehow? The more he pondered about it, the more the chair under him groaned under his increasing muscle density.

Bear_mkr: Those big feet of yours must make a hell lot of noise when you stomp around, big guy

Nathan moaned as the tight shoes around his feet grew increasingly tighter. The old sneakers he’s worn for years were getting very constricting around the changing size of the feet.

Bear_mkr: You know what they say about guys with big feet, right Natan?

The hardon in his hand twitched at the thought. Playfully, Natan… ‘Wait… that’s not my name… is it?’ But the thought was ebbed away as he started to fondle his big dick. More stitches popped around his thunder thighs and he forcefully stretched his legs outward to make the pants split in the middle to also free his growing balls. The new junk pushed past eleven inches long and thickened bigger than his new wrists. With his hand wrapped around the thing, he was almost lost to go on a masturbation spree when his eyes noticed again the way the stranger had misspelled his name.

Stonew0lf: That’s not my name

‘Wait… How did my username change?’

Bear_mkr: That must be hard to find shoes that fit those big boys

Snapping sounds coming from the leather echoed into the room as the sides of the shoes started to give way to the thick, large, growing feet. Natan looked down and gasped looking at them. The shoes, the one thing he’s never dreamed of outgrowing since puberty was over, were being torn apart by the humongous feet.

Stonew0lf: They’re getting too big!

Bear_mkr: Huh? What do you mean? They’re bigger than the size 15s I thought they were? Guess, they’re even bigger then

The pain of his growing but confined feet forced Natan to bend over and reach for them. Doing so, a very loud RRRRRRRIP echoed in the room as his too bulky shoulders and back forced an immense tear bigger and bigger down the upper part of his back. The changing man heard it with a twist in his guts, struggled between excitement and fear of what he was becoming.

With his too big hands, he didn’t have the same dexterity as before and removing the scraps of his old leather shoes was difficult. The chest protruded so far in front of him he couldn’t even bend down and see properly what he was doing, but fright took over him as he noticed the enormity that where becoming his feet.

Stonew0lf: I look like a freak with those! If I were bigger, maybe it’d look better, but I’m only six foot tall!

Bear_mkr: Huh? What are you talking about? Size 18s aren’t THAT kind of freaky on someone who’s six foot eight, Nate

Colours drained out of Nate’s face upon reading the message. His body started to twitch and tremble. Hands shaking Nate glanced down at them with a mix of lust and scare. Being bigger at first seemed like a good thing, but… six foot eight… that was a hell of a lot bigger! The young man cried aloud as bones and tendons stretched and grew in spurts. His clenched fists hit the desk as the sensations caught him by surprise and the tabletop broke down.

Watching the furniture crumble down in front of him, Nate simply felt nauseous with vertigo as his head reached higher and higher in sudden, short, and oddly pleasurable spurts. He looked down and licked his lips watching his knees reach out further away from him, his bobbing dick looking more fitting on his increasing height. The instant he was about to grasp on his cock, the chair under him could not stand the growth anymore and it clattered to the ground with a last metallic complain.

Seated on the floor, it took a moment for Nate to understand what was going on. Growth had stopped and even just sitting on the floor, everything felt and looked shorter than he was used to. He looked down at the computer on top of the broken desk, only to notice that Skype was still going on. He let out a relieved sigh. At least, he wouldn’t need to buy a new computer. Nate went for the computer and noticed that stranger had written something.

Bear_mkr: That was quite a drop, big guy! Are you all right?

Stonew0lf: Yea I guess

Nate noticed the battery was partly charged on the laptop, so instead of staying there, he opted to go on the bed. His first ordeal was to stand. Tall, large and heavy with muscle, Nate had difficulty bringing the tower he now was back on the large feet he sported. A large tear went down the front of his shirt and the shoulders had simply torn out the sleeves from the main cloth body. Tatters hung loosely on his arms and shoulders and that was it.

The pants, on the other hand, had split all the way at the inseams, exposing the bulky inner thighs, the bobbing baseball bat and the dangling fat pendulous balls. Standing up, half of the cloth tatters that still clung to him slipped and fell to the ground. He decided to peel off the half remaining, standing now tall and naked into his suddenly small room. He looked for his watch, but he didn’t find it anymore around his wrist. The watch had since long fallen to the floor, the pin sticking it in place having broken under the constant expansion of Nate’s wrist. The big guy shrugged away and, unawarely, crushed it under his gigantic yet strong foot as he walked over to his bed with the laptop.

The old bed cringed under the new massive frame of its occupant. Never had it ever support such a sheer weight, even when Nat slept with a date twice on it. The big guy sank more than usual into it, his heavy weight making itself felt by the crying furniture. The metallic springs gave threatening sounds of breaking, but he didn’t care. Big dick in hand, with his firm asscheeks heavily planted on his bed, Nate leaned his large shoulders on the old metallic headboard, showing himself off for the man who gave him this awesome body. The coolness of the scoured metallic paint felt like a relief to the previous overheat that coursed his growing muscles.

Bear_mkr: Enjoying yourself, Nat?

The young man shivered. Something felt off, but he shrugged it off.

Stonew0lf: Hell yea

Bear_mkr: Well, you sure look like a wolf of a man with those piercing eyes and all that man fur

Nat smirked. A quick shiver coursed Nat’s body as his averagely hairy muscles grew a nice and thick coating of body hair, mainly on top of his pecs and his arms, with a wide treasure trail snaking downward to his groin.

Bear_mkr: You are one hell of a wolf when it comes to bed, huh? A big beast, huh? One hell of a BIG wolf

Onew0lf: Fuck yea

Nat’s masturbation pace quickened. The muscles on his frame resumed their swelling. Nat moaned in realization he was growing yet again. There was no more hesitation nor fear. He simply craved it. He thought about the guy at the market earlier, how pathetic he used to be next to this man. But now tables had turned. Now that bearded hunk was pathetic next to him. He was not only a wolf of a man. He was an ALPHA male. The growth felt even more pleasurable now that he welcomed it. He craved more.

Onew0lf: Fuck yea. Bigger

Bear_mkr: You really are a greedy one, aren’t you?

Onew0lf: I don’t care. Bigger

Bear_mkr: Well, I don’t think that’s gonna happen anytime soon

A primal rage expanded within Nat. Who the fuck was he to now stop giving him what he wanted? What he needed? He was the alpha! He was the…

Bear_mkr: It takes time to grow. Perhaps, a couple years?

Nat’s lips curled into a wide ‘O’ as his mind turned viscous like honey. His hands grew further more weatherbeaten, as tough as leather. Hair fell down his scalp as his hairline receded, albeit nothing too drastic. But most importantly, his muscles grew. Larger and larger, his back surged bigger, soon eclipsing the whole headboard. Arms grew way past the 20 inches mark, making them look so bloated and big with muscles they didn’t look even real. Moreover, tattoos appeared on the bulging muscles as if he had acquired them a few years ago.

Pecs pushed further outward, making almost a shelf onto which his growing beard could rest on. The ass grew large and heavy, sinking furthermore in the bed with mass. Springs clattered and broke under his bigger weight. New memories flew Nat’s mind as years passed by. Memories of the gym, of getting tattooed, of fucking and, to another level, experience. He remembered working at the market for years now. Knowing other merchants and customers to a more personal level. He even remembered fooling in bed with some of them. People looked up at him, striving for his dominance, for his commands, for their ALPHA male.

Bear_mkr: You look close, Nat

Onew0lf: Fuck yea. Bigger. Taller

Bear_mkr: You sure you want to be taller than six-ten?

Nat exploded with a booming laugh. He sank further into his bed, the long legs reaching further away, the huge feet almost touching the metallic footboard. The orgasmic feeling of growth almost got him over the edge, but he suppressed it. Not yet…

Onew0lf: Again

Bear_mkr: Well, you won’t look more like a ‘wolf’ if you keep it on

Onew0lf: Idc. More

Bear_mkr: You sure, big bear?

Oneb3ar: Fuck yea. Give me all you got

Bear_mkr: Well, I think you’ll have to buy new clothes and furniture, big bear, cause at seven-three, with all that muscle mass and that taut muscle gut, you’re definitely too big for anything at this point

Nat growled welcoming the changes. His spine and legs stretched further more, making him feel like he was sitting in a baby’s bed. His feet kept pushing at the opposite metal frame while his increasing weight made the springs under the bed break one by one. Sinking further in the breaking bed, Nat urged the changes to make him massive, desperate for size more than anything.

His orgasm was approaching and he couldn’t keep it suppressed any longer. It was going to come full force. His abs bulged out in a slight curve, but they lost none of their hardness as Nat grew into a giant muscle bear. The bed finally collapsed under his impossible weight. The moment he felt the floor, the whole house shook and Nat wouldn’t be surprised if some dusty plaster had fallen on the floor below.

A thick spray of cum hit him in the face, soaking in his bushy beard. Nat growled menacingly as more cum spewed out into the room, hitting his ornaments on the shelves up high, hitting the lamp on the night stand so hard it slipped and shattered to the ground. It just came out and out, the large bull balls between his legs emptying themselves slowly as he coated himself and the room in his own musky seed.

When Nat finally came to, he realized he must have dozed off after the intense orgasm. He looked for his laptop, but its battery had died out by the time he fell asleep. The musclebear pried himself out of the remains of the bed, completely sticky with the drying cum. Standing, he feared he might hit the ceiling, but there were still a few inches for that. Moving felt so slow, like he had to move the entire Earth with every movement.

He looked around in disbelief at what happened. He noticed an old photo of him, oddly unaltered, on his ‘achievement shelf’. Many new items adorned the shelf, most of them covered in the sticky cum he blasted all over the place. Still, he remembered the old life he’s had and the fact he’s been bestowed this new body felt like the biggest ‘achievement’ he’s ever had in his life. And thus, the unaltered pic didn’t feel that odd anymore; it was the very proof of how much he’s changed since then. He walked over to the door, hearing and feeling the whole apartment shaking with every steps.

He had to actually duck quite a lot and squeeze himself to get through the now so short and narrow door. He waddled to the bathroom and repeated the same process to get through the small opening. He looked at himself in the mirror, the hairy muscle beast of a man he had become. He reeked of cum, and he would have been ready to go at it again, but he remembered that he had to get ready for the market. Not that he was going to work tonight, but he had a date with that puny bearded twerp that had been drooling at him all day. Perhaps, if the date goes pretty well tonight, he’d slip him his number as he definitely never went for a guy under six foot. After all, his fourteen inches erection wouldn’t fit into such short guys.


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