Basement Cleaning

- Basement cleaning -

My boyfriend knew I preferred bigger guys, even though we were about the same height and build. We were quite average, him a little thicker than me, both of us 5’10 and between 130 lbs and 160 lbs. someday, I came home earlier to find him concocting something in the basement with herbs, powders and oils with an odd book. Concerned, I asked him what was going on.

“I know you’ve always liked bigger guys, so when I found this magic potion book and kit when cleaning up the basement, I thought I’d give it a try at a growth potion.”

I practically laugh at the absurdity of the situation, but when I saw how hurt he looked I calmed down and reassured him:

“Aww, hun, you don’t have to stress about that. I like you just the way you are. You make me laugh, we both love gardening and love to cook. I demand nothing more of you.”

We kissed and made love right in the basement. We proceeded with cooking dinner and I could tell he was still thinking about this. Unbeknownst to me, he had completed the potion and drank half of it while I was cutting vegetables. While cooking, I looked at him and smiled at his jokes, wondering if he was suddenly taller than me or if I were imagining things. Perhaps I was more tired from work than I thought.

We sat in the living room couch while the dish was in the oven. We were surfing the channels when I noticed his face flushed red and sweating.

“Are you alright, hun?”

“Yeah, just feeling a bit... dizzy.”

“Do you want me to get you some aspirin?”

“No, I’ll be fine. I think I’ll just go to the bathroom.”

“Alright, just call me if you need anything, sweetheart.”

He struggled a bit to stand, like he was sitting lower than he was used to. He looked a bit bloated and his clothes hung tight around him, showing every little shape of my lover. Something odd struck me and it was how the pant’s hem seemed abnormally high up his calves for me. I chased the thoughts away and looked back at the tv.

When my man came back, his clothes seemed to look even tighter on him, the shirt looking almost on the point of bursting around a round and taut tummy.

“Gee, hun, you look particularly good in this angle.” I complimented him, amazed at the sight.

“Hunny... I think you should see something...”

“What is it...”

I stood up only to realize my man was almost a head taller than me.

“What... the heck...” I mumbled, half amazed, half concerned.

“I... drank that potion I talked to you about... and I think I grew...”

I put of my hands on his sides, feeling his massive taut gut while raising my eyes to meet his dumbfounded gaze. Even his cheeks looked rounder.

“I drank only half of it, though... I didn’t know the effects would act so fast and so obvious.”

“Where’s the rest?”

“Huh? What? Why?”

“I’d like it if you take the rest of it.”

“What? Am I not big enough for you already like that? I might not be recognized by anyone if I take anymore!”

“Or take it in a few days if you don’t want to change anymore right now... but I’d like it if you could be even bigger.”

“What about your sister’s birthday tomorrow? How can I go out like that?”

“Don’t worry, we’ll go buy you a nice XL shirt tomorrow.”

“That... might not be big enough...”

His face grew red again, sweat dripping on his forehead. His neck enlarged, looking bloated. His bear belly into my hands seemed to push them further apart.

“I think... I’m not even done...” He mumbled.