Baratek Bulking

Roger stifled a yawn as he finished his lunch. It had been a busy week at BaraTek, and he was still trying to make a good impression. He had been part of the batch of hiring done several weeks ago and was doing his best to try to distinguish himself and earn one of the promotions that had been dangled in front of all of them. So far it had meant keeping his nose to the grindstone and staying on task during his working hours, double checking and validating data entry and correcting when it was needed. But since he was on his lunch break, he was happy to loosen up a bit.

He had started eating lunch with one of the other new hires a couple of cubes over from him. Phillip was just about his age, although most of the other guys hired were in their mid to late twenties, and was outgoing. They have been chatting about their workouts, the girls they liked, and their shared hobby of rock climbing. It felt nice to have someone to enjoy the meal with, breaking up the monotony of the daily grind.

Additionally, it helps set goals for Roger. Phillip had been in better shape than he was. He had started hitting the gym just out of college, well it had taken Roger a few years to get back into the groove. Phillip was focusing on a four-day strength program to really emphasize his core and shoulders, and it was already starting to show. The man’s Polo was a tad baggy, since it was company-issued, but when he stood up Roger was able to make out the start of growing definition.

What had started as a curiosity had evolved into a friendship. While Roger felt a strange jealousy about his coworker’s physical appearance initially, something he had never experienced before, he was now happy to think of them as friends. They both complained about work, especially the high turnover for other positions like theirs. It seemed the guys at BaraTek couldn’t stay, and two or three a week up and quit routinely.

As they talked, a woman approached them in the cafeteria. She had olive colored skin, and wore her hair long and wavy. She sported a stylish navy pantsuit today, one complimented by a trio small necklaces to ensure the natural place the eye focused on was her bust. She had the hint of a smile on her heart shaped face, cocoa colored eyes appraising the men as she confidently wove her way through the bustle of employees eating lunch. A woman in her early thirties, Sara had been a constant source of pressure for the new hires, both from her workload demands but also from her gorgeous body.

She interrupted their conversation, heels clicking on the cold tiled floor as she stopped and checked her phone before speaking. Roger felt dread forming in the pit of his stomach. She wasn’t coming by to congratulate him on his work or to socialize. When Sara spoke to someone, it was because she wanted something.

“I’m glad I caught you Roger. With Troy out sick and all the extra cases from this morning, I’m going to need you to work a couple of extra hours tonight. You can come in late tomorrow, and we will pay the time like it’s overtime. We’re really shorthanded right now, and it’s all hands on deck. I’ll be staying too,” she said in a business-like tone.

“Damn man, that sucks,” Phillip said, shaking his head but glad he was not the one chosen to stay.

“I don’t see what you’re complaining about Phillip. With how busy things are, your name is going to be up in the rotation soon enough,” Sara replied quickly, eyes flicking to her smartphone.

“Oh, I’m sure. But I’ve got a date tonight and I would have hated to cancel,” Phillip said with a grin. “At least Mr. Bachelor over here doesn’t have any lady plans.”

Roger ran his hand through his short hair, obviously frustrated at the imposition. True, he didn’t have any specific plans that evening. And he had signed an agreement that BaraTek could ask him to do this up to three times a month. More, if they kept losing processors and getting new clients. They really had a hard time retaining entry-level employees.

“I was just going to hit the gym and watch some TV at home, but if BaraTek really needs me…” he started to say.

“You’re welcome to use the fitness facilities here. I’ll give you a key card so that you can get your workout in if you stay,” Sara responded quickly, smiling sweetly, switching from business to personable once she knew that Roger would comply.

She reached into her handbag and pulled out an unmarked white RFID card, obviously prepared for his query.

“There you go. This will get you into the gym on the basement level. There’s towel service, and from what I’ve heard it’s a fairly standard setup,” she said, and Roger could have sworn she was sticking her chest out more as she spoke.

He took the card and pocketed it, his one concern shot down with practiced precision. Sara tapped her phone a few times, looked at the two men once more, and was about to speak when her phone chimed. She favored Phillip with a quick smile as she answered, giving Roger a simple wave, and then walked away slowly. Once again Roger could have sworn she did it on purpose to emphasize her curves, her mix of corporate professionalism and sexuality a potent mix.

“Wow dude. They must really be strapped for people to stay. She barely speaks to us normally, and she was basically flirting with you. Or as close as I’ve seen her do,” Phillip said excitedly.

“It’s so weird. When she interviewed me, she barely made eye contact. And today, she’s all smiles,” Roger said blushing.

“It might just be to get something out of you, but who knows? She’s cute. Maybe there’s a chance he could get her to come down to the gym with you,” Phillip said jokingly.

“Like that’ll ever happen,” Roger replied, rolling his eyes.

The two returned to talking about rock climbing and the rest of their lunch hour passed normally. They returned to their cubicles on the third floor, ready to finish up the second half of their day. Roger could hear his station chiming, indicating several clients responding, so he hurried and got busy. The rest of the afternoon was a flurry of work, and was on track to be yet another record-breaking day. BaraTek seems to be able to acquire new hires and clients like crazy. Most of what the two men did was processing intake paperwork and managing accounts, but it was treated with utmost importance. They worked diligently and accurately, but as 5:00 rolled around Phillip prepared to head home.

“See you later bro. Good luck working the late shift tonight,” he said with a wink as he collected his things into a messenger bag. “I’ll let you know how things went with Stephanie. Assuming I’m even capable of coming in tomorrow if half of what she promised happens.”

Roger shook his head, ignoring his coworker. Phillip sure loved to talk a big game, but Roger knew to take it with a grain of salt. He buried himself back in his work, putting headphones in after 6:00 when he stopped taking client calls and most of the other employees had left the floor. He stayed focused, making sure everything was processed and accounted for, requesting paperwork and updating the company’s massive internal database. He was surprised how quickly he got through his remaining stack, realizing it was empty a quarter after 7:00.

“Wow. Looks like I won’t have to stay the full time after all,” Roger said triumphantly, double checking to make sure everything had been completed. He checked his phone, realizing that he wouldn’t have enough time to travel to his own regular gym, before eyeing the card Sara had left. “Might as well give it a shot.”

Roger took the card and booted down his workstation, packing everything up and taking his things over to the elevator. He went down to the basement, but instead of heading over towards the parking deck, veered to the right. He scanned his card at the appropriate terminal, and walked into a section of the building he had never been to before.

With how modern most of the office equipment and floor layout was, he was surprised at how ordinary the locker rooms were. It looked like it had been ripped straight out of his old primary school. He also was surprised to see no one else changing or using the facilities, even though it was later in the day. Everything was clean and functional however, so Roger quickly changed into his gym clothes.

He looked at himself in the mirror as he changed. He was on the leaner side, with his chest hair well-trimmed. He had minimal body hair, something that surprised him considering his dad’s side of the family. He had muscle tone, but none of it was exceptionally prominent. Roger’s abs were barely visible, more a case of his dieting than his core work, and he had trouble telling if his pectorals grew from his volume-heavy chest days.

He wasn’t unhappy with his appearance, but he did wish he could make the kind of progress that Phillip had made. The man’s older brother had been there to train him, giving him a leg up, and it showed. Phillip had shared his training regime, and although Roger had only said he would look over it, he had been trying to follow it to the letter. He knew his nutrition was excellent and he managed his macros well, so he told himself it was just a matter of time before his hundred and eighty five pound frame put on real muscle.

Roger grabbed a towel from the stack near the showers, but went through the other doorway, heading into the gym itself. The facility took him by surprise. It was huge, looking as though it used to be an abandoned aircraft hangar. The ceiling was easily thirty feet tall, with large industrial fans spaced evenly amongst fluorescent lighting. The equipment that covered the floor was all heavy-duty stuff. The gym had almost no cardio machines, and instead just row after row of weights. The vast majority of the space was covered with a rubberized mat, filled with squat racks, benches, and open space for deadlifting.

Roger hesitantly walked over to the bench first. He was supposed to work his chest and triceps today, and although he knew he was supposed to stretch first, he couldn’t help but feel a compulsion to look at the equipment. The bar looked bigger than normal, sticking out several extra inches to either side. Each bench had its own personal weight rack, filled up with heavy metal plates. It was almost all forty five pound ones, giving the impression that the men who used this broke records, not just bulking up.

Upon inspection, almost every free weight area was like this. They all had their own individual weight rack near them, filled up with plate after plate of heavy iron. There were occasionally five, ten, and twenty five pound plates mixed in, but this was no amateur lifting space. Even the fixed weight machines, focused on a lot of leg-related work, started close to one hundred pounds at their lowest setting and quite a few maxed out over five hundred. The massive leg press machine in the corner had a sectional to itself, a giant electric resistance device that adjusted itself because, as the side of the machine noted, loading and unloading that many forty-five pound plates would just be a hassle. ‘Why load when you can lift?’ it seemed to say.

Roger got started with his basic series of stretches, warming up all over. He did a couple of jogs across the length of the gym to get his blood flowing, and then moved into his workout. His phone had all of the information he needed, although he needed to adjust a few things. He couldn’t even do assisted dips, since it seemed that there was no machine to provide additional help for the motion. He found plenty of weighted vests though, and it seemed like that exercise was set for additional resistance, not less.

Eventually, despite a few substitutions, Roger got a solid ninety minutes in the gym. He was surprised he didn’t see a single other soul in it, although he wasn’t entirely upset. He had worked up a good sweat, and knew he would frighten away any of the fairer sex he ran into. His towel was thoroughly soaked, surprisingly more than usual, as he cooled down and prepared to shower and change before heading home.

Roger was surprised to find Sara walking in just as he was preparing to leave. She had traded her pant suit for a set of spandex workout shorts and a coral tank top that showed off her midriff. Her lean figure moved with a grace he didn’t usually see her display, although that might have been because she had swapped her heels for athletic shoes.

“Oh hey there Roger! Already done?” Sara asked as she smiled. He noticed she had a towel over his shoulder, but instead of a water bottle, she had a large, full blender bottle. It was far bigger than the ones he usually used for his protein shakes, looking closer to sixty ounces than 2twenty four.

“Yeah, I got down here just after 7:00. I wasn’t slacking, but I did really finish up everything that I had scheduled, and now I finished my lifting,” Roger replied, flexing a bit to show off his pump.

“Oh, I know you got done early. I was just curious why you finished up after having only been down here a little bit,” she said sweetly, closing the distance between the two.

Roger took a half step back, not wanting to gross her out with his body odor. He was afraid he had made some sort of professional misstep, and was trying to avoid getting reprimanded. He was surprised that she seemed so interested in him today. First gym access, now she was the only other person in the building that used the massive gym? Something odd was going on, but Roger was simply too fatigued to think on it.

“I’m not done early. I followed my plan, perhaps a little quicker because I wasn’t waiting on anyone else, and now I’m going to clean up and head home,” he said, slightly embarrassed at getting put on the spot like that.

“Oh, that’s too bad. I figured you were just a little winded, and I wanted to give you this before I started my workout,” she said, offering the full bottle over to him, shaking it side to side.

It was unlabeled, looking like it was something she’d mixed out of her gym bag. The liquid sloshed, but was thick and viscous. It was an off-white color, fairly similar to the different protein shakes that the serious weightlifters used at his regular gym. Other than its enormous size, nothing looked out of the ordinary.

“I appreciate the offer, but I think I’m going to call it for today. I know I get to come in a little later tomorrow, but I could use some down time,” Roger replied anxiously.

“Awwww, are you sure? I wouldn’t mind having someone here to spot me,” Sara said seductively, reaching out and setting the shake into his hand before clasping hers around it, pulling away and leaving Roger holding the shake.

“I guess I could stay for a little bit. Spot you for your compound lift and then get going,” Roger said, trying his best to be a team player and show that he would deserve a promotion. He wasn’t above sucking up to his boss a little bit, especially since it shouldn’t take too long.

“Oh wonderful! I’m going to start stretching. You fuel up in case I need help,” Sara said saccharinely before squatting down on the mats, beginning a series of static stretches.

Roger couldn’t tell whether she was new to it or purposely trying to excite him, but Sara’s stretches emphasized her chest and ass with every motion. It wasn’t a routine he recognized, but he was astounded she made it practically to the floor for a split stretch. Whether it was intentional or not remained to be seen, but he turned half away from her and popped the lid open on his shake. It had almost no smell to it surprisingly, lacking the sweetness of added sugars or the chemical smell of creatine and other powders. Roger lifted it up tentatively to his lips and took a sip.

Once it touched his tongue, it seemed to flow much more easily. It tasted great, some sort of vanilla flavor, lacking all of the chalkiness and powdery texture that his usual shake had. Roger chalked it up to the fact that she must have mixed it with milk instead of water, and he couldn’t help but take another gulp. With each sip, he felt his body get warmer and his desire to drink it increased.

Sara paused her stretches and watched Roger shift from tasting to chugging. Soon he had the shake vertical, swallowing obscenely, slurping down mouthful after mouthful of the heavy liquid. Before long it was gone, and he shook the bottle trying to get every last drop out. He licked his lips, snapping the lid closed and staring a head blankly, arms at his side.

“There you go big boy. That’s much better. Now that you’ve refueled, why don’t you get back to the workout?” She asked, more authority and her voice.

Roger felt like he was in a dream. His body tingled warmly, and he had a slight floating sensation to him, like when he had his wisdom teeth pulled. There was a surreal quality to the gym now, the solidness of the metal equipment contrasting with the strange sensation he felt building inside of him. When his boss told him to start lifting, he nodded automatically. It felt easy and good to listen to what she said.

Sara directed him to show her his workout plan, and she laughed. She pulled her phone out from somewhere within her towel and soon a new fitness plan appeared on his phone. This one was much more complicated, three times the amount of different exercises, some of them set up as interval work. All of the weight required was much higher than he was used to, and Roger initially balked at such a challenge, especially after already completing his workout for the day.

But Sara insisted, and she guided him over to the squat rack. He racked up a plate either side, warming up with a few quick squats before putting on more weight, preparing to start with his usual one rep maximum instead of his normal ladder. At the depth of his squats, when Roger felt the strain, he heard Sara’s voice cutting through the fatigue.

“Good job jock boy. Come on, keep lifting,” she said forcefully.

Somehow Roger had the strength to rise all the way up again, stopping just briefly at the top of his lift with a triumphant feeling. Then he remembered he had eleven more reps to go. Each time he struggled, a few words of encouragement from Sara gave him additional strength, and he felt like his body was on fire. But when Roger put the weight back on the rack, he was surprised. He should have felt crushingly exhausted, both from the volume and from the heavyweight. But he felt invigorated.

One by one, Sara let him through an exercise, encouraging him whenever he faltered. He stumbled less and less, his vitality growing with each new exercise he did. Soon Sara didn’t need to provide any more instruction, and she sat nearby and watched him grunt and sweat.

The shake had been designed to supply Roger with a truly colossal amount of calories, all of the macros and vitamins he needed to grow strong, and an experimental serum that BaraTek had developed for rapid muscle growth. Roger was just another data point to her, part of the sixth series of the trials. He showed good promise already, obeying her orders, and his body was already beginning to grow.

She’s supervised for another ten minutes, and then left, setting a timer on her phone when she judged he would be wrapping up. There was no point in staying to watch the meatheads wear themselves out and activate the growth shakes beyond the initial hesitance. She could go and relax, coming back to collect him when he finished.

By the time Roger placed the last dumbbell back in its cradle, he had completely lost track of time. He should have felt hungry, but his stomach was still full from the massive shake he consumed. He felt on top of the world, the strange tingling sensation having been replaced with a massive rush of dopamine from all of the heavy lifting. His skin felt like it was on fire with all the blood pumping through him, and he paused in front of a mirror to examine himself.

He had been a lean person before, but now Roger would be hard-pressed to find body fat on him. His jaw stuck out more prominently, his features more chiseled. Sweat was pouring off him in droves, and he had refilled his water bottle several times during his lifting. He could have sworn he was taller as well, but realized it was just a different view of himself, eyes glued to the additional muscle he had gained.

Most importantly, Roger noticed his physical progress. He didn’t have a scale, but he would be surprised if he didn’t break two hundred pounds of muscle. Although he rarely did it at his old gym, he wanted to indulge his hard work and started flexing. He popped a double bicep pose, and he felt a rush somewhere he hadn’t expected. Showing off his vascular definition made his crotch throb, giving him another axis of pleasure for his growth.

He progressed through several other poses, flaring his lats and showing off his legs before popping a most muscular, seeing more veins and meat than he ever had before. His cock was fully hard now, getting off on his own physical enhancement. It felt lewd and thrilling at the same time, letting his hardon stand on display so prominently as he flexed, but Roger felt it was right somehow. It felt good to show off his work, both his fitness progress and his pronounced bulge.

That was when Sara returned, yawning a bit and sipping from a thermos of coffee. It was almost midnight, and she wanted to wrap up her last task of the day. She saw Roger frozen in surprise, face near his exposed, sweaty armpit as he flexed. He looked half mortified at getting caught sniffing his musk, and quickly let his arms hang by his sides.

“Wow! Looking good there jock boy. How are you feeling?” She queried, ready to take notes to see how this blend affected him.

"Feeling pretty good. I could lift more than I thought. More energy than I guessed, after already listing. It feels really good too,’ Roger said, eyeing himself in the mirror as he turned and flexed his delts.

Sara pursed her lips, pecking at her phone. The results were once again mixed. Massive muscle growth, but a sharp decline in intelligence yet again. Plus, this batch seemed to have men way too interested in their own bodies as well. As soon as she had shifted her attention to her phone, Roger couldn’t help but pose again, even though he looked too exhausted to really get his muscles to pop.

“You did really well today jock boy. Come on, why don’t we get you showered up and laying down? You can sleep here tonight since you have time off tomorrow,” she said with a chuckle, knowing full well that Roger was in no state to do any more processing for BaraTek.

He nodded obediently, and she led him into the locker room. In addition to his growing muscles and decreased intelligence, Roger had lost most of his previous inhibitions as he simply stripped, not bothering to cover himself with a towel as he went into the showers. Sara cocked an eyebrow as he strolled away, noting his perky butt as well as his surprising endowment. She hadn’t expected that, but she wouldn’t have been surprised if Rogers’ erection had grown a bit as well. His entire body was supercharged with testosterone, and he wouldn’t be the first man in the sixth trial series to have noticed a little bit extra between his legs as a side effect.

Even after he was showered, Sara’s nose still crinkled. The strong manly odor coming off of him had just been dampened, not washed away. Roger’s body was still warm to the touch, changing and growing with the combination of an extreme lead demanding workout plus a gigantic and powerful protein shake. She let him past a section of the locker rooms, still naked, through what looked like a janitor’s closet. She took him deeper into the facility, passing by what looked like row after row of small rooms. She opened one at the end, showing him a large bed and table.

“You can sleep here tonight, but get ready. You’re going to have a busy day tomorrow, and I think there’s going to be a bunch of other meatheads who can’t wait to meet you,” Sara chuckled as he walked in the room, letting her close the door and begin the commute home for bed.

Roger went and sat on his bed and looked up. He was surprised to find a mirror on the ceiling, and began showing off for himself. Blood rushed to his cock again, and he felt surprised at how horny it made him to show off, even just to himself. He reached his hand down, slowly stroking his meat as he explored his body. He flexed his broad shoulders, showing off the striations and slightly decreased neck size that his new muscles added. He let go and switched hands to show off each bicep, popping the boulders of flesh in turn, his cock spewing precum with each new pose. Roger rolled on his side and showed off his glutes and quads, grinning like a child as he began beating off faster and faster.

His entire body felt so good, especially his meaty cock. His hand became a blur as he popped his chest out as much as he could, feeling himself tip past the point of no return. With a grunt, he began spunking all over his nude jock body, painting his abs and chest with his thick, potent spunk. The orgasm lasted far longer than usual, and he felt himself shoot and shoot and shoot. As soon as he finished, it was like all the energy had drained from him. Roger felt a wave of exhaustion creep up, and his eyelids grew heavy. He didn’t even have the energy to try to dry himself off, instead quickly falling asleep, snoring loudly, still basted in his own juices.

Phillip wasn’t surprised to show up and find Roger missing. After all, his overtime the previous day meant he would be working a half shift. Phillip booted up his computer, still feeling like a stud after the night before. The movie and Chinese food was merely a pretext, as he spent most of the time for his date pleasuring his fuck buddy. Stephanie was hot, and she loved the way he went down on her to get her in the mood. She had finally gone home after 2 am, but the lack of sleep barely phased him.

Phillips’ confidence crashed when he realized the size of his workload. Many of these look like accounts that Roger had been working on, going by the notes. Why had these been assigned to him? Curious, he opened his friend’s calendar to see what was scheduled for him later today and couldn’t find him among the contacts list. He sent an email over to Sara asking after what happened, but she didn’t reply immediately, so he made himself busy with his morning tasks.

It was another two hours before he got a response. Sara sent over a short message, informing him that Roger had taken a lateral movement in the company to a new department and that his work would be divided up among the remaining processors. It also informed Phillip that they would be having a new batch of fresh hires starting next week, so they would only need to be taking on a bit extra for a short time. This would be the seventh big batch of new interns and processors in less than a year.

Phillip was perplexed. He knew that Roger had been gunning for a promotion, but something felt off. Why would he get it in the middle of a week, without telling anyone, and with management acting like he had just disappeared? As much as Phillip wanted to pursue those questions, he couldn’t help but focus on his work. If he didn’t work hard and minimize his slacking, there was a good chance he would have to work late as well.

It wasn’t until his lunch break that he finally got the chance to walk over and speak to Sara directly. She had been mired in meetings most of the day, her calendar books solid with a multitude of interviews, product meetings, and conference calls. She was always this busy when there was a herd of new hires about to be brought on, and Phillip had no idea how she managed to stay so energetic. He knew she had worked late last night, confirmed by another data analyst who had later hors, and yet she was as cheerful and focused as normal.

“Hey. I saw your email about Roger, but I had a little more I wanted to ask. He hasn’t been answering his phone, and I can’t get any emails to him at his new position. What exactly is going on?” Phillip asked, balancing his worry with professionalism.

“He didn’t tell you? He was so excited last night after the gym. He couldn’t wait to start immediately. I can’t believe he didn’t tell his friend,” Sara said, putting a finger to her lips and cocking her head as though thinking.

“Nope. I didn’t hear anything from him at all yesterday. No promotion, no changes. He didn’t even send me the results of his workout. He usually sends me any new PR’s, or any progress he makes for volume since we’re doing a similar plan,” Phillip stated.

“I suppose you could come talk to him on your lunch break. He’s still in the building after all,” Sara said with the smallest hint of a smile.

“That would be great. I don’t mind eating quickly after I chat with him,” Phillip said, relieved.

“I think I can make that happen, although we are getting pretty behind in here. Is there any chance you could stay late tonight too?” She asked sweetly, already knowing what Phillip would say.

Phillip had to restrain himself from rolling his eyes. The trap had been baited, and he had walked right into it. Still, an answer to his question would be welcome, and he knew his name would pop up on the rotation soon enough.

“Sure, I guess I can stay. And let me guess, I’ll get a card to work out here too? I need to hit my biceps and back pretty hard today so hopefully your gym has the equipment for it,” Phillip fired back.

“Of course. Let me just get one from my desk,” she said, walking back over and pulling a card out from a stack of dozens of identical white plastic rectangles. “Here you go! Now, let’s go take the elevator.”

The two of them walked along with the dozens of other employees heading down to the cafeteria, although they went to the basement instead of the ground floor. Sara turned right, swiped her manager’s card at an exterior door, and then walked down a hallway. Phillip followed, brow furrowing as they approached a large rectangle of tinted glass.

The gym was full of men. They were all younger, appearing in their twenties or thirties. Most of them wore narrow tank tops or muscle shirts, and all of them lifted weights. Not a single man was on a treadmill or rower. All of them were incredibly muscular. Their clothing hid nothing, showing off their sweaty, chiseled forms. Roger would have been hard-pressed to find any body fat among them, and all of them stayed incredibly focused on their lifting. Not a single one of them looked at the glass as they slowly walked past, marveling at the intensity of these behemoths.

Roger looked over and saw a muscled Hispanic man squatting, five plates on each side as he knocked out rep after rep, his face looking straight ahead, focused on nothing but his workout. A pair of dark-skinned jocks trading back and forth on the bench press, each of them looking as though they benched twice their body weight easily. All of the equipment seemed to have far more weights than normal, plate after plate in the free weight area, with much larger blocked weights on the fixed machines in the other section.

While he was surprised at how everyone looked, one of the things that seemed to stick out to Phillip was the smell. It didn’t just smell like exercise and sweat. It smelled like these men hadn’t touched a stick of deodorant in weeks, and the overwhelming masculine odor coming off of their bodies was mind melting, even through the glass. If it was this strong as Phillip and Sara walked past the gigantic gym, what must it have smelled like inside?

“What the hell are you guys doing here? Running a gym out of the basement?” Phillip asked incredulously.

“I don’t get why you’re so surprised. I understand that our testing is on a need-to-know basis and you largely handle the intake, but this is very important. We have men lifting and exercising here as part of their employment. I don’t really get to why you find that so odd,” Sara said as she keyed in a code on a large metal door.

“So they just sign up to come here and lift? I think I recognized one of those guys from his intake. He looks huge now. He’s only been lifting for what, six weeks? Maybe seven?" Phillip retorted.

“Well, we do have some serious funding provided by the army. This is just a testing ground to work on calibrating new ideas for boot camp. Our investors have been very pleased with how we’ve been able to encourage men to build muscle. Besides, they’re getting paid to do it and look at them. I know personal trainers are expensive, and these men are getting a cutting-edge program for a job. They have all the physical results you see in addition to a handsome paycheck,” Sara said as she led Phillip past the glass, into a smaller hallway.

“I still think that’s really weird,” Phillip mumbled as he continued onwards.

They walked farther, into the bowels of BaraTek, and Phillip noticed doors set evenly along the corridor. They had numbers on them, and the door frames stood wider than usual. He looked at Sara curiously and she smiled, giving him a knowing look. There were quite a few, with many marked as unoccupied in small letters under the number. Phillip guessed they had space for more than a hundred men in total before they stopped at a door. Before he could ask where they were or what this area was, Sara slowly turned the knob and opened the door.

The room inside smelled awful. It was predominantly a mixture of sweat and sex, with a few other briny odors wafting in with the main ones. Whomever was inside had apparently been jerking off right before the door opened, and they moved to cover their actions with the sheets. The man inside attempted to move upwards into a sitting position, a mixture of groggy and horny, as he still reached down to casually fondle himself over top the cloth.

“Good morning jock boy. I hope you slept well," Sara said as she flicked on the lights.

Phillip felt the blood draining from his face as he looked at the man smiling like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. His face looked exactly like Roger. Well, perhaps it was slightly more angular, a little bit more chiseled, but otherwise his face was the exact same. It looked like he had been transplanted onto a fitness trainer however. His massive muscles, still growing throughout the night and jump-started again by his morning masturbation sessions, glistened with sweat. Several discolored patches stood out on his abs, which Phillip could smell were likely his spent loads, once dried and now rehydrated through sweat.

Roger stretched, flexing his arms above his head and popping his biceps out as he clasped his fingers, arcing his back forward as he began to stand up. His pits had been hairy yesterday, but now the amount of fur was incredible. It looked like anyone would need a machete to go exploring through them, contrasting with the lighter amount of hair all over the rest of his body. They were soaking wet, still dripping, and small wisps of sweaty steam rose from his beefy body as he stood up, still naked.

“Hey Phil. Look, I’m big!” Roger said excitedly as he flexed and showed off his body.

“Jesus Roger, what the hell happened to you?” Phillip asked, horrified.

“I did your gym plan. Over and over last night. Sara helped,” Roger said as he began looking at himself in the ceiling mirror, flexing and showing off.

Phillip watched with a sense of dread as he saw Roger pause doing a most muscular pose, crinkling his nose before shoving his face into his sweaty pits. He began moaning as he sniffed his own musk, reaching down casually and stroking his hard cock. That was also far larger than Phillip expected, almost ten inches of fat, dripping meat. He couldn’t tell if the juices sliding down Roger’s shaft and balls were sweat or precum, but they made a puddle on the floor beneath him.

"Recently, our stockholders wanted to explore other options for increasing the muscle mass of men, both for expensive personal trainers and for military purposes. The gym program you saw on the way in is effective, but slow. The men you saw there took weeks to develop properly. They also had been lifting for months using a preworkout that BaraTek makes, just to qualify. We occasionally have to recycle them through the intake system, since they get so big so fast, but it still can take months for that kind of development.

With your friend here, we’ve been trying something different. We found a way to distill powerful hormone signalers and calorie multipliers. Our science team could fill you in on it, I’m sure, but the result is that it allows a single long workout to increase muscle mass almost hundred-fold. They call it the Swole Shake internally, since it makes men grow so fast. The effects are strongest right after ingestion, but continue to linger for twenty-four hours. So long as you get some serious weight training, the results speak for themselves.

Your friend here took his Swole Shake after a regular gym routine last night, sometime before midnight. I put him through his paces, and that’s how he got this explosion of muscle. He’ll still continue to grow and feel some of the side effects of the serum, although those taper off towards the end. This batch has been overall successful, but it has had some unusual side effects," Sara said dispassionately, as though she was reading off of a disclosure.

“So you just turned my friend into a muscle bound, pit sniffing freak? Jesus, how many other employees did you do this to? Is that what happens to guys who get ‘transferred’ during the late shifts? There’s no way this is legal. I’m going to tell everyone I know about this and get you shut down,” Phillip said angrily, turning from the door as if to leave.

Upon hearing that, Roger let out a whimper and closed the distance between him and Phillip. That close, Phillip couldn’t help but take a step back, breathing in the powerful fumes coming off of Roger’s muscular body. He looked like he was just out of the shower, somehow still incredibly damp, despite doing no strenuous exercise in the previous half day other than beating his meat. The smell should have made Phillip gag, but his adrenaline was surging. Roger didn’t grab him, but moved in so close that Phillip would have had to shove his stinking body away in order to escape.

“No, I don’t actually think you’re going to do that. After all, you’re here because you wanted to check on the well-being of your friend. And you do enjoy this, right Roger? You love being big?” She asked sweetly.

“Yeah! It feels good. I like my size. I like my muscles. I can lift so much! It makes me feel horny. It feels so good,” Roger moaned, reaching down with his free hand to give his cock a stroke before bringing it up to his face and tasting his own juices, his meat throbbing as he did, splattering the floor beneath him with his increased flow.

“One of the other curious side effects has been the changes to the male hormonal transmission system, something we’ve been working on. It’s curious, the people that end up affecting, but it’s something I’m interested in exploring today,” Sara said before grinning wickedly.

Phillip failed to realize the danger he was in. He didn’t realize that he had been goaded into getting fired up from Sara’s revelation, increasing his heart rate to elevate his breathing. He had been breathing in much of Roger’s musk, along with these still-active serum from the Swole Shake. He didn’t realize he had been microdosing himself with every breath, drawing in much more after Roger got close. The heat he felt inside his own body was the beginning of it changing his biochemistry, working to decrease his mental resistances and making him more suggestible, more obedient to his superiors before preparing him for future changes.

“We are looking to do an additional test today. That’s why I brought you down here Phillip. I wanted to give you a dose just like I gave your buddy. One extra-big Swole Shake. I figured you could take it as a pre-workout, and we could explore the differences between the subject’s fatigue after a regular workout versus coming in fresh. That would be vital data, and it would make me very happy to see you grow. Roger would like that too,” Sara said.

“Yeah! I want you to grow Phil. I want you to get big too. Then we can lift and spot each other. Then we can jerk off with each other,” Roger said as he reached down to actively stroke himself, clearly fantasizing about beating off with his buddy. He reached down and sniffed his pits again, his cock burping up another massive blob of precum.

Phillip felt dizzy. He backed away again, but his back pressed up against the hallway’s walls. Roger moved in even closer, just inches away, slowly stroking his obscenely huge cock as he continued to sweat and grin. He was, Phillip was forced to admit, much hotter this way. Phillip began eyeing up his muscles, feeling a surge of jealousy. He had put in so much work at the gym, and now Roger had eclipsed him in a single day? That felt unfair. He should be the bigger guy.

Sara just stood there and watched the two of them in silence. She watched Phillip inhaling more and more musk, eroding his mental defenses. She saw Phillip shedding his inhibitions as he looked at the exit less and less in favor of scoping out Roger. She watched Roger continue to do what he was doing, what so many other subjects in test group six did. Without any additional stimulation, he would be happy to stand there, sweating and stroking, for hours.

“I think you’d like it Phillip. Perhaps I could even give you a little bit extra, really make sure you grow huge. Enough to grow a little bit taller than your buddy at least, and almost certainly make your biceps and pecs show more than him,” Sara said, dangling the incentive in front of him like the world’s juiciest carrot.

Phillip’s eyes went wide, taking in one additional big huff of Roger’s musk. He was losing the battle. Fuck, he wanted it. The idea of watching his body grow, especially since he wanted to continue to be the bigger of the two, appealed to him more than he could admit. He was tenting his slacks as well, unaware of how sexually aroused he was becoming by all of this. Slowly, almost unbelievably to Phillip, he reached out one hand and gently gripped the base of Roger’s cock, giving it one stroke. His hands were dampened by the mixture of sweat and pre, but he couldn’t take his eyes away.

“Okay. I’ll do it. I’ll take the serum or shake or whatever it is, I just need to get huge,” he whispered, almost inaudibly, staring at his dripping hand as he pulled it away.

Roger’s face split with an enormous grin as he reached into hug Phillip, lifting him off of the ground. The muscled jock almost crushed him, but he saturated Phillip’s clothes and body with his sweat, bringing the other man in even closer. Phillip couldn’t help himself and shoved his face down, as close as he could to Roger’s pits, to take a sniff. His own dick was iron hard and dripping into his underwear, although nowhere near the flow that Roger had.

“Excellent! I had a feeling you would see it our way. Come on boys, let’s head back to the jock boy locker room. Then Phillip can drink his shake and the two of you two can go lift together. Won’t that be awesome jock boy, throwing those big plates around as your friend grows just like you?” Sara said, laughing as she pulled out her phone to make a few calls as she led the two men deeper into the basement of BaraTek.

The three of them made a strange grouping as they walked deeper into the building. Sara led the way, keeping her distance from the others. For some reason, women were entirely unaffected by the chemical-laden musk, and the engineering team was exclusively female. Following her was Roger, moving like a puppy. His massive bulk and draining intelligence made for an interesting combination, although his massively increased arousal meant he was leaving a trail of sweaty footprints and precum, a real snail trail, as he walked.

Following closely behind Roger was Phillip. He had sniffed enough of his friend’s scent to look like he was intoxicated and tipsy. Phillip was filled with the powerful stink coming off of his muscle-bound friend, his mind fogged and clouded, focused only on muscles and growth. His heterosexual identity was also dissolving along with his reservations, as with every sniff he took of Roger’s precum, he became a more and more interested in his friend’s cock and ass.

The group eventually made it to another locker room, and Sara quickly got to work. She mixed in protein powders, creatine, and two small vials from a small refrigerator hidden inside one of the lockers. She filled the rest with water, shaking it, before handing it off to Phillip.

“All right, drink up,” she said as he took the bottle, staring at it cautiously.

Phillip gazed at the enormous plastic bottle, feeling as though he was standing on a precipice. He stared at the small label proclaiming this a ‘Swole Shake’ although he couldn’t remember exactly what that entailed from their previous conversation. Part of him wanted this so badly. He wanted to feel big, to grow huge. He viewed it as something he deserved, especially considering all the work he put in at the gym. After all, girls loved his body. Phillip loved his body. He wanted to make it the best he could.

But the counterpoint to that came along with that same sluggish thought process. He thought about his previous evening, remembering that it had been fun, but he felt no connection anymore. He couldn’t even remember the girl’s name he hooked up with. It was hard to focus on women when sexy muscle studs like Roger stood right in front of him. He craved that almost as much as he did the muscles, and it frightened him.

Sensing his friend’s hesitation, Roger moved in. He got in close, realizing what it was that he could do to help his friend. As Phillip turned to say something, Roger leaned down and lunged, pressing Phillip’s face into his sweat-soaked pit. Phillip struggled very briefly, before pausing. Roger released his head, knowing that he didn’t need to pin his buddy into place. Phillip was sniffing and snorting away, grinding against his massive quads, huffing away his bro’s stink.

He pulled away gasping for air, pupils dilated and a crazed look in his eyes. He snapped open the bottle and began chugging for all he was worth, small rivulets dripping down the sides of his lips as he tried to cram as much of the shaken into his body as he could. He guzzled away greedily, ignoring propriety and indifferent to how it stained his dress shirt. When he finished, he took several heaving breaths and set the tall cup down, which Sara picked up and put into a sealed bag for additional review.

“Excellent. Now, why don’t you get changed? Jock boy, you’ll need to put on some clothes too. You know the rules. When you’re working out, put all of your focus onto lifting," Sara said as though she was speaking to a primary school student.

Phillip moved in a daze with that announcement. Sara was handing each of them clothing to begin lifting. They each got a jock strap, Roger’s several times larger than Phillip’s, followed by a pair of athletic shorts with a criminally short inseam and a tank top that looked more like a crop top on Roger. They each got a pair of flat lifting shoes, gloves, towels, and belts. The men put them on, Roger having dried off with a towel to make some attempt at decency.

“You boys are going to go to the advanced training area. It’ll be a bit of a challenge for you Phillip, but you already have a stronger body to start with. Plus, from the way you’ve been drinking up this jock boy’s musk, I have a feeling you will grow at record speed,” Sara remarked as she began leading them through a different portion of the locker room.

Phillip’s head felt foggy as he followed. His thoughts became slower, like his brain was padded with soft cotton. Strangely, it felt too good. While it was harder to think about some things, it was easy to focus on wanting to grow his muscles and lifting weights. He was able to quickly and perfectly recall the form for every one of his lifts, and instinctively knew exactly what he was otherwise supposed to be doing today after work in the gym.

As the two walked away, Sara’s phone chirped. She picked it up, sounding irritated, and spoke quickly. She rolled her eyes as she hung up, the two men cocking their heads as she let out an exasperated sigh.

“Well, it sounds like you boys are in for a treat. We have a jock boy who’s ready to move on to the final stage today. I think it will be educational for you to watch, and perhaps give you a little bit of encouragement to lift hard like good jock boys,” Sara said, a hint of frustration in her voice.

For some reason, every time she said the words ‘jock boy’ Phillip’s dick throbbed. Yeah, that was what he wanted to be. By lifting hard and flexing, he would be the biggest jock boy out of all of them. The knowledge that every other young man who ended up transferring was likely a muscle bound, pit sniffing jock boy made Phillip excited rather than afraid. He couldn’t wait to see the other walls of meat, grunting and snorting and sweating hard to continue to grow their bodies.

Sara didn’t need to tell them, but both men knew that just because the serum had given them a massive boost to their growth, that didn’t mean they were going to slow down. They were going to continue to lift and grow. They also didn’t need to be told more than once to obey her orders. All of the men she grew were obedient to a fault to authority figures, in order to make them effective soldiers or athletes. It only took a gesture for Phillip and Roger to follow her as she moved the trio through the second locker room, past a short hallway meant for decontamination, and into an area that looked like a medical testing room.

A dazed looking muscled up man was sitting on a bench in the room, wearing the same kind of gym clothes as the two men. His eyes looked out of focus, but they didn’t have the same glossiness that Roger’s had. He was also covered in a big pelt of hair, where the others had been smoother. His pouch bulged like Roger’s, but he seemed to be working to control his sweating and his musk.

“Are you guys here to help me? I started a lift earlier after trying some of her pre-workout shake, but I tweaked my back and had to stop. Now I feel weird, and I’m growing too much,” he pleaded.

Phillip thought he recognized him. Howard, one of the guys who had been transferred right before Roger. He looked big, just a bit larger than Roger did, but seemed to have more of his wits about him. His small tank top showed off his furry abs, and he wore just a loose pair of gym shorts and athletic shoes that emphasized his huge quads and ass. He was big, but looked more like a college jock than a bodybuilder.

“He’s coming along really well, but we really have to be aware of guys who don’t have great form. No matter though. He’s not quite there yet, but this should help him,” Sara said as she walked over to a cabinet, pulling out an opaque sealed bag.

She grabbed a pair of gloves from a medical cabinet and put them on before opening the sealed pouch, keeping it at arm’s length. She reached inside and grabbed out something that made Phillip’s nose twitch like crazy and made Roger start to drool. Sara looked nauseous, as if whatever was inside was strong enough to turn her stomach. She didn’t even need to pull it out all the way for Phillip to guess what it was.

“This is the strongest one we have. It’s been well-seasoned by my willing jock boys, horny to bring more men into the fold. For someone who tried to leave and escape this facility, I think it’s called for, don’t you agree?” She asked nobody in particular.

Sara pulled out of jockstrap, something teal and red, with an absorbent cloth pouch. It looked huge, but it also had been worn quite hard. Somehow Phillip’s brain knew that that had not been washed in weeks, and several different men had worn it for consecutive workouts, saturating it with an incredible amount of sweat and musk. Howard looked at the two of them pleadingly, his own nose twitching like crazy and his cock throbbing under his gym shorts.

“Oh fuck. It smells like a locker room. Like a dozen dudes took turns using that as a sweat towel. It smells so good. No. No, I have to fight it,” Howard grunted.

“Is he gonna be ok?” Phillip asked anxiously.

“Mmmmm, smells like he’s gonna be huge Phil. He’s gonna be a big strong dude. He will smell great and lift heavy,” Roger said as he groped himself, finding a mirror to observe his vascular definition while he indifferently waited for another man to get fully jocked.

Howard wasn’t restrained physically, as far as Phillip could see. He was free to leave through the door they used to enter. But something held Howard there, like a bug under a magnifying glass. Part of him didn’t want to leave, it wanted whatever was happening to him. Phillip felt something similar, a deep secret part of his psyche that desired the growth, the strength, the change. The cost didn’t matter, just the results. The size was intoxicating and it was so easy to just give in and jock out.

“Help me guys,” Howard pleaded, looking at Phillip. “I don’t wanna lose myself like your friend there. Look at him. He can’t keep his hands off his muscles or his cock. He smells like the laundry room at a frat house, and he’s leaking through his shorts. Look, it’s dripping on the floor while he flexes.”

“Come on now, none of that out of you. I need to dose you hard, to let you enjoy this rather than giving you a quick hit. The resistance is admirable, but we want obedience and empty jock boy heads here,” Sara said wickedly.

She approached Howard, moving confidently, and pressed the pouch of the strap to Howard’s face. He grunted loudly, concentration broken, and he gripped the strap with one hand as she pulled away. His left hand pressed it against his face, smearing the sweaty strap across his chiseled cheeks. He pulled it downward, sucking on it tenderly for a few moments, before shoving his free hand into his shorts. He was quite obviously masturbating, but that wasn’t the most distracting part.

“Pity. He’s getting it all at once. He’ll jock out, but it will drain all his cognitive energy. Ah well. At least he won’t cause more problems for us,” Sara said disdainfully as she removed the gloves and tossed them and the packaging into a bio waste canister.

Phillip watched with fascination as Howard started to grow again. He was flexing and sweating like crazy now, muscular striations popping, emphasizing more and more body mass growing on his frame. The little amount of fat he had left disappeared, and the bear of a man quickly, filling his frame to capacity. As his body piled on muscle, the fur thinned out more, coating him evenly on his chest and arms, decreasing on his shoulders and back.

Phillip felt a sense of deep dread. Is this what would happen to him? He inched back to the exit as Howard grew. The well-spoken man was now grunting bestially, indifferent to his observers as he jacked off and grew bigger and stronger. Phillip could feel the heat rolling off his body in waves, his core temperature jacked up as Howard grew. All that extra heat soaked him in sweat in no time, amping up the strong musk in the room already leaking out of Roger.

Howard pulled the jockstrap away from his face for a minute, his eyes looking blank and vacant, before shoving it under his gym shorts. It was clear he was using it to mop up his own sweat and precum before pushing it back up to his face. Sara turned, beckoning the two stunned men to follow, walking farther away. They heard Howard climaxing as they left, grunting and moaning without any clear words as the two of them entered into another, smaller gym.

“Damn. I might have gone overboard there. Shame. But we don’t need every jock boy to make more than grunts, now do we?” She said, the implication hanging heavy in the air.

This gym was also filled with heavy weight equipment, even larger and more numerous weights than the previous one. There were fewer men here, but the ones who lifted and flexed were truly massive. They wore simple jockstraps and shoes, grunting every so often to adjust themselves as they lifted weights. Their bodies dripped with sweat, and it looked to be a struggle for some of them to go more than a couple of reps without lifting an arm and sniffing their pits, eliciting a moan each time and causing action in their jocks.

Sara opened the door, and the potent male smell wafted out. It was strong and seductive, and made Roger grunt and start walking forward. After watching what happened with the previous jock, his mind completely melted as he grew quickly, Phillip hesitated. He grabbed Roger’s arm, making him pause.

“Maybe we should leave dude. I want to get big, but I think this is too much,” Phillip begged.

Roger just grunted, starting to sniff the air loudly. Phillip watched as his body started to swell and grow more, his neck practically disappearing into his growing delts. His arms bulged away from his body, and he would need to turn sideways to walk through the doors back up at BaraTek. He spread his legs, adjusting himself not just because his quads inflated, but because his cock and balls were clearly growing as well. He gave one more flex, and his mouth hung open, a strand of drool going out and on to his sweaty body.

Roger started walking in, adjusting himself as he began moving over to a pair of unoccupied hundred and fifty pound dumbbells, starting curls with an effortless motion. Another jock walked by, itching his body, and both of the two leaned in to sniff each other. This was too much for Phillip, and he began walking back slowly, hoping that Sara couldn’t see him.

Instead of inching to a door, Phillip backed up into something large and damp. He turned around to notice Howard standing there, mouth open and expression blank. One hand was still down the front of his shorts, but the other was popping a bicep pose. He seems to barely notice Phillip, focused instead on his own arousal and massive muscles. He didn’t react to Phillip’s motions, other than to pause momentarily at the obstacle between his body and the gym, his brain struggling to do anything that wasn’t sex or strength training.

In addition, Phillip could smell Howard. He could still smell Roger on himself, and the door to the massively enhanced jock gym was open. He was trying with all of his might to fight it, to resist, to prevent himself from losing his identity to his own studly body. He looked around, making eye contact with Sara as he seemed to beg wordlessly.

“What’s that? Do you want to get out of here? I won’t stop you if you want to leave. Everything will get out of your system quickly, and if you don’t work out, you’ll just get a little bit of extra beef. Hell, I’ll even give you a bonus if you keep quiet. You just have to willingly walk out of here. Do you think you can do that? Do you think you can just leave, jock boy?” She asked, emphasizing those last two words harshly.

It broke Phillip. He grunted, feeling himself start to soak his jock and his gym shorts. He turned around, not to run, but to shove his face under Howard’s pits. He took a deep sniff, feeling the massive bodybuilder of a man grunt in approval. He ran to the gym, moving past Roger and quickly rushing to an open spot on the weight floor, listening to several of the other jock boys grunt with satisfaction. He picked up a pair of dumbbells and began doing lat raises, setting them down after each rep and flexing hard.

His willingness to embrace his changes, especially in a room suffused with so much other masculine energy, accelerated his growth far faster than anyone else. He was growing before their eyes, packing on pound after pound of muscle by the second. Phillip felt his spine throb as he snorted and flexed, fighting through the pain and fatigue in pursuit of his goals. He grew taller as well, purposefully taking a wider stance as he flexed his pelvic floor, feeling his equipment growing along with him. He looked in the mirrors, watching himself blossom full of muscles, and it only served to increase his pace.

Several of the other jock boys set down their equipment and watched, reaching down to rub themselves. They knew they weren’t allowed to openly masturbate while lifting, but the sight of another man giving in, jocking himself, was almost too much for them to take. They winked and catcalled Phillip, welcoming another man to their ranks. Roger had already grown and they couldn’t remember in their small jock brains if he had been there the whole time, but it was a special treat to watch a man go from normal to ripped before their eyes.

Sara smiled, watching Howard go in as well, starting to lift with the rest of them. Between two new, horned-up jocks and the feast of muscled desperation that Phillip was, many of the jock boys spent more focus on their cocks instead of their workouts. Realizing that it was a lost battle, she poked her head in through the door and yelled.

“The gym will be closed for the next thirty minutes. No working out, but you’re welcome to do whatever else you’d like,” she said before shutting it quickly, as the sounds of sex started almost immediately.

Most men didn’t even take their jocks off, they just shoved the pouches to the side and attacked each other. Several of them made out, but most of them were greedy to begin sniffing and licking each other, maneuvering to where they could have their most fun. A pair of olive-skinned jocks at the bench press moved, so that the man laying on his back was practically smothered by the standing one’s sack. The wet sounds of arousal echoed, sweaty slaps and grunts as he serviced his spotter’s nuts.

Over by the squat rack, one of the jock boys had set the bar down but still had bent over, achieving his perfect form of squat but popping forward onto his arms as well. A tall blonde muscle jock with a mohawk approached him from behind, spitting on his dick and working it into the other’s ass, grunting as he sunk balls deep, ten full inches of veiny jock cock slowly working its way in and out of his buddy. They moaned in pleasure, appreciating each other’s bodies as much as they enjoyed the sweaty fuck.

Phillip beelined straight for Roger, tearing off his gym shorts from his tree trunk thoughts as he moved. He shoved aside his own underwear to compare their cocks, with Roger standing excited by all the muscle sex occurring around them. Phillip grunted triumphantly, his dick just a half inch longer, as Roger happily bent over one of the nearby benches. Roger reached behind himself to spread his huge cheeks.

“You got so huge Phil! So hot. Such big muscles man! You are a hot jock boy,” Roger said excitedly.

“Hell yeah I did! I am so big now. So swole. So sweaty. And so hung!” Phillip exalted as he slapped his hard cock against his open hand, still amazed at his growth all over.

He moved to start fucking Roger but stopped as he got a look at himself in the mirror. He couldn’t help but admire himself. His abs stood out, not like even cobblestones from sculpting and dieting, but the irregular masses of muscle gained from heavy lifting and core work. His legs were covered in veins and muscle, large enough to make wearing pants hard not from his waistline, but from his enormous quads. His biceps would barely fit into normal sized shirt sleeves, and his neck disappeared into his huge deltoids. Phillip’s massive pecs stuck out in front of his chest like a shelf, making it hard for him to look down and see his feet. If his cock hadn’t grown as much as it had, he would have had difficulty in seeing that too.

Phillip enjoyed the image of his massive body before reevaluating his approach. He realized his thick cock wouldn’t just slide into Roger’s thick ass. He grunted and crouched, shoving his face into Roger’s sweaty asses he began rimming his coworker and friend. Roger’s ass loosened up easily, the huge jock boy moaning loudly as Phillip used his tongue to relax and lubricate his colossal glutes.

“Oh fuck man. That feels so good Phil. Your mouth on my big ass, fuck! You’re making my ass so greedy. It needs to be stuffed bro,” Roger babbled.

Soon Phillip stood up and slowly milked a large blob or precum onto Roger’s hole, the other jock moaning lewdly as he felt the cock snot ooze onto his gasping pucker. Phillip pressed his cock against Roger’s hole, adjusting and maneuvering every inch into Roger’s huge ass. After making sure he got the hang of his and Roger’s bigger bodies, Phillip started to work his massive cock in and out, over and over.

“Your ass is big and beefy but so tight! My dick feels so good man. So much better than stroking,” Phillip moaned, feeling his body start to sweat with exertion.

Most of the jocks soon reached a steady rhythm of fucking or sucking, almost like they used some sort of weight training machine. In a way, they were. The gym mentality couldn’t be trained out of them, even when they were completely engrossed in sex. Roger grunted like he was lifting heavy, but instead he was controlling the amazing feeling of getting stuffed by a fat cock. He controlled how much he pushed out to make Phillip grunt, and was overwhelmed by how his old coworker’s pole pressed against his prostate, making his ass light up in pleasure. Roger flexed his butt and treated milking Phillip’s muscle cock just like any other exercise, like he continued developing his glutes.

Halfway through, Howard approached the two rutting jocks. He had already gotten his face fucked by a tall European jock, splatters of drool and cum soaking his face. He waited for them to pause and compare cocks, and let out a whoop when he realized his dick even bigger than the two of them. Whereas Phillip and Roger made animalistic noises in pleasure at the fuck, Howard was incapable of uttering words at all. He had gone so far into his unwilling transformation that he left a portion of his mind behind. Phillip nodded in acquiescence, pausing mid-thrust to spread his cheeks while keeping Roger in the same position on the bench. He was surprised when Howard shoved his cock right in, using sweat and pre as lube, sandwiching Phillip between the other two huge jocks.

Whereas he had fucked with deliberation, Howard jackhammered away. Roger moaned, the increase in pace pummeling his prostate and making his dick drip all over the workout bench, pushing him towards a hands-free orgasm. It felt like sparklers went off, starting in his ass and spreading throughout his body. His pleasure was amplified by his last surge of growth, his body thickening in places as muscles grew and adjusted, leaving him in peak physical perfection. He yelled loudly as he shot, fully changing into the perfect jock boy - yolked, hung, dumb, and full of cum.

In the middle, Phillip floated in ecstasy. The smells of musk and sex rolling off the three of them overwhelmed his senses. Once Howard worked his ass open, he just used his hands for support to grip Roger’s hips, letting himself rock back and forth on the two other jock boys. With each thrust behind him, Howard fucked him into Roger, and all he had to do was pull back to allow the other jock more room to fuck. He felt his ass and cock spasming, his body growing quickly as he got milked and drilled at the same time. His back and calves were the only parts that could pack on more meat, blossoming outwards as Phillip continued to feel the sublime ecstasy of sweaty muscle sex.

Howard didn’t even stop as he started orgasming, pumping Phillip full as he continued to fuck. Phillip’s grunting and erratic thrusts caused Roger to clench his untouched dick dumping a load onto the floor beneath him. With his pole gripped hard by Roger’s spasming ass, it didn’t take long for Phillip to shoot as well. The three men grunted, not pausing at all as they were spent. They still had six more minutes before the gym opened back up, and they were prepared to hit the weights as sweaty and horny as possible.