An Encouragers Progress

Author's note: This is my homage to the old Warren Davis gainer artwork.


I had always been a bit of a feeder. As a teenager I saw those Warren Davis gainer cartoons online and immediately they hooked me into the world of gaining and encouraging. I started dreaming about becoming the ultimate muscle encourager: a hot lean jock with a big fat ex-jock to feed. I really liked the idea of contrast between a big growing rotund stud and my hard, sculpted muscles. And I wanted that hot jock body to be mine. I wanted to feed those fatties and taunt them about their growing waistlines.

Starting in college I adopted a serious muscle-and-fitness lifestyle. My meals were clean, chicken breast and rice with veggies, and I lifted hard 5 days a week. Rarely ate out or drank. By the time I was 28 I was quite proud of the build I had achieved. I was around 205 pounds, with abs (not quite as sculpted as I would have wanted though...) and at 6'1" I looked good. Maybe not full-blown fitness model good, but I looked solid and lean. My body was desirable to most gay guys.

Men chased me, but they usually weren't big enough for my taste. And my tastes run large. The first guy I ever dated was just a hair shorter than me and nearly 300 lbs. He had played football in college and had just “gone to pot” afterwards. I never came out to him about my fetish, but he caught on. By the time we broke up he had probably put on around 20 lbs, and he looked so beefy, so thick, so hot.

I found myself online a lot, living my fantasy out that way. Occasionally I'd get to hook up with some hot chunky bearish gainer, but that wasn't very often. There was a few guys in town that I had fed from time to time, but I don't know if they were ever as into it as me. I really did love that contrast with softer, chunky bodies. I kept my chest and stomach shaved so you could see the definition. I liked to take pictures of my abs next to their rounded bellies after a good feeding session. My Grommr profile became dominated by these kinds of pics.

One of the men I fooled around with, Rick, became a regular of mine. We didn't date, I think personality wise we weren't a match, but we'd fool around from time to time. Rick became my favorite guy to feed. 5'10" 250, chunky and thick in all the right ways. He worked out so he had the broad shoulders and big arms like I prefer on a guy, as well as the prodigious gut of a total food addict. After I posted some pics from a recent little "photo show" Rick and I put together, I got a message on Grommr from someone who said he was visiting town and wanted to meet. He didn't have a pic on his profile but he sent them over and damn was he cute. Totally my type. Bearish, thick, bearded, with a nice rounded gut. He and Rick had similar builds, only this guy was shorter, maybe 5'8", Hasim was his name. Vaguely Middle Eastern and hairy, he has a short cropped beard and a nice round gut.

Hasim said he was visiting town for work and wanted to meet up for a session. I came over to his hotel to find that he had already bought a huge amount of food- hamburgers, burritos, an entire cake, all for us to eat, and for him to stuff himself. "I want to experience your fantasy" He told me, and while he was a novice at feeding, he ate more than anyone else I had ever been with. His gut ballooned after two burgers, two burritos and half a cake. I had rarely seen any man eat so much, and he seemed ready for more. He saw how turned on it made me, it was insanely hot. We took pics in the mirror. His hairy gut looked impressively round, far rounder than it had been when I arrived. "Incredible" I kept telling him, it was like living out one of my fantasies, he ate even more than Rick. Hasim seemed to enjoy it too. He had “never been this big before.” Which was something that really turned me on. Apparently he had only turned to gaining recently.

Hasim asked me if I had ever wanted to gain. I told him the truth: I hated the idea. I wanted to be the lean guy, the hot lean muscled stud in control. It's the other guy who needs to be the rounded fat jock, unable to hold back his appetite. Weak and unable to control his desires. Hasim sort of grinned at this notion. "You should try living larger" he said.

“I’m not interested in gaining” I replied, “Like I said, I like being lean. I like the contrast between my abs and your belly.” I replied. “I like how fat you look next to me.”

"Well being big is fun, I'm liking this whole 'bear' thing, and I bet you'd look good as one too." Hasim said. “Besides” he continued “It might awaken another fantasy you didn’t know you had. That's what happened to me”

“Nah man, not for me” I replied, instantly.

I dismissed his comments and after cleaning up, I went back home for the evening. It was hot how Hasim had grown from otter into a bear after only a few months. I jerked off again just thinking about that.

Later that week I noticed in the mirror that my abs looked a little softer. It was hard for me to tell at first because I hadn't trimmed my happy trail in a few days and the hair was quickly growing back. My normally trim midsection was ever so slightly wider. I thought I'd have to avoid any cheat meals for a while. At the gym the lifting was going well. The days ticked by and I noticed I had a lot of strength. My normal 225 bench was becoming pretty easy for me. My shirts felt a little snug too. I couldn't figure why, my diet hadn't changed. I was still eating lean and meal prepping. I still remember my shock when I saw my reflection in the gym mirror about two after meeting with Hasim. I looked bigger. Everywhere. My shoulders, arms, neck, chest all had filled out more. But most prominently in my mind was how much thicker my stomach looked. I pinched it, confirming that the small bit more pudge I had been ignoring that week had grown. I gingerly stepped on the scale. 213 lbs.

I had put on almost 10 pounds since seeing Hasim. How was that even possible? I examined myself in the mirror and realized that I was just a bit bigger everywhere.

Once I was aware of my larger size, everything became more obvious. My pants were tight on my thighs, butt and waist. My shirts were tight, my sweatshirts were tight. I doubled down on my effort to eat clean, but it didn't seem to do anything. I was hungry all the time from cutting back intake and I was still growing. Three days later at the gym I weighed in at 216 lbs. How was this even possible? I found myself asking that a lot. I squeezed in some extra cardio on the elliptical machine.

I had stopped shaving or trimming my body hair. I just didn’t have any desire to trim it. It had been years since I had let it grow in all together, so I was amazed to see how thick it was coming in. I was really getting a carpet across my chest and stomach. "Where did all this hair come from?" seemed to be a common thought those first few weeks. I was discovering it growing in places on my torso it had never been before.

I felt like I was blimping up in every direction. Every morning I rolled out of bed feeling ever so slightly heavier and bulkier. Even with the added cardio I was still packing it on. I could practically feel my shirts growing tighter by the day. The only thing that made me feel good was the fact that I could effectively bench 275, curl 60s and outlift most of the other guys in the gym. I was no doubt getting stronger. But the aesthetics of my physique? That look I wanted, had almost once attained, was disappearing under layer and layer of bulk I seemed to be piling on.

I caught up with Rick who wanted to meet up again. Now by then I had to be somewhere around 220 lbs, I felt a little uneasy showing up at his place. I was clearly bigger, there was no hiding it. My hairy stomach was starting to develop a curve and my abs? They were increasingly buried. Only a faint outline of them remained. My whole frame looked meatier, which in some ways I didn't mind, I still looked hot and muscular, but at the same time, I was panicking. I didn't want to get bigger. I wanted to look like the guys on the cover of the fitness catalogues, not like a bear. I didn’t want to be the bearish guy.

When Rick saw me his jaw dropped. I had grown a beard, which had taken all of three days, and it hid the fact that my face was filling out. My body hair was turning into a real forest, and my stomach was pressing up against my too tight tee shirt. Rick thought I looked amazing, he kept rubbing his hands all over me, worshipping my bulkier muscles and new belly. "God you look so good like this!" He kept saying. I was uneasy, and for the first time, self conscious. I didn't stay long with him that night. I had to go back and think about what I was going to do.

Each day brought more weight onto my frame. I could see it piling on, relentlessly. No amount of cardio, no restrictions in my diet seemed to do anything. I was hungry all the time and yet I was still growing. My shoulders broadened, arms thickened, my now hairy chest blew up, but so did my belly .I hit the gym nearly every day, working hard, but I kept bulking up. I had to buy new clothes. I was buying size 36 pants and squeezing them on, even though they were already snug. My large shirts had to become extra larges, as I realized my increasingly round belly was pressing up against them and becoming noticeable in public. My friends and colleagues didn't say much about anything other than the beard, which I have to admit, did look pretty good on me.

I dreaded the scale at my gym. When I broke 230 I knew I was getting pretty big. When I hit 240 I felt like I looked like a whole different man. A heavier, beefier, like an overfed gym rat. I kept up my measurements, as it was clear my lifting was still paying off. My arms went from 17" to 18.5". A few weeks later I hit 250 and my arms broke 19". I looked formidable, between my rounded belly and my thick muscles. I had developed a powerlifter type build, which I guess wasn't half bad. By then clothes shopping had becoming a weekly occurrence. “Bulking” I told my shocked friends.”I’m getting big and then I’m gonna cut back down” I fibbed. I didn’t know what was going on, much less if I was ever going to be able to cut back down. I was worried I might never stop gaining.

I kept trying to figure how this happening to me, what made me blimp up this big so quickly? In two months I had put on over 50 lbs and the weight gain didn't seem to slow down. My bench went up to 315, which did make me puff up my chest a little bit in the gym, the kind of weight only the real big boys could push.. My muscles were undoubtedly larger and stronger. My friends who hadn't seen me in a while were pretty shocked by my appearance. Some asked if I was taking steroids, which did make me feel pretty good about myself. Clearly I didn't look that fat, right?

Well by the time I was 260 I knew there was no hiding the gut. Sucking it in all the time wasn't comfortable, so I couldn't do that anymore. Man did my belly get hairy too, it was like my chest, totally covered in thick black fur. I don't know where that had come from, I had never been *that* hairy of a guy. Last time I had let it grow it I had only a thin trail of hair on my stomach and a patch on my upper chest. Now I was a seriously furry dude.

I met up with Rick again. He was in shock, beside himself and clearly turned on. He was just in awe of my new “bear body”. We had some great sex, but part of me was deeply self-conscious about my new size, and Rick’s attraction and obvious excitement over my larger frame only seemed to feed my insecurity. Rick insisted that we take an updated comparison shot. Now with my big "muscle gut" as he called it.

Rick teased me a bit about my new size, but it was Hasim who messaged me after we put the updated "belly comparison shot" up on Grommr.. He seemed quite intrigued by my recent gains. Part of me half wondered, had his words, his own desires caused the changes in my physique? Had I internalized what he said and it made me eat more? In three months I had put on nearly 70 pounds, an insane amount to gain in such a short amount of time. Nothing that I had bought even the month before still fit me, or at least fit well. Sure I could put on some shirts, but they were now incredibly tight everywhere, and had the terrible effect of highlighting my new belly too. I kept wishing for my weight gain to slow down. Day by day I kept wanted to see this stop, but I had to admit, there was something about my heavily muscled, heavily bellied and hairy build that really did work for some guys. Rick included. He just loved the way I looked. Apparently Hasim and the other men on Grommr, who seemed more than a little excited by the sudden change of my appearance.

Standing in front of the half fogged up mirror in my bathroom, I examined myself. My reflection showed the kind of physique I'd love on a guy. A totally bearish, thick build that drives a lot of men wild. Like a lineman or a large rugby player. A powerful build, certainly. But on me? I never wanted this. I thought about trimming or shaving back the thick forest on my gut, but rubbing my hands over all my soft hair, I decided not to. Everyone loved it and I was concerned I'd look even fatter without it. I have to admit, there was some definite sex appeal about my new size.

I'd always fantasized about fattening up another man but watching it happen to myself, unwillingly, was not as fun as you might expect. I missed my abs. I missed my flat stomach. I missed my thinner face. My beard looked full and thick, but I hadn't needed to highlight my jawline before. Now my face had a certain chubbiness about it that I wasn't thrilled with.

The days continued to pass and I felt myself still growing larger. Day by day the gains materialized. My arms grew thicker, my shoulders broader, my legs bigger, and of course my belly, which continued to grow rounder and rounder. By the time I hit 270 it really felt like a ball belly. Its hairy curve felt heavy between the palms of my hands. I wanted nothing more than to push it back in, rather than keep graduating to XL sized shirts and XXL. Bending over became noticeably harder with this big ball sitting where my flat abdomen had been. Tying my shoes was noticeably more difficult. It felt silly how hard challenging it was becoming. Even my elastic gym shorts seemed to be digging into my stomach more and more.

I wondered about what people thought of the changes, but few people said much. Some folks mentioned that I was getting really bulky and that my arms looked huge, but not many people said anything else. I found that surprising.

My XL polos that I had bought around the time I met up with Rick started getting really snug. I pulled one on only to find that a sliver of my furry gut was poking out from the bottom. I hated it, I tried to pull the shirt down farther, but it wasn't much use. If I lifted up my arms at all, the shirt would lift up almost to my belly button, putting the fuzzy curve of my big gut on display. But everywhere else fabric was tightening around a frame that was relentlessly filling out. My arms had hit 19" around the time I was 250 lbs. By the time I hit 275 they were getting close to 21" around. I couldn't complain about those size gains. I really looked like a bear of a man. massively built and hairier than I ever imagined becoming. Even my back had grown a thicket of dark, swirling hair.

Night after night I continued to make my pilgrimage to the gym. I didn't know many people there, but now I don't think even the regulars recognized me. I looked too different. In four months I had grown into an imposing 275 pound bear of a man. My powerful frame clearly showed that I put my muscles through heavy lifting. I was become less and less aesthetic, more and more massive and heavily bellied.

Hasim messaged me to let me know he was in town again the next week. I was eager to meet him, we had had such a hot feeding session, I wanted to see how much bigger he had grown. He told me I had inspired him, so I was hoping he had broken 250 lbs.

Imagine my shock, then, when Hasim opened the hotel room door, shirtless, and proudly displaying his newly flat, but still hairy stomach and dramatically more muscular build.

His hairy gut, which had looked so round the a few months before, had shrunk into a flat, muscular looking stomach. He didn't have abs, but he had the faint outline of them. Meanwhile the rest of him had grown. His arms, legs, chest. He looked like a proper gym rat.

"What happened?" I asked, astonished.

"I could ask the same to you" he replied, patting me on my rounded belly. By the time we had met up, I was nearly 280 lbs. I looked enormous.

"Well, you've changed! Are you on a cycle?" I asked.

"You could say that. I've lost some weight, but the weight also redistributed, you could say." He continued "And you, my god you're huge. You look so hot. I see you really took my advice about becoming a bear. You look incredible" He said, pulling me closer with his strong arms.

"This" I began, gesturing to the heavy bulk of my frame " an accident. I didn't mean this to happen. Honestly, I don't know how it's happening." I said.

"Well, maybe it's psychological?” Hasim responded with a grin “Maybe it's something you've always deeply wanted?". All I could think about was how handsome he looked. Hasim reached his hand up my shirt and began rubbing my belly in big circles.

"And you've gotten so furry" he said "I love it. You're even hairier than me now. We will have to do another updated comparison." He said.

That evening was hot, but totally different than three and a half months prior. I felt like this weird role reversal. He kept rubbing my furry belly and chest and telling me how thick and chunky I looked. Hasim had a gigantic buffet laid out, room service I presume, set out. I had expected him to eat it at first and for me to feed him, but as the evening went on, he appeared to want me to eat it.

We explored our fantasies, shared our stories. Now that I was no longer the lean muscled jock I had been before, I felt I could explore a new side to my fetish. I was a different man, the kind that ate huge and let my belly balloon out of control. I felt myself becoming that man.

Part of me wanted to resist it, and wanted Hasim to go back to being my feedee, but with his new, leaner, more muscular build, something told me that was not the trajectory he saw for himself. We did take a comparison shot, after I had stuffed myself. In the photo my belly looked like a furry beach ball attached to my beefy build. His stomach my contrast, was hairy and flat. He looked like the hunk, and I was the chunk. It was like someone had swapped his gut with mine, and then kept blowing it up. I realized then that I was physically far more massive than he had ever been.

We talked a lot, we fooled around, and we talked some more. Mostly about what turned us on. I told him about how those Warren Davis cartoons had gotten me into the scene. For him too, those had inspired something deeply sexual.

That night ended with me stuffed full, slowly walking to my car with both hands grasping my hefty, overstuffed gut. He insisted I come back the next day, after the gym.

So that day, a Friday, I went to the gym following work, lifted heavy and broke sweat, and then headed right over to his hotel room. Again when he opened the door I was greeted by the smells of dozens of trays of food. At least three or four times as much food as he had laid out the day before.

"Tonight" he said "We're going to make your fantasy a reality."

He made me take off my shirt and put on an XXL football jersey and a backwards baseball cap.It was snug on me. Hasim put on a tight tank top and shorts that seemed to highlight his muscular frame. I knew it was impossible, but he looked even more lean and more muscular in those clothes. I felt a little ridiculous but I did look kinda hot in the mirror. I looked like a big bellied footballer, like some seriously overblown jock, with my 21" arms hanging powerfully on my sides, my beard. He had me step on his scale, 282 lbs. The number was hardly real to me. It just seemed impossible for less than five months to gain so much, but here I was, bulging out of everything I put on. Hasim pulled me close with his muscular arms and then led me over to the pile of food he had laid out.

Hasim lead me over to a small table and chair inside the massive hotel suite. The table was piled high with burgers, I wondered how it was that Hasim got so many in one place. He kept a strong arm around me too. lt like I succumbed to the pressure of my hunger. I just starting stuffing myself with the burgers that were in front of me. Hasim kept a firm grip on me, rubbing my belly and encouraging me to eat. Here I was, suddenly, becoming this beautiful hunk’s feedee.

After about the third burger I felt like I was going into some kind of trance, it was like I just wanted to eat more and more. Hasim looked so hot, his chiseled jaw and hint of stubble, and I just felt so hungry. "You're going to be my living, breathing Warren Davis drawing tonight" he said.

It took me a bit to realize it, but my furry belly was starting to swell out in front of me. With each bite of those burgers it seemed like my belly gained a little bit more girth, spread a little wider, heavier, and rounder. Soon the XL jersey was riding up, growing tighter. Creases indicating the stress of the fabric began to form on the sides of my stomach. By the fifth burger I realized something was wrong, I was ravenously hungry and yet I had just eating more than most people do in a day. Something was happening to me. I was growing.

Hasim meanwhile kept reassuringly rubbing me down, feeling the increasing surface area of the hairy globe in front of me.

I couldn't really tell you how much time passed, only how many empty wrappers appeared in front of my hungry mouth. It was surreal when I adjusted myself in the chair, realizing that my ball belly gut had doubled in size in mere minutes. My ass too had inflated, taking up more and more room in the chair and causing me to sit up higher. I looked down briefly, barely able to see past my bulging hairy pecs, only to see a mass of hairy gut sprawled in front of me, hiding my beefy legs underneath. I couldn't even see my knees. What was happening to me?

My gut continued to inflate, blowing up bigger and bigger with each bite. I really felt like this heavy blimp, and Hasim’s continual belly rubs made me more aware of how big I had already gotten. Meanwhile, Hasim took photos of me gorging on food.

Once the burgers on the table were done with, Hasim helped get me up, he pulled me up out of the chair with his strong arms. I wobbled a bit, unused to the massive weight gain that now hung in front of me.

He sort of gentle lead me back to the bathroom to compare again. "Look at yourself" he said. Sure enough, I was absolutely huge. I was a blimp. My arms still looked really beefy, at least 22" but probably more, My hairy chest, though rounded out much fuller, still looked like powerfully muscular pecs, My traps and my shoulders were enormous, but what was truly massive was the sphere of gut that now caused my XL Jersey to ride up past my belly button. Even my face looked different, more handsome maybe. My jawline was stronger, my nose a little more prominent. I really did look like one of those huge Italian boys Warren Davis fantasies were made of.

My legs and butt were so filled out that top button of my jeans had popped off and they were skin tight everywhere else. Hasim lead me over to the heavy duty scale he had bought for the occasion. 390 lbs. I began to get aroused looking at my own reflection, There was something undoubtedly cartoonish about my new proportions, my oversized gut on my massively built frame

In less than an hour I had inflated by 110 lbs, much of it looked like much of it had gone to my belly, legs and ass. I gripped my stomach with both hands. I was enormous.

"Let's see if we can have you break 450 before you leave tonight" He said to me. Part of my mind was screaming about how this was impossible, unreal. The other part was just sort of in a cowish contentment, happily lead to the food that Hasim had stilled piled up.

Again I ate, feeling myself swell larger. My belly now sat fully on my lap, stretched out into a huge, dominating feature on my massive frame. And more food, fries, shakes, massive italian meatball sub sandwiches,

He actually decided to cut me off. I was ready to keep eating. "We don't want you to get too big on just the first night" he said.

By the time I waddled up to the mirror again, the Jersey I was wearing had began to tear apart at the sides. My immense, nearly perfectly round hairy gut had done it in. I surveyed my appearance. My proportions were truly ridiculous now. My gut stretched maybe two feet out from my beefy pecs and had rounded out to nearly three and a half feet wide. It sat out in front of me, defying gravity like some firm, hairy globe. Everything was so jumbo sized on me now, it was hard to fathom. I even seemed taller, somehow, as if the fattening, ballooning physique had sent my dimensions even larger to accommodate for the new girth. The warm, muscular hands of my feeder wrapped around me from behind. But I was too big for him to get his arms all the way around. My footfalls had become heavy stomps, so I sauntered to the scale. 454 lbs.

Again I was in shock. How many people were over 400 lbs? Surely not many. How would it look? People would stare at my massively blown up ballbelly and there would be no way to hide it. Hasim pulled me up next to him and took another new comparison shot. His rippling abs and thin waist were quite the comparison to my gargantuan belly. How on earth could I have transformed into this massive, overblown caricature?

My mind reeled, but Hasim's words calmed me. "You've always wanted this on some level" He said "Now you are in the unique position of having become the man of your fantasies." He embraced me, with his arms exploring my bulk.

“How much bigger am I going to get? I’m impossibly huge already!” I protested. Looking down and surveying my new size just brought it home how truly immense I had become. Doorframes would now pose a challenge to my blown up belly and super-wide body. Not to mention the fact that I appeared to have grown taller.

“You know this isn’t over big guy.” He began “”You’ve seen how Warren Davis cartoons end. You know you’re nowhere near done growing yet.”

I was still starving, but we decided to explore my new size instead of eat. It was a good thing he had booked a room with a King size bed, because at my new size, my hairy belly still nearly hung off the side of the mattress. It was getting late, so I closed my eyes and drifted off into a food coma.

The next morning I awoke to the smell of pancakes and more food. Huge piles of food had been delivered to the hotel suite. I was starving, my mouth was watering. I shifted my immense body out of bed, unused to my new center of gravity.. I dug in without a second thought. I felt bigger even than I had the night before. Something was definitely controlling my impulse to eat, and even though I knew what this cursed food was doing to me, I couldn’t stop. Hasim was pleased, watching me stuff myself, watching my burgeoning belly spread out even rounder and fuller in front of me. I finished several plates in no time, and he quickly brought me more. I just ate mindlessly, aware of what it was doing but unable to stop.

Soon when I looked down all I could see were monumental rounded masses of my chest and the massive sphere of my belly. My legs and feet were not going to be seen again for a long time. I was growing incredibly broad too, with an incredibly powerful arms and shoulders that just seemed to grow even beefier, rising higher as my back had widened dramatically. They were, however, not growing fast enough to compete with the insanely large gut I now sported.

After what seemed like hours of eating I lifted myself up out from my stupor and stood up. Everything seemed smaller in the room. I had definitely grown taller again. Hasim was a food shorter than me and he seemed to be eye level with my overgrown, fur-covered chest. We pulled out the industrial scale as I wobbled on my feet, unaccustomed to my new size. I felt the floors tremble under my lumbering footsteps. I was beyond huge. I was a total blimp, blown up into inhuman size. A bear of a man that had been exaggerated to some insane extreme.

I couldn’t see the scale under my feet. Hasim had to guide me to it. “839 lbs! You’ve grown a lot big guy.!” he exclaimed, I was reeling. How was that possible? I was a fantasy come to life. My body was unreal, morphed into some extreme, impossible size. Over 350 lbs in a few hours? I rubbed my hands over the tremendous bulk in front of me. All of this hairy mass was me. It stretched out beyond the width of a doorframe. As fat as I now was, it was also very firm, and felt strong. My arms, my chest, my shoulder, all were gigantic, and filled with power and strength. Even at this impossible weight my body has avoided getting flabby. I was round everywhere, but not saggy.

The mirror, or as much of myself as I could see in the mirror, confirmed this. I had the incredibly rounded, firm shape of a true Warren Davis man. I was tall, hairy, and beyond imposing. No man had ever achieved this kind of body in reality. I was living a fantasy. I was the spitting image of one of Warren Davis’ overblown jocks. My mobility was dramatically decreased. My insanely beefy arms were pushed so far up because of my now gargantuan back and belly, and so thick that bending them more than 30 degrees became a challenge.

The lean Hasim could hardly control himself around me. He loved feeling my gigantic new body next to his. I could feel his hands exploring my bulk even more enthusiastically than I explored it myself. He was practically in awe of my size. I could easily crush him now with my new mass. It would take so little to dominate him, and yet he was the one who had been so dominate all morning. But then the way he started to look up at me, craning his neck to meet my eyes, I knew he wanted to submit to me.

That's when I pushed him up against the nearby wall and pinned him between my belly and the wall. “You like that?” I asked. He squirmed, but nodded his head. He was totally turned on by using my new mass against him.

I shoved a donut into his mouth. I grabbed the closest one I could. My hugely thick arms struggled to reach the plates of food next to me, but I managed. He ate it submissively, and as I fed him there, his muscular frame pinned by my body against the wall, I remembered how much I had enjoyed feeding him. I might be the impossibly fattened overgrown jock, but I was still a feeder at heart.

I kept him against the wall, my huge hairy belly pressed up against him, and began to feed him pastries, muffins, pancakes, anything on the table I could grab a hold of. He ate obediently as I watched. Ever so subtly his flat stomach began to widen. After a few minutes, I was able to unpin him and have him sit down. “You’re going to finish this food” I said. Sure enough, he obeyed. I loomed over him with my massive bulk, watching him eat, telling him how big he was going to get. Sure enough, the small belly he had sprouted began to expand into a growing, noticeable paunch. His arms thickened and his shoulders widened. He too looked like he was undergoing the transformation into a warren davis fantasy. My thin muscular encourager was rapidly growing into a thick bear of a man.

Although I could hardly get my arms past the giant sphere of my own belly, I positioned myself so I could put my hands over his rapidly ballooning frame, just as he had with me. This was some sweet comeuppance, I thought, and I’m gonna keep pushing this food until he was as big as a barn. He seemed to enjoy it too. The food, and whatever magic had caused me to grow into a behemoth, was rapidly working on him too. Standing nearly sidewise, so I could maneuver without hitting him in the face with my massive gut, I shoved another burger into his mouth I pulled back for a minute to enjoy my handiwork. He was growing, even faster than I had.

I had to admit, I was hungry as well. I couldn’t sit there with all this food and just watch him stuff himself, so I grabbed another burger myself and began munching down. I was not as ravenous as he was, but I was eating, and I could feel it, swelling larger in the process.

After a few minutes I looked down to see Hasim utterly transformed. The handsome middle eastern jock had now blimped out into a man nearly my size. Completely naked, He had to be over 500 pounds of impossible bulk. He too was now resembling something out of Warren Davis. His powerful arms, chest and Shoulders were absolutely enormous. He now outsized even the largest world class powerlifters. His greedy eyes meeting mine and he rose his enormous frame up to mine. He was still shorter than me, but not by much now. He pressed his belly into mine and leaned in.

We began making out right then and there. Two huge, impossibly overgrown, overbulked freaks. He looked even more handsome than ever. Hasim leveraged me over the bed, which somehow didn’t collapse with now over a ton of magically mega-sized physical weight on top of it. I couldn't believe what was happening, it was almost dream like. My beautiful, lean jock had transformed me into the most extreme, cartoonish gainer fantasy, and then had transformed himself into a hugely bellied muscled beast of similar size.

Hasim grabbed some kind of keg that was near the door. I hadn’t seen it before. It had two tubes coming from it. He placed it on the buffet table and had me sit my awesome bulk on the floor. He stood over me, his colossal, perfectly round, hairy belly and titanic thighs in my face. He shoved the tube down to me and placed it in my mouth. I began sucking down some thick gainer shake mix eagerly. He did the same. I felt myself expanding again, in every direction… My back widened, my shoulders widened, my arms thickening, my legs growing so impossibly big and my belly rose higher, higher and rounder. My feeder-turned-co-feedee was growing just as fast as I was, and sucking down.

I had the magnificent view of his growing frame above me. His stance widened as his muscled legs grew thicker. His ass expanded into these perfectly spherical cheeks. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Soon my vision was dominated by his rounded, hairy belly looming above me and my own chest and belly obstructing view of anything else.

I felt my back widening, my legs lengthening as I kept sucking down on the gainer shake. Although I was laying down and he was standing, out bellies soon touched. It was a surprising sensation and gave me an idea of just how massive we had both become.

After what felt like an hour of greedy chugging of this incredible magical gainer shake, the source ran dry. I tried moving my arms only to feel an unfamiliar weight and heaviness and inflexibility. My arms felt limited in motion, clumsy. Flesh pressing against flesh. I could hardly see anything past my own chest, so I couldn’t even turn my head to see… but I could feel how expansive my body had become, and I could look up at the giant, hulking blimp above me to get a sense of how big I was.

I rested there, still growing, practically starfish position, immobilized by my sheer size. My field of vision was now consumed by my own body alone. I couldn’t even see the giant standing next to me.

Hasim spoke. “ You’re somewhere north of 1600 pounds my big man. We’ve just doubled your size. I hope you’re enjoying it.” I think I came right then and there, just feeling the immensity of my body.

I turned my head and could see his handsome, much fatter face looking down at me. Thick traps completely enveloped his head, his shoulders were so wide I couldn’t see where they ended. I felt his body press against mine but couldn’t see it. My window of vision was completely limited by my own mammoth chest and belly. Soon I felt so much warmth and pressure on my vast, immobilized body as he laid down next to me. He might not have been quite as big as me, but he couldn’t have been too far off.

I felt him cuddle up next to me. His hand embraced mine and we drifted off to sleep. I felt warm, I felt satisfied. I was happy.

I woke up groggy and on the floor. I looked around, I was completely naked and back to my 280 pound size, or something close to that. Food wrappers were all around me. I sat up slowly, feeling somewhat sore, and my belly felt very, very full. Almost painfully so. Some sort of wild hallucination, some dream. Had he drugged me? The hotel suite was a horrible mess, food was everywhere. All those wild visions of insane growth, magic-infused food … all of it was just some weird trip. Except something did seem off. I did feel a bit heavy.

“Hakim?” I called out. Suddenly I heard his thundering footfalls. A hulking figure emerged from the next room of the hotel suite. My jaw dropped. There he was, towering over me, a physique unparalleled in the world, the body I had dreamed. Bulk piled on bulk, dominated by the biggest ball belly ever imagined. He looked like a true Warren Davis fantasy come to life, and even though he was naked, he had on a backwards baseball cap.

“What... the…” I muttered.

“You like?” He boomed ”You know, you grew even bigger than I am now, but I had to get you back to normal… or almost normal” he said. I looked down, I *was* a little thicker than before. My whole frame felt a little more meaty, although I couldn’t exactly tell by how much.

“I wanted you to live your fantasy big man. I wanted to experience it with you. And here I am still, your fantasy man, and if you want another round, I’m right here.” He said, stepping closer to me. He had to be over 1000 pounds of blimped up beef. Probably 6’9” or more. Something insane. He was an impossibly large mountain of bulk.

“I loved transforming you into your fantasy man, and I know you loved it to. That's why I’m leaving you with something special.” He said, coming closer. Instinctively my arm reached out to feel his monumental, hairy ball belly.

The giant Hasim reached down and gave me a necklace which seemed way to big for me.

“Wear this and we can live your fantasies again. Wear it and you’ll experience it anytime you want. Take it off and you’ll return to normal. Or something close to normal. Just be careful, the more you live in your fantasy world, the more it will blend into your real world, and you may end up looking more and more like a man of your fantasies.”

I held the thick metal chain in my hands.

“How can you do all this? All this magic? “ I asked sheepishly at the colossus looming above me.

“I live for men’s fantasies. This is what I do. And yours has been quite fun for me.”

There was a long pause.

“So what do you think? Want another go?” Hasim said. Looking at him just filled me with lust.

My dick jumped at the thought of growing again. Of being his feedee again…

I placed the necklace on and my whole physique rapidly began to expand and grow. A backwards baseball cap appeared on my head and I re-inflated into a Warren Davis man come to life. Food again appeared all around the room. Piles of burgers, of gainer shakes and pizza. I looked down at my now massive 400 pound powerlifter type body. Our bodies touched again, my giant leaned down and embraced me. “Time to eat big boy. You’ve got some more growing to do.” He said, shoving another burger in my mouth.