All in a Day's Growth

By Anonymous

Everyone in the dimly-lit biker bar turned to look to see who was

coming. The sound of hard leather soles striking the wooden floor

echoed through the bar as a huge man turned the corner and became

visible. This guy was HUGE! He stood a good 6 foot 6 and probably

weighed in at about 360 pounds. His tight Harley-Davidson shirt

hugged his huge belly, obviously the product drinking his fair share

of beer. His arms also strained his shirt as much as his beergut

did, probably from being a construction worker in his day job. He

was wearing leather chaps over his jeans. The part of his face that

wasn't covered by his sunglasses was hidden under a long, thick, salt-

and-pepper beard that touched the top of his barrel chest. Fur-like

hair seemed to sprout from every part of his body not covered by

clothing. His huge size 17 boots sending a small vibrations as he

walked over to the bar and ordered a pint.

Jim studied this massive hunk of bikerbear from the bar. Being about

6'1" and 265, he was pretty large in his own right, but part of Jim's

stature was due to an experimental growth pill developed by the

millitary. When Jim went into the service, he was only about 5'10

and 177 pounds. That was before he took the growth pill. Now,

thanks to that pill he took, he was bigger than most of the guys who

came into the bar. Before his discharge, he managed to swipe a copy

of the formula, and pressed one of his buddies to help him synthesize

some more pills based on the stolen notes. It was a good thing he

did, too, because an explosion in the synthesis lab 3 days later

destroyed all notes and information about the project, which was then

subsequently scrapped. Jim decided that this guy would be the

perfect test subject to make sure the pills he paid a friend to

synthesize would work.

A pain from his groin snapped Jim out of his fantasies. After

readjusting himself, he walked over to the bar and sat down next to

the huge bear and ordered a pint.

"The name's Jim" he offered while extending his hand.

The big guy next to him turned to study him carefully. After a few

moments, the big guy decided that Jim would be a nice piece of

bearmeat to top...

"Doug" the bear said simply, while extending his hand to shake

Jim's. Doug's hand enveloped Jim's, and his grip was crushing.

"Fuck, this guy's strong as an ox!" Jim thought as the grip on him

was released.

Doug downed the pint in a matter of seconds, at which point he turned

to Jim.

"Live nearby?" Doug said.

"Not too far, about 3 miles" Jim replied.

The huge bear grabbed Jim by the arm roughly, his hand clamping down

like a vice and throwing Jim in front of him as he exited the bar.

"My Harley's outside. We're going to your place." Doug commanded.

Yes, Jim was fairly large, but it was time Doug showed this guy what

it is to be REALLY big.

Doug got on his custom Harley- when you're 6'6" you're not riding

stock- and Jim got on the back, his rock-hard cock pressed against

the big bear. Doug grunted and they rode off. After a quick jaunt

through the town, they arrived at Jim's house. Not large at all, but

when you're single its more than enough room. They dismounted the

Harley and went inside, with Jim locking the door behind them after

they were in.

"Want a beer?" Jim offered.

Doug grunted approval. He decided he could wait long enough to drink

a beer before taking that tight muscular ass. His 11" cock started

to thicken at the thought. Jim disappeared around the corner to the

kitchen to get the brew.

"Oh shit! Oh shit!" Jim thought to himself, excitited with

anticipation, "I can't believe it! I hope this shit works! If it

does I'm gonna be able to grow HUGE!" his excitement could barely be

contained as he dropped a pill into the beer for Doug. He poured a

beer for himself as he watched the tablet dissolve in the foam of the


"Here ya go, sir!" Jim said as he offered the beer.

"Heh, good. He knows his place to call me 'sir'!" Doug thought as he

accepted the beer. Jim began drinking his beer, carefully watching

Doug the whole time as he began to drink in huge gulps, spilling some

of it on his long beard. After finishing the beer, he got up, and

unzipped his pants, allowing his half-hard cock to flop out into the

open. He grabbed Jim by the back of the head and pressed him down

HARD on his growing member.

A low-pitched grunt escaped the giant bear's lips as Jim overcame his

suprise of being pulled in and started sucking in earnest. "Yeah,

suck your big bear's cock, runt!" After a few minutes, Doug began to

feel dizzy, and kind of stoned. He went to take a step backward, but

the dizziness increased and he stumbled, falling onto a recliner

chair. The chair broke under his falling mass. It was then that it


Jim got up and took a step backward to take in the transformation

that was going on before his eyes. The huge bear began to expand

outward, his huge beergut growing wider along with his huge chest and

arms. The fabric of his Harley shirt began to groan in protest, and

small tears began to form. His thick treetrunk legs also began to

expand outward as the hormones took effect. Jim stood enraptured as

he watched the transformation.

Doug began to grimace in pain... "argh! my feet! my feet!" were all

he would say. Jim realized that even though his size 17 boots were

pretty big, they were probably cramped compared to the size of his

feet now. He strained to get the boots off the giant bear, getting

one and finally the other off after a long struggle. His thick, huge

feet looked like they must be about size 20's and just kept growing


It was at this point Jim realized something must have gone wrong with

the synthesis of the pills, because the huge bear in front of him

wasn't just growing *out*, but was growing *up* as well. He looked

to be about 7' tall and still growing!

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" It was all Jim could say as the giant bear grew

past 7'4", then 7'8", then 8' tall! "Holy shit! This is fucked

up!! I can't believe its working like this!" Jim was in total panic

running around the house without any purpose, trying to think and

figure out how to get out of this mess! He ran to the kitchen,

grabbed the pills, made a dash for the study on the first floor where

he kept his notes, and locked himself in. He had to figure out a way

to get out of this. How the hell was he going to be able to stop

what was going on in the living room? Why was it happening? He

frantically began studying the notes in the hope of an answer, but

being a footsoldier in the millitary he simply didn't have the

proficiency in chemistry to draw any conclusions.

A loud crash and some rythmic banging snapped him out of his panic-

induced study. He could feel the banging getting louder as the floor

would vibrate more violently. Jim held his breath, wondering what

the hell could be going on outside his door. Then, the banging

stopped. Jim waited a few seconds before rising up from his desk,

and began to cautiously approach the door...

... that's when all hell broke loose...

With a loud "BOOM!" the door to the study came flying off the hinges,

sliding across the floor and coming to a stop buried a third of the

way into the opposite wall. What remained sticking through the

doorway was a giant foot! Jim guessed if you could actually find a

boot to fit it, it would need a size 40! It had to be almost 2 feet

long! It was attached to a THICK, HAIRY muscular calf! The foot

disappeared from view to be replaced by a giant, bearded face!

Doug's icy-blue eyes surveyed the room, and narrowed into slits on

sighting Jim. Doug fought to wrestle his now GARGANTUAN body through

the doorframe, his GIANT beergut getting stuck in the frame. Doug

forced himself through anyway, completely demolishing the doorframe

as he did so. Jim was rooted to the spot in awe and terror! Jim

guessed he had to be at least 9'2" tall and 1100+ pounds! His hair

grew so thick you couldnt see any skin under his mat of fur, and his

beard came down past his chest. What was left of his tattered Harley

shirt hung from his broad shoulders. He looked pretty pissed off.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME, ASSHOLE!!!!!!" Doug bellowed! He

had to stay hunched over since the ceilings in the house were only 8'

tall. "ANSWER ME, YOU FUCKING RUNT!!!" and in one step closed the

gap between himself and Jim.

Jim was in complete panic... "I..... erm.... but.... " Jim struggled

to find the words, involuntarily looking at his desk. Doug followed

his eyes to the desk, maneuvering his bulk in the small room to study

it. He saw the chemistry notes and a bottle of pills. Grabbing

both, he first looked at the pills, and then at the notes. At this

point, Jim's heart sank. He knew he was done.

"WELL WELL WELL..." said Doug mockingly, "WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE?"

Doug turned back to Jim, completely towering over is 6'1" frame, and

said in a low growl, "You better start talkin', runt, before I pound

you into a pulp!" Given the fact that at 6'6" this would have been

doable, Jim had no doubts as to his sincerity at this size.

"Um... er.... well you see," Jim began to stammer, "... its from the

millitary... builds muscle... I don't know what happened... please!"

Despite the fact that Jim was clearly intimiated by the mountain of

bikerbear before him, the raging hardon in his jeans wouldn't

subside. "I didn't know..." rambled Jim, "...this shouldn't have


Doug silently contemplated what Jim was trying to say, his facial

expression unchanging. After a few minutes of silence, Doug finally


"So, I was a guinnea pig to see if your 'experiment' was going to

work?" Barked Doug.

"Yes...I mean no.... I mean... it should have been ok...." it was

obvious that Jim was not doing his best to make his case.

After a minute, Doug asked: "You got a big truck with a cab, runt?"

Uncertain why he was asking, Jim decided to reply truthfully that he

did. After all, he decided he didn't want today to be the last day

of his life. Doug reached out a big beefy hand for Jim, grabbed him

by the shirt, and hoisted him effortlessly to his face. "Good," Doug

said, "because we're going for a little ride into the country." His

thick bushy beard belied the sinister grin underneath. He then

tossed Jim toward the doorway, where he landed in a crumpled heap.

Quickly getting up and moving toward the garage, followed as best as

his huge mass would allow. Thunderous BOOMs from his footfalls would

vibrate through the house- it was a good thing there was no basement

or he would have fallen through- and every hallway and doorframe was

demolished in his path to the garage.

Doug surveyed the full sized truck and mumbled approval. He waked

over to the cab and tried to open the bed, but his fingers were too

thick to get under the handles.

"Open this up, runt!" Doug commanded. Jim did as he was told, and

Doug slowly, carefully squeezed himself into the 7' long flatbed of

the truck. The flatbed visibly sank under Doug's enormous weight.

Jim had the rear springs upgraded so that he could carry heavy loads

for improving his home, but he had no idea he would be carrying this

kind of load. He got into the front and started up the motor.

"Go up the interstate to exit 297," instructed Doug, "do NOT speed

and do NOT do anything to get you pulled over. If we get pulled over

I'm going to fucking kill you. Understand, runt?"

Jim nodded that he understood.

"Good, lets get going."

Jim pulled out of the driveway onto the main road. With Doug

scrunched on the flatbed, his truck was slow and difficult to

maneuver. He went the speed limit not out of fear of being killed by

the giant bear that was on the flatbed, but out of fear of careening

off the road because of Doug's girth. After about an hour's drive,

the suburbs were long behind them and the mountainous woods lay

ahead. Doug continued to give directions from the back, and

eventually they were on a small dirt road which in turn led to a

gravel driveway and a cabin tucked in the middle of the woods. Jim

was ordered to stop the truck in front of the cabin. He took in the

surroundings to try and get a feel for where he was. They were

slightly elevated, but not quite on a ridge. Next to the house

between some trees there appeared to be a harness, a sling, and other

interesting toys. Apparently this bear liked to play in the woods.

It made sense, since no neighbors were in sight. This guy must own a

lot of land up here. Getting help quickly would probably be out of

the question. He wondered to himself how the fuck he was going to

get out of this mess.

His contemplation was interrupted by a loud BOOM! Apparently, Doug

decided that he had been cramped in the back of the truck long

enough, and decided to kick the door of the flatbed clean off its

hinges. He clambered out of the back, causing the bed to rise a good

foot or so, and gave a big stretch of relief.

Jim was not happy, and for a moment forgot about just how big Doug


"Hey! That's my fucking truck you ass-...." he stopped himself before

the conclusion of his cuss came out.

Doug lumbered over to Jim and looked down at him, "I'll fucking do

whatever the fuck I want, runt!" was Doug's reply. To emphasize the

truth of the statement, he clamped his huge furry hand around Jims

neck, picked him up by it, and started giving him a gentle squeeze.

To Jim, it was as if a vice was crushing his neck. He put both of

his arms on the giant's forearm in a futile effort to dislodge his

hand, but it was no use. Doug opened his hand and let Jim fall to

the ground, gasping for air and coughing violently.

"And don't you fucking forget that!" Doug growled. Yes, he had to

make sure this little fucker would pay. It was one thing to be a big

guy, but now thanks to this fucker's experiment he was a GIANT! Yes,

he definitely would get some payback from this asshole! He turned

his attention back to the truck. He had to make sure there was no

way he was going to escape. He walked over to the side of the truck,

squatted down, and got his big meaty paws under the side of the

truck. With a grunt, he began to use his newfound size to lift the

side of the truck up. Jim watched in horror as Doug's grunt turned

into a roar as he flipped the 3000 pound truck over, its tires

sticking straight up into the air. The cab was crushed about as much

as Jim's hope for a quick escape.

Doug returned his attention to the man who did this to him. Picking

him up in two huge hands, he brought him over to the sling outside.

Doug deposited Jim roughly on the sling, and began to tie him down.

After a few minutes, he was fully secure in the sling.

"Since you like experimentation so much," began Doug, "I think its

time we have another experiment." He pulled on a rope to bring Jim

higher in the air, accommodating Doug's newfound size. "The

experiment is simple," Doug said as he began stroking his huge cock

by reaching around his monstergut, "I'm going to fuck your tight ass,

and we're going to see how long you can survive!" Jim looked up in


"Oh fuck!" was all Jim could say.

"Oh fuck is right!" retorted Doug, and he spit on his finger and

slowly inserted in into Jim's exposed ass. At his increased size,

it felt to Jim like he was being fucked by an average guy. He yelped

at the rough treatment Doug's finger was giving him.

"Oh come now," snarled Doug, "its only my finger! Now if it were

THIS..." He slipped his finger out and pushed his huge, bulbous

cockhead into Jim's ass. Jim howled in pain. "... I would see your

point." Doug concluded.

Slowly, steadily, and without mercy, Doug pushed more and more of his

now 17" cock into Jims ass. Doug began to moan with pleasure both at

how tight this tiny ass in front of him felt and how he was begging

for mercy and that it stop. Soon, Doug's cock disappeared in Jim's

ass all the way to his balls. Then Doug began to really start

fucking him, grabbing him on each side of his torso and pushing him

out until only his cockhead was in him, then pulling him forward

slamming Jim's ass against his balls. It wasn't long before Doug

felt his load building, and his low growls increased in volume until

he roared at the feeling of his balls jumping and came inside Jim.

Doug was in ecstasy. Jim passed out.

Feeling spent, Doug dropped to his knees, causing his cock to come

out of Jim. He almost fell on Jim, but caught himself in time to

avoid crushing his smaller captive. It was in that moment of

tranquility that he decided what to do with the runt next. He got up

and went back to the overturned truck and got on his hands and knees

to peer in. He saw what he was looking for: the bottle of pills and

the notes. He grabbed both of them and headed back over Jim, barely

conscious and obviously in pain from being ravaged by such a large


A bucketful of cold water splashed on Jim's face brought him quickly

out of his pain-induced haze. Doug stood before him holding the

notes and the bottle of pills.

"How many of these did you slip me?" Doug demanded.

"What?" Jim replied, still in a haze of confusion.


Jim snapped out of it, "One."

"Are you sure?" Doug probed, "there seem to be about 50 or 60 in

this bottle."

"I swear! It was just one!! I swear."

Doug though about this while studying Jim's body. He wondered about

the growth caused by the tablet, and why he had made so many if one

of them could create the huge bear that he had become. Then another

thought crossed his mind... his expression changed from that of anger

to more of a sadistic grin. He folded his huge arms over his barrel

chest, letting them rest on his giant roidgut, and asked:

"What if you take more than one?"

"Wh... wh.... what?!" Jim replied, shocked, "Why would you ask that

if you didn't want to be bigger unless..."

He let the conclusion of the thought remain unsaid.

"That's right," Doug finished the thought while he untied him from

the harness, "I've changed my mind. Being this big isn't that bad,"

he flexed his giant arm for emphasis, "but why be big if I could be

HUGE!" He finished untying Jim, who then collapsed on the ground.

He tried to stand, but it was just too painful, so he decided to stay

put. There was no way he was going to be able to do anything about

Doug in this condition anyway.

"So," continued Doug, "what happens if you take more than one?"

Jim blabbered about how the whole thing was an experimental

hormone/steroid developed by the military, and that it was only

supposed to add muscle mass. The original idea behind it was to take

what nature had given you and "amplify" it. This explained why Doug

gained so much muscle and hair, but Jim admitted to having no idea

why he had grown so much in height. Jim suspected it was a bad batch

based upon notes that were possibly incomplete. Doug listened to the

entire story with interest, weighing his story against what he had


Doug began staring at the pill bottle in his meaty paw.

"So you're saying that if I were take another one, it would amplify

my already large stature again?" Doug questioned.

"I have no idea," Jim explained, exasperated, "no one has ever taken

more than one dose before."

Doug opened up the bottle and got a single pill to fall into his


"Someone has now!" Doug grinned!

*GULP!* He swallowed, and put the cap back on the bottle. He then

walked over to a tree and reached up to place the pill bottle in a

branch about 12 feet off the ground.

"That should keep you from getting any ideas..." he said, as he

lurched backward... the steroid was starting to take its effect and

Doug felt the dizzy feeling overtaking him, and he collapsed to the


Jim stood there, dumbfounded. What the fuck did he just do? It was

bad enough that he was playing with an experimental dose in the first

place, and now he dosed himself again? Suddenly Doug began packing

on even more mass than before. His arms began to swell to monstrous

proportions, being pushed farther and farther away from his sides.

His roidgut steadily rose higher and higher into the air as his legs

began to get pushed farther apart. His thick, dense fur grew thicker

and longer, really making him look like a human bear. His beard not

only looked to be going down to his roidgut but it was also getting

thicker and bushier. Jim guessed that if this monstrosity of mass

before him were his normal 6'6", he would have to be about 440 pounds

of musclebear. But what was before him was 9'2" and getting taller,

growing past 10 feet tall...

... then 11' tall....

... and 12' tall...

... and still getting BIGGER!!!

Jim was absolutely dumbfounded! It seemed that nomatter how big you

were, this accident-of-a-steroid would take your existing stats and

amplify them! That would explain why Doug was growing so much more

massive on this dose than on the first. He also realized that if he

wanted to have any chance of getting out of there, he was going to

have to get a hold of those pills and take some himself. Snapping

himself out of watching Doug's transformation, he ran over to the

tree where the pills were, and started trying to climb up the trunk.

Unfortunately the trunk was just too wide, and he wasn't having much

luck. He tried taking a few steps back to get a running start, push

himself against the trunk with his foot, and maybe leap up to catch

the branch. He executed the plan, springing up with all his might,

just barely touching the branch above him. He knew he had to make

that branch nomatter what. He backed up a little more to get extra

space to run, when he backed into something hard and hairy. He

turned around to what appeared to be a giant leg, with a gigantic

roidgut looming over his head. Jim backed away from the giant leg to

survey the giant bear before him. Since he didn't even come up to

Doug's waist, he estimated that he was about 15' tall probably

weighing in over 5,000 pounds. Two things were certain: Doug was a

fucking MONSTER of a bear, and there was no way Jim was getting away.

Jim fell to his knees in shock....

Doug put his hands on his hips and roared with laughter...

Doug finally stopped laughing at the puny man before him. He

couldn't believe how good his newfound size felt, so much so that he

had to sample just how strong he had become. Walking over to the

overturned truck, he grabbed each end and hoisted it over his head

with a small grunt.

"OH YEAH!!!!!" Doug exclaimed, "LOOK AT THIS POWER, RUNT!" as he

heaved the car a good 50 feet away, crashing down and sending a

vibration through the ground. Doug couldn't get enough of himself,

and started to lumber over to the truck again. His big, heavy

footfalls vibrating the ground. Doug's enormous cock started to

swell from the excitement of having so much mass and the physical

strength that came with it. Giant footprints 3 feet long were left

in Doug's wake as he stepped up to the battered truck.

Jim was completely enthralled despite the fact that this monstrosity

of a bear was probably going to be the death of him. He couldn't

help but feel a stir in his jeans as well, watching this giant with

his own erect 28" cock demolish what was left of his truck. He

watched as a giant hairy fist put a dent so deep in the hood of his

car that the engine block underneath came off its mount and crashed

into the ground. Jim realized that could be him under this giant's

fist getting pummeled into a bloody pulp.

This sobering thought returned Jim from fantasy world to reality.

Startled, he began to look around for a way to escape. It was then

that he noticed the bottle of pills on the ground! The giant

bikerbear's tirades must have shook the ground enough that the bottle

came off of its perch! Watching the giant bear out of the corner of

his eye, Jim did his best to nonchalantly make his way over to the

bottle. Fortunately, Doug was too busy turning the flatbed of his

truck into a crumpled ball of metal to notice his movement. Opening

the bottle, Jim dumped some pills into his hand and prepared to

swallow them.

"HEY!" Snarled Doug, "Just what do you think YOU'RE doing with those

pills?" He began to make his way back to Jim, his footfalls echoing

slightly. Jim was in panic. He counted four pills in his hand. Not

really thinking about the consequences, he swallowed them all,

finishing his <gulp!> right as Doug got within his arm's reach of Jim.

Doug was not happy.

Doug placed his hand over Jim's face, completely engulfing it, and

started lifting him off the ground. "SO," growled Doug, "YOU THINK

YOU CAN BE A BIG MAN TOO?" Doug ripped the pill bottle out of Jim's

tiny hand, "I DON'T THINK SO!" he finished. Apparently, Doug didn't

see the fact that Jim had already managed to swallow four of the

pills at once, so when Jim's body went limp, he assumed it the

pressure on his face made him pass out. In reality, it was the

supersteroid taking effect, and Jim's 265 pound body started putting

on more mass. It didn't take long before his shirt was completely

full and started tearing apart as his arms grew to 27" and continued

to swell. His sneakers busted apart to make room for his thicker

feet. Hair began sprouting everywhere on his body and his 5 o'clock

shadow turned into a thick, grizzly beard! Perhaps the most amazing

part of the transformation was his gut- it looked like he drained an

entired keg in a matter of seconds! As far as sheer girth, he would

give Doug a run for his money. It was when he looked to be a good

320 pounds that he started growing up instead of out. He quickly

grew past 8 feet tall, then 9 feet, then 10 feet. What was left of

his clothing fell of his expanding body in shreds. Doug was

shocked. Not only did his hand no longer envelop his head, but he

couldn't even get it to cover his entire face. Its not like Doug

would be able to hold him up with one hand anymore anyway, as Jim was

now past 12' tall and over 2400 pounds, yet he still continued to

grow. On each side of Dougs hand, he could see the sides of Jim's

mouth which had gone from that of pain to what might have been a

smile. Jim was estatic! Not only was he now Doug's height, but he

continued to grow! Laughing, he smacked Doug's muscular arm off his

face as the growth spurt slowed and came to a halt.

Although Jim wasn't as muscular as Doug, he surpassed Doug in height.

He guessed he was about 18 feet tall, which means that he was close

to 8300 pounds. Seeing as he had over a ton and a half of body mass

on Doug, he decided to let Doug feel what it was like to be the

little guy.


taking a step toward Doug, "I THINK IT'S TIME YOU THINK AGAIN!" Jim

took another booming step toward Doug, causing his belly to crash

into the shorter bear and sending him reeling backward. Doug reached

out trying to break his fall, and only managed to grab a small tree,

taking it with him to the ground in an unceremonious CRASH!


MAN," Jim taunted as he started to walk toward his prey. Over four

tons of bearded mass was coming at Doug, a thunderous crash echoing

with every step.

"No, please! Don't do it," pleaded Doug as he eyed up Jim's

stiffening 32" pole, but there was no convincing Jim otherwise. Jim

definitely decided this fucker was going to see what it felt like.

Doug made an effort to open the pill bottle, but Jim caught his

attempt in time, locking his forearm in his huge, meaty hands.

Slowly, Jim started to apply force. It took nearly all of his

strength, but after a struggle he managed to get Doug to open his

hand. The pill bottle fell to the ground, where Jim picked it up.

"I DON'T THINK YOU'LL BE NEEDING THESE!" Jim said. With that, the

larger bear muscled the smaller but VERY furry bear over onto his

roidgut, and without any preparation, slide his giant brick-hard cock

in the bikerbear's ass. Doug screamed at the rough, forceful

treatment his asshole was getting, but Jim didn't give a shit. Why

should he care what this puny runt of a bear wants? Jim placed a

forearm on the back of Doug's neck while he grabbed a small tree with

his other meaty paw, using the leverage to thrust his huge cock

harder and harder into Doug's ass. Doug was in excruciating pain

from the weight of the bear on top of him, who was easily one and a

half times his own weight. Finally, Jim came to a climax, cuming

with such force he ripped the tree out of the ground as he roared

with pleasure, and filled up the smaller bear with his cum. Spent,

Jim collapsed on Doug, crushing him into the ground making it

difficult for Doug to breathe. Jim just laid there for a while,

finally getting off by pushing Doug roughly into the ground. Jim

studied his conquest carefully, looking at how his muscles bulged in

proportions bigger than his own. He noted how hairy he was and the

bushiness of his beard, and how Doug must have had some really good

genetics to get transformed like that on just two pills....

... on just two pills...

It gave Jim a sadistic idea. Turning Doug over, he then sat on his

large roidgut, straddling his body. He used his large, meaty hand to

slap Doug back to consciousness.


PILLS AND YOU GET BIGGER?" Jim was holding the bottle of pills and

uncorked the lid.

"Uh, yeah," replied Doug. He was confused and in a lot of pain from

the rough treatment he received.



BY GROWING *TOO* BIG?" Jim then proceeded to lift up Doug's head

from behind with one hand, and tipped the bottle into his mouth with

the other.

"WHAT THE.... <OOF!>" exclaimed Doug as about three quarters of the

bottle went into his mouth. Jim pulled out the bottle, tossed it

aside, and clamped Doug's mouth shut.

"SWALLOW IT!!!" Jim commanded, "SWALLOW IT NOW!"

Doug did his best not to swallow. How many pills were in his mouth?

It felt like 30, maybe 40? He couldn't swallow that many if he

wanted to survive. Unfortunately, Jim had his air supply cut off,

and in an oxygen starved mental state, he absent-mindedly swallowed,

sending the pills down to his stomach.

Jim watched the adam's apple of his victim move in a manner that

indicated something was on its way down. He grunted his approval and

got off the smaller bear to watch the show with smug satisfaction.

It didn't take long for the show to start...

Doug's muscles began to swell as if he was hooked up to an air hose.

Soon his arms began to get pushed away from his widening back at a 30

degree angle, then a 40 degree, then a 45 degree angle. Anything

that resembled a neck on Doug disappeared as his shoulders expanded

into huge globes of muscle coming up to his ears. Doug couldn't wear

a shirt now even if he wanted to! Doug stood up, trying to get

control over the swelling, but it was no use. His pecs began to

swell, pushing higher and higher into the air. His roidgut seemed to

be growing fastest of all, desperately trying to overtake his pecs

growing upward, and being pushed out by his gargantuan legs below.

Even his fingers were swelling to such huge proportions it was

getting hard to make a fist.

"AAARRRRGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!" Doug cried in desperation, "GETTING....

TOO... BIG..... STOP IT.... SO.... HUGE.... OMMPH!" It seemed as if

his body was ignoring his request, swelling larger and larger. Hair

began sprouting everywhere it could- on his hands, the tops of his

feet, and especially his face. The hairline for his beard began to

creep up higher and higher, completely covering his cheeks and

growing thicker with each passing second. It grew so long it reached

his huge, hard cock.

Jim began to laugh at Doug's newfound girth. "SO, YOU WANTED TO BE A


IT?" and he continued to roar with laughter at Doug's expanding

physique. It seemed that Doug was starting to have difficulty moving

because of his increasing mass. At this point, he was so huge that

if he were at his old height of 6'6", he would well over the 600

pound mark, maybe as high as 630! It was at this point his muscles

and roidgut stopped growing. Fortunately for Doug, he still had a

little movement in his now 15' tall, 7,754 pound frame. Then his

growth spurt began. In a matter of seconds, he was Jim's height at

18' tall, but weighed in at 13,400 pounds! Despite Jim's big

physique, he looked absolutely small compared to the mountain of

bikerbear expanding before him. Doug's growth began to increase,

passing 25 feet, then 35 feet, then 50 feet tall. His giant feet

began sinking into the earth deeper and deeper, and trees started to

groan as his monsterous legs pushed against them as he expanded

outward. He passed 65' tall and over 545 TONS of mass, at which

point his growth began to slow. Doug continued to creep taller,

eventually stopping somewhere around 90 feet tall. His feet sunk

DEEP into the earth as they held up his 1,447 TON frame. He lifted

up a foot to turn his body toward the cabin. <TWAP... BOOOOOOMMMMM!!!

> The impact of his 18' long footstep sent an earthquake of such

force that the roof on his cabin collapsed! Now THAT's some fuckin'


Jim was in awe. "HOLY SHIT!" He exclaimed, "You're fucking HUGE! I

can't believe you survived!" Jim only came up to his knee, and he

was about 350 times as heavy as Jim.

Doug wished he could see the little fucker scurrying at his feet, but

he was so musclebound he couldn't bend enough to see over the

gargantuan roidgut in front of him. Nomatter though, he picked up on

where he was by the sound of his voice, and that's all he needed.

"THAT'S RIGHT! I SURVIVED!" Doug bellowed in a voice that could be

heard for miles.