Accidents Happen

by NCMC users

Original Author's Note: I've posted this as it was upon the expiration of the wiki so I'm sorry for any continuity errors but I wanted it to be as everyone made it. I only started the story and added very little else. I liked what I read of the continuation so I let the rest of you finish without me...and you did a great job with it! We've got a lot of creative and talented people on this site. Enjoy the story (one handedly, I hope) and look forward to a sequel.


FUCK! I saw the flashing red and blue lights behind me and pushed down on the brakes. I didn't see where the speedometer was but I saw it slipping under 80. And of course it was 9:20. Normally I could have made it to work in five minutes from where I was but with this... And a ticket... Maybe even jail!

Then I started to feel it. Double fuck. I hadn't jacked off that morning. Now "it" was getting stronger. Normally, I'd have time for a good, long stroke session in the mornings but the night before I'd been worn out and just fell asleep. I had woken up with only 15 minutes to get out the door. And you'd think after all the fun I'd had the night before that I wouldn't need a little self love in the morning. Then again, this is my libido we're talking about.

I wanted to speed away. I should have sped away. The poor traffic cop was only doing his job, after all. And it was 9:20 in the morning! Rush hour was over but there were plenty of cars going by. They were going to see! The last thing I wanted was to have this on the news again but it was already too late. The cop came up to my window.

He was tall and thick with blond hair and a rough looking face that was probably more butch looking because he was clean shaven. Even worse! He was cute! It was probably already starting. I felt sparks all over my skin. My cock was getting hard. It was over. I just hoped the guy didn't have a family--surely, he did. Hopefully they were an understanding group.

"Good morning, sir. Do you know how fast you were going?" (Guy has a deep voice too. Damn! It was like I'd gotten to him already.)

"No, sir. I'm sorry."

"Well, you were going 90 in a 65 mile per hour zone for a good while. I'll need to see your license and registration please."

I took my wallet out of my pocket and fished for my license and then pulled my insurance info from the glove box. The next time I looked at him his face was flushed.

"Thank you." He said, in a low voice. He walked back to his cruiser with an odd stride. Yup. My old magic was working on him. And it was working on me too. My shirt was starting to feel tight. Screw work, I thought. Like it or not, I had to indoctrinate another one.

I watched in the rear view mirror as the cop adjusted himself. I could make out an added tightness in his uniform, it was starting to get noticeable in his legs, which is where all this usually starts. I felt it too, and I promptly began unbuttoning my tightening shirt. I didn't want to lose any buttons, or worse, tear my nice work clothes. I pulled it off, leaving me in a plain white shirt which was starting to bunch up on my arms and shoulders. I slipped out of my shoes and pushed back the seat. Feeling my erection grow stronger, I rapidly unbuckled my seat belt to undo my belt and pants. I managed to pull down my nice slacks before they would get uncomfortable. My boxers would have to go eventually, but they were only boxers, I could always buy a new pair.

I watched the cop wrestle with something in his car, I knew exactly what the problem was, this wasn't new to me. As he pulled himself out of the car It became clear that his uniform was becoming unbuttoned, tight around his widening shoulders, traps and chest. As he walked back to my car with an increasing swagger I began to prepare myself, my thickening erection painfully tenting my shrinking boxers.

I pushed myself back into my chair, trying to restrain my shaking hands as the handsome cop made his way to my car. I looked up, hesitantly and without making eye contact, trying to contain myself. "What the hell..." He began in a odd tone. I noticed that stubble was appearing on his strong jaw, and I could see that his neck was beginning to widen. I heard the car door clink open and saw his face bearing down on mine with that familiar expression.

Fear. Lust. Pleasure. All three at the same time. Perhaps anger too. "What's happening to me? What did you do?" If he could he would have killed me but, despite my lack of control over myself, I was in charge of him.

"I'm sorry, officer." I said. "Let's go into the woods. Get out of sight."


"Into the woods. Now."

The officer looked like he was near tears and I loved and hated that. I've changed men who wanted to be changed. Men who wanted to be turned into my pleasure toys and I've enjoyed that. And I've enjoyed taking men who didn't want to be changed and I despise that enjoyment. As I watched him shuffle off into the woods, I felt my cock surge.

I followed him and urged him forward through deep brush. He was groaning. Softly at first, trying to stifle it, but soon it was too much. The officer braced himself on a large tree and went down to his knees, growling. I restrained myself but I let the surge take over.

"Don't fight it, boy." I said. "It's in you now. Enjoy it. That's all you can do." And with that we began stripping off our tight clothing. It was rough work, brutal even, but I'd become accustomed to that kind of thing by now. I felt my arms widen while grabbing his thick, widening back. I rubbed my hands all over his bulging hairy pecs and muscular stomach. I estimated that he must have gained 60 pounds of pure muscle and he had at least another 30 more pounds to gain.

When it was over we both collapsed in the rough leaves, I loved looking at him in his new enlarged form, but the sleep was soon coming as it always did, and before long my eyes were shut tight.


When I woke up the huge lust-filled bodybuilder that was the police officer had already left. He was probably too freaked out by the changes to realize what was going on. At least I didn't get a ticket. I look down and frowned. I had deflated back to my normal size... except... except it looked like I had kept a little muscle again this time. My chest was looking rounder and my arms felt a little thicker than they were that morning. I had noticed in the last few times this had happened I was keeping some of the muscle on me. 'oh well' I thought 'It'll look good on me anyway'. At least my clothes would fit again.

I pulled on the half-torn boxers and shirt i had left in a bush and hesitantly crawled back up to my car. There was no sign of the officer and the car was gone. He would have a hard time explaining how he gained nearly 100 pounds of muscle to his co-workers, if he would even try. Usually they tried, but their appearance was always so altered that no one believed them. And besides, his appetite and libido would be so huge that he would cease to function normally at all. Work in his profession was over. Where he would show up next is a guessing game.

Sometimes I saw the men I had changed working as bouncers in the local clubs and bars. Some of them ended up security guards. Some turned, naturally, to bodybuilding and working for the big muscle magazines. One guy I fucked one time tried to join the marines afterward. I doubt it worked out too well though, he probably didn't even make it through boot camp. But whatever that officers future, it wouldn't continue to be in law enforcement, that much I was sure.



It was hard to explain my disheveled appearance to my colleagues at work. My clothes were torn and I was 3 hours late. "I got mugged" I said to them calmly. "They tried to get my wallet but I fought them for it and they eventually ran off" I told my boss.

"Well! I'm glad you're OK. Do you want to take the day off?" She asked.

"No no, I think I need to work. I need to get my mind off of what happened this morning". That was true, I did need to distract myself with work. Otherwise who knows what would happen again. At work, in fact, I was known to be always ahead of schedule and an ability to get my work done well before the deadline. The reason was simple. I needed to compromise for my often late, or odd hours that inevitably resulted from my situation,and I needed to keep my mind OFF of my male co-workers. They made it difficult,of course. I knew that eventually one of them was going to be working late with me alone or something like that and the poor guy would probably get a little too close at a bad time. Well, at least the city would have a continual supply of huge, overgrown muscle men. They have a place in society, after all.

I did everything I could to catch up that day, thankfully being the kind of paper pusher I am doesn't always require you to be somewhere specific time. As long as it gets in before the end of the day. And by that measure I was OK, and my friends at work knew that. Some of them commented, as they had in the last week, that I was looking more muscular. Its true, I was noticing the changes with my normal clothes and it was becoming more visible. Well, no loss there.

I decided to go out that night, to a bar I'd seen open up down the street. I figured I was too tired to cause any trouble, but I was wrong.

It was a straight bar or, at least, it wasn't typified by rainbow flags and a complete absence of women. I wasn't looking for a hook-up. I just needed a drink. Something to numb my earlier "accident." The place was clean and not too dark and just a step away from being T.G.I Fridays. I drank my beer, had a burger, and stayed in the corner, more interested in the baseball game than anything else.

I should have left when the young group of jocks walked in, but something was different that day. I felt just a slight spark-up of my "gift", but I threw away the warning. Besides, they took a table at a further end of the bar. The only people close enough to be affected by me were a chatty pair of sisters and a waitress. No dudes, no problem. But I kept looking over at them. Five guys. Fairly good bods except one who was fat (and still not that bad looking) and one who was more built up (to make up for his unfortunate face.) I tried to watch the game. Hell, I love baseball. Unfortunately, I love men more. I started to really feel the power turning on. My alarm. It was time to jump ship. But I didn't move. I just stayed there and kept staring at those guys. They were safe, weren't they? They were all the way across the bar, not even getting up to come near me. I had to be right next to someone to set them off, right? I couldn't turn them from where I was.

Their conversation was a little loud but happy. And then they stopped laughing. Confused looks crossed their faces. My clothes started feeling small on me. Their clothes started looking small on them.

I bolted, plopping a 20 from my pocket on the table and nearly teleporting outside of the bar. "Breathe." I thought. "Let it go. You can control it this time. You're just upset over earlier. You can't change someone from that far away. Just let go." But as I walked down the street I felt my shirt start to rip over my shoulder. I ducked into an alleyway to let the change happen. That, itself, was normal. But I also had the problem on not being able to see clearly. At least I couldn't see the sidewalk clearly and I'd only had one drink.

Instead of seeing the sidewalk, instead of seeing out of my eyes, I was seeing the bar again. I was seeing those guys again as if I were at the table with them. As if I was seeing out of their eyes. Just as I was changing, I saw them changing too. Their faces were flushed and sweating. The fat guy tried to run away but he tripped and fell, overwhelmed by the sensations in his body as his lard drained into his muscles. He was on his hands and knees and his hips were bucking as if he was fucking the Invisible Man.

The built guy, however, he was not running away. He was LOVING it. One hand gripped his crotch as his dick started growing beyond normal proportions. The other tore at his shirt. He was roaring. Bellowing. He was actually screaming for more.

I was trying to navigate the alley, trying to get away from sight. If anyone on the sidewalk saw me I assume they thought I was a drunk and purposefully paid as little attention as possible. Torn between panic at my half-blindness and fascination at seeing the guys in the bar suddenly changing, even with me being two buildings away, I felt more conflicted when my vision suddenly cleared. Sure, I could see again but that one guy was fucking loving the change. I wanted to run back to collect him and his buddies, regardless of being discovered. My running slowed and I tripped on my own feet, flopping over into a pile of empty boxes. I felt so drowsy and my vision faded out and my eyelids fell firmly. Thats when It got all fuzzy....


I heard someone yelling at me. An Asian man in an apron. I guess he was speaking Chinese since he was yelling from the back door of the Emperor's Dragon. He was tall but skinny. He was likely dying his hair at his age. But I was still sparking, and he was definitely in range. His yelling subsided and turned into moans. He went back inside and I looked on. Other moans were coming from inside.

Suddenly I could see inside, it was all very foggy but I was having this vision. The old Chinese man was there. Other men, his co-workers. And another man, even older, who just happened to be in the Dragon's bathroom. They were grabbing onto sinks and shelves and crotches, suddenly feeling their bodies shifting from average American doughiness into something more.

"Holy shit," I thought, "I can't stop it." As I watched the next set of changes I walked into the restaurant but it felt more like I was floating, It didn't seem right. Even though my vision cleared as I came up the men changing right before me I still felt hazy. The deepening, harshening moans echoed through my head.

I had brief flashes of the old man in the bathroom. He'd spat out his dentures due to new teeth pushing through his gums. His face didn't get much younger, although it did become much more handsome. His body, however, was going from the verge of death to beyond the prime of life.

And then I had another vision. My five fellas from the bar. They were marching towards me. All of them essentially naked with their muscles and cocks pumped up to the max. The ugly dude was even bigger, possibly bigger than I was. While his buddies faces showed fear, ugly dude was fucking hungry.

And there were others. Suddenly I saw men on the street beginning to change. One car stopped in the street and another plowed right into it. Both driven by men, both of whom were no longer who they once were. I had 10 men in my power. 10 more were coming under my sway. I wanted to stop it. I wanted to take in more. I wanted to run away but there was nowhere in the world that I wanted to be in more than the Emperor's Dragon kitchen, waiting for my new converts to come to me. To worship me. To be worshiped by me and by each other.

I didn't even notice one of the cooks sucking my dick until I had grabbed his head and started pushing and pulling him across my meat. Another one came up to me and we kissed. I didn't even care that his mouth tasted like chewing tobacco....


I Woke up with a start. My face was resting on a plastic garbage sack... that smelled like... chewing tobacco. Disgusted I jumped up. "Weird fucking dream" I said to myself. I noticed that the Dragon's kitchen wasn't even open. The alleyway where I stumbled off from the Bar. Those dudes. I forgot about the young college guys. I bet they really were affected.

The alleyway was noisy, the bar was playing the music loud and it sounded like there was lots of energy for a weekday night. I stumbled to the main street, noticing my clothes were ruined, again. Stained and it looked like my shirt had a large tear in it. Yep. I'd have to get some new clothes for work. I wondered what had happened to those young guys. Maybe the changes stopped when I ran out the door? Had that ever even happened before? I peeked inside the establishment, just to look for a sign of them. I glanced into the booth where they had been sitting. Nope, not there. I wondered how long I had been out. When I saw that it was already 11:30 I knew I had to get to bed.

I Jumped into my car and headed home... As i fumbled with my keys, I heard a noise in the alley. I turned around to see the five young guys naked rutting around on the ground stroking themselves. The fat guy was no longer fat but had become a buff football player type with a little beer gut, the ugly guy was now an average looking weight lifter, the hunky blonde now had huge muscles, the dark haired boy now could have won a body builder contest, massive muscles under his thick chest hair, and finally the cute redhead was even cuter with about 75 lbs of muscle added to his frame.

I stared in fear, if i approached them would they change more. I cautiously walked forward, thankfully there was no spark. I made my way over to the fat guy. "Are you OK?" But All I heard was some grumbling and moaning as they pleasured themselves.



"Damn, son! You sure been busy!"

I heard the remark but barely noticed it. I'd changed dozens of men in my "career" but I was always awestruck when I saw Dan. Maybe it was because I knew him well before transforming him, or maybe it was because I'd always been awestruck by him. I'd been lusting after the man since before I knew what lust was but now he really was a god. Over six foot three and absurdly muscled with an equally huge dick. But he wasn't like the overstuffed bodybuilders you see on the major magazines. None of my guys really look like that but with Dan, you think he would. With Dan there is no bodybuilder waddle. The wheezing you might hear from normal muscle men isn't there either. While some bodybuilders want to look inhuman, Uncle Dan looked extrahuman, if that makes sense. And of all the men who I've changed, only Dan seems to be getting better with age. The others don't really change much, but as Dan's hair got whiter and his wrinkles appeared he only seemed to become more beautiful.

"Boy, stop starin' and get in here!"

He grabbed me and practically threw me into his house--He could do that if he wanted to. "Now, give me a hug." Despite his size and strength, Dan knew how to squeeze me just right. I could feel the full 13" of his dick under his overalls. "I'm gettin' excited just thinkin' about you, son." he said.

Did I mention that I love my uncle? Yeah, that's pretty weird, even to me, but if he were your uncle you'd feel the same way.

"Now what's this?"

Uncle Dan let go of me and turned only to get a full sexual assault from one of my new converts.

"Sorry, Uncle Dan." I said. "I'm not sure how I did it but, well, they came out..."

"Sex zombies? What the fuck?"

I explained my situation while Dan fought off the guys

"And nobody noticed? I always thought it was weird that more people didn't take notice of me, let alone any of your other 'accidents' but this takes the cake."

One of the boys, despite having been thrown deep into the yard, raced back up and started chewing on Dan's dick through his denim overalls.

"I know." I said. "I always figured it was a shame thing. Either that or they really liked it enough to keep quiet."

"Like it? Fuck, boy, I fuckin' LOVE it!" Dan had stopped trying to fight them and had the denim sucker pinned to his crotch. "Shit. I'm due for my 12 o'clock cum anyway. Ain't you horny?"

"I'm getting there" I said as I took off my shirt.

"Damn boy, looks like you're finally putting on some size!" Dan exclaimed. I looked down. Its true, my body did look bigger and more muscular. My pecs pushed out more than before and my arms had a definite curve to them from my triceps, which looked and felt thicker and fuller.

"Wow, you doing this on purpose or is it just happening?" Dan asked.

"Its just... recently, the changes seem to be affecting... me" I stuttered, admiring my own physique. How hadn't I not recognized the changes? I looked bigger than I had that morning.

We made love that night, and man did I enjoy it. Dan seemed to love the "improvements" I had made.


When I woke up the next morning to the alarm I once again had a raging hard on. It needed my attention immediately. I cleaned up while Dan was still laying in bed, my five sex zombies laying at the foot of the bed. I took a full view of my body in the mirror and felt surprised by my own reflection. I WAS getting bigger. My shoulder were wider, my neck was thicker. Even my thighs and ass looked more muscular. I jumped on the scale in Dan's bathroom and it read "196" that was more than 15 pounds since i weighed myself several weeks ago. What was happening to me? I fumbled around with my clothes only to realize that my torn and stained shirt wouldn't work. I quickly grabbed something out of Dan's closet and put it on. It was a little loose but it fit surprisingly well. I grabbed some breakfast and ran out the door. I didn't want to be late... again.

As I drove my mind wandered. What was going on? These "sparks" were happening more and more often. As i stopped for a stoplight near downtown a handsome young businessman crossed the street in front of me. Just the sight of his handsome, dark features was enough for me to pop a boner. "What the hell?" I thought, I had just jacked off 30 minutes prior! Soon the light turned green and I tried to clear my mind. At work people immediately commented on my appearance. "You've been lifting haven't you"? an old colleague of mine said in passing. "looking good!"

I got all kinds of comments that day, but i tried to just focus on work. I caught a young man, a new intern staring at me as i ate my lunch.

"How often do you lift?" He asked sheepishly. "Uh, I try to go... several times a week" I fibbed. I had stopped months ago after an incident in the men's locker room. I just couldn't control what happened.

The young man then sat down near me and I felt something begin. "No" I pleaded with my mind, but it wasn't any use. This guy was was only 21 or 22, and I was at work. As i stood up to try and make space I felt that familiar spark. "Shit" I muttered and I grabbed the young guy by the arm. He was alarmed and confused. I took him out the back door before he could say anything. As we moved quickly I felt his arms thickening under my grip. "Wha...?" was all he could make out before we got into the area behind the building. Lucky no one was near by and the young intern began thrusting himself onto me.

I watched as his shirt tightened and his body expanded. Shoulders broadening and arms thickening dramatically. Muscle poured onto his frame, and I tore open his shirt to watch his thin chest hair thicken and darken. His whole body grew larger and more virile. His voice seemed to deepen slightly. I felt my own body expand as it does in response. I tried to speed everything up so we could finish before getting caught. Before long, I came and passed out on a patch of soft ground.

When I woke up The handsome young man was staring into my eyes and slapping me on the cheek. "Wake up, wake up!" he said in a deep bass tone. His face had grown a weeks worth of stubble and had changed dramatically. His eyebrows were thicker, his jaw was more pronounced, more angular. His neck was massively thick, giving him the look of a bodybuilder or huge football player. "get up get up!" he muttered. I looked around and stroked his beefy hairy chest. Admiring my handiwork.

"I don't know what's happened, but something happened to me" He muttered. His voice did sound quite different from before. "You ok?" he asked. "I've never done this before, I'm not like that" he said. "I like women!" he added.

I sat up in a hurry. "How long was I out?" i asked. "About 10 minutes," he replied. "OK, well, good. I regained my posture and looked down. I saw that my shirt was opened and pants down, but aside from that I was OK.

"Thankfully no one saw us, right?" I asked.

"I don't think so. Man, what am I going to do?" he said, looking at his massive hairy arms. "What happened to me?"

I once again fumbled with my clothes. My slacks were now getting very tight around my ass and thighs. My shirt even felt more snug. I too, was growing.

"Well, you should go clean up and see if you can't find some new clothes." it was clear that this now 250+ pound young man that he had created would no longer fit in any of his clothes.

"Whats your name?" I asked.


"OK, Jose, I'll tell them that you had a family emergency and had to leave. They should understand"

"Thank you, oh thank you" he said as I did the buttons of my shirt. I watched as the young man went sauntering down the alleyway, nearly entirely naked except for his torn, too-tight boxers.

As I tried to regain composure and fix my hair and shirt, I noticed that my arms looked hairier than normal, bigger too. How long would these changes continue, I wondered.



I wandered back into the office just before the end of my lunch hour. I quickly made my way to my cubicle and struggled to sit down and fit into my chair, which now felt smaller. I heard the seams to my pants tear As I started work. when I went to the bathroom I was once again surprised to see my reflection. I was growing. More and more I was beginning to look like the men I changed. My shoulders were looking much more like a bodybuilder's and my arms, I guessed were now pushing 17" around. I was blowing up bigger with each sexual outburst. Worse yet, I could feel my dick stirring in my pants. "Again?!" I couldn't help but exclaim.

I exited the men's room after relieving myself. I finished up work early and headed home. I tried to ignore the stares I was getting. Maybe, maybe, if I could control myself I'd be able to stave off the changes for a while, and be able to continue to work a normal life?


I called Dan and thanked him for his... support and explained the situation. Being one of the first men I had transformed, he understood what I was dealing with. He too noticed that these changes were beginning to snowball, becoming more and more common now. I finished up the day jacking off again, shaved and made my way to bed. Why were these changes begining now? I had been like this for years, I had transformed dozens of guys already, but why only now were these having a permanent effect on me? I couldn't quite figure that out. I liked the changes, but I didn't want to turn into the kind of man I turned Jose into.

The next morning I awoke much the same way as I always had. I admired my more muscular body and headed off to the shower. I still wasn't used to my reflection even though It hadn't changed any since the day before, or noticeably anyway. The scale read: 211 lbs... I was getting big now. A big dude. My shirts were all way too tight on me. I brushed my hand over my thickened chest hair. My dick rose again. "I think I can live with this" I said to myself and then proceeded to shower.

Routine followed. Work, day by day. Tried to focus and ignore the "Wow, you're getting huge!" comments from the secretary and other folks there. Even my boss made some comments. I just shook it off. I was, however, going to have to get a new wardrobe. No word that day from Jose. Who knows if he's ever appear there again.


The next few days went by without too much trouble, because I refused to do anything usually, anything outside of the routine. But life was getting dull, and I craved contact with another man. Dan was out of town, so my problem was only get worse.

After another routine day at the office I went out for a walk. Just a walk, a harmless walk, or so i thought.

I wandered the streets I knew well. Tried to look more at the buildings than at the people. But on my way I passed the local college. I felt like turning back, but I didn't, I continued to walk forward and tried to focus on the landscape around me, the huge lawn, the lines of trees and well trimmed hedges. It didn't help any when a young stud crossed my path. This guy was probably 20-21, handsome and mature looking for his age. Dark, handsome, tall. Well built. He made eye contact me as he walked past. Man was that a mistake.

There was a spark instantly and even though I continued to put one foot in front of the other I seemed to walk into his path stumbling even closer. I felt an all too-familiar surge. He lurched forwards too and the next thing I knew we were both falling onto the grass,in plain sight of anyone near by, tearing each others clothes off. He was groaning as he felt his body pulsing larger, his chest heaving, growing with each gulp of air. His shoulders broadening, his face hardening and lust intensifying. I knew right then that this poor kid, and I, would never be the same.

I remember running my hands through his thick black chest hair, grabbing at his growing, thickening pecs and beefy arms. I remember feeling his weight increase on my body, I remember how his muscles flexed and grew as we rubbed against each other. Oddly enough, I never remembered the climax. I just blacked out and later woke up with him shaking me almost violently.

He has a terrified look in his eyes. He was staring right into my drowsy, drooping eyelids and demanding that I wake up. When he finally shook me into total consciousness I became aware of the fact that my body had grown more than ever before. I looked down to see my bulging hairy chest, thick arms. Hell I was almost as large as the kid now holding me. I looked around. There was a young woman standing behind him in shock

"Do you need an ambulance? I'll call an ambulance."

"NO!" I exclaimed "I'm fine. I just passed out, I'm ok now, please I'm fine, this happens fairly often" I responded. The poor lady was in total shock. Two huge, naked muscle men were sprawled out on the lawn in front of her, on the side of the pathway. I could see my clothes were torn again and strewn about. I reached for my torn boxers and put the remnants of them on.

"I... I... Don't know what happened" the young muscle man said with a frightened look on his face. It was obvious that his brain couldn't quite grasp how his body had changed. As the two of us moved off each other, reaching for our clothes I noticed that there were more people who saw us, some other girls and I could make out a male figure or two behind the landscaping. My stomach dropped, I felt a sudden scare, What if someone had seen what had happened? As soon as I had pulled on my torn boxers and wrapped my shirt around my waist I grabbed the young, equally half-naked man and looked him in the eyes. My body tense.

"RUN!" I exclaimed. The last thing I needed was to ruin another man's life with police charges for public indecency. Much less get those charges on myself. I grabbed his huge arm with my strong grip, pulling him up onto his feet. We went running quickly across the lawn, towards the road. I held onto his outstretched arm until we got several blocks away from campus. Until we were well outside anyone's view. Anyone who probably saw us along the way must have been shocked. Seeing two huge half-naked bodybuilders sprinting across the city. We reached a back ally, turned and panted.

"That was bad" I said in between breaths. My muscular chest heaving up and down.

"You think that was bad? I have to go to school with those people!" The young man exclaimed. "What the fuck is happening? What the fuck happened to me?!?" he exclaimed. His eyes staring down at disbelief at his now huge muscular body.

"It's, uhm, not easy to explain" I mumbled. looking down it was clear that I was well beyond the 211 some pounds I had been just a day ago. I was bigger, and it looked permanent this time.

"I don't know whats going on either" I said calmly, looking into his dark eyes. I felt a connection again, but this time there was no spark. No surge. My dick, however, was once again hardening. "Shit!" I muttered. "Not again!"

I stepped back, I was able to control it. I tried to stare into the brick wall and not get distracted by the hugely muscular, hairy, handsome hyper-masculine man panting near me.

I understood his desperation. I understood his confusion. I decided that this was a young man I would be safe talking to again. I quickly told him my name, where I was from. I found some scrap cardboard in that alleyway and wrote down my name, address and number, in case he needed to talk to me again. I secretly hoped he would.

As soon as we caught our breath we said our awkward goodbyes and left in two directions. After all, We didn't want to be found by the police, in case they were looking for us. I tried to remain discrete, as inconspicuous as a half-naked bodybuilder in public can be, I guess. I dipped into back alleys when I could and took the long way back to my car, just to avoid public view. The few people I did see, stared at me. Hell I would have done the same.


At home I jacked off to my own reflection. My chin looked sharper, my eyebrows were darker and thicker. I was unshaven and my chest hair had thickened dramatically. But those were the subtle changes. My shoulders, neck, traps, back, chest, biceps, triceps all looked massive. Thicker than ever before. My balls felt heavy too, and I was all wound up as if I hadn't had sex in days.

I hesitantly stepped onto the scale, which creaked loudly under my weight. 234 it read. I was now the size of a true bodybuilder, not some normal gym-rat, but a serious lifter.

I loved flexing, I loved posing. I liked how my traps pushed against my neck and my lats pushed against my arms. These sensations had started by the time I had hit 211, but now all seemed magnified in intensity.

I jacked off again in the shower and cleaned up. I grabbed my phone and called Dan.

"Hey Dan. I have a problem" I said in a deep tone.



"The surges are becoming more common" I said, looking into his light blue eyes. "They're becoming more intense and I'm changing more and more, I don't know whats going on." I continued.

"Fuck, you ain't kidding! look at you!" Dan said in amazement. "You're getting huge now! You're gonna have me running for my money soon" He added.

"I know. And I can feel that I'm changing too. I mean, I think I'm..." I said in a shaky tone, "I think I'm turning into... turning into the kind of man I've changed so many times..."

"Well" Dan said. "You changed me... but I didn't turn out so bad!" He replied with a smile.

"Right, but what if this continues? What if I keep growing? Keep changing? I won't even be able to hold a conversation without jacking off!" I said. Just the idea of jacking off was already causing my dick to rise. "Shit... not again..."

"I don't think I'll be able to live a normal life ever again... not like this!" I exclaimed. My voice was becoming increasingly tense. Dan felt it too, he felt the sexual energy building up. I wanted to turn away, I wanted to stop but it was getting stronger. We leaned closer to each other and I felt it happen. Again.

The surge of uncontrollable sexual energy was nothing like it had been that morning. It was almost unbearable, We began kissing with a harsh intensity, but I seemed... more in control, more able to push away or pull closer, depending on my desire. As I wrapped my large arms around him, I felt his back flex and it seemed to widen slightly as we groped each others budging masculine bodies.The sex was incredible. He knew how to work it, he knew me well, and this time I actually managed to remember what was going on. We ended up on his large couch and while I did seem to get groggy, maybe even dozed off a bit at the end, I still remained more acutely aware of what was happening. I knew, from my sensations, that my shoulders had grown larger in our lust. That my legs were thicker, my back even. As I rubbed my hands over my arms, I could feel an added thickness that was brand new.

Sitting up I saw Dan standing there. He too looked larger and more powerful. I ran to the bathroom to check my changes. 246 lbs, The scale said. I couldn't believe it. In 24 hours I had gained 36 pounds of muscle.

"Yeah" Dan said as I walked wide eyed out of the bathroom "I think I could get used to you growing" He said with a sly smile on his face "Looks good to me, and it looks like you're helping me out too," he said, flexing his arms.


That Friday night we enjoyed each other. Not just sexually. I enjoyed his warm, reassuring attitude. His assurance that everything would turn out ok. There were no more "surges" as we dubbed them, but the sex was still great.

The next morning my phone rang early, waking me up with a start. It was Saturday and I had the weekend to explain my new hulking body to my coworkers. I couldn't even hide my musculature under baggy clothes, either. the width of my shoulders and back were too obvious.

"Hello? This is Dimitri from yesterday... from the incident."

My stomach dropped again. "How are you doing?" I ask in a calm tone.

"I'm doing OK, I guess. I'm really... " he paused. "Really... " his voice dropped lower "horny... and I know it's crazy but I want to see you"

I stood up, those words caused my semi-hard dick to spring into attention."Oh, really"

"Yeah... I went back to my apartment last night late. I had to buy new clothes. But I've been so horny since it happened. I can barely stand it." he said, his voice trembling "I know you said to call you, so I am calling you. What did you do to me and how can I get better?" he said in a concerned tone. "Can I come see you?"

"Who's that?..." grumbled big Dan from the bed. I put the phone down for a second.

"It's the kid I changed yesterday."

"Oh? why the fuck did you give him your number?"

"He's different" I said. "I can tell. Dan, he wants to come over. What should I say?"

"Does he want to fuck? because that might be fun ..." Dan added, rolling his big body over and glancing at my own thick torso.

"Yes, I think so," I added. I felt my dick begin to cry for attention.

I gave Dimitri the address for Dan's place, and In 15 minutes I heard a car squeal into the driveway, parking suddenly. A loud thumping came from the door.

With Dan only half out of bed I opened it half naked. I saw his face, noticing that he was several inches taller than me, and standing there shirtless, looking even more massive than before. He walked right in, shutting the door quickly, grabbing and kissing me.

"I need this so bad, I can't help it" He said, moaning. We moved backwards as we made out, stumbling towards the bedroom and Dan immediately saw us grabbing each other as we walked. I was still in surprise by what was happening but Dan seemed to love it. "He's a big one alright," he said.

Dimitri paused and asked "Is this ok?", while still maintaining a firm grasp on me. "Yes, I think he'll like it," I replied.

"Fuck yeah!" Dan exclaimed, approaching Dimitri and me. He immediately set to work groping the both of us. Here we were, three huge muscle-bound men massaging and pressing against each other, with an increasing intensity and tension. We all moved towards Dan's large bed.

Laying down with two 250+ pound muscle men on one bed was an experience I will never forget. I felt their muscular arms rubbing me, rubbing each other and we sat in an ecstasy.

I felt that familiar spark but this time it was different. Dimitri started to grow again, I could tell from his posture, from his movements that his back was beginning to widen, his shoulders thickening. Dimitri groaned as his body swelled, becoming freakishly large, packing on pounds of muscle in seconds. He moaned, his voice deeper,his giant dick throbbing madly.

Dan too was experiencing the same changes. His thick, bulging arms were growing even larger, pushing from already 20" around to about 22" then 23"... then larger still. I could feel his meaty forearms as they aquired a new massiveness and his rounded chest pushed out farther. I groped those growing pecs with immense pleasure. I could feel how heavy they were becoming.

All the while, I too felt my body change. My legs were widening, and like Dan and Dimitri, I was fast turning into a muscled freak. Everything about me was already large- and now I was growing once again.

In the back of my mind I thought about the repercussions of this. I knew that the changes I was causing in these two muscle behemoths was now permanent. A normal life for them was now far out of the question. Worse yet, the changes I was going through might end up staying with me as well. What would happen to me? Every time I grew I grew more horny, and every time I became horny- I grew.

This was all snowballing fast, and if i let myself succumb to the pleasures I was experiences, I might grow too big to even move. The thought terrified me... I had never wanted to be a freak. But now here I was, well of 270 pounds of muscle and growing. A freak. And despite it all, It felt so good. The feeling of huge muscles rubbing up against me, feeling my own muscled body, my huge pec and massive arms... we all flexed together as the three of us groped each other- I loved having my own meaty body rubbed and grabbed. There was so much more to grab on me now.

I heard the bed creek loudly as all three of us laid on it. We moved around, grabbing limbs and muscles. The bed creaked even louder as Dimitry pushed his bulk on top of me.

The bed frame cracked, several times as the two men began thrusting and pulling at each other at a fast pace. I couldn't help but be awed by the size of the men I had created. The two of them were now easily 300 pounds. Their bodies were budging, rounded, thick, defined. And my own body, though not quite as large as Dimitri and Dan, was clearly now freakishly large. The width of my arms seemed to have no end to them, I couldn't feel the back of them, they had grown so big. My round pecs blocked my view of my erect cock. My huge back seemed to take up more than half of the queen sized bed. We were cramped for room on that thing, actually. Dimitri's huge weight was pushing down on me too, as half his body rested on my legs and torso.

We all seemed to get off at around the same time. The whole thing was messy, but it felt like nothing else before. I couldn't help but lay there for a good 15 minutes afterward, just feeling their gigantic muscles push and move against my own, it was heaven.

By the time I did get up, those two muscle behemoths seemed to be nearly asleep. Obviously exhausted from a huge sexual release.

I lumbered into the bathroom. I heard the thump of my now heavy footsteps on the wooden floor, I accidentally hit my thick muscled shoulder on the door frame as i left the bedroom, and getting used to the new sensations I was now experiencing. My body couldn't even fit into the reflection of Dan's mirror. I was too wide too see my entire body in it at once. I was awed by what I did see, however. I looked like a professional bodybuilder, maybe a little in the off-season. My arms were easily 22" around, or more. I felt great. My stance had widened as my thick quads pushed against each other.

After admiring and flexing in the mirror to the surreal reflection, I squeezed into the shower, which felt much more narrow than it had before. My shoulders and arms kept bumping and pressing into the sides of the stall. I found it difficult to get myself well cleaned. Lifting my arms and cleaning my underarms was a greater task than before. I had to pay attention to get all of myself washed, and when I was done, I noticed that Dan's old towels were just not as big as I needed. Drying my back was suddenly something more difficult than I was used to. My now huge arms had lost a certain amount of mobility, especially when trying to reach around to my overgrown back.

Life was changing for me... quickly. Where it was headed I wasn't sure, but I knew that this whole thing was snowballing, fast, and that I and whoever I'm with would to end up bigger than humanly possible. My dick began to rise at the thought. Mentally I knew this was getting serious- that I was getting too big, that the two men in the bedroom were no longer going to ever live normal lives again, I knew that. But my dick had other ideas... all it could think about was muscle, was growing, was the lust for more muscle.



Three weeks later I was sitting at home jacking off. I still wasn't used to my size, or the size of my dick. Just feeling myself over made me horny. Fuck, everything made me horny now. I had stopped going to work entirely and was going to have to look for another source of income. I was too large and too horny to be able to sit in a desk all day, and If my co-workers saw me, they would have a heart attack... worse yet, I'd end up transforming all the men in the branch if I went back- so instead I stayed at home, tried to get off in front of my computer so as to not make contact with anyone outside. I knew it wouldn't last. Sooner or later some man would catch me at a bad time. Maybe a mailman, maybe even someone I know, but It would happen, and my urges would change everything. I had to prevent it. If I ever wanted to be able to function as a normal human being again I had to avoid contact with any men.

My body hadn't changed any since I left Dan's house three weeks ago. Well, that's not quite true. My appetite now matches my 285 pound body, and my chest hair has thickened into a lush dark carpet, perfectly complimenting my massive pecs. I think it was the hormones.... I know its the hormones.

And man am I horny as ever! It feels like almost every two hours I have to get off. Horny and Hungry and Huge. That's my life now- and its totally unsustainable.

My savings were running dry. I was ordering pizza and take out every few hours. No clothes fit, so I didn't go out but to grab the mail, and I always tried to avoid being seen. My friends would call on occasion: "Hey man, Haven't heard from you in weeks... where have you been?" And I would just have to explain to them that I was doing fine and that nothing unusual was going on. That lie was the only thing that would protect me from unwanted attention. Otherwise they'd get too suspicious.

"We should hang out at a pub sometime"

I smiled slightly at the thought. It would be nice, if only it were possible. If I could just explain this to them, to have them understand.


A heavy knock at the door woke me up. I had been sleeping naked as usual and so I put on the only thing that would fit OK- my towel. I walked to the door, and a heavy knocking on the door followed again. I turned on the light. THAT was my mistake. I hesitantly and looked through the peep hole, the floor under me squeaked doubt they heard that... and I looking through the tiny lens I saw it was an old friend. "SHIT!" I thought. It was a Saturday night, and they were coming to see me. I had been avoiding their calls for weeks now.

"YOU IN THERE?!" I heard Samir yell. He had been an old friend from work who had moved to a different department.

"We're waiting for you man!" I heard another voice call.

"I know you're there dude!" Samir yelled again. More knocking...

"Come on dude... whats going on?" Samir continued.

Maybe they were already a little drunk? Maybe I could just tell them I didn't feel well

I had no idea what to do... what to say. I felt frozen there.

"Dude, stop hanging in front of the door and let us in!"

Damn floorboards for giving me away! I muttered at first and then just gave a muffled reply:

"Uhh... sorry guys, I don't feel well.. don't worry, I'm fine. Just gonna stay home though" I said, trying to sound more like I used to.

"Dude! Just let us in, why've you been hiding from us for so long? I hear you've just stopped going to work."

"Uh... yeah, I have...things to do, I gotta stay at home for a while."

"Like what things? Just stop acting weird and let us in. I've known you for five years and you cant even have the balls to open the door for me?" Samir yelled back.

I felt guilty, I felt obligated to say something.

"Let us in man, this is getting old" I heard the other guy say, who I recognized to be Ben, the tech guy at work.

"OK OK!" I replied. "But I have to tell you. You're going to be shocked by my appearance. I mean.... I'm a lot bigger than I was last time you saw me."

"Bigger?" Samir asked. "So you're really bodybuilding now I take it?"

"Uh... yeah." I replied hesitantly

"Just unlock the door dude!"

I did so...slowly.


was the gasp I heard out of Samir as soon as he saw me. Ben was in the same state of shock.

"What the fuck did you do to yourself man?!?!" Samir exclaimed,

I felt at a loss of words, I couldn't tell them what was happening. I was too afraid of what might happen.

"Guys... I know its hard to understand, but you gotta know, this isn't like what you think... I didn't try to look like this. now..."

"DUDE have you just been injecting steroids every minute?" Samir said, cutting me off. Even with his jaw wide open I couldn't help but admire how handsome he was.

"Just.. just... you guys... You have to get out of here. Trust me"

"What?!?" Samir said.

I felt it building. I was starting to look deep into those dark, beautiful eyes of his.

"Leave NOW!" I yelled desperately, opening the door quickly and trying to avert my attention to something else.

They stood there for a second, hoping they'd just disappear into the hallway without a problem, but that's when I looked up to see their shocked faces were still standing there.

I reached over to try and push Samir out, and that was my mistake, that's where it went wrong. Just in brushing his shoulder with my hand and big forearm I felt the electricity pass through us. I knew it had started. I could feel my sexual desires mounting, my dick began to get hard. I tried to push them out, but found that I was only pulling Samir closer...