A New App

- New App -

“Oliver, I can’t figure out this new app on your phone.” A loud resonating voice echoed from the bedroom.

“What... app are you talking about?” Oliver asked back, dropping the pan in the kitchen before storming over to the bedroom.

Once in there, Oliver could only watch with a knot in the guts the enormous guy laying on the bed where his boyfriend Max was supposed to be. The once shy and introverted Max had stretched and grown and swelled with size, the former lean and small boyfriend now a towering mass of muscles. The poor guy seemed to have recently bumped his head on the bed frame after a sudden but incredible growth spurt. Simply by looking at the immense foot that slipped out from the bedsheets, Oliver knew the thing would never ever fit into the usual size 7 shoes Max used to wear.

Max was still trying to figure out how the app worked. Oliver knew instantly that he must have been playing with the pirated app a friend of his got him where he could modify someone’s physical and mental traits. And, seemingly unconsciously, he seemed to alter his own body without even being aware of it!

‘Damn it! I forgot to log out and now he must be on the profile I made for him!’ Oliver dreaded.

He thought of changing his boyfriend to hive him confidence and perhaps a healthier build, but now Max seemed to have gained more than a foot in height and much more than 100 lbs of brawn.

“Max!” Oliver called. “You’ve got to stop playing on this app!”

“Huh? Why? What is it supposed to be anyway?”

‘Oh no... he seems to have triggered to dumb meter!’ Oliver panicked over his boyfriend’s dumbing down voice.

Then, suddenly, the big guy seemed to have ANOTHER growth spurt, his shoulders slipping up against the bedframe while his feet stretched out further away on the bed, their size looking big enough to surpass both of Oliver’s feet. The biceps simply ballooned out swelling to sizes Oliver had only seen on morphs on the internet.

“Woah... I feel tingly all over, bae...” He giggled dumbly.

“Give me back my phone! Please, Max, it’s important!”

“Shhhh... Come over, bae... let’s cuddle a little, I’ll give you your phone back after we have some snuggle...”