Would You like to be a little Bigger?

I looked down at this strange imp who had just offered to make anything I wanted come true. "Name's Runt." he said. "Anything you want, I can make it reality."

I had a sudden thought

"If you can make anything happen... well... I always wondered if...." Without hesitation the Imp began to go down on me, reaching deep into my pants and grabbing my member. With a kneel he began to wrap his lips around it, me half expecting a blow job. But something different began to happen, he began to blow into it, like the nosel of an balloon!

"This will only take a couple minutes but you'll be pleased I'm sure!" The imp exclaimed "Oh wait! One more adjustment quick!" And with that my cloths changed to a shirt and pants that looked more of a xxxxxl then my usual large.

"Now we can begin the fun!" He shouted And with that he went back down below

I watched with surprise as he took his fingers and opened my slit up and began blowing into it! In an instant I began to feel bigger and heavier for some reason. Looking into the mirror I was surprised as I began to see my body growing and swelling with each blow! My arms swelling up with veins and power becoming 18" then 20", then 24" finally stopping at 27". My chest and pec started to swell as well looking more like I was wearing padding or a muscle costume then an actual muscle. My legs swelled and grew making my stance widing to accommodate my new freaky huge muscle mass.

The imp still kept blowing and I saw my neck thicken till it was undefined with my shoulders, who had puffed and swelled to look like shoulder pads! All this while he moved down there, giving such pleasure it was almost euphoria. As I moaned with pleasure I saw my stomach began to swell out a little as my height grew to 6' 5" I was monstrous! But my stomach and muscle still kept swelling even though my height stopped? "What's going Ooooon!" I said with a pleasured moan! "Oh giving you what you want! Your gonna be so big you'll just be big enough to make a nfl team as a defensive lineman! But don't go overboard or they won't except you!" And he began to blow even harder!

My muscle creaked and groaned as the size swelled up faster! I tried to walk away but at that point I could only do a fast waddle as he latched himself onto my member! "Please stop! I don't wanna be too big! This is gonna be to much!" And just as I said it I saw in the mirror that my clothing that was 6 sizes to large, now began to stretch out the seams popping out and tearing off! "Oops! I went just a little far! Now your an off-season lineman on roids! Hahahaha! Hold on let me adjust here!" And he touched my body again, unable to move away in time! But my body grew out wider again, growing a few inches more till I looked like I was gonna pop! But he also changed my clothes to compression so they wouldn't explode off me. With one final blow again he was done, with my horrified face looking at this massive body that could barley walk let along waddle! I had to be over 400 pounds of freaky huge muscle mass.

"What have you done!? I'm too big! I'll never get in to the NFL much less into chair!" I exclaimed

The imp just chuckled and said "I already told you, I can fix things! You were already part of the NFL... now just into the far off-season and bigger than ever. Just look at your shirt!" And I glanced in the mirror and saw my favorite team logo on my wide chest like a super hero shield!

"That's kinda better but...." And before I could even move he....


I looked down at my huge biceps. I was truly enormous. I looked down at my body and suddenly realised I had a needle in my huge ass, and I was injecting myself.

"What the fuck.." I said in a voice much deeper and gruffer then my own. I then looked up at the mirror in front of me. I was sitting on a weight bench, huge dumbbells and weights stacked around me, along with industrial- size tubs of whey protein powder. I examined my body, It was still freakishly muscular, every vein popping up over my body. I also had a roid gut, which bulged out underneath my mountainous pecs, now barely contained by a tank top, with my team logo on it. Around my waist was a big black leather weight lifting belt. I also had black, very worn weight lifting gloves on.

My shoulders were huge, bigger then bowling balls, and equally big biceps. I pulled the needle out, examining where it went it. There were multiple needle marks, even a a bandage around my arm, a couple of specks of blood on the other side. I flexed my colossally thick arms, watching the vein pop out, before standing up for a better look. I was a 6"5 mountain of a man. My legs were so thick and muscular it was hard to move, as they bulged inside my tight XXXL black work out shorts. I was definitely over 400 pounds. I was massive.

Looking closer at my face, It was still my face, except I looked more like a an ogerish brute. My jaw was bigger and squarer with a wide chin, my nose was flatter and thicker too. My hair had started to bald, receding at the temples into an M shape, also it was now shaved to a vary close buzzcut. My skin was blotchy and red, spreading across my cheeks, shoulders and back. I looked like a total roided out brute. I could see closely trimmed chest hair growing in all over my huge pecs.

"Fuck yeah.." I said to myself. Wait... was I liking this?

"Okay" continued the Imp. "Now you're an ex linebacker steroid junky"

"Fuck, I'm so big it's hard to move" I said, stroking my prominent roid belly.

"But think how strong you are, I'sn't that hot"

It was. I began to touch my cock through my shorts with one of my big hairy hands. I suddenly realised it had grown to a huge size, along with my balls.

"What happened to my dick?" I said with.

"Well, I thought I'd help you out " replied the imp with a matter-of-fact expression. "You got a huge cock and those guns... you're welcome"

I looked down and felt it with my big paws. Man... it had to be over a foot long, and thick! "This is a lot man... How does it even fit." I said. I looked down, seeing my huge dick past my huge pecs and roid gut, but my neck was so thick with muscle, looking down was even difficult.

"Don't worry about it big boy. You bottom all the time anyway now" added Runt with a smirk.

"You made me gay too?" I asked.

"Quit wining" he said rolling his eyes. "Let me give you a little mental push, just for a while"

With that everything suddenly went blank, I could still see and hear, but I couldn't react.

"Lets see, lets make things simpler for you.... those nerdy interests you had? won't be needing those. Reading and writing, don't need to do those anymore... Raise your sex drive... you love to get fucked.. Hmmm, Interests.. Lifting...roids... men... roids... NFL... roids ... football...roids... gym.. roids... gaining... roids... cock!... did I mention roids?"

I blinked back into the room. Suddenly everything was so much simpler.

"Woah... what'dya to me"

"Stick to weights and roids, big guy" he quipped.

"Watever..." I huffed. "can't think when I'm horny anyway" I was gripping my 13 inch hardon that was barely contained in my huge shorts. "Ya gonna fuck me or what?"


"I have a better idea, how about we take you to a gym, see how many guys we can get to fuck you, eh big guy?" said Runt, placing his hands on my meaty sholders.

"Pffttt- right now? I can’t go right now" I said , shrugging. "but the fucking sounds good".

"Sure you can" said the imp. With a flash, we both teleported to the local gym.

Appearing on a workout bench, the gym was mostly quiet as it was late, just a few guys. I looked down at myself, the imp had changed my shorts into a tight little shiny black speedo.

"S'cuse me buddy, you got many sets left." said a young voice.

I looked to see a handsome young man, about 20 with a cute boyish, clean shaven face, tanned smooth skin, short light brown hair and sparkly wide blue eyes. He was quite slim yet muscular wearing a tight fitting under-armour spiderman compression t shirt, which showed off his bulky but firm pecs, black UA compression pants, trainers and weight gloves.

"What your name kid?" I grunted.

"Uhhh....Thomas" he replied, a look of confusion on his face. Just then Runt appeared behind him, silently waving a hand over his head. Thomas' face want a little pale, as he realised smoothing was wrong.

"Woah.... I don't feel so...." he muttered.

I rubbed my huge bulge as you thought about what to do next.


"uhhh... I .... uhh" muttered Thomas, looking lost and very confused. Suddenly, he dropped to his knees, pulled down your speedo and began to suck on your huge beefy cock.

"Here we go" grinned Runt, watching intently as the boy's head bobbed back and forth.

"Ahhh yeah" I moaned with satisfaction. Suddenly a wave of ecstasy hit me as cum started to run out my cock like a faucet. I moaned louder as I heard Thomas gulp every mouth full.

Suddenly, he began to grow. His frame widened slowly, muscles inflating under his clothes. His chest thickened to giant round pecs, arms and shoulders becoming thicker and veiner by the second, needle marks appearing here and there. His neck widened till it was thicker than his head. His already well developed legs grew meatier with muscle until they were thick as normal man's waist. His six pack abs began to distend and bulge out to form a roid gut, as his once perfect skin also became red and blotchy, across his cheeks. His hair began to recede, not as much as mine. Inside his pants, his cock grew into a fat, beefy cock. His shirt changed from a spiderman one, to a grey one with large white letters reading 'Roid Boi & Proud'. He also had his IQ lowered, and became more simple as well as sex mad.

"Woah...' he said, pulling my dick out his mouth. He stood up and looked at his body in the mirror. He was still handsome, but his boyish features were gone... He looked much more like a manly jock now. Thomas was now a young roid head that had been juicing up since the age of 15, and spent most evenings at the gym, lifting or sucking any cock he could find.

"Looking hot there bro" I said, slapping Thomas's ass with one of my big meaty hands. "Like the new look?"

"Yeah bra", he said, his voice now deeper then before. He flexed in the mirror, watching the veins pop up on his biceps.

"Yeah, ya look good as a roid boy" I said, getting up and pulling him closer to me. I leaned down and began to make out with him. Thomas happily obliged, feeling himself up as he grew hornier.

"What the hell is going on here?"

We looked up to see one of the gym employees. He was 26, 5"11, fair skin, dark hair, handsome with a sexy stubble beard. Well built, muscular body, like a models, but more bulky. He was wearing his gym uniform, a blue polo shirt and dark blue shorts, with a name tag reading Derek on his chest. He had black studs in each ear lobe, and a tribal tattoo going down his left upper arm.

I paused as I thought of what to do with him.


I stared right behind Derek for a moment: Runt was there behind him, giving me an impish grin and nodding his head knowingly. In a moment, I felt my bigcock getting rock hard again in my speedo, and my balls refilling with tainted roid cum.

"Wanna know what the hell's going on bro? Suck on this and you'll know it," I said

The gym employee seemed to go into a trance when I said those words. He walked over and pulled down my speedo to reveal my huge erection. Derek looked at it with a smirk for half a second, before his eyes glazed over and were filled with sudden lusty desire; the well-built man fell on his knees and put my massive cock in his mouth, sucking on it like a pro. I let out a deep moan as I grabbed Derek's head and started face-fucking him while Thomas rubbed his massive body against mine, licking and kissing my thick veiny neck. As before, it only took me a couple of minutes to cum, spraying infected spunk down Derek's throat.

The gym employee let out a confused groan as his frame began to expand, his polo shirt ripping to shreds as the muscles of his back reached inhuman proportions. His biceps and triceps inflated so much he couldn't keep his arms straight, and even bending them properly was extremely difficult. His pecs developed into a meaty shelf of man meat topped by massive nips, and his flat stomach distended into a rotund and firm roid gut, the skin reddening and getting a bit blotched here and there. Derek's stubble grew thicker… turning into a full beard. Hair on his body thickened and spread out everywhere.

The man's tribal tattoo shimmered and radically changed shape, becoming the phrase "BORN 2 B JUICED" written in big blocky letters; even the black studs in his ears grew, becoming big fat shining diamond studs. Lastly, the shreds of his clothes coalesced into a new outfit: a skimpy sleeveless tank top with a tag reading "ROID MASTER" and a golden thong showing off his trunk-like legs and his meaty gigantic ass. Derek moaned in raw pleasure as he felt his dick shrink to baby proportions, before unloading his first roid boy orgasm inside his new thong.

"Wha... what happened?" he asked me, his eyes still hazy and unfocused. I pulled him closer and stuck my fat tongue in his mouth, and after a few seconds of confusion he reciprocated my kiss.

"You just became a sexy roid head, dude," I replied with a huge lusty grin. "Now come on, bros, we need to introduce all the other guys here at the gym to our way of life... Let's turn this place into a roid paradise."


After changing Derek, Runt and I found another guy in the showers. He was late 30s, 6ft, Italian looking, with rich caramel coloured skin, slicked back medium length brown hair, handsome chiseled face, and a sculpted short beard. He was definitely a bodybuilder

"Jackpot" whispered Runt, admiring his muscular naked body as he faced the wall, warm water cascading down his wide muscled back and round bubble butt. He whistled as he raised an arm to wash his hairy pits, completely unaware of me and Runt, who was rubbing his cock at the sight of the wet steamy muscle stud.

"Well, go get him big guy" said Runt slapping a hand on my back. Approaching the muscleman, I positioned myself behind him, trapping him between the wall and my giant muscular body, towering over him. Feeling my roid gut and pecs press up against his naked back, he gave a startled yelp, before realising what was going on.

"Hey, che cazzo!" he barked in a Italian accent, trying to turn, but was pinned up against the wall. I felt my heavy, huge cock grow hard. "Get away from me!"

Ignoring him, I let my big hands wander down to his wet hairy chest, and began playing with his milky chocolate coloured hairy nipples, squeezing the hard nubs between my fingers.

"Oww, stop... what are you" he panicked, trying in vain to struggle free. "Someone help!"

"Nobody's coming... hold still" I grunted, using my huge mass to keep him trapped.

"Ill make sure you rot in a cell asshole!" he growled, his face pushed against the shower wall.

"No you won't" said a smug voice.

Suddenly the man stopped struggling, as his shouts of protest became moans of pleasure. Runt had materialised next to us, leaning casually against the wall, smiling as he withdrew a hand from the man's forehead.

"Whats your name, tall, dark and sexy?" he asked, slowly jacking off his huge cock, dripping cum into the shower drain.

"Ahhh... Marco... Ungh... my name is Marco" he said, breath short between moans. Runt looked at Marco's cock, it was a bout 6 and a half inches, uncut and pressed between the wall and the Italian's perfect 6 pack abs.

"Fuck my ass you Italian stud" I grunted, shoving the man to the floor on his back"

"You got good cock" I growled, before pulling my shorts and squatting over him. I pushed Marco's cock into my huge muscle ass, and began riding it as hard as I could.

Marco began to man louder, completely lost in ecstasy.

"Oh fuck ....yeah... ahhh..." he groaned, as he began to thrust up into my ass, his bubble butt slapping against the floor of the shower. I began to grunt loudly, as my tiny cock spurted out a volley of tainted roid cum, landing in Marco's mouth.

As soon as he swallowed, He began to grow underneath me. First, his neck thickened so wide it dwarfed his head. Then his lats and deltoids grew, his back widening to freaky proportions. His already meaty pecs then started to inflate, bigger and bigger, till they formed a huge shelf of muscly, roid induced man tits. His arms grew colossally big, every vain visible, dotted with many syringe marks, biceps bulging so big it was hard to flex them. His abs then bulged out into a hugely distended roid belly, as his legs grew thicker than tree trunks.

I watched as the once beautifully muscled man became an exaggerated, overblown roided out tank beneath me. His face became more aggressively masculine, chiseled, and more like an ogerish brute, as his hair began to thin, receding far up his forehead, becoming almost greasy with sweat.

Marco then let out a loud moan as he shot his load in my ass, his balls growing with every spurt, before they become the size of oranges marbles, his cock growing to a full foot long italian sausage inside my ass.

I stood up, giving a hand to the newly roided hairy muscle beast.

"What happened" he grunted in a low gruff voice.

"You fell in the shower so I wanted to ride your fat cock” I replied

Marco grumbled, pulling on a red stringer vest that said roid bull in big white letters, a buffalo skull above it. "Fuck, I looked pumped" he said flexing his monstrously huge arms smiling, before heading back to the gym, unaware that his butt was still naked and wet.

"Big and dumb, just how you like 'em" commented Runt, watching the new roid heads ass as he walked away. "Should I give him pants?"

"Nah, he got a nice ass, good to look at" I replied, folding my huge arms.

"So... that's the last gym guy" said Runt, leaning casually up against me. "what now?"


"Fuck, forgot about my morning hit" I said, reaching into your pocket.

I took out a needle and jamming it in my huge left ass cheek.

"Ahhhh, feels good" I said, feeling it surge through my body, making your muscles and veins bulge all over, your balls tighten and grow heavy with roid cum as I did so.

"Hey, you can't do that here!" barked a voice.

A cop, about mid 30's dark short hair, stubble 5.11, muscled, with tan skin approached. He was wearing his dark navy NYPD uniform, long shirt and tie, and a leather fleeced police jacket.

"Get out of here now!"

Runt had already become invisible, yet I could feel him there beside me.

"Mmm love a man in uniform, How do you wanna play this?"


"Put the needle down!" ordered the cop, placing a hand on his pistol.

"Make me bitch!" I retorted, teeth gritted as I felt my aggression begin to boil. The cop scowled, pressing a button on his radio.

"This is unit 58, I got a roid head freak juicing up in the alleyway on 7th..." reported the cop. " Yeah, he's huge..." I took a step forward, making him grip the pistol grip of his gun. "Stay back Sir!" he warned, somewhat intimidated by my huge size.

As I took another step, he pulled out the pistol, aiming it at me.

"I SAID DONT MOVE" he barked, his nerve breaking. I growled, becoming more aggressive, the cop pulled the trigger.

But nothing happened.

The cop looked at his gun, panicked and confused. He then realised it was somehow being pulled away from him.

"What the fuck!" he yelped, as the weapon was snatched out of his hands, and was now hovering in the air.

Then, materialising back into view, holding the gun, was Runt. The imp smiled at the scared and confused officer.


"Wha.. how the..." stammered the cop, before Runt flicked the cop on the nose with his finger, making him suddenly go vacant.

"Well that was close" said Runt, tossing the pistol on the ground next to them. Runt then turned back to the cop, standing motionless in front of him, pushing his jacket aside to get a closer look at his badge and nameplate.

"Sergeant Nick Holts, NYPD"

I watched as the imp then began to grope the cop's bulge through his uniform pants.

"This looks promising" said Runt, smiling as he unzipped the sergeant's zipper, pulling out his cock.

"Ohhh, Sergeant Holts a big boy, nice and fat"

"He got good cock" I asked, kneeling down for a better view.

"Yes, he does.... 7 and a half I guess" said Runt grinning.

He placed the cock in his mouth and began to blow. Instantly, Nick's muscles began to inflate with every breath, starting with his belly, which began to inflate out into a full on tortoise shell roid gut. His chest then swelled with muscle, forming two basketball sized muscle tits. I watched as the cops shirt began to pop open, buttons flying off.

With every blow from Runt, his arms and legs swelled with muscle, his uniform pants splitting along the seams as huge thighs as thick as normal men's waists erupted through the fabric, his now huge muscle butt making the seam at the back split. His jacket leaves burst as 27 inch biceps ripped through the leather, huge think veiny forearms stretching what was left of the sleeves.

His back then exploded with muscle, tears forming across his shirt and jacket as his deltoids widened to huge proportions, his boulder like shoulders blowing open the top of the sleeves. As the transformation hit his neck, it thickened till it didn't resemble a neck at all, growing larger then his head.

"Now for the finishing touches" said Runt, before taking the cops cock again

Under the cops hat, he began to bald rapidly, as crude tattoos formed on pinpricked, acne riddled veiny skin across his shoulders and arms, and on his now bald head. The remains of his uniform began to change, forming a pair of black combat pants with a thick leather belt, black leather boots, a skin tight black t-shirt with the words 'ROID POLICE', a logo of a badge depicting a needle in a flexed muscle arm on the front, where his police badge once was. Finally, a pair of police sunglasses, leather gloves, and a lit cigar in his mouth.

Runt pulled the cops cock out his mouth, which was now nearly a foot in length, along with huge heavy cum-filled balls.

"There we go" said Runt, dusting off his hands. He placed a hand in front of Nick's face, snapping his fingers. "aaaaand you back in the room"

"Woah... what was I doing?" said Nick, in a gruff voice, rubbing his bald head.

"I dunno" I shrugged my meaty shoulders. Nick looked at me, like he was just noticing i was there"

"Ohh yeah... is this a deal?" said the roid cop. "I got the real good stuff if your interested"

I looked at Runt, who looked back at me and shrugged.


You took a look at sergeant Nick's stuff while rubbing your chin and thinking about how much you'd love to make out with the sexy roid cop, caressing his huge guns and feeling his cigar-flavored tongue in your mouth.

"Seems pretty impressive," you said, looking at the assortment of syringes full of colorful fluids. "How can I be sure it works, tho?"

"What, you don't believe me?" Nick's gruff voice sounded angered. Must have been all that artificial testosterone. "I'm a roid cop, dude. Shit's genuine." You shrugged and didn't say nothing as Runt looked at you with an amused grin. "Okay, since you are a first-timer, I'll show you, 'kay?"

The policeman glared around him until he saw a jogger in his 20s doing a very early morning run. "Hey! You! Come here!"

"M-me?" the boy said meekly, but did as told. He was clearly scared and intimidated by the two roided behemoths. "S-something wrong, officer?" He had brown curly hair, pale green eyes and a slender, toned physique. As you stared at him, you noticed a tribal tattoo circling around his small but well-shaped right bicep, and the tiny silver rings piercing his earlobes.

"Yeah," Nick replied. "Look at you, a fucking pussy. You call yourself a man?" He pulled the jogger closer forcefully, and the young man reacted with a surprised yelp. "Luckily, I can help you with that..." And with a fast movement - quite impressive, considering the roid cop's size - he grabbed one of the biggest syringes, stuck the needle into the guy's arm and injected juice directly into his veins.

The jogger grunted, first because of shock and pain, then because his body started exploding in all directions. His voice went down several octaves as his torso ballooned, his pecs now looking more like firm and massive tits topped with meaty, huge nipples. His belly distended underneath into a perfect roid gut, as all his wavy hair fell from his head, leaving a reddened, blotched bald dome behind. The boy moaned in confusion as his face radically changed shape, becoming brutish and ape-like. His arms got meatier and longer, filled with muscles, veins popping against his distended skin; even his tribal tattoo morphed, becoming the motto ROID 4 LIFE.

"So?" Nick looked at you with a smug grin as the former jogger's legs started becoming more and more like tree trunks. "Neat, huh?"

"Yeah," you replied with an equally large grin. "What you gonna do with him?"

Nick grabbed a smaller syringe from his assortment, filled with oily black liquid. "Been needin' a partner for a while," he succintly explained before plunging the second needle in the growing man's bulging arm and pushing the oily substance in his veins.

The former jogger grunted again, this time in raw, animalistic pleasure. The changes that followed were less drastic, but still impressive: as if his pores were sweating out whatever unholy liquid he had been injected with, black ooze came out of his chest and groin area, solidifying into a skintight latex t-shirt saying ROID COP in blocky silver letters and a pair of leather daisy dukes long enough to barely contain his thick, gargantuan ass. Black, shiny military boots wrapped around his huge feet and calves, leather gloves appeared on his hands, his now stern, military green eyes were obscured by a pair of aviator sunglasses and a leather cap appeared on his bald head, now covered in tribal tattoos. As a finishing touch, a fat cigar was poking out of his mouth: the new roid cop took a long drag, and his now huge dick creamed his shiny black jockstrap.

Nick grinned and grabbed the new roid cop by the shoulder. "Now you look the part! Come here, you fucker." Nick pulled him closer and planted a big, cigar-flavored kiss on his lips, their fat tongues wrestling, their throats letting out raw, pleasured grunts. You actually start feeling a bit jealous, seeing those two behemoths frenching with such an animalistic passion.

After the kiss, Nick gave you a predatory grin. "What? Wanna join us?" He shows you the small syringe, once again magically filled with black ooze. "You're only one tiny prick away from becoming a roid cop yourself, mate."