The Jacket of growth

Kyle could barely contain his excitement, looking at the jacket he'd found. In the middle of running around for ninth grade Freshman Football, he'd found a cool upperclassman's jacket, and upon finding out nobody claimed it, he was allowed to keep it. Which only added to his excitement. So as soon as he and the rest of the team were done, Kyle hurried up to get dressed so he could stride out of the locker room wearing his new jacket. Beaming all the way through, he imagined the girls outside seeing him wearing that damn nice jacket and swooning.

Kyle was basically between the stage of boy and man, not quite boyish, but not quite handsome either, entirely too tall and not quite as muscular as his older peers. He looked definitely more fresh-faced, his bright blond hair accentuating his light slate blue eyes, a lightly tanned look indicating he was definitely no stranger to activity. While skinny, he was still quite toned.

His slightly shorter friend Eric jogged him from his reverie, "Hey, Kyle, Earth to Kyle..."

"Aah!" He almost jumped backward. Jarred from his reverie, Kyle looked at Eric and frowned a little.

Eric chuckled at that, "You muscled up a little, sure, but you still act like a kid, Ky."

Eric and Kyle had been friends since fifth grade, and both took joy in teasing each other. With Kyle, he teased the shorter Eric, while Eric called Kyle string-bean and such due to his height and the fact he just looked skinny, though Kyle was usually quick to point out how toned he was.

Kyle however retorted with a broad smile, "Well, with this new jacket I got, I won't look like a kid at least."

Eric jabbed back at him, "You sure that thing fits? Looks a little big..."

Kyle waved him off as he got ready to walk out, "Ahh, I'll grow into it! I am gonna go get some lunch, see ya around Eric!"

Kyle did note as he walked that he was missteping and almost falling several times, and that his shirt was fitting oddly. He likewise tugged at his jeans, he didn't remember wearing skinnies wasn't too noticable, but the clothes didn't fit him as well as usual. Eh, maybe it was a bit of a pump from the work done with the team...

As Kyle walked, he smirked at some of the passing junior class girls, who actually smiled and waved at him. Was his luck actually gonna improve now?


Throughout the second half of his school day, Kyle noticed a persistent soreness throughout his entire body, deep in his muscles, but he simply shrugged it off and attributed it to the football drills from earlier in the day. Eventually, the final bell rang and Kyle and Eric met up to go back to Kyle's place to hang out after school.

Once they got back to Kyle's house, Eric made no hesitation to fire up a video game and plant himself on the couch while Kyle went to the kitchen to grab them some drinks. After a little bit, Kyle returned with two cans of soda and picked up a controller to start gaming with Eric.

"Dude, take your jacket off. You don't need to hide your string bean arms here" Eric joked between rounds.

"Shut up. At least I'm not vertically challenged like you." Kyle quipped back. In reality, Eric was fairly average height at 5'7". Its just that Kyle stood a gangly 6'5" at only 14, a result of a sudden growth spurt the summer before. Nonetheless, despite Eric's teasing Kyle took off his jacket.

"You wanna go another round?" Kyle turned to ask Eric, but Eric was staring down at Kyle's torso instead.

"Did I get something on my shirt?" Kyle asked as he began inspecting his shirt for stains

"Dude, have you been hitting the gym without telling me? I told you if you went to the gym to let me know! I'm sick of being skinny" Eric said with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"What? No, you know I would've told you." Kyle reassured Eric.

"Where did those muscles come from then?" Eric said as he pointed at the vein-crossed arm sticking out of Kyle's sleeve.

"I don't know what you're-" Kyle began to retort back, but the sentence caught in his throat as he looked at his own arm and noticed the difference. Kyle immediately shot up and ran to the bathroom to see himself in the mirror, leaving Eric behind, confused, concerned, and a little bit jealous of his friend.

After stumbling into the bathroom, Kyle immediately took his shirt off and his jaw dropped at what he saw, and what he saw was long, lithe but ripped muscles.

He reckoned he gained about 15 pounds of muscle, which spread across a 6'5" frame was less significant than it would've been on someone shorter, but with how skinny Kyloe was to begin with, combined with his low body fat, the difference, if not pronounced, was noticeable.

His previously flat chest now had the beginnings of pectorals just starting to take shape. As he flexed them, striations erupted into bold relief across his pecs. His shoulders looked less bony and had small caps of muscle as well, which led to wiry arms. A bicep not wuite yet the size of a tennis ball rose from Kyle's arm when flexed it. A large vein ran down his upper arm before splitting into a roadmap of veins that ran down his lean and corded forearms. Below his pecs sat a set of abs like Kyle had never seen in real life. His new 8 pack was flat but incredibly defined, each bump and ridge visible even unflexed. Kyle tried to pinch his stomach but only succeeded in pinching a paper thin layer of skin. His nonexistent bodyfat was further evidenced by the network of veins that rose from his Apollo's belt well up his abs, almost to his pecs. Kyle lifted up the legs of his shorts to get a better look at his legs. Looking less string bean-like, his lithe legs looked more like those of a runner. Each head of his quads was clearly defined and were just as vascular as the rest of him. Calves like diamonds stood out from his lower legs.

"Holy shit" Eric said from behind Kyle, looking at his friend in the mirror.

"Yeah, holy shit" Kyle said, equally as dumbfounded as he continued flexing and checking himself out. "I guess football practice is starting to pay off. Looks like you got some catching up to do, short stuff" Kyle said with a huge grin as he slapped Eric on the shoulder, harder than usual thanks to his increased strength.

"Well, you still wanna go another round?" Kyle asked, referring to their earlier video game session. As he asked, he put his t-shirt back on. Since Kyle didn't add much mass for his height, the shirt fit him largely the same, still loose and draping off his more defined shoulders. With his shirt on, only his newly defined and vascular forearms betrayed his recent development.

"You bet. You may be getting stronger but you're still a string bean. And I can still take you any day at video games" Eric said as he pushed his jealousy out of his mind. Kyle was still his best friend after all.

"You wanna bet?" Kyle retorted. The two boys ran back to the TV and were sucked back into their game like before, not giving Kyle's new musculature a second thought.


A couple hours later, after having slipped the jacket back on, Kyle decided to take it off again. This time it felt more snug than before as he tugged the sleeves off.

As Eric looked at him, his face darkened. "Ok Kyle, now I know something's up. What are you on? And why didn't you tell me?" Eric actually looked upset and hurt.

Kyle ran to the bathroom again. When he looked in the mirror this time, his shirt looked tighter. He pulled it off and found he had grown even more. His pecs, which had just started to show before, now jutted out over his abs, which looked carved in stone. When he flexed a bicep, it swelled bigger than he'd ever seen it do before. His legs looked even more big and defined than before, too, looking like pillars when he pulled his pants up.

Kyle was shocked. He had to make Eric believe him. He knew nothing about this! He wasn't sure if it was the jacket or what, but he wasn't going to the gym without his friend and he wasn't on steroids.

Putting his shirt back on, he walked back out to where Eric was still waiting, furious.

"Eric, you have to believe me," Kyle pleaded. "All of this happened today. I have not been avoiding working out with you and I haven't been taking roids. I think it might be the jacket, but I don't know. I wouldn't lie to you!"

Eric looked down. "I'm sorry Kyle," he said. "I know you better than that. I know you wouldn't do those things." He glanced at the jacket. "You think that that thing did this?"

"I don't know, but there's one way to find out: keep wearing it," said Kyle, putting it back on.

Right before Eric went to leave, Kyle took off the jacket again. It was clear to both boys that he had grown even more. His shirt looked painted on to his big muscles, and his legs were even starting to tear a couple small holes in his jeans.

"Dang it, I forgot to turn the console off!" Kyle said, rushing away to do so.

Eric looked at the jacket laying there. No doubt now, it had helped buff up his friend. Could it do the same for him? Deep down, he'd always been jealous of Kyle. He had it all: looks, athleticism, wealth. Yet Eric could never show it because Kyle was so darn nice. But now, Kyle had just gained one more thing Eric didn't have: a buff physique. And that was the last straw.

Eric grabbed the jacket and quickly left before Kyle could return.


Eric was feeling quite guilty. No doubt it was because he had just stolen from his best friend. He couldn't help it, though! Seeing Kyle grow into such a buff jock, while he remained a skinny kid, it was only fair for him to have a turn, right?

Eric sighed, he was going to have to make it up to Kyle later. He was probably going to have to buy him dinner or something. Anyway, back to the jacket, all he had to do was wear this and he'll become like Kyle, right? Kyle was wearing the jacket all day today, so if he fell asleep with the jacket, he should wake up and find himself just as big as him. Heh, he Eric couldn't wait to see Kyle's face tomorrow when he sees him studly jock like him, or maybe one even bigger and more muscular than Kyle.

Eric slept soundly that night, thanks to how warm the jacket was and his dream of finally showing up Kyle. When he woke up the next morning, he felt heavier than he was last night. Excited, Eric rushed to the mirror to see how much of a stud he had become.

...Well, he certainly was a bigger powerhouse than Kyle was. Eric now had strong arms that look like they could bend steel and giant pecs that look like small boulders. But...

"Wha- What is this?" Eric yelled as he clutched his new gut. This isn't what Eric wanted! Instead of becoming a ripped beefcake like Kyle, he turned into a bulkier and stockier jock instead.

Maybe he deserved this after stealing the jacket. On the bright side, at least he wasn't skinny anymore, and this gut was strong and solid instead of flabby. He also seemed to have grown a bit taller thanks to the jacket. About three inches if he had to guess. At least Kyle shouldn't call him short anymore... just fat.

Eric groaned, either he was going to learn to love the new build of his or go on a diet. Though that wasn't important right now. What was important was what he was going to do with this magic jacket.


After getting a larger meal that morning than usual and heading out with the jacket on to see how things were now that he was a big, stocky jock, it seemed Eric had his answer about what he was gonna do between going on a diet and learning to appreciate his new build. People gave him space, treated him with much more respect now, and yeah, even though he was kinda fat still, the girls gave him looks due to all the muscle he had going on. And seeing as this was just the start of the weekend, Eric had a lot of time to really appreciate all that the jacket gave him.

The jocks around town seemed to not regard him as a punching bag or someone to simply look past, and responded to him like he was one of their own. In no small part because of how he was dressed now. And that was really giving Eric quite a thrill.

"Hey man," said Derek, one of the Juniors on the football team, "Haven't seen you around before. You on the team?"

"Not currently," Eric responded, and grinned, "I was thinking about applying to get on the team. You think I got the build for it?" He followed that up by flexing his arm, which, even with the jacket on, produced a very sizable bulge under the sleeve. Derek and the other jocks with him whistled and said a few admiring things about his arm size, and Eric did admit the feeling of being admired rather than scorned was like energy straight to his crotch.

"Oh yeah, bro. Definitely. You up to hit the gym later at 20 Fitness? Me and the dudes are gonna be hitting chest and arms. Seems like that and legs are your thing." Derek said, seeming pretty eager to hang out.

Eric thought about it and nodded quickly, not even doubting the decision, "Yeah, sure man, sounds pretty sweet. I'll head down there." 20 Fitness was where all the jocks at the school worked out, so getting invited to workout there was a pretty high honor, he guessed. Eric supposed it was natural he'd start hanging out with this crowd. After all, he wasn't the short little fat guy any more. He was tall, strong and all man now.

As the jocks left to keep going on their way, Eric wondered how he could've ever doubted how good this was for him.

In fact as he walked around wearing it over a shirt that was feeling really pretty snug, Eric started to wonder what might happen next. Could the jacket keep going on him and make him even bigger somehow? Make him even stronger? He was honestly of two minds about this. On the one hand he felt like he could really do without adding more fat to his build. He was already a huge, stocky linebacker type. On the other hand, if he kept getting bigger he was gonna be able to keep distinguishing himself. And would taking a bit of fat with that really be so bad?

And there was his hunger again. Eric did admit that one possible downside to having this much beef on his bod was probably the sheer appetite. Well, there were plenty of cafes around here he could get quick and on the cheap. And so he went off to try and find somewhere with food that'd keep him full for a while.

Eric first of all headed over to a cafe and upon being seated noted that the waiter, a cute and petite girl, really seemed to be checking him out. Or maybe she somehow recognized him, and wondered how poor little short Eric had suddenly become this riveting, muscular hunk? At first Eric would not have thought about trying to ask somebody out. Chances were they'd laugh at the idea. But now, now he had presence. As Eric looked at the drinks and food available, he picked out what he wanted.

As the girl came back over, Eric said, "Okay, I think I'd like to have four of the turkey, bacon and salad sandwiches, and an ice coffee mocha."

She took down his order and then looked at him rather more boldly, "So, are you new around here? I think I'd remember seeing you around town. You on a sports team?"

Figuring he could go ahead and say so, he nodded, "I'm gonna be joining the football team. I guess you could say I'm new in town. Really looking forward to getting on there."

"Well, I don't think anyone would look past you for that," she said and then wrote something down on a piece of paper, handing that over to Eric as she went off to fulfill his order. He looked down at the piece of paper, which contained her phone number. He felt like shouting with glee - no girl had ever apropos of being asked given him her number...but as he sat there Eric started to feel odd. It was like a gurgling feeling in his stomach.

A weird feel all through him as he sat there, trying to stay still. Realizing what he was wearing and the effects it had on him, Eric excused himself to go to the restroom. As soon as he was inside, Eric took off the jacket to get a look at himself…


Eric found himself struggling somewhat to remove the jacket once he got in the bathroom. The sleeves needed some extra tugging to come off and the tightness across the back and shoulders of the jacket made him worry about ripping it. On top of that, his chest, arms, and shoulders kept pressing into each other and restricting his movement. Wait- Eric didn't have that problem right?

Confused, Eric looked into the mirror and his jaw dropped. Yesterday Eric may not have ever even imagined being musclebound, but the wall of man in front of him was a different story entirely.

Clearly the jacket had continued him on the same bulky trajectory as before. In contrast to Kyle's shredded definition, Eric was smooth and beefy. In the hours since he woke up, the jacket had taken Eric's body past linebacker and he was now encroaching on powerlifter territory. He lacked definition, but every muscle on his body bulged and fought for space on his frame. The t-shirt he was wearing under the jacket was beyond skin tight. As Eric flexed and felt different parts of his body, an overwhelming sense of power coursed through him. He brought his arms up into a double bicep pose and the sleeves of his t-shirt ripped like tissue paper as biceps the size of Eric's head rose from his arms. He brought them back down, but even at rest they still hung at an angle from his body thanks to his incredibly wide back, giving him a permanent swagger that made his width impossible to ignore. His shirt already being a lost cause, Eric grabbed the neck as best he could as his arms and chest pressed against each other and ripped the rest of his shirt off like paper and felt immediate relief as the constricting fabric fell away form him. Now free of their prison were the biggest pair of pecs Eric had ever seen, so big in fact that their sheer mass and weight rested atop his gut. Eric palmed his belly and felt another pang of jealousy as he thought back to Kyle's shredded abs. Eric's belly was round and smooth, but despite that it still felt solid and powerful, a testament to the power that laid beneath his bulk. And all of this bulk was supported by a pair of monstrous legs. His quads rolled around each other as he moved around, and his calves had to be as big as most guys' thighs.

Eric still wasn't sure he loved the bulk, but he was sure that he loved the sheer size, so maybe it was worth it. Was it worth stealing from his friend though. Originally Eric stoke Kyle's jacket out of jealousy. He was still a little jealous of Kyle's lean model-like body, but he took solace in knowing he was definitely the bigger one of the two of them. On one hand he felt bad for stealing from his friend, but on the other hand, Eric was really enjoying growing, feeling his muscles slowly expand, looking in the mirror to find himself bigger each time.

Realizing how long he'd been in the bathroom, Eric pulled himself away from his reflection. He looked at the jacket wondering what he should do with it now. He went to put his shirt back on but realized it was already destroyed. Given no other choice, Eric put the jacket on so he could remain decent and returned to his table.

His four sandwiches were waiting for him on the table which he quickly cleaned off before proceeding to order 4 more in an effort to satisfy the ravenous hunger inside him.

Eric made sure to give the girl who served him his food a hefty tip and a wink as he left the restaurant and continued his day, still wearing the jacket.


Eric lumbered his way back to his house. Only a few minutes after polishing off the four additional sandwiches he ordered at the cafe, was his stomach already howling at him to feed it even more sustenance. The huge, hulking teenager wiped the sweat from his brow, barely paying any heed to the extra effort it took to lug all that extra mass he was now carrying around. With the midday heat beating down on him, he took the liberty of undoing the top couple of buttons on the jacket. Without his ruined shirt, his bare chest spread the top of the jacket wide open, the heavy cliff of his huge pectorals on display, a sheen of sweat visible to passersby.

It dawned on the enlarged Eric that when a mother and her teenaged daughter walked by, that he should've felt a little embarrassed when the mom pulled her clearly swooning child away. But he just beamed with pride, an extra spring in his step. He didn't stop to think that it was because of the massive breadth of his shoulder-span, the two of them having to walk onto the side of the road just to get past Eric's enormous frame!

By the time he rounded the corner to his street, the former skinny nerd let out a huge huff, feeling the beads of sweat dripping from the dramatic swell of pecs down onto his rounded stomach. The huge teen grasped at the jacket and undid another couple of buttons, letting the top of his giant gut out. He quickly swiped at the crease underneath his pecs, the amount of sweat pooling underneath them driving him crazy. Eric was surprised to feel matted fuzz against the palms of his giant mitts he called his hands. He'd always been smooth, but now it seemed like whatever process went into making a huge musclebear was changing him in other ways too. He shook his hand, slicked with sweat, and droplets sprayed over the sidewalk. Eric picked up the pace, not wanting his neighbors to see an increasingly half naked musclegutted jock around.

Eric fumbled with his keys, the flimsy sheets of metal almost comically small in his hands. His hands had grown. He didn't know it yet, but while the jacket had enhanced his dexterity with a pigskin (and if he'd ever try, with a girl as well!), everything else was so small that his huge fingers had trouble handling them. Finally, he managed to get the right one and he was able to swing the door open. As he barreled in, he barely felt the way his gargantuan shoulders caused the sides of the doorframe to creak.

The huge teen let out a big sigh of relief as he felt the air-conditioned air hitting his skin, the cooling sweat trapped on his light dusting of body fur prickled him as the heat rapidly dissipated. Eric grunted as he tried to reach around and peel the jacket off. A small sense of panic washed over him as he realized that all that sweat he'd made had practically sealed the jacket to his skin along the shoulders and arms.

"Dang, gonna have to cool down first, I guess," he rumbled to himself. He could barely recognize his own voice, the tone coming out of his mouth so deep and gravelly.

Eric was about to settle down on the couch when he felt the familiar pang of hunger rumble in his stomach. With a sigh, he stomped his way into the kitchen and took a fresh gallon of milk out of the fridge. Without a second thought, he ripped open the seal and began to chug the contents. Normally, his mother would've bought a jug for the whole week and there'd be plenty left over, but after a half a minute of glugging the contents, Eric was surprised to find that he'd managed to consume the entire thing in one go! And still, his stomach was persistent: it wanted more. His mom and dad were out for the weekend, and they'd left him a whole roast chicken to eat over various meals. Instead, Eric found himself tearing into the meat. One leg devoured, then the other, scraping the breast meat off to the bone. The hunger was gnawing enough for him to crunch down on the gristle too!

Slightly sated, Eric returned to the living room and plopped down on the couch, now slightly less overheated thanks to the gallon of milk he gulped down, and just satiated enough that he didn't want to tear into the drywall and begin to eat it after consuming the entire contents of the kitchen. Normally a three-seater, it took Eric a moment, but he chuckled when he realized that his massive frame took up practically half the couch. The frame groaned underneath his immense weight as he leaned back and relaxed a little.

The huge guy unbuckled the rest of the buttons on the jacket and looked down at what further changes it had wrought on his body. His pecs were even fuller than before by the looks of it. Even with a generous layer of padding, Eric could make out a vein running along the surface. The smooth skin was now dusted with coarse hair. He hovered a hand over his chest and felt the way the hairs bristled against his palm. His gut was still present, the jury still out whether Eric liked it or not. Eric crunched down and sucked it in and to his delight, a slight 6-pack revealed itself. He ran his fingers over the blown-out ridges and laughed. So he did have abs after all!

With an errant stroke over his belly, Eric accidentally brushed his fingers against a downturned nipple. Already hard from the cold air of his house, it sent a jolt of electricity down Eric's spine, the hairs over his body standing on end and the space in the crotch of his pants felt just that little bit tighter as something stirred within.

"Whoa!" the overmuscled jock exclaimed, his heart beginning to race. Taking a few deep breaths, Eric paused as he waited for himself to calm down. Deciding that it'd be best to not get too riled up, he tugged at the bulge in his crotch, and put the beast back in, it having slipped down one of his short's pant legs during all the excitement. It was then that the slip of paper he'd gotten from the waitress fell out of his pocket.

Eric's heart skipped a beat. He remembered that he'd actually gotten a girl's number! Biting his lip, he pulled out his phone and entered the number into it before sending out a text. The huge bear of a man sighed, a light smile creeping onto his face as he leaned back and counted himself so lucky. He felt Little Eric begin to stir again, but this time he just tried to ignore it, basking in the thought that a pretty little thing thought that he was attractive.

Not a minute passed by before his phone buzzed. Whoa, he'd already gotten messaged back? He hastily texted her back. It was like everything he texted to her was magic, her replies always a flurry of emojis and flirting. Eric didn't know if he always had such charisma, or if the jacket had somehow made him better at talking to girls, or if she was just really, really into him, but he was liking it! Before he knew it, they had set up a date for tomorrow night, a perfect way to cap off the best weekend of his life!

"Oh man, a date!" Eric laughed to himself as he put his phone down, the butterflies in his stomach twisting knots, he was so excited! And uh... Little Eric seemed to share in that excitement. The huge teen stopped in his puppy-love addled haze and stared down at the enormous tent he was pitching in his shorts.

The hulking, musclebear of a teen winced as he pulled the band of his shorts down, nestling it between the base of his engorged shaft and his balls, desperate to relieve the pressure. Eric was speechless. He knew that the jacket had made his muscles bigger, had turned him into a jock, but he was not ready for the other changes it had made! A dense bush of pubes crowned his pelvis and a towering shaft. He knew he was kind of small down there before, but now he was easily twice as long as he remembered himself to be, and his shaft was well over twice, definitely three times, and possibly even four times as thick as it was before he'd put the jacket on for the first time!

With morbid fascination, Eric brought a huge hand up to wrap around his shaft and gasped when he couldn't get his fingers to touch his thumb. He tried stacking his hands one on top of the other, but found that there wasn't quite enough real-estate to double fist himself. Had he not been so overly grown, what he guessed to be 8.5" would've been plenty of space for two hands, but with as big as his hands had gotten, there just wasn't enough space! Not one to be disappointed, Eric was plenty satisfied with gratifying himself with one hand as his other reached up to play with his extremely sensitive nips.

Before long, Eric was creating a large puddle of pre-seed on the hardwood floor in front of the couch. The air-conditioned air wasn't enough to cool him down any longer, and his whole body was once again slick with a sheen of sweat as he continued to masturbate with his enlarged cock and balls. The bearish brute, now so stuffed with muscle, looked like a mix between an offseason heavyweight bodybuilder and a powerlifter, his low groans of self-pleasure rattling the fine china in the dining room adjacent.

"Aaargh!" he bellowed as he finally came. The first jet spewed out of his big, goose egg balls and erupted from his thick, apple-sized cockhead as he blasted a wad all across the room, the heavy squirt glazing the TV. The next few spilled all over the coffee table, ruining the stack of yet-to-be-read newspapers, adding a few more dollops of creamer into an unfinished cup of coffee, and getting all over the keyboard to his dad's laptop. The last few dollops of seed oozed out of Eric's mini-howitzer, pooling along his ab-pocketed gut as he laid back, basking in an intense afterglow, the most intense one of his young life.

Eric felt himself slipping in and out on consciousness, a goofy grin on his face. Heck yeah... best weekend ever.


When Eric came to, he jolted awake, his surprised huff ringing throughout the otherwise still living room. It was still light out, so not too much time must've passed. Blinking once or twice, he shook the grogginess away, feeling the extra mass, that extra momentum his body generated. Oh no... extra mass?! Eric's eyes went wide open, realizing he'd forgotten to take the jacket off! The now even larger man looked down and gulped. He'd definitely grown even more…


Eric groaned as he sat up, shuddering as he felt the top of his massive musclegut rub against his sensitive nips. Immediately, he could feel a jolt in his loins and the musclegiant of a teen gripped at either end of the sofa, his meaty hands digging into the plush fabric. He didn't even realize just how inordinately wide he had to be to perform such a feat, all he knew was that just that little bit of stimulus was almost enough for him to start nutting all over himself again. Eric stood, grunting as he had to adjust his stance even wider than he did before his afternoon siesta. The giant stomped over to the full length mirror his mom used to check her outfit in before heading off for work.

Eric's bearded jaw dropped. His hands sprang up to touch his face, his huge biceps, even huger chest and lats all fought for space as his thick fingers ran through the hairs that had sprouted out of his cheeks and chin. He looked like a freaking college-aged mass monster. His gaze was drawn down his bull neck, his enormous traps flanking his head. He ran a his fingers though the dense forest of hair that carpeted his chest. Before, he could pass off as 'normal,' maybe a huge gym-rat powerlifter. But now, he was beyond anything he'd ever dreamed of. Muscle upon muscle greeted him in the mirror. His gargantuan pecs casted dark shadows over his huge gut. The big beast turned a little to the side and raised his arm above his head and marveled at the separation of his serrati. He broke out into a smile, sure he had a gut, hell, it looked like it too had gotten even bigger, but it was nice to see that there was a ton a muscle underneath that layer of fat.

He grinned as he let his arms rest at his side once again, the jacket looking almost pathetic on his hulking figure. The sleeves now only came halfway down his gargantuan arm, the biceps and triceps stretching the letterman to their limit. The collar was overly stretched out by his cannonball delts and back.

Eric was in awe at how huge he'd gotten. He tensed his right pec slowly, then his left. The hulking teenager giggled to himself as he began to bounce his heavy chest with earnest, feeling how each piece of mass pulled at his frame as they relaxed. Feeling a bit more adventurous, the musclebound bear tried copying a pose he'd seen bodybuilders and computer game characters do -- the most muscular, if he wasn't mistaken. He let his arms rest at his side, so overstuffed with muscle that the jacket wouldn't let him bring them any closer than 45 degrees to his body. Slowly, he brought his arms over as he leaned forward, tensing his immense chest, flaring his back and flexing his arms.

Eric was ready to give a snarl, bare his fangs at himself, prove that he was a beast on the inside as much as he was on the out! But instead, he let out a low, sonorous moan as his thick cock sprang up and slapped him hard in the gut, the red, tortured cockhead splatting gobs of pre-seed as it hit his furry belly just above his distended bellybutton. His hulking frame pushed against the now tiny confines of the jacket, his bull-thick shoulders causing the stitching along the yoke to fray ever so slightly. Eric had winced his eyes shut, but if he had them open, he would have seen the wisps of golden magic suffuse into the air as the fabric tore a little.

"Auugh!" the huge, hairy jock groaned as he hunched over, the power of the jacket taking over him. He might not have seen the magic, but he sure felt it. Normally, it would slowly seep into the wearer, turning them into an alpha jock over time. But, Eric had simply taken so well to the magic, his body drinking it in, that he'd already reached the intended limit. Only... he could take it so much further. The air was pregnant with the jacket's potent magic and it bound itself to the nearest host, the already overmuscled and overburdened teen hulk.

Eric shuddered as he felt his body explode in size. His arms caused the sleeves of the poor jacket to groan, the sleeves now stuck between the crook of his biceps and forearms. His chest looked like someone had stuffed melons underneath his hairy skin. Even with the jacket hanging on for dear life around his increasingly deific frame, his huge shoulders peeked through. Eric huffed and felt the power resonating within his huge, powerladen gut. He brought his hands down to hold onto it, shuddering as he felt his rough hands glide along the distended surface of his biggest 'asset.'

Well, maybe second biggest. Eric let loose a low grunt as his massive ass blew through the remains of his underwear, the cotton prison unable to contain the increased amount of ass, thigh and most impressively, Eric's plentiful junk. It had grown substantially before his wank session that knocked him out, and upon waking, it had taken the lion's share of the growth, easily surpassing double digits in measurements and Eric wasn't sure what side of a full foot of cock it was on. But now? Now that his body was erupting in masculine size and power, there was no doubt in his young mind that he was now the proud owner of the world's biggest cock. The young mega-stud bucked his hips, widening his stance as his bloated thighs took up even more space. His once tiny balls, each the size of grapes, had exploded into goose eggs, then oranges when he woke up. As the huge teen roared, easily double fisting his monstrous length, his rough fingers gliding along a rod that stretched them out that they could barely touch each other, his now mango sized cum-factories pulled up, the heavy sacs rolling up his titanic thighs, moving at least a couple inches, as they squirted their load, mixing with the copious amounts of fluid his testosterone-choked prostate was making, and blasting a river of semen all over the surface of the mirror. In mere seconds, the reflection of his godlike musclebull physique was smeared, all that he could see was tsunami of cum that was blasting out of his engorged cock.

After what felt like minutes, Eric was finally reduced to a trickle, a lazy river of seed oozed out of the tip of his bloated, reddened cockhead at least a foot and a half from the base of his crotch. He rubbed at his length tenderly, sighing with relief. But that sigh became a rumble as he felt his balls begin to pull at as crotch again, filling up with more precious life-giving sperm. His skin was moist with sweat, his pits and crotch giving off his powerful alpha-jock aroma, his scent marking the whole house as his.

God, his libido was endless. Eric huffed, realizing he needed to get this jacket off. Already, he was bigger than anyone else. Before this magic growth spurt, he could have passed off as some sort of offseason mass monster bodybuilder. But now, he was bigger than anyone of those guys he'd seen on TV or online!

Before he could attempt to take the jacket off, his phone goes off on the table. The lumbering musclefreak steps over to his phone to see...


Eric saw that Kyle was calling him on his display. The hulk felt a pang of guilt and fear, almost overshadowed by his newfound masculine confidence. The jacket had belonged to Kyle, hadn't it? "No," Eric whispered to himself, "I took it, and it gave me this. It's mine. Mine!" He picked up the phone.

Kyle's voice sounded from the other end. "Hey, bro, remember I was going to come by? I'm on your street, think you could let me in?" Crap. That's right, Kyle was coming over. And Eric was standing there, with his new musclegut partly out, the world's biggest junk on full display and said jacket dangerously close to bursting. "Also, I'm hearing some weird shit from the other guys, do you by any chance know where my jacket is?" Oh, fuck. Who the fuck did Kyle think he was, huh? Eric felt his new manly assertiveness step in.

"Listen here, pipsqueak, I-" Eric stopped mid-sentence as the jacket finally gave in. As his bloated belly burst the rest of the buttons up front, his four foot wide shoulders tore the seams clean off, and simultaneously his thick upper arms ripped the seams along the arms. "AAAHH!" Eric saw the wisps of magic erupt from the torn seams, as the spells floated into the air of the living room, and he could see the light, swirling fog of golden light. He'd dropped his phone on the floor, and he heard Kyle's faint voice: "Eric? Eric! Fuck, I'm comin-".

Eric saw that the magic was moving towards him, and he felt the stretching in his muscles, as well as the pulse in his cock. He knew he couldn't stay in this room, so he lumbered towards the hallway, shutting the door to the living room, before falling to the floor as he felt a wave of growth come over him. He could clearly see his pecs swell slightly, his downwards vision shrinking slightly, and his gut, which was only just visible beneath, swelled outwards too. He felt his balls, his massive balls, churn and suddenly, his gargantuan cock came into view, its length pushed at an outwards angle, owing to his fat gut. He felt it churn and throb, and as Kyle burst through the front door, he saw a giant man with a giant penis and giant muscles sitting nude in the hallway, and roaring as he orgasmed, the spunk going at high-speed directly towards Kyle. Eric sat for a good minute, pumping out juice, before collapsing out of exhaustion.

Kyle was standing in front of the door, covered in thick, white cum, as he watched the behemoth sag down, the massive cock still pulsing, squirting out smaller and smaller amounts of semen. He was truly speechless. Eric was a monster. The only way he knew that it was Eric, was because he'd heard that the once skinny, short boy had changed - a LOT - over the last two days, and his jacket, which had given Kyle nearly 40 lbs of clean, lean muscle, had gone missing right before. Also, the deep, gravelly voice Kyle'd heard over the phone just a minute ago was exactly like the roar that Eric had given when he'd shot Kyle full with his babyjuice. Other than that, there was little to recognize.

Eric looked to be almost as tall as Kyle now, and he had to be well over a hundred pounds heavier. The huge teen had a gut the size of a gym ball, a treasure trail trekking across and up to the the pecs, who each looked like half of a large watermelon, with a generous coating of fat, it looked. Eric's shoulders had to be over four feet across, and his arms were enormously thick. His face was covered in a short, scruffy beard, while his hair looked to have thinned slightly. And then there was his junk, consisting of the biggest appendage Kyle had ever seen, in porn or otherwise, supported by two testicles, each the size of a cantaloupe! They were wrestling for space against Eric's huge thighs, which were tree-trunk thick, and covered with a generous amount of hair. Was this what the jacket was doing? Would this have happened to Kyle, too, had he worn it any longer?

First things first - he needed to make sure that Eric was okay. Kyle pulled off his sweater, which was covered in cum, and sat down by his friend, trying to ignore the still throbbing penis, and the huge belly. He lightly slapped the titan's cheek. "Eric! Eric, can you hear me?" Eric groaned in a Barry White-voice, his eyes opening slightly. "Eric," Kyle pleaded, "if you can hear me, blink twice." Eric blinked two times in short order. "Okay, that's great, bro. Can you move? Can you stand up?" The muscleman groaned as he sat upright, it clearly being quite the effort.

Eric wasn't entirely clear-headed yet, but subconsciously he saw golden wisps of light streaking from him to Kyle. They were clearly invisible to Kyle, though, and Eric was more worried about trying to stand up.

"There we go," Kyle said reassuringly. Eric was slowly standing up, his frame eclipsing that of Kyle. "There, big guy." Kyle froze, before laughing quietly to himself. "I guess I have to start calling you "big guy" now, huh?" Eric didn't respond. Now that he was standing, his gut sagged slightly, and his meaty pecs rested on top of it. His giant cock hung at a slight angle from his crotch, the huge balls pushing it forwards. Eric was mumbling something, and it sounded a bit urgent. "What was that?" Kyle asked him. The jacket had to be the reason for this, surely, what did Eric know about it? Eric tried to enunciate. "Out," he said, "out of here."

Kyle didn't understand. "Dude, you can't go out like this, there are no clothes here for you to wear! I can't go out either, I'm covered in your jizz!" Was that mumbling a "sorry" from Eric? "Look, do you mean go out into the garage? We can probably go there, if we're careful." Eric furrowed his eyebrows, a negative mumble, before he stopped: "Yeah, pherhps." Great, Kyle thought. He began guiding Eric out of the door, towards the garage Eric's family had remodeled into a party lounge for Eric's older brother, who was currently in college. All the while, Eric started taking note of the golden wisps ceasing to flow from him, having disappeared into Kyle.

As Kyle opened the door into the garage, it felt as though his t-shirt was a lot snugger around his torso. Probably because of the moisture from Eric's cum, he thought. Though his jeans also felt tighter, particularly in the rear. Eric collapsed onto the couch, while Kyle covered him with a blanket. Though it would make much of a difference, what with most of the expanse of flesh not being covered. "I'm going to go fetch some water," Kyle told Eric, who nodded - he was becoming more responsive.

Eric squinted as Kyle headed out from the garage door. Those jeans looked a hella lot tighter, and was that shirt so tight? Meanwhile, Eric's own bulk looked slightly less monstrous, and he could see his cock clearly from above. What Eric didn't realize, was that while he'd shut the magic from the jacket into their living room, he had been charged up with some of its magic, too. As he'd made his way out into the hallway, he'd been a storage of excess magic, it pumping him up to new levels of size. When he'd orgasmed, he'd released part of that magic, and that had all seeped into Kyle, taking some - but only a fraction - of Eric's size with it.

That was why, as Kyle walked into the house, his clothes felt slightly more restrictive to his movement and comfort, his ass and thighs filling up his formerly straight jeans, which now looked to be skinny. Kyle had just filled up a bottle of water and picked up some fruit, when he saw his reflection in the kitchen mirror. He was bigger again. His biceps and triceps now filled the sleeves of the white t-shirt, while his pecs pushed out the chest, creating an overhang. He saw that his thighs were dramatically wider, and so were his shoulders, now straining the cotton fabric. "Holy shit," he whispered to himself. He also saw his jaw slightly wider and more square, a light dusting of scruff on his lower face.

Kyle put down the supplies and turned in front of the mirror. His backside was bigger, too, creating a nice curve, while his back further enhanced the V-shape that he'd begun having after the first time he'd worn the jacket. He lifted up the front of his shirt, expecting to see a six-pack or maybe even an eight-pack, but the abs that he'd gotten the last time hadn't gotten any more defined; while they looked bigger and more powerful, they were slightly less ripped. When he examined the other parts of himself, he saw the same thing! While he still was comparatively shredded, he was a bit less so than just this morning. But why was he growing anyway? Was the jacket near?


As Eric's shrinkage had stopped, he was finally fully conscious. And boy, was he horny. His cock stood at full attention, as he began to massage it. He noticed that he at least felt lighter, compared to just minutes ago, and his bulk was a bit smaller, though still enormous. Eric was slouching in the couch, his fat cock pointing straight up. Just as he was about to nut, his former nerd brain ticked in. How big had he gotten? He knew there was a measuring tape here somewhere, his brother had been using the garage as a weight room from time to time, and liked to know his measurements.

It was difficult to walk, since he had to calibrate his movements to fit with his new, giant proportions. Every step made his belly wobble, and his pecs shook too. He could see the head of his fat cock bobbing up and down. After some time looking, he found the tape measure, and also a weight scale. Did he dare? "Of course," he smiled to himself. He'd been 155 lbs at the start of all of this, now he was...

"Holy shit." The scale said quite clearly: 346 lbs. He'd more than doubled his weight! After processing this for a few minutes, he turned to the tape measure. He knew that he'd been rather small downstairs, around 4,5 inches, but earlier today he'd been certain that he was a full footlong. It didn't take much for his cock to plump and stiffen up, reaching for the sky. Along, 10... 12... His heavy, bearded jaw dropped. His cock was a full fourteen inches long! That had to be the biggest in human history! Then he remembered that he had just been able to fit his hands around the thing, and measured the girth. He'd heard that four to five was the normal in girth. He didn't even have 8 or 9 inches, he had 11 fucking inches! The thought of it all was too much for him to bear, and soon he was on the brink of emptying his big balls again. Just as he was about to orgasm, though, he remembered: Kyle had spent some time inside the house, a house in which one room was filled with magic! "I have to- AAAAHHH!" he came powerfully, coating the couch with his spunk.

Meanwhile, Kyle had been walking around the house, trying to determine where Eric had hidden the jacket. He'd looked into Eric's room, the laundry room, the basement... nothing. But then he remembered that Eric had been standing right next to the door to their living room, and hurried down there, his steps down the stairs sounding a bit heavier than usual.

You see, as Kyle had been searching around the house, the magic in the living room had sensed the presence of a young man with much potential, a man the jacket's magic recognized, a man whom the jacket had given shredded muscle and defined mass. The jacket also felt that some of the growth that had been given to the other one, the one that had grown so much that the jacket had torn, had passed on to this boy. And so, the magic, which was partly influenced by Eric's growth, had seeped in microscopic amounts, through cracks, to reach Kyle. By the time he'd reached the door to the living room, he'd put on another twenty pounds, most of it muscle, some of it - through Eric's influence - fat. Because he felt it, perhaps subconsciously, he'd removed his jeans, which had begun tearing. Kyle opened the door to the living room. When he peeked in, he saw the tattered remains of Eric's clothes, and there, by the table, the remains of his jacket. Kyle didn't spot the magic that was swirling around in the air, and stepped in to examine the jacket.

As he was holding the rags, he said aloud: "Oh, come on, Eric, you big, clumsy- urk!" The last sound was because of the feeling that came over him. The magic had invaded him, and suddenly he could see the rivers of light that were penetrating his skin, into his muscles, his face, his bones, his genitals. "Aaaah!" Kyle felt himself growing, all of his muscles suddenly feeling as if on fire, blood pumping throughout his body, his cock growing painfully erect. As Kyle swelled bigger and bigger, his abs faded slightly, his brawn taking on a layer of fat. He came, several times, and still his cock hardened and he ejaculated. It felt like it had taken hours, but in reality, it had only taken five minutes, the "freed" magic working much more quickly than the jacket. He looked at himself. Enormous. Then his vision blurred, as he orgasmed again.

Eric had hurried as much has he could, to stop Kyle from entering the living room. But when he trotted into his house, he saw the door to the living room wide open, moans coming from the inside - far deeper than Kyle's voice. The sight that met him was astounding.

Kyle had smashed the living room table, presumably because he'd toppled, and was now slouching in the couch, his thunder-thighs spread wide. In his hand was a second jug of milk, the origins of which Eric couldn't imagine, and the cardboard from three frozen pizzas were torn open across the room. A large puddle of cum that Eric had not been responsible for coated the carpet, and Kyle was completely nude. And, he was bigger than Eric.

It certainly looked like it, in any case. The huge teen's cock was at full erection, his balls resting on the couch, while the thighs were spread wide. "Kyle?" The bull put down the jug, licking his lips, looking towards Eric, who still was watching from the doorway. "Eric!" he boomed. Kyle's voice was every bit as deep as Eric's, but it was more melodious and rich. Eric was also surprised to see that although Kyle did have a light scruff, his face hadn't gotten a lot older-looking. Instead, he'd become broader and a bit more chiseled, but his face was still boyish, contrasting with the massive body. Kyle didn't look like he was going to stand up, so Eric stepped into the room. He could see clearly now, that Kyle was bigger. "Well," Kyle said, "do you want to measure me?" At first Eric didn't get it. But then he saw that he was still holding the measuring tape in his hand - he'd come in the garage with it in his hands, and then run straight inside. "Dude," Eric began, still not used to his new voice, "I tried to stop you from coming in here. I- I measured myself, that's why I have this. But I didn't mean for the jacket to tear, I just couldn't get it off, and then I tried to shut it in here, but you clearly came in here, and-"

"Bro, I've lost count on how many times I've come in here the last ten minutes. But yeah, it's a bit much. You have too little food, though, I had to use my own." Eric looked from Kyle to the jug of milk. Kyle lifted it to his mouth and chugged the remains as if his life depended on it, the sticky, viscous remains... "DUDE! Are you drinking your own cum?!" Eric was appalled. "Well, yeah," Kyle said, before burping, "it's not like there's anything else here to eat, besides, cum has a lot of protein and fat!" With that, Kyle gave his gigantic cock a quick rub, using both hands. Moaning, he directed the milk jug towards his piss slit, and he stretched his arms as the jug slowly filled with thick, viscous semen. It looked like Kyle's cock might go down, but it suddenly became erect again, pulsing and throbbing. "You see," Kyle said, in between big gulps, "I don't - swallow - think - swallow - that I'm - swallow - done - swallow - growing!"

Eric could see Kyle's stomach more clearly now. It wasn't the ripped and shredded eight-pack that he'd expected, instead Kyle had a generous spare tyre around his waist, his gut becoming more prevalent as he gulped down a gallon of his own cum.

"OOOH," Kyle moaned as he finished the gallon, "It's happening!" Kyle sagged further down into the couch as he relaxed, the jug falling to the floor, his cock becoming even harder. Eric watched as Kyle's skin reddened, his veins in stark relief.

Kyle felt the bulking begin. A few minutes earlier, he'd burst out of his underwear, as his ass and junk became too much for the fabric to handle. Now, he felt himself rising slightly, as his rear gained ever more mass. His muscles were stretching, pumping, contracting and growing, and he looked down, to find his downwards view steadily shrinking, as the two slabs of meat that were his pecs were swelling, bigger and heavier, each a bloated, heavy sphere. At the same time, he felt his midsection thickening slightly - he didn't get the belly that Eric sported, but nor did he possess the wasp-waist that he'd had earlier that day, the slim, lean boy having thickened and bulked out massively. Though his abs were slightly visible, they were hidden under a moderate layer of fat. He did have a gut though - bloat, full of nutrition. He could feel his thick cum sloshing around, as the nutrients were absorbed into his body. While the gut subsided, he felt bones snapping and reforming, his shoulders widening, his deltoids swelling to the size of basketballs, while his upper arms packed on girth. The pecs were still growing, though slower, and he noticed that, while he'd been focused on his upper body, his thighs had packed on mass too - he had to spread them further to avoid crushing his junk. Speaking of...

His balls had swollen past grapefruits and cantaloupes. Now they were approaching the size of soccer balls, heavy as they rested on the couch. His cock was bigger, too. A lot bigger. The gigantic, fat penis had been relatively slim for some time, but just as Eric's influence caused him to gain fat, not just muscle, so did it give him a massively girthy cock, with accompanying huge balls. His cock pointed straight upwards, and reached the bottom of his round, heavy pecs. He wondered... and tried. He could barely touch his middle fingers around his cock, that's how thick it was, and he steered the cock towards his mouth, crouching his upper body. The trouble wasn't even his length, it was that his thick pecs were blocking him from reaching. With some effort, crunching his abs, he put his dick between his pecs, and reached with his mouth. It was too big for him to take in his mouth, so instead he licked and kissed the fat head, sucking on the slit. He came several times, each time further filling his stomach with his own cum, producing more. At last, he felt the swelling subside, and he removed his cock from his mouth. Kyle looked down at himself. He was... enormous.

Eric was looking at Kyle, remembering just an hour ago, when he'd thought that he was one of the biggest people alive, not to mention, certainly, the owner of the biggest cock in human history. When Kyle got up on his feet, the difference was clearer. "Wow," rumbled Kyle, "we're not that different, though." And they weren't. Kyle had been a slender, athletic boy just hours ago, but now he'd packed on an incredible amount of bulk. It looked as though they were about equal in width, the shoulders of Kyle slightly thicker, Eric's biceps and triceps slightly bigger. Eric was hirsute, while Kyle almost didn't have any more body hair than when he'd started. Eric had his massive gut, while Kyle had a light spare tyre. Kyle was taller, though he wasn't sure who was heavier overall. Looking at Kyle's chest, Eric had an inkling. The two huge spheres hung heavily down towards Kyle's stomach, and they jutted out nearly a foot, it looked, forming an imposing shelf of flesh. Their lower bodies were about similar, Kyle's ass being more perky and toned, Eric's being wider and bigger, while their thighs and calves were the same.

They weren't the same in the crotch, though. Kyle gestured towards the tape. "Do, uh, do you wanna do it?" He seemed unsure. Right now, he was flaccid, and the fat sausage reached over halfway down his thigh, pushed out by his balls, each having subsided from their orgasmic state, to a more manageable size - if cantaloupes could be called manageable. Eric was painfully erect, and he suddenly became self-aware. "Uh, sure. I could, uh, well, y'know..." Eric was hesitant, but Kyle seemed to understand. Apparently the euphoria that was spurred from his growth had passed, and he, too, was more self-aware. "Yeah, I mean, we've already seen each other cum, so, well..."

Having measured himself, Eric started with those results. "Okay, I am, right now, fourteen inches long, and eleven around." Kyle whistled softly. "That's a big steak you've got there, bro." Kyle seized his cock and began stroking it, quickly hardening. His cock reached to his pecs, standing up. "Yeah," Eric said softly, "but I think you'll find yourself blown away right now." He smiled to himself. "And not just because you just blew yourself, either." Kyle snorted, this was more like they used to be. Fun banter, teasing each other and stuff.

He felt Eric's fingers touch his cock, and tensed. "You okay?" Eric's gravelly voice asked. "Yeah, I'm fine," Kyle responded. "Just need to think about Ms. Carson, then you can go nuts." He did a few quick strokes, thinking about the delicious-looking tits of their English teacher. Eric was quiet for a few seconds. "Whadd'ya find out?" Kyle asked. He felt the need to cum. Eric cleared his throat. "Uhrrm, uh, wow. Just wow. Dud- bro, your cock is nineteen and a half inches long," Kyle became, if possible, even harder, and he felt his balls rise and swell, "and around, you're thirteen and a half. That's thicker than a soda bott-" Eric was interrupted by Kyle orgasming hard and heavy into his face. Opening his mouth, Eric took a good gallon of thick semen, further filling his stomach.

"Sorry," Kyle panted, his erection finally going down, "I couldn't hold it any longer. I've... I've got an almost twenty inches long cock." He smiled, and sat back down in the couch, panting. "Holy shit!" he kept saying.

There was a knock on the door...